Curriculum Vitae 13/03/14 Professor Francesco GUALA Office address: Department of Economics University of Milan Via Conservatorio 7 20122 Milano Italy Tel. +39 02 503 21500 Fax +39 02 503 21505 Email: [email protected] 1. PERSONAL DETAILS Birth: 24 May 1970 Nationality: Italian Languages: English, Italian, French. 2. EDUCATION 1995-1999: PhD Philosophy of Science, London School of Economics. 1994-1995: MSc History and Philosophy of Science and Mathematics, King’s College London. 1989-1994: Laurea in Philosophy, University of Milan (Italy). 3. PRESENT APPOINTMENT Associate Professor of Economics, University of Milan, Italy (since 2013). 4. CAREER 2009-2013: Research Professor, University of Milan. 2006-2009: Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Exeter (UK) 2004-2006: Senior Lecturer, University of Exeter. 1999-2004: Lecturer, University of Exeter. Visiting and temporary positions: 2014 (February): Professeur Invité, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris. 2001-2002: Visiting Research Fellow, Cognitive Science Laboratory, University of Trento (Italy). 1999 (April-June): Research Fellow, THEMA, Université de Cergy-Pontoise (France). 1998-1999: Temporary Lecturer, Humanities Programme, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (UK). 1996-1998: Philosophy Tutor, London School of Economics (UK). Teaching experience: Undergraduate: Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Economics, Social Philosophy, Metaphysics, Critical Thinking, Introduction to Philosophical Analysis, Microeconomics, Research Methods for the Social Sciences, Introduction to Statistics for Sociology. Postgraduate: Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Economics, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Epistemology, Behavioural Economics, Game Theory, Institutional Economics. Area of Specialisation: Philosophy of Science; Philosophy of Economics; Philosophy of the Social Sciences; Behavioural and Experimental Economics. Area of Competence: History of Economic Thought; Game Theory; Social Philosophy; Political Philosophy PhD supervision: Silvia Tossut (2011-…) on social knowledge and collective beliefs. Mattia Gallotti (2006-2010) on naturalizing collective intentionality. Current position: Postdoc, Institut Jean Nicod (Paris). Michiru Nagatsu (2005-2009) on the cognitive foundations of rational choice theory. Current position: Research Fellow, Finnish Academy of Science. David Tyfield (2003-2007) on the philosophical foundations of the economics of science. Current position : Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University. Administrative roles: Head of Department, Sociology and Philosophy, University of Exeter (2005-06). Director of Graduate Studies, Sociology and Philosophy, University of Exeter (2002-05) 5. AWARDS, GRANTS AND SCHOLARSHIPS 2002 History of Economic Analysis Award, for best article in the history of economics written by a young scholar (see under ‘Publications’ below, 2001b) 2002 INEM Prize, for best article in the methodology of economics written by a young scholar (see 2001a below) 2009-2013: “Rientro dei Cervelli” grant from the Italian Ministry of Research and Education, principal applicant, €220,000. 2007-2008: ESRC/MRC research grant “The Neuroscience of Conventions and Norms”, principal applicant, £80,000. 2007: ESRC/NSF conference grant “Meteorological Forecast and Decision”, coapplicant with Gary Bolton (Penn State) and the UK Met Office, $25,000. 2006-2007: ESRC research grant “Conventions and Norms: An Experimental Approach”, principal applicant, £43,000. 2005: British Academy travel grant to attend the Economic Science Association meeting in Montreal. 2004-2005: AHRB research grant “Capacities and Well-being: Operationalising the Capabilities Framework”, research associate. 2002: NSF travel grant to attend the Philosophy of Science Association meeting in Milwaukee. 2000-2002: MURST research grant “Measures of Freedom: Theoretical and Empirical Aspects” (Italy), research associate. 