Name and surname:
Marcello Vichi
Date of birth:
2002 PhD in Marine Ecology and biogeochemistry (Doctor rerum naturalis, doc. rer.
Nat.) University of Oldenburg, Germany. Faculty of Natural, Biological and Environmental
Sciences. Thesis Title: Predictability studies of coastal marine ecosystem behaviour.
Level in national or international classification: ISCED 6A
1997 Laurea in Marine Environmental Sciences University of Bologna, Italy. Faculty of
Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences. Thesis title: Physical-biological interactions
in the northern Adriatic Sea: numerical experiments. Level in national or international
classification: ISCED 5A
Professional Experiences
to start in June 2014 Associate Professor at the Department of Oceanography,
University of Cape Town, South Africa
2006-2014 Researcher at Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (EuroMediterranean Center on Climate Change, CMCC)
2000-present Researcher (terzo livello) at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
1999-2002 Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Biology, Geology and Environmental Sciences
(FB 7), University of Oldenburg, Germany. Advisor: Prof. Dr. W.E. Krumbein; Co-advisor:
Prof. Dr. W. Ebenhoeh.
1999-2000 Visiting scientist at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ),
Texel, The Netherlands.
1998-2000: Research fellowship at the Ecological Modelling Centre (DHI Water and
Environment, Hoersholm, Denmark) funded by a Marie Curie training grant (MAS3-CT975050)
1997-1998 Independent research consultant at the Marine Geology Institute (IGM-CNR,
now ISMAR-CNR), Bologna, Italy.
1997 assistant at “Laboratorio di Simulazioni Numeriche del Clima e degli Ecosistemi
Marini” (SINCEM), University of Bologna at Ravenna, Italy.
Professional Activities
Editorial Activities:
Reviewer for the following peer-reviewed journals: Global Biogeochemical Cycles,
Progress in Oceanography, Journal of Marine Systems, Ecological Modelling, Climate
Dynamics, Ocean Dynamics, Journal of Sea Research, Climate Research, Harmful
Algae, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Sciences, Ocean Science, Environmental Modelling
and Software, Oceanologia, Biogeochemistry, Geophysical Research Letters,
Environmental Research Letters, Biogeosciences
Reviewer for the NERC science programme (2008, 2013) and the ERC (2009)
Review editor for the book: I Cambiamenti Climatici in Italia: Evidenze, Vulnerabilità e
Impatti, Castellari, S. and Artale V., editors, Bononia University Press, 2009
Organizational Activities:
Convener of session: Benthic-pelagic interactions, at the 45th Liege Colloquium on
Hydrodynamics, May 2013, Liege, (B) (with P. Regnier)
Curriculum Vitae and Studiorum of Marcello Vichi
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Convener of session R: Mapping and modelling of planktonic ecosystems for better
monitoring and future projections of responses to global change, ICES 2012, Bergen
(with I. Allen and J. Johannessen)
Convener of session R3: Physical and 6 Biogeochemical Ocean modelling: from theory
to applications. Geoitalia 2009, Rimini, Italy (with P. Oddo)
Official Appointments
June 2011: Member of the Scientific committee for the Earth Science Olympiad, 2011
Since 2011: Member of the PhD committee of the “Dottorato in Ecologia e Cambiamenti
Climatici”, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy
Since 2011: System Team Manager of the Biogeochemical Flux Mode
Since 2010: member of the Developer Team of the NEMO ocean model
2008-current: INGV Representative at the “Commissione Oceanografica Italiana” (Italian
Since 2004: Member of the Scientific Board of “Gruppo Nazionale di Oceanografia
Operativa” (National Group of Operational Oceanography).
National and International Projects
PERSEUS (2011-2014, Funded by European Commission, FP7, Oceans of Tomorrow
2011) Policy-oriented marine environmental research in the Southern European Seas.
