Dooley Elementary School ドゥーリー小学校 Dooley Dragon Tales 2013 年 9 月 20 日 Issue 2 From the PTA President/ドゥーリー小学校 PTA 会長から Hello all Dooley families, Teachers and Staff,/ ドゥーリーご家族・先生方・スタッフの皆様 The school year is off to a running start and it has been busy for us Dooley families! Last month, my family and I participated in the Run to Read Race Event at Dirksen Elementary School. The weather was perfect and it was a fun day for all the kids and parents. I happily encourage all families to sign up for future Run to Read events. It was a great time! 新学期も起動に乗り始め、皆さんお忙しい日々を お過ごしと思います。先月 Dirksen 小学校にて行 われた Run to Read では、素晴らしい天候に恵ま れ、我が家も含め、多くの方々に参加して頂くこ とができました。来年の Run to Read のご参加を お勧めします。 Dine Out for PTA Day Thursday at Village Tavern Grill. Time: 11 am to 11 pm Print the flyer on the last page before you go!!! Picture Day was a wonderful success! Liz Spandiary and her team of helpful volunteers organized all the students and made sure Picture Day went smoothly for all teachers, staff, and students. Thank you, Liz, for doing a great job at Picture Day. 先日のピクチャー・デーでは、Liz Spandiary さ ん他の方々が大変速やかに先生方・スタッフ・生 徒さんのために動いて下さりました。ありがとう ございました。 Please mark your calendars! There are a lot of exciting events coming this month for Dooley students and families. くさんあります。カレンダーにご記入お忘れな く! NEXT PTA MEETING: Wednesday (different day for this month only) October 16th at 7:00 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. 次回 PTA ミーティング:10 月 16 日(水)7pm 今月のみ水曜日です。軽食も用意しています。 The Annual Fall Hoedown is THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24TH. Get ready to swing your partner, dance, and have a great time! PTA members will have cowboy hats, bandanas, and bottled water for sale at this event. If you are interested in volunteering at the Fall Hoedown, please contact the PTA President, Andrea Ciavarella. 毎年恒例の Fall Hoedown が 10 月 24 日(木)で す。ダンスのご用意はいいですか?PTA からカ ウボーイハット・バンダナ・水ボトルを用意して います。ボランティアのできる方は、PTA 会長 Andrea Ciavarella さんまでお知らせください。 The Schaumburg Township Council of PTA is holding a blood drive on October 24 from 1:30 to 6:30 at the District 54 office, 534 E. Schaumburg Road (; 847-357-5000). Please stop by to contribute for a great cause. 10 月 24 日には、54 区オフィスにて献血がありま す。大きな目的のために貢献しましょう。 Upcoming Events/イベント情報 October 10: Dine Out for PTA Day October 9-11: Book Fair at Parent-Teacher Conferences October 16 (Wednesday): PTA Meeting at 7:00 pm (Please note the change in date and day.) October 17: Market Day orders due to school October 21: Market Day pick-up 今月もドゥーリーファミリーのための催しがた Issue 3 • Page 1 2013.10.10 Dooley Dragon Tales ド ゥ ー リ ー ・ ド ラ ゴ ン ・ テ ー ル ズ Also, very exciting, Halloween is coming! Are you excited? I know my kids are! Every classroom at Dooley will have a Halloween party filled with craft making and games. Party planners have already started making plans for the Halloween party. If you would like to donate supplies or help out at your child's Halloween party please contact either your child's teacher or me (Andrea Ciavarella) for the name of your child's classroom party planner name & email. みんなの大好きなハロウィンが近づいています ね!楽しみですか?子どもはきっとわくわくし ていることでしょう。各教室では、クラフトやゲ ームなどでハロウィンパーティーが行われます。 係の方々が既に準備して下さっています。用具の 寄付やパーティーのお手伝いが出きる方は、各ク ラスのパーティー係までお知らせ下さい。パーテ ィー係がどなたかわからない場合は、担任の先生 か Andrea Ciavarella さんまでご連絡ください。 