1 Curriculum Vitae Updated 18/9/2014

Curriculum Vitae
Updated 18/9/2014
Date of birth: January 3rd, 1985
Citizenship: Italian (European)
Address: Jacob van Oudenhovenstraat 45, Tilburg 5014KS, the Netherlands
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel. [+39] 320 032 4930
Current Academic Position
Since 2014: Assistant Professor (tenured) of European & Comparative Constitutional Law at the Department of
Public Law, Jurisprudence & Legal History, Tilburg Law School (the Netherlands)
Since 2012: Assistant Professor (tenure-track) of European & Comparative Constitutional Law at the
Department of Public Law, Jurisprudence & Legal History, Tilburg Law School (the Netherlands)
Personal web-page at: https://www.tilburguniversity.edu/webwijs/show/?uid=f.fabbrini
Higher Education
Doctor in Law (PhD) at the Law Department of the European University Institute
- Research thesis on: “Fundamental Rights in Europe: Challenges and Transformations of a Multilevel
System in Comparative Perspective” under the supervision of Miguel Poiares Maduro (Professor of
European Law). Degree awarded (with a recommendation for publication of the thesis) on 7 June 2012 by
a Jury composed of prof. Miguel Maduro (EUI), prof. Marta Cartabia (Justice of the Italian Constitutional
Court), prof. Marise Cremona (EUI) and prof. Vicki Jackson (Harvard Law School)
2012-2008: PhD Researcher at the European University Institute, Law Department
2010: Visiting Researcher at the Georgetown University Law Center (USA) (September)
2010-2009: Law clerk for Justice Sabino Cassese of the Constitutional Court of Italy
2009: Master (LLM) in “European Comparative and International Law” at the Law Department of the European
University Institute
- Research thesis on: “Judicial Review of United Nations Counter-Terrorism Sanctions in the European
Multilevel System of Human Rights Protection: A Case Study in Ineffectiveness” under the supervision of
Marise Cremona (Professor of European Law and Head of the Law Department)
2008: Admission at the PhD Program of the European University Institute, Law Department
2008: Laurea Specialistica [JD], 110/110 summa cum laude in “International Constitutional Law” at the Faculty of
Law of the University of Bologna (Italy) – best student in the graduating class
- Research thesis on: “La ragionevolezza nell’ordinamento costituzionale francese” [Reasonableness in the
jurisprudence of the French Constitutional Council] under the supervision of Andrea Morrone (Professor
of Constitutional Law)
2008-2006: Graduate studies at the University of Bologna with a Grade Point Average of 30/30 summa cum laude
2008-2006: Fellow of the Collegio Superiore Alma Mater Studiorum [Superior College] with a Grade Point Average
of 30/30
2007: Aggregated fellow at the Ècole Normale Supérieure at Paris (France) – Département de Droit et des
Sciences Sociales (Fall semester) with best marks
2006: Admission at the Collegio Superiore Alma Mater Studiorum [Superior College] of the University of
Bologna (Italy)
2006: Laurea Triennale [BA], 110/110 summa cum laude in “European and Transnational Law” at the Faculty of
Law of the University of Trento (Italy) – best student in the graduating class
- Research thesis on: “Modelli di giurisdizione costituzionale: la composizione della Corte Suprema
americana e della Corte Costituzionale italiana” [Models of constitutional jurisdiction: the composition of
the US Supreme Court and of the Italian Constitutional Court] under the supervision of Roberto Toniatti
(Professor of Constitutional law and Head of the Faculty of Law)
2006-2003: Undergraduate studies at the University of Trento with a Grade Point Average of 30/30
2005: Visiting student (Education Abroad Program) at the University of California at Berkeley (USA) – Legal
Studies Department and Boalt Hall School of Law (Fall semester) with a Grade Point Average of 3.9/4.0
2003: High School Diploma, 100/100 at the “Prati” Liceo Ginnasio Statale for Humanities and Classics of Trento
2003-1998: High School studies at the “Prati” Liceo Ginnasio Statale with a Grade Point Average of 9/10
Areas of research interest
