SCUOLA di DOTTORATO di RICERCA in “SCIENZE dell’INGEGNERIA” (cicli XII-XIII-XIV) Facoltà di Ingegneria Università Politecnica delle Marche Verbale della riunione del Consiglio della Scuola di Dottorato di Ricerca in “Scienze dell’Ingegneria” tenutasi il giorno venerdì 31 gennaio 2014, alle ore 11:30, presso la sala riunioni della Presidenza della Facoltà di Ingegneria per discutere il seguente ordine del giorno: 1. Comunicazioni; 2. Ratifica determinazioni del direttore; 3. Autorizzazione attività extra-dottorato dei dottorandi; 4. Pratiche studenti; 5. Organizzazione della scuola di dottorato; 6. Ripartizione risorse; 7. Accordi e convenzioni; 8. Attività didattica; 9. Sito web; 10. Agenda dei lavori del Consiglio; 11. Varie ed eventuali. Presiede il Direttore della Scuola, Prof. Graziano Cerri; funge da segretario verbalizzante il Prof. Francesco Canestrari. Sono presenti i Proff.: Nicola Paone, Valeria Corinaldesi, Fausto Pugnaloni, Franco Chiaraluce, Ferruccio Mandorli. Sono assenti giustificati i Proff: Stefano Lenci, Maurizio Brocchini, Francesco Piazza, Paolo Clini, Sandro Fioretti, Claudia Diamantini, Fabio Polonara, Renato Ricci, Tommaso Leo, Francesco Simoni, Fabrizio Davì, Erio Pasqualini, Sauro Longhi. Il Presidente riconosce la validità della seduta e la dichiara aperta alle ore 11:30. Il Presidente inizia l’esame dei punti all’O.d.G. 1. Comunicazioni. Il Presidente comunica che in data 24-1-14 la segreteria dell’ufficio presidenza della facoltà di ingegneria ha inviato al Senato Accademico, per le operazioni di competenza, la richiesta di istituzione del Consiglio Scientifico dei Corsi di Dottorato della Facoltà di Ingegneria. Il Presidente dà lettura della lettera dell’ADI con la quale l’associazione dottorandi ringrazia il Consiglio della Scuola che si era espresso favorevolmente in merito all’abolizione del contributo per l’acceso ai corsi di dottorato. Il presidente comunica che in data 18 dicembre 2013 il Consiglio Direttivo dell’ANVUR ha approvato il documento “L’accreditamento dei corsi di dottorato”. Per ulteriori comunicazioni il Presidente invita il Prof. Chiaraluce, che, su incarico del rettore ha approfondito l’esame del documento, ad illustrarne il contenuto. Dall’esposizione fatta dal Prof. Chiaraluce si evince che, al di là di generici richiami alla qualità a alla meritocrazia, la proposta contiene incongruenze, lacune e punti oscuri che di fatto ne rendono inapplicabili i criteri suggeriti. ……… omissis ………… 2. Ratifica determinazioni del direttore. ……… omissis ………… 3. Autorizzazioni attività extra-dottorato dei dottorandi ……… omissis ………… 4. Pratiche studenti. ……… omissis ………… 5. Organizzazione della scuola di dottorato. Il presidente ricorda che in data 6-12-13 era stata approvata la proposta di organizzare anche per il 2014 il Dottorato Day con le stesse modalità degli anni precedenti, nelle possibili date del 4 o 11 aprile. L’esposizione sintetica dei lavori per aree tematiche si terrà nelle aule di quota 155, compatibilmente con altre attività. L’atrio antistante le aule sarà utilizzato come spazio espositivo. Come per l’edizione 2013, si chiederà la collaborazione del Prof. Iacobucci e dell’ILO. Tutti i consiglieri sono invitati a proporre i nominativi dei loro contatti personali presso le aziende al fine di pubblicizzare l’evento. Il presidente propone che i coordinatori di curriculum si attivino per comunicare l’iniziativa ai dottorandi, sollecitare la preparazione dei poster e dei riassunti estesi da inserire nel sito del dottorato. Il Consiglio approva. 6. Ripartizione risorse. Mobilità Il Presidente, dopo aver ribadito quanto stabilito dal consiglio nella seduta del 16-9-2011 relativamente alla gestione e all’utilizzo dei fondi destinati alla mobilità dei dottorandi e il criterio di ripartizione dei fondi sulla base della numerosità dei docenti dei curricola adottato nella seduta del 13-3-2012, ricorda la seguente ripartizione indicativa della somma spettante a ciascun curriculum per l’A.A. 2012-2013 , ricalcolata in base al consuntivo definitivo dell’A.A. 2011-12. La tabella riassuntiva seguente illustra inoltre la situazione finanziariacomplessiva alla date del presente verbale: Curriculum ICEA IIGA IMAT Mecc & Gest IBET Energetica Totale Quota Curiculum Tabella riassuntiva Fondi spesi Fondi impegnati 12060 € 6440 € 9820 € 5040 € 7290 € 5320 € 45970 € 7785.89 6319.11 2741.92 4441.55 5140.70 2282.05 28711.22 4250 2250 900 1900 9300 Totale fondi Residuo spesi + impegnati 12035.89 +24.11 6319.11 +120.89 4991.92 +4828.08 5341.55 -301.55 7040.70 +249.30 2282.05 +3037.95 38011.22 7958.78 Il Presidente sottopone al Consiglio quanto approvato nelle sedute precedenti per l’utilizzo dei fondi di Ateneo per la mobilità dei dottorandi, di cui alla Tabella 1, per l’A.A. 2012-2013 TABELLA 1. Missioni approvate e relativi tetti massimi di spesa per l’A.A. 2012-2013 Curriculum IBET Dottorando/i Corrado Giuliani Maturo Cristiano Scavongelli Tamara Monti Valerio Petrini