久 ノ 5 ”5 一 v 数理解析研究所講究録 404 実験配置の理論と応用 京都大学数理解析研究所 1980 年 11 月 RZMS Ko fe yafto te” 404 Tneory of Experimental Layouts and Its Applications U as K ee 27O4248 pt t21 21kLJeganfrutrsin November, l980 Research Tnstitute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan 嘆勲蓬α趣論邑爽愈 石山・念鞭線 /98v/4 クβノ 4・βアへ〆ク浮/∠β 麟 (代) 裳藩 黛転ミ 1 セント 薗:疲 ・123 S 一一¥x、ザインじ明)、、乏 ………一一一一…一一一一一 1 元夫軽繍喬 蓼転ミ』9 Ri ◎よ 1 鰍論曲面し鋤辱 u 艶飼 e 卵一 馬 獣粛 ¥tf…光礁 KOLci 久 NMa へ cl 妥訓い、い乏一一一…一一一一一。一一一一一 14 し 愛犬一漣 木斡 …踏 イリノイ t 馨 簿儀 i 黛 賊咽 d 吻厩飼………一一・9 レ 灘 k 邉 (鹸蛤 嘆騨瓶《噌ザイン・輪コンビュー s γ zr トへ 25 森竃葱専 傭霞魯こ N。脳。ギ記へ ec。楓燕虻乃傘へ (RAt.i) う」硫 1 トン贔繍 w v ”/ 6 げ一 1 糊町 A・雫煎漏鴻 1-36 神:k 蜘 /な食曖弧 iv α繍瞥奴繍威二流祓奇鵬メートル戒慧、 R Ve ∫『)・v・いし、“ ”12L. 隔齢融駒蜘…騨齢撫伽齢輪…齢一……卿 48 太 1 ご・モ曳 (藝」騰穣映 S?N 途セい「?一一 qtve7 ”)!) sx ミ辱外べ 3♂L 幹 N も《囚獄こ 泰鴨 3 億等箇年嘩野鴨禽焦 1・ ・、、乏一一 58 迩』鰹辱た 『華壁「ミ秀 9. rJ;Ns 一 CtS A。礪ト論馬姦い騰書 33 晦 s 卿 1 蛤愛 CN £tcN;.. 1;X¥/ “” ””一一一 ’一一 一 ’e ”一 一 一 ’“ pt 一 ’b ”“’” ”’ ”” wB a 一 一一 一 ’一 一一 一 一一 71 奪:iii:℃ ’た総 Pt;k& 繋いミ珍麟麟外フ?イ 1 職醇〈歳粛…一一 9・ 10 “にB り 筑嚢た餐‡ 誌驚塾§k¿ Nrru, ツ瓠趣蝋 1?α睡。m 舗い t・い乏…一……一… 藁ト★漣 転賦¥14$4“ Ptg sgX 森 s \輪α鴨しキロべ黙一一一………』7 名工た 粟絵無ミエ 噛◎い kW{ 錯噂訊 1 こ・べこ一一一……一…、3。 i]ll](i:.:k・漣 雪下電 vt 1 しト、 ˜ こ・いし一⊥ 35 鹸》紺、鳶〉糎ζ) 燕魔蘇{} 暴麟麟 黙寒ト (s ’ ˜ 、覚全、、璽ラ吟・k 個価鍬一ノ今へのへ 5q 一{} 僻 1 こつ・?………,} 隔…) ” 一 {…コ 58 飯垂赴 宙鍵繍 ,e・ t 一 ;‘’’lil17$ タ い1 SYMPOSIUM ON THEORY OF EXPERIMENTAL LAYOUTS AND ZTS APPL:CATZONS PIace : Research Tnstitute for Mathematical Sciences r Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan Date : July l4- l6, l980 Organizex : Sanpei Kageyama, Department oE Mathematics, Faculty of School Education, Hiroshima University PROGRAM AND ABSTRACT i. S. Kageyama (Hiroshima University) On 5-designs Abstract: We show that an inequahty b) v(v-l) holds for a 5-(vrkrXs) design. Furthermore, a Steinesc system S(5e6,l2) is shown to be the unique 5-design with b = v(v-l)r up to complementation. N 2. M. Yoshizawa (Kelo Unwerslty) Block intersectzon nurabers of block deszgns Abstract: The following results are gwen: [rheorem l. For each n ) l and A ) l7 (a) there exist at most finxtely many block-schematic t-(v,k,X) designs with k-t=n and t ) 3, and (b) if also X l 2, there exist at most finitely many block-schematzc t-(v,k,X) designs wzth k·-t=n and t l 2. tV Theorem 2. A Steiner system S(t,t+i,v) is block-gchematic if and only if one o£ the followmg hoids: (i) t=2, (u) t=3, v=8, (iu) t=4, v=ll, (iv) t=5, v=l2. 3e N. !to and H. Kimura (Umv. of Zllinois and Hokkaido Univ.) Hadamard rnatrices with 2-transitive automorphism groups Abstract: We consider Hadamard matrices with 2-transitwe automorphism groups not containing regular normal subgroups. Under some assumptions we have some results. For example (l) the degrees of Hadamard matrices are square; (2) automorphism groups are non- solvabie and7 (3) they are not 3-transitive. 