Comparative Constitutional Law; EU Law; Public Law (European Union, United States of America, Italy, France);
Human Rights Law; International Law
Lists of Publications
“Fundamental Rights in Europe: Challenges and Transformations in Comparative Perspective” (2014) Oxford
University Press
Edited Volumes
“What Form of Government for the EU and the Eurozone?” (2015) (forthcoming) Hart Publishing – edited by with
Ernst Hirsch Ballin and Han Somsen
“Constitutionalism Across Borders in the Struggle against Terrorism” (2015) (forthcoming) Edward Elgar Publishing –
edited by with Vicki Jackson
“The Constitutionalization of European Budgetary Constraints” (2014) Hart Publishing – edited by with Maurice
Adams and Pierre Larouche
“Secrecy, National Security and the Vindication of Constitutional Law” (2013) Edward Elgar Publishing – edited by
with David Cole and Arianna Vedaschi
Edited Special Issues of Journals
“Privacy & National Security in the Digital Age” (2015) (forthcoming) Special Issue of Tilburg Law Review – edited by
Articles in peer review journals
“Changing Policy by Changing Institutions? Austerity, Horizontal Federalism and the Strengthening of the
Presidency of the European Council” (2015) (forthcoming) Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies (45 pages)
“The Founding Myth of European Human Rights Law: Revisiting the Role of National Courts in the Rise of EU
Human Rights Jurisprudence” (2015) (to be submitted for publication) (30 pages) with Giacomo Delledonne
“Human Rights in the Digital Age: the European Court of Justice Ruling in the Data Retention Case and its
Lessons for the US” (2015) Harvard Human Rights Journal (30 pages)
“On Banks, Courts and International Law: the International Agreement on the Single Resolution Fund in Context”
(2014) 21 Maastricht Journal of European & Comparative Law (20 pages)
“The Accession of the EU to the ECHR and its Effects: Nada v. Switzerland, the Clash of Legal Orders and the
Constitutionalization of the ECtHR” (2014) (forthcoming) Oxford Yearbook of European Law (80 pages) with
Joris Larik
“Taxing and Spending in the Eurozone: Legal and Political Challenges Related to the Adoption of the Financial
Transaction Tax” (2014) 39 European Law Review, 155-175
“The Euro-Crisis and the Courts: Judicial Review and the Political Process in Comparative Perspective” (2014) in
32 Berkeley Journal of International Law, 64-123
“The Constitutionalization of International Law: A Comparative Federal Perspective” (2014) in 6 European
Journal of Legal Studies 7-26
“Cittadinanza e diritti fondamentali [Citizenship and fundamental rights]” (2013) in Rivista di Diritto Pubbico
Comparato e Europeo, 1159-1193
“The European Court of Human Rights, Extraordinary Renditions and the Right to the Truth: Ensuring
Accountability for Gross Human Rights Violations Committed in the Fight Against Terrorism” (2014) in 14
Human Rights Law Review, 85-106
“Enhanced Cooperation Under Scrutiny: Revisiting the Law and Practice of Multi-Speed Integration in Light of the
First Involvement of the EU Judiciary” (2013) in 40 Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 197-224
“‘Yellow Card, but No Foul’: The Role of the National Parliaments Under the Subsidiarity Protocol and the
Commission Proposal for an EU Regulation on the Right to Strike” (2013) in 50 Common Market Law Review,
115-144 with Katarzyna Granat
“The Fiscal Compact, the ‘Golden Rule’ and the Paradox of European Federalism” (2013) in 36 Boston College
International & Comparative Law Review, 1-38
“Le droit de grève dans un marché commun : les défis européens à la lumière de l’expérience américain [The right
to strike in a common market: the European challenges in light of the American experience]” (2012) 1 Revue
Française des Affaires Sociales, 151-175
“Europe in Need of a New Deal: On Federalism, Free Markets and the Right to Strike” (2012) in 43 Georgetown
Journal of International Law 4, 1175-1258
“Voting Rights for Non-Citizens: The European Multilevel and US Federal Constitutional Systems Compared”,
(2011) 7 European Constitutional Law Review, 392-423
“The European Court of Human Rights, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Right to Abortion: Roe v.
