551.521 The Amount of Solar R&diat董on Fa且且ing on a T量lted Surfaしce in Tokyo(Lat35041/N),Es】pec董&lly inC・mexi・nwiththeOptimumMounting Angle in the Outdoor We紬ering Test by Kl.Sekihara ハ46」60プologJ6αl R6s(3α70h1%sあ」%」6, 7「o海ツo (Received May14,1965) Abstract Solar and sky radiation falling on a tilted surface in Tokyo was calculated on the basis of sunshine recording data by use of the formulae proposed by PAGE.The results were compared with the observed global radiation and tumed out to be in good agreement. The efnciency of the radiation collector was discussed as a function of the sloping angle of the plate.It was concluded that the maximum emciency is to be obtained by a plate of a slope lower by several degrees than that of the latitudinal angle itself.The order of magnitude of that difference proved to be 1%or so. 1.Introduction The importance of the assessment of solar radiation is pointed out by many authors from the standpoint of solar energy utilization3s in flat plate collectors and heating of buildings by solar radiation。The optimum mounting angle of the outdoor weathering test is another problem in this apPlication especially conceming the effect of ultraviolet ra(iiation. So far,the measurement of solar radiation falling on a horizontal surface has been carried out by means of the EpPly pyranometer,the Mo11−type solarimeter and the Robitsch actinographs。In our country most observations were done by use of the Robitsch actinographs until the begiming of the IGY.The calibrations were chiefly done on the basis of the measurement of direct sun radiation through rather inadequate assumptions based on BERLAGE’s formulae.On account of this unfortunate situation the reliability of data before the IGY is open to some criticism,which we would like to discuss in another paper. Thanks to the effort of many people in charge of the solar radiation measure− ment at the Japan Meteorological Agency a new network based on the EpPley pyrano− meter has been started in the IGY・So the author was able to obtain su伍ciently accurate data that have been calibrated following the intemational scale. Conceming the assessment of solar and sky radiation falling on a tilted surface, 1965 Amount of Solar Radiation Falling on a Tilted Surface in Tokyo 39 UcHIDA of Tokyo University has done a pioneering theoretical work an(1SAITo and others have recently presented comprehensive experimental and theoretical results. Especially the work of SAITo and others(1964)contains a continuous measurement of five years and also the assessment of solar radiation from the data of the sunshine record。Their work is still going on and is expected to yield fruitful results. But considering from the present status of these problems the author thinks that the work of PAGE(1961)that was presented at the United Nations Conference at Rome on Applied Solar,Geothermal and Wind Energy contains the most comprehensive study on the assessment of solar radiation based on su伍ciently numerous experi− mental data and also is very convenient because it gives the method of calculation of solar radiation falling on any desired tilted plane including the reasonable assess− ment of sky radiation. So the author decided to make calculations based on PAGE’s work. 2. The metho([of Page,s calculation (1961) The essentials of PAGE’s method are composed of five steps,namely,1.assess− ment of the daily total amomt of solar and sky radiation falling on a horizontal surface,2.that of(玉iffuse sky ra(1iation 3. separation of (1irect solar radiation, 4. that of direct solar ra(iiation on a tilte(1surface,5.that of(iiffuse sky1’adiation on a