This image cannot currently be b display ed. E uropass Cu urriculum m Vitae Personal P infformation Surname / First name Address Telephones Fax E-mail Nationality D Date of birth Gender Sacche ettini, Ga abriele Via E. Parm mense 84, 2 9100 Piacen nza (Italy) +39-05235 599220/+39-0 0523599345 5 +39-05235 599217 acchettini@u, gsa [email protected] Italian 4 26-09-1984 Male Work eexperience Dates 8/11/10-o on going ((Piacenza IT) Occcupation or pposition held Temporary y Research A Associate (8//11/10-19/2/1 14 as PhD; 220/2/14-on go oing as Postdoc.) Main n activities/ressponsibilities Developme ent of researrch activities especially in n relation to: a) implem mentation off the Thema atic Strategy y on the Suustainable Use U of Pestiicides (projec cts: BROWS E*, CAPEX2 2*); b) stakeh holders engag gement proc cesses (proje ects: BROWS SE*, CAPEX X2*); c) e-training, e-learnin ng, awarene ess raising about sustainnability in the e agro-food sector s (projec cts: BROWS E, CAFFEXP PO*, VIVA*, BIOENERGY Y*, OPENTE EA*, WOS*). Name of employer Type T of businness or sector Dates Occcupation or pposition held Main n activities/ressponsibilities Name of employer Type T of businness or sector Dates Occcupation or pposition held Main n activities/ressponsibilities Name of employer Type T of businness or sector Dates Occcupation or pposition held Main n activities/ressponsibilities OPERA Re esearch Cen ntre (www.op Academic Think Tank 31/5/10-7 7/11/10 (B russels BE) Manageme ent team Research activities a refe erring to stak keholders engagement esspecially in relation r to: a) implem mentation of tthe Thematic c Strategy on n the Sustainnable Use off Pesticides; b) Europe ean Common n Agriculture e Policy reforrm OPERA Re esearch Cen ntre (www.op Academic Think Tank 10/5/13-1 10/10/13 (Y York UK) Visiting wo orker Developme ent of the ressearch activities of the BROWSE* prooject in relatiion to: a) Develo opment of ne ew risk indica ators for a su ustainable usse of pesticid de b) Develo opment of a n new e-learning and e-training platform m (OPENTEA*) esearch Age Food Envirronmental Re ency (www.fe Research Centre C 27/7/08-3 30/8/08 (Sy ydney AU U) Trainee Research and a impleme entation of prrojects relate ed to the NSW W Biobankin ng Scheme 1 Name of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities/responsibilities Name of employer Type of business or sector Greening Australia ( Environmental Association 1/9/05-31/08/06 and 1/3/09-30/6/09 (Firenze IT) Employee/collaborator Office administration, school teaching, organization of event, research Legambiente Toscana ( Environmental Association Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded 8/11/10-19/2/2014 (Piacenza IT-York UK) PhD in Agro-Food System Principal subjects covered Development of research activities especially in relation to: a) implementation of the Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides (projects: BROWSE*, CAPEX2*); b) stakeholders engagement processes (projects: BROWSE*, CAPEX2*); c) e-training, e-learning and awareness raising about sustainability in the agro-food sector (projects: BROWSE, CAFFEXPO*, BIOENERGY*, OPENTEA*). Name/type of organization Agrisystem Doctoral School ( on the Agro-Food Thesis E-learning and indirect risk indicators for a sustainable use of pesticides Dates 28/09/09-17/12/10 (Cremona IT-Brussels BE) Title of qualification awarded Master in Economics of the agricultural and food system Principal subjects covered Managing company functions, the agricultural food system Name/type of organization SMEA - Alta Scuola in Economia Agro-alimentare, ( Thesis Is OPERA a Think Tank? Dates 31/10/06-21/4/09 (Firenze IT-Gothenburg SE- Sydney AU) Title of qualification awarded System Full degree in Economic and Social Science Principal subjects covered Environmental Economics, Agricultural and Resource Policy Name/type of organization Faculty of Economics, Università degli Studi di Firenze ( Thesis The Market Based Approach in Agri-environmental policy – The case of the BioBanking Scheme in Australia Dates 15/2/08-30/8/08 (Sydney AU) Title of qualification awarded Exchange