4. K. Takeuchi (Umversity of Tokyo) Randomzzation design Revisited t Abstract: RandomzzaUon Design, in which factor levels are randomizedr was discussed by several authors includzng Taguchi, Satterthwaite, some twenty years agor but has been since nearly forgotten. Zn 1958 Kiefer proved that randomly balanced extremely unbaZanced designs are optimum in terms of the local power of the test of null hypothesisr which £act has never been further analyzed. The author once wrote a series of papers on this topic, and now wants to revitalxze interests m this problem, and discusses its basic features taking the szmplest case of comparmg means of severai normal populations for illustration. V 5. K. Suda (National Gunma Technicai College) An automatical design and analysis system for orthogonal expenments Abstract: The use of fractional factorial designs has now become widely accepted as an efficient way to carry out experiments in 9uality Control. Howeverr one of the main difficulties with the fracttonal factorial designs involving rnany different factors is how to construct an orthogonal design which can estimate various effects without bezng confounded. Tn such situations, we developed the program that can automatically construct an orthogonal design and compute the estimates of the main effects and interactions for any given model for micro-cornputer. We show this automatical design and analysis system has wide applications for improving product qua”ty. 6. T. Shirakura (Kobe University) Norm of alias matrices for (2+l)–factor interactions in balanced fractional 2M factorial designs of resolution 22+l Abstract: Consider a balanced fractional 2M factoriai design of resolution 22+l derived from a balanced array of strength 22+l. consider the norm llAll = {tr(A’A)}1/2 of alias matrzx A for (£+1)-factor interactions m this design This norm can be used as a rneasure for selecting a design. rn this paper, an expliczt expression for llAll is gwen by using algebraic structures o£ a balanced design. By vE this expressioni designs of resolution V(2==2) which mmimize llAH are presented for any fixed assembhes satisfying (i) m == 5, 16 S N s 32, (ii) m = 6, 22 S N S 32, and (ui) m= 7, 29 SNS 50· 7. Re NiShli (Hiroshima University) On fractional factonal designs with orthogonal structure Abstract: Fold-over designs have been discussed as they give the orthogonality between estimate of odd parameter and one of even parameter. Here level-symrnetric designs are defined, which aye given by generalization of the concept of fold-over designs. Those designs are proved to have the structure that any odd parameter and any even parameter can be estimated uncorrelatedly, and it is proved that designs with this structure must be level-symmetric designs. 8. i M. Kuwada (Maritzme Safety Academy) On an alias relation to 3-factor interactions in balanced fractionaZ 3M factonal designs derivabie from balanced arrays of strength 5 Abstract: Consider a balanced fractional 3M factorial design T denvable from a balanced array of strength 5. By use of the multidimensional relationship and its algebra, we wiil present an explicit expressxon for the norm of A[Dr x.e., IIATll = {tr(AT’AT)}l/2, where AT is the ahas matnx. ct vs” 9. Y. Ohashi (University of Tokyo) An application o£ ”sub-sampiing” to the robust estimation of u (o2) Abstract: !n this paper, a procedure utilizing B!BD is proposed for