1 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Stage Name: In Miniera Course Designer: Antonio Di Costanzo S.O. CORRADINI/PALUMBO SCENARIO: Sei intento a scavare quando ti accorgi che maleintenzionati vogliono rubarti l’oro che hai scavato nella miniera con tanta fatica. Difendi il tuo tesoro. START CONDITION: Tiratore in piedi che mantiene la cariuola. Caricatori max capacita’ a seconda delle divisioni. Cartuccia camerata. STAGE PROCEDURE: In P1 al beep il tiratore lascera’ la cariuola ed estrarra’ l’arma ed ingaggera’ da fermo T1 e T2. Successivamente prendera’ l’oro dalla cariuola e muovendosi verso P2 attraversando il ponticello ingaggerà con la sola mano forte T3 , metterà al sicuro il bottino in P2 e si porterà in P3 e con almeno un ginocchio a terra ingaggerà T5 T6 e T7.N.B.se si scende dal ponticello al tiratore verra’ attribuito una procedura.N.B. E’ applicabiile il 3-8 al 3.8.4 ovvero ricaricamento in movimento in emergenza. T3 STRINGS: 1 SCORING: 12 rounds min, Vickers TARGETS: 6 threat, 2 non threat, x Steel SCORED HITS: Best 2 in each target START-STOP: Audible - Last shot RULES: Current IDPA Rulebook COVER GARMENT: Required DISTANCE TARGET: 2/8 yd T6 T5 T4 8yd P2 T2 6yd T1 P3 +2yd 5yd 4yd P1 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP 2 Stage Name: La Passeggiata Course Designer: Antonio Cochi S.O. PALMA/NITTI SCENARIO: Stai passeggiando quando delle persone tentano di rapinarti. Difenditi. START CONDITION: Tiratore in piedi di fronte ai target, in relax. Caricatori max capacita’ a seconda delle divisioni. Cartuccia camerata. STAGE PROCEDURE: in P1 al beep arretrando ingaggiare in sequenza tattica T1 e T2 . Da P2 ingaggia PP1 e in movimento andando verso P3 si ingaggia T3. Successivamente dalla finestra ingaggia T4 . In movimento T5, in P4 dalla finestra T6 e T7. N.B.E’ applicabile il 3.8 al 3.8.4. (ricaricamento in emergenza in movimento) STRINGS: SCORING: TARGETS: SCORED HITS: START-STOP: RULES: COVER GARMENT: DISTANCE TARGET: PP1 T5 T7 1 15 rounds min, Vickers 7 threat, 3 non threat, 1 Steel Best 2 in each target Audible - Last shot Current IDPA Rulebook Required 2/12yd T6 12yd T4 P4 T3 7yd P3 T1 T2 2yd 5yd P2 P1 3 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Stage Name: STANDARD Course Designer:Di Costanzo S.O. NARDI/DI SALVIO SCENARIO: STANDARD START CONDITION: Tiratore in piedi dietro la paratia, in relax. Caricatori max capacita’ a seconda delle divisioni. Cartuccia camerata. STAGE PROCEDURE: in P1 al beep si ingaggia in copertura T1 e T2 . In P2 T3 e T4 , in P3 T5 eT6 con 2 colpi. Giunti in P4 con almeno un ginocchio a terra con mano forte e poi mano debole T7 e T8 con tre cartucce a sagoma. Dalle coperture l’ingaggio e’ interscambiabile e deve avvenire dai rispettivi lati delle coperture. STRINGS: SCORING: Limited TARGETS: SCORED HITS: START-STOP: RULES: COVER GARMENT: DISTANCE TARGET: 1 18 rounds min, Vickers/ 8 threat, X non threat, X Steel Best 2/3 in each target Audible - Last shot Current IDPA Rulebook Not Required 23/2 yd 23yd T8 T1 T3 T5 A P4 P P3 D P2 I P1 T7 2yd T6 T4 T2 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Stage Name: Il Pullman 4 Course Designer: Antonio Di Costanzo S.O.BRUGNANO/BRAY SCENARIO: Sei seduto comodamente nel bus quando salgono dei rapinatori. Devi neutralizzare le minacce stando attento a non colpire persone innocenti. START CONDITION: Tiratore