Parents: Please don't forget to send your child's party treat/snack to be enjoyed at the class party! パーティー当日にお子さん自身がいただくおや つをお忘れなく! Please Note: New Dooley School classroom party policy: Party Planners/Room Representatives are no longer permitted to bring snacks for the parties. Each student is allowed to bring a treat/snack of their choosing to eat at the party. An alternative for students who do not wish to bring a treat/snack from home is on classroom holiday party days, PTA will have a special Treat Day. Students can use their Treat Day Cards or use cash to purchase a treat from the Treat Day Table. We have had a great start to the 2013-2014 Dooley School year! I hope you will join us at Dooley PTA to ensure that each student has a wonderful and memorable school experience! 素晴らしいスタートをきることができた今年度、 思い出に残る素晴らしい学校生活のために PTA の活動に参加していきましょう! Sincerely, Andrea Ciavarella, PTA President [email protected] 847-313-5029 (cell) Dine Out for PTA Day/ PTA 外食デー Jacqi Schuetze, Dine Out for PTA Day Chair Thursday, October 10 is the next Dine Out for PTA Day! Bring all your friends and family to Village Tavern & Grill and the PTA will receive 20% of your bill. This is a half-day for students and the offer is valid all day long, so come for lunch or dinner. 次回の PTA 外食デーは 10 月 10 日(木)です。 Village Tavern & Grill にて、ランチ又はディナー をお楽しみください。20%が PTA の利益にな ります。この日は親子面談のため学校が半日です ので、昼ご飯か夕ご飯でもいかがでしょうか。 Just make sure to print the flyer in this newsletter to give to your server so Dooley can receive their portion! 注意点:必ずこのチラシを印刷して、Village Tavern & Grill に持って行ってください。そして、 払うときにチラシをお渡し下さると、後で クラスパーティーに対すドゥーリー小学校の新 Dooley がファンドレイジングのお金を受け取る ルール:各クラスのパーティー係は、スナック類 ことができます。 を持ち込む事ができなくなりました。自分自身の スナックを持ってくることは、受け入れられます。 If you have a favorite restaurant you’d like to recommend, or have any questions, please 又は、PTA が各パーティーの日に特別にトリー contact Jacqi Schuetze ([email protected]) ト・デーを実施しますので、現金又はトリート・ and we’ll look into it. We hope to see you there! カードを使用して、トリート・デー・テーブルに お勧めレストラン情報やご質問は、Jacqi て購入する事もできます。 Schuetze さんまでお願いします。 Issue 3 • Page 2 2013.10.10 Dooley Dragon Tales ド ゥ ー リ ー ・ ド ラ ゴ ン ・ テ ー ル ズ Book Fair/ブック・フェア M ary W ojtasiak, Book Fair Chair Our first Book Fair of the year will be held October 9-11. We have some exciting things in the works and can't wait to share them with the Dooley Community. Our book fairs are the perfect opportunity to get quality books into the hands of our students and I can't wait to see all of you there. We are still looking for volunteers. If you are interested in being a part of this great PTA committee, please contact me at [email protected]. 今年度の最初のブック・フェアは、10 月 9 日から 11 日に行われる予定です。私たちは、今とても楽 しい計画を準備していてドゥーリー小学校のみな さんにお伝えするのが待ち遠しいです。私たちの ブック・フェアは、お子様に適した内容の豊かな 本を購入するのにとても良い機会です、ドゥーリ ー小学校の関係のみなさん全員にそこでお会いで きるのを楽しみにしています。 Check it out online. Shop before and after the book fair October 2 to 22, 2013. Look for Dooley School: toolkit/ Dr. Thomas Dooley Elementary School 622 Norwood Lane, Schaumburg, IL 60193 847-357-6250 Principal (校長) Dr. Marion Flaman Assistant Principal (副校長) Ivette Rivera-Weigle 2013-2014 PTA Executive Officers (役 員 会 ) President (会長) Andrea Ciavarella [email protected] Vice President (副会長) Denise Wayda Birthday Book Club/ バースデー・ブック・クラブ Renee Ingoldsby, Birthday Book Club Chair This year's first Birthday Book Club took place on Thursday, September 19th. All students born in August and September had an opportunity to choose a new book, courtesy of the PTA. 今年度最初のバースデーブッククラブは、9 月 19 日木曜日に行いました。PTAのご厚意で、8 月、 9 月生まれの全ての生徒が、新しい本を選び、いた だくことができました。 All the books are sorted by lexile level for each grade. More mature subject matter is reserved for 5th and 6th graders. 全ての本は、学年に応じたリーディングレベルに分 けられています。更に内容の深いものは、5年生、 6年生のために準備しています。 Future Birthday Book Clubs will take place on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Except December, which will be the 2nd Thursday and May, which will be the 4th Thursday. 