tilte(1surface. The process of the lst step is similar to that of Angstr6m’s type based on the data of sunshine recor(1er. Thus the(iaily total amount of solar and sky radiation Q is expressed as follows: (1) Q−Q・(α+6芳)・ Here(20is the daily total amount of solor radiation falling on a horizontal surface outside the earth’s atmosphere,刎ノ〉is the mean dαily amount of bright sunshine hours divided by maximum possible ones. This formula was already used by other authors but Page’s distinction lies in the determination of the constantsαand6.On the basis of tremendous data of solar radiation measurement and the simultaneous sunshine records at many stations from400S to400N he proposes thatα=0.23andわ=;0。52are appropriate。 In the second step he proposes as the formula of diffuse sky ra(玉iation the fo1一 lowing: (2〉 PH−Q(6+4暑)・・ This parabolical relationship between diffuse sky radiation jDE and global radia− tion Q is a characteristic of Page’s theory and it seems adequate from many simultaneous observational results. He determined the constants as C=1.00and4 ==一1.13. 40 K.Sekihara Vo1.XVI No.1 Now.the component of direct solar radiation is easily・obtainable by simple subtrac− tion of(2)from(1). Then the process of converting the direct horizontal component to any tilted compo耳ent is a logically simple one of straightforward trigonometric calculation, although,actually,it consists of very elaborate processes. In the meantime Page did this calculation and made a table of conversion factors, so that the author could compute this amomt from graphical interpolations。 Assessment of the contribution of diffuse sky radiation as well as that of ground reflexion is very di伍cult and remains imperfect because of such unknown factors as dust scattering an(1cloud reflexion. At the present stage,however,it seems there is no other way than to assume a homogeneous isotropic sky radiation applying a simple geometrical consideration to both of them.The best possible way is to admit some factors for the sky bright− ness of the solar si(1e to allow for the unbalance of intensity distribution(1ue to㌻he forward scattering of aeroso1εparticles an(1also the forward reflexion by the cloud.・ Thus the final formula can be written as follows: (3) Σ(1+Z)+・7)s=∫sΣ1psinθ+κCOS2一のH+sin2一・7E, 2 2 where Σ(1+P+7)s daily total of radiation falling on a tilte(i plane Σ1psinθ ∫s daily total of direct sun ra(iiation falling on a horizontal Plane a factor to be multiplied to a tilted plane z)E diffuse sky ra(iiation falling on a horizontal Plane h a factor to be multiplie(1 a¢cor(iing as the sky radiation in this 7H α context is solar side or antisolar side,taking values between1。2 an(10。8rather arbitrarily a contribution(lue to groun(1reHexion an(1is expresse(1as7H=;yQ where y means albedo of the ground . an angle of slope of the plane. 3・ Assessment of globa星raαiation at Tokyo(Lat35041!)and the checking of Page,s formula Although the formula(1)is checked by PAGE on the basis of data for many places and periods,they were chie且y for stations in the Westem world.So further、 study is necessary in order to establish its validity in the Asiatic area.And rather laborious statistical study will be required before we can arrive at a definite con、 clusion. But・for the present・the principal objective of this paper is to investigate the inHuence of the angle of slope,so the author is content with a limited examination based on t瓦e IGY data at Tokyo only(J・MA・,1957,1958,1962).Consequently the conclusion here arrived at shol(i be considere(i as a qualitative one. 1965 Amount of Solar Radiation Fa11ing on a Tilted Surf3ce in Tokyo Table1. 