seduto, Mani sulle ginocchia. Caricatori max capacita’ a seconda delle divisioni. Cartuccia non camerata. STAGE PROCEDURE:in P1 al beep da seduto in sequenza si ingaggiano T1 T2 e T3 . In movimento andando verso P2 T4 e T5 . Dalla finestra T6 T7 e T8. N.B.E’ applicabile il 3.8 al 3.8.4. (cambio di emergenza in movimento). STRINGS: 1 SCORING: 16 rounds min, Vickers TARGETS: 8 threat, 3 non threat SCORED HITS: Best 2 in each target START-STOP: Audible - Last shot RULES: Current IDPA Rulebook COVER GARMENT: Required DISTANCE TARGET: 2/8yd T7 8yd T6 T8 T5 +2yd P2 T3 14yd T2 T1 2yd P1 T4 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP 5 Stage Name: Rientro a casa Course Designer: Antonio Cochi S.O. RIZZO/BONACINI SCENARIO: Stai rientrando a casa quando ti accorgi che l’ambiente pullula di maleintenzionati. Proteggi la tua famiglia. START CONDITION: Tiratore in piedi di fronte ai target, in relax. Caricatori max capacita’ a seconda delle divisioni. Cartuccia camerata. STRINGS: SCORING: TARGETS: SCORED HITS: START-STOP: RULES: COVER GARMENT: DISTANCE TARGET: STAGE PROCEDURE: in P1 al beep da fermi si ingaggia T1 e Avanzando in P2 da sopra il bidone T2. Successivamente in P3 PP1 che alza T3, in P4 PP2 che alza T4. Avanzando verso P5 si ingaggiaT5 in movimento e dalla finestra T6 e T7. N.B. E’ applicabile il 3.8 al 3.8.4. (cambio di emergenza in movimento). PP1 T4 T6 T7 T3 1 16 rounds min, Vickers 7 threat, 3 non threat, 2 Steel Best 2 in each target Audible - Last shot Current IDPA Rulebook Required 2/12 yd 12yd 12yd P5 T1 T5 5yd T2 -2yd P3 P2 P4 6yd P1 PP2 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Stage Name: IRRUZIONE ARMATA AL RISTORANTE 6 Course Designer: Federico Iannelli S.O. FANFARILLO/TOFFANETTI SCENARIO: State mangiando al ristorante quando alcuni malviventi irrompono nel locale per effettuare una rapina. Difendetevi. START CONDITION: Seduti con le posate in entrambi le mani.Caricatori riforniti alla massima capacità di divisione.Arma sul tavolo.Colpo non camerato. STAGE PROCEDURE: Al beep lasciate le posate e con la mano forte spingete PP1 e successivamente prendete l’arma poggiata sul tavolo. PP1 cadendo a terra aziona T1 a scomparsa, poi ingaggiate T2 nella UP Zone e i target T3 e T4 in sequenza e successivamente PP2 (Obbligo d’ingaggio da seduti). PP2 attiverà uno swinger T5 quindi si va indifferentemente verso una delle due coperture. Si terminerà l esercizio ingaggiando I rimanenti bersagli nella restanti coperture. N.B. lo swinger non viene coperto dal target non minaccioso una volta fermo. 10yd STRINGS: 1 SCORING: 13 rounds min, Vickers TARGETS: 6 threat, 2 non threat, 1 Steel SCORED HITS: Best 2 in each target START-STOP: Audible - Last shot RULES: Current IDPA Rulebook COVER GARMENT: Required DISTANCE TARGET: 5/12yd T6 T5 12yd T4 PP2 T3 P3 8yd T2 P2 6yd T1 9yd 5yd 7yd PP1 P1 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Stage Name: AL TELEFONO 7 Course Designer: Antonio Cochi S.O. MANEA/FIAMMA SCENARIO: Stai telefonando quando ti accorgi che maleintenzionati vogliono derubarti. Raggiungi casa e liberala dai malviventi. START CONDITION: Tiratore in piedi al centro della paratia, Mano forte il telefono. Caricatori max capacita’ a seconda delle divisioni. Cartuccia non camerata. STRINGS: 1 SCORING: 15 rounds min, Vickers TARGETS: 7 threat, 3 non threat, 1 Steel SCORED HITS: Best 2 in each target START-STOP: Audible - Last shot STAGE PROCEDURE: In P1 al centro della copertura RULES: Current IDPA Rulebook mano forte che mantiene il telefono vicino all’orecchio al COVER GARMENT: Required bip si ingaggia PP1 che sgancera’ un bomber T1. DISTANCE TARGET: 3/13 yd Successivamente avanzando verso P2 il Target 2 e in copertura dalla finestra T3. Poi avanzando verso P3 il Target 4 in movimento. Si apre la porta e in copertura si ingaggianoT5 e T6 e avanzando dall’apposita apertura T7. N.B. E’ applicabile il 3.8 al 3.8.4. (cambio di emergenza in movimento). T7 T6 PP1 2yd T4 13yd P3 T1 T3 T2 8yd P2 5yd P1 T5 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Stage Name: Dal Tetto 8 Course Designer: Di Costanzo S.O. CINAGLI/FAILLA SCENARIO: Dei Malviventi armati fino ai denti stanno per varcare la soglia della tua casa. Hanno in ostaggio i membri della tua famiglIa.Fermali dal tetto prima che raggiungano la tua abitazione. START CONDITION: Tiratore in posizione prona al centro della paratia, mani dietro la testa. Caricatori max capacita’ a seconda delle divisioni. Cartuccia NON camerata. STAGE PROCEDURE: Arma appoggiata nell’apposito riquadro contrassegnata con "X" con tutti i caricatori di fianco all’arma. Al beep dai rispettivi lati della barricata si ingaggiano I target con almeno tre cartucce a bersaglio. T1 STRINGS: SCORING: TARGETS: SCORED HITS: START-STOP: RULES: COVER GARMENT: DISTANCE TARGET: T2 T4 1 12 rounds min, Vickers 4 threat, 2 non threat Best 3 in each target Audible - Last shot Current IDPA Rulebook Required 22 yd T3 22yd P1 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Stage Name: Leggendo il giornale 9 Course Designer: Federico Iannelli S.O. AMARIE/COCILOVA P. SCENARIO: Siete in auto per leggere il giornale il santa pace quando vi accorgete che una gang intende rapinarvi. La pistola si trova accanto al vs sedile affrettatevi a difendervi. START CONDITION: Con un giornale nelle mani al posto di guida. Caricatori riforniti alla massima capacità in buffetteria. Arma nella scatola. Colpo non camerato STRINGS: SCORING: TARGETS: SCORED HITS: START-STOP: STAGE PROCEDURE: Da seduti al beep lasciate cadere il giornale ed afferrate la pistola dalla scatola RULES: posizionata sul sedile lato passeggero e attraverso il COVER GARMENT: DISTANCE TARGET: finestrino (lato passeggero) si ingaggia T1 che attiva il target drop-turner T2 , dal finestrino autista sempre in priorità T3 e successivamente T4 T5 e T6. Si applica la regola T4 T5 1 12 rounds min, Vickers 6 threat, 2 non threat, x Steel Best 2 in each target Audible - Last shot Current IDPA Rulebook Required 7/15yd T6 15yd T3 T1 10yd T2 12yd P1 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP 10 Stage Name: IL PORTAVALORI Course Designer: Antonio Di Costanzo S.O. COCHI/ABRUGIA SCENARIO: Stai rientrando a casa con la borsa piena di soldi. Vieni fermato da individui armati. Difenditi START CONDITION: Tiratore in piedi mano debole mantiene la borsa. Caricatori max capacita. Cartuccia camerata. STRINGS: 1 SCORING: 14 rounds min, Vickers TARGETS: 7 threat, 2 non threat, x Steel SCORED HITS: Best 2 in each target PROCEDURE: In P1 tiratore al beep, senza muoversi START-STOP: Audible - Last shot in sequenza tattica con ritenzione (gomito attaccato RULES: Current IDPA Rulebook al fianco) ingaggia T1 e T2. Successivamente in COVER GARMENT: Required movimento T3 con la sola mano forte. In P2 