今後のお誕生日ブッククラブは、毎月の第3木曜日 を予定しています。但し、12 月は第2木曜日、5 月 は第 4 木曜になる予定です。 Happy Reading! Box Tops/ボックス・トップ Kiran Nuthulapaty, Box Tops Chair Please turn in any Box Tops for Education coupons by October 15. Please cut out and send Box Tops for Education to school with your child. The first submission will be made by October 30. 10 月 15 日までに、「Box Tops for Education」とい うクーポン券を学校に持ってきてください。クーポ ン券の部分を切り取って、お子様に持たせてくださ い。10 月 30 日までに提出する予定でおります。 Find additional opportunities to support Dooley School and m ore inform ation about Box Tops for Education here: [email protected] Treasurer (会計) Jacqi Schuetze [email protected] Recording Secretary (書記) Sarah Eftefield [email protected] Issue 3 • Page 3 2013.10.10 Dooley Dragon Tales ド ゥ ー リ ー ・ ド ラ ゴ ン ・ テ ー ル ズ Market Day/マーケット・デー Thank you to those that ordered Market Day in September! We raised $132.50!! 方もマーケット・デーで、5ドルお金を節約して みませんか? マーケット・デーで, 初めて注文 なさるお客様が、オンラインで支払いをするとき に「NEWFIVE」のコードを入力し、25 ドル以上 お買い上げになりますと、5 ドルの割引をしても らえます。但し、これはオンラインでの申し込み のみになります。ドゥーリー小学校のアカウント 番号は 1159 です。どうぞ、 にア クセスし、この特別サービ スの機会をご利用ください。 Thank you for supporting Dooley by purchasing from Market Day! 9 月のマーケット・デーに参加してくださったみ なさん、本当にありがとうございました。132 ド ル 50 セントの収益金が得られました。 The October Market Day order forms have been sent home. We hope that you will have a chance to take a look at the wide variety of foods offered through Market Day. Market Day is a unique and TO MARKET DAY’S MONTHLY GROCERY PROGRAM valuable fundraiser that we rely on to fund the needs of our school. It’s easy to Why Market Day? How to Order? participate— simply go to or return the order form to What are the benefits? How does it work? school by Tuesday, October 15. Internet orders (account 1159) are due by 11 pm on Thursday, October 17. WELCOME Help your school by shifting the money that you already spend at the grocery store to your school. Up to 20% of every order supports your child’s education. Online at Mobile at Monthly Order Guide sent home in your child’s backpack Your Order Matters: Support your school with every item purchased. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: We guarantee you will be satisfied with the taste and quality of our products. Sign-up for e-mail and text alerts for exclusive offers, product news and order reminders. Place Your Order Online or On Your Smart Phone Go To Your Organization and pick up your order at scheduled time. マーケット・デーに参加し ドゥーリー小学校をサポー トしてくださって、ありが とうございます。 Pick up will be on Monday, October 21 in the teachers’ lounge between 3 and 4 pm. For parents who have children in Kasper after school, as long as the order is paid online, we can leave your order with Kasper. 10 月の注文表はすでにご家 庭に配布されています。私 SAVE $5* たちは、皆様にバライティ when you spend $25 Enter Promo Code: NEWFIVE at checkout at あふれる注文食品をじっく 受け取りは、10 月 21 日月 り見ていただきたいと思っ 曜日午後 3 時から 4 時の間、 ております。マーケット・ 職員ラウンジで行われます。 デーは、ユニークなファンドレイジングで、私た お子様が放課後の Kasper に参加され、かつオン ちの学校にとって不可欠なものです。そして、簡 ラインで支払いが済まされた保護者の方のお品 単に参加することができます。簡単にオンライン 物は Kasper のところに置いておくことができま で申し込むこともできますし、注文表を 10 月 15 す。 日(火)までに学校に提出して申し込むこともでき Thank you to Hiroko Koeberl and Tomoe Mollin ます。オンラインでの申し込みは、10 月 17 日木 for helping out at the September sale! We 曜日の午後 11 時までとなっております。私たち couldn’t have done it without your support! のアカウント番号は 1159 です。 Hiroko Koeberl さんと Tomoe Mollin さん、9 月 For New Customers: Market Day is running a のマーケットデーの際のお手伝い、大変ありがと special promotion for NEW customers! Why not うございました。みなさんのサポートのおかげで、 try Market Day and save $5? Any first-time 全てうまく進めることができました。 