1997-1999: CNR research grant “Methodological Issues in Economic Science” (Italy), research associate. September 1996-June 1999: British Academy, full fees studentship for graduate studies. January 1997-December 1998: Marie Curie (Training and Mobility of Researchers) studentship, European Community, full tuition, living and travel expenses. 6. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Book review editor, Economics & Philosophy (Cambridge University Press), 2007-2012. 2 Editorial boards: Economics & Philosophy (Cambridge UP), Journal of Economic Methodology (Routledge), Topoi (Springer), ‘Strategies for Social Inquiry’ book series (Cambridge UP). Journal referee for British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Economics & Philosophy, Erasmus Journal for the Philosophy of Economics, Erkenntnis, European Journal for Philosophy of Science, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, European Journal of Political Research, Evolution & Human Behavior, Experimental Economics, Games and Economic Behaviour, History of Economics Review, Journal of Economic Methodology, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology, Journal of Theoretical Politics, Mind & Society, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, Philosophia, Philosophical Papers, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Recherches Economiques de Louvain, Revue Economique, Social Choice & Welfare, Social Epistemology, Social Science Information, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Synthese, Theoria, Theory & Decision, Topoi. Manuscript consultant for Acumen, Cambridge University Press, Harvard University Press, Elsevier Science, Il Mulino, Oxford University Press, Pearson Education, Polity Press, Princeton University Press, Routledge, Sage. Referee for Arts and Humanities research Council, Economic and Social Research Council (UK), John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, National Science Foundation (USA), Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, European Research Council, National Research Foundation (South Africa), Agenzia Nazionale per la Valutazione della Ricerca (Italy). Research Associate, Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science (London School of Economics); Research Fellow, Centro di Ricerca in Epistemologia Sperimentale e Applicata (San Raffaele University, Milan); Advisory Board member, Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence for the Philosophy of Social Science. Programme Committee member: 2006 Philosophy of Science Association meeting (Vancouver), 2009 European Philosophy of Science Association meeting (Amsterdam), 2011 International Network of Economic Method meeting (Helsinki), 2012 and 2014 European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences conferences (Copenhagen, Madrid), Models and Decision (Munich, 2013). Senior advisor and section chair: 14th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (Nancy, 2011). PhD external examiner: London School of Economics (2005), Erasmus University Rotterdam (2006), University of East Anglia (2007, 2011). Tenure reviewer, University of Oklahoma (2009). Reviewer for Senior Academic Promotion Committee, University of Cambridge (2013). 7. PUBLICATIONS Books: 2006. Filosofia dell’economia: modelli, causalità, previsione. Bologna: Il Mulino. 2005. The Methodology of Experimental Economics. New York: Cambridge University Press. (Japanese edition, Nihon Keizai Hyoron sha Ltd 2013) Edited volumes: 3 2011. The Philosophy of Social Science Reader. London: Routledge (with Daniel Steel). 2005. Economia cognitiva e sperimentale. Milano: Università Bocconi Editore (with Matteo Motterlini). [An extended version of the Introduction has been published separately as Mente, mercati, decisioni: un’introduzione all’economia cognitiva e sperimentale. Milano: Università Bocconi Editore, 2011.] Articles in refereed journals and collective volumes: 2013 a. “The Normativity of Lewis Conventions”, Synthese 190: 3107-3122. b. “Group Membership, Team Preferences, and Expectations”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 86, pp. 183-190 (with Luigi Mittone and Matteo Ploner). c. “Costless Discrimination and Unequal Achievements in an Experimental Tournament”, Experimental Economics 16, pp. 285-305 (with Antonio Filippin). d. “Relexivity and Equilibria”, Journal of Economic Methodology 20: 397-405. e. “Responsabilità e scelta secondo le scienze sociali”, in Quanto siamo responsabili? Filosofia, neuroscienze e società, edited by Mario de Caro, Andrea Lavazza and Giuseppe Sartori. Torino: Codice Edizioni, pp. 101-123. 