mette la DISTANCE TARGET: 1.5/8 yd borsa al sicuro in cassaforte e ingaggia in copertura T4. Si porta rispettivamente in P3 e P4 ed ingaggia T5 T6 e T7. N.B. E’ applicabile il 3.8 al 3.8.4. T6 T7 T1 T2 T4 T5 5yd T3 P1 P4 P3 P2 8yd c a s 11 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Stage Name: SALA BILIARDO Course Designer: Antonio Di Costanzo S.O. ROMANIN/SULPIZI SCENARIO: Stai giocando a biliardo quando dei maleintenzionati vogliono fare un rapina. Hanno degli ostaggi. Devi essere rapido e preciso. START CONDITION: Tiratore in piedi con la stecca tenuta da tutte e due le mani mentre è intento tirare una palla. Caricatori max capacita’ a seconda delle divisioni. Cartuccia camerata. STAGE PROCEDURE: In P1 al beep il tiratore lascera’ cadere la stecca ed estrarra’ l’arma ed ingaggera’ da T1 a T6 in sequenza tattica con un colpo a target. Successivamente obbligo con almeno un ginocchio a terra di terminare la sequenza tattica con almeno due colpi a target. STRINGS: 1 SCORING: 18 rounds min, Vickers TARGETS: 6 threat, 2 non threat SCORED HITS: Best 3 in each target START-STOP: Audible - Last shot RULES: Current IDPA Rulebook COVER GARMENT: Required DISTANCE TARGET: 6/10yd T5 T3 10yd T1 T2 T6 T4 2yd 2yd 6yd 2yd 2yd P1 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Stage Name: AL CIMITERO 12 Course Designer: Antonio Di Costanzo S.O. FERRI/ DI ROSA SCENARIO: Stai pregando per un amico scomparso in un azione di polizia contro una gang locale, quando gli appartenenti al gruppo decidono di di vendicarsi di tutte quelle persone che hanno fatto arrestare i loro amici. Difenditi. START CONDITION: Tiratore in ginocchio nella mano forte un mazzo di fiori. Caricatori max capacita’ a seconda delle divisioni. Cartuccia NON camerata. STAGE PROCEDURE: In P1 al beep in priorita’ tattica si ingaggiano T1 T2 T3 T4 e T5. N.B. PP1 e PP2 sganciano un bobber fisso. STRINGS: SCORING: TARGETS: SCORED HITS: START-STOP: RULES: COVER GARMENT: DISTANCE TARGET: 1 12 rounds min, Vickers 5 threat, 2 non threat, 2 Steel Best 2 in each target Audible - Last shot Current IDPA Rulebook Required 5/13yd T5 T4 T3 12yd PP2 PP1 T2 10yd T1 13yd 7yd 5yd T3 T P1 1 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP In The Mine Course Designer: Antonio Di Costanzo SCENARIO: While you are digging, some bad guys want to steal the gold that you have found in the mine with so much work. Defend your treasure. START CONDITION: Standing in P1, with the pick on the shoulder. Mags with max division capacity. Round loaded. STRINGS: 1 SCORING: 12 rounds min, Vickers TARGETS: 6 threat, 2 non threat SCORED HITS: Best 2 Audible - Last shot PROCEDURE: At the start signal the shooter leaves the START-STOP: RULES: Current IDPA Rulebook pick and engagse w/out moving T1 and T2. He then COVER GARMENT: Required takes the gold from the wheelbarrow and, crossing the DISTANCE TARGET: 2/8 yd bridge towards P2, engages with the strong hand only T3. He will secure the gold in P2 and will go to P3 and, in low cover, will engage T4 T5 T6. Note: if the shooter steps down from the bridge before P2 a PE will be assigned. T5 T6 T4 T3 8yd P2 T2 6yd T1 P3 +2yd 5yd 4yd P1 2 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP The Walk Course Designer: Antonio Cochi SCENARIO: You are walking when some people try to rob you. You must defend yourself. START CONDITION: STRINGS: 1 Shooter standing facing