customer who places an order online can receive $5 off an order of $25 or more by entering promo If you are interested in learning about how you code NEWFIVE at checkout. This only applies to can help at Market Day, please contact Hiromi at Internet orders. Dooley’s account number is 1159. [email protected]. Thank you! Please visit and place an order もし、マーケット・デーのお手伝いをしてもよい to take advantage of this special promotion! という方がおりましたら、どうぞ Hiromi さんに マーケット・デーでは、初めて注文なさるお客様 連絡をしてください。どうぞよろしくお願いいた に対して、特別サービスをしています。初めての *Offer available only to first time Market Day Grocery customers. Minimum purchase requirement before tax. Offer valid on only when promo code is entered during online checkout. Cannot be used for redemption at sale pick-up locations, Market Day Store, or on Peapod orders. No substitutions. Valid for sale pick-up dates through 12/31/2013. Offers subject to change or termination without notice. Cannot be combined with any other discounts. Issue 3 • Page 4 2013.10.10 Dooley Dragon Tales ド ゥ ー リ ー ・ ド ラ ゴ ン ・ テ ー ル ズ します。 Issue 3 • Page 5 2013.10.10 Dooley Dragon Tales ド ゥ ー リ ー ・ ド ラ ゴ ン ・ テ ー ル ズ PTA Membership Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)/PTA メンバーシップについて良くある質問 Why should I join the PTA?/PTA に 入 会 す る メリットとは? The number one reason is to benefit your child and in turn you are helping every child at Dooley. 一番の理由は子どものためということです。PTA への加入すれば、ドゥーリー小学校のすべての子 どものためになります。 Do I have to attend PTA meetings?/会員になると、PTA ミーティングに出席にしなければいけないのです か? No, you are invited to the meetings but we understand that you are busy and might not be able to attend. But if you do attend, it is an excellent way to find out more about the programs and activities at school, and meetings are a great place to meet other Dooley parents. もちろん、PTA 会員はいつでも PTA ミーティン グに出席できますが、すべてのミーティングに出 席する必要はありません。ただ、出席すれば学校 のこと(プログラム・出来事)がより良くわかり ます。そして、他のドゥーリー小学校の保護者と 顔見知りになる機会になります。 Do I have to volunteer?/ボ ラ ン テ ィ ア で お 手 伝いをしないといけないのでしょうか? No, joining the PTA does not mean you need to volunteer. PTA appreciates everyone’s membership, whether or not the member volunteers. Each membership increases PTA’s ability to advocate for our children. いいえ。ボランティア活動は強制でありません。 ボランティアするしないにかかわらず、PTA は みなさんに会員になってもらいたいと思ってい ます。お一人お一人が入会されることで、PTA が子ども達のためにいろいろする力が増えてい きます。 Why should I volunteer?/な ぜ 、 ボ ラ ン テ ィ ア っしたほうがよいですか? You can put your skills and hobbies to use for a good cause, namely, your child and all students at Dooley School. Teachers appreciate everything that parents do to help. You will feel very rewarded too! ボランティアをすることで、ご自分のお子さんや ドゥーリー小学校の生徒全員ために、自分のスキ ルや趣味を生かすことができます。先生方も保護 者の様々な手伝いを歓迎して下さっています。と てもやりがいのあることかと思います。 If I joined last year, do I have to join again?去 年、入会しましたが、今年も改めて入会しな いといけないのですか。 Yes. Membership dues are on an annual basis. はい。会費は毎年支払って頂くようになっていま す。 If I am already a PTA member at another school, why should I join at Dooley?他 の 学 校 の PTA の 会 員 に な り ま し た が 、ド ゥ ー リ ー 小 学 校 PTA で も 会 員 に な ら な い と い け な い の ですか? Each school’s PTA operates independently. Your Dooley membership benefits the children at Dooley. 各学校の PTA は独立しています。ドゥーリー小 学校の PTA への入会するとその会費はドゥーリ ー小学校の生徒のために使われます。 Where does my money go?/会 費 の 使 い 道 は ? $4.25 of the dues goes directly to the National/ Illinois PTA to support our mission and purpose. The remaining amount of $1.75 goes to Dooley PTA. 会費の 4 ドル 25 セントは国・州の PTA に送って その活動に使われています。残りの 1 ドル 75 セ Issue 3 • Page 6 2013.10.10 Dooley Dragon Tales ド ゥ ー リ ー ・ ド ラ ゴ ン ・ テ ー ル ズ ントがドゥーリー小学校の PTA 活動費として使 われています。 If I can answer any other questions you may have please feel free to contact me, Linda Weiszmann. [email protected] 何か他に質問等がございましたら、Linda Weiszmann さんにご連絡ください。 