Erasmo Carrera Professor Aeronautics and Space Engineering Department, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy Fiorenzo Adolfo Fazzolari1 School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, City University London, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB United Kingdom e-mail: [email protected] Luciano Demasi Assistant Professor Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA 92182-1308 1 Vibration Analysis of Anisotropic Simply Supported Plates by Using Variable Kinematic and Rayleigh-Ritz Method This work deals with accurate free-vibration analysis of anisotropic, simply supported plates of square planform. Refined plate theories, which include layer-wise, equivalent single layer and zig-zag models, with increasing number of displacement variables are take into account. Linear up to fourth N-order expansion, in the thickness layer-plate direction have been implemented for the introduced displacement field. Rayleigh-Ritz method based on principle of virtual displacement is derived in the framework of Carrera’s unified formulation. Regular symmetric angle-ply and cross-ply laminates are addressed. Convergence studies are made in order to demonstrate that accurate results are obtained by using a set of trigonometric functions. The effects of the various parameters (material, number of layers, and fiber orientation) upon the frequencies and mode shapes are discussed. Numerical results are compared with available results in literature. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4004680] Introduction Structures composed of composite materials offer lower weight, higher stiffness and strength then those composed of most metallic materials. That coupled with advances in manufacturing of composite materials and structures, giving them a competitive edge when compared with normal engineering materials and lead to their extensive use. Composite plates and shells components now constitute a large percentage of aerospace and submarine structures. They are increasingly used in areas like automotive engineering, and other applications. The use of the laminated composite plate in many engineering applications has been expanding rapidly in the past three decades. This resulted in considerably more research and interest in their dynamic behavior. Indeed, a monograph by Leissa [1] that reviewed plate vibration researched up to that point and included about 1000 references, listed only a few articles that touched composite plates. The first accurate treatment of plates can be attributed to Germain [2] and Lagrange [3] early in the 19th century. A good historical review of the development can be referred to in the books of Soedel [4] and Timoshenko [5]. This theory is now referred to as the classical plate theory (CPT). It uses the pure bending concept of plates in the development of the equations, where normals to the middle surface remain straight and normal. It is valid for a small deformation of thin plates. The inclusion of shear deformation in the fundamental equations of plates is due to Reissner [6] and Mindlin [7]. Theories that account for shear deformation are now referred to as thick plate theories or shear deformation plate theories (SDPT). Hearmon [8] presented what could be the first study on composite plates. Among the first to work on composite plates was Smith [9]. A consistent theory for symmetrically laminated plates was presented by Reissner and Stavski [10]. There is evidence data that some Russian scientists may indeed have considered the problem earlier. Ambartsumian [11] and Lekhnitskii [12] probably published the first book in the area of composite plates and shells. Nevertheless, the original contribution by Lekhniskii has been 1 Corresponding author. Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received November 16, 2010; final manuscript received May 30, 2011; published online November 28, 2011. Assoc. Editor: Massimo Ruzzene. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics almost ignored in the subsequent literature, even though the first method able to describe the zig-zag effect and interlaminar continuous transverse stresses was provided by Lekhniskii in Ref. [13]. On the contrary, the works of Ren [14] and [15], were taken into account. In two papers Ren has, in fact, extended Lekhnitskii’s theory to orthotropic and anisotropic plates. A further pioneering analysis was presented by Yu [16], where in plane zig-zag effect and transverse shear were both fulfilled in correspondence to the two interfaces of sandwich plate. Ashton and Whitney [17] presented fundamental equations of laminated plates. Vinson and Sierakowski [18] presented analysis of composite beams, plates, and shells, while Whitney [19] presented various structural analyses; including free vibration of laminated anisotropic plate, and in Ref. [20] applied an extended Abartasumian theory to generally anisotropic and symmetrical and nonsymmetrical plates. The subject was also picked up by Mohan and Kingsbury [21], as well as Noor [22] among the many researchers in the field. In addition to the previous articles and books, more recent literature on composite plate vibrations research, such as Qatu [23–28], and Leissa and Narita [29], and can be found in various conference proceedings and journals. A complete historical review of so called zig-zag theories for laminated structures has been provided by Carrera in Ref. [30]. During the last two decades, a variable kinematics 2D models approach with hierarchical capabilities, for composite laminated plates and shells, presented in many papers has been widely developed by Carrera. The primary work contribution is provided in Ref. [31], where a generalization, proposing a systematic use of reissner mixed variational theorem (RMVT) [32] as a tool to furnish a class of two dimensional theories for multilayered plates analysis was presented. Attention was focused on approximated solution techniques, and the resulting governing equation was written as a system of algebraic equations. A weak form of Hook’s law was also introduced into this work to reduce the mixed cases to the displacement ones. Further details above hierarchical theories was provided in Ref. [33], where an overview of finite elements, that have been developed for multilayered, anisotropic composite plates and shells, and [34] where assessment and benchmarking were performed in order to validate the 2D hierarchical models developed is also available. Application of what is reported in Refs. [31] and [35] to derive governing equation in strong forms have been given in several other papers [36–42], C 2011 by ASME Copyright V DECEMBER 2011, Vol. 133 / 061017-1 Downloaded From: on 05/28/2014 Terms of Use: both Navier-type close form and Finite element solutions were given. Finite element formulation was also extensively developed in Refs. [43,44], where different loadings, as well