Wade on the Other Side of the Atlantic?” (2011) 18 Columbia Journal of European Law, 1-72
“Extraordinary Renditions and the State Secret Privilege: Italy and the United States Compared”, (2011) 2 Italian
Journal of Public Law, 315-368
“The European Multilevel System for the Protection of Fundamental Rights: A ‘Neo-Federalist’ Perspective”,
http://centers.law.nyu.edu/jeanmonnet/papers/10/101501.html) (62 pages)
“Lotta al terrorismo: Da Bush a Obama passando per la Corte Suprema [Fight against terrorism: From Bush to
Obama via the Supreme Court]”, (2011) 1 Quaderni Costituzionali, 89-106
“Intelligence agencies and the State secret privilege: the Italian experience” (2010) in 4(3) International
Constitutional Law Journal, 443-467 with Tommaso F. Giupponi
“Il procedimento di nomina dei giudici della Corte Suprema USA in prospettiva comparata [The nomination of US
Supreme Court justices in a comparative perspective]” (2010) 1 Rivista di Diritto Pubblico Comparato e
Europeo, 281-307
“President Obama first appointment to the Supreme Court: Recent trends in the ‘advice and consent’ procedure”,
(2010) 6(1) Revista General de Derecho Publico Comparado, 1-13
“The role of the judiciaries in times of emergency: Judicial review of counter-terrorism measures in the US
Supreme Court and the European Court of Justice”, (2010) 28 Oxford Yearbook of European Law, 664-697
“Silent enim leges inter arma? La Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti e la Corte di Giustizia europea nella lotta al
terrorismo [Silent enim leges inter arma? The US Supreme Court and the European Court of Justice in the
fight against terrorism]”, (2009) 3 Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico, 591-634
“Reasonableness as a test for judicial review of legislation in the jurisprudence of the French Constitutional
Council”, (2009) 1 Journal of Comparative Law, 39-69
“Kelsen in Paris: France’s constitutional reform and the introduction of a posteriori constitutional review of
legislation”, (2008) 9(10) German Law Journal, 1297-1312
Chapters in books
“The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Right to Data Privacy: the ECJ as a Human Rights Court” (2015)
in S. de Vries (ed), “Five Years Legally Binding Charter of Fundamental Rights” (Oxford, Hart Publishing)
(20 pages)
“States Equality vs. States Power: The Euro-crisis, Horizontal Federalism and the Paradox of Domination” (2015)
(forthcoming) in F. Fabbrini, E. Hirsch Ballin & H. Somsen (eds.), “What Form of Government for the EU and
the Eurozone?” (Oxford, Hart Publishing) (20 pages)
“The Interaction of Terrorism Laws with Human Rights” (2015) (forthcoming) in G. Lennon & C. Walker (eds.),
“Routledge Handbook of Law and Terrorism” (London, Routledge) (20 pages)
“Subsidiarity and the Margin of Appreciation: A Comparison” (2015) (forthcoming) in M. Andenas, E. Bjorge &
L. Bianco (eds.), “A Future for the Margin of Appreciation in International Law?” (Oxford, Oxford University
Press) (20 pages)
“Bridging the Transatlantic Divide? The European Union, the United States and the Protection of Privacy Across
Borders” (2015) (forthcoming) in F. Fabbrini & V. Jackson (eds.), “Constitutionalism Across Borders in the
Struggle Against Terrorism” (Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing) (20 pages) with David Cole
“The Political Side of EU Citizenship in the Context of EU Federalism” (2014) (forthcoming) in D. Kochenov
(ed.), “EU Citizenship Rights Shaping EU Federalism” (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press) (25 pages)
“The Principle of Subsidiarity” (2014) (forthcoming) in R. Schütze & T. Tridimas (eds.), “Oxford Principles of
European Union Law” (Oxford, Oxford University Press) (30 pages)
“The New Architecture of EMU and the Role of the Courts: Lessons from the Crisis” (2014) (forthcoming) in E.
Dubout et al. (eds.), “Union européenne et fédéralism économique” (Bruxelles, Bruylant) (20 pages)
“From Fiscal Constraints to Fiscal Capacity: the Future of EMU and its Challenges” (2014) in M. Adams, F.
