CV OCTOBER 2014 - Edoardo Di Porto

Edoardo Di Porto
Current Position Assistant Professor - University of Naples "Federico II",
researcher at CSEF (Naples) Centre for Science Economic and Finance and,
researcher at UCFS (Uppsala)Uppsala Centre for Fiscal Studies, Sweden
Affiliation: DISES - University of Naples "Federico II"
Address: Complesso Universitario di Monte Sant’Angelo, Via Cintia, 21, 80126, Napoli Telephone
+39 081 675236
E-mail : [email protected]; [email protected]
PhD EuroPhD in Socio economic and statistical studies (SESS) coordinated by Humboldt
University of Berlin, defended in June 2009.Title: Audit, tax compliance and irregular work: the
Italian case. Supervisor: Prof. B. Contini (University of Turin and Collegio Carlo Alberto)
2003 B.S. Statistics and Economic Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome
Winter 2014 Uppsala UFCS (Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies)
Autunm 2013 Barcelona IEB (Institut d'Economia de Barcelona);
Spring 2013 Uppsala UFCS (Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies);
Spring 2012 Uppsala UCFS;
Summer 2008 New York NYU Economic Department ;
2006-2007 Southampton University of Southampton School of Social Sciences.
Undeclared work, employer tax compliance and audit, Public Finance Review January 2011 vol.
39 no. 1 75-102.
Tax limited reaction functions (with F. Revelli), Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2013 vol. 28,
Issue 5, pages 823–839
Strategic local fiscal interaction across border : evidence from French and German local
governments along the Rhine-Valley (with A. Cassette, D. Foremny) Journal of Urban Economics
2012, Vol. 72 no. 1 17-30.
Decentralized Deterrence, with an Application to Labor Tax Auditing (with N. Persico, and N.
Sahuguet), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2013, 5(1): 35-62
Immigration and manufacturing in Italy evidence from the 2000’s, (with G. Santoni, and G. De
Arcangelis) Economia e Politica industriale, Journal of Industrial and Business Economics
forthcoming, 2014
Book chapter
Employers' agglomeration and innovation in a small business economy: the Italian case. (with G.
Croce, E. Di Porto, E. Ghignoni, A. Ricci,) In: Mussida C., Pastore F. (eds). Geographical labor
market imbalances. Recent explanations and cures. Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2015 . in press
Paper Published in Italian Language
Agglomerazione di capitale umano e investimenti in formazione: il ruolo dell’istruzione degli
imprenditori, Cap . 8, (with A.Ricci, E. Ghignoni, G. Croce), Mercato del Lavoro Capitale Umano e
Imprese: Volumi ISFOL 2014, a cura di A. Ricci, ISSN: 1590-0002; ISBN: 978-88-543-0206-8
Il lavoro sommerso, la regolarità contributiva e i finanziamenti alle imprese artigiane, Sistema
informativo dell’artigianato Regione Piemonte, (with M. Filippi,A. Giordanengo) March 2009
Emergo, basi conoscitive per il sommerso nella Regione FVG, Osservatorio del lavoro FVG,
February 2004
Working papers
Decentralizing deterrence, with an application to labor tax auditing (with Nicola Persico and
Nicolas Sahuguet), CEPR Discussion Paper DP8901
Risky jobs and wage differential: an indirect test for segregation (with Vincenzo Carrieri and
Leandro Elia) WP N°144, Dipartimento di Economia e Diritto, Sapienza Università di Roma
Undeclared work and wage inequality (with Leandro Elia), WP 8-2011 Dipartimento di Economia e
Statistica, Università della Calabria (revised and resubmitted)
A note on work accident and wage differential (with Vincenzo Carrieri and Leandro Elia), WP
LRR89,Feb 09, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin
Cooperation among local governments to deliver public services (with Sonia Paty and Vincent
Merlin), WP1303, Feb 2013, GATE LYON-ST ÉTIENNE (under review)
Migration, Production Structure and Exports (with Giuseppe De Arcangelis and Gianluca Santoni)
March 12 2013. Available at SSRN: (revised and resubmitted)
The emersion effect: an ex post and ex ante social program evaluation on labor tax evasion in Italy
(with Leandro Elia and Cristina Tealdi ) IMT LUCCA EIC WP SERIES 02June2013 (under review)
Employer education, agglomeration and workplace training: knowledge spillovers vs poaching
(with Giuseppe Croce, Emanuela Ghignoni, Andrea Ricci) (revised and resubmitted)
Work in progress
Local government cooperation at work: a control function approach (with Zineb Abidi, Angela
Parenti and Sonia Paty)
Decentralized deterrence a structural test (with Nicolas Sahuguet)
Happiness and loss aversion a regression discontinuity design approach (with Henry Ohlsson and
Per Engstrom)
Re-introducing inter-vivo transfer taxation (with Henry Ohlsson)
Local taxation and firm performance: evidence from micro-geographic data (with Federico Belotti
and Gianluca Santoni)
Journal of Public Economic Theory, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Journal of Public
Current: Assistant Professor, DISES University of Naples Federico II