Francesco Bigelli Alfredo De Leo Marco Baldelli Destinazione Saragozza Casablanca Berlino Tetto di spesa 850 835 695 Rimborso 838.08 869.59 651.88 Seattle Stoccolma Seattle Torino Nuremburg 1073 770 900 500 500 1107.17 771.16 902.82 annullata Marco Pieralisi Tokyo Totale IBET ICEA Dottorandi Prof. Cina (Stoccolma) Pugnaloni (Ahmad Nezam Tabbakh) Zitti Losanna Agarbati Giorgio Polimi (World Congr) Belardinelli Sevastopol Ucraina Tassotti Kos Grecia Frigio Dubendorf (CH) Nespeca Strasburgo Arianna Stimilli Washington Gianluca Zitti Losanna Pierpaolo Barcellona Belardinelli Marco Cecchi Praga Ekaterina Mosca Tishchenko Totale ICEA Studi Vitruviani Daniela Amadei Vicenza Totale Studi Vitruviani+ICEA IIGA Testa Gaeta (European PhD School) Pirro Parigi EECI (PhD School) Rivosecchi Parigi EECI (PhD School) Sernani Hue – Int. Conf Laura Genga San Diego Barchiesi David Zurigo ETH Lucio Ciabattoni Vienna Francesco Ferracuti Vienna Mariorosario Priest Lerici Totale IIGA IMAT Santecchia Eleonora Sorrento (int. Conf Nano) Santecchia Eleonora Strasburgo Michele Morici Istanbul Martina Santinelli Narbonne Nardinocchi Praga Alessandro Monica Pantaloni Nanjing Jacopo Donnini Ravenna Alessandro Istanbul Nardinocchi Totale IMAT 1400 7040.70 1500 + (200) 1150 700 1130.31 634.20 1080 1050.53 580 1000 975 820 300 760 988.75 832.10 1020 1350 11165.89 870 450 870 (12035.89) 467.50 380 320.00 710 709.03 1130 1050 870 865 865 550 1133.11 1089.16 734.25 757.68 590.23 518.15 6319.11 457.50 553 650 741 800 340 1128 300 500 771.45 337.20 1175.77 4991.92 Meccanica Gestionale e Ceccacci Papetti Luzi Radoni Mario Bernacchia Natascia Bernacchia Natascia Mohamad Fardmoshiri Bochum (Ger) Int Conf. Seoul – Int Conf Munich – Int. Conf Lione Baltimora Firenze Stoccarda Totale Mecc&Gest Energetica Raffaella Vitali Dubrovnik Carlos Boigues Okinawa Munoz Alessandro Fonti Madrid Totale Energetica 980 862.76 1500 750 1574.85 808.58 560 1480 800 900 594.16 annullata 601.20 5341.55 1000 970 960.77 920.06 410 401.22 2282.05 Le richieste di Donnini e Nardinocchi, approvate seduta stante dal consiglio, sono state inserite in Tabella 1 poiché richieste pregresse. Prima di passare all’esame delle nuove richieste di accesso ai fondi di mobilità, il Presidente ricorda al consiglio che nella seduta del 27-2-13 è stata regolamentata la procedura di inoltro al consiglio di tali richieste, stabilendo che siano esaminate le sole richieste che pervengono al direttore dai coordinatori di curriculum. E’ stato anche deliberato che al fine di poter garantire l’accesso ai fondi di mobilità al massimo numero possibile di dottorandi, è stato adottato dal consiglio, in modo definitivo, il principio del cofinanziamento. Più specificatamente, nello stabilire il tetto massimo di spesa, sarà data priorità alla copertura delle spese di viaggio e di iscrizione a congressi o a scuole. Il Presidente sottopone al Consiglio l’esame analitico delle nuove proposte di utilizzo dei fondi di Ateneo per la mobilità dei dottorandi, pervenute secondo le modalità stabilite dal consiglio di cui alla Tabella 2, per l’A.A. 2012-2013 TABELLA 2. Missioni da approvare e relativi tetti massimi di spesa per l’A.A. 2012-2013 Curriculum Dottorando/i Destinazione Richiesta Tetto di spesa Laura Genga Bolzano (int. School) 400 (100+180+120) 100 Londra 480 (150+100+200+30) 100 280 ICEA Totale ICEA IIGA Totale IIGA IMAT Mobili Alessandra Chiara Giosuè Londra (XV) 480 (150+100+200+30) 280 Totale IMAT Meccanica e Gestionale 560 Tot MeccGest IBET Vinicio Barone Samuele Gasparrini Enea Cippitelli (XV) Mahdiyar Sarayloo Chicago Las Vegas 2871 (1100+324+997+350+100) 1500,21 1424 1040.87 (709,40+79,00+10,34+281,47+330,00+50,00+50,00) Las Vegas 1500,21 (709,40+79,00+10,34+281,47+330,00+50,00+50,00) 1040.87 580 (80+140+160+150+50) 220 Pisa (Spring School) Totale IBET 3725.74 Energetica Totale Energetica Studi Vitruviani Totale Studi Vitruviani Il Presidente propone che le richieste formulate in Tabella 2 siano approvate con i relativi tetti di spesa, ad eccezione delle richieste Cippitelli e Giosuè, che sono iscritti al XV ciclo, sul quale la Scuola di Dottorato non ha facoltà di deliberare. Il Presidente ricorda che nella seduta del 18 settembre 2013 fu deciso: “… che la parte residua dei fondi per la mobilità che non siano stati spesi o impegnati entro il 30 novembre 2013 sia redistribuita tra i curricula con i criteri finora adottati….”. Il Presidente propone di dare attuazione alla delibera. Dalla discussione emerge la volontà del Consiglio di ripartire il fondo residuo di 7958 €, (vedi Tabella Riassuntiva), con lo stesso criterio proporzionale, impegnando i fondi fino al loro esaurimento con i criteri finora adottati, e mantenendo memoria di come il fondo residuo è stato utilizzato dai curricula. Il presidente, sulla base delle missioni approvate, (vedi Tabella 2), propone pertanto l’approvazione della Tabella N.3, di seguito riportata. Tabella 3. Ripartizione fondi residui Curriculum Quota Curiculum Fondi spesi Fondi impegnati Totale fondi Residuo spesi + impegnati ICEA IIGA IMAT Mecc & Gest IBET 2088 € 1115 € 1700 € 872 € 1262 € Energetica Totale 921 € 7958 € Genga(100) Mobili (280) 100 280 Barone(1424)+ Gasparrini (1040.87)+ Sarayloo(220)= 2674.87 2684.87 +2088 +1015 +1420 +872 -1422.87 3064.87 +921 4893.13 Il Consiglio approva. 