Fabbrini and P. Larouche (eds.), “The Constitutionalization of European Budgetary Constraints” (Oxford, Hart
Publishing) 399-418
“Introduction” (2014) in M. Adams, F. Fabbrini and P. Larouche (eds.), “The Constitutionalization of European
Budgetary Constraints” (Oxford, Hart Publishing) 1-16 with Maurice Adams and Pierre Larouche
“Global Counter-Terrorism Sanctions and European Due Process Rules: The Dialogue Between the CJEU and the
ECtHR” (2014) in M. Avbelj, F. Fontanelli and G. Martinico (eds.), “Kadi on Trial: A Multifaceted Analysis
of the Kadi Judgment” (London, Routledge) 135-155 with Joris Larik
“GPS Surveillance and Human Rights Review: The European Court of Human Rights and the US Supreme Court
in Comparative Perspective” (2013) in F. Davis, N. McGarrity and G. Williams (eds.), “Surveillance, CounterTerrorism and Comparative Constitutionalism” (London, Routledge), 134-151 with Mathias Vermeulen
“Global Sanctions, State Secrets and Supranational Review: Seeking Due Process in an Interconnected World”
(2013) in D. Cole, F. Fabbrini and A. Vedaschi “Secrecy, National Security and the Vindication of
Constitutional Law” (Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing), 284-301
“Introduction” (2013), in D. Cole, F. Fabbrini and A. Vedaschi “Secrecy, National Security and the Vindication of
Constitutional Law” (Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing), 1-9, with David Cole and Arianna Vedaschi
“Supranational Constitutional Courts” (2012) (forthcoming) with Miguel P. Maduro
“Melki & Abdeli: The Relationship between French Constitutional Review and EU Principles” (2012) in S.
Cassese et al. (eds.), “Global Administrative Law: Cases, Materials, Issues – GAL Casebook” (New York,
International Institute for Law & Justice - New York University, 3rd ed.) chapter VI.B.9, 103-110
“The Italian Constitutional Court, the ECHR and the Enactment of ‘Interpretative Acts’” (2012) in S. Cassese et al.
(eds.), “Global Administrative Law: Cases, Materials, Issues – GAL Casebook” (New York, International
Institute for Law & Justice - New York University, 3rd ed.) chapter VI.B.12, 127-135
“Il giudizio della Corte Europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo sugli atti di Comunità ed Unione Europea [Judicial review
of European Community and European Union’s acts by the European Court of Human Rights]” (2011) in “Atti
del Convegno Internazionale ‘Lo strumento costituzionale dell’ordine pubblico europeo’ in occasione del 60°
anniversario della Convenzione Europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo, Bologna 5 marzo 2010 [Proceedings of the
International Conference ‘The Constitutional Instrument of the European Public Order’ on occasion of the 60th
anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights, Bologna March 5, 2009]” (Turin, Giappichelli),
“Diritti fondamentali e lotta al terrorismo [Fundamental rights and the fight against terrorism]”, (2010) in A.