targets, relax position. Mags with SCORING: 15 rounds min, Vickers max division capacity. Round loaded. TARGETS: 7 threat, 3 non threat, 1 Steel SCORED HITS: Best 2 in each target Audible - Last shot PROCEDURE: At the start signal, stepping backwards, START-STOP: RULES: Current IDPA Rulebook engage in tactical sequence T1 and T2. From P2 engage PP1 and going toward P3, on the move engage COVER GARMENT: Required T3. Afterwards, through the window, engage T4. On the DISTANCE TARGET: 2/12yd move engage T6, in P4, through the window, engage T7 and T8. Note: Remember the rules from 3.8. to the 3.8.4. (emergency reload on the move) T7 PP1 T6 T5 12yd T4 P4 7yd T3 P3 T1 2yd 5yd T2 P2 P1 3 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP STANDARD Course Designer: Antonio Di Costanzo START CONDITION: Shooter standing behind the coverage, relax position. Mags with max division capacity. Round loaded. STRINGS: 1 SCORING: 18 rounds min, Vickers Count Limited TARGETS: 8 threat SCORED HITS: Best 2/3 in each target STAGE PROCEDURE: At the start signal in P1 engage START-STOP: Audible - Last shot in cover positionT1 e T2, In P2 T3 e T4 , in P3 T5 eT6 Current IDPA Rulebook all with 2 rounds. In P4, in low cover and once with the RULES: COVER GARMENT: NOT Required strong hand, once with the weak hand, engage T7 e DISTANCE TARGET: 23/2 yd T8 with 3 round per target. The engagement sequence left/right is reversible. 23yd T8 T1 T3 T5 A P4 P P3 D P2 I P1 T7 2yd T6 T4 T2 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP The Bus 4 Course Designer: Antonio Di Costanzo SCENARIO: You are comfortably seated in the bus when some robbers comes, you must neutralize the threats being careful not to strike innocent people. START CONDITION: Sitting, in P1, hands on the knees, relax position. Mags with max division capacity. Round NOT loaded. STRINGS: 1 SCORING: 16 rounds min, Vickers TARGETS: 8 threat, 3 non threat, x Steel SCORED HITS: Best 2 in each target Audible - Last shot STAGE PROCEDURE: At the start signal, still sitting, in START-STOP: Current IDPA Rulebook tactical sequence engage T1 T2 and T3 . Moving to P2, RULES: COVER GARMENT: Required engage T4 e T5 . Through the window engage T6 T7 and T8. Note. Note: Remember the rules from 3.8. to the DISTANCE TARGET: 2/8yd 3.8.4. (emergency reload on the move) T7 8yd T6 T8 T5 +2yd P2 T3 14yd T2 T1 2yd P1 T4 5 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Back Home Course Designer: Antonio Cochi SCENARIO: Going back home you realize that environment swarms with bad guys. Protect your family! START CONDITION: Shooter standing in P1 facing targets, relax position. Mags with max division capacity. Round loaded. STRINGS: 1 SCORING: 16 rounds min, Vickers TARGETS: 7 threat, 3 non threat, 2 Steel SCORED HITS: Best 2 in each target START-STOP: Audible - Last shot STAGE PROCEDURE: At the start signal, stayng in P1, RULES: Current IDPA Rulebook engage T1 and, going to P2, above the barrel, engage COVER GARMENT: Required T2. Then in P3, engage PP1 he lifts T3, in P4 engage PP2 as he lifts T4. Going to P5, engage T5 while moving DISTANCE TARGET: 2/12 yd and engage T6 and T7 through the window. Note: Remember the rules from 3.8. to the 3.8.4. (emergency reload on the move). PP1 T3 T4 T6 T7 12yd 12yd P5 T1 T5 5yd T2 -2yd P3 P2 P4 6yd P1 PP2 6 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Armed Break-In At