7. Accordi e convenzioni Il presidente sottopone al consiglio la pratica del dottorando Michele Badaloni, curr. “Ingegneria Meccanica e Gestionale”, XIV ciclo, che sta frequentando il corso in cotutela con l’Università KU Leuven. Affinché il titolo possa essere riconosciuto in entrambi i paesi, dovrà essere stipulato un accordo, come da documento riportato nell’Allegato A, che viene sottoposto all’esame dei consiglieri. Dopo breve discussione, il Presidente propone l’approvazione del documento. Il Consiglio approva. Il presidente sottopone al consiglio la pratica del dottorando Francesco Stefanelli, XIV ciclo, curr. “Ingegneria Meccanica e Gestionale”, dottorando senza borsa, dipendente in aspettativa di JMAC, fruitore di una borsa di studio presso il MIT finanziata da Gatto Cucine per il solo periodo all’estero, Proff. Nicola Paone e Maurizio Bevilacqua tutor italiani, prof. J.Rice tutor presso il MIT. Al fine di attivare un dottorato co-tutela, dovrà essere stipulato un accordo, come da documento riportato nell’Allegato B, che viene sottoposto all’esame dei consiglieri. Dopo breve discussione, il Presidente propone l’approvazione del documento. Il Consiglio approva. 8. Attività didattica ……… omissis ………… Il Presidente propone che, tramite l’ufficio di Presidenza, si invii una lettera a tutti i colleghi della facoltà di ingegneria, al fine di sollecitare proposte di corsi per il dottorato da inserire nella offerta formativa della facoltà per l’A.A. 2014-15. Allegato C. Il Consiglio approva. Il Presidente cede la parola al Prof. Pugnaloni, che segnala l’opportunità di inserire nell’offerta formativa del dottorato il contributo dei visiting professor, contributo, si sottolinea, a costo zero e di notevole valenza culturale. Dopo breve discussione, dalla quale emerge la necessità di trovare la forma più idonea per rendere formalmente riconoscibili tali contributi, il presidente propone di approvare la proposta. Il Consiglio approva. 9. Sito web Non vi sono argomenti da discutere in questo punto all’OdG. 10. Agenda dei lavori del Consiglio Non vi sono argomenti da discutere in questo punto all’OdG. 11.Varie ed eventuali Non vi sono argomenti da discutere in questo punto all’OdG Il presente verbale sarà inviato tramite e-mail a tutti i membri del consiglio; la lettera di invio sarà allegata e farà parte integrante del presente verbale (all. 1). Se, entro tre giorni dall’invio, il presidente non avrà ricevuto segnalazioni di sostanziali modifiche, il verbale sarà considerato approvato. Ancona, 31 gennaio 2014. Il Segretario Il Presidente (Prof. Francesco Canestrari) (Prof. Graziano Cerri) Allegato A PART 1 FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PhD THESIS Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, hereinafter referred to as ‘KU Leuven’, represented by its Rector, Prof. dr. Rik Torfs; AND Marche’s Polytechnic University, in the figure of the rector, Prof. Ing. Sauro Longhi, born in Loreto the 11.09.1955, residence of Piazza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona (Italia), authorized to the stipulation of the present act with the resolution ……….…….. n. …………. of……………. ; hereinafter jointly referred to as ‘the partner institutions’; commonly agree the following dispositions, defined in view of the creation of a joint phd supervision. PROVIDED THAT: - The aim of this agreement is to create and develop a scientific and didactic cooperation that encourages the mobility of PhD students of the two partner institutions,; resulting in awarding a joint PhD degree from both partner institutions; - For every PhD student in this programme, particular arrangements will be added in a specific agreement attached in annex to this agreement; THE AGREEMENTS AND STIPULATIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS: Article 1 – general conditions The conditions of inscription, admission, discussion and the release of the title, in the scope of the joint procedure, will be prepared with respect to the Italian laws for the students that are enrolled at UNIVPM, as well as with respect to the following decrees and regulations for the PhD students that are enrolled at KU Leuven: - the decree of 4 April 2003 concerning the restructuring of higher education in Flanders, and in particular articles 86§1 and §4 and article 94§4, as amended; - the decree of 30 April 2004 concerning the flexibilisation of higher education in Flanders and containing urgent measures with regard to higher education, as amended; - the resolution of the Flemish Government of 11 June 2004 for the stipulation of the form of degrees and the content of the accompanying degree