Congress Venue TEVITA AHO, London, UK FRANCO BARDARI, Asti, Italy ALBERTO BREDA, Barcelona, Spain LUCA CARMIGNANI, S.Donato, Italy STEFANO CASELLATO, Milano, Italy ANTONIO CELIA, Bassano del Grappa, Italy LUCA CINDOLO, Vasto, Italy PIERGIUSEPPE COLOMBO, Rozzano, Italy CECILIA MARIA CRACCO, Torino, Italy CLAUDIA DE FEO, Torino, Italy JEAN DE LA ROSETTE, Amsterdam, Netherlands PAOLO DESTEFANIS, Torino, Italy SILVIA DESTEFANIS, Torino, Italy DORIANA DONGU, Torino, Italy GIOVANNI FERRARI, Modena, Italy STEFANIA FERRETTI, Parma, Italy DARIO FONTANA, Torino, Italy ANTONIO FRATTINI, Guastalla, Italy BRUNO FREA, Torino, Italy GUIDO GIUSTI, Rozzano, Italy ANDRÁS HOZNEK, Paris, France EMRE HURI, Ankara, Turkey EVANGELOS LIATSIKOS, Patras, Greece ALESSANDRO MANCUSO, Torino, Italy GAETANO MARINO, Carmagnola, Italy AGOSTINO MENEGHINI, Adria, Italy ROBERTO MIANO, Roma, Italy EMANUELE MONTANARI, Milano, Italy GIOVANNI MUTO, Torino, Italy RICHARD NASPRO, Bergamo, Italy LUCIANO NAVA, Milano, Italy PALLE SLOTH OSTHER, Fredericia, Denmark FRANCESCO PORPIGLIA, Orbassano, Italy DOMENICO PREZIOSO, Napoli, Italy SILVIA PROIETTI, Rozzano, Italy FRANCESCA RAGNI, Torino, Italy ALBERTO SAITA, Catania, Italy DANIELE SAVIO, Torino, Italy ROBERTO MARIO SCARPA, Orbassano, Italy CESARE MARCO SCOFFONE, Torino, Italy LUISELLA SQUINTONE, Torino, Italy ROBERTO TARABUZZI, Torino, Italy CARLO TERRONE, Novara, Italy DANIELA TRABATTONI, Torino, Italy OLIVIER TRAXER, Paris, France IVANO VAVASSORI, Treviglio, Italy Cottolengo Hospital - Congress Theatre - Via Cottolengo, 13 - Turin (Italy) Scientific Secretariat Cecilia Maria Cracco - [email protected] Roberto Tarabuzzi - [email protected] tel. +39 011 5294470/1 Official Language English (with simultaneous translation into and from Italian) Ecm technology training & Faculty in Endourology 2014 The program of T&T in Endourology has been accredited for Italian Physicians by the Agenas Provider for Italian Continuing Medical Education (ECM). Credits assigned are 23. To obtain the credits it is necessary to attend the entire meeting. Registrations The course is reserved to 80 participants. Registrations will be considered in order of arrival. Registration fee: €500,00 + VAT 22% Registration fee includes: participation, certificate of attendance, educational material, lunches, coffee breaks, social dinner. On line registration is available on - Eventi - T&T in Endourology Torino, November 6th-8th 2014 Cottolengo Hospital Accomodation Accomodation form is available on Scientific Board Bank cheque to Symposia O.C. srl or bank transfer to Banca Intesa-San Paolo - IBAN IT58Q0306901400100000032546 Live Surgery Please include a copy of bank transfer or bank cheque to your registration form. Organizing Secretariat and Provider Ospedale Cottolengo Chairman: Cesare Marco Scoffone Payment Symposia O.C. Srl - Provider Standard Age.Na.S. n. 486 Piazza Campetto, 2/8 - 16123 Genova - Tel. 010 255146 r.a. - Fax 010 2770565 [email protected] - Christi urget n os! ritas Ca International Young Urological Association Antonio Frattini Guido Giusti Cecilia Maria Cracco Olivier Traxer dures l Proce a ic g lo o ndour TTCC nd UU asive E a v H In P iMin sis, B S olithia TRICK for Ur S AND IP ICAL T T C A R P 08:30 Registration Thursday 6th November Friday 7th November 16:15 How to optimize TURB C.M. Cracco 08:00 T&T: THE CONCEPT OF MINIATURIZATION APPLIED TO UROLITHIASIS TREATMENT C.M. Scoffone 16:30 LIVE SURGERY: SPIES TURB C. Terrone OR Provoker: A. Breda Provokers: A. Saita, J. De La Rosette 09:20 T&T: THE CONCEPT APPLIED TO BPH TREATMENT C.M. Scoffone 8:15 Personalized PNL: tailoring the percutaneous approach P. Osther 8:30 LIVE SURGERY: ECIRS A. Frattini, E. Montanari OR Provoker: S. Ferretti Provokers: E. Liatsikos, A. Breda 9:30 Holmium laser lithotripsy: different devices, tailored setting and fiber management O. Traxer 9:50 FACING THE STONE TO OPTIMIZE THE STRATEGY: STONE COMPOSITION RIDDLE (4 clinical cases) Endoscopic diagnosis A. Saita Radiologic diagnosis C. De Feo Stone composition analysis and metabolic investigations S. Destefanis 17:00 ROUND TABLE: ENDOSCOPIC MANAGEMENT OF UTUC Moderators: G. Giusti, O. Traxer 17:00 Indications: when is the