TTTEEEC C H N A M A N U A N O G CH HN NIIC IC CA ALLL M MA AN NU UA ALLL N NO O... 111333000111///G GBBB///999222 EEN NG GIIN NEESS TTEESSTT RRIIG GSS TTD D333322 –– D CTT IIN NJJEEC DIIEESSEELL EEN CTTIIO ON N)) NG GIIN NEE TTEESSTT RRIIG G ((D DIIRREEC TTD ND D333333 –– D DIIRREEC CTT IIN DIIEESSEELL EEN NJJEEC CTTIIO ON NG N)) GIIN NEE TTEESSTT RRIIG G ((IIN TTD URRBBO D333344 –– D OC CH HAARRG GEED DIIEESSEELL EEN D)) NG GIIN NEE TTEESSTT RRIIG G ((TTU TTD D333355 –– PPEETTRRO OLL EEN NG GIIN NEE TTEESSTT RRIIG G TTD URRBBO D333366 -- PPEETTRRO OC CH HAARRG GEED D)) OLL EEN NG GIIN NEE TTEESSTT RRIIG G ((TTU TTD D333377 –– U M UN NIIVVEERRSSAALL EEN NG GIIN NEE TTEESSTT SSYYSSTTEEM TTD NJJEEC D333388 –– PPEETTRRO CTTIIO ON N TTYYPPEE)) OLL EEN NG GIIN NEE TTEESSTT RRIIG G ((IIN TTD D334400 –– EEN NG GIIN NEESS TTEESSTT RRIIG G STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: CCO ON NTTEEN NTTSS General foreword page List of symbols and units of measure PPAARRTT II DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIO ON NO OFF PPLLAAN NTT AAN NDD M MAAIIN N EEQ QUUIIPPM MEEN NTT - Introduction - Description - Options PPAARRTT III IIN NTTEEN NAAN NCCEE NSSTTAALLLLAATTIIO ON N,, UUSSEE AAN NDD M MAAIIN - Installation Use Maintenance Maintenance contract PPAARRTT IIIII G GUUIIDDEEDD EEXXPPEERRIIM MEEN NTTSS - Introduction to Guided Experiments® - Guided Experiments® PPAARRTT IIVV RREEPPRRO ODDUUCCIIBBLLEE FFO ORRM MSS FFO ORR G GUUIIDDEEDD EEXXPPEERRIIM MEEN NTTSS PPAARRTT VV TTAABBLLEESS AAN NDD DDIIAAG GRRAAM MSS PPAARRTT VVII AAN NN NEEXXEESS The information contained in this manual has been carefully prepared and is correct at the moment of printing. However, our Company reserves the right of modifying the apparatus in view of further improvements. This text is of STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. property and it cannot be diffused to a third party, not even making a summary. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: G GEEN NEERRAALL FFO ORREEW WO ORRDD This plant has been designed to meet the requirements of ministerial education programs, without losing sight of what an industrial implementation is. We intentionally have excluded everything that could seem "miniaturised" or "modelled". All the pieces of equipment can be easily found on the market and are commonly used for industrial applications. This will enable the students to get in touch with equipment and machinery they will certainly meet during their future working life and to gain experience in materials of industrial use. The student's mind will be so trained up to cope with "real" equipment and not with "scaled" models. The plant dimensions are such as to allow an easy arrangement in any classroom or laboratory and the installed powers are not too high in order to make easier operations. A number of details may not comply with the apparatus required by the customer, as the Instruction Manual is realised considering the options which are ordinarily included in standard specifications. Both trials and analysing methods, however, will suit any model of apparatus. The most serious attention has been paid to the whole engineering design so that no wrong operation could damage the plant or harm the students. We are therefore sure that our customers will appreciate our work. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: LLIISSTT O OFF SSYYM MBBO OLLSS AAN NDD O OFF TTHHEE UUN NIITTSS O OFF M MEEAASSUURREE ((SSII)) Symbol Description A ap, α c, v d, D F area of section opening degree absolute speed diameter force Name newton Units of measure m2 m/s m N m/s2 GR, ρ h, i h, z h l l L lg ln logx acceleration of gravity (normally g = 9,80665 m/s2) weight N kilogramsweight Kp (*) reaction degree mass enthalpy J/kg height, geodetic head m head bar, mH2O lever arm of a force m mass work J/kg work J base 10 logarithm natural logarithm (base e) base x logarithm - m M, T m n p Δp P P, Φq mass kg moment of a force, torque Nm molar mass g/mol revolving speed RPM, rev./min (*) pressure, load bar, Pa pressure difference, pressure loss Pa power (1 CV = 0,735 kW) W thermal power (heat flow) (1 kcal/s = 4186,8 W) W Qm mass flow Qv t t T u v, c volume flow, rate of flow time temperature centigrade degree temperature (T = t + 273,15) kelvin tip speed absolute speed v mass volume V w δ η volume relative speed relative density efficiency η, µ dynamic viscosity (1 cP = 10-3 kg/ms) kinematic viscosity (1 cSt = 10-6 m2/s) g G ν kg/s m3/s, l/s s °C K m/s m/s m3/kg 3 r m r , lr (v = u + w) kg/ms m2/s cSt (*) STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: Symbol Description ρ volume mass τ α, β, γ, ecc i ε Φ ϕ ω ρ λ, cosϕ µ B BC BL C E F f G H L M m N n p P Pa specific gravity angle degree electrical current dielectric constant magnetic flux phase displacement pulsation resistivity power displacement magnetic permeability magnetic induction capacity susceptance inductive susceptance electrical capacity electromotive force magnetomotive force frequency electrical conductance magnetic field inductance mutual inductance number of phases number of turns ratio of transformation number of polar couples active power apparent power Q Q electrical charge reactive power R R s T V XC reluctance electrical resistance slip period potential difference capacity reactance XL Y Z (*) out of SI Name Units of measure kg/m3 kp/m3 (*) radian ampere weber radiant tesla siemens farad volt ampere hertz Hz siemens henry watt W volt ampere coulomb reactive volt ampere rad ° A F/m Wb rad rad/s Ω⋅m H/m T S S F V A S A/m H H VA C VAR H-1 ohm Ω volt s V Ω inductive reactance Ω admittance impedance system S Ω STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: PPAARRTT O ON NEE D DEESSC CRRIIPPTTIIO OFF ON N O OFF PPLLA AN NTT A AN ND D M MA AIIN N PPIIEEC CEESS O EEQ QU UIIPPM MEEN NTT STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTDD334400 -- TTEESSTT RRIIG G FFO ORR EEN NG GIIN NEESS TTEECCHHN NIICCAALL SSPPEECCIIFFIICCAATTIIO ON N System for studying the operation of internal combustion engines. Thanks to the rich instrumentation, it is possible to survey and calculate all the characteristic parameters of the test engine such as: powers, efficiencies, consumptions, heat balance, etc. With the proposed options, it is possible to enrich the test rig so to obtain a very complete and modern engine test room. The Test Rig is prearranged for the assembling of an engine under test (see options). It is equipped with hydraulic brake, homokinetic coupling, electronic torque and r.p.m. meters. A closed cycle cooling system provided with radiator and water flow/temperature transducers (it allows the determination of the heat quantity lost in cooling water) and the systems for measuring combustion air and fuel flowrate are also assembled on the same test rig. The instrumentation, the controls of the system and the warning lights are assembled on the Control Board. Pre-arrangement of the computer interfacing The system is already prearranged for the installation of a set of transmitters (see options) which send the values of the operation parameters to the "Automatic data acquisition system" (option CE35g). These values are then processed by a computer (which can be quoted on request) for visualising the results of Guided Experiments ® by means of tables and diagrams. We point out that only one "Automatic data acquisition system" can be used to interface with a computer all the computer adaptable systems of a laboratory. Besides, a data elaboration software is included in the basic supply; useful for the graphic elaboration and representation of some Guided Experiments ®. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: PPO OSSSSIIBBLLEE CCO ON NFFIIG GUURRAATTIIO ON NSS 1. TD340 Test Rig for Engines with one of the engines proposed as options 2. TD340 Test Rig for Engines without any engine to test one of the customer's engines 3. TD340 Test Rig for Engines with more than one among the engines proposed as options to be mounted alternatively on the rig NOTE: All the other options can be used with any configuration. 11 TTEESSTT RRIIG G 1.1 BEDPLATE - made of steel sections coupled so as to create a support with longitudinal grooves - 4 adjustable mountings for engine support - 12 V, 43 A/h battery, no maintenance required - provided with casters 1.2 CLOSED CIRCUIT COOLING UNIT It is formed by: - radiator with electric thermostatic fan - volume water meter - nos. 2 column thermometers for measuring cooling water inlet/outlet temperature - connection pipes to the test engine - supporting frame 1.3 HYDRAULIC BRAKE Max braked power 150 kW at 7000 rev/min (see enclosed diagram of operating range) provided with - electronic load cell for measuring the torque - pick-up electronic transducer for measuring the rotation speed - crankcase for water storage with water inlet/outlet pipes to the brake - load mechanical governor with manual control STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: 1.4 HOMOKINETIC COUPLING The coupling allows an easy positioning of the test engines as to the brake. It is supplied already assembled between brake and engine. Max torque 1250 Nm Max speed 8000 rev/min Max angle 10° 1.5 COMBUSTION AIR CIRCUIT - plenum chamber - nozzle with pressure gauge for air flow measurement, range -40÷0 mbar - hose for plenum chamber-engine suction manifold connection - rod thermometer to measure exhaust gas temperature - exhaust manifold equipped with a thermometer pocket - Type approved silencer - 2 m hose for exhaust gas 1.6 FUEL CIRCUIT - fuel reservoir (20 lt) with level transmitter and filling plug - electronic system for fuel flowrate measurement - rubber hose for fuel supply to the test engine 22 -- CCO ON NTTRRO OLL BBO OAARRDD Composed of: - rotation speed indicator - torque indicator - fuel flowrate indicator - combustion air flow indicator - cooling water high temperature warning light - lubricating oil low pressure warning light - insufficient battery recharge warning light - fuel reserve warning light - preheating glow plug warning light - main switch - starting selector STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: 33 -- IIN NSSTTRRUUM MEEN NTTAATTIIO ON N The list of all the instruments present on the test rig is the following: - column thermometer for measuring the engine water inlet temperature; range 0÷120 °C - column thermometer for measuring the engine water outlet temperature; range 0÷120 °C - stick thermometer for measuring the exhaust gas temperature; range 0÷600°C - transducer for fuel flowrate measurement - electronic pick up with panel-type instrument for measuring the rotation speed; range 0÷7000 rpm - nozzle with U type pressure gauge; range -40÷0 mbar for combustion air flowrate measurement - electronic load cell with panel-type instrument for torque measurement; range 0÷263 Nm - volume meter for cooling water flowrate measurement 44 DDIIDDAACCTTIICC AAIIDDSS Two Technical Manuals, included in the supply, are combined as follows: - Equipment description - Installation, use and maintenance - Guided Experiments® - Reproducible forms for Guided Experiments® Tables and Diagrams Enclosures Furthermore, with the Technical Manuals a floppy disk holding a data elaboration software is supplied; this software is a package elaborated by STEM - ISI Impianti in Excel, consequently in Windows, which gathers the data introduced by the students by hand (or acquired in automatic mode through options), it elaborates them and displays them in graphic form. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: O O PP TT II O ON N SS TTDD333377ee -- DDIIEESSEELL EEN NG GIIN NEE IIN NDDIIRREECCTT IIN NJJEECCTTIIO ON N 55000000 RRPPM M - 4 cylinders in line, 4 strokes indirect injection to precombustion chamber water cooling displacement 1301 cm³ max power 33 kW at 5000 rev/min max torque 74 Nm at 3000 rev/min (data of the manufacturer) equipped with: ⋅ fuel pump . injection pump ⋅ oil pump ⋅ cooling water pump ⋅ starting motor ⋅ battery charging alternator - concerning rotation, every engine is new(1) with 12 months’ guarantee beginning from the installation date - equipment and components for rapid assembling on the bench: · saddles with vibration-damping supports to be coupled to the adjustable mountings of the bedplate · plate for connection to the coupling assembled on the engine flywheel · connections and pipings for cooling system and air/fuel circuits · prearrangements for measurements transducers; Services required - exhaust gas piping 2" for scavenging of the gas outside the laboratory TTDD333377ff TTUURRBBO ODDIIEESSEELL EEN NG GIIN NEE - 4 cylinders in line, 4 strokes indirect injection to precombustion chamber water cooling booster feeding with multistage centrifugal blower and waste-gate overpressure valve displacement 1367 cm³ max power 51 kW at 4800 rev/min max couple 115 Nm at 3000 rev/min (data of the manufacturer) (1) nude engine block, overhauled and ground by an authorized repair shop , on this are assembled new spare parts brand new, at the end of the motor assembling, from the same authorized repair shop, it will be tested and sent with the guarantee certificate. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: equipped with: · fuel pump · injection pump · oil pump · cooling water pump · intercooler heat exchanger with electric fun and meters for temperature and pressure booster feeding · booster feeding converter · air/oil heat exchanger · starting motor · battery charging alternator - concerning rotation, every engine is new (1) with 12 months’ guarantee beginning from the installation date · equipment and components for rapid assembling on the bench: · saddles with vibration-damping supports to be coupled to the adjustable mountings of the bedplate · plate for connection to the coupling assembled on the engine flywheel · connections and pipings for cooling system and air/fuel circuits · prearrangements for measurements transducers; Services required - exhaust gas piping 2" for scavenging of the gas outside the laboratory TTDD333377ii -- PPEETTRRO OLL IIN NJJEECCTTIIO ON N EEN NG GIIN NEE . . . . . . - 4 cylinders in line, 4 strokes water cooling displacement 1108 cm³ max power 41 kW at 5500 rev/min max torque 88,3 Nm at 3000 rev/min electronic injection/start up multi point integrated one shaft distribution (data of the manufacturer) equipped with: fuel pump oil pump cooling water pump starting motor battery charging alternator coin with 12 months’ guarantee concerning rotation, every engine is new(1) beginning from the installation date (1) nude engine block, overhauled and ground by an authorized repair shop , on this are assembled new spare parts brand new, at the end of the motor assembling, from the same authorized repair shop, it will be tested and sent with the guarantee certificate. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: - equipment and components for rapid assembling on the bench: . saddles with vibration-damping supports to be coupled to the adjustable mountings of the bedplate . plate for connection to the coupling assembled on the engine flywheel . connections and pipings for cooling system and air/fuel circuits . prearrangements for measurements transducers; Services required: - exhaust gas piping 2" for scavenging of the gas outside the laboratory TTDD334400bb -- DDAATTAA TTRRAAN NSSM MIITTTTEERRSS AAN NDD SSO OFFTTW WAARREE PPAACCKKAAG GEE Set of transmitters sending the following values to the "Automatic data acquisition system" (CE35g): - rotation speed - torque - fuel consumption - cooling water flowrate - engine inlet cooling water temperature - engine outlet cooling water temperature - fuel air flowrate - exhaust temperature These data are processed by the computer (not supplied with this option) to visualize the system operation by means of tables and diagrams and to work out the Guided Experiments automatically. The software package, stored on a CDROM, includes computer program (run time type) developed in LabVIEW enviroment. It allows the control, monitoring, acquisition and processing of measurements coming from the equipment. The PC screen (not supplied with this option) shows a synoptic panel reproducing the main components of the plant with the measurements indication in real time. The most important parameters relevant to the plant operation are visualized on tables and diagrams. LabVIEW system is developed in the Windows 2000/XP enviroment and it requires a PC with the following characteristics: - minimum of 256 MB of RAM, 512 MB are recommended - screen resolution of 1,024 x 768 pixels - Pentium III processor, Pentium IV is recommended - Recommended 1,2 GB disk space - Cd reader The software also allows the faults simulation: on the display it appears a list of possible faults relevant to the considered unit. Teachers can select one of the faults included in the list to analyse which kind of consequence that particular fault can cause to the unit. In fact the acquired measures are automatically modified according to the introduced fault. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: CCEE3355gg -- DDAATTAA AACCQ QUUIISSIITTIIO ON N SSYYSSTTEEM M 88AA Automatic data acquisition automatic system used to convert signals coming from electric transmitters positioned on an equipment into digital signals which can be elaborated by a Personal Computer. The system is able to acquire 8 analogue channels; analogue signals complying with the industry standards 4/20mA; equipped with RS232c serial interface for the connection to a Personal Computer. The system is composed of a table case (490x180, 340mm depth, 9Kg weight). On the front side are positioned the identity plate and the starting button with its light spy. On the back there are the protection fuse, the “AMP” incoming connector of the analogue signals and the “CANON” connector for the serial connection with the computer. The system is completed with a power cable, analogue signal cable coming from the field and serial cable. Inside there are: - 1 base unit suitable to held the acquisition module/s and the relative connector block. Each unit can held until 4 acquisition modules and 4 connector blocks. The base unit includes a converter for serial communication RS 232 - 1 analogical acquisition module 8 inputs 4÷20mA, resolution 16bit, input impendence 60÷150 ohm - 1 connector block composed of 36 screw terminals - Absorbed power 9W Main technical characteristics: - analogy inputs - 8 analogue channels - input signal 4÷20mA / 0÷10Vdc - input impedance 60÷150 ohm ±5% (related to the signals 4÷20mA) - resolution 16bit - 3 filter settings: 50, 60, and 500 Hz - computer output - RS323c serial standard (DCE) - Baud rate, a selection from 300 to 115.200 BDS is possible - Data bits 8 - Stop bits 1 - Parity none - Flow control none - working conditions - temperature -40 ÷ 70 °C - humidity 10 ÷ 90% (not condensing) To visualize the acquisition on the screen of your Personal Computer and to interface this option to the plant it is necessary the option “Data transmitters & software package” STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: Services required: Electrical supply 220 VAC ± 10% 1-phase, 50/60 Hz, 0.2 kVA with earth plug according to CEI standards. TTDD332211 -- PPEETTRRO OLL EEN NG GIIN NEESS EEM MIISSSSIIO ON N AAN NAALLYYSSEERR High precision portable apparatus with digital liquid crystal display to provide direct readings of carbon monoxide(CO) and hydrocarbon (HC) in internal combustion engines exhaust. It also allows the observation of the Air-Fuel Ratio (AFR), Excess Air Ratio (Lambda) and the measurement of CO2 and O2 concentrations. It includes the following: - flexible sample probe - control panel and digital display - analytical system - probe/analyser connection pipes TTDD3322110022 –– DDIIEESSEELL EEN NG GIIN NEESS EEM MIISSSSIIO ON NSS AAN NAALLYYSSEERR ((RRAACCKK)) It is an analyser of the opacity degree of diesel engines exhausts. The analyser works by smokes absorbing a luminous beam and this guarantees the great results of operations. TTDD331100vv11 -- CCYYCCLLEE IIN NDDIICCAATTO ORR Please refer to the relevant Technical Specification. TTDD331122ee -- EEXXHHAAUUSSTT G GAASS CCAALLO ORRIIM MEETTEERR - consisting of a heat exchanger connected to the exhaust gas manifold steel cylinder body copper tube nest exhaust gases connection 2” dia. 3 thermometers 1 water flowmeter 1 water flow control valve Services required - water supply 0.6 l/s - 2 bar - exhaust pipe 2” TTDD334400aa –– SSPPAARREE PPAARRTTSS - 12 lamps for warning lights 1 key switch 2 rubber pipes for radiator 1 bulb for high temperature alarm 1 bulb for electric fan control 1 relay for electric fan control 1 exhaust gas thermometer 1 battery dry charged 1 acid package for battery 1 silencer STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: N.B.- We reserve the right to make modifications or improvements. The data included in this specification shall admit a ± 5% tolerance and they are valid for environmental conditions of 20 °C, 1013 mbar and 50 Hz electrical supply. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTDD334400 -- TTEESSTT RRIIG G FFO ORR EEN NG GIIN NEESS RRAAN NG GEE O OFF EEXXPPEERRIIM MEEN NTTSS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Power developed at the brake Total hourly fuel consumption Specific fuel consumption Total hourly combustion air consumption Specific combustion air consumption Air/fuel ratio Mechanical efficiency Internal efficiency Volumetric efficiency Total efficiency Heat quantity in the exhaust gases Heat quantity removed by the cooling water Heat balance Heat balance representative diagrams Specific consumption graph Combustion efficiency Timing system diagram Timing of timing system Ignition timing Ideal cycle and indicated cycle Total oil consumption Specific oil consumption Testing rules Indicated average pressure Torque developed by the brake STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: 115500 kkW W -- 77000000 RREEVV//M MIIN N HHYYDDRRAAUULLIICC BBRRAAKKEE O OPPEERRAATTIIO ON N RRAAN NG GEE DDIIAAG GRRAAM M STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTDD334400 -- TTEESSTT RRIIG G FFO ORR EEN NG GIIN NEESS Dimensions and weights: Net: 2 x 0.8 x 1 m Gross: 2.1 x 0.9 x 1.2 m - 650 kg 730 kg Services required 1. Exhaust gas manifold 1 1/2 in. 2. Water supply 3/4 in. - 2 bar - 1.2 l/s 3. Drain 1 1/2 in. - floor drain 2 in. 4. Electric power supply 1.8 kVA NOTE: - The engine must be selected between the following: TD337g Petrol engine TD337e Diesel engine (indirect injection) STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: PPAARRTT TTW WO O IIN NSSTTA ALLLLA ATTIIO ON N,, U USSEE A AN ND DM MA AIIN NTTEEN NA AN NC CEE STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: IIN NSSTTAALLLLAATTIIO ON N The Test Benches described in this Instruction Manual are delivered already assembled and consequently do not require any metallic structure or cement work for their installation. Therefore it is sufficient to place the Test Bench and Console (which is not present on the TD340 model) in the required position and connect all the services. The installation must take into account that: - - - - it is advisable to leave space for access to all sides of the plant for didactic and maintenance purposes. The plant requires a hydraulic feed with the following characteristics: Maximum flow: 1.2 l/s Working pressure: 2 bar using 1” diam. piping according to the type of motor The plant also requires a floor level discharge to the sewer and a burnt gas discharge: the burnt gasses are discharged to the outside through the flexible metallic pipe and silencer supplied with the plant A 220V electric power supply is also necessary, excepted the TD337 model which needs two separate power supplies: 220V single-phase on the Console 380V three-phase on the Engine Panel With models TD337 and TD340, in case that more than two engines are present, the following procedure must be followed: Place the motor under test on the bas utilizing the support columns Using the constant velocity universal joint, connect the motor to the hydraulic brake and assemble the protection casing of the joint itself Respect the maximum off set provided for the joint (10°) There is no need to take into account whether the motor has a clockwise or anticlockwise rotation, in that the load cell assembled on the hydraulic brake unit functions both in tension and compression Using the flexible metal pipe and silencer, connect the exhaust gas manifold to the outside of the laboratory for the discharge of the exhaust gasses. Connect the appropriate coupling positioned on the hydraulic brake to the water supply, if possible through a flexible hose suitable for supporting the maximum supply pressure Connect the water discharge coupling positioned on the hydraulic brake to the sewer through a flexible hose suitable for supporting temperatures around 70°C With model TD337 and TD370, in case that one or more tan two engines are present, the following procedures must be followed: Insert the exhaust gas temperature probe in the well provided on the exhaust gas manifold Connect the comburent air connection , located at the end at the end of the flow measuring device, to the suction manifold using the appropriate flexible hose If an engine supercharged by a turbocompressor and intercooler is being installed, connect the temperature probes upstream and downstream of the intercooler and supercharging pressure transducer Connect the fuel tank(s) (petrol and/or diesel) to the engine(s) with the appropriate hose fitting. Select the relevant fuel flowrate meter by means of the proper selector positioned on the Engine Panel STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: Connect the accelerator cable to the butterfly valve of the carburetor (for petrol engines) or to the injection pump (for diesel engines) Using the appropriate cables, connect the positive pole of the battery to the negative pole Connect the electric cables between the bench and console (except model TD340) using the appropriate connectors - UUSSEE The starter battery normally used is of the “maintenance free” type and therefore ready for use. Nevertheless, in case of a protracted stop, it is advisable to charge it for a few hours at a current intensity equal to approximately 1/10 of the battery capacity. If the battery is not of the “maintenance free” type, all its elements must be filled to e higher level than the one of the plates with a battery solution. After having filled the battery in the case of urgent necessity it may be placed in service without charging. Otherwise that already stated for a maintenance free battery applies. Do not leave the battery inactive without a charge for more than 24 hours after its filling. ELECTRONIC CONTROL UNIT “Breakless” electronic ignition (if provided on petrol engines) The electronic ignition distributor does not have contacts. The mobile contact of the conventional distributor is replaced by a mobile rotor with 4 lobes, while the fixed contact is replaced by a pole shoe. Each time a lobe of the rotor passes in front of the pole choe, a signal is created which, transmitted to the electronic control unit, is amplified and sent to the ignition coil and then, through the distributor itself to the parking plugs. In order not to prejudice the good operation of the electronic control unit with which the engine is fitted, follow these procedures very carefully: - ensure that the terminals are securely connected to the poles of the battery - never disconnect or connect the cables of the electronic control unit with the ignition switched on - never disconnect the battery with the engine running - do not use a battery charger to start the engine - disconnect the battery when charging it - disconnect the electronic control unit when carrying out electronic welding START UP INSTRUCTIONS Prior to starting the plant: 1. Ensure that the fuel tank is full 2. For plant TD337 select the fuel circuit relating to the engine under test (petrol or diesel) using the appropriate switch located on the engine panel N.B. Always remember to carry out this operation to prevent damaging the engines 3. Ensure that all the necessary connections have been made correctly STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: 4. Check the level of the liquid coolant in the expansion tank and if necessary top up with anti-oxidant liquid (option H62b). Water alone, at a high temperature, can use corrosion damage inside both the radiator and the engine. 5. Ensure that the lubricating oil level in the engine is sufficient. 6. Ensure that the electronic load cell assembled on the hydraulic brake is not blocked and in case free it. 7. Ensure that the battery is charged (for example by starting the engine for a brief period): if necessary charge it. PLANT SET UP PROCEDURE To start up the engine correctly after having performed the above checks, follow these procedures: 1. Open the shutter which regulates the thickness of the water crown in the brake in the downward direction using the appropriate command 2. Open the flow valve regulating the water to the brake 3. Always open the water flow to the exhaust gas calorimeter (if present) even when its use is not required 4. Always open the water flow to the pressure transducer of the Electronic Cycle indicator (if it is the type with a cooler) even if its use is not required 5. Open the valve on the exhaust gas sampling line if the engine emission analyzer needs to be used (where fitted). Discharge the condensate and perform the other operations reported in the equipment manual 6. Rotate the ignition key of the starter motor switch in a clockwise direction and keep it there until the motor starts 7. Run the engine at a low rpm for several minutes until the minimum running temperature has been reached (minimum 50°C) 8. By operating the brake and accelerator allow the engine to reach the running speed required for the test, taking care not to exceed the nominal rotation speed of each engine. WARNING When the engine is cold, act as follows: 1. Operate the starter (in case of petrol engine) or the glow plugs (in case of indirect injection Diesel engine) 2. Do not accelerate until the engine has started correctly 3. Avoid harsh accelerator movements It is advisable to perform the experiments after the engine has been run in (see “Maintenance” chapter). Running the engine at full power during the running in period adversely affects its performance. PROCEDURES FOR PLANT SHUTDOWN To shut down the plant correctly, proceed as follows: 1. Allow the engine to run at minimum rpm under no load conditions by operating the accelerator and brake. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: 2. Wait 2 minutes with the engine running at minimum rpm stabilize the temperature 3. Rotate the ignition key of the starter motor switch in an anticlockwise direction to switch off the engine. 