supplement form issued by the institutions of higher education in Flanders, and in particular appendices 5 and 6; University Regulations concerning pre-doctoral studies and the pre-doctoral examination; doctoral research and the doctorate; the doctoral programme and the doctoral school of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, approved by the Academic Council on 10 July 2013; - the General Regulations of the Arenberg Doctoral School of Science, Engineering & Technology KU Leuven, approved by the executive committee of the Sience, Engineering & Technology Group on 11 September 2013; following decrees and regulations for the PhD students that are enrolled at KU Leuven: - the decree of 4 April 2003 concerning the restructuring of higher education in Flanders, and in particular articles 86§1 and §4 and article 94§4, as amended; - the decree of 30 April 2004 concerning the flexibilisation of higher education in Flanders and containing urgent measures with regard to higher education, as amended; - the resolution of the Flemish Government of 11 June 2004 for the stipulation of the form of degrees and the content of the accompanying degree supplement form issued by the institutions of higher education in Flanders, and in particular appendices 5 and 6; University Regulations concerning pre-doctoral studies and the pre-doctoral examination; doctoral research and the doctorate; the doctoral programme and the doctoral school of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, approved by the Academic Council on 10 July 2013; - the General Regulations of the Arenberg Doctoral School of Science, Engineering & Technology KU Leuven, approved by the executive committee of the Sience, Engineering & Technology Group on 11 September 2013; Article 2 – Enrolment fees PhD students involved in this agreement have to be enrolled in both universities (UNIVPM and KU Leuven), but will only need to pay enrolment fees in one of the two partner institutions, which will be stated in the individual annex. Article 3 – Admission to the PhD course The partner Universities mentioned in the agreement guarantee that access to the PhD course occurs in principle after at least five years of university studies (higher education). However, PhD students can only be admitted to the PhD programme on the basis of their individual application file. Article 4 - supervisors PhD students involved in the joint PhD will do their work under the supervision and the responsibility of a thesis supervisor in each institution. Both thesis supervisors undertake to fully exercise their tutor functions towards the PhD student. Article 5 - mobility Times of preparation of the PhD thesis will be divided between the two institutions in different periods and will have to be shown in the specific agreement for the single PhD student. The supervisors shall ensure that the doctoral student spends at least 6 months conducting research at each of the partner institutions. Article 6 – protection of the results The discussion of the theme of the thesis, as its publication, use and protection of the common research results of the two institutions will have to be ensured according to the specific legislation of each country. The findings resulting from the common research program shall not be subject of a patent application or a commercial use/exploitation by only one of the two institutions without having requested the written consent of the other institution. The patent applications shall be submitted jointly, if possible, by both institutions. Article 7 – financial supports The particular agreement of the specific PhD student will have to indicate possible financial supports in terms of scholarships and services. The support given from the institutions to the PhD students is inspired from mutually criteria. Article 8 –modality of the discussion of the thesis The individual annex for each PhD student will state the modalities of the discussion of the PhD thesis. Article 9 – composition of the commissions The examination committee for the doctoral examination (doctoral dissertation and defence of the dissertation) shall be composed by mutual consent of the partner institutions and shall consist of members of both partner institutions, preferably in equal number. The supervisors and at least one other professor from each partner institution need to reside in this examination committee. Article 10 – language for the writing of the thesis The PhD thesis will be written in English. The individual annex for each PhD student will state of there will be an abstract in Italian and/or Dutch. Article 11 – language for the discussion of the thesis The defence and discussion of the thesis will be in English. Article 12 - duration The present framework agreement of a joint PhD will start from the date of subscription of both sides and it will last for three years, automatically renewable, unless if one of the two institutions shows, with a forewarning of three months, the