2012 a. “Reciprocity, Weak or Strong? What Punishment Experiments Do (and Do Not) Demonstrate”, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35, pp. 1-59 (target article, followed by 32 commentaries and my reply). b. “Limbic and Prefrontal Activity during Conformity and Violation of Norms in a Coordination Game”, Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics 5: 1-17 (with Tim Hodgson, Tim Miller and Ian Summers). c. “Are Preferences for Real? Choice Theory, Folk Psychology, and the Hard Case for Commonsensible Realism”, in Economics for Real: Uskali Mäki and the Place of Truth in Economics, edited by Aki Lehtinen, Jaakko Kuorikoski and Petri Ylikoski. London: Routledge, pp. 137-155. d. “The Evolutionary Programme in Social Philosophy”, in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Social Science, edited by Harold Kincaid. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 435-457. e. “Experimentation in Economics”, in Handbook of the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 13: Philosophy of Economics, edited by Uskali Mäki. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 597-640. 2011 a. “Experiments”, in The Sage Handbook of the Philosophy of Social Sciences, edited by I. Jarvie and J. Zamora-Bonilla. London: Sage, pp. 477-493. b. “Il filosofo nello scanner. Come la filosofia può contribuire alla neuroscienza (e viceversa)”, Sistemi intelligenti 23, pp. 147-162 (with Tim Hodgson) (Italian translation of 2010d). 2010 a. “How History and Convention Create Norms: An Experimental Study”, Journal 4 of Economic Psychology 31, pp. 749-756 (with Luigi Mittone). b. “Infallibilism and Human Kinds”, Philosophy of the Social Sciences 40, pp. 244-264. c. “Extrapolation, Analogy, and Comparative Process Tracing”, Philosophy of Science 77, pp. 1070-1082. d. “The Philosopher in the Scanner (Or: How Can Neuroscience Contribute to Social Philosophy?)”, Journal of Economic Methodology 17, pp. 147-157 (with Tim Hodgson). Reprinted in Neuroeconomics: Hype or Hope?, edited by C. Marchionne and J. Vromen. London: Routledge, 2012. e. 2009 “Paradigmatic Experiments: the Dictator Game”, Journal of Socio-Economics 39, pp. 578-584 (with Luigi Mittone). a. “Methodological Issues in Experimental Design and Interpretation”, in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Economics, edited by H. Kincaid and D. Ross, Oxford University Press, pp. 280-305. b. “Esistono le convenzioni di Lewis?”, Rivista di estetica 41, pp. 141-159. c. “The Development of Capability Indicators”, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 10, pp. 125-152 (with Paul Anand, Graham Hunter, Ian Carter, Keith Dowding and Martin van Hees). d. “Esperimenti paradigmatici: il gioco dell’ultimatum”, HumanaMente 10, pp. 110 (Italian translation of 2008a). 2008 a. “Paradigmatic Experiments: The Ultimatum Game from Testing to Measurement Device”, Philosophy of Science 75, pp. 658-669. b. “Experimental Economics, History of”, in The Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Vol. 3, edited by S. Durlauf and L. Blume, Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 152-156. 2007 a. “How to Do Things with Experimental Economics”, in Do Economists Make Markets? On the Performativity of Economics, edited by D. MacKenzie, F. Muniesa and L. Siu, Princeton University Press, pp. 128-162. b. “The Philosophy of Social Science: Metaphysical and Empirical”, Philosophy Compass 2, pp. 954-980. 2006 a. “Has Game Theory Been Refuted?”, Journal of Philosophy 103, pp. 239-263. b. “For Normative Economic Methodology”, Storia del pensiero economico 3, pp. 39-50. 2005 a. “Heterogeneous Agents in Public Goods Experiments”, Experimental Economics 8, pp. 35-54 (with Roberto Burlando). b. “Psicologia ed esperimenti in economia”, in Economia cognitiva e sperimentale, edited by M. Motterlini and F. Guala, Milano, Università Bocconi Editore, pp. 1-59 (with Matteo Motterlini). 