“InBit – Event & Education”, ha sede a Roma e si propone di realizzare progetti di grande valenza istituzionale, valorizzando la conoscenza e il capitale umano di eccellenza, fondendo gli sviluppi della ricerca scientifica e dell’ innovazione con il patrimonio universale di principi e valori della cultura umanistica europea. Tra gli obiettivi principali di In Bit, l'internazionalizzazione delle attività di formazione, realizzate in partnership con università e centri di ricerca di eccellenza, istituzioni governative, ambasciate, organizzazioni internazionali, enti no profit, fondazioni, istituti ed imprese. InBit – Event & Education mira, altresì, a tutelare i valori della cristianità e del dialogo interreligioso, i diritti della persona umana, della giustizia sociale, della cultura di genere e delle pari-opportunità. [email protected] Gennaio – Giugno 2014 “For a new Euro-Mediterranean: perspectives for cooperation, integration and development” Final Session of the International Forum Under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic VALORISATION OF NATURAL, CULTURAL AND IMMATERIAL HERITAGE 26 Giugno 2014 PRESIDENCY OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS Salone di Palazzo Cornaro Via della Stamperia, 8 - Rome 9.30 - Registry 10.00 – INSTITUTIONAL GREETINGS Maria Carmela LANZETTA Ministry of Regional Affairs Fathallah SIJILMASSI Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean Khalid CHAOUKI President Cultural Commission Parliamentary Assembly, Union for Mediterranean/PA-UfM Coordinators: Pietro INFANTE Elena M.I. BITONTI Founders and Administrators of InBit-Events & Education Directors of Euro-Mediterranean Forum -VALORISATION OF NATURAL, CULTURAL AND IMMATERIAL HERITAGE10.30 - INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE Dr. Piero SCHIAVAZZI Vatican journalist for Huffington Post, correspondent for Limes Vincenzo BUONOMO, Professor of international law at the Pontifical Lateran University, Advisor to Vatican City State Imam Dr. Yahya Sergio Yahe PALLAVICINI, Vice President Italian Islamic Religiuous Community, COREIS. Chairman ISESCO Council for Education and Culture in the West Renzo GATTEGNA, President of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities Marco IMPAGLIAZZO, President of the Community of Sant'Egidio 11.15 – EDUCATION and JOB CREATION On. Khalid CHAOUKI President Cultural Commission Parliamentary Assembly, Union for Mediterranean/PA-UfM Franco RIZZI, Secretary General of UniMed Tarafa MAROUANE, Prof. - President of Somed and of the Advisory Board of International University of Casablanca (UIC) Pr. HMAID BEN AZIZA, President of TUNIS University , Tunis H.E. Mons. Enrico DAL COVOLO - Rector Pontifical Lateran University Carlo CAPRIA, Head of the Technical Office and Coordinator of the Observatory of SMEs at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Andrea IACOMINI, Spokesperson UNICEF Italy Representative of ENEL Group Stefano POLLI, Deputy Director ANSA Anna Maria VILLA, Director general at Department of European Affairs - Presidency of the Council of Ministers 12.15 - WOMEN ENPOWERNMENT Alganesh FESSAHA, President of “OnG Gandhi”, Eritrea Isabella RAUTI, Advisor to the Minister of the Interior for Policy on Gender Violence and Femicide Laura MIRACHIAN, "President of Italian Women Diplomats Association" Dott.ssa Mary MERVA, Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs of John Cabot Univercity Will be present Institutional and Diplomatic Authorities --- End of the Session: 13.30
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