will to end it, ensuring the continuity for the other joint PhDs. Article 13 – language of the agreement The present agreement of the joint doctorate is redacted in two originals in English language having legal value. Date: Date: Prof. dr. Sauro Longhi, Rector UNIVPM Date: Prof. dr. Rik Torfs, Rector KU Leuven Date: Prof. dr. … Chair of Doctoral School UNIVMP Prof. dr. Johan Martens, Research Co-ordinator Science, Engineering & Technology, KU Leuven Allegato A PART 2 INDIVIDUAL ANNEX TO THE AGREEMENT OF THE JOINT DOCTORATE PARTICULAR CONDITIONS REFERRING TO THE PhD STUDENT MICHELE BADALONI 1. Enrolment: The doctoral student’s personal information: Name and first name: Michele Badaloni Date of birth: 18 March 1988 Place of birth: Ancona, Italy Nationality: Italian From UNIVPM side The student Michele Badaloni, candidate to the preparation of a joint doctorate: is enrolled to the 14th cycle of the Doctorate school of the Engineering faculty, Curricula: Mechanical Engineering at UNIVPM. The conditions of enrolment are defined in the existing regulation of Doctorate; From KU Leuven side The student Michele Badaloni, candidate to the preparation of a joint doctorate: has been admitted to the doctoral programme in Engineering Technology at KU Leuven on 22 November 2013 and is currently enrolled as doctoral student at KU Leuven. The PhD student needs to (re-)enroll as a doctoral student at KU Leuven every year during the PhD. In case of necessity this duration can be prolonged respecting the regulation valid in the two institutions The PhD student will only need to pay enrolment fees at UNIVPM and will be exempt from paying enrolment fees at KU Leuven. 2. Health coverage: The PhD student provides to the health coverage and the insurance coverage for injuries and the civil responsibility depending on the expected legislation in force. 3. Research periods: The PhD student will divide his stay in the two institutions for the execution of the research on the argument “Assessment of the error in inverse methods using full-field measurement and development of an optimized experimental setup using simulated experiments” in the following way: UNIVPM: Two years and the discussion of the thesis. KU Leuven: One year 4. Thesis supervision: from the doctoral student will have a PhD thesis supervisor in each of the partner institutions: - Prof. Marco Rossi (professor at UNIVPM); - Prof. Jan Ivens (professor at KU Leuven); That undertake and fully exercise their functions of thesis relators towards the PhD student (Michele Badaloni). The topic of the PhD research will be: “Combining Digital Image Correlation and Virtual Fields to design an optimized test setup for the identification of plastic material behavior” 5. Financial support: The financial arrangements have been agreed upon in the “Convention for the activation of a Cofinanced Scholarship for PhD school of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering with Payment to the University in a Single Instalment”. 6. Defence of the thesis: - There will be a private defense of the thesis at KU Leuven and a public defense at UNIVPM. Both defenses will take place in English, with an oral abstract in Italian. The examination committee for the doctoral examination (doctoral dissertation and defense of it) shall be composed by mutual consent of the partner institutions and shall consist of members of both partner institutions, preferably in equal number. The supervisors and at least one other professor from each partner institution need to reside in this examination committee. 7. Language of the thesis: - The thesis will be written in English, with an abstract in Italian. 8. Attribution of the title: After the discussion of the thesis in two different places, Marche Polytechnic University, on the basis of the report, will grant for the conferment of the title of Research Doctor in Mechanical Engineering recognized in Italy, and KU Leuven on the basis of the report, will grant for the conferment of the title of Doctor in Engineering Technology, recognized in Flanders. Each partner institution will issue its own diploma documents. 9. Protection and Publications: The protection of the theme of the doctorate thesis, as its publication, use and protection of the results of the common research to the two institutions the PhD students will have to be granted depending the legislations of every country. 