The Restaurant Course Designer: Federico Iannelli SCENARIO: You eating at the restaurant when some criminals storm in the place to rob. Defend yourself. START CONDITION: Seated with the silverware in both hands. Mags with max division capacity. Round NOT loaded. Gun on the table. STAGE PROCEDURE: At the starting signal let go of the silverware and with the strong hand push PP1, then take the weapon resting on the table. After PP1 falling to the ground activates T1 (it's disappearing), engage T2 in the UP Zone and targets T3 e T4 in Tactical Sequence, then engage PP2 (engagement from sat). PP2 will activate the swinger T5, then move to either of the covers P2 or P3; engage the remaining targets. N.B. the swinger is not covered by the non-menacing target once it stops moving. 10yd STRINGS: 1 SCORING: 13 rounds min, Vickers TARGETS: 6 threat, 2 non threat, 1 Steel SCORED HITS: Best 2 in each target START-STOP: Audible - Last shot RULES: Current IDPA Rulebook COVER GARMENT: Required DISTANCE TARGET: 5/12yd T6 T5 12yd T4 PP2 T3 P3 8yd T2 P2 6yd T1 9yd 5yd 7yd PP1 P1 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP On the Phone 7 Course Designer: Antonio Cochi SCENARIO: You are on the phone and some bad guys want to rob you. Reach the house and secure it. START CONDITION: Standing at the cover center, Phone on strong hand, close to the ear. Mags with max division capacity. Round NOT loaded. STRINGS: 1 SCORING: 15 rounds min, Vickers TARGETS: 7 threat, 3 non threat, 1 Steel SCORED HITS: Best 2 in each target START-STOP: Audible - Last shot STAGE PROCEDURE: At the starting signal, in P1, with RULES: Current IDPA Rulebook the strong hand keeping phone to the ear, engage PP1, COVER GARMENT: Required which activates the bobber T1. Then, going to P2 DISTANCE TARGET: 3/13 yd engage T2 and in cover position, through the window, engage T3. Advancing to P3 engage T4 while moving. Open the door and from cover position engage T5 and T6; advancing through the door engage T7. Note: Remember the rules from 3.8. to the 3.8.4. (emergency reload on the move). T7 T6 PP1 2yd T4 13yd P3 T1 T3 T2 8yd P2 5yd P1 T5 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP From the Roof 8 Course Designer: Antonio Di Costanzo SCENARIO: Some criminals heavily armed are about to breaking into your home. They have taken two members of your family as hostages. Stop them from the roof before they reach your home. START CONDITION: Shooter in prone position to the center of the cover, hands behind the head. Mags with max division capacity. Round NOT loaded. STAGE PROCEDURE: Gun in the special box marked with the "X" with all mags/speed loader beside the weapon. At the start signal, from either side of the barricade, engage the targets with at least 3 rounds each. T1 STRINGS: 1 SCORING: 12 rounds min, Vickers TARGETS: 4 threat, 2 non threat SCORED HITS: Best 3 in each target START-STOP: Audible - Last shot RULES: Current IDPA Rulebook COVER GARMENT: Required DISTANCE TARGET: 22 yd T2 T4 T3 22yd P1 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Reading the Newspaper 9 Course Designer: Federico Iannelli SCENARIO: You are in the car reading the newspaper, when you realize a gang wants to rob you.The gun is close to your seat, quickly defend yourself. START CONDITION: A newspaper in your hands, in the driver's place. Mags with max division capacity on the mags carriers. Gun