Morrone (ed.), “Il diritto costituzionale nella giurisprudenza e nelle fonti [Constitutional Law: cases and
legislation]” (Padua, Cedam), 206-216
“C’è ancora un giudice a Berlino? Sanzioni del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e dialogo tra corti nel
sistema europeo di tutela dei diritti fondamentali [Is it still there a judge in Berlin? UN counter-terrorism
sanctions and the dialogue among courts in the European multilevel system of human rights protection]”,
(2010) in A. Viterbo et al. (eds.), “La funzione giurisdizionale nell’ordinamento internazionale e
nell’ordinamento comunitario. Atti del VII Convegno dei giovani cultori delle materie internazionalistiche,
Torino 9-10 ottobre 2009 [The Role of Courts in the International Legal Order and in the European
Community Legal Order. Proceedings of the Conference of the Italian Association of Young International
Lawyers, Turin October 9/10, 2009]” (Naples, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane), 49-82
“Judicial Review of UN counter-terrorism sanctions in the European multilevel system of human rights protection:
a case study in ineffectiveness”, (2009) in G. Martinico & F. Fontanelli (eds.), “Shaping Rule of Law through
Dialogue” (Groningen, Europa Law Publishing), 147-190
Case notes and commentaries
“La responsabilità civile dei magistrati ed il diritto dell’UE [The liability in torts of the members of the judiciary
and the law of the EU]”, (2012) 6 Giornale di diritto amministrativo, 626-632
“Il Fiscal Compact: Un primo commento [The Fiscal Compact: A First Comment]”, (2012) 2 Quaderni
Costituzionali, 434-438
“Il silenzio del giudice Thomas durante le udienze della Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti [The silence of Justice
Thomas during the hearings before the US Supreme Court]”, (2012) 1 Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico,
277 -278
“Il pareggio di bilancio nelle costituzioni europee [A bilance budget requirement in the Constitutions of the EU
Member States]”, (2011) 4 Quaderni Costituzionali, 933-935
“La composizione del Parlamento Europeo dopo il Trattato di Lisbona [The composition of the European
Parliament after the Lisbon Treaty]”, (2011) 3 Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico, 859-874
“Prime Minister Berlusconi, the judiciary and the duty of loyal cooperation in a recent decision of the Italian
Constitutional Court”, (2011) 2 Tijdschrift voor Constitutioneel Recht – Dutch Journal of Constitutional Law,
“The Appointment of the US Supreme Court Justices: the ‘Advice and Consent’ Procedure Revisited”, (2011)
(forthcoming) Estudios Constitucionales – Revista Chilena de Derecho Constitucional (10 pages)
“La nomina del giudice Kagan alla Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti [The nomination of Justice Kagan to the US
Supreme Court]”, (2010) 4 Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico, 1160-1161
“Sulla ‘legittimità comunitaria’ del nuovo modello di giustizia costituzionale francese: la pronuncia della Corte di
Giustizia nel caso Melki [On the compatibility of the new French system of constitutional review of legislation
with EU law: the ECJ decision in the Melki case]”, (2010) 4 Quaderni Costituzionali, 840-843
“Il diritto europeo e la tutela dell’indipendenza delle autorità nazionali garanti della protezione dei dati personali:
nota alla sentenza Commissione c. Germania [EU law and the safeguard of the independence of the National
data protection authorities: comment to Case Commission v. Germany], (2010) 10 Giornale di diritto
amministrativo, 1028-1034
“Pregiudizialità costituzionale: la riforma francese è contraria al diritto dell’Unione europea? [Constitutional
review of legislation: is the French reform compatible with European Union law?]”, (2010) in 2 Quaderni
Costituzionali, 382-386
“New challenges for the ECJ after Lisbon” (2010) 1 EUI Review, Spring Issue, 19-20
“La Corte di Giustizia e la cittadinanza dell’Unione: nota alla sentenza Rottmann [The ECJ and European Union
citizenship: the Rottmann Case]” (2010) 7 Giornale di diritto amministrativo, 702-710
“Lotta al terrorismo e tutela dei diritti fondamentali: la Rivista Italiana di Intelligence [Fight against terrorism and
the protection of fundamental rights: the Italian Intelligence Review]” (2010) 1 Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto
Pubblico, 328-330
“La loi organique sul controllo di costituzionalità in via incidentale ed il suo scrutinio preventivo da parte del
Conseil Constitutionnel [The French organic law on a posteriori constitutional review of legislation and its
preliminary review by the Constitutional Council]” (2010) 1 Quaderni Costituzionali, 123-126
“Lotta al terrorismo e tutela dei dati personali alla luce della sentenza ‘Irlanda c. Parlamento e Consiglio’” [Fight
against terrorism and protection of personal data in the light of the ECJ’s judgment in ‘Ireland v. Parliament
and Council’], (2009) 2 Quaderni Costituzionali, 419-422
“‘The Constitution is designed to survive, and remain in force, in extraordinary times’: la sentenza Boumediene v.