10. Final dispositions: The present agreement is redacted in two original copies in English language and will start from the date of signature of both sides and it will be valid until the attainment of the title from the PhD student. In case the PhD student will not subscribe at one of the two Universities, or will give up for the joint PhD, or, as a result of the faculty council of the doctorate school of the Marche Polytechnic University or of KU Leuven will not be licensed to continue the preparation of the thesis, this agreement will not be valid anymore. Date: Prof. dr. Sauro Longhi Rector UNIVPM Date: Date: Prof. dr. Rik Torfs, Rector KU Leuven Date: Prof. dr. Graziano Cerri Director of the Research Doctorate, School of the Engineering Faculty, UNIVPM Date: Prof. dr. Johan Martens, Research Co-ordinator Science, Engineering & Technology, KU Leuven Date: Prof. dr. Marco Rossi…, Supervisor UNIVPM Prof. dr. Jan Ivens, Supervisor KU Leuven Date: Mr. Michele Badaloni, Doctoral student Allegato B GENERAL AGREEMENT FOR MUTUAL COOPERATION AND COLLABORATION BETWEEN THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND UNIVERSITA POLITECNICA DELLE MARCHE THIS GENERAL AGREEMENT, effective on the date of the last signature and entered into by and between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A. (hereinafter referred to as “MIT”) and Università Politecnica delle Marche (hereinafter referred to as “UNIVPM”) under the following terms and conditions: ARTICLE 1: PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of this General Agreement, and the Supplementary Agreements envisioned herein, is to establish linkages and create the foundation for mutual cooperation and collaboration among the academic disciplines that MIT and UNIVPM (hereinafter jointly referred to as the “cooperating institutions”) have in common. ARTICLE 2: SCOPE 2.1 The scope of this Agreement will include the areas of teaching, research, faculty and student exchanges, and any other related areas that are mutually determined to be appropriate by the cooperating institutions in the future. Under the framework of this General Agreement, any and all units of the two parties have the ability, in coordination with the respective points of contact identified in Article 6.1 of this document, to develop and engage in joint activities. This General Agreement does not require either MIT or UNIVPM to assume additional financial obligations unless such obligations are mutually and clearly agreed upon between participating units in Supplementary Agreements. ARTICLE 3: SUPPLEMENTARY AGREEMENTS 3.1 Individual units of MIT and UNIVPM that wish to engage in collaborative activities on a regular basis must negotiate a Supplementary Agreement to this General Agreement. The terms of a Supplementary Agreement, may not, directly or by default, contradict the terms of this General Agreement between MIT and UNIVPM. 3.2 Every Supplementary Agreement negotiated between participating departments or units at MIT and UNIVPM must clearly and fully identify the following elements: 3.21 The scope, timeframe, and objectives of the activity in detail. 3.22 The responsible parties within the particular departments or units that are participating in the Supplementary Agreement. The individuals identified will be directly responsible for the implementation and oversight of the proposed activity in the Supplementary Agreement. Changes to the personnel involved may be made at the discretion of the unit head, in coordination with the institutional points of contact at MIT and UNIVPM named in Article 6.1 of this document. 3.23 The specific commitment of resources, if applicable, and the attendant financial obligations of the respective collaborating units. This General Agreement does not obligate either party to support any new financial commitment unless expressly agreed upon in this manner by collaborating units. 3.3 To be valid, every Supplementary Agreement must be signed and approved by the relevant unit, college, and the point of contact at the partner institution named in Article 6.1 of this document. ARTICLE 4: EXCHANGES 4.1 All student exchange activities, whether for undergraduate or graduate students, must be articulated in a Supplementary Agreement to this General Agreement in consultation with the institutional points of contact identified in Article 6.1 below. 4.2 In the governing Supplementary Agreements, the partnering units at MIT and UNIVPM must each designate a faculty member to be in charge of assisting students with registering for courses, planning their program of study, the timely transmittal of grades to the student’s university of origin, and coordination with the institutional points of contact identified in Article 6.1 below. 4.3 Faculty Exchanges and Other Collaborations 4.31 MIT and UNIVPM will encourage collaboration and exchanges among faculty and other researchers. 4.32 Travel expenses of invited faculty are not the responsibility of the host university, although partnering units may assist with them at their discretion. Any such assistance is subject to the terms and conditions of the governing Supplementary Agreement and should be clearly articulated therein. 4.33 Living expenses of invited faculty and researchers while at the host university are subject to the terms and conditions of the relevant Supplementary Agreement signed by the partnering units. 