4. Shut off the water to the brake USE OF THE BRAKE To enable the tests to be carried out at variable rpm, the plant has a hydraulic brake keyed to the shaft, connected to an electronic load cell for the direct reading of the torque trough a digital display located on the Control Console (on the engine panel for model TD340). The water which enters the brake provides a braking effect and at the same time serves to eliminate the dissipated energy. To vary the breaking power, adjust the quantity of water present in the brake. There are two regulator valves: - one located near to the external connection regulates the water flow entering the brake a control located on the brake regulates the opening and closing of a shutter and consequently the thickness of the water ring (or crown) on the brake itself. When the shutter is closed (up), this thickness is at its maximum and the braking action is also maximum; on the contrary, when the shutter is open (down) this thickness is at its minimum and the braking action is greatly reduced. On start up: - - ensure that the shutter is fully open open the feed water flow (network) by operating the valve located on the brake inlet start up the engine and wait until the running temperature has been reached to increase the braking: for the model equipped with remote control act on the appropriate push buttons located on the Control Console for the model TD340 rotate the handwheel in a clockwise direction (the shutter moves upwards) and/or open the main valve (the water flow into the brake increases) check that the discharge water temperature does not exceed 60°C; otherwise check that the pressure from the line is complying with what indicated in the services required For regulating the load, it is advisable to use: - the control valve for small load variations - the shutter for large load variations STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: USE OF PLANT WITH (COMPUTERIZED PLANT) AUTOMATIC DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM In the case of computerized plant, proceed as follows: - connect the plant to the automatic data acquisition system with the appropriate cable supply power to the automatic acquisition system, computer and printer insert floppy disk in drive A after having chosen the Guided Experiment to perform, carry out the procedure shown on the video and proceed with the test for theoretical references and any other considerations, see the relevant guided experiment in part III of this technical manual STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: M MAAIIN NTTEEN NAAN NCCEE ENGINE 1. RUNNING IN The engine needs a minimum running in period of 10 hours. During this period, it is advisable no to run the motor at full power, but only at reduced load. At the end of the running in, carry out the following checks, in addition to those provided for the normal maintenance tables: - check the tightening of the cylinder head fixing bolts - tightness of the exhaust pipe - check the engine idling and adjust - check the play between the valves and rocker arms - check the fixed spark advance of the ignition distributor and adjust (petrol engines) - check the phasing of the injection pump (diesel engines) - check the tension of the alternator belt and adjust - clean the fuel filter - replace the engine oil 2. NORMAL RUNNING The maintenance operations to be carried out after the engine has been run for set periods are listed in table 4. The following operations need to be performed with greater frequency than those in table 4. - every ten hours of operation check and top up the engine oil and liquid coolant levels - every 150 hours of operation, replace the lubricating oil and the cartridge oil filter plus the fuel filter where fitted. Check the condition of the sparking plugs (for petrol engines) or low plugs (diesel engines with indirect injection). STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: 3. MAINTENANCE NOTES - - - - The checking of the oil level n the sump must be performed with a cold engine. The oil must wet the dipstick between the “min” and “max” limits engraved on the dipstick itself. If the level is too low, top up according to the amount of oil used and the ambient temperature, as detailed in the refill table (table 4). The oil used must be of the same type as that already in the engine (OLIO FIAT VS + MULTIGRADE) The periodic lubricating oil change must be carried out with a hot engine and depends on the type of oil used and the ambient temperature (see table 5). The lubricating oil must be changed after the end of the minimum running in period (10 hours running). During normal running, it is advisable to change the lubricating oil at least once every two years, even though the 150 hours provided for have not been reached. The replacement of the oil filter must be carried out each time that the engine oil is changed. To replace the filter, it is sufficient to unscrew it from its mounting and screw in the new one. Normally our plant is supplied with a “maintenance free battery” which needs no attention Nevertheless, if required, it is possible to top up with distilled water after removal of the top cover. The level must stay within the range indicated on the side of the battery itself. The cleaning of the carburettor (petrol engines) involves the jets and one internal filter and must be performed only through air blowing. The cleaning of the sparking plugs (petrol engines) consists mainly eliminating of all deposits in the space between the central electrode holder porcelain and the body if the sparking plug. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: After cleaning, check that the distance between the electrodes is between 0.6 and 0.5mm. If necessary replace the sparking plugs. Do not use any plugs other than the type recommended for the bench mounted engine. If the heat rating is too low, running difficulties may be experienced. - With use, the belt connecting the engine shaft to the alternator may become slack and consequently slip. It is therefore necessary to check the tension. Under normal conditions the transmission belt must have a give of between 1 and 1.5 when a force of 10kg is applied. To increase the tension of the belt: slacken the nut which tighten the alternator on to the tensioner slacken the nut of the alternator trunnion (under the body of the alternator) move the alternator outwards and tighten the above mentioned nuts It is not advisable to over-tension in order not to provoke excessive stresses on the bearings. - In case of diesel engines, when reassembling the fuel filters after cleaning or replacement, bleed the air from the fuel circuit. The same operation is also necessary after long periods of inactivity or when the fuel has been completely consumed, as in these circumstances air may enter into the fuel circuit On engines fitted with BOSCH injection pumps, the following are fitted for bleeding the air: - two drain plugs (screwed), one on each fuel filter - one screw on the injection pump - one lever on the feed pump For the bleeding operation, proceed as follows: - unscrew the screw on the first filter for two complete turns - with the lever, pump until the fuel discharged from behind the screw does not contain air bubbles - re-tighten the bleed screw - repeat these operations with the bleed plug of the second filter - unscrew the screw on the injection pump for two complete turns - pump until the fuel discharged from behind the screw does not contain air bubbles - re-tighten the screw on the injection pump Similarly, for bleeding the air from engines fitted with a CAV pump, the following are provided: - two screw type bleed plugs, one on each fuel filter - one bleed screw on the hydraulic casing of the injection pump - one air bleed screw for bleeding air from the injection pump return circuit - removable pipe-injector joints For the bleeding operations, proceed as follows: - bleed the fuel filters and injection pump head in the same manner as already described - unscrew the bleed screw on the injection pump return for two complete turns and completely slacken the four pipe-injector joints - turn the engine over using the starter motor until fuel discharged from the piping does not contain any air bubbles STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: - re- tighten the joints start up the engine when fuel without air bubbles discharges from behind the screw on the injection pump return, tighten the screw 4. PROLONGED PLANT SHUT DOWN In the case of a prolonged shutdown of the engine, it s advisable to carry out the following operations: - drain the cooling water from the engine - re-charge the battery one a month HYDRAULIC BRAKE - ensure that all the components of the brake are kept clean ensure that the bearings are well greased STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: O ORRD DIIN NAARRYY M MAAIIN NTTEEN NAAN NC CEE C CO ON NTTRRAAC CTT This contract has been agreed upon by …………………………………………………….here following indicated as the "Customer", and STEM ISI-Impianti S.p.A.- Via G. Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova / ITALY, owner of the know-how, technology and brand ISI Impianti, here following indicated as "STEM-ISI Impianti". The purpose of this contract is the maintenance, in the period , of the goods purchased by the Customer and supplied by STEM-ISI Impianti , as listed here below: OUR REF. YEAR UNIT 1 ............. ........... ............ 2 ............. ........... ............ 3 ............. ........... ............ 4 ............. ........... ............ 5 ............. ........... ............ 6 ............. ........... ............ 7 ............. ........... ............ 8 ............. ........... ............ 9 ............. ........... ............ 10 ............. ........... ............ DESCRIPTION ......................................................... ..... ......................................................... ..... ......................................................... ..... ......................................................... ..... ......................................................... ..... ......................................................... ..... ......................................................... ..... ......................................................... ..... ......................................................... ..... ......................................................... ..... The ordinary maintenance service will be performed at Customer's premises or labs, at the following address ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ C CO ON NTTRRAAC CTT TTEERRM MSS AAN ND D C CO ON ND DIITTIIO ON NSS A) AIM OF THE CONTRACT AND DESCRIPTION OF THE SERVICE The aim of the ordinary maintenance service is the keeping of the standard operation conditions and the possible repair and calibration of the units enlisted in the previous page, in so far as their current wear and tear conditions allow. The maintenance service includes ..… routine planned visits to be performed in the periods a. ................................ b. ................................ The maintenance program, performed during each visit lasting .... days, includes: - the calibration and check of the unit and of the operation conditions - the calibration and check of the instrumentation a check of the control consoles a check of the software programs and records (if any) a refresher course to the staff that practically works with the equipment the updating and upgrading of technical manuals (when available) the reply to technical questions from the users The intervention timetable on site is agreed as follows: 1st. day 2nd. day 3rd. day 4th. day 5th. day ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... Furthermore, the maintenance service includes the following aspects: - the supply of an updated version of the software programs (when available) - phone and fax assistance, either direct or through a specialized partner company on site - the supply of small consumable materials, used or replaced during the service visits The supply of spares is not included in this contract. Spare parts would be possibly supplied upon direct order of the Customer, following a specific offers issued by STEM-ISI Impianti. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: In the case of extraordinary interventions, both at Customer's premises, due to the need of a visit that lies outside the ones already considered in this contract, and in STEM-ISI Impianti's workshop, for the repair of units or components that cannot be repaired on site, STEM-ISI Impianti will submit a specific offer to cover costs of materials and labor relevant to the repair and calibration, for any installation or shipment back to Customer's lab, according to the current Italian rates (ANIMA). B) PERIOD AND LAST The validity of this contract is ....... months, counting from date of the signature of the contract by the customer. In the case of a new supply the contract comes into force after the expiry of the standard guarantee, i.e. 12 months after the date of despatch from STEM-ISI Impianti's workshop, unless otherwise specified. In the case of units whose standard guarantee has already expired, STEM-ISI Impianti reserves the right to make use of the first visit of the ordinary maintenance as a check visit, to be effected when the contract comes into force. When this contract expires, it is an option of the Customer to ask STEM-ISI Impianti for another contract of ordinary maintenance, which takes into account the present conditions of the units. C) GENERAL CONDITIONS Access to the units A full and free access to the units must be guaranteed to STEM-ISI Impianti's personnell during the period agreed for the service visit, for at least 8 hours/day. Assistance and cooperation Full assistance and cooperation by the Customer's staff must be granted to the STEM-ISI Impianti's personnell that is in charge for the maintenanceservice. Work performance STEM-ISI Impianti reserves the right to commit partially or totally the execution of any job to trustworthy Companies. This does not affect the quality of the job and service, which is still STEM-ISI Impianti's responsibility. Exemption of STEM-ISI Impianti's responsibility This contract does not take into account the following maintenance operations: - removal of damages or defects due to any negligence, malice or failure of the Customer in the standard operation and maintainance of the units and their components; standard operation and maintenance formalities must be in accordance with the Technical Manuals supplied with the units and generally with normal practice; STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: - removal of damages or defects due to any intervention or modification to the units or their components performed by any other than STEM-ISI Impianti's personnell; - removal of damages or defects due to the connection of STEM-ISI Impianti's units to other incompatible units or components. Price and payment The price for all operations expressly specified in this contract is ITL. ........................... . Price and conditions of this contract must be considered as valid if the contract is agreed upon within .................. . The payment must be transferred at the receipt of the invoices, which are issued as follows: a. ................................ b. ................................ The price above indicated for this maintenance service contract includes all costs due to STEMISI Impianti's personnell (transports, board and lodging). Contract validity The maintenance contract comes into force on the date of receipt by STEM-ISI Impianti of the copy of the same contract duly signed by the customer. The period of validity of the contract starts from the date of the coming into force. Jurisdiction Forum For any controversy about the interpretation and/or execution of this contract, the Forum having exclusive jurisdiction is the Court of Genoa. Date: ............................ S T E M - I S I Impianti S.p.A -------------------(stamp, date and signature) STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: C CO ON NTTRRAATTTTO OD DII M MAAN NU UTTEEN NZZIIO ON NEE O ORRD DIIN NAARRIIAA Q Q............ D DEELL ............ Il presente contratto è stipulato tra ............................................................, qui di seguito denominato come "Cliente" e STEM ISI-Impianti S.p.A.- Via G. Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova, società proprietaria del know-how, della tecnologia e del marchio ISI Impianti di seguito indicato come "STEM- ISI Impianti" Scopo del contratto è la manutenzione ordinaria per l'anno accademico................degli impianti, acquistati dal Cliente e forniti da STEM-ISI Impianti, che vengono qui indicati: NS RIF ANNO SIGLA DESCRIZIONE 1 ............. ........... ............ 2 ............. ........... ............ 3 ............. ........... ............ 4 ............. ........... ............ 5 ............. ........... ............ 6 ............. ........... ............ 7 ............. ........... ............ 8 ............. ........... ............ 