Role: Principal Investigator
GEOCARBON (2011-2014, Funded by European Commission, FP7) Operational Global
Carbon Observing System. Role: Principal Scientific Investigator
MeDSea (2010-2013, Funded by European Commission, FP7, Environment 2010. Contract number: 265103) MEDiterranean Sea Acidification under changing climate. Role:
Principal Investigator
GreenSeas (2010-2013, Funded by European Commission, FP7, Environment 2010.
Contract number: 265294) Development of global plankton data base and model system
for eco-climate early warning. Role: Principal Investigator
GEMINA (2011-2014, Funded by the Italian Government) Role: Principal investigator of
WP6.4.2 on Earth System Model development
SESAME (2006-2010) Southern European Seas Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem
changes. Funded by European Commission FP6. Role: Principal Investigator
VECTOR (2005-2009, Italian FISR Project) Vulnerabilità delle coste e degli ecosistemi
marini italiani ai cambiamenti climatici e loro ruolo nei cicli del carbonio mediterraneo.
Role: Principal Investigator
EUR-OCEANS (2004-2009, funded by EU-FP6) European Network of Excellence for
Ocean Ecosystems Analysis. Role: participation in the joint research in the Mediterranean and general biogeochemical modelling.
ENSEMBLES (2004-2009, funded by EU-FP6) ENSEMBLE-based predictions of climate
changes and their impact. Role: implementation of the Eeart System Model and assessment of carbon cycle dynamics on the climate of the XX and XXI century
DYNAMITE (2005-2007, funded by EU-FP6) Understanding the Dynamics of the
Coupled Climate System. Role: Studies of the climate variability of the equatorial Pacific
associated to biogeochemical activity by means of coupled climate models.
PRISM (2002-2004, funded by EU-FP5) PRogram for Integrated earth System Modelling.
Role: Development of coupling interface between the ocean, atmosphere and sea-ice
models of a climate simulation system.
MFSTEP (2002-2005, funded by EU-FP5) Mediterranean Forecasting System Toward
Environmental Prediction. Role: Development and application of a generic marine
biogeochemistry model to the Mediterranean and regional seas.
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CAIEDAS (2000-2002, funded by the Italian ministry for the Environment and Territory)
Climatic and Anthropogenic Impact on the Environmental Dynamics of the Adriatic Sea.
Role: Simulation of the Adriatic Sea response to anthropogenic climate change by means
of a coupled physical-biogeochemical model.
BASYS (1996-1999, funded by the EU MAS programme) Baltic Sea System Study. Role:
Numerical simulation of the major Baltic sea biogeochemical cycles.
Peer-reviewed Publications:
1. Tedesco L. and M. Vichi (2014). Sea ice biogeochemistry: a guide for modellers. Accepted for publication in Plos ONE
2. Bopp L., Resplandy L., Orr J.C., Doney S.C., Dunne J.P., Gehlen M., Halloran P., Heinze
C., Ilyina T., Séférian R., Tjiputra J., Vichi M. (2013) Multiple stressors of ocean ecosystems under global change: projections with CMIP5 models. Biogeosciences, 10, 62256245, doi:10.5194/bg-10-6225-2013
3. Lazzari, P., Mattia G., Solidoro C., Salon S.; Crise A. Zavatarelli M., Oddo P. and Vichi M.
(2014) Impacts of climate change and environmental management policies on the trophic
regimes in the Mediterranean Sea: scenario analyses. Journal of Marine Systems,
doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.06.005, in press
4. Ruggio, R., M. Vichi, F. Paparella, and S. Masina (2013), Climatic trends of the equatorial undercurrent: a backup mechanism for sustaining the equatorial Pacific production,
