Book of Secrets

5th Young Researcher Mee<ng in Trieste 14th – 15th July 2014 SISSA – InternaBonal School for Advanced Studies
A two-­‐day conference on cu5ng-­‐edge research developments in Physics Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows are invited to present their work in talks or posters Special public session on “the Communica-on of Science”, in collaboraBon with SISSA Medialab [email protected] ABSTRACT SUBMISSION BY MAY 24TH Organizers Fabio Agos<ni (Telespazio, IT) Claudia Antolini (SISSA, IT) Rossella Aversa (SISSA, IT) Giordano CaGani Marco Di Stefano (SISSA, IT) Laura Inno (ESO, DE) Maria Longobardi (UniGe, CH) MaGeo Mar<nelli (SISSA, IT) Alice Miceli (Uni. Tor Vergata, IT) Marina Migliaccio (KICC, UK) Francesco Paci (SISSA, IT) Davide Pietrobon (Caltech, US) Emanuela Pusceddu (IBIMET-­‐CNR, IT)