the robust estimation of u(u2) from a normai sample possibly with a few outiiers. An original sampie is divided into m subsamples; m sample variances are calculated and frorn them a robust estimate Ui (here, a wtnsorized mean) is obtamed. Although 3i zs robust, its efficiency is considerabiy low as compared with the usual estimatorr that is, the sample variance, so ”sub–sampling” is repeated r txmes, gxving 5;,”’,5i and the final estimate 52:=(2i3;)/r. It is shown that much higher efficiency is achieved by the systematic repetition scheme utilizing B!BD than by the random repetition or other non-systematic schemes. Aleans and MsE’s of 32 and 5 = conser/52 are numericany compared with those of familiar alternatwes such as linear estimators under the ”shppage” modei. The above procedure is applicable to the estimation of error variance in a ”near modelr and an applzcation to ”]ack-knife” is suggested. 10. 1. Takahashi (Unwersity of Tsukuba) The least Hamming distance method applied to a file construction Abstract: R.C.Bose and others introduced balanced fiies based on k-dzmensionai subspaces S with strength t in GF(q)M. We propose new filing scheme based on a subspace S fitted on e) V”s the set R of given records. ”i”he cnterion of the fitness is the least Hamming distance and fitttng algorith is essentially the same as decoding method of Reed Muller codes. Il. M. Yamada (Tokyo Woman’s Christian CoUege) On the Wiliiarnson matrices of Turyn’s type Abstract: In l972 Turyn found an infinite family of Wilhamson matrices. Namely if q = 2n-1 is a prime power E l (mod 4), then there exxsts a Wilhamson matnx of order 4n. Whiteman gave a new proof by 2 using the trace from GF(q ) to GF(q) in 1973. In this paper we interpret this theorem in terms of the theory of the Gauss sum over a finite field. we let: E = GF(q2), F = GF(q), q = pt :’ l (mod 4) and n = (q+1)/2, SE = trace from E, SF = trace from Ft SE/F = trace from E to F, 2Xi/p je:a generator of E*, gn : an n-th root of unityr l;p =e · X4 : the character of E such that X4(S) = i, nl Xn : the character of E such that Uh(g) = Sn and Xn = l, ,C= (h·Ai) = the character of E which gives the Legendre symbo1 wh en re stncted to F, ur = SI + Y-nr (r = lr ···r (n-l) /2), s ct ?E(23) = liitllE 7((ot) ISpE = the Gauss sum over E, sS = the Gauss sum over F. T, (X) = cliil I. X( o() gp Put Qu= rE(PC)/leF(X)· Then we have eh = .(..:Etii :. F..x(o()51(sE/Foc) n-l = l.Z=o (-i)r{ U(sE/Fse2r) + i”x(sE/F}2r+n)} gkr = (-,)(n+i)/2(-i+i){igi + i?l.i, ,B.gkr)· n-1 lx where ,gS, = (-i) -in {x( sE/F S;2 r) + i” u( sE /F s;2 r+” )} (r = i, ..., (n+l)/2 + r we know that ,Br is +l, -l, +i, or -i, and ./3n-r = JBr· Further zf we put Kine” (-i)(.+i9X/2(-i+.) = iltlZ + lil.llil Askr then 2Kx2-Kx= 2q· Therefore let A+, A-r B+, B- be a partitzon of R= {1,...,(n-1)/2} for ,jBr = lr -lr ir -z respectively, then the Willxamson equation 4n = 2 + 2Kx2 Kx = l22 + 1 + (l+2Z ur-2:iE ur)2 + (1+2E: ur-2Z ur)2r r6A + riA- reB+ reB- is true for every n-th root of unity. We have several results on e5;. By the Davenport-Hasse theorem we have ei - J(x, if), where J(X,.afI) is the Jacobi sum. And by Stickeiberger’s theoxem we have the factozazation e,, ·v ser e–li-r Bl= .. dcr ( ¡- 2il ’- llTt) ) ¿ O -l ceZ*(4ne) where 8 zs the prime ideal zn the cyclotomic field 9(S4nv) Such ‘f that Xip, f is the smallest positive integer which sat-sfies p :. 