endoscopic approach reasonable and safe? S. Proietti UND RO 17:15 What can we ask to the pathologist? P. Colombo 17:30 Which is the best device for a good biopsy? A. Breda 17:45 Recorded surgery: RIRS and PNL UTUC G. Giusti 18:15 Adjuvant instillations in UTUC: when and how O. Traxer 11:15 Open surgery for BPH treatment: useful conceptual legacy D. Fontana 11:35 The concept of BPH laser enucleation T. Aho 11:50 LIVE SURGERY: En bloc no touch HoLEP C.M. Scoffone OR Provoker: A. Meneghini Provokers: B. Frea, L. Nava 14:30 LIVE SURGERY: Greenlight TUVEP G. Ferrari OR Provoker: P. Destefanis Provokers: I. Vavassori, L. Carmignani 11:15 LIVE SURGERY: RIRS O. Traxer OR Provoker: G. Giusti 15:30 Antibiotic prophylaxis, guidelines and bad habits D. Prezioso 15:45 The concept of BPH laser vaporization R. Miano 16:00 The concept of BPH monopolar and bipolar resection R. Naspro UND RO 13:00 Radiologic diagnosis of AV fistulas and pseudoaneurysms C. De Feo 13:15 Interventional radiologic treatment, current techniques D. Savio 13:30-14:30 Lunch E TABL UND RO 15:45 Surgical ethics: improving the quality of the research in surgery with the IDEAL collaboration (Innovation, Development, Exploration, Assessment, Long-term studies) R. Naspro 16:00 T&T: THE CONCEPT APPLIED TO TCC TREATMENT C.M. Scoffone Urolithiasis: the evolution of the EAU guidelines year after year J. De La Rosette The role of the endourologist in the development of new instruments and devices C.M. Scoffone 08:30 LIVE SURGERY: RIRS L. Cindolo OR Provoker: A. Breda Provokers: A. Frattini, A. Celia 09:30 The novel training modality of urotechnology on cadaveric samples E. Huri 09:50 ECIRS: a teacher’s description P.S. Osther 10:10 Flexible RIRS: a teacher’s description O. Traxer 10:30 LIVE SURGERY: RIRS A. Breda OR Provoker: R. Miano Provokers: F. Bardari, E. Liatsikos 11:30 ROUND TABLE: RIRS COMPLICATIONS Moderators: L. Cindolo, S. Proietti Panelists: G. Giusti, C.M. Scoffone, O. Traxer, P.S. Osther, A. Frattini, J. De La Rosette, A. Breda Prevention, management and treatment of conventional RIRS and additional complications Intrarenal pressures and uroseptic risk O. Traxer 13:00 Concluding remarks and take home messages C.M. Scoffone UND RO TABL 14:30 LIVE SURGERY: UMP/miniPNL A. Hoznek, A. Celia OR Provoker: P.S. Osther Provokers: J. De La Rosette, S. Ferretti TABL UND RO COMMON UROLOGIC MISTAKES AND TIPS&TRICKS TO AVOID THEM Panelists: J. De La Rosette, E. Montanari, A. Frattini, A. Saita, P.S. Osther TABL E 19:15 End of the session 8:20 Provokers: P.S. Osther, E. Liatsikos 12:00 ROUND TABLE: PNL COMPLICATIONS: PREVENTION, MANAGEMENT AND TREATMENT Moderators: E. Liatsikos, A. Hoznek 16:15 RECORDED VIDEO: Bipolar enucleation A. Meneghini OR Provoker: I. Vavassori Provokers: G. Marino, G. Muto 8:00 E 13:30-14:30 Lunch 18:20 ROUND TABLE: BALANCING BLEEDING AND THROMBOTIC RISK IN THE PATIENT WITH CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Panelists: R. Naspro, D. Dongu, D. Trabattoni, A. Mancuso 18:20 Thromboembolism prophylaxis, guidelines and legal implications 18:30 4 clinical cases with interactive discussion Saturday 8th November 10:45 Mini-PNL, UMP, microPerc, microECIRS: instruments and devices A. Frattini Mini-PNL, UMP, microPerc, microECIRS: indications and contraindications A. Hoznek 13:15 BPH medical therapy from the point of view of the surgical outcome C. Terrone 17:00 ROUND TABLE: POST-OPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS OF BPH TREATMENTS: identification, prevention, solution and treatment Moderators: G. Muto, R.M. Scarpa, T. Aho 17:00 Bladder neck sclerosis and urethral strictures L. Cindolo 17:20 Sexual dysfunctions F. Ragni 17:40 Urinary incontinence L. Squintone 18:00 Discussion 18:30 End of the session E 10:00 LIVE SURGERY: ThuLEP L. Carmignani OR Provoker: L. Cindolo Provokers: S. Casellato, R. Naspro E 09:30 2014: BPH treatment in Africa C.M. Cracco 09:45 Lasers, electrosurgery and surgery: EAU guidelines for BPH treatment F. Porpiglia TABL 09:00 Opening address by the Board of the Cottolengo Hospital Don Lino Piano, Suor Maurizia Cardone, Dott.ssa Mariella Enoc, Prof. Roberto Russo
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