as boundary conditions, were treated. The variable kinematics modeling technique based on Carrera’s unified formulation (CUF) offers a systematic procedure to obtain refined structural models by considering the order of the theory as a free parameter of the formulation. In the framework of those axiomatic approaches which can be developed on the basis of variational statements, CUF attention has been restricted to principle of virtual displacement (PVD) and RMVT applications (see Ref. [45]). The accuracy of CUF has been successfully demonstrated to range from classical 2D models to quasi-3D descriptions for buckling, bending and free-vibration analyses. Carrera’s unified formulation applications have been restricted to closed form ‘exact’ solutions of Navier-type, and Finite element solutions. Closed form solutions are restricted to simple geometries, simply supported boundary conditions and orthotropic behavior, while FE solutions are difficult to obtain for those cases in which higher modes and/or wave propagation description is required. The use of CUF in conjunction to other approximated solution technique would be therefore of interest for a more complete description of vibration response of laminated plates. Some attempt has been recently made by Ferreira, who have applied Radial Basis methods [46] by CUF, and R.J. Banerjee and M. Boscolo have employed dynamic stiffness method (DSM) [47]. On that line in this paper, for the first time, Rayleigh-Ritz formulation has been embedded in the framework of CUF in order to perform freevibration analysis of anisotropic, simply supported laminated plates. By virtue of this procedure, it has been possible overcome the limits which are typical in finite element method (FEM), as far as dynamic analysis at high frequencies is concerned. Indeed in a more general case the accuracy of FEM is very low, for a given number of degrees of freedom, because each basis function is a polynomial of low degree. On the contrary, the present methodology use global basis functions such as polynomials (or trigono- Fig. 1 061017-2 / Vol. 133, DECEMBER 2011 metric functions) of high degree which are nonzero, except at isolated points, over the entire computational domain. When fast iterative matrix solvers are used, the present methodology can be much more efficient than FEM. Plate geometry and notation for displacements, stresses and strains as well as Hooke’s law are shown in Sec. 2. The variable kinematics modeling technique based on CUF is briefly recalled in Sec. 3. The proposed Rayleigh-Ritz approximation method is widely described in Sec. 4. The basis functions chosen, and an example of the surface integrals, performed analytically, that appear in the Rayleigh-Ritz formulation are highlighted in Sec. 4.1, whereas all the surface integrals are illustrated in the Appendix. Finally, an assessment of the proposed models of simply-supported laminated plates is carried out in Sec. 5, where the effects of the various parameters (material, number of layers, fiber orientation) upon the frequencies and mode shapes are discussed. 2 Preliminaries The salient features of Plate geometry are shown in Fig. 1. A laminated plate composed of Nl layers is considered. The integer k, used as superscript or subscript, denotes the layer number which starts from the plate bottom. The layer geometry is denoted by the same symbols as those used for the whole multilayered plate and vice versa. With x and y the plate middle surface Xk coordinates are indicated. Ck is the layer boundary on Xk . z and zk are the plate and layer thickness coordinates; h and hk denote the plate and layer thicknesses, respectively. fk ¼ 2zk =hk is the nondimensioned local plate-coordinate; Ak denotes the k-layer thickness domain. Symbols that are not affected by the k subscript/superscripts refer to the whole plate. The notation for the displacement vector is: uðx; y; zÞ ¼ uy ux uz T (1) Superscript T represents the transposition operator. The stress, r, and the strain, e, are grouped as it follows: Multilayered plate Transactions of the ASME Downloaded From: on 05/28/2014 Terms of Use: rp ¼ rxx rn ¼ rxz T ryy rxy ; T ryz rzz ; ep ¼ exx en ¼ exz T eyy exy T eyz ezz (2) The subscripts n and p denote transverse (out-of-plane, normal) and in-plane values, respectively. In case of small displacements with respect to in plan dimension, the strain-displacement relations are: ep ¼ Dp u en ¼ Dn u ¼ ðDnX þ Dnz Þu (3) where Dp , DnX and Dnz are differential matrix operators: 2@ 3 2 3 2@ 3 @ 0 0 @x @x 0 0 @z 0 0 6 0 @ 07 @ 5; D ¼ 4 0 @ 0 5 (4) Dp ¼ 4 5; DnX ¼ 4 0 0 @y nz @y @z @ @ @ 0 0 @z 0 0 0 0 @y @x erence surface X. Linear and higher order distributions in the z-direction are introduced by the r-polynomials (see Fig. 2). The assumed models can be written with the same notations that will be adopted for the layer-wise model Eq. (9) is therefore rewritten as u ¼ Ft ut þ Fb ub þ Fr ur ¼ Fs us s ¼ t; b; r r ¼ 1; 2; 3; ; N 1 (10) Subscript b denotes values related to the plate reference surface X (ub ¼ u0 ) while subscript t refers to the highest term (ut ¼ uN ). The Fs functions assume the following explicit form: Fb ¼ 1; Ft ¼ zN ; Fr ¼ zr ; r ¼ 2; 3; ; N 1 (11) Classical models violate interlaminar equilibrium of the transverse stresses. Further, they do not describe zigzag form of the displacement field in plate thickness direction. In the case of orthotropic materials, Hooke’s law holds: r ¼ Ce (5) According to Eq. (2), the previous equation becomes: rp ¼ C~pp ep þ C~pn en rn ¼ C~np ep þ C~nn en where matrices C~pp , C~nn , C~pn and C~np are: 2 3 2 C~11 C~12 C~16 C~56 6 7 6 C~pp ¼ 4 C~12 C~11 C~26 5; C~nn ¼ 4 C~45 0 C~16 C~26 C~66 2 3 0 0 C~13 6 7 C~pn ¼ C~Tpp ¼ 4 0 0 C~23 5 (6) C~45 C~45 0 3 0 7 0 5; C~33 (7) 0 0 C~36 Refined Plate Theories In the framework of Carrera unified formulation (CUF), the displacement field is assumed as: u ¼ Fs us ; u ¼ u0 þ ð1Þk fk uZ þ zr ur ; s ¼ 1; 2; ::::; N (8) r ¼ 1; 2; ; N (12) Subscript Z refers to the introduced zigzag term. Note that the unknown function u0 , uZ , ur , are k-independent. The geometrical meaning of the zig-zag function is explained in Fig. 3. In the Murakami’s function MðzÞ ¼ ð1Þk fk the exponent k changes the sign of the zig-zag term in each layer. Such an artifice permits one to reproduce the discontinuity of the first derivate of the displacement variables in the z-direction which physically comes from the intrinsic transverse anisotropy of multilayer structures. With unified notations Eq. (12) becomes, u ¼ Ft ut þ Fb ub þ Fr ur ¼ Fs us For the sake of conciseness, the dependence of the coefficients C~ij versus Young’s moduli, Poisson’s ratio, the shear moduli, and the fiber angle is not reported. It can be found in Tsai [48], Reddy [49] or Jones [50]. 