Aug 2013 –Dec 2013 Post doc position, CEIS University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Jan 2013- Aug 2013, Post doc position, department MEMOTEF , University of Rome Sapienza
2012: Author and Proofreader, Enciclopedia Treccani, Rome, Italy
Nov 2012 Project researcher: "statistical matching for individual audit data”, financed by
Dipartimento di economia e diritto, Sapienza Università di Roma
2010-2012, Post doc position, department of economics and law , University of Rome Sapienza
2009-2010, Post doc position, Centre EQUIPPE, Universitè Lille1, USTL
2007-2009 Junior researcher, LABOR Laboratorio R. Revelli, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin
Nov 2008 Project: "Il sommerso e la regolarità contributiva delle imprese Piemontesi", joint with
R&P, financed by Osservatorio Artigiani Regione Piemonte
Jan 2008 stage, INPS Regione Piemonte (Italian Social Security Institute)
2004-2006 Committee for the emersion of non-regular work (CELI), Ministry of Welfare, Italy
2005 Project researcher “EMERGO: research on irregular work in Friuli Venezia Giulia”,
financed by Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia
2005 Lecturer in Labor economics, Master Human resources and management Ernst&Young
Business School
Summer school 2012: Cities, Productivity and Migration, University of Milan, Centro Studi Luca
d’Agliano, with Gianmarco Ottaviano and Diego Puga
Summer course 2010: Empirical strategies in labour economics II, Tor Vergata university,
with J. Angrist
Master class 2010: Programme evaluation, CEMMAP-IFS, UCL, with B. Sianesi
Summer school 2009: Causal effect and policy evaluation, BGSE, with A. Abadie
Spring course 2011: Empirical strategies in labor economics I, Tor Vergata university,
with J. Angrist
CIDE Summer school 2007, Microeconometrics and panel data, Bertinoro Forlì
CIDE Summer school 2006, Econometrics, Bertinoro Forlì
March 2010 ANR FELLOW, project Franco-Allemand (ZEW-EQUIPPE), ANR
October 2008 LAGRANGE FELLOW, Fondazione CRT
26th Italian Public Economics Society, SIEP 2014, Pavia September 2014
69th IIPF Annual conference, IIPF 2013, Taormina August 2013
The Shadow Economy, Tax Evasion and Governance, Shadow 2013, Muenster July 2013
5th workshop on fiscal federalism, IEB 2013, Barcelona June 2013
4th Italian Labor Economics Association, AIEL 2012, Caserta September 2012
24th Italian Public Economics Society, SIEP 2012, Pavia September 2012
Macroeconomic and Policy Implications of Underground Economy and Tax Evasion, IGIER
2012, Milano June 2012
Taxing cross-border commuters, UFCS 2012, Uppsala May 2012
Economic geography and public policy, AFSE 2012, St.Etienne May 2012
The shadow economy, tax evasion and money laundering, SHADOW 2011, Muenster July 2011
The 2011 meeting of the European Public Choice Society, EPCS 2011, Rennes April 2011
4th Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics, ICEEE 2011, Pisa Jan 2011
Tax policy decision making, ZEW conference, Mannheim October 2010
4th Spatial econometric world conference, Purdue University, Chicago June 2010
9th International Workshop Spatial Econometrics and Statistics, Orleans June 2010
NBER Law and economics Meeting, Cambridge( MA) March 2010
The shadow economics tax evasion and social norms, SHADOW 2009, Muenster July 2009
January 2014 CSEF Lunch Seminars, DISES Napoli
January 2014 GIOVE DISES Seminars, DISES Ancona
November 2013 IEB Seminars, IEB Barcelona
November 2013 Riccardo Faini CEIS Seminars, CEIS University of Rome Tor Vergata
September 2013 EIEF Lunch Seminars, EIEF Rome
September 2013 Job Market Seminars Department of Policy Analysis and Public Management,
Bocconi University Milan
December 2012 MILLS Milano labour lunch seminars, Bocconi University Milan
April 2012 IMT Lucca seminars, IMT Lucca
April 2012 SIUTE Seminars EQUIPPE, USTL Lille1 Lille
April 2012 Lunch Seminars CES Centre d’économie de la Sorbonne Paris 1 University
2015 Environmental Economics, University of Naples Federico II
2015 Lecturer in Public Finance, Cattolica University of Rome
2014 Causal inference, Universitè de sciences et Technologiè de Lille 1
2014 Advanced Microeconomics, University of Naples Federico II
2013 Lecturer in Public Finance, Cattolica University of Rome
2012 Lecturer in Public Finance and Corporate Taxation, University of Rome Sapienza
2011 Lecturer in Public Finance, 2011, University of Rome Sapienza
I use Matlab, R and Stata for my computations and teXworks for editing my papers
English speaking: excellent; reading: excellent; writing: excellent
Italian: speaking: native; reading: native; writing: native
Portuguese: speaking: good; reading: good; writing: good
French: speaking: good; reading: excellent; writing: good
Federico Revelli, University of Turin, Professor, [email protected]
Nicola Persico, Northwestern University, Professor, [email protected]
Tullio Jappelli, University of Naples Federico II, Professor, [email protected]
Marco Pagano, University of Naples Federico II, Professor, [email protected]