Bush” [‘The Constitution is designed to survive, and remain in force, in extraordinary times’: the Boumediene
v. Bush decision], (2009) 1 Quaderni Costituzionali, 105-108
“La riforma del controllo di costituzionalità in Francia: tra innovazione e conservazione [The reform of
constitutional review of legislation in France: between innovation and conservation]”, (2009) Astrid Rassegna
http://www.astrid-online.it/Dossier--R2/Studi--ric/Lariforma/Fabbrini_riforma-conseil_testo-rivisto_intervento-seminario-Astrid_27_05_09.pdf ) (22 pages)
“Il nuovo modello di giustizia costituzionale francese” [The new French model of constitutional review], (2008) 4
Quaderni Costituzionali, 894-897
“Poteri e contropoteri nel nuovo assetto costituzionale della V Repubblica francese” [Balance of powers in the new
constitutional framework of the French Fifth Republic], (2008), Forum di Quaderni Costituzionali (available
at: http://www.forumcostituzionale.it/site/images/stories/pdf/documenti_forum/telescopio/0008_fabbrini.pdf)
(5 pages)
“Francia: è arrivata l’ora dell’exception d’inconstitutionnalité?” [France: is it time for the exception
d’inconstitutionnalité?], (2008) 1 Quaderni Costituzionali, 150-154
“I diritti in tempo di guerra: intervista al prof. John Yoo” [Rights in War-time: an Interview with prof. John Yoo]
(with A. La Malfa) (2006) Studiare a Trento [Official Bulletin of the University of Trento], May 8, number
400 [Special edition], 5-6
Research and working papers
“On Banks, Courts and International Law: A Critical Analysis of the Draft International Agreement on the
Functioning of the Single Resolution Fund”, (2014) Centro Studi sul Federalismo Research Paper (available
http://www.csfederalismo.it/attachments/2579_CSF-RP_Fabbrini_Banks-CourtsInternationalLaw_Feb2014.pdf (18 pages)
“The Financial Transaction Tax: Legal and Political Challenges Towards a Euro-zone Fiscal Capacity”, (2013)
http://www.csfederalismo.it/attachments/2536_CSF-RP_FFabbrini_FTT_Oct2013.pdf) (25 pages)
“Dialoguing for Due Process: Kadi, Nada and the EU Accession to the ECHR”, (2013) 125 Leuven Global
(26 pages) with Joris Larik
“The Enhanced Cooperation Procedure: A Study in Multispeed Integration”, (2012) Centro Studi sul Federalismo
http://www.csfederalismo.it/attachments/2433_CSFRP_Fabbrini_ENHANCED%20COOPERATION_October2012.pdf) (20 pages)
“The European Court of Human Rights, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Right to Abortion: Roe v.
Wade on the Other Side of the Atlantic?”, (2011) paper presented at the 9th Jean Monnet Seminar organized by
the University of Zagreb on the “The First Year of the Treaty of Lisbon: Consolidation and Enlargement” –
Dubrovnik, 15 April 2011 (available at: http://www.pravo.hr/EJP/jean_monnet_projekt/dubrovnik_2011) (50
“Understanding the Abu Omar case: The State Secret Privilege in a Comparative Perspective”, (2010) paper
presented at the World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law – Workshop No. 6,
“The Rule of Law in the Age of Terrorism” – Mexico City, 6 December 2010 (available at:
http://www.irpa.eu/public/File/npl/Fabbrini.pdf) (30 pages)
“The unexpected consequences of European constitutional pluralism. A critical appraisal of the European
multilevel system of fundamental rights protection”, (2010) paper presented at the Conference “The New
Public Law in a Global (Dis)Order. A perspective from Italy” – New York University School of Law, 19
September 2010 (available at: http://www.irpa.eu/public/File/npl/Fabbrini.pdf) (30 pages)
“The right to vote for non-citizens the European multilevel system of fundamental rights protection. A case study in
http://www.ericsteinpapers.eu/papers/2010/4.html) (39 pages)
“From Hamdi to Kadi: Comparing the role of the American and European judiciaries in times of emergencies”,
(2009) in M. Scheinin (ed.), “Security and Law: Facing the Dilemma”, 11 EUI - Law Working Paper, 65-80