3 3.2 Zig-Zag Models. The expansion given in Eq. (9) does not permit the description of the zig-zag effects. Such a limitation could somehow be overcome by referring to Murakami’s idea. Murakami [51] proposed adding a zig-zag function to Eq. (9), s ¼ t; b; r r ¼ 1; 2; 3; ; N (13) Subscript t refers to the introduced zigzag term (ut ¼ uN ; Fs ¼ ð1Þk fk ). It should be noticed that Fs assumes the values 61 in correspondence to the bottom and the top interface of the k-layer (see Fig. 3). A comprehensive documentation can be found in Refs. [30,52,53]. 3.3 Layer-Wise. By assuming the expansion in Eq. (9) in each layer, layer-wise description is obtained. Nevertheless, Taylor-type expansion of Eq. (9) is not convenient for a layerwise description. In fact, the fulfillment of continuity requirements where FT are functions of the coordinates z in the thickness layerplate direction. uT is the displacement vector and N stands for the number of terms of the expansion. According to Einstein’s notation, the repeated subscript s indicates summation. The maximum expansion order, N, is supposed to be 4. A thorough description of the refined model used can be found in Ref. [34]. 3.1 Classical Equivalent Single Layer Models. Firstly, classical models are considered. As usual, the displacement variables are expressed in Taylor series in terms of unknown variables which are defined on the plate reference surface X. u ¼ u0 þ zr ur ; r ¼ 1; 2; ; N (9) N is a free parameter of the model. Different values for different modelings and different displacement components are assumed. The repeated r indexes are summed over their ranges. Subscript 0 denotes displacement values with correspondence to the plate refJournal of Vibration and Acoustics Fig. 2 Linear and cubic case of ESLM DECEMBER 2011, Vol. 133 / 061017-3 Downloaded From: on 05/28/2014 Terms of Use: The top and bottom values have been used as unknown variables. The interlaminar compatibility of displacement at each interface is easily linked: ukt ¼ ubkþ1 ; 4 k ¼ 1; Nl 1 (18) Rayleigh-Ritz Formulation The Rayleigh-Ritz method is a useful method for the approximate solutions to boundary value problems. This approach is equally applicable to bending, buckling and vibration problems. The stiffness and mass matrices in Rayleigh-Ritz approximation are obtained via the principle of virtual displacements in dynamic case: Nl ð X Fig. 3 Linear and cubic case of ZZM k¼1 ¼ C0z for the displacements at the interfaces, i.e., the -requirement could be easily introduced by using the interface variable as unknown functions: uk ¼ Ft ukt þ Fb ukb þ Fr ukr ¼ Fs uks s ¼ t; b; r r ¼ 1; 2; 3; ; N (14) The subscripts t and b denote values related to the layer’s top and bottom surfaces, respectively. They consist of the linear part of the expansion. The thickness functions Fs ðfk Þ have now been defined at the k-layer level, Ft ¼ P0 þ P1 P0 P1 ; Fb ¼ ; Fr ¼ Pr Pr2 ; r ¼ 2; 3; ; N 2 2 (15) in which Pj ¼ Pj ðfk Þ is the Legendre polynomial of the j-order defined in the fk -domain: 1 fk 1. Linear and cubic displacement field are shown in Fig. 4. The related polynomials are: P0 ¼ 1; 5f3k P1 ¼ fk ; 3f P3 ¼ k; 2 2 3fk 1 2 35f4k 15f2k 3 P4 ¼ þ 8 8 4 ð Xk Nl ð X k¼1 ð Xk (19) qk duk u€k dV Ak where qk denotes mass density while double dots signifies accelerations. The subscript T signifies an array transposition and d virtual variations. The subscript H underlines that stresses are computed via Hooke’s law. The variation of the internal work has been split into in-plane and out-plane parts and involves stress from Hooke’s law and strain from geometrical relations (subscript G). In Rayleigh-Ritz method the displacement vector, uks , that appears in Eq. (8), is expressed in series expansions: uks ¼ f ðtÞgi Uksi where i ¼ 1; :::; N s ¼ t; b; r r ¼ 2; 3; :::::; N (20) N indicates the order of expansion in the approximation. Consequently, the displacement field, in compact way, assume the following form: P2 ¼ The chosen functions have the following properties: 1 : Ft ¼ 1; Fb ¼ 0; Fr ¼ 0 fk ¼ 1 : Ft ¼ 0; Fb ¼ 1; Fr ¼ 0 Ak T T dekpG rkpH þ deknG rknH dXk dz (16) uk ¼ f ðtÞFs gi Uksi (21) 8 k 9 < Uxsi = k Uksi ¼ Uysi : k ; Uzsi (22) where: (17) the matrix gi is a diagonal matrix functions: 2 gxi 0 gi ¼ 4 0 gyi 0 0 formed by approximation 3 0 0 5 gzi end in complete form it can be written, in two ways: 2 0 gx2 0 0 … gxN 0 gx1 0 0 gy2 0 … 0 gyN g ¼ 4 0 gy1 0 0 gz2 … 0 0 0 0 gz1 0 (23) 3 0 0 5 gzN (24) or, in form of blocks g ¼ ½ g1 Fig. 4 Linear and cubic case of LWM 061017-4 / Vol. 133, DECEMBER 2011 g2 … gN (25) therefore, Eq. (20) can be written as: Transactions of the ASME Downloaded From: on 05/28/2014 Terms of Use: uks ¼ f ðtÞgUks The function f ðtÞ represent the temporal evolution of the solution variables and is required for dynamic analysis. The functions gxi , gyi , gzi are chosen appropriately on the type of problem. The results depend strongly on the functions that will be chosen. Convergence to the exact solution is guaranteed if the basis functions are admissible functions, i.e., they satisfy the following three points: • • • ekn ¼ Fs DnX gi Uksi þ Fs;z gi Uksi (26) By substituting the previous expression in Eq. (19) and using Eq. (6), the internal work becomes: dLkint ¼ be continuous as required in the variational statement (i.e., should be such that it has a nonzero contribution to the virtual work statement) satisfy the homogeneous form of the specified geometric boundary condition the set is linearly independent and complete Xk si p pn k ðA Xk Recalling general expression of the virtual work: Pk ¼ Lkint LkFin (28) the total potential energy functional, the Eq. (27) corresponds to a minimization of the functional dPk ¼ 0 dLkint ¼ dUksi Kks sij Uksj (27) where Lint is the internal work and LFin is the work done from the inertial force. Being: (29) The minimization is respect to the undetermined coefficients of linear combination that derived to the approximation solution in k k k , Uysi , Uzsi and the Eq. (21). In particular, Pk is a function of Uxsi condition given in Eq. (29) can be written in the following form: (33) Ak T dLkint dLkFin ¼ 0 sj kT T k ~ þ dUsi DnX gi Cnp Fs Fs dz Dp gj Uksj dX Xk Ak ð ð T dUksi DTnX gi C~knn Fs Fs dz DnX gj Uksj dX þ k Xk ðA ð T þ dUksi DTnX gi C~knn Fs Fs;z dz gj Uksj dX Xk Ak ð ð kT k dUsi gi C~np Fs;z Fs dz Dp gj Uksj dX þ k Xk ðA ð T k k ~ dUsi gi Cnn Fs;z Fs dz DnX gj Uksj dX þ Xk Ak ð ð T dUksi gi C~knn Fs;z Fs;z dz gj Uksj dX þ gxi ðx; yÞ ¼ genericfunction gxi ðx; yÞ ¼ /xi ð xÞwxi ð yÞ gxi ðx; yÞ ¼ gxmn ðx; yÞ ¼ trigonometricfunction ) /xm ð xÞ np ¼ cos mp a x ; wxn ð yÞ ¼ sin b y In the first case, gxi ðx; yÞ is a general function of x and y, in the second case is the product of two generic functions of x and y and in the third case is the product of simple harmonic functions. The subscript m and n identify the number of half-waves along x and y respectively. Applying Rayleigh-Ritz method, it is useful rewrite the PVD as: ð T dUksi DTp gi C~kpp Fs Fs dz Dp gj Uksj dX Xk Ak ð ð T dUksi DTp gi C~kpn Fs Fs dz