Please fill out the form below and send along with $6.00 for each membership in an envelope addressed “PTA Membership”. 下記のドゥーリー小学校 PTA 会員申込書を記入 の上、会費と合わせて、封筒に「PTA Membership」書いて、お申し込みください。 _____________________________________________________________________________ Dooley School PTA Membership Form/ド ゥ ー リ ー 小 学 校 PTA 会 員 申 込 書 _____ Single Membership $6.00 _____ Family (Two Parents/Guardians) $12.00 Student's Name: __________________________________________ Teacher /grade: ___________________________________________ Name for Card 1: _________________________________________ Name for Card 2: _________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________ Checks should be made out to "Dooley PTA”./小切手の宛先は「Dooley PTA」. Issue 3 • Page 7 2013.10.10 Dooley Dragon Tales ド ゥ ー リ ー ・ ド ラ ゴ ン ・ テ ー ル ズ PTA MEETING--AGENDA--OCTOBER 16, 2013 Call to Order__________________________(time) Do we have Quorum____________________(yes/no) # of members present____________. Minutes from PTA Meeting September 9, 2013 have been posted on PTA website. Approval of 9-9-13 meeting? Correspondence_____________________________(PTA Secretary: Sarah Eftefield) Treasurer's Report___________________________(PTA Treasurer: Jacqi Schuetze) Principal's Report____________________________(Dr. Marion Friebus-Flaman) Presidents Report____________________________(PTA President: Andrea Ciavarella) New Business_______________________________ *Regarding money for Rachel's Challenge Assembly. Money has been set aside in the 2013 Budget as an ALL SCHOOL EVENT line item. At the end of this school year PTA will vote to approve/not approve carrying over this line item to next school year budget (2014-2015). *PTA must decide & vote on profit percentage for items sold at the Holiday Gift Shoppe event. To cover taxes, prices must be raised 10%. Dooley PTA will get 5% profit on all merchandise sold, do we want to raise cost of merchandise to an additional 5% to increase profitability? *The art work for the 2013-2014 School Directory has been selected. Felipe's, in Mrs. Herbig's 2nd grade class, had the selected art work. Congratulations, Felipe for making a wonderful drawing for the School Directory! There were so many great drawings submitted for the directory cover, it was very difficult to choose. Felipe's drawing was chosen because the judges felt it best represented Dooley School. *PTA President, Andrea Ciavarella, purchased 60 cowboy hats and 25 bandannas for PTA to sell at the Fall Hoedown (10-24-13). *Currently a PTA Table sign up sheet is being passed around the meeting to members. If you are able to, please sign up to help at the PTA Table at the Fall Hoedown for 30 minutes. You will be selling cowboy hats, bandannas, and water bottles to students. *Donation Bucket for STC Schaumburg Food Pantry Drive. The Food Pantry is in current need of personal care items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, etc. Also, the Food Pantry is also in need of home cleaning supplies as well as non-perishable food items. PTA President, Andrea C., will returned the filled bucket to STC on November 6, 2013. Please add what you can to the Food Pantry bucket. Thank You. Issue 3 • Page 8 2013.10.10 Dooley Dragon Tales ド ゥ ー リ ー ・ ド ラ ゴ ン ・ テ ー ル ズ *PTA Blood Drive is October 24, at the District office. 