J. Mar. Sys., 121–122, 11–23, doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.04.001.
5. Cagnazzo C., Manzini E., Fogli, P. G., Vichi, M. and Davini P. (2013) Role of Stratospheric Dynamics in the Ozone-Carbon connection in the Southern Hemisphere. Climate
Dynamics, 41, Issue 11-12 , pp 3039-3054 doi:10.1007/s00382-013-1745-5
6. Mattia G., Zavatarelli M., Vichi M. and Oddo P. (2013) The Eastern Mediterranean Sea
biogeochemical dynamics in the 90's: A numerical study. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 118, 1-18, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20160
7. Vichi M., Navarra A. and Fogli P.G. (2013) Adjustment of the natural ocean carbon cycle
to negative emission rates. Climatic Change: Volume 118, Issue 1 (2013), Page 105-118
doi: 10.1007/s10584-012-0677-0,
8. Alessandri, A., Fogli, P. G., Vichi, M., and Zeng, N. (2012) Strengthening of the hydrological cycle in future scenarios: atmospheric energy and water balance perspective, Earth
Syst. Dynam., 3, 199-212, doi:10.5194/esd-3-199-2012
9. Patara L., M. Vichi, S. Masina (2012) Impacts of natural and anthropogenic climate variations on North Pacific plankton in an Earth System Model. Ecological Modelling, 244,
132–147 doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2012.06.012
10. Butenschön, M., M. Zavatarelli, and M. Vichi (2012) Sensitivity of a marine coupled physical biogeochemical model to time resolution, integration scheme and time splitting
method, Ocean Modelling, 52–53, 36–53, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2012.04.008.
11. Patara L., M. Vichi, S. Masina, P.G. Fogli and E. Manzini (2012), Global response to
solar radiation absorbed by phytoplankton in a coupled climate model. Clim Dyn, 39(7-8),
1951-1968, doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1300-9
12. Tedesco L., M. Vichi M, D. Thomas (2012) Process studies on the ecological coupling
between sea ice algae and phytoplankton. Ecological Modelling 226 120– 138
13. Patara, L., S. Masina, M. Visbeck, G. Krahmann and M. Vichi (2011) Marine biogeochemical responses to the North Atlantic Oscillation in a coupled climate model. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 116, No. C7, C07023 doi:10.1029/2010JC006785.
14. Vichi M., E. Manzini, P.G. Fogli, A. Alessandri, L. Patara, E. Scoccimarro, S. Masina and
A. Navarra (2011) Global and regional ocean carbon uptake and climate change: Sensitivity to a substantial mitigation scenario. Clim Dyn 37:1929-1947 DOI 10.1007/s00382011-1079-0
15. Scoccimarro E., S. Gualdi, A. Bellucci, A. Sanna , P.G. Fogli,E. Manzini, M. Vichi, P.
Oddo, A. Navarra (2011) Effects of Tropical Cyclones on Ocean Heat Transport in a High
Resolution Coupled General Circulation Model. J. of Clim, 24, 4368-4384. doi:
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16. Vichi, M. Allen JI, Masina, S and N. Hardman-Mountford (2011) The emergence of ocean
biogeochemical provinces: a quantitative assessment and a diagnostic for model evaluation. Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 25, GB2005, doi:10.1029/2010GB003867.
17. Berline L, Stemmann L, Vichi M, Lombard F and Gorsky G. (2011) Impact of appendicularians on detritus and export fluxes: a model approach at Dyfamed site, J. Plankt. Res.,
33(6), 855–872, 10.1093/plankt/fbq16
18. Saba V. et al. including M. Vichi (2010) The challenges of modeling depth-integrated
marine primary productivity over multiple decades: A case study at BATS and HOT.
Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 24, GB3020 doi:10.1029/2009GB003655
19. Tedesco L., Vichi M., Haapala J. and Stipa T. (2010) A dynamic Biologically-Active Layer
for numerical studies of the sea ice ecosystem. Ocean Modelling 35 (2010) 89–104
20. Vichi, M. and Masina, S. (2009) Skill assessment of the PELAGOS global ocean biogeochemistry model over the period 1980–2000, Biogeosciences, 6, 2333-2353.
21. Tedesco L., Vichi M., Haapala J. and Stipa T. (2009). An enhanced sea-ice thermodynamic model applied to the Baltic Sea. Boreal Environmental Research, 14, pp 68-80.
22. Vichi M., S. Masina and F. Nencioli (2008) A process-oriented model study of equatorial
Pacific phytoplankton: the role of iron supply and tropical instability waves. Progress in
Oceanography 78 , pp. 147-162. DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2008.04.003
23. Vichi M., N. Pinardi and S. Masina (2007) A generalized model of pelagic biogeochemistry for the global ocean ecosystem. Part I: Theory. J. Marine Systems, 64(1-4), pp 89109. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2006.03.006
24. Vichi M., S. Masina and A. Navarra (2007) A generalized model of pelagic
biogeochemistry for the global ocean ecosystem. Part II: numerical simulations. J.
Marine Systems, 64(1-4), pp 110-134, DOI:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2006.03.014
25. Tedesco L., G. Socal, F. Bianchi, F. Acri, D. Veneri, and Vichi M. (2007) NW Adriatic Sea
biogeochemical variability in the last 20 years (1986–2005) Biogeosciences, 4, pp. 673687.
26. Polimene L., Pinardi N., Zavatarelli M., Allen I., Giani M. and Vichi M. (2007) A numerical
simulation study of DOC accumulation in the northern Adriatic Sea. J. Geophys. Res.,
112, C03S20, doi:10.1029/2006JC003529.
27. Carniel S., Vichi M. and Sclavo M. (2007) Sensitivity of a coupled physical–biological
model to turbulence: high-frequency simulations in a northern Adriatic station, Chemistry
and Ecology 23(2), pp 1–20.
28. Vichi M., Baretta, J.W., Ruardij, P. (2004). Link or sink: a modelling interpretation of the
open Baltic biogeochemistry. Biogeosciences, 1, pp. 79-100.
29. Vichi M. , May W., Navarra A. (2003) Response of a complex ecosystem model of the
northern Adriatic Sea to a regional climate change scenario. Climate Research, 24, pp.
30. Vichi M. , Oddo P., Zavatarelli M., Coluccelli A., Coppini G. Celio M., Fonda Umani S.,
Pinardi N. (2003). Calibration and validation of a one-dimensional complex marine
biogeochemical flux model in different areas of the northern Adriatic Sea. Annales
Geophysicae, 21, pp. 413-436.
31. Vichi M. , Zavatarelli M., Pinardi N. (1998) Seasonal modulation of microbial mediated
carbon fluxes in the northern Adriatic Sea. A model study. Fisheries Oceanography,
7(3/4), pp. 182-190.
32. Vichi M. , Pinardi N., Zavatarelli M., Frascari F., Bergamini M.C., Matteucci G., Marcaccio
M. (1998) One dimensional ecosystem model tests in the Po prodelta area (northern
Adriatic Sea). Environmental Modelling and Software 13(5/6), pp. 471-481.
Submitted Publications:
1. E. Ramírez-Romero, M. Vichi, M. Castro, J. Macías, D. Macías, C.M. García, M.Bruno.
Modeling the biogeochemical seasonal cycle in the Strait of Gibraltar. Submitted to
Journal of Marine Systems
Curriculum Vitae and Studiorum of Marcello Vichi
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2. McKiver W.J, M. Vichi, T. Lovato, A. Storto and S. Masina. Impact of resolved physical
dynamics on global marine biogeochemistry. Submitted to Journal of Marine Systems,
Special Issue on Liege Colloquium 2013
Other Publications:
Gehlen, M., A. Yool, M. Vichi, R. Barciela, C. Perruche, A. E. Moussaoui, and C. Ethé
(2012), Coupled physical-biogeochemical ocean modeling using NEMO components, in
Special Issue: NEMO-MyOcean, Mercator Newsletter, vol. 46, Mercator Ocean
Contributing author in: Christensen, T. et al. (2012), Climate impacts on environmental
systems: Oceans and marine environment, in Climate change, impacts and vulnerability
in Europe 2012, no. 12/2012 in EEA Report, chap. 3, European Environment Agency,
Tedesco L and Vichi M. (2010) BFM-SI: A new implementation of the biogeochemical flux
model in sea ice.
