Curriculum Vitae (pdf) - ESSEC Business School

Post-doc Research Fellow in Differential Games in Supply Chain
Management, GERAD, 2010.
De Giovanni
Ph.D. in Decision Management Sciences with concentration in Operations
and Supply Chain Management - ESSEC Business School, Paris - France
2010, Dissertation title: "Four essays on the interfaces between Marketing
and Operations in Supply Chain".
Doctorate in Business Administration, UNICAL, Arcavacata di Rende,
Cosenza, Italy, 2010, Dissertation title: "Operationalizing the construct
'Reactivity': qualitative and quantitative investigations".
M. Phil BA, ESSEC Business School, Paris (France), 2008.
Master in Supply Chain Integrated Management, University of Verona, Italy,
Four-year degree in Business Administration, UNICAL, Arcavacata di Rende
(CS), Italy, 2003
Research Areas
Green Supply Chain Management
Closed-loop SUpply Chain
Supply Chain Quality Management
Supply Chain Coordination
[email protected]
Avenue Bernard
BP 50105
95021 Cergy Pontoise
Interface between Marketing and Operations in Supply Chain
On-going Projects
Supply chain visibility, information systems, and logistics
Supply Chain integration, contracts, and performance
Agile supply chain and Environmental Management
The impact of non-conformace quality on goodwill and consumers'
willingness to purchase
Usage of reflective and formative measurement models in Supply Chain
Management research
Endogenous vs. Exogenous coordination in a Closed-loop Supply
Academic Publications
"State- and Control-dependent incentives in a Closed-loop supply chain with
dynamic returns" (P. De Giovanni), Dynamic Games and Applications
"The benefits of a monitoring strategy for firms subject to the Emissions
Trading System" (P. De Giovanni, V. Esposito Vinzi), Transportation
Research: Part D, Dec 2014, Vol. 33, Issue 12, p. 220-233 (Forthcoming)
"Is environmental management an economically sustainable business?" (A.
Gotschol, P. De Giovanni, V. Esposito Vinzi), Journal of Environmental
Management, Nov 2014, Vol. 144, Issue 1, p. 73-82
"The benefits of the emissions trading mechanism for Italian firms: a
multi-group analysis" (P. De Giovanni, V. Esposito Vinzi), International
Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Mar 2014, Vol.
44, Issue 4, p. 305-324
"A two-period game of a closed-loop supply chain" (P. De Giovanni, G.
Zaccour), European Journal of Operational Research, Jan 2014, Vol. 232,
Issue 1, p. 22-40
"Environmental collaboration through a reverse revenue sharing contract" (P.
De Giovanni), Annals of Operations Research, Jan 2014, Vol. 220, Issue 1,
p. 135-157
"Recent developments on the operational performance “Reactivity”.
Theoretical conceptualization and quantitative investigation" (P. De
Giovanni, A. Cariola, M. Passarelli), European Journal of Operational
Research, Dec 2013, Vol. 231, Issue 3, p. 690-701
"Supply Chain Reactivity: teoria ed evidenza empirica" (A. Cariola, P. De
Giovanni, M. Passarelli), Sistemi&Impresa, Oct 2013, Vol. 7, Issue 1, p.
"Overcoming the drawbacks of a Revenue Sharing Contract in a marketing
channel through a coop program" (P. De Giovanni, M. Roselli), Annals of
Operations Research, Jul 2012, Vol. 196, Issue 1, p. 201-222
"Do Internal and external environmental management contribute to the triple
bottom line?" (P. De Giovanni, ), International Journal of Operations and
Production Management, Jul 2012, Vol. 32, Issue 3, p. 265-290
"The effects of the job attitudes of supply managers on firm performance: An
empirical study of Italian firms" (M. Roselli, P. De Giovanni), International
Journal of Management, Jun 2012, Vol. 29, Issue 2, p. 562-573
"Covariance versus component-based estimations of performance in green
supply chain management" (P. De Giovanni, V. Esposito Vinzi), International
Journal of Production Economics, Feb 2012, Vol. 135, Issue 2, p. 907-916
"Recent developments on conformance and design quality dynamics" (P. De
Giovanni, M. Roselli), nternational Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and
Management, Jan 2012, Vol. 4, Issue 1-2, p. 163-174
"Quality improvement vs. Advertising support: which strategy works better
for a manufacturer? European Journal of Operational Research" (P. De
Giovanni), European Journal of Operational Research, Jan 2011, Vol. 208,
Issue 2, p. 119-130
"The impact of knowledge tasks and roles on firm success and performance:
a structural model." (P. De Giovanni), International Journal of Knowledge
Management Studies, Jan 2011, Vol. 4, Issue 3, p. 265-280
"The state of the art in static and dynamic games" (P. De Giovanni),
European Business Review, Mar 2009, Vol. 21, Issue 6, p. 547-566
"L'expérience française du supply chain management" (F. El Ouardighi, P.