in the box, round NOT loaded. STAGE PROCEDURE: While sitting, at the starting signal drop the newspaper and grab the gun from the box on the passenger's seat; through the window (passenger's side) engage T1, which will activate the drop-turner target T2 , through the driver's window, in tactical priority, engageT3 and T4 T5 T6. Note: rule (a cardboard target with a steel activator behind ) T4 STRINGS: 1 SCORING: 12 rounds min, Vickers TARGETS: 6 threat, 2 non threat, x Steel SCORED HITS: Best 2 in each target START-STOP: Audible - Last shot RULES: Current IDPA Rulebook COVER GARMENT: Required DISTANCE TARGET: 7/15yd T5 T6 15yd T3 T1 10yd T2 12yd P1 10 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Money's Conveyor Course Designer: Antonio Di Costanzo SCENARIO: going back home with the money purse, you are stopped by armed guys. Defend yourself. START CONDITION: Standing in P1 with the purse in weak hand. Mags with max division capacity. Round loaded. STRINGS: 1 SCORING: 14 rounds min, Vickers TARGETS: 7 threat, 2 non threat SCORED HITS: Best 2 in each target START-STOP: Audible - Last shot PROCEDURE: At the start signal, without moving, in RULES: Current IDPA Rulebook tactical sequence with "retention" (the arm pressed to COVER GARMENT: Required the side) engageT1 and T2. Then, while moving, engage DISTANCE TARGET: 1.5/8 yd T3 with the strong hand only. In P2 put the purse in the safe, engage T4 in cover position. Go to P3 and P4 and engage T5 T6 and T7. Note: Remember the rules from 3.8. to the 3.8.4. (emergency reload on the move) T6 T7 T1 T2 T4 T5 5yd T3 P1 P4 P3 P2 8yd c a s 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Billiard-Room 11 Course Designer: Antonio Di Costanzo SCENARIO: you are playing billiard and some bad guys want to do a robbery. They have some hostages. You must be fast and accurate. START CONDITION: Standing in P1, billiard cue in both hands, ready to hit a ball. Mags with max division capacity. Round loaded. STAGE PROCEDURE: At the start signal drop the billiard cue, engage from T1 to T6 in Tactical Sequence with 1 round each target. Subsequently, in low cover, finish the Tactical Sequence with at least 2 round each target. STRINGS: 1 SCORING: 18 rounds min, Vickers TARGETS: 6 threat, 2 non threat SCORED HITS: Best 3 in each target START-STOP: Audible - Last shot RULES: Current IDPA Rulebook COVER GARMENT: Required DISTANCE TARGET: 6/10yd T5 T3 10yd T1 T2 T6 T4 2yd 2yd 6yd 2yd 2yd P1 2014 IDPA ITALIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP In the Graveyard 12 Course Designer: Antonio Di Costanzo SCENARIO: you are praying for a friend fallen in a police action against a local gang, some gang member decides a revenge against all the cops responsible of the capture of their friends. Defend yourself. START CONDITION: Shooter kneeling in P1 with flower bouquet in the strong hand. Mags with max division capacity. Round NOT loaded. STAGE PROCEDURE: At the start signal in tactical priority engage T1 T2 T3 T4 e T5. Note: PP1 and PP2 they activate a fixed bobber. STRINGS: 1 SCORING: 12 rounds min, Vickers TARGETS: 5 threat, 2 non threat, 2 Steel SCORED HITS: Best 2 in each target START-STOP: Audible - Last shot RULES: Current IDPA Rulebook COVER GARMENT: Required DISTANCE TARGET: 5/13yd T5 T4 T3 12yd PP2 PP1 T2 10yd T1 13yd 7yd 5yd T3 T P1
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