“Il Consiglio Costituzionale e lo sviluppo della forma di governo della V Repubblica francese [The Constitutional
Council and the developments in the framework of government of the French Fifth Republic]”, (2009) Paper
di Astrid Online (available at: http://www.astrid-online.it/Dossier--R2/Studi--ric/Fabbrini_ConsiglioCostituzionale-e-forma-di-governo.pdf) (6 pages)
“The US Supreme Court and the fight against terrorism: taking fundamental rights seriously?”, (2009) 1 Sant’Anna
Legal Studies STALS Research Paper (available at: http://stals.sssup.it/site/files/stals_Fabbrini.pdf ) (23
“Kelsen a Parigi: approvato in prima lettura il progetto di riforma che introduce un controllo di costituzionalità
delle leggi a posteriori” [Kelsen in Paris: first parlamentary approval of the reform project introducing a
posteriori judicial review of legislation], (2008) Forum di Quaderni Costituzionali (available at :
“Il progetto di riforma costituzionale del Comité Balladur e la proposta di introdurre in Francia un controllo di
costituzionalità delle leggi a posteriori” [The constitutional reform of the Comité Balladur and the proposal to
introduce in France a formo of a posteriori constitutional review of legislation], (2007) Forum di Quaderni
Student papers
“Abiding by the Law of Nations: the Incorporation of Customary International Law in the domestic legislation of
Italy and the United States seen from a Law & Economics perspective”, (2009) 1 Journal of European and
Transnational law/Rivista di diritto europeo e transnazionale, 67-80
“Breaking from tradition: reshaping France’s system of constitutional review”, (2008) 2 Washington
Undergraduate Law Review 2, 1-17
“Diritto europeo e transnazionale: le ragioni di una rivista” [European and transnational law: what are the reasons
to create a new review], (2007) 1 Journal of European and Transnational law/Rivista di diritto europeo e
transnazionale, 7-11
“The United States Supreme Court and the Italian Constitutional Court: a comparative study”, (2006) 1 California
Legal Studies Journal, 39-50
D. Cole, “Should Corporations have Greater Speech Rights than Human Rights Activists? The Robert’s
Court and the First Amendment” [Lotta al terrorismo e libertà di manifestazione del pensiero: la sentenza
della Corte Suprema nel caso Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project]” (from English to Italian): in
Quaderni Costituzionali 4 (2010), 852-857
P. Carozza, “Human Rights, the ‘Art’ of Democracy and the ‘Taste for Local Freedom’ [I diritti umani,
l’‘arte’ della democrazia e il ‘gusto per la libertà locale’]” (from English to Italian): in M. Carabia e L.
Simoncini (eds.), “La sostenibilità della democrazia [The sustainability of democracy]” (Bologna, Il
Mulino, 2009), 121-156
Parliamentary Oversight of Security and Intelligence Agencies: report on Italy commissioned by EU Parliament
Civil Liberties Committee (written with T.F. Giupponi), (2011)
La legislazione elettorale per l’elezione del Parlamento Europeo: studio commissionato per la Corte Costituzionale
[The elctoral legislation for the European Parliament: report commissioned by the Italian Constitutional Court]
(written with S. Battini), (2010)
Comparative Legal Study on assessment of data protection measures and relevant institution: report commissioned
by the Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union (written with M. Scheinin, N. Kyriakou, T. Ojanen
and M. Tzanou), (2009)
2014-04-21: New Books in Law, on “Fundamental Rights in Europe available at:
2013-09-23: I-Connect (International Journal of Constitutional Law), on “The Euro-Crisis and the Courts” available at:
Membership in scientific organizations
Since 2013: Member of the International Association of Constitutional Law. The Association constitutes the leading
organization for comparative constitutional studies world-wide, is open to scholars and judges of all
continents world-wide and aims to provide a forum for discussing the most pressing constitutional
questions of today.