De Giovanni, JC. Tarondeau), Revue Française de Gestion, Jan 2008, Vol.
186, Issue 34, p. 11-39
Book Chapters
Should a retailer support a quality improvements strategy? . In: Annals of the
International Society of Dynamic Games. 2013, p. 125-148
Cost-Revenue Sharing Contract in Closed-loop Supply Chains.. In: Annals of
the International Society of Dynamic Games (with G. Zaccour). : Springer,
Teaching at ESSEC
Operations Management (MS program)
Tech Mgt & New Product Development (Ph.D. program)
Advanced Topics in Decision Theory (Ph.D. program)
Other Activities
Awards and Distinctions
Winner of research project "Network planning and contract design for
cross-chain control in cash networks", Project number: 407-13-050. Project
financed by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO),
March 2014.
Winner of scholarship with research project entitled "Supply Chain
Management: recent theoretical and empirical evidence", UNICAL, Italy,
approved with D.R.N. 2863 - 27/10/2009.
Winner of scholarship "Young Researcher", UNICAL, Italy with a research
entitled "Diversification and Performance in SME", approved with D.R.N. 227
- 06/09/2005.
Winner of scholarship "Emissions Trading: an optimization model for
allocating CO2 permissions and evaluating scenarios", approved with D.R.N.
1342 on 29/04/2004.
Scientific Activities
Conference Presentations
16th International Symposium Dynamic Games, Amsterdam, 2014
9th International ISDG Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, 2013
4th Workshop on Game Theory in Energy, Resources and Environment
15th ISDG Symposium, Chateau Liblice (Conference Center of AS CR),
Bysice, the Czech Republic, July 19-22, 2012
3rd Workshop of Game Theory in Management Science, Montréal, 2011
8th International ISDG Workshop, Padova, Italy, 2011
Optimization Days Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2011
Informs Annual Meeting, Texas, USA, 2010
2nd Workshop of Dynamic Games and Economics, Rimini, Italy, 2010
International Symposium Dynamic Games, Alberta, Canada, 2010.
Optimization Days, Montreal, Canada, 2010
POMS Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 2010.
Workshop of Game Theory in Marketing Channel, Montréal, 2009
Informs Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, 2009
10th European Conference of Knowledge Management, Vicenza, Italy, 2009
Informs-Cors, Toronto, USA, 2009
EISBIS, Cagliari, Italy, 2009
Optimization Days, Montréal, 2009
Production and Operations Management Society, Florida, USA, 2009
Informs Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, 2008
PLS-Workshop, Paris, France, 2008
Informs Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA, 2007
Aidea, Italy, Lecce, 2006
14th Workshop in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Verona, Italy,
Consulting and Other Activities
Consulting project for SOSE -Italy - Monitoring and Planning the Glass
Industry, 2009.
Consulting project for Datamat - Italy: The challenges of implementing an
Enterprise Requirement Planning, ERP, 2006.
Consulting project for SOSE- Italy: Monitoring and Planning the furniture
sector in Italy, 2006.
Consulting project for SOSE - Monitoring and Planning Glass and Cement
Industries, 2005.
Consulting project at GlaxoSmithKline Manufacturing in Verona - Italy, 2004.
Professional Experience
Coordinator of Master in Logistics, Transportation and Supply Chain
Management, VU Amsterdam, since 2011.
Responsible for the Library Management, VU Amsterdam, since 2011.
Advisor for Master in Management, NOVA SBE, Lisbon, 2010-2011.
Supervision of more than 75 Master students, since 2010.
Supervision of three Ph.D. students, since 2011.
Organizer of conferences and events:
- 16th ISDG Symposium, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, July 9-12, 2014
- Series of seminars in Operations and Supply Chain Management, 2011.
Visiting Professor at Universita' deglistudi di Pavia, July-September, 2011
Regular visiting at GERAD (Montreal)
Seminar given at GERAD entitled "The dynamics of returns: an example of
coop programs in Closed-loop Supply Chain with incentives", 2009.
Seminar given at HEC Montréal entitled "Using Multi-group Analysis for
prescriptive analysis: an empirical investigation of SCM and Economic
Performance", 2009.
Visiting Ph.D. candidate at HEC Montréal and Gerad - six months internship,