9 ............. ........... ............ 10 ............. ........... ............ ......................................................... ..... ......................................................... ..... ......................................................... ..... ......................................................... ..... ......................................................... ..... ......................................................... ..... ......................................................... ..... ......................................................... ..... ......................................................... ..... ......................................................... ..... Il servizio di manutenzione ordinaria sarà eseguito presso la Sede o i laboratori del Cliente, al seguente indirizzo: ............................ ............................ ............................ STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTEERRM O MIIN NII EE C CO ON ND DIIZZIIO ON NII D DEELL C CO ON NTTRRAATTTTO A) SCOPO DEL CONTRATTO E DESCRIZIONE DEL SERVIZIO L'obiettivo del servizio di manutenzione ordinaria è quello di mantenere alle condizioni operative standard, ed eventualmente di riparare o calibrare gli impianti indicati nella pagina precedente, compatibilmente con il loro attuale stato d'usura. Nel servizio di manutenzione sono previste routinario, da effettuarsi nei periodi: .....visite programmate, a carattere a. ....................... b. ....................... Durante le visite, della durata di ..... giorni ognuna, si svolge un programma di manutenzione che comprende: - controllo dell'intera unità e delle sue condizioni operative - taratura e controllo della strumentazione - controllo del quadro di comando - controllo di programmi software e registrazioni (se esistenti) - aggiornamento tecnico dello staff addetto al lavoro sugli impianti - eventuale aggiornamento dei manuali tecnici - risposta alle domande tecniche rivolte dall'utente L'orario dell'intervento presso l'Istituto è il seguente: 1° giorno:.............. 2° giorno:.............. 3°giorno:............... 4°giorno................ 5°giorno................ Inoltre, il servizio di manutenzione comprende anche le seguenti voci: - eventuale aggiornamento dei programmi software (quando disponibili) - assistenza via telefono/fax direttamente o tramite Aziende consociate sul posto - materiale minuto di consumo usato o sostituito durante la visita di servizio STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: La fornitura di parti di ricambio è esclusa da questo contratto. Eventuali ricambi saranno forniti su ordine diretto del Cliente, in seguito a specifica offerta da parte di STEM-ISI Impianti In caso di interventi straordinari, sia presso la sede del Cliente, dovuti all'esigenza di una visita che esuli da quelle già previste in questo contratto, sia nelle officine STEM-ISI Impianti per la riparazione di impianti o componenti che non possano essere riparati in loco, STEM-ISI Impianti sottoporrà offerta specifica a copertura dei costi per materiali e manodopera relativi alla riparazione, taratura, eventuale reinstallazione o spedizione al Cliente secondo le vigenti tariffe ANIMA. B) DECORRENZA E DURATA Questo contratto ha validità ........mesi, a partire dalla data del ricevimento da parte di STEM - ISI Impianti del contratto debitamente controfirmato dal cliente. Nel caso di impianti nuovi, l'entrata in vigore del presente contratto di manutenzione, decorrerà dalla scadenza della garanzia standard, ovvero un anno dalla data di spedizione dai magazzini STEM-ISI Impianti se non altrimenti specificato. Nel caso di impianti per i quali è già scaduto il periodo di garanzia, STEM-ISI Impianti si riserva il diritto di utilizzare la prima visita relativa alla manutenzione ordinaria quale visita di revisione, da effettuarsi all'entrata in vigore del contratto. Alla scadenza del contratto, nel caso in cui il Cliente lo ritenga opportuno, STEM-ISI Impianti proporrà un nuovo contratto di manutenzione ordinaria, prendendo in considerazione le attuali condizioni degli impianti. C) CONDIZIONI GENERALI Accesso agli impianti Libero e completo accesso agli impianti deve essere garantito al personale STEMISI Impianti durante il periodo concordato per le visite di servizio, per un minimo di 8 ore al giorno. Assistenza e cooperazione Assistenza e cooperazione da parte del personale del Cliente devono essere prestate al personale STEM-ISI Impianti incaricato delle operazioni di manutenzione. Esecuzione lavori STEM-ISI Impianti si riserva il diritto di far intervenire altra Società di sua fiducia per l'esecuzione paziale o totale di alcuni inteventi. Ciò non inficia la qualità del lavoro e del servizio, che rimane sempre di responsabilità STEM-ISI Impianti. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: Esenzione o limitazione di responsabilità Non rientrano nel presente contratto le seguenti operazioni di manutenzione - eliminazione di guasti dovuti a colpa, dolo o incuria da parte del Cliente nell'operare e manutenere gli impianti o i suoi componenti, le cui modalità di operazione e manutenzione sono descritte nelle Monografie Tecniche, fornite a corredo degli impianti e generalmente considerate nella normale pratica; - eliminazione di guasti derivanti da qualsiasi intervento o modifica apportati agli impianti o ai suoi componenti da parte di tecnici non autorizzati da STEM-ISI Impianti; - eliminazione di guasti dovuti al collegamento delle attrezzature STEM-ISI Impianti con impianti o componenti non compatibili. Prezzo e Pagamento Il prezzo per tutte le operazioni espressamente riportate in questo contratto è fissato in Lit...........+ IVA Prezzi e condizioni del presente contratto sono da ritenersi validi se il contratto stesso viene stipulato entro il.............. . Oltre tale data STEM-ISI Impianti si riserva di riconfermare o modificare i termini del contratto. Il pagamento è da effettuare a ricevimento delle fatture che saranno emesse come segue: a. ........................ b. ........................ Il prezzo del presente servizio di manutenzione comprende tutti i costi di trasferta (trasporti, vitto e alloggio) del personale STEM-ISI Impianti. Validità del contratto Il contratto di manutenzione entra in vigore dal ricevimento da parte di STEM-ISI Impianti di copia del contratto stesso debitamente controfirmato. Il periodo di validità del contratto decorre dalla data di entrata in vigore. Foro competente Per qualsiasi controversia concernente l'interpretazione e/o l'esecuzione del contratto, Foro esclusivamente competente è quello di Genova. Data: ...................... S T E M - I S I Impianti S.p.A. -------------------(timbro, data e firma) STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: PPAARRTT TTHHRREEEE G GU UIID DEED D EEXXPPEERRIIM MEEN NTTSS® ® STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: IIN NTTRRO ODDUUCCTTIIO ON N TTO OG GUUIIDDEEDD EEXXPPEERRIIM MEEN NTTSS® ® This section describes a number of basic experiments which can be used as a guide for the student. In spite of the limited range, they are meant to stimulate his creativity. Every experiment quotes some theoretical remarks, while reference is always made to the reality of phenomena. A description is given of the required operations together with some suggestions about the treatment of the data. A detailed description of some typical results is provided as an exemplary trace illustrating the procedure and the method of data treatment. These typical results are anyway supplied as exemplary data which can help the operator during the first experiments. The customer should not try and obtain the same starting data in order to get the identical typical results. The operating conditions are affected by a number of variables, such as ambient temperature, oil temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, etc. For this reason the customer is in most case unable to reproduce the operating conditions as stated in the exemplary data sheets, also considering that a number of components of the plant may be different (e.g. new type of pump, different type of regulating valve, etc.), or the voltage and frequency requirements may be different. It is far more interesting for the customer to take the data referring to the real operation of the plant and to work them out according to the pattern shown in the exemplary data sheets. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: LLiisstt ooff G Guuiiddeedd EExxppeerriim meennttss 1. Power developed at the brake 2. Total hourly fuel consumption 3. Specific fuel consumption 4. Total hourly comburent air consumption 5. Specific comburent air consumption 6. Air/fuel ratio 7. Mechanical efficiency 8. Internal efficiency 9. Volumetric efficiency 10. Overall efficiency 11. Quantity of heat contained in the exhaust gas 12. Quantity of heat removed by the cooling water 13. Thermal balance 14. Thermal balance representation diagram 15. Specific consumption diagram 16. Rpm control 17. Dynamic behaviour of the governor 18. Supercharging Other experiments possible 19. Combustion efficiency 20. Distribution diagram 21. Distributor timing 22. Ignition timing 23. Ideal cycle and recorded cycle 24. Total oil consumptions 25. Specific oil consumptions 26. Test standards 27. Average recorded pressure 28. Torque developed at the brake 29. Alternator engine group efficiency STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: G Guuiiddeedd EExxppeerriim meenntt nn°°11 PPO OW WEERR DDEEVVEELLO OPPEEDD AATT TTHHEE BBRRAAKKEE It is assumed that the engine functions under given conditions characterized by the known position of the fuel control lever (butterfly valve of the carburetor or injection pump). If, for an increase in rpm, the effective power is measured at the shaft with one brake, the result obtained is a set of power values with corresponding rpm values. Each of these pairs of values produces one point on a graph (rpm (n) on the x-axis, power (P) on the y-axis). The geometric positioning of these points represents the effective characteristic curve for the engine to be examined at different rpm values. power Method: To draw this curve, proceed as follows: 1. Start the engine 2. Allow the engine to run at the test speed by using the brake and accelerator 3. Measure and record: . position of the accelerator . rotation speed n[revs/min] as read on the rev. Counter on the panel . moment M[N·m] developed at the shaft, as read on the display on the panel 4. Vary the rotation speed (n) of the motor by acting on the brake 1 5. for new values of the n[revs/min] repeat and record the measurements performed in point 3 6. Proceed as per point 4. onwards until a sufficient number of points have been obtained (at least 6). 7. Stop the engine 8. For each test performed, calcolate the effective power in the form 2 P[kW ] 2n[rad / giri ] M ⋅n 60[s / min ] =≈ 1000[W / kW ] 9549 M [N ⋅ m] ⋅ n[giri / min ] 9. Draw a graph of P [kW] on the y-axis against rotation speed n [revs/min] on the x-axis. Join the points obtained from the test to form a characteristic curve of the effective power for the given feed conditions. In the same manner, a graph can be drawn of the behaviour of the engine moment M [N·m] in relation to n[revs/min]. 10. Repeat the test for different engine feed conditions. 11. In case of supercharged engines, the test can also be carried out varying the supercharging pressure. 1 During this operation do not touch the accelerator to change the position of the butterfly valve of the carburetor or the flow of the injection pump which must remain fixed for the entire test. This implies that in the presence of an rpm control, the test is performed with the accelerator at maximum and the motor run in, otherwise the governor automatically changes the feed condition. 2 In order to calcolate the correct power accordino to the standards, use the “power correction factor” STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: G Guuiiddeedd EExxppeerriim meenntt nn°°22 TTO OAALL HHO OUURRLLYY FFUUEELL CCO ON NSSUUM MPPTTIIO ON N Under the given conditions, the quantità of fuel consumed by the engine divided by the time taken to perform the test gives the hourly fuel consumption rate. In order to determine this consumption and its variation engine shaft rpm, proceed as follows: 1. Start the engine and allow it to run at the speed required for the test 2. Measure and record the position of the accelerator, the fuel flow Q’c[l/h] and the speed of rotation of the engine shaft [revs/min] 3. Vary the rotation speed n [revs/min] by operating the brake.3 4. When the engine is at the new running speed, follow the procedure as per point 2. 5. Proceed in this manner until a minimum of 4÷6 experimental points have been obtained. 6. Shut down the engine 7. For each test carried out, caluclate and record the total hourly fuel consumption using the following equantion: Qc [kg / h ] = Qc [l / h] ⋅ ρ 0 [kg / m 3 ] ⋅ 10 −3 / dm 3 ] where ρ 0 [ kg / m 3 ] volumetric mass of fuel used - For petrol, in general ρ = 720÷750 kg/m3 - For diesel, in general ρ = 800÷865 kg/ m3 8. Draw a graph of Qt[kg/h] on the y-axis, against rotation speed n[giri/min] on the x-axis. Join the points obtained from the test to form a curve. 3 During this operation do not touch the accelerato ras the engine feed conditions must remain fixed throughout the test. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: G Guuiiddeedd EExxppeerriim meenntt nn°°33 SSPPEECCIIFFIICC FFUUEELL CCO ON NSSUUM MPPTTIIO ON N In the internal combustion engines, reference is usually made to the hourly fuel consumption at various running speeds. If P è [kW] is the power and Qc [kg/h] is the hourly fuel consumption for a given running speed , the specific quantity is defined as follows: ⎡ kg ⎤ Qc [ kg / h] = qc ⎢ P[ kW ] ⎣ kWh ⎥⎦ To determine this consumption and its variation with engine shaft rpm, for given test conditions (fixed opening carburetor butterfly valve or constant position of the injection pump control), proceed as follows: 1. Start the engine 2. Use the accelerator and brake to run the engine up to the required running speed for the test 3. Proceed as in point 2 of the previous Guided Experiment, measuring and recording the values of the n [giri/min], Q’c [l/h] and the moment M [N·n] developed by the engine shaft, as read from the instruments on the panel. 4. Vary the rotation speed n [giri/min] by operating the brake 4 5. With the engine at the new speed, proceed as in point 2 onwards. 6. Proceed in this way until a minimum of four experimental points have been obtained 7. Shut down the engine 8. For each test calucluate and record: . total hourly fuel consumption Qc [kg/h] as described in the previous guided experiment . power developed at the brake (see Guided Experiment n°1) P [kW] = M·n / 9549 . Specific fuel consumption ⎡ kg ⎤ Qc = qc ⎢ ⎣ kWh ⎥⎦ P 9. Draw a graph with Qc on the y-axis and the speed of rotation n in the x-axis. Join the points on the diagram to form the characteristic curve of the specific fuel consumption. 