5 c. “Economics in the Lab: Completeness vs. Testability”, Journal of Economic Methodology 12, pp. 185-196. d. “Experiments in Economics: Testing Theories and the Robustness of Phenomena”, Journal of Economic Methodology 12, pp. 495-515 (with Luigi Mittone). e. “Talking about Structures: The ‘Transcendental’ Argument”, Revue de philosophie economique 12, pp. 3-17. 2003 a. “Experimental Localism and External Validity”, Philosophy of Science 70, pp. 1195-1205. b. “Autonomy Freedom and Deliberation”, Journal of Theoretical Politics 15, pp. 423-443 (with Sebastiano Bavetta). c. “Model Robustness in ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Growth Theory”, in Old and New Growth Theories, edited by N. Salvadori, Cheltenham, Elgar, pp. 115-126 (with Andrea Salanti). 2002 a. “Models, Simulations, and Experiments”, in Model-Based Reasoning: Science, Technology, Values, edited by L. Magnani and N. Nersessian, New York, Kluwer, pp. 59-74. b. “On the Scope of Experiments in Economics: Comments on Siakantaris”, Cambridge Journal of Economics 26, pp. 261-267 c. “I contesti della scienza”, in La svolta contestuale, edited by C. Penco, Milano, McGraw-Hill, pp. 79-98 (with Matteo Motterlini). 2001 a. “Building Economic Machines: The FCC Auctions”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 32, pp. 453-477. Reprinted in Recent Developments in Economic Methodology, Vol. I, edited by J. Davis, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2006, pp. 316-340. b. “Vilfredo Pareto and the Epistemological Foundations of Choice Theory”, History of Political Economy 33, pp. 21-49 (with Luigino Bruni). c. “Theory, Experiments, and Explanation in Economics”, Revue internationale de philosophie 217, pp. 27-49 (with Andrea Salanti). 2000 a. “Artefacts in Experimental Economics: Preference Reversals and the BeckerDeGroot-Marschak Mechanism”, Economics and Philosophy 16, pp. 47-75. b. “The Logic of Normative Falsification: Rationality and Experiments in Decision Theory”, Journal of Economic Methodology 7, pp. 59-93. 1999 a. “The Problem of External Validity (Or ‘Parallelism’) in Experimental Economics”, Social Science Information 38, pp. 555-73. Reprinted in New Developments in Experimental Economics Vol. II, edited by E. Carbone and C. Starmer, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2007. b. “Pareto’s Theory of Choice: From the Cours to the Trattato”, in Pareto aujourd’hui, edited by A. Bouvier, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, pp. 6 111-126 (with Luigino Bruni). 1998 a. “Experiments as Mediators in the Non-Laboratory Sciences”, Philosophica 62, pp. 901-918. Reprinted in New Developments in Experimental Economics Vol. II, edited by E. Carbone and C. Starmer, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2007. b. “Pareto on Idealization and the Method of Analysis-synthesis”, Social Science Information 37, pp. 23-44. Work in progress: (a) “Freedom is an Elastic Demand Curve: The Economic Approach to Freedom of the Will”. (b) “A Unified Social Ontology” (with Frank Hindriks). (c) “Is Group Identity Efficient? A Test of Team Preference Theory” (with Antonio Filippin). (d) “Scanning the Humean Brain: The Neuroscience of Social Conventions and Norms” (with Tim Hodgson). (e) Experimental Social Ontology (monograph). Book Reviews: of Error in Economics, by Julian Reiss, in Journal of Economic Methodology 18 (2011): 83-86. of Rationality in Economics, by Vernon Smith, in History of Economic Ideas 17 (2009): 185-188. of Across the Boundaries: Extrapolation in Biology and Social Science, by Daniel Steel, in Metascience 18 (2009): 331-333. of The Grammar of Society, by C. Bicchieri, in British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 58 (2007), pp. 613-618. of Economic Theory and Cognitive Science: Microexplanation, by D. Ross, in Philosophical Papers, 36 (2007), pp. 163-169. of Naissance de la biopolitique, by M. Foucault, in Economics and Philosophy, 22 (2006), pp. 429-439. of The Elgar Companion to Economics and