student Principal subjects covered Environmental Economics, Agricultural and Resource Policy Name/type of organization Faculty of Economics, University of Sydney ( Dates Title of qualification awarded 01/09/06-07/06/07 (Gothenburg SE) Exchange student Principal subjects covered Geographic Information System, Environmental Economics Name/type of organization Faculty of Economics, University of Gothenburg ( Dates Title of qualification awarded 30/8/02-27/6/06 (Firenze IT) Bachelor of Economics and Commerce 2 Principal subjects covered Agri-environmental and Rural Policy, Agricultural Politics, Environmental Politics Name/type of organization Faculty of Economics, Università degli Studi di Firenze ( Thesis Analyses and perspectives on the reintroduction of hemp-growing in Tuscany Personal skills Language(s) Italian (mother tongue), English, French English Fluency gained through several experiences abroad and confirmed by the achievement of the TOEFL test (vote 91/120) at the American Language Centre in Florence in 21/10/2007 French Proficient knowledge (gained the Certification of the Istitut privé Campus Langues in Paris 31/8/2009) Computer skills Additional Information Good command of Microsoft Office TM programs (awarded the ECDL in 2002) Since 27/9/10, registered in the Legambiente National Register of the Environmental Educators Papers on peer reviewed journals 1) Sacchettini G., Durigon E., Conference report on the European directive on sustainable use of plant protection products (SUD). Environ Science Pollution Research (2011) 18:829–830. DOI 10.1007/s11356-011-0500-x 2) Sacchettini G., Calliera M., Marchis A., Lamastra L., Capri E., The stakeholder-consultation process in developing training and awareness-raising material within the framework of the EU Directive on Sustainable Use of Pesticides: The case of the EU-project BROWSE. Science of the Total Environment 438 (2012) 278–285. 3) Calliera M., Marchis A., Bollmohr S., Sacchettini G., Lamastra L., Capri E., A process to provide harmonised criteria for the selection of indicators for pesticide risk reduction within the framework of the sustainable use directive, Pest Management Science, 2012, DOI 10.1002/ps.3430. 4) Borghesi E., Calliera M., Sacchettini G., Glass R., Capri E., Enhancing knowledge on sustainable use of Plant Protection Products in farms growing plants in protected environment, Pest Management Science (submitted) Other publications 1) Trevisan M., Sacchettini G., Il business dell’ambiente: il caso del fotovoltaico, Vita e Pensiero 1(2012), p.122. 2) Sacchettini G, L’agricoltura sostenibile intensiva, Libertà (local newspaper of Piacenza) 16.5.2012, p1. 3) Sacchettini G., Novelli E., Capri E., Indagine qualitativa per un uso sostenibile dei prodotti fitosanitari in viticoltura, in Corriere Vinicolo n. 48 del 10 Dicembre 2012. 4) Sacchettini G. Agricoltura sostenibile intensiva, CiBi Arte e scienza del cibo, quindicinale on-line) 28.11.2013, Posters 1) Sacchettini G., Marchis A., Calliera M., Capri E., The BROWSE project: Achieve a sustainable use of pesticide by assessing and reducing the risk for people exposed, SOLIBAM 1st stakeholder congress (19th-20th April 2012 Grottaferrata, Italy). Oral/keynote presentations 1) Sacchettini G., Capri E., La sfida alla sostenibilità parte dall’uso dei prodotti fitosanitari, SSI 2011 (13-14 October 2011, Valmontone, Italy). 2) Riscazzi P., Sacchettini G., Trevisan M., L’uso della tecnica LCA (Life Cycle assessment) per la valutazione della sostenibilità delle aziende del settore agroalimentare, SSI 2011 (13-14 October 2011, Valmontone, Italy). 3 3) Sacchettini G., Capri E., Strategie di formazione ed informazione per la tutela della sicurezza dei lavoratori agricoli e dei cittadini esposti ai trattamenti fitosanitari, Fiera del Levante: Celebrazioni per il 50° anniversario della PAC (12 September 2012, Bari, Italy). 4) Sacchettini G., Capri E., Trevisan M., Modeling and mitigation strategies relating to pesticide exposure for operator, workers, bystander and resident- the case of the BROWSE project, Annual MGPR Meeting 2012 and International Conference on Food and Health Safety: Moving towards a Sustainable Agriculture (11th-12th October 2012, Belgrade, Serbia).The abstract was published in the conference proceedings. 