DnX gj Uksj dX þ k Xk ðA ð kT T ~k dU D gi C Fs Fs;z dz gj Uk dX þ ð ð In this case, it is not implemented a process of discretization of the domain, like in FEM, but it is looking for a kind of global solution on the entire domain. The functions gxi , gyi , gzi can be represented through three ways, for the sake of simplicity only gxi is taken into account: • • • (32) (34) By comparison with Eq. (33): Kkssij ¼ ð ð DTp gi C~kpp Fs Fs dz Dp gj þ C~kpn Fs Fs dz DnX gj k Xk Ak ð A ð k T k ~ ~ þ Cpp Fs Fs;z dz gj þ DnX gi Cnp Fs Fs dz Dp gj k Ak ðA ð þ C~knn Fs Fs dz DnX gj þ C~knn Fs Fs;z dz gj k Ak A ð ð Fs;z Fs dz Dp gj þ C~knn Fs;z Fs dz DnX gj þ gi C~knp k Ak ð A þ C~knn Fs;z Fs;z dz gj dX ð Ak (35) k @P ¼ 0 with k @Uxsi i ¼ 1; :::; N ; s ¼ t; b; r r ¼ 2; 3; :::::; N 1 @Pk ¼ 0 with k @Uysi i ¼ 1; :::; N ; s ¼ t; b; r r ¼ 2; 3; :::::; N 1 @Pk ¼ 0 with k @Uzsi i ¼ 1; :::; N ; s ¼ t; b; r r ¼ 2; 3; :::::; N 1 (30) Stiffness and mass matrices can be determined in more direct way using Eq. (19). The strain vectors can be written by coupling Eqs. (3) and (21). ekp ¼ Fs Dp gi Uksi Journal of Vibration and Acoustics (31) The stiffness matrix determined represents fundamental nucleus related to principle of virtual displacements application in static case. For the sake of accuracy, the nine terms K kssij are: ð ð ð Fs Fs dz gxi;x gxj;x dX þ C~k16 Fs Fs dz gxi;y gxj;x dX Ak X Ak X ð ð k ~ þ C16 Fs Fs dz gxi;x gxj;y dX k ðA ðX k ~ þ C66 Fs Fs dz gxi;y gxj;y dX k X ðA ð k ~ þ C55 Fs;z Fs;z dz gxi gxj dX ssij Kxx ¼ C~k11 ð Ak X DECEMBER 2011, Vol. 133 / 061017-5 Downloaded From: on 05/28/2014 Terms of Use: ð ð ð Fs Fs dz gxi;x gyj;y dX þ C~k26 Fs Fs dz gxi;x gyj;y dX Ak X Ak X ð ð k þ C~16 Fs Fs dz gxi;x gyj;x dX k ðA ðX k þ C~66 Fs Fs dz gxi;x gyj;x dX k X ðA ð k þ C~45 Fs;z Fs;z dz gxi gyj dX ssij Kxy ¼ C~k12 ð Ak ð Ak ssij Kyx ¼ C~k12 ð Fs Fs dz gyi;x gxj;x dX þ C~k16 X ð ð k ~ þ C26 Fs Fs dz gyi;x gxj;y dX k ðA ðX þ C~k66 Fs Fs dz gyi;x gxj;y dX k X ðA ð k þ C~45 Fs;z Fs;z dz gyi gxj dX ð Fs Fs dz gyi;x gyj;y dX þ C~k26 Ak X ð ð k ~ þ C26 Fs Fs dz gyi;x gyj;x dX k ðA ðX þ C~k66 Fs Fs dz gyi;x gyj;x dX k X ðA ð þ C~k44 Fs;z Fs;z dz gyi gyj dX Ak ssij Kyz ¼ C~k23 gyi;x gxj;x dX Ak X Fs Fs;z dz gyi;x gzj dX þ C~k36 Ak X ð ð k ~ þ C45 Fs;z Fs dz gyi gzj;x dX k ðA ðX k ~ þ C44 Fs;z Fs dz gyi gzj;y dX Ak Xk Xk ssij Kzx ¼ C~k55 Fs Fs;z dz gzi;x gxj dX þ C~k45 Ak X ð ð k ~ þ C13 Fs;z Fs dz gzi gxj;x dX k ðA ðX k ~ þ C36 Fs;z Fs dz gzi gxj;y dX Ak Fs Fs dz Ak gyi;x gyj;y dX Mkssij ¼ qk I ð ð Fs Fs dz Ak X k gi gj dX (41) where I is the unit array. The three terms M kssij are: kssij ¼ qk I Mxx ð Ak ð Fs Fs;z dz kssij Myy k ¼q I ð Fs Fs dz k ðA kssij ¼ qk I Mzz ðX k ðX k X k Fs Fs dz Ak gyi;x gzj dX X ð ð Fs Fs dz Ak gxi gxj dX gyi gyj dX gzi gzj dX (42) The discrete form of the governing equations is finally obtained in terms of fundamental nuclei: ð Ak dUksi : ð Fs Fs;z dz T Kkssij Usj þ Mkssij U€sjk ¼ 0 (43) gzi;x gxj dX X The free-vibration response lead to the following eigenvalue problem jjKkssij x2ij Mkssij jj ¼ 0 (44) X ð Ak (40) Ak X ð ð ð Fs Fs;z dz gzi;x gyj dX þ C~k44 Fs Fs;z dz gzi;x gyj dX Ak X Ak X ð ð k ~ þ C23 Fs;z Fs dz gzi gyj;y dX k ðA ðX k ~ þ C36 Fs;z Fs dz gzi gyj;x dX ssij ¼ C~k45 Kzy (39) Eq. (40) can be rewritten as: ð X ð T comparing the two relations: ð ð gi qk Fs Fs dz gj dX Mkssij ¼ ð (38) Ak Since T ð ð T € kT dXk dUksi gi qk Fs Fs dz gj U sj T X ð ð (37) Ak dLkFin ¼ dUksi Mkssij U€sjk X ð ð using Eq. (21): ð Fs Fs dz Ak Ak ssij Kyy ¼ C~k22 Xk dLkFin ¼ ð X From the work done by the inertial force: ð ð qk duk u€k dV dLkFin ¼ X ð ð Ak X ð ð ð Fs Fs;z dz gxi;x gzj dX þ C~k36 Fs Fs;z dz gxi;x gzj dX Ak X Ak X ð ð k þ C~55 Fs;z Fs dz gxi gzj;x dX k ðA ðX k þ C~45 Fs;z Fs dz gxi gzj;y dX ssij Kxz ¼ C~k13 ð ð ð Fs Fs dz gzi;x gzj;x dX þ C~k45 Fs Fs dz gzi;x gzj;x dX Ak X Ak X ð ð k Fs;z Fs dz gzi;x gzj;y dX þ C~45 k ðA ðX k Fs Fs dz gzi;x gzj;y dX þ C~44 k X ðA ð k Fs;z Fs;z dz gzi gzj dX (36) þ C~33 Kzzssij ¼ C~k55 X 061017-6 / Vol. 133, DECEMBER 2011 where kij ¼ x2ij are the eigenvalues of the problem, the double bar denote the determinant. This procedure has been used for the different case theories and results discussed later. 4.1 Basis Functions. A crucial point in Rayleigh-Ritz method is the chosen of the basis functions on which build, with linear combinations of unknown coefficients, approximate solutions. In the present work, they have been only considered trigonometric functions, Transactions of the ASME Downloaded From: on 05/28/2014 Terms of Use: mpx npy sin cos a b m¼1 n¼1 M N XX mpx npy gymn ðx; yÞ ¼ cos sin a b m¼1 n¼1 M X N mpx npy X gzmn ðx; yÞ ¼ sin sin a b m¼1 n¼1 gxmn ðx; yÞ ¼ M X N X Table X ¼ xa 2 m,n DOF The comprehensive set of surface integrals that appear in fundamental nucleus are accounted for in Appendix. With the symbols y x and J1nq , the value of integrals of trigonometric functions are J1mp defined, also these quantities are listed in Appendix. This procedure has been coded for the different case theories and results discuss in Sec. 5. Results and Discussion 4 6 8 10 12 a 16 36 64 100 144 X5 b X5 a X6 b X6 a 51.657 — 57.543 — 50.407 — 54.436 — 49.984 49.99 53.863 53.87 49.749 49.75 53.591 53.59 49.595 49.60 53.425 53.43 X7 b X7 a X8 b X8 a 75.723 — 75.767 — 71.325 — 73.473 — 70.586 70.59 72.849 72.85 70.240 70.24 72.536 72.54 70.033 70.04 72.346 72.35 Leissa and Narita [29]. Present analysis. b out. A good agreement between present analysis and references has been found. The lamination scheme used is: • LS : ½30 = 30 =30 and the material is graphite-epoxy: E1 ¼ 138 GPa, E2 ¼ 8:96 GPa, G12 ¼ 7:1 GPa, 12 ¼ 0:30 In Fig. 5, the influence of lamination angle upon the first height frequencies is shown. The graphic shows a symmetric trend due to similar frequency values obtained with lamination of 30 60 , 15 75 and 0 90 . In following analysis different lamination schemes (LS), material and refined theories have been considered: • • • • LS1 : ½0 = 0 =0 LS2 : ½15 = 15 =15 LS3 : ½30 = 30 =30 LS4 : ½45 = 45 =45 The material proprieties of the used lamina in the analysis is E-glass-epoxy (E/E): • Free-vibration analyses of anisotropic, simply supported composite laminated plates are considered. Different materials, lamination schemes and theories are taken into account. Acronyms have been introduced to denote the different analysis in tables and diagrams. Three characters have been used to build up these acronyms. The first character can be L or E which states Layer-wise or Equivalent single layer analysis. The second one is D which states classical analysis on the basis of Displacement formulation. The third character can assume the numbers 1, 2, 3 or 4 which state the order N of the displacement field. For instance, LD3 means Layer-wise Displacement analysis with cubic displacement field in each layer. Thin and thick as well as square plate geometries have been analyzed. Regular symmetric