Allianz Global Investors Investment perspective on Ukraine crisis March 2014 As tensions ease and Russian troops in Crimea, Ukraine are ordered to return to their barracks by Russian President Putin, Allianz Global Investors reviews the situation in Ukraine and the Crimea and considers possible scenarios ahead, the impact on markets and investment strategy within the current market environment. Ukraine crisis dissipates as tensions cease: Following the recent invasion of Russian troops in Crimea in Ukraine, we have seen an escalation of tension between Russia and the West with concern mounting that current events could trigger a major war. At Allianz Global Investors we don’t however, believe that this scenario is likely to develop, born out by the recent orders from Putin to his troops in Crimea to return to their barracks and his latest emphasis on military force being unnecessary. European equity indices have since rebounded with investors clearly relieved at what appears to be, at least in the short-term, a de-escalation in tensions between Russia and the West. At the end of the day, investors should remember that any serious conflict was set to unfold as Russian troops initially marched into Crimea - which was not the case. We should however be prepared for the fact that Russia may wish to continue to exercise control over events in Crimea and may therefore be reluctant to give up control back to Ukraine. We do not believe it likely that Putin will seek to expand troops into further parts of Ukraine, but we should be aware that Putin has made Russian intentions to protect its interests and borders where necessary very clear in the past; the current situation in Crimea is simply an illustration of this in practice by Russia. While the Western world may react with sanctions and warnings to Russia, in reality the West has no appetite for a war with Russia. Indeed, as winter draws to an end in Europe, we should remember how dependent much of Western Europe is on Russian gas. It is also not in Russia’s interest to ignite a war, leading as it would to capital flight, a weaker currency and higher interest rates. So the likelihood is that Russia will either choose to leave troops on the ground in Crimea, or to withdraw them, but all without any war occurring, although we can expect Russia to continue to want to have influence in Crimea. On the financial side, the International Monetary Fund is leading a programme to set up financial support for Ukraine with a team from the Fund having just commenced on a 10-day review and fact-finding mission. The impact on markets and investment implications: Against this background, and as the crisis pans out over the next few weeks, giving rise to increased market volatility, our investment strategy at Allianz Global Investors is to take advantage of attractive buying opportunities on market dips. From a broader perspective in the short and medium term, we believe that investors should consider in particular the following points when considering investment risks and opportunities: The market is currently pricing in a further deterioration in the situation with an increase in risk premia across developed markets as well as in those directly affected. Should Russia's aims prove to be more limited than the worst fears and/or Crimea (and other eastern parts of Ukraine) break away following a referendum, the current elevated risk premia may be short-lived (though there will likely be longer term risk premia effects for Russia). Long-term investors should consider the opportunity to exploit emerging market currency weakness, in both US-dollar and local currency, with prospects for more attractive long-term returns still intact despite short term weakness. The energy and financial sectors are the most exposed to the crisis in our view. In terms of the energy sector, we have so far seen only a relatively small increase in the oil price since the beginning of the political turmoil in the Ukraine. Within the financial sector, financial institutions with exposure to Ukraine and/or Russia are likely to be most impacted, with the overall exposure of US and European banks to Russia at around US$220 billion, according to the Bank of International Settlements – low relative to GDP. So far, we haven’t seen any market signals (e.g. rising swap spreads) pointing to a significantly rising threat. Investing involves risk. The value of an investment and the income from it may fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the full amount invested. The views and opinions expressed herein, which are subject to change without notice, are those of the issuer and/or its affiliated companies at the time of publication. 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This is a marketing communication issued by Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH,, an investment company with limited liability, incorporated in Germany, with its registered office at Bockenheimer Landstrasse 42-44, D-60323 Frankfurt/Main, registered with the local court Frankfurt/Main under HRB 9340, authorized by Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht ( Source: Allianz Global Investors, March 2014 【ご留意事項】 ・本資料は、アリアンツ・グローバル・インベスターズ・ジャパン(以下、当社)のグループ会社であるAllianz Global Investors Europe GmbH (以下、作成会社)が作成したものです。 ・本資料は、情報提供を目的とした資料であり、当社の戦略の販売勧誘を行うものではありません。 ・内容には正確を期していますが、当社が必ずしもその完全性を保証するものではありません。 ・作成会社および当社はAllianz SE傘下のグループ会社です。 ・本資料に記載されている内容は既に変更されている場合があり、また、予告なく変更される場合がありま す。 ・最終的な投資の意思決定は、商品説明資料等をよくお読みの上、お客様ご自身の判断と責任において 行ってください。 ・本資料の一部または全部について、当社の事前の承諾なく、使用、複製、転用、配布及び第三者に開示 する等の行為はご遠慮ください。 投資顧問契約および投資一任契約の対価とリスクについて ・当社の提供する投資顧問契約および投資一任契約に係るサービスに対する年間報酬は、最終的にお客 様との個別協議に基づき決定いたします。これらの報酬につきましては、契約締結前交付書面等でご確認 ください。 投資一任契約に係る報酬以外に有価証券等の売買委託手数料、信託事務の諸費用、投資対象資産が外 国で保管される場合はその費用、その他の投資一任契約に伴う投資の実行・ポートフォリオの維持のため 発生する費用はお客様の負担となりますが、これらはお客様が資産の保管をご契約されている機関(信託 銀行等)を通じてご負担頂くことになり、当社にお支払い頂くものではありません。これらの報酬その他の対 価の合計額については、お客様が資産の保管をご契約されている機関(信託銀行等)が決定するものであ るため、また、契約資産額・保有期間・運用状況等により異なりますので、表示することはできません。 ・投資顧問契約に基づき助言する資産又は投資一任契約に基づき投資を行う資産の種類は、お客様と協 議の上決定させて頂きますが、対象とする金融商品及び金融派生商品(デリバティブ取引等)は、様々な 指標等の変動の影響を受けます。 従って、投資顧問契約又は投資一任契約の対象とさせて頂くお客様の 資産において、元本欠損を生じるおそれがあります。 ご契約の際は、事前に必ず契約締結前交付書面等 をご覧ください。 アリアンツ・グローバル・インベスターズ・ジャパン株式会社 金融商品取引業者 関東財務局長 (金商) 第424 号 一般社団法人日本投資顧問業協会 加入 DBIM20140306-1
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