4.34 The two universities will endeavor to organize other collaborative efforts in areas of common research, teaching, and service. ARTICLE 5: OVERSEAS STUDY PROGRAMS 5.1 The partner institutions will encourage the development of overseas studies programs hosted by each institution when deemed appropriate and mutually beneficial. ARTICLE 6: COORDINATION 6.1 To oversee this General Agreement and coordinate the associated units, activities, and Supplementary Agreements, the partner institutions agree that the institutional points of contact shall be the following: 6.11 For MIT: XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX 6.12 For UNIVPM: XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX 6.2 All official notices between the two parties regarding the terms and conditions of this General Agreement shall be in writing and be sent via express courier or as registered or certified mail between and to the respective principal points of contact identified in Article 6.1. ARTICLE 7: VALIDITY AND TERMINATION 7.1 This General Agreement will come into effect upon the date of the last signature and shall be considered to be in force and valid for a period of thirty-six (36) months. It shall be renewed automatically for subsequent thirtysix (36) month terms unless either party is formally notified by the other through written notice of a desire to terminate or alter the Agreement. Such notice must be received no less than one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the termination date. Either party may terminate this Agreement. 7.2 Such a request for termination shall not prevent the continuation of activities already underway. ARTICLE 8: SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES 8.1 MIT and UNIVPM agree that any controversy, dispute, or claims between them arising out of this Agreement shall be resolved in an expeditious manner and with good faith subject to a written, mutual agreement regarding the terms and conditions of such a resolution. ARTICLE 9: ENTIRE AGREEMENT 9.1 This General Agreement, and the Supplementary Agreements envisioned herein, shall contain the entire agreement of the parties hereto. They may not be changed orally, but only by agreement in writing signed by both parties. There is no other contemporaneous understanding or agreement, oral or written, between the parties on said Subject matter. ******** IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties through duly authorized officials do execute this General Agreement. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY By: _______________________________ _________________ MIT Date: _______________ UNIVERSITA POLITECNICA DELLE MARCHE By: ______________________________ _______________ Sauro Longhi University Rector Date: Allegato B AGREEMENT FOR A CO-TUTORING PhD SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR THE PhD CANDIDATE Francesco Stefanelli 1.Enrollment: The candidate Francesco Stefanelli, applying for a Co-Tutoring PhD: is currently attending the PhD-Course in Engineering Systems at UNIVPM, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy. is currently visiting MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, US; the official period of visit has started last October 2013 and it will finish in August 2014, total duration is around 11 months. is applying for let MIT Professors (to be defined furtherly who and how many of them) join into the Official PhD Committee as additional Official Advisors; MIT Professors are from CTL-Center for Transportations and Logistics, ESD-Engineering Systems Division. 2.Health insurance: The PhD-candidate shall provide by himself for health, casualty and civil liability insurance, as required by the existing regulations. 3.Research Periods: The candidate shall carry out research on the topic “Supply Chain Strategy: building an Adaptable Supply Chain and the Nearshoring Approach” at both universities according to the following schedule: 12. UNIVPM: the first 12 months, in according with JMAC Europe, under the Agreement made in 2013 13. MIT: during the second year, 11 months, from October 2013 to August 2014 14. UNIVPM: the third year till the final dissertation, in according with JMAC Europe, under the Agrrement made in 2013 15. The PhD Dissertation will be defended at UNIVPM, under the Agreement with the MIT in the Official Committee 4. Dissertation tutor: This function will be taken on jointly by: Prof. Nicola Paone (UNIVPM) Prof. Maurizio Bevilacqua (UNIVPM) Prof. Jim Rice (MIT -CTL Director, Official Supervisor of the stage at MIT) Prof. Roberto Perez-Franco (MIT –Supply Chain 2020 Director) The above-mentioned tutors undertake to fully perform their duties as dissertation advisors to the PhD-candidate Francesco Stefanelli. 5.Subsidies: While in Italy, the cadidate Francesco Stefanelli has not any fellowship. During his stay in US, the candidate is granted by a scholarship by Gatto Cucine, in agreement with JMAC Europe. 6.Dissertation defence: The dissertation shall be defended in one session, at the UNIVPM, fully according to the entire Committee, including MIT Advisors joined. 