Philosophy, edited by J. Davis, A. Marciano and J. Runde, in Economic Journal, 116 (2006), pp. 318-321. of Fact and Fiction in Economics: Models, Realism and Social Construction, edited by U. Mäki, in Economics and Philosophy, 20 (2004), pp. 217-223. of The Economic World View: Studies in the Ontology of Economics, edited by U. Mäki, in Journal of Economic Methodology, 11 (2004), pp. 91-97. of Reflection without Rules: Economic Methodology and Contemporary Science Theory, by D.W. Hands, in History of Economic Ideas, 10 (2002), pp. 171-176. of Fra paradigmi e rivoluzioni: Thomas Kuhn by G. Giordano, in Isis, 93 (2002), pp. 358-359. of Models as Mediators: Perspectives on Natural and Social Science, edited by M.S. Morgan and M. Morrison, in Economics and Philosophy 17 (2001), pp. 288-294 (with Stathis Psillos). of Rationality, Allocation, and Reproduction by V. Walsh, in Risk Decision and Policy 2 (1997), pp. 106-107. Short entries in encyclopedias, dictionaries, textbooks, introductions, commentaries: 7 “Experiments in Social Science”, in Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences, Volume 1, edited by Byron Kaldis. London: Sage (2013), pp. 323-325. “Bargaining Power and the Evolution of Un-Fair, Non-Mutualistic Moral Norms”, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (2013): 92-93. “Economia sperimentale”, in Le garzantine: economia, Milano, Garzanti, 2011, pp. 5156. “Cooperation In and Out of the Lab: A Comment on Binmore’s Paper”, Mind & Society 9 (2010), pp. 159-169. “Alla scoperta dei mercati (in laboratorio)”, foreword to Vernon Smith, La razionalità nell’economia (Italian edition of Rationality in Economics), Milano, Bruno Leoni, 2010, pp. 7-17 (with Matteo Motterlini). “The Experimental Philosophy of Experimental Economics: Replies to Alexandrova, Hargreaves-Heap, Hausman, and Hindriks”, Journal of Economic Methodology 15 (2008), pp. 224-231. “L’economia, filosoficamente parlando”, Informazione bibliografica 4 (2007), pp. 43-52. “Getting the FCC Auctions Straight: A Reply to Nik-Khah”, European Economic Sociology Newsletter 7 (2006), pp. 21-28. “Utilità attesa”, “Razionalità strategica”, “Economia sperimentale”, in Enciclopedia Filosofica, Milano, Bompiani, 2006, pp. 3207-8, 9449-50, 11952-3. “Che cos’è il valore?”, in Argomentare: corso di filosofia , Vol. 4, edited by G. Boniolo and P. Vidali, Milano, Bruno Mondadori (2003), pp. 252-265 (with Matteo Motterlini). “Che cos’è la giustizia economica?”, “Qual è il metodo dell’economia?”, in Argomentare: corso di filosofia , Vol. 5, edited by G. Boniolo and P. Vidali, Milano, Bruno Mondadori (2003), pp. 400-413, 414-427 (with Matteo Motterlini). “Causation, Economic”, in The Reader’s Guide to the Social Sciences, edited by J. Michie, London, Fitzroy Dearborn (2003), pp. 169-170. “Clear-cut Designs vs. the Uniformity of Experimental Practice”, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2001), pp. 412-413. Articles in newspapers and magazines: “Un Nobel per l’accoppiata vincente”, Il Sole 24Ore (Supplemento), 21 Ottobre 2012 (with Matteo Motterlini). “Vai in laboratorio, capirai il mercato”, Il Sole 24Ore (Supplemento), 30 Maggio 2010 (with Matteo Motterlini). “Ecco che cosa ci insegnano i calci di rigore”, Il Corriere della Sera (Supplemento Economia), 30 Giugno 2008 (with Matteo Motterlini). “Il Nobel alla cooperazione”, Il Sole 24Ore (Supplemento), 16 Ottobre 2005 (with Matteo Motterlini). “Un metodo statistico a caccia di vere cause”, Il Sole 24Ore (Supplemento), 12 Ottobre 2003 (with Matteo Motterlini). “Il patchwork delle leggi fisiche” [Review of Nancy Cartwright, The Dappled World], Il Sole 24Ore (Supplemento), 17 Ottobre 1999 (with Matteo Motterlini). “Verità e costruzione scientifica”, KOS (Aprile 1999), pp. 22-24. “Non manipolate il pensiero di Sir Karl”, Liberal, 24 (1997), pp. 70-72 (with Matteo Motterlini). [This article sparked a debate published in La Stampa, 27 Febbraio 1997, p. 21.] “Sul metodo della scienza”, Informazione filosofica, 6 (Maggio 1996), pp. 40-42. “Scienza e misurazione”, Informazione filosofica, 6 (Febbraio 1996), pp. 35-36. 8
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