angle-ply laminate ½h = h =h and cross-ply laminate are considered. parameter X (45) Using these kind of functions, the surface integral present in the fundamental nucleus can be solved in analytical way. For the sake of brevity, it is only shown the first surface integral present in the first component of fundamental nucleus, for instance: ð xx ¼ gxi;x gxj;x dX I K1mnpq X ð ð mp2 p a b mpx npy ppx qpy ¼ 2 sin sin sin dx dy sin a a b a b 0 0 ð ð npy qpy b mp2 p a mpx ppx ¼ 2 sin dx sin sin dy sin a a a b b 0 0 mp2 p x y ¼ 2 J1mp J1nq a (46) 5 2 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Convergence of the frequency q a 12qð1m12 m21 Þ for square plate ¼ 1 b E1 h2 E1 ¼ 60:7 GPa, E2 ¼ 24:8 GPa, G12 ¼ 12:0 GPa, 12 ¼ 0:23 First and second natural frequencies with different thicknessratio and theories are evaluated. From the results reported in Tables 3–6, it is remarked that frequencies predicted by the linear models LD1, ED1 and EDZ1 are higher than those obtained with the other models. This confirms the pathology that is peculiar to linear models retaining the full 3D constitutive law and that has been referred to in Ref. [54] as Poisson locking. Figs. 6–9 highlight as the fundamental frequency parameter is more influenced from thickness parameter than lamination angle. For thick plate a=h ¼ 4, refined theories such as FSDT and ED4 show a better behavior with respect to CLPT, the ineffectiveness of CLPT has had due to limits of validity to thin plates. For moderately thick 5.1 Regular Symmetric Angle-Ply. In Tables 1 and 2 convergence of first eight frequency parameters with CLPT is carried Table X ¼ xa 2 1 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Convergence of the frequency q a 12qð1m12 m21 Þ for square plate ¼ 1 b E1 h2 parameter X m, n DOF 4 6 8 10 12 a 16 36 64 100 144 X1 b X1 a X2 b X2 a 12.329 — 22.747 — 12.159 — 22.333 — 12.068 12.07 22.148 22.15 12.009 12.01 22.039 22.04 11.967 11.97 21.965 21.97 X3 b X3 a X4 b X4 a 36.631 — 37.267 — 36.231 — 36.565 — 36.054 36.05 36.288 36.29 35.949 35.95 36.134 36.14 35.878 35.88 36.034 36.04 Leissa and Narita [29]. Present analysis. b Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Fig. 5 Effect of the laminationffi angle on frequency parameter pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi X ¼ xa 2 ð12qð1 m12 m 21 Þ=E1 h2 Þ, ða=b Þ ¼ 1 DECEMBER 2011, Vol. 133 / 061017-7 Downloaded From: on 05/28/2014 Terms of Use: Table p 3ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi First and second circular frequency parameters ffi X ¼ x ða 4 q=E1 h2 Þ related to fundamental and higher order modes, m, n 5 10, square plate ða=b Þ ¼ 1, lamination scheme: LS1 a/h X CLPTa FSDT ED1 ED2 ED3 ED4 EDZ1 EDZ2 EDZ3 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 4 10 20 100 X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X2 4.223 3.730 3.810 3.730 3.665 3.664 3.769 3.698 3.665 3.707 3.665 3.664 3.664 8.668 7.271 7.435 7.274 7.111 7.107 7.326 7.195 7.111 7.214 7.110 7.107 7.107 4.398 4.289 4.400 4.289 4.271 4.271 4.389 4.280 4.271 4.293 4.271 4.271 4.271 9.524 9.117 9.390 9.118 9.058 9.058 9.350 9.088 9.058 9.119 9.059 9.058 9.058 4.425 4.396 4.514 4.396 4.392 4.392 4.511 4.394 4.392 4.407 4.392 4.392 4.392 9.669 9.554 9.860 9.554 9.536 9.536 9.848 9.545 9.536 9.580 9.537 9.536 9.536 4.434 4.433 4.553 4.433 4.433 4.433 4.553 4.433 4.433 4.446 4.433 4.433 4.433 9.716 9.712 10.030 9.712 9.711 9.711 10.030 9.711 9.711 9.747 9.711 9.711 9.711 a Qatu [27] using CLPT with algebric polynomial and 49 DOF, for thin plates obtained X1 ¼ 4.434 and X2 ¼ 9.717. Table p 6ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi First and second circular frequency parameters ffi X ¼ x ða 4 q=E1 h2 Þ related to fundamental and higher order modes, m, n 5 10, square plate ða=b Þ ¼ 1, lamination scheme: LS4 a/h X CLPTa FSDT ED1 ED2 ED3 ED4 EDZ1 EDZ2 EDZ3 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 4 10 20 100 X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X2 4.485 3.936 4.010 3.937 3.862 3.861 3.962 3.898 3.861 3.901 3.861 3.859 3.859 7.902 7.819 7.902 7.821 7.603 7.597 7.812 7.706 7.601 7.723 7.600 7.595 7.595 4.674 4.550 4.657 4.550 4.530 4.530 4.643 4.540 4.530 4.552 4.530 4.529 4.529 10.567 10.028 10.284 10.029 9.945 9.945 10.225 9.984 9.945 10.014 9.946 9.944 9.944 4.702 4.670 4.784 4.670 4.664 4.664 4.780 4.667 4.664 4.680 4.664 4.664 4.664 10.728 10.575 10.866 10.575 10.550 10.550 10.848 10.562 10.550 10.595 10.550 10.549 10.549 4.712 4.710 4.827 4.711 4.710 4.710 4.827 4.710 4.710 4.724 4.710 4.710 4.710 10.781 10.775 11.080 10.775 10.774 10.774 11.079 10.774 10.774 10.810 10.774 10.774 10.774 a Qatu [27] using CLPT with algebraic polynomial and 49 DOF, for thin plates obtained X1 ¼ 4.696 and X2 ¼ 10.76. Table p4ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi First and second circular frequency parameters ffi X ¼ x ða 4 q=E1 h2 Þ related to fundamental and higher order modes, m, n 5 10, square plate ða=b Þ ¼ 1, lamination scheme: LS2 a/h X CLPTa FSDT ED1 ED2 ED3 ED4 EDZ1 EDZ2 EDZ3 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 4 10 20 100 X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X2 4.287 3.779 3.858 3.780 3.712 3.712 3.815 3.746 3.712 3.755 3.712 3.711 3.711 8.702 7.384 7.542 7.386 7.212 7.208 7.426 7.300 7.212 7.319 7.210 7.207 7.207 4.466 4.352 4.462 4.353 4.334 4.334 4.451 4.343 4.334 4.356 4.334 4.334 4.334 9.753 9.314 9.583 9.315 9.250 9.250 9.539 9.282 9.250 9.313 9.250 9.249 9.249 4.494 4.463 4.581 4.464 4.458 4.458 4.577 4.461 4.458 4.474 4.458 4.458 4.458 9.901 9.777 10.079 9.777 9.758 9.758 10.066 9.767 9.758 9.802 9.758 9.758 9.758 4.502 4.501 4.621 4.501 4.501 4.501 4.621 4.501 4.501 4.515 4.501 4.501 4.501 9.949 9.945 10.259 9.945 9.944 9.944 10.259 9.944 9.944 9.980 9.944 9.944 9.944 a Qatu [27] using CLPT with algebric polynomial and 49 DOF, for thin plates obtained X1 ¼ 4.499 and X2 ¼ 9.942. Fig. 6 Fundamental circular frequency parameter versus lamination angle, thickness ratio a/h 5 4 Table p5ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi First and second circular frequency parameters ffi X ¼ x ða 4 q=E1 h2 Þ related to fundamental and higher order modes, m, n 5 10, square plate ða=b Þ ¼ 1, lamination scheme: LS3 a/h X CLPTa FSDT ED1 ED2 ED3 ED4 EDZ1 EDZ2 EDZ3 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 4 10 X1 X2 4.419 3.882 3.958 3.883 3.811 3.810 3.912 3.846 3.810 3.855 3.810 3.801 3.801 8.225 7.646 7.793 7.649 7.448 7.443 7.659 7.546 7.447 7.563 7.446 7.441 7.441 X1 20 X2 X1 100 X2 X1 X2 4.604 10.259 4.632 10.415 4.641 10.467 4.483 9.756 4.600 10.272 4.640 10.461 4.591 10.015 4.715 10.567 4.758 10.769 4.483 9.757 4.600 10.273 4.640 10.461 4.464 9.680 4.595 10.250 4.640 10.460 4.464 9.680 4.595 10.249 4.640 10.460 4.578 9.963 4.712 10.551 4.758 10.768 4.473 9.717 4.598 10.261 4.640 10.461 4.464 9.679 4.595 10.249 4.640 10.460 4.486 9.747 4.611 10.295 4.654 10.496 4.464 9.680 4.595 10.250 4.640 10.460 4.463 9.679 4.595 10.249 4.640 10.460 4.463 9.679 4.595 10.249 4.640 10.460 a Qatu [27] using CLPT with algebric polynomial and 49 DOF, for thin plates obtained X1 ¼ 4.631 and X2 ¼ 10.45. 