Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., Vol. 21 (2012), pp. 238-240, 3 figs. © Società Geologica Italiana, Roma 2012 Mud volcanoes along the inner deformation front of the Calabrian Arc accretionary wedge (Ionian Sea) GIULIANA PANIERI (*), ALINA POLONIA (*), RENATA GIULIA LUCCHI (**) & LUIGI TORELLI (°) Key words: Accretionary wedge, Calabrian Arc, mud volcano, mud breccia, fluid emissions. occurrence and nature of mud volcanism in the CA and study the relationships between mud volcanism, fluid flow and tectonics in the inner domains of the subduction complex. INTRODUCTION AND GEOLOGICAL SETTING The Calabrian Arc (CA) is part of the eastward migrating Apennine subduction system and represents the Africa/Eurasia plate boundary in the Ionaina Sea. The external part of the arc (Figure 1) is represented by a subduction complex that reaches both the Ionian abyssal plain and the Mediterranean Ridge and is bordered by two major structural features, the Malta escarpment to the southwest and the Apulia escarpment to the northeast. The convergence between the Africa and Eurasia plates, has generated a 10-km thick accretionary wedge in the Calabrian Arc (CA) subduction complex due to offscraping of the thick sedimentary section resting on the lower African plate. Compared with the Mediterranean Ridge, from which wealth of data have been collected, the Calabria Arc in the Ionian Sea has been less intensively investigated in the past. Evidences of allochthonous material were reported by Rossi and Sartori (1981) and Barbieri et al. (1982) who interpreted the chaotic deposits as the result of mass flows accompanying and/or following underthrusting of unconsolidated sediments. The presence of mud volcanoes were suspected few years later by Fusi and Kanyon (1996) and Sartori (2003). Only recently, Praeg et al. (2009), reported a province of mud volcanoes (“Madonna dello Ionio” and “Pythagoras”) in the inner accretionary prism of the Calabrian Arc while topographic mounds in the inner plateau offshore the Squillace basin have been related to salt diapirism and/or argilokinetic processes (Polonia et al., 2011). The aim of this study is to gain new insights on the Fig. 1 – Tectonic map of the Calabrian Arc subduction complex (modified form Polonia et al., 2011) with the study area. METHODOLOGY A multidisciplinary approach involving the analysis of geophysical data at different resolutions and targeted ground truthing has been used to unravel fluid flow processes and the interplay between tectonics and mud volcanism in the submerged portion of the Calabrian Arc. The regional architecture of the accretionary complex (Figure 1) was reconstructed from multichannel seismic data (the CNR-ENI Deep Crust Seismic Profiles - CROP and Mediterranean Sea - MS datasets). High-resolution Sparker and sub-bottom CHIRP profiles, as well as multibeam data, integrate deep data and constrain the fine structure of the accretionary wedge as well as the geometry and seismic facies of topographyc mounds in key areas. _________________________ (*) ISMAR, Istituto di Scienze Marine, CNR, Bologna, Italy. (**)Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS), Trieste, Italy. (°) Dipartimento di Fisica e Scienze della Terra, Università di Parma, Italy. 238 86° CONGRESSO SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA 18-20 SETTEMBRE 2012, ARCAVACATA DI RENDE (CS) Two gravity cores collected during 80’s (BARBIERI et alii, 1982; MORLOTTI et alii, 1982) and core CALA 21 acquired ontop of a topographic swell imaged on Sparker line J-22 (Fig. 2) were studied through micropaleontological, sedimentological, mineralogical and stable isotope geochemical analysis. The sedimentological and geochemical analyses on a newly acquired core (CALA 21) collected from the summit of a topographic high of the inner accretionary wedge suggest the presence of mud breccia patchy/cloudy facies (Fig. 3) (sensu CITA et alii, 1996 and STAFFINI et alii, 1993) where sediment disturbance is caused by fluid expulsion. The mud breccia patchy/cloudy is characterized by silty-clay bulk sediments containing irregularly clustered intervals of differently coloured sediments (from dark grey to olive grey clouds and light grey to grey matrix) with several fragmented