Conference Programme dic 2014

Project Number 531028-LLP-1-2012-1-IT-KA4-KA4MP
“Early school leaving. European Initiatives to Prevent and Tackle the Phenomenon”
FLORENCE, CIPAT 16 December 2014 (9.30-13.30)
9.30 Participants registration
10.00 Welcome
• Giuseppe Italiano, CIPAT (Italy)
• Roberto Bandinelli, Tuscany Regional Branch of Ministry of Education (Italy)
• Gabriele Toccafondi, Sottosegretario di Stato all’Istruzione (Italy)
La lotta alla dispersione nelle nuove politiche del Governo italiano
10.40 Main Results Achieved in the European Partners Countries
Barbara degl’Innocenti, Vocational Institute Sassetti Firenze (Italy)
Case scenario Solutions
Margarida Morgado, Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (Portugal)
Building a SSN Community of Practice in Portugal
Joaquin Mora Merchan, University of Seville (Spain)
Tackling early school leaving. The School Safety Net Spanish Experience
Marco Manzuoli, CIPAT (Italy)
Guidelines: resources to prevent and tackle early school leaving
Mihaela Cornelia Achihaitei and Radu Achihaitei, Liceul "Alexandru cel Bun" Botosani
Positive impact on diminishing early school leaving in Romania through School Safety Net
Project implementation
Julien Keutgen, INFOREF (Belgium)
A reinforced cooperation between internal and external stakeholders against early school
Spiros Sirmakessis, TEI of Messolongi (Greece)
The impact of “our” School Safety Net in the Greek practice
Mustafa Bayrakci, Kirikkale University (Turkey)
An inclusive idea for preventing early school leaving
12.45 Debate and questions
13.30 End of conference