5) Capri E., Sacchettini G., Agricoltura ed ecotossicologia: I rischi per la salute dell’uomo e per l’ambiente, ALSAF (17 November 2012, Piacenza, Italy). 6) Sacchettini G., Calliera M., Marchis A., Glass R., Capri E., Effective tools to support the implementation of the Sustainable Use Directive, Final BROWSE stakeholder workshop (9 October 2013, Brussels, Belgium). 7) Sacchettini G., Capri E., OpenTEA, un nuovo strumento di E-learning per formare gli agricoltori ed informare i cittadini sull’uso sostenibile dei prootti fitosanitari in agricoltura, SIMEI (15 November 2013, Milan, Italy). 8) Calliera M., Capri E., Sacchettini G., Borghesi E., Politi A., I rischi da agenti chimici nelle coltivazioni in serra, Seminar “Agricoltura e rischi da esposizione dei lavoratori ad agenti chimici” (14 January 2014, Verona, Italy). Other participations as invited speaker 1) Bengul O., Canete R., Geisberger F., Sacchettini G., Youth testimonials, Youth and international mobility (18th April 2011, Prato, Italy). 2) Baecke J., Georgieva S., Knops L., Sacchettini G., Van Everdingen F., The vision of the future generation, Forum for the Future of Agriculture , Session V (27th March 2012, Brussels, Belgium). 3) Batello C., Sacchettini G., L’agricoltura sostenibile intensiva, CaffExpo (16 Maggio, 2012, Piacenza, Italy). 4) De Vivo R., Veroli S., Sacchettini G., Il nuovo diritto alla risorsa acqua come il diritto alla vita, CaffExpo /Festival del Diritto (30 Settembre 2012, Piacenza, Italy). 5) Lambiase M., Lucarelli S., Sacchettini G., Mangiare bene mi fa crescere, non solo di statura!, CaffExpo (24 Luglio, 2013, Castell’Azzara, Italy) 6) Tozzi P., Bertoli C., Sacchettini G., Paesaggi viticoli per astemi e non, CaffExpo (14 Novembre 2013, Milano, Italy) *Projects 1) BROWSE FP6 Theme- Environment (including climate change), Bystanders, Residents, Operators and Workers Exposure models for plant protection products, Grant agreement no: 265307, Project start date: 1st January 2011, Project end date: 31st December 2013, Main personal contributions: Use new and improved exposure models for operator, bystanders and resident to contribute to the implementation of the Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides developing new risk indicators and a new e-training course ( 2) CAPEX2 CFT/EFSA/PRAS/2012/05 Collection of pesticide application data in view of performing Environmental Risk Assessments for pesticides. Project start date: 1st November 2012, Project end date: 30th April 2014. 4 Main personal contributions: Carry out surveys of plant protection products usage and assessment of the collected data with regard to the environmental risk assessment. 3) CAFFEXPO Open debate platform about scientific topics in preparation of EXPO2015, Main personal contributions: Responsible of web communication and scientific moderators of several events. 4) BIONERGY Yearly Award of the national best agro-energy practices promoted by Cremonafiere Main personal contributions: involvement in the management and organisational activity. 5) VIVA Sustainable Wine National pilot project launched in July 2011 in order to evaluate the Italian wine-sector sustainability performance based on the implementation of improved environmental risk indicators focused on water and carbon footprint, Main personal contributions: Tutor of the e-learning course ( 6) OPENTEA (Open Training and Education Association) Web platform that aims to build and promote pragmatic and scientifically sound e-learning and e-training courses about sustainability in the agro-food sector, Main personal contributions: Scientific moderator. 7) WOS (Wine Observatory Sustainability) Web platform aiming to collect and coordinate existing experiences on sustainability in the wine sector to foster synergies and cooperation between the various actors in the wine value chain, Main personal contributions: Member of the Secretariat. Last update: July 2014. 5
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