524 E. Schaumburg Road Schaumburg. (847)357-5000. Old Business________________________________ *STC regulates that all PTA local units, review and revise (if needed) their BY LAWS. DOOLEY PTA BY LAWS HAVE BEEN POSTED TO THE PUBLIC ON THE PTA WEB-SITE FOR 30 DAYS. DOOLEY PTA EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS HAVE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY LAWS. *STC regulates that all PTA local units, review and revise their PTA STANDING RULES. DOOLEY PTA STANDING RULES HAVE BEEN POSTED TO THE PUBLIC ON THE PTA WEB-SITE FOR 30 DAYS. EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS HAVE REVIEWED AND APPROVED STANDING RULES. *DOOLEY PTA BUDGET 2013-2014 (REVISED) HAS BEEN POSTED TO THE PUBLIC ON THE PTA WEB-SITE FOR 30 DAYS. *PTA does not have an Elementary School Scholarship Coordinator Committee Chair person. Would anyone like to volunteer for this comm. chair? COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORTS_____________________________________________________________. NEXT PTA MEETING DATE: MONDAY NOVEMBER 4TH at 7:00 p.m. MEETING ADJOURNED______________________________(time) Issue 3 • Page 9 2013.10.10 Dooley Dragon Tales ド ゥ ー リ ー ・ ド ラ ゴ ン ・ テ ー ル ズ Treat Card/トリート・カード Treat cards are $5.00 each/一枚 $5.00 LAST NAME___________________________ Email___________________________________ Child’s name 1_____________________Teacher________ Child’s name 2_____________________Teacher________ Child’s name3_____________________Teacher________ Child’s name 4____________________Teacher________ Number of Treat Cards total________ x $5.00=_____________ Amount enclosed: $_______ Cash or Make checks payable to: DOOLEY PTA// Check#_____ Dooley PTA. Please write DOOLEY TREAT CARD on envelope & return to Dooley School in child’s folder or drop off at the office. DOOLEY TREAT CARD *Treats will be $1 or less. *Treat day is the first and third Tuesday of the month. *Treat cards will be passed out on the first treat day September 3rd. *Cash is accepted on treat day, but if you don’t like to send cash to school with your kids, the treat card is a great option! A variety of snacks will be available: pudding, goldfish, fruit snacks, pirate’s booty, and frozen yogurt tubes There will be a few days throughout the year that are designated nacho & cheese day During cold months there will be one treat day with soup offered Issue 3 • Page 10 2013.10.10 Dooley Dragon Tales ド ゥ ー リ ー ・ ド ラ ゴ ン ・ テ ー ル ズ We will start Japanese Culture Club for 3rd through 6th graders. Let’s practice Japanese while doing fun activities such as Japanese calligraphy, tea ceremony, arts and crafts (paper making and other activities), and food and manners. If you would like your child to participate in this club, please fill out the form below and send it to your child’s homeroom teacher by October 30, 2013. For When ~ (3rd through 6th graders) From November 7 (Thursday) to February 20 (Thursday) Every Thursday 3:00 ~ 4:00 pm Japanese Culture Club staff Mrs. Tanaka, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Sugisawa I give my permission for my child to join Japanese Culture Club. Child’s name _________________________________ Parent’s name ________________________________ Grade and Homeroom teacher____________________ Issue 3 • Page 11 Room number_________ 2013.10.10 Dooley Dragon Tales ド ゥ ー リ ー ・ ド ラ ゴ ン ・ テ ー ル ズ Japanese Language & Culture for busy parents Let’s help your children learn Japanese! You can learn anything you want. All questions are valuable. Place : Dooley School Dates: October 24, November 14, December 12, January 30, February 13, February 27, March 13, April 10, April 24, May 22, May 29 Time: 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Issue 3 • Page 12 2013.10.10 Dooley Dragon Tales ド ゥ ー リ ー ・ ド ラ ゴ ン ・ テ ー ル ズ An Invitation The new Potbelly Sandwich Shop on M eacham (between W oodfield Rd. and Golf Rd.) has selected the Schaum burg Township Elem entary School Foundation as beneficiary of their “warm oven party” next M onday, October 14. Issue 3 • Page 13 clause was added due to past abuse of our charitable nature. This flyer must be turned in to your server at the time of payment along with a copy of your bill in order to receive credit for the donation. Once you’ve left the building you may not return with a flyer to apply to a bill. Although groups may request sitting in the same section when booking the event, it is not necessary to receive the donation. We may not be able to grant all seating request. 20% of the pre-taxed bill, minus any discounts will be donated back to the organization including carry-out orders. 2013.10.10 If your organization is interested in booking a “Dine-2-Donate” event at Village Tavern & Grill, please call 847-891-8866 FOR: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Dooley Dragon Tales ド ゥ ー リ ー ・ ド ラ ゴ ン ・ テ ー ル ズ DAY: _____________________ DATE: ____________________ TIME: All Day (11am-11pm) Dine Out for PTA Day/ PTA 外食デー Dine-2-Donate Event Location: VILLAGE TAVERN & GRILL 901 W. Wise Road * Schaumburg, IL 60193 * (847) 891-8866 * Web: SUB-TOTAL CHECK AMOUNT: $ __________________ SERVER: _______________ TIME: ____________ BEFORE TAXES AND ANY DISCOUNTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ YOU’RE INVITED TO A “DINE-2-DONATE” EVENT! Thank you for assisting the organization/group listed below in their efforts to raise funds with our “Dine-2-Donate” event. We realize that every dollar counts and we will do our best to provide a fun atmosphere with high quality food and service to make a memorable and profitable experience for the organization. Here’s how it works. It is an all-day event, so you can come for lunch, dinner or both (open to close). You can bring your business colleagues from work for lunch and then the family for dinner! Make sure you bring a flyer for each visit! These flyers may be copied and passed out to anyone and everyone PRIOR to the scheduled event. ANYONE suspected of passing out flyers on the day of the event on VTG property may cause a penalty deduction or forfeit the entire donation. Unfortunately, this clause was added due to past abuse of our charitable nature. This flyer must be turned in to your server at the time of payment along with a copy of your bill in order to receive credit for the donation. Once you’ve left the building you may not return with a flyer to apply to a bill. Although groups may request sitting in the same section when booking the event, it is not necessary to receive the donation. We may not be able to grant all seating request. 20% of the pre-taxed bill, minus any discounts will be donated back to the organization including carry-out orders. If your organization is interested in booking a “Dine-2-Donate” event at Village Tavern & Grill, please call 847-891-8866 FOR: Dooley Elementary PTA _______________________________________________________________________________________ DAY: Thursday _____________________ DATE: October 10, 2013 ____________________ TIME: All Day (11am-11pm) Dine-2-Donate Event Location: VILLAGE TAVERN & GRILL 901 W. Wise Road * Schaumburg, IL 60193 * (847) 891-8866 * Web: SUB-TOTAL CHECK AMOUNT: $ __________________ SERVER: _______________ TIME: ____________ BEFORE TAXES AND ANY DISCOUNTS Issue 3 • Page 14
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