061017-8 / Vol. 133, DECEMBER 2011 Fig. 7 Fundamental circular frequency parameter versus lamination angle, thickness ratio a/h 5 10 Transactions of the ASME Downloaded From: on 05/28/2014 Terms of Use: Table 7 Nondimensionalized fundamental frequency paramepffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ter X ¼ x ða 4 q=E2 h2 Þ of simply supported antisymmetric cross-ply square plates (G12 5 G13 5 0.5 E2, G23 5 0.2 E2, m 12 5 0.25), and the shear corrector coefficient of K 5 1.0 E1/E2 Fig. 10 Fundamental circular frequency parameter versus thickness ratio, lamination scheme:LS4 Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 40 Theory (0 /90 ) (0 /90 )4 (0 /90 ) (0 /90 )4 (0 /90 ) (0 /90 )4 2 FSDT ED1 ED2 ED3 ED4 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 4.235 4.267 4.232 4.139 4.135 4.239 4.147 4.076 4.075 4.643 4.657 4.638 4.346 4.336 4.012 3.992 3.992 3.992 4.530 4.546 4.502 4.402 4.384 4.502 4.401 4.323 4.322 4.946 4.949 4.936 4.598 4.590 4.218 4.195 4.192 4.192 4.696 4.705 4.622 4.514 4.484 4.608 4.557 4.427 4.425 5.049 5.050 5.039 4.708 4.700 4.316 4.293 4.287 4.287 4 FSDT ED1 ED2 ED3 ED4 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 6.126 6.208 6.119 6.032 6.029 6.138 6.027 5.982 5.982 7.276 7.326 7.270 6.944 6.939 6.572 6.550 6.550 6.550 6.948 6.998 6.926 6.818 6.794 6.936 6.861 6.734 6.734 8.547 8.565 8.528 7.985 7.978 7.423 7.389 7.388 7.388 7.504 7.539 7.416 7.291 7.224 7.401 7.343 7.154 7.153 9.101 9.110 9.075 8.432 8.425 7.783 7.743 7.741 7.741 10 CLPTa FSDT ED1 ED2 ED3 ED4 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 7.832 7.513 7.649 7.509 7.479 7.478 7.546 7.474 7.462 7.462 10.268 9.573 9.682 9.571 9.440 9.438 9.278 9.267 9.267 9.267 9.566 9.002 9.102 8.997 8.953 8.945 9.025 8.969 8.923 8.923 14.816 12.927 12.987 12.914 12.571 12.568 12.181 12.156 12.156 12.156 11.011 10.174 10.255 10.143 10.086 10.052 10.156 10.110 10.019 10.019 18.265 15.029 15.068 15.003 14.461 14.456 13.872 13.833 13.833 13.833 a 25 a/h Fig. 8 Fundamental circular frequency parameter versus lamination angle, thickness ratio a/h 5 20 Fig. 9 Fundamental circular frequency parameter versus lamination angle, thickness ratio a/h 5 100 10 Reddy [49]. plate enhance the behavior of CLPT. Taking into account thin plates all the theories are agree with the exception of ED1 model affected by Poisson locking. In Fig. 10, it is possible to observe the monotonous increasing of the circular frequency parameters as the thickness ratio a/h increase. 5.2 Cross-Ply Laminates. Free-vibration analysis of both symmetric and antisymmetric cross-ply laminates is addressed. In Tables 7 and 8, antisymmetric laminate are considered. Fundamental frequency parameter for different thickness and modulus ratio is evaluated. Lamination schemes used are ð0 =90 Þ and ð0 =90 Þ4 , and the material proprieties are G12 ¼ G13 ¼ 0:5E2 , G23 ¼ 0:2E2 , 12 ¼ 0:25. Increasing the number of layers, the fundamental frequency parameter increases, as well. More refined theories such as LD3, LD4 show a better behavior both for thick plate and for an higher number of layers. In Figs. 11 and 12 increasing the thickness ratio CLPT theory shows a good agreement with LD3, LD4. For thick plate the error committed by CLPT is bigger with lamination scheme ð0 =90 Þ4 than ð0 =90 Þ. The error percentage, generated using FDST by comparison with LD4 model and an anisotropic ratio of E1 =E2 ¼ 10, is strongly dependent form lamination scheme. More specifically the error ¼ 3:93% with lamination scheme ð0 =90 Þ and error ¼ 16:31% with ð0 =90 Þ4 . Figures 13 and 14 highlight the rise of fundamental frequency, always using the same model, as increase the anisotropic ratio. For symmetric cross-ply laminate, lamination scheme ð0 =90 =0 Þ have been considered. As illustrated in Table 9 for thick plate EDZ3, LD2 and LD4 give the best results, indeed refer to ZZT has been shown in Ref. [53] that it can be more convenient to enhance a plate theory by DECEMBER 2011, Vol. 133 / 061017-9 Downloaded From: on 05/28/2014 Terms of Use: Table 8 Nondimensionalized fundamental frequency paramepffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ter X ¼ x ða 4 q=E2 h2 Þ of simply supported antisymmetric cross-ply square plates (G12 5 G13 5 0.5 E2, G23 5 0.2 E2, m 12 5 0.25), and the shear corrector coefficient of K 5 1.0 E1/E2 10 20 CLPTa FSDT ED1 ED2 ED3 ED4 LD1 LD2 LD3 7.906 7.819 7.970 7.818 7.809 7.809 7.860 7.807 7.804 10.337 10.139 10.268 10.139 10.099 10.098 10.049 10.044 10.044 9.663 9.505 9.621 9.504 9.491 9.489 9.538 9.495 9.482 14.910 14.347 14.429 14.342 14.220 14.218 14.073 14.063 14.063 11.125 10.886 10.984 10.877 10.859 10.848 10.902 10.866 10.837 18.381 17.355 17.417 17.345 17.124 17.122 16.867 16.849 16.848 LD4 CLPTa FSDT ED1 ED2 ED3 ED4 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 7.804 7.931 7.927 8.084 7.927 7.927 7.927 7.972 7.927 7.926 7.926 10.044 10.354 10.346 10.482 10.346 10.344 10.344 10.344 10.342 10.342 10.342 9.841 9.695 9.689 9.811 9.689 9.688 9.688 9.724 9.688 9.688 9.688 14.063 14.941 14.917 15.009 14.917 14.911 14.911 14.906 14.904 14.904 14.904 10.837 11.162 11.152 11.257 11.152 11.151 11.151 11.183 11.152 11.150 11.150 16.848 18.419 18.374 18.448 18.374 18.363 18.363 18.351 18.349 18.349 18.349 7.933 7.932 8.089 7.932 7.932 7.932 7.977 7.931 7.932 7.932 10.355 10.355 10.491 10.355 10.355 10.355 10.360 10.352 10.353 10.350 9.726 9.696 9.819 9.697 9.697 9.697 9.732 9.696 9.696 9.697 14.942 14.942 15.034 14.942 14.942 14.942 14.943 14.941 14.945 14.939 11.230 11.164 11.269 11.164 11.164 11.164 11.195 11.164 11.164 11.164 18.421 18.420 18.495 18.420 18.420 18.420 18.422 18.421 18.423 18.422 a 40 Theory (0 /90 ) (0 /90 )4 (0 /90 ) (0 /90 )4 (0 /90 ) (0 /90 )4 1000 CLPT FSDT ED1 ED2 ED3 ED4 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 25 a/h 100 Fig. 12 Lamination scheme (0 /90 )4 and anisotropic ratio E1/E2 5 10 Reddy [49]. introducing Murakami zig-zag function (MZZF) than refining it by adding two or three higher order terms. For thin plate instead all used theory are agree enough. Mode shapes in Figs. 15–20, in order to shown the variable kinematic approach, are plotted. Comparison between ESLM and LWM have been accounted for. Fig. 11 Lamination scheme (0 /90 ) and anisotropic ratio E1/E2 5 10 061017-10 / Vol. 133, DECEMBER 2011 Fig. 13 Lamination scheme (0 /90 ) and LD4 model Fig. 14 Lamination scheme (0 /90 )4 and LD4 model Transactions of the ASME Downloaded From: on 05/28/2014 Terms of Use: Table 9 Nondimensionalized fundamental circular frequency pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi parameter Xmn ¼ xmn ða 4 q=E2 h2 Þ of symmetric cross-ply square plates with hk 5 h/3, E1/E2 5 25, G12 5 G13 5 0.5 