1 (mod 4n’), Z*(4n’) is the multiplicative group of Z/4n’Z, eC! an automorphzsm SZIn,e-¿12n, of Z*(4n’), and Bl(x) = x-l/2 zs the Bernoulli polynomial of degree i. !t is not settied whether we can get a new famzly of Willzamson matrices by developing our xnteypretation. × n-i). 12. K. Sawada (Nagoya !nstitute of Technology) The Williamson matrices of a special form Abstract: We consider Willzamson equations of the followmg type: 12”12”(1’2-EA.Uv-2v=tA-Uv)2”(1’2v=tB.Uv-2v=tB-Uv)2=4n’ n-l where A+, Ae, B+, B- is a partition Of {l,2,·e·r 2 }, corresponding to the decomposition 4n = l2+l2+a+4wl)2+(l+ 2 4W2) e An infinite class of the Williamson matrices found by Turyn belongs to this class. In this paper it is shown that #A+, #Am, #B+, #B- are explicitly determined in terms of Wl and W2. We have found that there are no Wilhamson matrices of the above form, except for those due to Turyn, £or n¡ 37 and for n= 61. l3. J. Kinoshita (Hokkaido University) Networks and Matroids Abstract: This paper explains a max-flow and min-cut theorem concerning networks with matroid restrictions in capacity. l4e K. Ushio (Nnhama Technical College) On bipartite decomposztion of a complete bipartzte graph Abstract: A complete biPartXte graPh Knl,n2 (nl =¡ n2) is said to have a bipartite decomposition if zt can be decomposed into a union of line-dis)oint subgraphs each xi isomorphic to a complete bipartite graph K kl,k2 (kl E k2)· ln this papert a necessary condition for a complete bipartite graph K nl,n2 (nl E n2) to have a bipartite de- composition is given. And several theorems which state that the necessary condition is also sufficient in many cases are glven. 15. S. Tazawa (Hiroshima College of Economics) On claw-decomposition of a complete multi-partite graph Km(nl,n2,”’vnm) Abstract: Let Vl, V2,”’, Vm be point sets with nl, n2,e.e, nm point$ each. A graph is said to be complete m-partite graph, denoted by Km(nl, n2,e”, nm), if no 1ine joins two points in the same point set and if each point in Vi is adjacent to aLl points of sets other than Vi. A complete bipartite graph K2(1, c) is, in particuLar, called a claw of degree c. In this paper two theorems are given, provideC m-1 m nl, n2,eee, nm are positive integers satisfying iil j.21+lninj/C = integer and nl :E m n2 E ’.’ :EL nm: (a) The case N-nm ¡ c, where N= 2 ni. Km(nl, n2,”’, nm) is 1=l decomposed into a union of line-disjoint claws of degree c each if and only if (N-nm)IIIIal!t -¡-. Ie.l/l j.:+ininJ/c s I:.l/i niIN’cn2tl· Here LrJ is the greatest integer not ex¢eeding r and rr;1 is the smaUest integer not less than r. (b) [[[he case N’nm ) C· If Km(nl, n2,·”, nm) is decomposed into a union of line-disjomt claws m-l m of degree c each, then i;.i ji+ininj ) N’nm’ xvt
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