41 Calculated and Observed Values of Global Radiation at Tokyo during IGY period。(cal/cm2/day),after eq. 400 (1),and Re{.」.M.A.(1957,1958). 監レ !へ、 ノ 、 July Aug.Sept. Oct. Nov.・ Dec. ク 6 500 / 1¢/N \、 ㎞ e ,T 57 .41 .46 .21 .40 .53 54 Q(cal) 337 429 266 274 247 208 Q(obs) 307 425 289 208 238 199 Q \ z 、、 ノ 200 e ,T 58 ㎞ %/N ob50rved Jan. Feb, Mar. Apr. May June .62 .60 .43 .41 。47 .40 Q(ca1) 245 308 327 383 457 444 Q(obs) 236 302 330 381 458 450 e ,T 58 ㎞ %/1〉 ____oolc“10書ed 10 oL」 一山_一一_一 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. .29 .39 36 .34 .38 .62 Q(ca1) 376 392 329 255 208 224 Q(obs) 362 385 285 246 201 206 789101Il2125456789iO”12 ’57 ■58 Mo n量h Fig.1. Calculated and observed global radiation at Tokyo during the period of IGY (cal/cm2/daジ). Table l and Fig。1show the data of sunshine record and the calculated global radiation as well as the observed one.As can be seen in Fig.1,the general agree− ment could be said to be satisfactory both in general trend and in absolute values. 4. Radiation falling on a tilte([plane an([its emciency The slope of angle considere(i was15。,250,35。and45。respectively. The percentage sunshine data were adopted from the Climatic Table published by the Japan Meteorological Agency.They are the mean monthly values covering1931 through1960. As to the calculation of PE,isotropic diffuse sky・1ight was assumed without reference to the various tilting angles of the plate.This is not exactly tme because it is obvious that the intensity of sky radiation becomes more and more intense as it becomes nearer to the sun both in clear and cloudy conditions.This problem is not finally settled,but Page discusses it considerably in(1etai1, conclu(ling that the difference is very small within the limited angles of slope now in discussion。 Conceming the effect of ground reflection the albedo was taken as O.25,which is r今asonable in the usual meteorological conditions of this district. The original data and the details of the process of calculation not contained in the original paper of PAGE are tabulated in Table2an(1Table3.The final results are given、in Table4.Here we are interested in the values of relative e伍ciency to those of the horizontal Plane. They are given in the last column of Table4and shown in Fig.2. 42 K.Sekihara Table2。 VoL XVI No.1 Mean monthly amount of daily tota田ux of radiation outside the earth’s atmosphere(Qo),percentage of smshine record(%/ノv),calculated global radiation(Q),calculated diffuse radiation(PH),at Tokyo(Lat35041ノ) (cal/cm2/day)(Calculated by eq.(1)and eq.(2))。 Month 。倒 H Q%QP 1 2 570 34 234 126 108 445 60 240 94 146 Table3. Month 45。 350 250 150 3 726 47 341 160 181 4 870 46 409 192 217 5 972 45 447 215 232 6 1010 34 414 224 190 8 7 9 10 11 912 49 438 201 237 990 41 436 218 218 783 37 329 174 155 47 227 107 120 12 408 56 212 87 125 Ratio(∫5)of the mean monthly direct solar radiation falling on an inclined plane facing to equator as compared to that of horizontal plane,at Lat35。(Calculated graphically from PAGE’s Table). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1.96 1.84 1.67 1.44 1.58 1.53 1.45 1.32 1.25 1.25 1.21 1.15 0.97 1.02 1.06 1.05 0.80 0.89 0.94 0.98 0。73 0.83 0.91 0.96 0.75 0.84 0.92 0.97 0.88 0.91 1.00 1.02 1.11 1.13 1.13 1.10 Table4. 622 39 267 136 131 484 10 11 1.44 1.42 1.34 1.26 1.81 1.72 1.58 1.39 12 2.05 1.91 1.71 1.48 Calculated shortwave radiation falling on an inclined plane at Lat35。, by eq.