Reforming the Public Sector How to Achieve Better Transparenqt, Service, and Leadership GIOVANNI TRIA GIOVANNI VALOTTI Editors SCUOLA SUPERIORE DELLA PUBBLICA AMMrNrsrRAzroNE (sspa) Rome BROOKINGS INSTITUTION PRESS Washington, D.C, I and devoted to research' education' il:;1;;;;,?::ìil'1"t"' " a private nonprofrt lrslizatiln purpose is to bring the and foreign policy. lts principal publication on important issues of domestic problems' highest quality policy to bear on current and emerging ind"p""d"nt t"'"urch and analysis soleiy those of be to understood be should Interpretations o, the authors' Copyrigtu @ "onttt"ion'l"tiu'""*rr" ototttations 2012 INSTITUTTON ANd (SSPA) AMMINISTRAZIONE SUPERIORE DELLA PUBBLICA TTTE BNOOTTNGS SCUOLA transmitted in any publication may be-reproduced or All rights reserved' No part of this Brookings Institution Press' in writing form or by any mtun'*itittt"-f"tlission llo^T.tntwww'brookings'edu N'W'' Washington' D'C' 20036' 1775 Massachusetts Avenue' data Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication , leadership / better ÚansPalency' service' and achieve to lhow sector Reforming the public editors' Giovanni Tria, Giovanni Valotti' _- (Brookings-SSPA series on public administration) P. cm. and index' Incluàes bibliographical references alk' paper) (pbk': 978-0-sl;7-2288-5 ISBN Organizational effectiveness' z' ó'gut'i'uti*"1 change 3' 1. Public administration G' (Giovanni) t. t iu,Giouur,,ti, 1948- IL Valotti' 2012 JFr525.o73R44 201201 i886 352.3'67-àc23 98765432t Printed on acid-free PaPer Typeset in Minion Composition bY R. LYnn Rivenbark Macon, Georgia Printed bY R. R. DonnelleY Harrisonburg, Virginia I Contents Introduction: Challenges of Public Sector Reform Gioyanni Tria and GiovanniValotti PART I TRANSPARENCY: WHEN THE AUDITOR IS THE SOCIETY I 2 Shedding Light or Obfuscating? Audit in an NPM World Iryine Lapsley MakingTiansparencyTransparent: An Assessment Model for Local Governments Maria Cucciniello, Greta Nasi, and Raffaella Saporito PART 13 26 II PUBLIC SERVICE MOTIVATION: THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR PRODUCTIVITY 3 4 Does Making a Difference Make a Difference? Answers from Research on Public Service Motivation lames L. Perry Public Service Motivation and Iob Satisfaction in Various European Countries: A Thle of Caution and Hope Wouter Vandenabeele, Bram Steijn, peter Leisink, Francesco Cerase, Isabell Egger- Peitler, Gerhard Hammerschmid, Renate Meyer, and Adrian Ritz 5l 6g I vi Contents 5 Public Service Motivation: The State of the Art Nicola Bellé and Paola Cantarelli PART 96 III LEADERSHIP AND PUBLIC SECTOR REFORMS 6 7 What Can We Learn from ThirtyYears of Public Management Reform? Christopher Pollix 129 Leadership Competencies and Their Relevance to Italian Government Reform 136 Montgomery Van Wart 8 Politicians and Administrators: Two Characters in Search of a Role Mariannunziata Liguori, Mariafrancesca Sicilia, and IJeana 157 Steccolini PART IV MEASURING PUBLIC SECTOR PERFORMANCE: MANAGING GOVERNMENTS BY NUMBERS 9 10 PublicSectorPerformance:ManagingGovernments by the Numbers GeertBouckaert t73 Strategic Management in Italian Ministries: An Empirical Assessment of Gains from and Gaps in Reforms 194 Denita Cepiku, Andrea Bonomi Saúgnon, and Luigi Corvo PART V INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON PUBLIC SECTOR REFORMS 11 12 The Study of Public Management: Reference Points for a Design Science Approach Michael Barzelay 219 Government Reform and Innovation: A Comparative Perspective Elaine Ciulla Kamarck 240 I Contertts vll 13 Stakeholders'Inclusion: Measuringthe Performance of Interactive Decisionmaking 260 Mario Ianniello, Paolo Fedele, and Lttcct Brusati 14 Public Sector Reforms: State of the Art and Future Challenges Giovanni Valotti Contributors Index 285 299 301
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