4 During this operation do not touch the accelerator to ch’nge the position of the carburetor butterfly valve or to change the flow of the injection pump which must remain fixed for the duration of the test STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: G Guuiiddeedd EExxppeerriim meenntt nn°°44 TTO OTTAALL HHO OUURRLLYY CCO OM MBBUURREEN NTT AAIIRR CCO ON NSSUUM MPPTTIIO ON N For a given feed condition, it is possible to determine the comburent air consumption Qm[kg/h] with respect to the variation in the number of revolutions n[revs/min] of the engine. The comburent air consumption diagram is of particular interest if couplet with that of the total hourly fuel consumption. To construct this diagram, proceed as follows: 1. Start the engine 2. Use the accelerator and brake to rune the engine at eh speed required for the test 3. When the engine is at the test running speed, measure and record the following: . engine rotation speed n [revs/min] . comburent air flow rate Qv in [m3/h] 5 . air temperature t [°C] at the engine inlet . ampspheric pressure of the ambient pb [mbar] using a barometer 6 . relative humidity φ [in % from 0 to 100] of the air using a hygrometer 7 4. Vary the rotation speed n [revs/min] by operating the brake 5. With the engine at the new running speed, proceed as point 3 onwards 6. Proceed in this way until a sufficient number of experimental points have been obtained (at least 4) 7. Shut down the engine 8. The volumetric mass of the air ρ is expressed with the formula: U .R. p'v 100 ρ kg / m 3 = 0,35 t + 273,15 [ where: pb [mbar] barometric pressure ] pb − 8 9. For each running speed, calculate and record tha mass flow comburent air using the following formula: Qm [kg / h] = ρQv 10. Draw a graph of the flow rate Qm [kg/h] on the y-axis against speed n [revs/min] on x-axis. Join the points registered for each running speed to produce a curve. 5 For model TD340 the air flowrate measurement Q in [m3/h] is surveyed by means of a differential v manometer and of the formula Qv = Δp indicated on the engine panel 6/7 if the test is of limited duration, the ambient pressure and humidity need only to be measured once. If a barometer is not available, pb [mbar] can be assumed to be the standard value corresponding to the height above sea level of the location in which the test is carried out 8 If an hygrometer is not available a value of φ between 50 and 60 can be assumed as being normal STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: G Guuiiddeedd EExxppeerriim meenntt nn°°55 SSPPEECCIIFFIICC CCO OM MBBUURREEN NTT AAIIRR CCO ON NSSUUM MPPTTIIO ON N In internal combustion engines, this usually refers to the hourly consumption of comburent air at the various power levels developed at different running speeds, similar to that already started If P [kW] is the power and Qm [kg/h] is the hourly consumption of comburent air for a given running speed, the specific consumption of comburent air for that running speed is given by quantity: ⎡ kg ⎤ Qm [kg / h] = qm ⎢ P[kW ] ⎣ kWh ⎥⎦ In order to determine this consumption and its variation with respect to the revolutions of the engine shaft in the test conditions (fixed opening of the carburetor butterfly valve or constant position of the injection pump control), proceed as follows: 1. Start up the engine 2. Use the accelerator and brake to run the engine up to the running speed required for the test 3. Continue as instructed from point 3 to point 7 of the previous Guided Experiment, measuring and recording, for each test, the values specified in point 3 plus the moment M [N·m] of the engine as read from the panel 4. Shut down the engine 5. For each running speed of the test, calculate and record: . the hourly comburent air consumption Qm kg / h = ρQv [ ] where: ρ [kg/m3] = volumetric air mass (first approxiamtion ρ =1.2 kg/m3 ) Qv [m3/h] = volumetric flow rate (look at the previous guided experiment) . power developed at brake P [kW] = M·n/9549 (look at guided experiment n°1) . specific comburent air consumption ⎡ kg ⎤ Qm = qa ⎢ P ⎣ kWh ⎥⎦ ⎡ kg ⎤ on a graph, plot the specific consumption of the comburent air q a ⎢ on y⎣ kWh ⎥⎦ axis and the rotation speed n[revs/min] of the engine on the x-axis. Join the points recorded for each test running speed to form a curve. This diagram is particularly interesting when coupled with that relating to the specific fuel consumption (see Guided Experiment no. 3). STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: G Guuiiddeedd EExxppeerriieem mnntt nn°°66 AAIIRR // FFUUEELL RRAATTIIO O The ratio between the weight of air and the eight of fuel injected into the cylinder in each cycle is known as the mixture ratio or air/fuel ratio A mixture is said to be rich when the air is insufficient, that is when the value is less than the stoichiometric ratio between the air and fuel (approximately 15 in internal combustion engines) and lean in the reverse situation9. The mixture is formed with the passage of air through the inlet pipe and is calibrated by the jet of the carburetor or injector to meet the required operating conditions of the engine. The carburettor or injection equipment mixes the fuel in the form of very fine droplets and vapour with air. The air fuel ratio required by an engine varies, by a certain amount, with the change in running speed. Consider an engine running at full speed (butterfly valve fully open) at constant load. Under these conditions, the specific consumption, which is the consumption at 1 kW or 1 horse power measured at the brake for 1h. In general with respect to the point of maximum power the air/petrol ratio has a different value from the stoichiometric value. Likewise, it can be seen that in the specific consumption curve, there is a minimum point which corresponds to the maximum economy mixture ratio. From the curve in Fig. a of table 5, it can be seen that at maximum power the mixture must be richer that the stoichiometric value, while for maximum economy it must be leaner. 9 The two adjectives rich and lean attributed to the misture thus recere to the fuel and not to the air. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: When the engine runs under partial opening, the conditions are not exactly the same, though they are comparable. In general, carburetion engines require mixture ratios which follow the curve in Fig. b of table 5. As shown, in the various ranges of carburettor butterfly valve opening, the engine needs differ and the carburettor must modify the mixture ratio accordingly. While reducing the load, the mixture must be enriched until the maximum is reached, at the butterfly valve practically closed. Under these conditions the pressure in the suction pipe is around 3 bar and in the compression chamber 1.1 bar, while the pressure of the exhaust gas at the end of the exhaust phase is at atmospheric level. As the butterfly valve is opening, the pressure difference decreases and the dilution of the mixture with the exhaust gases reduces, so that the required mixture ratio is less rich. At nominal running speed, it is preferable that the carburettor provides the mixture with a maximum economy ratio. At higher power running speeds, the engines require a richer mixture, as indicated in Fig. b of table 5. There however other reasons why the mixtures should be richer. With high power running, a greater quantity of heat has to be transferred from the more thermally stressed surfaces, such as the discharge valve and the surrounding zones. Enriching the mixture the temperature of the flame is reduced, thus reducing the possibility of damage to the exhaust valves and the tendency to detonation. In fact the vaporizing excess fuel tends to lower the temperature in the combustion chamber and this contributes towards reducing the possibility of detonation. The carburetor is therefore calibrated to the maximum number of revolutions. In addition there are automatic systems for regulating the mixture ratio: 1. 2. 3. 4. accelerator jet carburetor (Zenith) twin-choke carburetor (Krebs-Pallas) counteracting choke carburetor (Solex-Weber) multiple jet carburetor In diesel engines, so that all the injected fuel comes into contact with air for burning, a substantial excess of air is necessary and the ratio between the mass of air introduced into the engine and the fuel is greater that 25. In this Guided Experiment we will experimentally determine the value of air/fuel ratio α. Method: 1. Start the engine 2. Use the accelerator and brake to run the engine up to the running speed required for the test, fixing the opening of the butterfly valve of the carburettor or the position of the injection pump control (for example at maximum). This value must, in fact, remain constant for the entire test. 3. Measure and record: - Number of revolutions n [revs/min] - Total hourly fuel consumption Qc [kg/h] 1 1 Vedi Esperienza Guidata n°2 STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. - Total hourly comburent air consumption Qm [kg/h] 2 Vary the rotation speed n [revs/min] by operating the brake At the new running speed, repeat and record the measurements as in point 3. Proceed as in point 4 and 5 until a sufficient number of experimental points have been obtained Shut down the plant For each test performed, calculate and record the mixture ratio α using the equation: α =Qm/Qc Draw a graph with the values of α on the y-axis and the number of revolutions n[revs/min] on x-axis. 2 Look at Guided Experiment n°4 STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: PPAARRTT FFO OUURR RREEPPRRO OD DU UC CIIBBLLEE EEXXPPEERRIIM MEEN NTTSS® ® FFO ORRM MSS FFO ORR G GU UIID DEED D STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: ESPERIENZA GUIDATA CONTROLLED TRIAL n° ISTITUTO: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… INSTITUTE: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ALLIEVO: …………………….. TITOLO: ……………………………………… DATA:……….. ………….. STUDENT: ……………………. TITLE: ……………………………………… DATE:……… TEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: ………….. ESPERIENZA GUIDATA CONTROLLED TRIAL n° ISTITUTO: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… INSTITUTE: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ALLIEVO: …………………….. TITOLO: ……………………………………… DATA:……….. ………….. STUDENT: ……………………. TITLE: ……………………………………… DATE:……… ………….. TEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 TEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: ESPERIENZA GUIDATA CONTROLLED TRIAL n° ISTITUTO: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… INSTITUTE: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ALLIEVO: …………………….. TITOLO: ……………………………………… DATA:……….. ………….. STUDENT: ……………………. TITLE: ……………………………………… DATE:……… ………….. TEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: ESPERIENZA GUIDATA CONTROLLED TRIAL n° ISTITUTO: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… INSTITUTE: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ALLIEVO: …………………….. TITOLO: ……………………………………… DATA:……….. ………….. STUDENT: ……………………. TITLE: ……………………………………… DATE:……… ………….. TEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: ESPERIENZA GUIDATA CONTROLLED TRIAL n° ISTITUTO: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… INSTITUTE: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ALLIEVO: …………………….. TITOLO: ……………………………………… DATA:……….. ………….. STUDENT: ……………………. TITLE: ……………………………………… DATE:……… TEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: ………….. PPAARRTT FFIIVVEE TTA ABBLLEESS A AN ND DD DIIA AG GRRA AM MSS STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: IIN NDDEEXX 1. Physical properties of air TABLE n°1 2. Theoretical discharge temperatures for air adiabatic compression “ n°2 3. International standard atmosphere “ n°3 4. Volume mass rho of wet air in kg/m3 at 1 bar absolute pressure “ n°4 5. Moist air for air/steam mixtures “ n°5 “ n°6 7. Water specific weights at different temperatures “ n°7 8. Steam tension “ n°8 or versus API degrees “ n°9 10. Properties of diesel fuels “ n°10 11. Diagram for determining speed, capacity and diameter of pipes “ n°11 12. Logarithmic diagram for determining friction losses in pipes “ n°12 13. Pipe pressure losses using a fluid with 10 °E viscosity “ n°13 14. Specific gravity units “ n°14 15. Units of measure for pressure “ n°15 16. Temperature, specific volume, entalphy, heat of vaporisation, entropy of saturated steam as a function of absolute pressure “ n°16 17. Pressure, specific volume, entalphy, heat of vaporisation, entropy of saturated steam as a function of absolute temperature “ n°17 18. Conversion coefficients “ n°18 19. Characteristics of fuels “ n°19 20. Enthalpy/entropy diagram for gas referred to kg-molecule (from E=4 to E=8) “ n°20 21. Correlation curves between mass enthalpy/ temperature ratio, fuel/air flowrates Ratio, temperature “ n°21 22. Conversion between rom and rad/s “ n°22 23. Features of petrol engine fuels “ n°23 6. Theoretical air volume required for combustion of some gases and volumes of products of combustion 9. Net heat value of hydrocarbons versus specific weight at 15 °C STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: 24. Table of atmospheric pressure “ STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: n°24 TTAABBLLEE nn°° 11 PPHHYYSSIICCAALL PPRRO OPPEERRTTIIEESS O OFF AAIIRR Specific heat Cp = 0,241 kcal/kg °C = 1,009 kJ/kg K Cv = 0,172 kcal/kg °C = 0,720 kJ/kg K Exponent of adiabatic isoentropic transformation δ Coefficient of cubic expansion 0,00367 m3/°C Molecular weight 28,97 kg/kg mole Thermal conductivity at -50°C 0°C +50°C +100°C +200°C +300°C = 1,4 0,017 kcal/h m °C = 0,0203 “ = 0,0234 “ = 0,0264 “ = 0,0318 “ = 0,0369 “ = Boiling temperature -194,5°C Critical point - temperature - pressure Heat of vaporization of liquid air 47 kcal/kg = 196,760 kJ/kg Relative dielectric constant (dry air) 1 Dielectric strenght 21 kV/cm Solubility in water at 0°C 20°C 100°C 0,029 m3/m3 0,019 m3/m3 0,011 m3/m3 Velocity of sound at 15°C dry air 341 m/s 0,071 kJ/hmK 0,085 “ 0,098 “ 0,111 “ 0,133 “ 0,154 “ 105°C 63,98 kg/cm2 = 62,74 bar STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTAABBLLEE nn°° 22 TTHHEEO ORREETTIICCAALL DDIISSCCHHAARRG GEE TTEEM MPPEERRAATTUURREE FFO ORR AAIIRR AADDIIAABBAATTIICC CCO OM MPPRREESSSSIIO ON N SINGLE - STAGE Discharge press. psi 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 kPa 69 138 207 276 345 414 483 552 621 690 758 827 896 965 1034 TWO – STAGE* Discharge temp. °F 154 216 266 309 347 380 410 438 464 488 511 532 553 572 590 °C 68 102 130 154 175 193 210 226 240 253 266 278 289 300 310 Discharge press. psi 60 80 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 350 400 450 500 kPa 414 552 690 862 1034 1207 1379 1551 1724 1896 2069 2413 2758 3103 3448 Discharge temp. °F 207 230 249 269 286 301 315 326 338 348 357 375 390 404 416 °C 97 110 121 132 141 149 157 163 170 176 181 191 199 207 213 THREE – STAGE* Discharge press. psi 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 kPa 2758 4137 5516 6895 8274 9653 11032 Discharge temp. °F 266 294 314 331 344 355 366 °C 130 146 157 166 173 179 186 Discharge press. psi 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 kPa 12,411 13790 15169 16548 17927 19306 20685 Discharge temp. °F 375 383 391 398 404 410 416 °C 191 195 199 203 207 210 213 * Based on 21°C to all stages Note: the relation between actual and theoretical discharge temperatures for reciprocating compressors will depend on such variables as cylinder size, compression, ratio, rpm, effectiveness of cylinder cooling etc. For water cooled cylinders of moderate size only, an approximate assumption can be made that at a compression ratio of 3,5, the theoretical and actual temperatures will be about the same. At lower ratios actual will exceed theoretical while at higher ratios actual will be below theoretical. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTAABBLLEE nn°° 33 IIN NTTEERRN NAATTIIO ON NAALL SSTTAAN NDDAARRDD AATTM MO OSSPPHHEERREE Altitude m Temperature °C Pressure P mm mm Hg mbar Specific weight γ kg/m3 0 15 760 1013,2 1,2250 500 11,75 715,9 954,5 1,1671 1000 8,50 674,1 898,7 1,1117 1500 5,25 634,2 845,5 1,0581 2000 2 596,2 794,9 1,0064 2500 -1,25 560,1 746,7 0,9567 3000 -4,50 525,8 701,0 0,9091 3500 -7,75 493,2 657,5 0,8631 4000 -11 462,3 616,3 0,8190 4500 -14,25 432,9 577,2 0,7767 5000 -17,50 405,1 540,1 0,7360 5500 -20,75 378,7 504,9 0,6969 6000 -24 353,7 471,6 0,6595 6500 -27,25 330,2 440,2 0,6237 7000 -30,50 307,9 410,5 0,5894 7500 -33,75 286,8 382,5 0,5565 8000 -37 266,9 355,8 0,5250 8500 -40,25 248,2 330,9 0,4949 9000 -43,50 230,4 307,2 0,4661 9500 -46,75 213,8 285,0 0,4387 10000 -50 198,2 264,2 0,4125 10500 -53,25 183,4 244,5 0,3875 11000 -56,2 169,6 226,1 0,3637 12000 -56,5 144,9 193,2 0,3107 13000 -56,5 123,7 164,9 0,2653 14000 -56,5 105,7 140,9 0,2266 15000 -56,5 90,3 120,4 0,1936 16000 -56,5 77,1 102,8 0,1653 17000 -56,5 65,9 87,9 0,1412 18000 -56,5 56,2 74,9 0,1206 19000 -56,5 48 64,0 0,1030 20000 -56,5 41 54,7 0,0880 STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTAABBLLEE nn°° 44 33 VVO m3 AATT 11 BBAARR AABBSSO OLLUUM MEE M MAASSSS RRHHO OO OFF W WEETT AAIIRR IIN N kkgg//m OLLUUTTEE PPRREESSSSUURREE RELATIVE HUMIDITY % Temp. in °C -15° -10° -5° 0° 5° 10° 15° 20° 25° 30° 35° 40° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70° 75° 80° 85° 90° 95° 100° satur air 1.368 1.342 1.316 1.291 1.267 1.242 1.219 1.194 1.171 1.147 1.121 1.098 1.070 1.043 1.015 0.982 0.948 0.911 0.871 0.826 0.778 0.724 0.664 0.599 90 80 75 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1.368 1.342 1.316 1.291 1.267 1.243 1.220 1.195 1.172 1.149 1.213 1.101 1.074 1.048 1.021 0.990 0.958 0.923 0.885 0.843 0.779 0.749 0.693 0.634 1.368 1.342 1.316 1.291 1.268 1.243 1.220 1.196 1.174 1.151 1.126 1.104 1.078 1.053 1.027 0.998 0.967 0.935 0.900 0.861 0.820 0.774 0.723 0.669 1.368 1.342 1.316 1.291 1.268 1.244 1.220 1.197 1.175 1.151 1.127 1.105 1.080 1.055 1.030 1002 0.972 0.940 0.907 0.870 0.830 0.786 0.738 0.686 1.368 1.342 1.316 1.292 1.268 1.244 1.221 1.197 1.175 1.152 1.128 1.107 1.082 1.058 1.033 1.005 0.977 0.946 0.914 0.878 0.840 0.799 0.752 0.703 1.368 1.342 1.316 1.292 1.268 1.244 1.222 1.198 1.177 1.154 1.131 1.110 1.086 1.063 1.039 1.013 0.986 0.958 0.928 0.896 0.861 0.824 0.782 0.738 1.368 1.342 1.317 1.292 1.268 1.245 1.222 1.199 1.178 1.156 1.133 1.113 1.090 1.068 1.045 1.021 0.996 0.970 0.942 0.913 0.882 0.848 0.811 0.773 1.368 1.342 1.317 1.292 1.269 1.246 1.223 1.201 1.179 1.158 1.136 1.116 1.094 1.073 1.052 1.029 1.006 0.982 0.957 0.930 0.903 0.873 0.841 0.808 1.368 1.342 1.317 1.292 1.269 1.246 1.224 1.202 1.181 1.160 1.138 1.119 1.098 1.078 1.058 1.037 1.015 0.994 0.971 0.948 0.923 0.898 0.870 0.843 1.368 1.342 1.317 1.293 1.269 1.247 1.225 1.203 1.182 1.161 1.141 1.122 1.102 1.083 1.064 1.044 1.025 1.005 0.985 0.965 0.944 0.923 0.900 0.878 1.368 1.342 1.317 1.293 1.270 1.247 1.225 1.204 1.184 1.163 1.143 1.125 1.106 1.088 1.070 1.052 1.034 1.017 1.000 0.983 0.965 0.948 0.929 0.912 STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: dry air 1.368 1.342 1.317 1.293 1.270 1.248 1.226 1.205 1.185 1.165 1.146 1.128 1.110 1.093 1.076 1.060 1.044 1.029 1.014 1.00 0.986 0.973 0.959 0.947 Temp. in °C -15° -10° -5° 0° 5° 10° 15° 20° 25° 30° 35° 40° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70° 75° 80° 85° 90° 95° 100° TTAABBLLEE nn°° 55 °C mm kg kg Correction At 1 atm (at 1 kg/cm2) Weight of 1 m3 Kg At 760 mm Hg at 0° C Dry air Steam Pressure in mm Hg 1 m3 Temperatur e M MO OIISSTT AAIIRR FFO ORR AAIIRR // SSTTEEAAM MM MIIXXTTUURREESS kg -10 2,09 0,0023 1,300 1,342 0,0014 -5 3,11 0,0034 1,276 1,317 0,0020 0 4,60 0,0049 1,253 1,293 0,0029 5 6,53 0,0068 1,230 1,270 0,0041 10 9,17 0,0094 1,208 1,248 0,0057 11 9,76 0,0099 1,204 1,243 0,0060 12 10,46 0,0106 1,200 1,239 0,0064 13 11,16 0,0113 1,196 1,235 0,0068 14 11,91 0,0120 1,192 1,230 0,0073 15 12,70 0,0128 1,188 1,226 0,0077 16 13,54 0,0136 1,183 1,222 0,0082 17 14,42 0,0144 1,179 1,217 0,0087 18 15,36 0,0153 1,175 1,213 0,0093 19 16,35 0,0162 1,171 1,209 0,0098 20 17,39 0,0170 1,167 1,205 0,0104 21 18,50 0,0180 1,163 1,201 0,0110 22 19,66 0,0192 1,159 1,197 0,0117 23 20,89 0,0203 1,155 1,193 0,0123 24 22,18 0,0218 1,151 1,189 0,0131 25 23,55 0,0228 1,148 1,185 0,0139 26 24,99 0,0241 1,144 1,181 0,0146 27 26,51 0,0255 1,140 1,177 0,0155 28 28,10 0,0270 1,136 1,173 0,0164 STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: °C mm Kg kg kg Correction At 760 mm Hg at 0° C At 1 atm (at 1 kg/cm2) Weight of 1 m3 Pressur e in mm Hg 1 m3 Temperatu re Dry air Steam kg 29 29,78 0,0285 1,132 1,169 0,0173 30 31,55 0,0201 1,128 1,165 0,0183 32 35,36 0,0335 1,121 1,157 0,0203 34 39,57 0,0372 1,114 1,150 0,0226 36 44,20 0,0413 1,107 1,142 0,0251 38 49,30 0,0458 1,100 1,135 0,0278 40 54,91 0,0508 1,093 1,128 0,0307 42 61,06 0,0561 1,086 1,121 0,0339 44 67,80 0,0619 1,079 1,114 0,0375 46 75,16 0,0682 1,072 1,107 0,0416 48 83,20 0,0751 1,065 1,100 0,0454 50 91,98 0,0826 1,058 1,093 0,0499 55 117,5 0,1041 1,042 1,076 0,0629 60 148,8 0,1302 1,026 1,060 0,0783 65 186,9 0,1616 1,011 1,044 0,0968 70 233,1 0,1991 0,996 1,029 0,1200 75 288,5 0,2435 0,982 1,014 0,1465 80 354,6 0,2960 0,968 1,000 0,1759 85 433 0,3574 0,955 0,986 0,2119 90 525,4 0,4289 0,942 0,973 0,2295 95 633,7 0,5119 0,929 0,959 0,3032 100 700 0,6075 0,917 0,947 0,3570 STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTAABBLLEE nn°°66 TTHHEEO ORREETTIICCAALL AAIIRR VVO OLLUUM MEE RREEQ QUUIIRREEDD FFO ORR CCO OM MBBUUSSTTIIO ON NO OFF SSO OM MEE G GAASSEESS AAN NDD VVO OLLUUM MEESS O OFF PPRRO ODDUUCCTTSS O OFF CCO OM MBBUUSSTTIIO ON N GAS (1 m3) Chemical Formula Air Need m3 Products of combustion m3 CO2 H2O N2 total Carbon oxide CO 2,39 1,0 - 1,89 2,89 Hydrogen H2 2,39 - 1,0 1,89 2,89 Natural gas (pure) CH4 9,54 1,0 2,0 7,54 10,54 Acetylene C2H2 11,93 2,0 1,0 9,43 12,53 Ethylene C2H4 14,31 2,0 2,0 11,31 15,31 Alcohol (vapor) C2H60 14,31 2,0 3,0 11,31 16,31 Diethylic ether C2H10 0 28,63 4,0 5,0 22,63 31,63 Benzene (vapor) C6H6 35,78 6,0 3,0 28,28 37,28 Pentane (n) C5H12 38,17 5,0 6,0 30,17 41,17 Water gas (medium) CO + H2 2,38 0,5 0,5 1,88 2,88 5,50 0,57 1,26 4,35 6,18 Coal gas (medium) STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTAABBLLEE nn°°77 33 W WAATTEERR SSPPEECCIIFFIICC W WEEIIG GHHTT IIN N kkgg//m m3 AATT DDIIFFFFEERREEN NTT TTEEM MPPEERRAATTUURREESS tt IIN N °°CC Temperature t (°C) Specific weight γ (kg/m3) Specific volume m3/kg:10-3 0 999,9 1,0001 4 1000,0 1,000 10 999,7 1,0003 20 998,2 1,0018 30 995,7 1,0044 40 992,2 1,0078 50 988,1 1,0121 60 983,2 1,0171 70 977,8 1,0227 80 971,8 1,0290 90 965,3 1,0359 100 958,4 1,0434 110 951,0 1,0516 120 943,5 1,0600 130 935,1 1,0694 140 926,3 1,0795 150 917,2 1,0903 160 907,6 1,108 STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTAABBLLEE nn°°88 SSTTEEAAM M TTEEN NSSIIO ON N IIN Nm mHH222O O VVEERRSSUUSS TTEEM MPPEERRAATTUURREE STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTAABBLLEE nn°° 99 N NEETT HHEEAATT VVAALLUUEE O OFF HHYYDDRRO OCCAARRBBO ON NSS VVEERRSSUUSS SSPPEECCIIFFIICC W WEEIIG GHHTT AATT 1155°° CC O ORR VVEERRSSUUSS AAPPII°° API° γ 15 H1 Kcal/kg 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 1,000 0,934 0,876 0,825 0,780 0,739 0,702 0,669 9.750 9.960 10.140 10.280 10.400 10.500 10.565 10.665 STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTAABBLLEE nn°° 1100 PPRRO OPPEERRTTIIEESS O OFF DDIIEESSEELL FFUUEELL ASTM class (1) n° 2 D n° 4 D A B International name Gas oil Marine Diesel Oil Italian class Gas oil Diesel Extra 0,83 – 0,89 0,86 – 0,92 Engler viscosity at 15 °C max 2.1 12,5 Engler viscosity at 50 °C max 1.32 2,4 Pour point max -12°C -12°C Fire point min 52°C 54°C 10.550 10.300 Cetane number min 40 30 %sulphur max 1.5 2 % ashes max 0.02 0,04 BSS class Density at 15°C Gross heat value Kcal/kg (1) Note: the properties are generally taken from the Standards of American Society Testing Materials (ASTM) STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTAABBLLEE nn°° 1111 DDIIAAG GRRAAM M FFO ORR DDEETTEERRM MIIN NIIN NG G SSPPEEEEDD,, CCAAPPAACCIITTYY O ORR DDIIAAM MEETTEERR O OFF PPIIPPIIN NG G STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTAABBLLEE nn°° 1122 LLO OG GAARRIITTHHM MIICC DDIIAAG GRRAAM M FFO ORR DDEETTEERRM MIIN NIIG G FFRRIICCTTIIO ON N LLO OSSSSEESS IIN N PPIIPPEESS STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTAABBLLEE nn°° 1133 PPIIPPEE PPRREESSSSUURREE LLO OSSSSEESS UUSSIIN NG G AA FFLLUUIIDD W WIITTHH 1100°°EE VVIISSCCO OSSIITTYY STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTAABBLLEE nn°° 1144 SSPPEECCIIFFIICC G GRRAAVVIITTYY UUN NIITTSS STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTAABBLLEE nn°° 1155 UNITS OF MEASURE FOR PRESSURE Unità di misura bar Pa = N/m2 bar 1 105 10-5 1 0,980665 9,80665x 104 Pa = N/m2 at = kp/cm2 mmH2O mmHg = torr atm psi = lb/in2 inH2O inHg 9,80665x 9,80665 10-5 1,33322x 133,322 10-3 1,01325x 1,01325 105 6,89476x 6,89476x 10-2 103 2,49089x 249,089 10-3 3,38639x 3,38639x 10-2 103 at = kp/cm2 mmH2O mmHg = torr atm 1,01972x 0,986 750,064 104 923 1,01972x 7,50064x 9,869 0,101972 10-5 10-3 23x10-6 0,967 1 104 735,562 841 7,35562x 9,678 10-4 1 10-2 41x10-5 1,35951x 1,315 13,5951 1 10-3 79x10-3 1,03323x 1,03323 760 1 104 7,03067x 6,804 703,067 51,7146 10-2 62x10-2 2,458 2,54x10-3 25,4 1,86832 32x10-3 3,34210x 3,45316x 354,316 25,4 10-2 10-2 1,01972 psi = lb/in2 inH2O inHg 14,5038 401,463 29,530 1,45038x 4,01463x 2,9530x1 10-4 10-3 0-4 14,2234 393,701 28,9590 1,42234x 3,93701x 2,89590x 10-3 10-2 10-3 1,93369x 3,93701x 0,535240 10-2 10-2 14,6959 406,782 29,9213 1 27,68 2,03603 3,61272x 10-2 1 7,35561x 10-2 0,491152 13,59515 2 1 STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTAABBLLEE nn°° 1166 TTEEM P E R A T U R E , S P E C I F I C V O L U M E , E N T H A L P Y , H E A T O F V A P O R I Z A T I O MPERATURE, SPECIFIC VOLUME, ENTHALPY, HEAT OF VAPORIZATION OFF AABBSSO OLLUUTTEE PPRREESSSSUURREE N,, EEN NTTRRO OPPYY O OFF SSAATTUURREEDD SSTTEEAAM M AASS AA FFUUN NCCTTIIO ON NO p mbar p Torr t °C 0,000 01 0,000 02 0,000 03 0,000 04 0,000 05 0,000 06 0,000 07 0,000 08 0,000 09 0,000 1 0,000 2 0,000 3 0,000 4 0,000 5 0,000 6 0,000 7 0,000 8 0,000 9 0,001 0,002 0,003 0,004 0,005 0,006 0,007 0,008 0,009 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,06 0,07 0,08 0,09 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 0.000 007 0,000 015 0,000 022 0,000 030 0,000 037 0,000 045 0,000 052 0,000 060 0,000 067 0,000 075 0,000 150 0,000 225 0,000 300 0,000 375 0,000 450 0,000 525 0,000 600 0,000 675 0,000 750 0,001 500 0,002 250 0,003 000 0,003 750 0,004 500 0,005 250 0,006 751 0,006751 0,007 50 0,015 00 0,022 50 0,030 00 0,037 50 0,045 00 0,052 50 0,060 00 0,067 51 0,075 0 0,150 0 0,225 0 0,300 0 0,375 0 0,450 0 0,525 0 0,600 0 0,675 1 -101,640 -98.25 -96.20 -94.71 -93.54 -92.58 -91.75 -91.03 -90.40 -89.81 -85.93 -83.59 -81.88 -80.54 -79.44 -78.48 -77.65 -76.92 -76.25 -71.80 -69.06 -67.11 -65.55 -64.28 -63.15 -62.20 -61.35 -60.56 -55.34 -52.17 -49.87 -48.04 -46.53 -45.23 -44.11 -43.08 -42.18 -36.03 -32.24 -29.51 -27.31 -25.51 -23.99 -22.63 -21.40 v' m2/kg 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 076 076 076 076 076 076 076 077 077 077 077 078 078 078 078 078 078 079 079 079 080 080 080 080 081 081 081 081 082 082 083 083 083 083 083 084 084 085 085 086 086 086 087 087 087 v'' m2/kg h' kJ/kg h'' kJ/kg r kJ/kg 79 150 40 358 27 221 20 588 16 578 13 888 11 959 10 506 9 371 000 8 461 000 4 320 000 2 916 000 2 207 000 1 778 000 1 490 000 1 283 000 1 128 000 1 006 000 906 600 464 600 314 000 237 700 191 600 160 700 138 400 121 700 108 600 98 110 50 260 33 990 25 760 20 780 17 430 15 030 13 210 11 800 10 660 5 472 3 706 2 811 2 269 1 905 1 643 1 445 1 229 -509,23 -504,56 -501,70 -499,61 -497,95 -496,60 -495,42 -494,39 -493,48 -492,63 -486,89 -483,53 -480,99 -478,98 -476,57 -475,16 -473,93 -472,84 -471,85 -465,03 -460,76 -457,67 -455,17 -453,12 -451,30 -449,74 -448,34 -447,05 -438,30 -432,87 -428,89 -425,68 -423,01 -420,72 -418,71 -416,88 -415,25 -404,03 -396,99 -391,85 -387,68 -384,23 -381,33 -378,70 -376,33 2.311,8 2.318,3 2.322,3 2.325,1 2.327,4 2.329,2 2.330,8 2.332,1 2.333,4 2.334,5 2.341,8 2.346,2 2.349,4 2.351,9 2.354,7 2.356,5 2.358,0 2.359,3 2.360,5 2.368,7 2.373,7 2.377,3 2.380,2 2.382,5 2.384,6 2.386,3 2.387,9 2.389,3 2.398,9 2.404,8 2.409,0 2.412,4 2.415,2 2.417,6 2.419,6 2.421,5 2.423,2 2.434,5 2.441,5 2.446,5 2.450,6 2.453,9 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GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: p mbar p Torr t °C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 0,75 1,500 2,250 3,000 3,750 4,500 5,250 6,000 6,751 7,501 8,251 9,001 9,750 10,500 11,250 12,000 12,750 13,500 14,250 15,000 15,750 16,500 17,250 18,000 18,750 19,500 20,250 21,000 21,750 22,500 24,000 25,500 27,000 28,500 30,000 31,500 33,000 34,500 36,000 37,500 41,250 45,000 48,750 52,500 56,250 60,000 63,760 67,510 71,260 75,010 82,510 90,010 97,510 105,000 112,500 120,000 127,500 135,000 142,500 -20.33 -12.91 -8.37 -5.05 -2.41 -0.21 1,886 3,767 5,454 6,984 8,383 9,672 10,477 11,990 13,040 14,030 14,970 15,860 16,700 17,510 18,280 19,030 19,740 20,430 21,090 21,730 22,350 22,950 23,530 24,090 25,170 26,190 27,160 28,090 28,970 29,820 30,630 31,410 32,170 32,890 34,690 36,180 37,650 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0,0011852 0,0011893 0,10460 0,09952 0,09488 0,09064 0,08676 896,84 906,62 919,98 930,97 941,61 2.796,1 2.797,2 2.798,2 2.799,0 2.799,8 1.899,2 1.888,6 1.878,2 1.858,1 1.858,2 2,4229 2,4470 2,4701 2,4923 2,5137 6,3553 6,3366 6,3185 6,3014 6,2849 137,72 144,86 151,46 157,60 163,34 2.561,5 2.564,6 2.567,5 2.570,1 2.572,6 2.423,8 2.419,8 2.416,0 2.412,5 2.409,2 0,4762 0,4995 0,5209 0,5407 0,5591 8,3960 8,3621 8,3313 8,3029 8,2767 24,00 25,00 26,00 27,00 28,00 221,80 223,90 26,00 228,10 230,10 0,0011933 0,0011973 0,0012012 0,0012050 0,0012089 0,08319 0,07990 0,07685 0,07402 0,07139 951,93 961,96 971,71 981,21 990,46 2.800,4 2.800,9 2.801,4 2.801,7 2.802,0 1.848,5 1.839,0 1.829,7 1.820,5 1.811,5 2,5344 2,5544 2,5737 2,5925 2,6107 6,2590 6,2536 6,2387 6,2244 6,2104 168,74 173,84 178,67 183,26 187,63 2.574,9 2.577,1 2.579,2 2.581,1 2.583,0 2.406,2 2.403,3 2.400,5 2.397,9 2.395,4 0,5764 0,5926 0,6079 0,6224 0,6362 8,2523 8,2295 8,2081 8,1880 8,1690 29,00 30,00 32,00 34,00 36,00 232,00 233,80 237,40 240,90 244,20 0,0012126 0,0012163 0,0012237 0,0012309 0,0012380 0,06893 0,06663 0,06244 0,05873 0,05542 999,50 1.008,3 1.025,4 1.041,8 1.057,5 2.802,2 2.802,3 2.802,4 2.802,2 2.801,8 1.802,7 1.794,0 1.777,0 1.760,5 1.744,3 2,6283 2,6455 2,6786 2,7101 2,7401 6,1969 6,1838 6,1585 6,1345 6,1115 191,81 199,67 206,93 213,69 220,01 2.584,8 2.588,1 2.591,2 2.594,1 2.596,7 2.393,0 2.388,5 2.384,3 2.380,4 2.376,7 0,6493 0,6738 0,6964 0,7173 0,7367 8,1510 8,1175 8,0871 8,0592 8,0333 38,00 40,00 42,00 44,00 46,00 247,30 250,30 253,20 256,00 258,70 0,0012450 0,0012519 0,0012588 0,0012656 0,0012723 0,05244 0,04975 0,04731 0,04508 0,04304 1.072,7 1.087,3 1.101,5 1.115,3 1.128,7 2.801,2 2.800,4 2.799,5 2.798,4 2.797,1 1.725,5 1.713,1 1.697,9 1.683,0 1.668,4 2,7689 2,7965 2,8230 2,8486 2,8734 6,0897 6,0686 6,0483 6,0237 6,0098 225,97 231,59 236,92 241,99 246,83 2.599,2 2.601,6 2.603,8 2.606,0 2.608,0 2.373,3 2.370,0 2.366,9 2.364,0 2.361,2 0,7549 0,7721 0,7882 0,8036 0,8181 8,0093 7,9869 7,9658 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GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: s' kJ/kg K s'' kJ/kg K STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. 