7. Dissertation language: The dissertation shall be written in English. 8. Title award: The UNIVPM, in accordance with the commission’s report, will confer upon the candidate the title of Dottore di Ricerca in Scienze dell’Ingegneria (PhD in Engineering), recognized in Italy. Professors Jim Riceand Roberto Perez-Franco from MIT will act as co-tutors. 9. Protection and Publication of the dissertation: The protection of the topic of the doctoral dissertation as well as its publication, the use and the protection of the research results obtained in both universities shall be granted according to the laws and regulations of each Country. 10. Final Provisions: This Agreement shall be drawn up in duplicate in the English language and will be entered into force upon the signature of both Parties and will be effective until the candidate is awarded the expected title. If the candidate fails to enroll in one of the universities or refuses to pursue the co-tutoring PhD or is deemed to be no longer entitled to write a dissertation under joint supervision by the Board of the PhD School of the Polytechnic University of Marche or of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, this Agreement will cease to be effective. Ancona, ………………… Cambridge, ………………………. Prof. Sauro Longhii Rector UNIVPM Prof. Dr. ? ? MIT ____________________________ _________________________________ Prof. Graziano Cerri Director of the PhD Shool of the Faculty of Engineering UNIVPM Prof. Dr. ????? Function ____________________________ _________________________________ Thesis tutors: Prof. Nicola Paone Prof. Maurizio Bevilacqua ____________________________ _________________________________ Prof. Jim Rice Prof. Roberto Perez-Franco ____________________________ _________________________________ PhD-candidate: Francesco Stefanelli _____________________________ Massachusetts Institute of Technology Allegato C Ancona, …. A tutti i docenti Della Facoltà di Ingegneria SEDE Oggetto: didattica per il dottorato Cari colleghi, come certo saprete, il Senato Accademico, più volte sollecitato dalla Scuola di Dottorato in “Scienze dell’Ingegneria”, nella seduta del 29-5-12, ha approvato la possibilità di inserire nell’offerta formativa della scuola 10 insegnamenti di 24 ore frontali ciascuno (3 CFU). Il Consiglio della Scuola ha stabilito che tali corsi siano “trasversali”, siano cioè fruibili dal numero più elevato possibile di dottorandi, indipendentemente dall’area culturale di riferimento, e siano quindi caratterizzati da una forte interdisciplinarietà. Esempi di tali corsi sono stati gli insegnamenti di materie legate alla matematica, alla statistica, all’informatica, all’economia. E’ da sottolineare che tali corsi hanno riscosso un notevole successo tra i dottorandi. Quest’anno, oltre a quelli sunnominati, si vuole sperimentare una nuova tipologia di corso, sempre ad ampio spettro, ma più specifico per un’area culturale: facendo riferimento alla nostra Facoltà, le aree culturali sarebbero naturalmente l’Area dell’Ingegneria Industriale, l’Area dell’Ingegneria dell’Informazione, l’Area dell’Ingegneria Civile, Edile, Ambientale e dell’Architettura. Si vuole anche ricordare che la nuova regolamentazione del Dottorato di Ricerca, DM 45-2013, e soprattutto il recente documento ANVUR del 18-12-2013 in merito all’accreditamento dei Corsi di Dottorato, menzionano specificamente la didattica del dottorato, che assumerà un ruolo fondamentale per la valutazione dei corsi stessi. Pertanto, chi fosse interessato a proporre un corso deve inoltrare a questo ufficio la sua proposta, che dovrà contenere le seguenti informazioni: 1. Titolo del corso 2. Programma del corso 3. Tipologia del corso: a) trasversale per tutti i dottorandi; b) specifico per un’area. Il proponente dovrà illustrare sinteticamente il motivo per cui il corso proposto si inquadra nella tipologia a) o b). Le modalità di verifica sono lasciate alla discrezione del docente. La calendarizzazione sarà richiesta dopo approvazione del corso. Il docente, durante l’erogazione del corso, dovrà raccogliere le firme di presenza dei dottorandi frequentanti ed inviarle alla fine del corso ai responsabili della didattica della Scuola o del costituendo Consiglio Scientifico. I corsi proposti saranno esaminati per l’approvazione dal Consiglio della Scuola o dal costituendo Consiglio Scientifico dei Corsi di Dottorato: sarà data precedenza ai corsi interdisciplinari di tipo a). I corsi approvati dal Consiglio della Scuola o dal costituendo Consiglio Scientifico del Corsi di Dottorato saranno sottoposti al Consiglio di Facoltà per approvazione finale, per inserimento dei corsi nell’offerta formativa della Facoltà di Ingegneria e per il riconoscimento come carico didattico del docente titolare del corso. La scadenza per l’invio delle proposte è il xxxxx. In attesa di un vostro riscontro, invio distinti saluti. Il Preside Prof. Dario Amodio
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