E2, G23 5 0.2 E2, m 12 5 0.25 (0 /90 /0 ) a/h Theory a a m n CLPT FSDT ED2 ED4 EDZ3 LD2 LD4 10 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 4 3 15.104 22.421 38.738 55.751 59.001 62.526 67.980 12.527 19.203 31.921 32.931 36.362 47.854 44.720 12.523 19.210 31.968 32.911 36.339 47.967 44.724 11.756 18.490 30.938 29.262 32.914 46.219 41.510 11.461 18.267 30.786 28.219 31.956 46.132 40.732 11.464 18.285 30.843 28.246 31.988 46.236 40.789 11.457 18.212 30.564 28.182 31.892 45.653 40.537 100 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 4 3 15.227 22.873 40.283 56.874 60.891 66.708 71.484 15.192 22.827 40.174 56.319 60.322 66.421 70.882 15.191 22.827 40.176 56.318 60.321 66.426 70.882 15.174 22.810 40.152 56.058 60.059 66.374 70.625 15.165 22.803 40.145 55.934 59.934 66.368 70.504 15.165 22.803 40.146 55.935 59.934 66.371 70.505 15.165 22.802 40.140 55.934 59.933 66.350 70.501 a Fig. 17 z/h versus displacement component uy, ESL models, m5n51 Reddy [49]. Fig. 15 z/h versus displacement component ux, ESL models, m5n51 Fig. 16 z/h versus displacement component ux, LW models, m5n51 Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Fig. 18 z/h versus displacement component uy, LW models, m5n51 Fig. 19 z/h versus displacement component uz, ESL models, m5n51 DECEMBER 2011, Vol. 133 / 061017-11 Downloaded From: on 05/28/2014 Terms of Use: xx I K2mnpq ¼ Fig. 20 z/h versus displacement component uz, LW models, m5n51 6 Conclusions In this paper Rayleigh-Ritz method is derived in the framework of Carrera’s unified formulation. Classical formulations based on displacement assumptions have been considered. A variable Kinematics approach with hierarchical capabilities has been considered to establish the accuracy of a large variety of classical and advanced plate theories to evaluate circular frequency parameters. LW, ZZ and ESLM have been implemented. Linear up to fourth order displacement fields in the layer-plate thickness direction have been considered. The conducted investigation restricted to vibration of simply supported plate have mainly lead to the following conclusions: • • • • Layer-wise furnishes a better description of free-vibration of laminate thick plates, while the accuracy of ESLM analyses is very much subordinate to laminate lay-outs and to the mechanical properties of the lamina. As already highlighted in Ref. [53], for bending analysis, also in free-vibration analysis the inclusion of MZZF is very effective, especially if the order of the expansion along the thickness is low. The accuracy of the different modelings is very much subordinate to the order N of the used displacement expansion. Very accurate layer-wise results have been obtained for N 2. The convergence is reasonably fast, by virtue of the fulfillment of both mechanical and geometrical boundary conditions of the basis function chosen. It is concluded that CUF has shown its own strength in building classical and advanced plate theories to perform accurate freevibration analysis of laminated composite plates. Future works will propose the same Rayleigh-Ritz approximate solution method in order to address bending and buckling analyses. Appendix All the integrals that appear in the Rayleigh-Ritz fundamental nucleus formulations are listed below: • Calculus of the integrals for Kxx Ð xx I K1mnpq ¼ X gxi;x gxj;x d X mp2 p Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy sin sin sin dx dy ¼ 2 0 0 sin a a b a b 2 Ð Ð mp p a mpx ppx npy qpy b ¼ 2 0 sin sin dx 0 sin sin dy a a a b b 2 mp p x y ¼ 2 J1mp J1nq a (A1) 061017-12 / Vol. 133, DECEMBER 2011 Ð X gxi;x 2 gxj;x d X np p Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy cos sin sin dx dy ¼ cos ba 0 0 a b a b np2 p Ð a mpx ppx Ð b npy qpy ¼ sin dx 0 cos sin dy cos ba 0 a a b b np2 p x y ¼ J J ba 3mp 3nq (A2) Ð Kxx I 3mnpq ¼ X gxi;x gxj;y d X mp2 q Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy sin cos cos dxdy ¼ ba 0 0 a b a b mp2 q Ð a mpx ppx Ð b npy qpy ¼ cos dx 0 sin cos dy sin ba 0 a a b b mp2 q x y ¼ J J ba 4mp 4nq (A3) Ð xx I K4mnpq ¼ X gxi;x gxj;y d X np2 q Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy cos cos cos dx dy ¼ 2 0 0 cos b a b a b 2 Ð Ðb np q a mpx ppx npy qpy ¼ 2 0 cos cos dx 0 cos cos dy b a a b b 2 np p x y ¼ 2 J2mp J2nq b (A4) Ð xx ¼ X gxi gxj d X I K5mnpq Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy sin cos sin dx dy ¼ 0 0 cos Ð a mpxa ppxb Ð b anpy bqpy cos dx 0 sin sin dy ¼ 0 cos a a b b y x ¼ J2mp J1nq (A5) Calculus of the integrals for Kxy Ð Kxy I 1mnpq ¼ X gxi;x gyj;y d X mp2 q Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy sin sin sin dxdy ¼ sin ab 0 0 a b a b 2 Ð Ðb mp q a mpx ppx npy qpy ¼ sin dx 0 sin sin dy sin 0 ab a a b b 2 mp q x y ¼ J J ab 1mp 1nq Ð (A6) Kxy I 2mnpq ¼ X gxi;x gyj;y d X np2 q Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy cos sin sin dx dy ¼ 2 0 0 cos b a b a b 2 Ð Ð np q a mpx ppx npy qpy b ¼ 2 0 cos sin dx 0 cos sin dy b a a b b 2 np q x y ¼ 2 J3mp J3nq b Ð (A7) Kxy I 3mnpq ¼ X gxi;x gyj;x d X 2 Ð Ð mp p a b mpx npy ppx qpy sin cos cos dx dy ¼ 2 0 0 sin a a b a b mp2 p Ð a mpx ppx Ð b npy qpy ¼ 2 0 sin cos dx 0 sin cos dy a a a b b 2 mp p x y ¼ 2 J4mp J4nq a (A8) Ð Kxy I 4mnpq ¼ X gxi;x gxj;y d X np2 q Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy cos cos cos dx dy ¼ 2 0 0 cos b a b a b np2 q Ð a mpx ppx Ð b npy qpy ¼ 2 0 cos cos dx 0 cos cos dy b a a b b 2 np p x y ¼ 2 J2mp J2nq b (A9) • Transactions of the ASME Downloaded From: on 05/28/2014 Terms of Use: K xy I 5mnpq ¼ Ð dX X gxi gyj ÐaÐb mpx npy ppx qpy sin sin cos dx dy ¼ 0 0 cos ¼ Ða 0 K yx I 4mnpq ¼ X gyi;x gxj;y d X mp2 q Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy cos cos cos dx dy ¼ cos ba 0 0 a b a b mp2 q Ð a mpx ppx Ð b npy qpy ¼ cos dx 0 cos cos dy cos ba 0 a a b b 2 mp q x y ¼ J J ba 2mp 2nq (A18) b Ð mpxa ppx anpy bqpy b sin dx 0 sin cos dy a a b b y cos x ¼ J3mp J4nq (A10) • Calculus of the integrals for Kxz Ð xz I K1mnpq ¼ X gxi;x gzj d X mp Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy sin sin sin dx dy ¼ sin a 0 0 a b a b mp Ð a mpx ppx Ð b npy qpy sin dx 0 sin sin dy sin ¼ a 0 a a b b mp x y ¼ J1mp J1nq a (A11) Ð Kxz I 2mnpq ¼ X gxi;x gzj d X mpx npy ppx qpy np Ð a Ð b cos sin sin dx dy ¼ cos b 0 0 a b anpy bqpy np Ð a mpx ppx Ð b sin dx 0 cos sin dy cos ¼ b 0 a a b b np x y ¼ J3mp J3nq b (A12) Ð Kxz I 3mnpq ¼ X gxi gzj;x d X mpx npy ppx qpy pp Ð a Ð b sin cos sin dx dy ¼ 0 0 cos a mpxa ppxb Ð anpy bqpy pp Ð a b cos dx 0 sin sin dy cos ¼ a 0 a a b b pp x y ¼ J2mp J1nq a (A13) Ð xz ¼ X gxi gzj;y d X I K4mnpq mpx npy ppx qpy qp Ð a Ð b sin sin cos dxdy ¼ 0 0 cos b mpxa ppxb Ð anpy bqpy qp Ð a b sin dx 0 sin cos dy cos ¼ b 0 a a b b qp x y ¼ J3mp J3nq b (A14) • Calculus of the integrals for Kyx Kyx I 1mnpq K yx I 2mnpq K yx I 3mnpq ¼ K yx I 5mnpq ¼ gyi;x gxj;x d X np2 p Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy sin sin sin dx dy ¼ sin ab 0 0 a b a b 2 Ð Ð np p a mpx ppx npy qpy b ¼ sin