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GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: -48 -47 -46 -45 -44 0,05028000 0,05673000 0,06395000 0,07200000 0,08099000 t °C p mbar -43 -42 -41 -40 -39 -38 -37 -36 -35 -34 -33 -32 -31 -30 -29 -28 -27 -26 -25 -24 -23 -22 -21 -20 -19 -18 -17 -16 -15 -14 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 0,09101000 0,10220000 0,11460000 0,12840000 0,14370000 0,16070000 0,17950000 0,20030000 0,22330000 0,24880000 0,27690000 0,30600000 0,34220000 0,37990000 0,42130000 0,46690000 0,51700000 0,57200000 0,63240000 0,69850000 0,77090000 0,85020000 0,93690000 1,03200000 1,13500000 1,24800000 1,37100000 1,50500000 1,65100000 1,81000000 1,98300000 2,17100000 2,37500000 2,59600000 2,83600000 3,09600000 3,37800000 3,68300000 4,01200000 4,36900000 4,75400000 5,17000000 5,61900000 0,006108 0,006567 0,070570 0,007578 0,008132 0,008720 0,03771000 0,04255000 0,04796000 0,05401000 0,06075000 p Torr 0,001083 0,001083 0,001083 0,001083 0,001083 v' v'' m2/kg m2/kg 0,06826000 0,07663000 0,08594000 0,09628000 0,10780000 0,12050000 0,13460000 0,15020000 0,16750000 0,18660000 0,20770000 0,23100000 0,25670000 0,28490000 0,31600000 0,35020000 0,38780000 0,42910000 0,47430000 0,52390000 0,57820000 0,63770000 0,70270000 0,77380000 0,85140000 0,93610000 1,02800000 1,12900000 1,23900000 1,35800000 1,48700000 1,62800000 1,78100000 1,94700000 2,12700000 2,32200000 2,53300000 2,76200000 3,00900000 3,27700000 3,56600000 3,87800000 4,21400000 4,581 4,926 5,293 5,684 6,099 6,541 0,001084 0,001084 0,001084 0,001084 0,001084 0,001084 0,001084 0,001085 0,001085 0,001085 0,001085 0,001085 0,001085 0,001086 0,001086 0,001086 0,001086 0,001086 0,001086 0,001087 0,001087 0,001087 0,001087 0,001087 0,001088 0,001088 0,001088 0,001088 0,001088 0,001089 0,001089 0,001089 0,001089 0,001090 0,001090 0,001090 0,001090 0,001091 0,001091 0,001091 0,001092 0,001092 0,001092 0,0010002 0,0010001 0,0010001 0,0010001 0,0010000 0,0010000 20.670 18.400 16.390 14.620 13.060 h' kJ/kg 11.670 10.440 9.351 8.382 7.521 6.755 6.072 5.464 4.921 4.436 4.002 3.614 3.266 2.954 2.674 2.423 2.197 1.994 1.811 1.646 1.497 1.363 1.242 1.132 1.033 943,5 862,2 788,4 721,5 660,7 605,4 555,2 509,5 467,8 429,9 395,2 363,6 334,8 308,4 284,3 262,3 242,0 223,5 206,3 192,6 179,9 168,2 157,3 147,2 -425,61 -423,85 -422,06 -420,30 -418,52 h'' kJ/kg -416,72 -414,92 -413,12 -411,30 -409,48 -407,65 -405,82 -403,97 -402,12 -400,27 -398,40 -396,53 -394,66 -392,77 -390,88 -388,99 -387,09 -385,18 -383,26 -381,34 -379,42 -377,49 -375,55 -373,61 -371,66 -369,70 -367,74 -365,78 -363,81 -361,83 -359,85 -357,87 -355,88 -353,88 -351,88 -349,88 -347,87 -345,86 -343,84 -341,82 -339,79 -337,76 -325,73 0,04 4,17 8,39 12,60 16,80 21,01 2.412,5 2.414,3 2.416,1 2.418,0 2.419,8 r kJ/kg 2.838,1 2.838,1 2.838,2 2.838,3 2.838,3 s' kJ/kg K 2.421,7 2.423,5 2.425,4 2.427,2 2.429,0 2.430,9 2.432,7 2.434,6 2.436,4 2.438,2 2.440,1 2.441,9 2.443,8 2.445,6 2.447,5 2.449,3 2.451,1 2.453,4 2.454,6 2.456,6 2.458,5 2.460,3 2.462,2 2.464,0 2.465,8 2.467,7 2.469,5 2.471,3 2.473,2 2.475,0 2.476,8 2.478,7 2.480,5 2.482,3 2.484,1 2.486,0 2.487,8 2.489,6 2.491,4 2.493,3 2.495,1 2.496,9 2.498,7 2.501,5 2.503,3 2.505,2 2.507,1 2.508,9 2.510,8 2.838,4 2.838,4 2.838,5 2.838,5 2.838,5 2.838,5 2.838,5 2.838,5 2.838,5 2.838,5 2.838,5 2.838,5 2.838,4 2.838,4 2.838,3 2.838,3 2.838,2 2.838,1 2.838,1 2.838,0 2.837,9 2.837,8 2.837,7 2.837,6 2.837,5 2.837,4 2.837,2 2.837,1 2.837,0 2.836,8 2.836,7 2.836,5 2.836,4 2.836,2 2.836,0 2.835,9 2.835,7 2.835,5 2.835,3 2.835,1 2.834,9 2.834,7 2.834,5 2.501,6 2.499,2 2.496,9 2.494,5 2.492,1 2.498,8 -1,5918 -1,5839 -1,5761 -1,5683 -1,5605 5,0000 10,9659 10,9188 10,8721 10,8259 s'' kJ/kg K -1,5527 -1,5449 -1,5371 -1,5293 -1,5215 -1,5137 -1,5059 -1,4981 -1,4904 -1,4826 -1,4748 1,4670 -1,4593 -1,4515 -1,4438 -1,4360 -1,4283 -1,4205 -1,4128 -1,4051 -1,3974 -1,3897 -1,3820 -1,3743 -1,3666 -1,3589 -1,3512 -1,3436 -1,3359 -1,3283 -1,3207 -1,3131 -1,3055 -1,2979 -1,2903 -1,2827 -1,2751 -1,2676 -1,2601 -1,2525 -1,2450 1,2375 1,2300 0,0001 0,0153 0,0306 0,0459 0,0610 0,0762 10,7801 10,7347 10,6898 10,6452 10,6011 10,5574 10,5141 10,4712 10,4287 10,3866 10,3448 10,3035 10,2625 10,2219 10,1816 10,1417 10,1022 10,0630 10,0241 9,9856 9,9474 9,9096 9,8721 9,8349 9,7980 9,7615 9,7252 9,6893 9,6537 9,616,4 9,5833 9,5486 9,5142 9,4800 9,4462 9,4126 9,3793 9,3462 9,3135 9,2810 9,2487 9,2168 9,1851 9,1577 9,1310 9,1047 9,0785 9,0526 9,0269 STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 0,009346 0,010011 0,010718 0,011469 0,012266 0,013112 0,014010 0,014961 0,015970 0,017038 0,018168 0,019364 0,02063 0,02196 0,02337 0,02486 0,02543 0,02809 0,02984 0,03168 0,03361 0,03565 0,03780 0,04006 0,04243 0,04493 0,04755 0,05030 0,05319 0,05623 0,05941 0,06274 0,06624 0,06991 0,07375 0,07777 0,08198 0,08638 0,09099 0,09580 0,10083 0,10610 0,11160 0,11733 0,12333 0,12959 0,13611 0,14291 0,15001 0,15740 0,16510 0,17312 0,18147 0,19016 0,19921 0,2086 0,2184 0,2286 7,010 7,509 8,039 8,602 9,200 9,835 10,51 11,22 11,98 12,78 13,63 14,52 15,47 16,47 17,53 18,65 19,83 21,07 22,38 23,76 25,21 26,74 28,35 30,05 31,83 33,70 35,67 37,73 39,90 42,17 44,56 47,06 49,69 52,43 55,31 58,33 61,49 64,79 68,25 71,86 75,63 79,58 83,71 88,01 92,50 97,20 102,10 107,2 112,5 118,1 123,8 129,8 136,1 142,6 149,4 156,5 163,8 171,5 0,0010000 0,0010001 0,0010001 0,0010002 0,0010003 0,0010002 0,0010003 0,0010004 0,0010006 0,0010007 0,0010009 0,0010011 0,0010013 0,0010015 0,0010017 0,0010019 0,0010022 0,0010024 0,0010027 0,0010030 0,0010032 0,0010035 0,0010038 0,0010041 0,0010044 0,0010047 0,0010050 0,0010054 0,0010057 0,0010061 0,0010064 0,0010068 0,0010071 0,0010075 0,0010079 0,0010083 0,0010087 0,0010091 0,0010095 0,0010099 0,0010103 0,0010108 0,0010112 0,0010117 0,0010121 0,0010126 0,0010130 0,0010135 0,0010140 0,0010145 0,0010150 0,0010155 0,0010160 0,0010165 0,0010171 0,0010176 0,0010181 0,0010187 137,8 129,1 121,0 113,4 106,4 99,91 93,84 88,18 82,90 77,98 73,38 69,01 65,09 61,34 57,84 54,56 51,49 48,62 45,92 43,40 41,03 38,81 36,73 34,77 32,93 31,20 29,57 28,04 26,60 25,24 23,97 22,76 21,63 20,56 19,55 18,59 17,69 16,84 16,04 15,28 14,56 13,88 13,23 12,62 12,05 11,50 10,98 10,49 10,02 9,579 9,159 8,750 8,381 8,021 7,579 7,353 7,044 6,749 25,21 29,41 33,61 37,80 41,99 46,23 50,43 54,61 58,80 62,98 67,17 71,35 75,53 79,71 83,88 88,06 92,24 96,41 100,59 104,77 108,94 113,12 117,29 121,47 125,64 129,82 133,99 138,17 142,35 146,52 150,70 154,88 159,06 163,23 167,41 171,59 175,77 179,95 184,13 188,31 192,50 196,68 200,86 205,04 209,23 213,41 217,60 221,78 225,97 230,15 234,34 238,53 242,71 246,90 251,09 255,28 259,47 263,66 2.512,6 2.514,5 2.516,3 2.518,1 2.520,0 2.521,8 2.523,6 2.525,4 2.527,3 2.529,1 2.530,9 2.532,7 2.534,5 2.536,4 2.538,2 2.540,0 2.541,8 2.543,6 2.545,4 2.547,2 2.549,1 2.550,9 2.552,7 2.554,5 2.556,3 2.558,1 2.559,9 2.561,7 2.563,5 2.565,3 2.567,1 2.568,9 2.570,7 2.572,5 2.574,3 2.576,1 2.577,9 2.579,7 2.581,5 2.583,3 2.585,1 2.586,9 2.588,6 2.590,4 2.592,2 2.594,0 2.595,7 2.597,5 2.599,2 2.601,0 2.602,8 2.604,5 2.606,3 2.608,0 2.609,0 2.611,5 2.613,2 2.615,0 2.487,4 2.485,0 2.482,7 2.480,3 2.477,9 2.475,6 2.473,2 2.470,8 2.468,5 2.466,1 2.463,7 2.461,4 2.459,0 2.456,7 2.454,3 2.451,9 2.449,6 2.447,2 2.444,8 2.442,5 2.440,1 2.437,8 2.435,4 2.433,0 2.430,7 2.428,3 2.425,9 2.423,6 2.421,2 2.418,8 2.416,4 2.414,1 2.411,7 2.409,3 2.406,9 2.404,5 2.402,1 2.399,8 2.397,4 2.395,0 2.392,6 2.390,2 2.387,8 2.385,4 2.383,0 2.380,5 2.378,1 2.375,7 2.373,3 2.370,9 2.368,4 2.366,4 2.363,6 2.361,1 2.358,7 2.356,2 2.353,8 2.351,3 0,0912 0,1062 0,1212 0,0136 0,1509 0,1657 0,1804 0,1951 0,2097 0,2243 0,2388 0,2533 0,2677 0,2820 0,2963 0,3105 0,3247 0,3389 0,3530 0,3670 0,3810 0,3950 0,4089 0,4227 0,4366 0,4503 0,4640 0,4777 0,4913 0,5049 0,5184 0,5319 0,5454 0,5588 0,5722 0,5855 0,5988 0,6120 0,6252 0,6383 0,6515 0,6645 0,6776 0,6906 0,7035 0,7164 0,7293 0,7421 0,7549 0,7677 0,7804 0,7931 0,8058 0,8184 0,8310 0,8435 0,8560 0,8685 9,0015 8,9763 8,9513 8,9265 8,9020 8,8777 8,8536 8,8297 8,8060 8,7826 8,7593 8,7363 8,7135 8,6908 8,6684 8,6462 8,6241 8,6023 8,5806 8,5591 8,5379 8,5168 8,4958 8,4751 8,4545 8,4341 8,4139 8,3939 8,3740 8,3543 8,3348 8,3154 8,2962 8,2771 8,2582 8,2395 8,2209 8,2025 8,1842 8,1661 8,1481 8,1302 8,1125 8,0950 8,0776 8,0603 8,0432 8,0262 8,0093 7,9926 7,9760 7,9595 7,9432 7,9269 7,9108 7,8949 7,8790 7,8633 STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 0,2392 0,2501 0,2616 0,2734 0,2857 0,2985 0,3117 0,3254 0,3397 0,3545 0,3698 0,3856 0,4020 0,4190 0,4367 0,4549 0,4738 0,4933 0,5134 0,5343 0,5559 0,5782 0,6012 0,6250 0,6496 0,6750 0,7010 0,7283 0,7561 0,7849 0,8147 0,8453 0,8769 0,9095 0,9430 0,9776 179,4 187,6 196,2 205,1 214,3 223,9 233,8 244,1 254,8 265,9 277,3 289,2 301,6 314,3 327,5 341,2 355,3 370,0 385,1 400,8 416,9 433,7 450,9 468,8 487,2 506,3 525,9 546,3 567,1 588,7 611,1 634,0 657,7 682,2 707,3 733,2 0,0010193 0,0010198 0,0010204 0,0010210 0,0010216 0,0010222 0,0010228 0,0010234 0,0010240 0,0010246 0,0010252 0,0010259 0,0010265 0,0010271 0,0010278 0,0010285 0,0010290 0,0010298 0,0010305 0,0010312 0,0010319 0,0010326 0,0010333 0,0010340 0,0010,47 0,0010354 0,0010362 0,0010369 0,0010376 0,0010384 0,0010391 0,0010399 0,0010407 0,0014140 0,0010422 0,0010430 6,469 6,202 5,948 5,706 5,476 5,256 5,046 5,486 4,656 4,474 4,300 4,134 3,976 3,824 3,680 3,541 3,409 3,283 3,162 3,046 2,935 2,829 2,727 2,630 2,536 2,447 2,361 2,279 2,200 2,124 2,052 1,982 1,915 1,851 1,789 1,730 267,85 272,04 276,23 280,42 284,61 288,81 293,00 297,19 301,38 305,58 309,77 313,97 318,16 322,36 328,56 330,76 334,95 339,15 343,35 347,55 351,75 355,95 360,16 364,36 368,56 372,77 376,97 381,18 385,39 389,59 393,80 398,01 402,22 406,44 410,65 414,86 2.616,7 2.618,4 2.620,1 2.621,8 2.623,6 2.625,3 2.627,0 2.628,7 2.630,4 2.632,1 2.633,7 2.635,4 2.637,1 2.638,8 2.640,4 2.642,1 2.643,8 2.645,4 2.647,1 2.648,7 2.650,4 2.652,0 2.653,6 2.655,3 2.656,9 2.658,5 2.660,1 2.661,7 2.663,3 2.664,9 2.666,5 2.668,1 2.669,7 2.671,3 2.672,8 2.674,4 2.348,8 2.346,4 2.343,9 2.341,4 2.338,9 2.336,5 2.334,0 2.331,5 2.329,0 2.326,5 2.324,0 2.321,5 2.318,9 2.316,4 2.313,9 2.311,4 2.308,8 2.306,3 2.303,7 2.301,2 2.298,6 2.296,1 2.293,5 2.290,9 2.288,3 2.285,7 2.283,1 2.280,5 2.277,9 2.275,3 2.272,7 2.270,1 2.267,5 2.264,8 2.262,2 2.259,5 0,8809 0,8933 0,9057 0,9180 0,9303 0,9426 0,9548 0,9670 0,9791 0,9913 1,0034 1,0154 1,0274 1,0394 1,0514 1,0633 1,0752 1,0871 1,0969 1,1107 1,1225 1,1343 1,1460 1,1577 1,1693 1,1809 1,1925 1,2041 1,2156 1,2271 1,2386 1,2501 1,2615 1,2729 1,2843 1,2956 7,8477 7,8322 7,8168 7,8016 7,7864 7,7714 7,7565 7,7417 7,7270 7,7124 7,6979 7,6836 7,6693 7,6551 7,6411 7,6271 7,5132 7,5995 7,5858 7,5722 7,5588 7,5454 7,5321 7,5189 7,5058 7,4928 7,4799 7,4670 7,4543 7,4416 7,4290 7,4166 7,4041 7,3918 7,3796 7,3674 STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTAABBLLEE nn°° 1188 CCO ON NVVEERRSSIIO ON N CCO OEEFFFFIICCEEN NTT Forces (F) 1 1 1 1 N (Newton) daN kgf kgf = = = = 0,101972 1,01972 9,80665 0,980665 kgf kgf N daN (decaNewton) = 1 bar =1,01972 kgf/c m2 =1,01972 = = 0,980665 daN/cm2 760 Torr = 0,980665 bar = 1,033227 at 8metric) =1,01325daN/cm2 = = 1,00000014 Torr = 0,0013332 daN/cm2 (bar) 0,00009999 kgf/cm2= 0,00009805 daN/cm2 (bar) Pressure (p) 1 daN/cm2 atmosphere) 1 at (metric) 1 atm (physic) =1,01325 bar 1 mm Hg 1 mm H2O Heat, Energy, Entalpy, Heat content, Work (J) 1 kJ 1 MJ 1kcal 1 kWh 1 kgfm = = = = = 0,23884 kcal 238,84 kcal 4,18684 kJ = 426,935 kgfm 3600 kJ = 859,845 kcal = 3,6 MWs 0,00980665 kJ Power, mechanical, Electrical, Thermal 1W 1 kW 1MW 1 kcal/s 1kgfm/s = = = = = 1 J/s 1 kJ/s 1 MJ/s 4186,8 J/s 9,80665 W = = = = = 0,0002388 kcal/s 0,23884 kcal/s 238,84 kcal/s 4186,8 W 0,00980665 kW = = = = 0,101972 kgfm/s 101,97 kgfm/s 101972 kgfm/s 4,1868 kW Specific heat consumption, steam, other fluid 1 1 1 1 kJ/MWs kg/MWs kcal/kWh kgf/kWh = = = = 0,859845 kcal/kWh 3,6 kgf/kWh 1.1636 kJ/MWs 0,2778 kg/MWs Heat transmission coefficient ( α ); thermal conductivity ( λ ) 1 W/m2 °C 1 kW/m2 °C 1W/m2 °C 1 = 0,859845 kcal/m2h °C = 859845 kcal/m2h °C = 0,859845 kcal/mh °C STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: (metric TTAABBLLEE nn°° 1199 CCHHAARRAACCTTEERRIISSTTIICCSS O OFF FFUUEELLSS The classification of liquid fuels for explosion engines (petrol) is generally referred to the octane number. Any classification relying on the empirical formula CnHm is not very significant, as it does not provide information on the characteristics of the component hydrocarbons chains which can considerably change according to the origin of the crude oil. The different content of substances depends on the origin of crude oil. Physically petrols are classified upon their specific weight and fire point. Type Specific weight Fire point Gasoline 0.64 – 0.69 40 ÷ 70°C Normal grade 0.70 70 ÷ 120°C Ligroine 0.73 120 ÷ 135°C STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTAABBLLEE nn°° 2200 TTEEM MPPEERRAATTUURREE Any temperature can be expressed in different units of measure, i.e. Kelvin → symbol = K this unit of measure expresses the thermodynamical temperature, where the zero value is close to the “absolute zero”, and complies with the International System (IS) Celsius degrees → symbol = °C this unit of measure expresses the Celsius temperature, where the zero value is close to the value of melting ice, and complies with International System (IS) Fahrenheit degrees → symbol = °F it is a British unit of measure, whose zero value corresponds to 255,372 K Rankine → symbol = R it is a British unit of measure whose zero value corresponds to the “absolute zero” Réaumur degrees → symbol = °R this unit of measure is no longer in use; its zero value is close to the value of melting ice. If we have a given temperature T expressed in one of these units of measure, we can calculate the same temperature expressed in a different unit of measure using the following table: °C IS unit T – 273,15 °F R T K= IS unit T °C = IS unit T °F = K IS unit T 1,8 T – 459,67 1,8 T °R Unusual 0,8 T – 218,52 T + 273,15 T 1,8 T + 32 1,8 T + 491,67 0,8 T 0, 5 T 0, 5 T - 17, 7 T T + 491,67 0,8 T TR= 0, 5 T 0, 5 T – 273,15 T – 459,67 T 0,4 – 218,52 1,25 + 273,15 1,25 T 2,25 T + 32 2,25 + 491,67 T T °R = unusual STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTAABBLLEE nn°° 2211 CCO ORRRREELLAATTIIO ON N CCUURRVVEESS BBEETTW WEEEEN N TTHHEE RREELLAATTIIO ON N BBEETTW WEEEEN NM MAASSSS EEN NTTHHAALLPPYY AAN NDD TTEEM MPPEERRAATTUURREE,, TTHHEE RREELLAATTIIO ON N BBEETTW WEEEEN N TTHHEE FFLLO OW WRRAATTEESS O OFF FFUUEELL AAN NDD AAIIRR,, TTEEM MPPEERRAATTUURREE CORRELATION CURVES BETWEEN: Mass Enthalpy / Temperature [ J / kg ] [K ] RELATION BETWEEN THE FLOWRATE OF FUEL AND AIR ( TEMPERATURE [K] 1 α ) STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTAABBLLEE nn°° 2222 CCO ON NVVEERRSSIIO ON N BBEETTW WEEEEN N [[RRPPM M]] aanndd [[rraadd//ss]] 60 2π 2π w[rad/s] = n [RPM] 60 n [RPM] = w [rad / s ] ⋅ Examples: 60 =1489,69 [RPM] 2π 60 2930 [RPM] =306,83 [RAD/S] 2π 156[rad/s] STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTAABBLLEE nn°° 2233 FFEEAATTUURREESS O OFF PPEETTRRO OLL EEN NG GIIN NEE’’SS FFUUEELLSS - Volume mass * (specific gravity) (kg/cm3) (7,2 ÷ 7,5) ⋅ 10−4 - Sulphur content * ≤ 0,01% - Lead content * ≤ 0,63 gr / dm3 * LIBRARY REF. 11.23 STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: Table n° 24 TABLE OF ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURES according to altitude and relevant difference about normal pressure 1013 hPa =1013 m bar = 10.330 mm H2O ALTITUDE ALTITUDE PRESSURE in hPa PRESSURE in hPa PRESSURE in hPa ALTITUDE in m 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 absolute difference 1013 0 1012 1 1011 2 1010 4 1008 5 1007 6 1006 7 1005 8 1004 10 1002 11 in m 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 absolute difference 955 59 953 60 952 61 951 62 950 63 949 64 948 65 947 67 945 68 944 69 in m 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 160 1070 1080 1090 absolute difference 899 115 898 116 897 117 895 118 894 119 893 120 892 121 891 122 890 123 889 124 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 1001 1000 999 998 997 995 994 993 992 991 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 600 610 620 630 640 650 660 670 680 690 943 942 941 940 939 938 936 935 934 933 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 80 1100 1110 1120 1130 1140 1150 1160 1170 1180 1190 888 887 886 885 884 883 881 880 879 878 125 126 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 200 989 24 700 932 81 1200 877 136 210 988 25 710 931 82 1210 876 137 220 987 26 720 930 84 1220 875 138 230 986 27 730 929 85 1230 874 139 240 985 29 740 927 86 1240 873 140 250 984 30 750 926 87 1250 872 141 260 982 31 760 925 88 1260 871 142 270 981 32 770 924 89 1270 870 144 280 980 33 780 923 90 1280 869 145 290 979 34 790 922 91 1290 868 146 300 978 36 800 921 92 1300 867 147 310 977 37 810 920 94 1310 965 148 320 975 38 820 919 95 1320 964 149 330 974 39 830 917 96 1330 963 150 340 973 40 840 916 97 1340 862 151 350 972 41 850 915 98 1350 861 152 360 971 43 860 914 99 1360 860 153 370 970 44 870 913 100 1370 859 154 380 968 45 880 912 101 1380 858 155 390 967 46 890 911 102 1390 857 156 400 966 47 900 910 104 1400 856 157 410 965 48 910 909 105 1410 855 158 420 964 49 920 908 106 1420 854 159 430 963 51 930 906 107 1430 853 160 440 961 52 940 905 108 1440 852 161 STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: 450 960 53 950 904 109 1450 851 162 460 959 54 960 903 110 1460 850 164 470 958 55 970 902 111 1470 849 165 480 957 56 980 901 112 1480 848 166 490 956 57 990 900 113 1490 847 167 500 955 59 1000 899 115 1500 846 168 Ex. Milan 120 m. If the absolute pressure, measured in Milan, of day is 1000 hPa, you must add 1000+14=1014 hPa: this is the absolute pressure of the day in riferiment to livel of the sea. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: PPAARRTT SSIIXX A AN NN NEEXXEESS STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTDD331100VV11 -- CCYYCCLLEE IIN NDDIICCAATTO ORR TTEECCHHN NIICCAALL SSPPEECCIIFFIICCAATTIIO ON N G GEEN NEERRAALL N NO OTTEESS Electronic system for the survey of the open and closed indicated cycle for all the internal combustion engines (Otto and Diesel cycle, 2/4 strokes, turbocharged or aspirated). The apparatus is provided with data acquisition card, pressure transducer and encoder. The pressure transducer, connected to the engine combustion chamber by means of a proper coupling, (included in the supply), sends an electric signal which is proportional to the instantaneous pressure inside the cylinder. The encoder, directly connected to the engine shaft, transmits the signal relevant to the Top Dead Center (TDC) at a frequency proportional to the engine rotation speed. The data acquisition card, to be inserted in an available slot of the Personal Computer, allows to manage the simultaneous acquisition of max 4 signals, to visualize their behaviour during the acquisition and to store the acquired data so to be able to study them afterwords. A dedicated software allows to analyse the pressure values which can be surveyed inside the combustion chamber and in the intake and exhaust ducts of internal combustion engines. The only requirement of the system is a Personal Computer (not included in the supply) and must have the following basic features: - Pentium Processor - n1 free PCI or AT or PCMCIA slot - 16 Mb RAM (32 MB recommended) - 20 MB of available space on H.D. - Video con minimum resolution 800x600 (1024x768 with small characters laying recommended) Access to all the functions is possible through window menu listed herebelow: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: - Menù File . Select work Directory . Load File . Save File . Print . Exit - Acquisition Menù . With encoder . without encoder - Process Menù . Average cycle calculation. It allows to make statistics calculations - (mean, root-mean-square deviation of the pressures) and thermodynamics - (indicated average pressure, of maximum value of the pressure and its angular position) - Menù Visualization . Configuration Panel . Acquired loops . Elaborated loops Menu Help The acquired loops can be selected on PC monitor as open loop P = f(θ) (run of the instantaneous pressure in the cylinder as function of the crank angle) or closed loop P = f(V) (run of the instantaneous pressure in the cylinder as function of instantaneous volume available in the cylinder or "current volume"). On the PC monitor it is also visualizable the Top Dead Center (TDC). Loops can be printed as a graphic, with pre-settled layout, scale and style but changeable according to the users' needs. From the visualised data, either the EMP (Effective Medium Pressure) and the produced work (cycle area) can be easily calculated. The phenomena to be visualised are cyclic; the period is a characteristic of the kind of engine that must be produced. In particular, in a 4-stroke engine the complete cycle occurs in 2 rev. of the engine shaft, equal to a revolution of 720°, while in a 2-stroke engine the cycle happens in only 1 rev. Therefore from what said, it turns out that the complete image on the screen is produced every 2 shaft rev. for 4-stroke engines or every 2 shaft rev. for 2-stroke engines. It is easy to calculate how many images are built in the unit of time: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: N= RPM 60 ⋅ 2 images / s for 4 - stroke engine N= RPM 60 images / s for 2 - stroke engine It is interesting to observe that what You can see, is a mediate phenomenon, that is the construction in real time of all the following images appears to the observer's eye an image which is relevant to the developments of standard cycles which follow one another and superimpose in the time. DDEETTAAIILLEEDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIO ON NO OFF TTHHEE SSUUPPPPLLYY In detail, the supply of the cycle indicator is composed of: • DATA ACQUSITION CARD 200 ks/s equipped with feed cable and serial cable: POSITION TRANSDUCER (ENCODER) equipped with connection cable to the main panel. The position transducer is of inductive-type. It consists of: - inductive pick-up - 1 tooth gear wheel The encoder has the task to generate and transmit the signal which permits to know, every moment, the angle position of the engine shaft. • • PRESSURE TRANSDUCER It measures the pressure inside the combustion chamber. Technical characteristics: - type piezoelectric - pressure dynamic - range 0 ÷ 250 bar - nominal sensitivity -6.80 pC/bar - linearity ±0,2% STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: Equipped with: ⋅ adapter for assembling on the test engine (petrol, diesel direct injection or diesel indirect injection). ⋅ charge amplifier with working digital calibration switch with the kind of sensitivity of every transducer ⋅ connection cables between the transducer and the charge amplifier and between the charge amplifier and the oscilloscope ⋅ feeder • SOFTWARE It allows the signal acquisition and the further data processing. W WO ORRKKIIN NG G PPRRIIN NCCIIPPLLEE The pressure in the cylinder is measured thanks to a miniaturised piezoelectric Kistler-type transducer, placed on the engine head in correspondence of the pre chamber thanks to a special adapter. The pressure to be measured acts on a diaphragm which converts it in a proportional force; the latter is transmitted to a quartz, which, undercharge, generates an electrostatic charge. An electrode picks-up the charge (negative) and takes it, through a special cable to the charge amplifier, placed in the electric board, which converts it to positive voltage. The signal in tension is sent to data acquisition card for the visualisation, digitalisation and recording. The piezoelectric principle is particularly suitable for the measurement of rapid dynamic phenomena or almost static connected to the pressure, both in research and in industrial field (Kistler analogue type transducers are used in Ferrari's "Formula 1" and by other manufacturers for the viewing of engines also during competitions). The position transducer, made up with an inductive pick-up and with 1 tooth gear wheel splined to the engine shaft, generates a signal in frequency for every revolution in correspondence to the Top Dead Center of the piston run. The signal, with square wave, is sent on the other channel of the oscilloscope as "trigger" for the pressure signal. Practically, the pressure signal picked up with continuity, is synchronised and set in phase, so that every "acquisition" starts always from the same place. The supplied software package, permits, according to the necessities, to report in diagram x y the pressure run in an open circuit, that is in function of the winch angle, or to calculate and represent the run of pressure in function of the available volume to the fluid in the cylinder. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: W WAARRN NIIN NG G 1. All the benches and engines supplied by STEM - ISI IMPIANTI are already preset for the assembling of the encoder and pressure transducer. 2. Should the electronic indicator be used on more than one bench or engine, it is necessary to assemble an encoder on each bench and a pressure transducer on each engine. For this reason other pressure transducers can be supplied equipped with adapter (option TD310a) and other encoders (option TD310b) to be added to the standard supply, which, as described above, already includes one of these components. 3. Should the customer own some engines, it is absolutely necessary: - in order to place the pressure transducer, to send us the following table duly filled in, for every engine which must be equipped with pressure transducer: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: Data relevant to the engine Kind: Strokes: Total cylinders: Cylinder no.: Bore: Stroke: Residual volume: spark 2 .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. Diesel 4 - besides, as regards the spark ignited engines we must be acknowledged about the spark plug trade-mark and model - concerning the Diesel engines: it is indispensable that You forward us one of the preheating glow plugs to which we shall apply the pressure transducer, and which will be given back to You together with the unit - in regard to the encoder displacement, a shaft protrusion must be available (on the brake or on the engine) with rotation speed equal to the one of the engine main shaft, on which You can mount a tooth gear wheel supplied by us (see drawing in the following page); in front of it You have to fix the pickup supplied by us, equipped with supporting bracket (which must be adapted by You to the engine) 4. Connected with the diesel one-cylinder engines or any other engine for which the notes at point 3 presented operating difficulties, our Technical Department is available to study particular solutions. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: O O PP TT II O ON N SS TD310a PRESSURE TRANSDUCER + ADAPTER It measures the pressure inside the combustion chamber. Technical characteristics: ⋅ type piezoresistive ⋅ pressure dynamic ⋅ range 0 ÷ 250 bar ⋅ sensitivity -6.80 pC/bar ⋅ linearity ±0,2% Provided with: ⋅ adapter for assembling on the test engine (petrol or diesel direct injection or diesel indirect injection) ⋅ charge amplifier with digital calibration switch ⋅ connection cable to the control main panel and visualisation TD310V1b POSITION TRANSDUCER (ENCODER) Complete with connection cable to the control and visualisation main panel. The position transducer is of inductive type. It consists of: - inductive pick-up - 1 tooth gear wheel The encoder generates and transmits the signal which enables to know, every moment, which is the position of the engine shaft. TD310f SPARE PARTS - 1 pressure transducer - 10 fuses - 1 Allen wrench for toothed wheel - 1 cable with connector for encoder - 1 cable with connector for power supply - 1 cable with connector for transducer N.B.: All the components of the equipment are of industrial kind; the technical characteristics and the performances are connected to what available in the market when ordering. Besides, the company reserves the right to make modifications or improvements. The data included in this specification shall admit a ± 5% tolerance and they are valid for environmental conditions of 20 °C, 1013 mbar and 50 Hz electrical supply. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTDD331100VV11 -- CCYYCCLLEE IIN NDDIICCAATTO ORR RRAAN NG GEE O OFF EEXXPPEERRIIM MEEN NTTSS 1) Open cycle view 2) Meaning of the close cycle 3) Data acquisition and elaboration 4) Dead phase view 5) Measurement of the indicated work 6) Measurement of the power developed in a cylinder 7) Trace of an engine characteristic curves 8) Measurement of the indicated medium pressure relevant to a cylinder STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTDD3322110000 –– IIN NTTEERRN NAALL CCO OM MBBUUSSTTIIO ON N EEN NG GIIN NEE G GAASS AAN NAALLYYSSEERR TTEECCHHN NIICCAALL SSPPEECCIIFFIICCAATTIIO ON N The analysers described in this technical specification allow the evaluation of chemical features of exhast gas produced by petrol and diesel engines. According to the need, it is possible to choose “rack” models, which can be put on trolleys or similar supports, or portable analysers. TTDD3322110011 ––DDIIEESSEELL EEN NG GIIN NEE EEM MIISSSSIIO ON N AAN NAALLYYSSEERR High precision portable analyser allowing technical readings on display of the main parameters discharged by diesel motors: oxigen O2, carbon monoxide CO, carbon dioxide CO2 (calculated). This gas analyser has long-life cells and it includes rechargeable battery, calibration protocol, flue gas probe 180 mm long, dia. 8 mm, Tmax 500 °C, TÜV tested, mini ambient air probe (60 mm immersion depth, Tmax +100°C), Basic system case, and electric feeder Main - characteristics: Instrument diagnosis Automatic instrument leak-proofness test ΔT measurement, flow/return ΔP measurement for gas pressure Gas/oil throughput Zeroing of the flue gas sensors without probe removal 400 measurement data sets incl. site address and system no. IRDA interface for data transfer to PDA/notebook USB interface for data transfer to a PC Interface to automatic furnaces O OPPTTIIO ON NSS TD32101a - CELL FOR NO Through this cell the measurement of azote oxid NO is possible. Besides it calculates, by increasing the performance of TD32101, the azote oxids NOx. This cell has a a warranty of 2 year (from the order) TD32101b – SPARE CELL FOR O2 This cell has a warranty of 4 year (from the order) TD32101c – SPARE CELL FOR CO This cell has a warranty of 4 year (from the order) TD32101e - PRINTER - IrDA printer with bidirectional IrDA interface and rech. battery (incl. 1 roll of thermal paper, 5 x 1.8 NIMH rechargeable batteries and mains unit for use worldwide). STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTDD332211vv11 –– PPEETTRRO OLL EEN NG GIIN NEE EEM MIISSSSIIO ON N AAN NAALLYYSSEERR ((RRAACCKK)) High precision analyser allowing technical readings on display of the main parameters discharged by endothermic motors: carbon monoxide(CO), unburnt hydrocarbons (HC), carbon dioxide (CO2), oxigen(O2). It also allows the calculation of coefficient Lambda (λ) that is necessary for a correct setup of the motor and the visualization of the motor revolutions (RPM) and the oil temperature (°C). The analyser can be inserted in a rack trolley. It includes the following: - flexible sample probe - control panel and display - analytical system - printer Moreover it is also available the same system up date for nitric oxide (NOx) measurement (see optional). The analyser is homologates at rules in force in many countries in Europe, Asia etc. O OPPTTIIO ON NAALLSS TD321v1a – MODULE FOR NO The system is composed by a module containing a measurement cell for azote oxides NOx and it can be supplied also as further integration of the analyser. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: TTDD332211 –– PPEETTRRO OLL EEN NG GIIN NEE EEM MIISSSSIIO ON N AAN NAALLYYSSEERR High precision portable analyser allowing technical readings on display of the main parameters discharged by endothermic motors:. Carbon monoxide (CO), unburnt hydrocarbons (HC), carbon dioxide (CO2), oxigen(O2). It also allows the calculation of coefficient Lambda (λ) referiment necessary for the right set up of the engine. Operating temperature range: +5/+40°C. It includes the following: - flexible sample probe - control panel and display - analytical system Main characteristics and features: - Powerful reliable gas sampling and filtration system. - Fast response time - Red high-efficiency led display. - Membrane keyboard. - New static n-dir cell Infrasense. - Single 12 Vdc power supply. - Low power consumption. O OPPTTIIO ON NSS TD321a - PRINTER Impact printer 24 column integrated with the analyser case. TD321b – MODULE FOR NO It consists of a module containing a measuring cell for azote oxid and calculates, by increasing the performance of TD321, the azote oxids NOx. The system can be supplied only with the main supply. NOTE - We reserve the right to make modifications or improvements. The data included in this specification shall admit a ± 5% tolerance and they are valid for environmental conditions of 20 °C, 1013 mbar and 50 Hz electrical supply. STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB: STEM-ISI Impianti S.p.A. - Via Gallesi, 64/5 - 16163 Genova ITALIA Capitale Sociale € 255.000,00 – C.F. e P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692 tel. +39 010 7261141 fax +39 010 7260120 e-mail : [email protected] WEB:
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