Fogli, P. G., E. Manzini, M. Vichi, L. P. A. Alessandri, S. Gualdi, E. Scoccimarro, S. Masina, and A. Navarra (2009), INGV-CMCC Carbon: A carbon cycle Earth System Model,
CMCC Research Paper RP0061.
Zavatarelli, M., G. Mattia, M. Vichi, and B. An (2010), The mediterranean sea ecosystem
dynamics: Hindcast and scenario simulations, in Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit. Vol. 39, p.
326, CIESM.
Vichi M., Coluccelli A., Ravaioli M., Giglio F., Langone L., Azzaro M., Azzaro F., La Ferla
R., Catalano G., Cozzi S (2009) Modelling approach to the assessment of biogenic fluxes
at a selected Ross Sea site, Antarctica. Ocean Science Discuss. (
Vichi M. , Carniel S., Kantha L.H., Sclavo M. (2004) Simulations of the physical and
biological variability at a northern Adriatic Sea station: the impact of turbulence closure
schemes and boundary forcing. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Médit., 37, ISSN 0373-434X, p.
Vichi M. (2000) The influence of high frequency surface forcing functions on productivity
in the euphotic layer. In “Bio-ecological Observations in Operational Oceanography”.
Fischer J., Baretta J.W., Colijn F. and Flemming N.C. (eds.). EuroGOOS Publication No.
15, Southampton Oceanography Centre, Southampton. ISBN 0-904175-43-X, pp. 29-30.
Vichi M. , Baretta J.W., Ruardij P. (2000) Non linear response in complex ecosystem
models: possible implications for the biological data assimilation. In Workshop on the
assimilation of Biological data in Coupled Physical/Ecosystem Models., Robinson, A.R.
And P.F.J. Lermusiaux (eds.). GLOBEC Special Contribution no. 3, ISSN 1066-7881, pp.
Pinardi N., Zavatarelli M., Vichi M. , Coluccelli A. (2000) Interdisciplinary Modeling: A
complex ecosystem approach. In Workshop on the assimilation of Biological data in
Coupled Physical/Ecosystem Models., Robinson, A.R. And P.F.J. Lermusiaux (eds.).
GLOBEC Special Contribution no. 3, ISSN 1066-7881, pp. E15-E20.
Teaching Activities
2013 Lecturer and course organizer at the Greenseas Summer School "Global plankton
data: ecosystems, monitoring and modelling in an era of global warming". University of
Cape Town, South Africa
Curriculum Vitae and Studiorum of Marcello Vichi
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2012-present Contract professor of Earth System Dynamics at PhD course in Climate
Dynamics (Scienze e Gestione dei Cambiamenti Climatici) at Università di Venezia, Ca’
2008-2011 Contract professor of Marine Biogeochemistry at PhD course in Climate
Dynamics (Scienze e Gestione dei Cambiamenti Climatici) at Università di Venezia, Ca’
2011 Lecturer of Marine biogeochemical modelling at 19th Alpine summer school on
Regional Climate Dynamics in the Mediterranean and beyond, Valsavarenche, Italy, 2022 June 2011
2009-2010 Contract professor of Global biogeochemical cycles and climate modelling.
PhD course in Climate Change Sciences (Scienze dei Cambiamenti Climatici) at
Università del Salento, Lecce
2010, 2012-2013 Lecturer of "Fundamentals of Climate Change" at Alta Scuola
Politecnica, Course in Global Change and Sustainability, organized by Politecnico di
Milano and Politecnico di Torino.
2009 Lecturer of SESAME Summer School on Coupled Ecological Modelling. Malta
2008 Lecturer of Global change and ecosystems, PhD course at Politecnico di Milano
PhD Co-supervisor
• Ruggio R. (2013) Lagrangian studies of the impact of climate change on the equatorial Pacific primary production. University of Salento, Lecce, Italy. Supervisors: F. Paparella
(UniSalento), M. Vichi (CMCC)
Patara L. (2010) Bio- physical interactions and feedbacks in a global climate model.