dx 0 sin sin dy 0 sin ab a a b b 2 np p x y ¼ J J ab 1mp 1nq (A15) Ð ¼ X gyi;x gxj;x d X mp2 p Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy cos sin sin dx dy ¼ 2 0 0 cos a a b a b 2 Ð Ð mp p a mpx ppx npy qpy b ¼ 2 0 cos sin dx 0 cos sin dy a a a b b 2 mp p x y ¼ 2 J3mp J3nq a (A16) Ð ¼ X gyi;x gxj;y d X np2 q Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy sin cos cos dx dy ¼ 2 0 0 sin b a b a b np2 q Ð a mpx ppx Ð b npy qpy ¼ 2 0 sin cos dx 0 sin cos dy b a a b b 2 np q x y ¼ 2 J4mp J4nq b (A17) (A19) • Calculus of the integrals for Kyy K Ð yy I 1mnpq ¼ K X gyi;x gyj;y d X np2 q Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy sin sin sin dx dy ¼ 2 0 0 sin b a b a b np2 q Ð a mpx ppx Ð b npy qpy ¼ 2 0 sin sin dx 0 sin sin dy b a a b b 2 np q x y ¼ 2 J1mp J1nq b (A20) yy ¼ I 2mnpq Ð X gyi;x gyj;y d X mp2 q Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy cos sin sin dx dy ¼ cos ab 0 0 a b a b 2 Ð Ð mp q a mpx ppx npy qpy b ¼ sin dx 0 cos sin dy 0 cos ab a a b b 2 mp q x y ¼ J3mp J3nq ab (A21) K X Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Ð X gyi gxj d X Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy cos cos sin dx dy ¼ 0 0 sin b Ð anpy bqpy Ð a mpxa ppx b cos dx 0 cos sin dy ¼ 0 sin a a b b y x ¼ J4mp J3nq yy I 3mnpq ¼ Ð Ð Ð gyj;x d X np p Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy sin cos cos dx dy ¼ sin ab 0 0 a b a b 2 Ð Ðb np p a mpx ppx npy qpy ¼ cos dx 0 sin cos dy 0 sin ab a a b b 2 np p x y ¼ J J ab 4mp 4nq (A22) K yy ¼ I 4mnpq X gyi;x 2 Ð X gyi;x gyj;x d X mp2 p Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy cos cos cos dx dy ¼ 2 0 0 cos a a b a b mp2 p Ð a mpx ppx Ð b npy qpy ¼ 2 0 cos cos dx 0 cos cos dy a a a b b mp2 p x y ¼ 2 J2mp J2nq a (A23) K yy ¼ I 5mnpq Ð X gyi gyj d X Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy cos sin cos dx dy ¼ 0 0 sin anpy bqpy Ð a mpxa ppxb Ð b sin dx 0 cos cos dy ¼ 0 sin a a b b y x ¼ J1mp J2nq (A24) DECEMBER 2011, Vol. 133 / 061017-13 Downloaded From: on 05/28/2014 Terms of Use: • Calculus of the integrals for Kyz Ð Kyz I 1mnpq ¼ X gyi;x gzj d X np Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy sin sin sin dx dy ¼ sin b 0 0 a b a b np Ð a mpx ppx Ð b npy qpy sin dx 0 sin sin dy sin ¼ b 0 a a b b np x y ¼ J1mp J1nq b (A25) Ð Kyz I 2mnpq ¼ X gyi;x gzj d X mpx npy ppx qpy mp Ð a Ð b cos sin sin dx dy ¼ cos a 0 0 a b anpy bqpy mp Ð a mpx ppx Ð b sin dx 0 cos sin dy cos ¼ a 0 a a b b mp x y J J ¼ a 3mp 3nq (A26) Ð Kyz I 3mnpq ¼ X gyi gzj;x d X npy ppx qpy pp Ð a Ð b mpx cos cos sin dx dy ¼ 0 0 sin a a ppxb Ð anpy bqpy pp Ð a mpx b cos dx 0 cos sin dy sin ¼ a 0 a a b b pp x y ¼ J4mp J3nq a (A27) Ð Kyz I 4mnpq ¼ X gyi gzj;y d X npy ppx qpy qp Ð a Ð b mpx cos sin cos dx dy ¼ sin b 0 0 a b anpy bqpy qp Ð a mpx ppx Ð b sin dx 0 cos cos dy sin ¼ b 0 a a b b qp x y ¼ J1mp J2nq b (A28) • Calculus of the integrals for Kzx Ð zz I K1mnpq ¼ X gzi;x gxj d X mpx npy ppx qpy mp Ð a Ð b sin cos sin dx dy ¼ 0 0 cos a mpxa ppxb Ð anpy bqpy mp Ð a b cos dx 0 sin sin dy cos ¼ a 0 a a b b mp x y J J ¼ a 2mp 1nq (A29) Ð Kzx I 2mnpq ¼ X gzi;x gxj d X npy ppx qpy np Ð a Ð b mpx cos cos sin dx dy ¼ sin 0 0 b a ppxb Ð anpy bqpy np Ð a mpx b cos dx 0 cos sin dy sin ¼ b 0 a a b b np x y ¼ J4mp J3nq b (A30) Ð Kzx I 3mnpq ¼ X gzi gxj;x d X pp Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy sin sin sin dx dy ¼ sin a 0 0 a b a b pp Ð a mpx ppx Ð b npy qpy sin dx 0 sin sin dy sin ¼ a 0 a a b b pp x y ¼ J1mp J1nq a (A31) Ð Kzx I 4mnpq ¼ X gzi gxj;y d X ppx qpy qp Ð a Ð b mpx npy sin cos cos dx dy ¼ 0 0 sin b a ppxb Ð anpy bqpy qp Ð a mpx b cos dx 0 sin cos dy sin ¼ b 0 a a b b qp x y ¼ J4mp J4nq b (A32) 061017-14 / Vol. 133, DECEMBER 2011 • Calculus of the integrals for Kzy Ð ¼ X gzi;x gyj d X mpx npy ppx qpy mp Ð a Ð b sin sin cos dx dy ¼ cos a 0 0 a b a bqpy mp Ð a mpx ppx Ð b npy sin dx 0 sin cos dy cos ¼ a 0 a a b b mp x y J J ¼ a 3mp 4nq (A33) Ð Kzy ¼ X gzi;x gyj d X I 2mnpq np Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy cos sin cos dx dy ¼ sin b Ð0 0 a b Ð a b np a mpx ppx npy qpy b sin dx 0 cos cos dy sin ¼ b 0 a a b b np x y ¼ J1mp J2nq b (A34) Ð Kzy I 3mnpq ¼ X gzi gyj;y d X qp Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy sin sin sin dx dy ¼ sin b 0 0 a b a b qp Ð a mpx ppx Ð b npy qpy sin dx 0 sin sin dy sin ¼ b 0 a a b b qp x y ¼ J1mp J1nq b (A35) Ð Kzy ¼ X gzi gyj;x d X I 4mnpq pp Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx ppy sin cos cos dx dy ¼ sin 0 0 a a b a a pp Ð a mpx ppx Ð b npy ppy cos dx 0 sin cos dy sin ¼ a 0 a a b a pp x y ¼ J4mp J4nq a (A36) Kzy I 1mnpq • Calculus of the integrals for Kzz zz I K1mnpq ¼ zz I K2mnpq zz I K3mnpq zz I K4mnpq Ð X gzi;x gzj;x d X mpx npy ppx qpy mp2 p Ð a Ð b sin cos sin dx dy ¼ 2 0 0 cos a a b a b 2 Ð Ð mp p a mpx ppx npy qpy b ¼ 2 0 cos cos dx 0 sin sin dy a a a b b 2 mp m x y ¼ 2 J2mp J1nq a (A37) Ð ¼ X gzi;x gzj;x d X np2 p Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy cos cos sin dx dy ¼ sin ab 0 0 a b a b 2 Ð Ð np p a mpx ppx npy qpy b ¼ cos dx 0 cos sin dy 0 sin ab a a b b 2 np p x y ¼ J J ab 4mp 3nq (A38) Ð ¼ X gzi;x gzj;y d X mp2 q Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy sin sin cos dx dy ¼ cos ab 0 0 a b a b 2 Ð Ðb mp q a mpx ppx npy qpy ¼ sin dx 0 sin cos dy 0 cos ab a a b b mp2 q x y ¼ J J ab 3mp 4nq (A39) Ð ¼ X gzi;x gzj;y d X np2 q Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy cos sin cos dx dy ¼ 2 0 0 sin b a b a b 2 Ð Ð np q a mpx ppx npy qpy b ¼ 2 0 sin sin dx 0 cos cos dy b a a b b 2 np q x y ¼ 2 J1mp J2nq b (A40) Transactions of the ASME Downloaded From: on 05/28/2014 Terms of Use: zz I K5mnpq ¼ Ð X gzi gzj d X Ð a Ð b mpx npy ppx qpy sin sin sin dx dy ¼ 0 0 sin b Ð anpy bqpy Ð a mpxa ppx b sin dx 0 sin sin dy ¼ 0 sin a a b b y x ¼ J1mp J1nq (A41) The possible combination of trigonometric integrals are reprex x x x sented by J1mn , J2mn , J3mn , J4mn , if the integration is evaluated y y y y , J2mn , J3mn , J4mn , along y. Defining am ¼ ðmp=aÞ, along x or J1mn bn ¼ ðnp=bÞ and ap ¼ ðpp=aÞ, bq ¼ ðqp=bÞ, the previous integrals assume the following values, when the integration is evaluated along x direction: 8 <0 ¼ sinðam xÞ sinðan xÞdx ¼ : a 0 82 ða <0 x ¼ cosðam xÞ cosðan xÞdx ¼ a J2mn : 0 2 ð x J1mn ða m 6¼ n m¼n m 6¼ n m¼n a x ¼ J3mn cosðam xÞ sinðan xÞdx 80 m¼n > <0 ¼ 2an > m 6¼ n : pðn2 m2 Þ ða x ¼ sinðam xÞ cosðan xÞdx J4mn 80 m¼n > <0 ¼ 2am > m 6¼ n : pðm2 n2 Þ and n þ m even (A42) and n þ m odd and n þ m even and n þ m odd instead, when the integration is evaluated along y direction: 8 > ðb < 0 m 6¼ n y J1mn ¼ sinðbm yÞ sinðbn yÞdx ¼ b > 0 : m¼n 2 8 > ðb < 0 m 6¼ n y ¼ cosðbm yÞ cosðbn yÞdx ¼ b J2mn > 0 : m¼n 2 ðb y J3mn ¼ cosðbm yÞ sinðbn yÞdx 80 (A43) m ¼ n and n þ m even > <0 ¼ 2bn > m 6¼ n and n þ m odd : pðn2 m2 Þ ðb y ¼ sinðam xÞ cosðan xÞdx J4mn 80 m ¼ n and n þ m even > <0 ¼ 2bm > m 6¼ n and n þ m odd : pðm2 n2 Þ References [1] Leissa, W. 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