and vertically dislocated thin sandy/silty turbidites and tephra layers. RESULTS The integration of sediment cores analysis with geophysical data permitted to relate tectonic activity and different fluid emissions dynamic in mud volcanoes. Sediment facies description, micropaleontological and stable isotope investigations allowed to distinguish the massive mud breccia facies within two previously collected cores (5 BS81/II and 10 BS81/II; BARBIERI et alii, 1982; MORLOTTI et alii, 1982). The massive facies is formed by a mixture of differently aged rock fragments (from Cretaceus to Late Miocene, Fig. 3) deriving from deeper stratigraphic intervals that have been mechanically incorporated into a stiff mud matrix by powerful fluid espulsion associated to dynimic of the the accrectionary complex. Clasts include calcareous mudstone (light gray, firm, massive, with sometimes abundant mica, and rounded shape), fossiliferous micrite (light gray, firm, massive, rounded or angular in shape) with occasionally orange-colored altered surfaces. Fig. 3 – Examples of mud volcanoes products in the Calabrian Arc. Massive mud breccia, with clasts found cores 5 BS81/II and 10 BS81/II. Patchu-cloudy mud breccia observed in CALA 21 at different stratigraphic intervals. Dotted line indicate vertical migration structures. Disrupted tephra/terrigenous sandy layers and micro-pipes filled with silt/fine sand transported by fluid escape are evident. The integration of the entire data set provide information on the formation of mud volcanoes in the accretionary prism where overpressure provided by the Pliocene and Pleistocene sediment accumulation and the evolution of normal fault systems, triggered the fluid circulation and mud volcanoes formation that progressively developed toward the upper slope. The occurrence of mud volcanic processes appears to be related to major structural features, such as the inner deformation front of the CA subduction complex, a transpressive fault accommodating strain partitioning at the contact between the highly deformed wedge and the continental basement. The lack of evaporitic impermeable cap in the inner wedge, active faulting along the inner deformation front and transverse structures segmenting the subduction complex all favor rising of fluids from the wedge interior and formation of diapiric features. Fig. 2 – a: segment of Sparker seismic profile J-22 parallel to the Calabrian continental margin across the transition between the inner plateau and the inner accretionary wedge. The boundary between the two structural domains corresponds to the splay-3 fault system. The three studied cores are located at the footwall and hangingwall of this major tectonic feature. b: zoom of the seismic line across the mud volcano. c: contour bathymetric map of the study area superimposed on the slope map of the multibeam data (isolines every 200m). 239 86° CONGRESSO SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA 18-20 SETTEMBRE 2012, ARCAVACATA DI RENDE (CS) REFERENCES POLONIA A., TORELLI L., MUSSONI P., GASPERINI L., ARTONI A., & D. KLAESCHEN (2011) - The Calabrian Arc subduction complex in the Ionian Sea: regional architecture, active deformation and seismic hazard. Tectonics 30, TC5018. PRAEG D., CERAMICOLA S., BARBIERI R., UNNITHAN V., & WARDELL N. (2009) - Tectonically-driven mud volcanism since the late Pliocene on the Calabrian accretionary prism, central Mediterranean Sea. Mar. and Petr. Geol., 26, 1849-1865. STAFFINI F., SPEZZAFERRI S., & AGHIB F. (1993) - Mud diapirs of the Mediterranean Ridge: sedimentological and micropaleontological study of the mud breccia. Riv. It. Paleont. Strat. 99, 225–254. BARBIERI F., MORLOTTI E., POERIO L., RAFFI I., &TORELLI L. (1982) - Dati geologici preliminari sul bacino di Crotone-Spartivento (Mar Ionio). Acta Nat. de l’At Parm. 18, 141-155. CITA M.B., ERBA E., LUCCHI R., POTT M., VAN DER MEEER R., & NIETO L. (1996) - Stratigraphy and sedimentation in the Mediterranean Ridge diapiric belt. Mar. Geol. 132, 131- 150. MORLOTTI E., SARTORI R., TORELLI L., BARBIERI F., & RAFFI I. (1982) - Chaotic deposits from the external Calabrian Arc (Ionian Sea, eastern Mediterranean). Mem. Soc. Geol. It. 24, 261–275. 240
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