Università di Bologna. Supervisors: S. Masina and M. Vichi. Tutor: N. Pinardi, (UNIBO)
• Tedesco L. (2009) Modelling coupled physical biogeochemical processes in ice-covered
oceans. University of Bologna. Supervisors: M. Vichi (INGV), J. Haapala, T. Stipa (FMI).
Tutor: N. Pinardi (UNIBO)
Co-advisor of master and bachelor theses
Luconi E. (2012) Relazione tra uragani e fioriture fitoplantoniche nell'Oceano Atlantico.
Tesi di Laurea in Scienze Ambientali Università di Bologna, Sede di Ravenna. Relatore:
Pinardi N., Correlatore: M. Vichi
Nencioli F. (2004) Studio dei processi fisici e biogeochimici di mesoscala nel Pacifico
tropicale. Tesi di Laurea in Scienze Ambientali, Università di Bologna, Sede di Ravenna.
Relatore: Pinardi N., Correlatori: Masina M., Vichi M.
Oddo P. (2000) Analisi critica dei metodi di calibrazione di modelli numerici ecologici. Tesi
di Laurea in Scienze Ambientali, Università di Bologna, Sede Ravenna. Relatore: Pinardi
N. Correlatori: Giani M., Zaccone R., Vichi M., Zavatarelli M.
Coluccelli A. (1999) Distribuzione della radiazione solare e produzione primaria nel Golfo
di Trieste.Tesi di Laurea in Scienze Ambientali, Università di Bologna, Sede Ravenna.
Relatore: Pinardi N. Correlatori: Fonda-Umani S., Boni L., Zavatarelli M., Vichi M.
Dissemination activities
Scientific editor for the book: Luciani R. Il clima che cambia. Cosa possiamo fare noi. Giunti Progetti Educativi, 2008.
Lecturing at primary and secondary schools and science festivals. Scientific collaborator
with on teaching and dissemination of climate change issues.
Former member of the scientific committee of
Research Interests
Numerical modelling of coupled physical/biogeochemical processes in the marine
Earth system model climate studies and global carbon cycles
Curriculum Vitae and Studiorum of Marcello Vichi
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Global biogeochemical cycles and linkages with the ocean-atmosphere general
Process studies of marine biogeochemical interactions in coastal and shelf seas;
Mathematical modelling of complex natural systems;
Teaching and dissemination
Skills and competences
Social skills and competences
Capability to work in interdisciplinary scientific environment acquired during my staying at
international research institutes. Inclination to team-working and sharing of achievements.
Passion and dedication to teaching. Capability to communicate scientific results to a wide
audience using different means of communication.
Organisational skills and competences
Tutoring of Master-level and Ph.D students at the University of Bologna and University of Salento,
Italy. Preparation of project proposals at the national and international level.
Principal investigator of national and international research projects resource planning,
management, accounting of resources). Organisation of workshops and seminars
Computer skills and competences
Self-acquired 15 years experience in computer programming (proficiency FORTRAN90/95, bash
shell scripting, python, basics of C, basics of MPI) on various operating systems (UNIX/LINUX,
Mac OSX, Windows). Familiarity and day-to-day usage of state-of-the art HPC systems (NEC SX
series, IBM-Power6, Bluegene/Q, Xeon sandybridge). Development of F90/95 software tools for
the simulation of marine biogeochemistry (principal developer of the Biogeochemical Flux Model,
BFM and of the CMCC Earth System Model CMCC-CESM). Utilization and knowledge of the
major ocean General Circulation Models (POM, NEMO, GOTM/GETM, ROMS). Mastering of
MATLAB scripting language and visualization. Usage of most common geophysical data formats
(netCDF, HDF) with library calls and visualization softwares. System administration and usage of
office tools on any operating system.
Other skills and competences
Sailing and motor boat licence. Experienced sailor in the Mediterranean. First-aid skills.
Driving licence(s)
Italian type A and B (Cars and motorcycles)
Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi del D. lgs. 196/03
Bologna, January 2013
Marcello Vichi