(3)using mean sunshine record at Tokyo,(cal/cm2/day). Month Angle of inClinatiOn 450 350 250 150 1 2 3 4 5 376 359 337 303 240 00 287 284 280 267 234 376 379 375 366 341 388 404 417 418 409 385 411 428 441 447 6 346 370 391 404 414 7 8 9 10 11 367 391 414 428 436 397 408 433 441 438 331 341 345 343 329 315 315 308 299 267 316 308 295 273 227 12 Sum Ratio 338 322 299 271 212 4221 4292 4322 4254 3993 1.057 1.074 1.082 1.065 1.000 [ Here it is noticeable that the maximum e伍ciency is attained at aboutα=250,namely ΦLO 》 the slope lower by ten degrees than the latitude xコ ロ 葬 of Tokyo(L.35。41!). 室 o ‘ の Also in this figure we can notice that the ◎ order of magnitude of the gain of e伍ciency あ ゆ ・器 is about several per cent and the d迂ferellce be− 至0・ ‡ 囮 tweenα=250and35Q is about1%or so. o ) o o In the mean time it is clear thatα=450 that was conventionally adopted in case of the 肛 weathering test of natural exposure is not loo 200 30ρ 400 500 TII甑gA剛3ρく Fig. 2. E伍ciency of nat plate solar collector with varying energy angle of slope(facing to equater)。 adequate in our low Iatitudes. 1965 Amount of Solar Radiation Falling on a Tilted Surface in Tokyo is easy to see.The gain of solar radiation in the summer season will be large as compared with the loss in the winter season. G.C.NEwLAND and others(1963). Now the details will be more clearly understood in Fig.3where the three(iifferent components of calculated values are drawn re. spectively whenα=25。andα=350. We can see the above−men. tioned gain in the summer season that the contribution of diffuse also is accelerating that tendency. The contribution of reflected radi. ation from the ground is small and can be neglected. Nowwemaysafelyconclude that both in the flat plate collector of solar energy and in case of the 〆! \ /! 、 ! ¥/ 、 ! 、、/ 、 ! 、 、 N x \、 、 ’ 、》の一 、 DlrecセSun へ 、 ハ¥ !、 \ r\_/、、 、 7 ! 、× 、 ! / 覧 7 ! ¥ 、 、 ノ / 、 / \ 、 ! 、 γ !! ¥ ! ¥ 、ノ 〆 V ¥¥ 一ノ 1 ノ 、ノ ノ ¥ ノ ヤ ∠ ¥¥ ! Diffuse S財y ¥ ! ノ ∠ ! ! \ ! ¥ / ¥、 sky light is rather large and it !へ / 、 、 ation. But it will be noticeable T。奮d (一一一一雄25・ ¥\ in the curve of (iirect sun radi. αz350 ト\ This was already mentioned by C O ︵ ︵ of α=;350 in the curve of Fig.2 O O , O O emciency apPears atα=二25。instead 器oεおので窪=〇三5宅〇三〇三5=oモσ艦⑪︶o雪t2のもx三し琶oΣあ三芒oΣ The reason whythemaximum むミ監o\一g︾4 3 2 ー 5. Concluaing remarks 43 桑 Ground RefreC†ed 一一一一一一一一一一一眉一一一一一一一一 123 56789101112 断o轟愉 Fig.3. Components of short wave radiation weathering test of natural ex− falling on vary量ng 量nclined surfaces at Tokyo(Lat。35041ノ). posure,the maximum e伍ciency α: angle of slope of the surface. will be obtained by the surface of a slope slightly lower,probably between5。and10。,thanthe angle of the latitude concerned. R⑳矧z66s Japan Meteorological Agency,1957,1958:Report of radiation observation。 Japan Meteorological Agency,1962=Monthly mean values at varying stations,Climatic table of Japan,No.2. NEw黙D G.C,,SGRLEN R。M。and TA凹B聰R J.W.,1963:0ptimum mounting angle for outdoor weathe血g of plastics,Materials Research&Standards(June)。 PAGE,」.K.,1961:The estimation of monthly mean v&1ues of daily total shortwave radiation on vertical and inclined surfaces from sunshine records for latitu(ies40。north400 south,Paper、presented to the United Nations Conference on new sources of energy at Rome,10May1961.Agenda Item III,A. 44 VoL XVI No.1 K.Sekihara SAITo,H.,MATsuo,Y.and OcEIFuJI,:K.,1964:』On the solar−radiation and its issue of the application to engineering use,Joum。S.H。A。S。E.,38、4,260−279. 東京における傾斜面への日射量 関 原 彊 東京における月別平均日射量1日積算値をPA伽の提出した経験式により日照率のデータを用いて計算 した。水平面日射量の計算値はIGYの期間についての実測値と,非常によい一致を示し,この方法が有効 であることを示している。 傾斜面については赤道方向にむかい450,35。,25。,15。の各傾斜角の面への日射量を計算した。その 結果日射量受熱の効率としては,緯度350の東京における最有効傾斜角は250附近にあり,その効率の 得は1%程度であることが判つた。 この原因は夏季における受熱量の得が冬季における損失を上廻つているためであるとして説明される。
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