Since 2013: Member of the European Constitutional Law Network (http://www.ecln.net/). The Network aims at
facilitating, encouraging and fostering the ever growing interest in the idea of European Constitutionalism
by strengthening the communication and the exchange of ideas between top-level scholars around the EU
Since 2012: Member of the Steering Committee of the “Global Law” Program at Tilburg Law School
Since 2010: Coordinator of Research Group on “Constitutional Responses to Terrorism” of the International
Association of Constitutional Law (http://www.iacl-aidc.org/?page_id=48). The Research Group
addresses a range of issues related to constitutional law, international human rights law, terrorism and
counter-terrorism legislation in a comparative, global perspective. It is chaired by David Cole (Professor
of Constitutional Law at the Georgetown University Law Center). The Group runs a list serve with more
than 150 registered members and, since 2009, convenes a workshop every year. Previous events took
place in Milan (Bocconi University, December 1-2, 2011: “Secrecy, National Security and the Vindication
of Constitutional Law”), Sydney (University of New South Wales, December 10-11, 2012: “Constitutional
Law in the Second Decade of the ‘War on Terror’”). The next event will take place in Boston (Harvard
Law School, March 6-7, 2013: “Constitutionalism across Borders in the Struggle against Terrorism”).
Since 2010: Member of the Founding Board of the European research network on “EU Fundamental Rights”
(http://www.rneufundamentalrights.eu/). The Research Network connects two dozens European young
scholars and researchers working in the field of fundamental rights law and allows, through an innovative
on-line platform (with a forum, a mailing list and a web-site) exchange of information and circulation of
ideas to create the critical mass needed in the field of EU human rights law.
2012-2010: Personal Assistant to the President of the International Association of Constitutional Law, Martin
Scheinin (Professor of International and Comparative Law at the Law Department, European University
2008-2003: Member of ELSA (European Law Students Association) – Trento
Membership in editorial boards of law journals
Since 2012: Member of the Editorial Board of the law journal Quaderni Costituzionali – section “Note dall’Europa”.
The section focuses on the submissions dealing with subjects related with the European Union and
provides updates on legal developments occurring in EU law.
Since 2010: Member of the Editorial Board of the legal blog Diritti Comparati (http://diritto.typepad.com/diritto/). The
blog offers a wide coverage of judicial and legislative developments in the field of fundamental rights and
constitutional law in Europe and world-wide with timely comments and critical discussions.
Since 2012: Anonymous reviewer of two book proposals for Edward Elgar Publishing
Since 2010: Anonymous reviewer of several article proposals for the Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico and the
European Journal of Human Rights / Journal Européen de Droits de l’Homme
2007-2006: Founder and Editor in Chief of the first Italian students-run law review: “Journal of European and
Transnational law/Rivista di diritto europeo e transnazionale” (Jet/Det)
Organization of international workshops and conferences
Organizer of the Global Law Keynote Speech by prof. Akiko Ejima (Meiji Law School Tokyo) on “The
Globalization of Human Rights: Transnational Trends in Multilevel Protection” at the inauguration of the
academic year of the Global Law Bachelor at Tilburg Law School (Tilburg, September 8).
Co-Organizer of Workshop No. 1 on “Constitutional Responses to Terrorism” at the World Congress of the
International Association of Constitutional Law (Oslo, 17 June). The workshop discussed latest
developments in the field of terrorism and counter-terrorism and convened a number of top scholars in the field
of national security and comparative constitutional law, including David Cole (Georgetown), Lech Garlicki
(former Justice at the European Court of Human Rights), and Arianna Vedaschi (Bocconi University).
Organizer of the Conference “What Form of Government for the European Union and the Euro-zone?” to be
hosted at Tilburg Law School (Tilburg, June 6-7). The Conference discussed the proposal for institutional
reform of the EU and the Euro-zone and featured the participation of several top scholars and policy-makers,
including prof. Christian Calliess (Free University Berlin), prof. Daniel Kelemen (Rutgers University), Sylvie
Goulard (Member of the European Parliament, ECON Committee), and Enzo Moavero Milanesi (former
Minister of EU Affairs of Italy) and will result in the publication of a book
Co-Organizer of the Conference of the IACL Research Group on Constitutional Responses to Terrorism on
“Constitutionalism Across Borders in the Struggle Against Terrorism” hosted at Harvard Law School
(Boston, March 6-7). The Conference discussed transnational challenges in the fight against terrorism and
featured the participation of several distinguished academics, practitioners and judges, including prof. Erika de
Wet (University of Pretoria), prof. Marcelo Figuereido (University of São Paulo), prof. Kim Lane Scheppele
(Princeton), prof. Mark Tushnet (Harvard Law School), and Savvas Papasavvas (Justice of the General Court
of the EU), and will result in the publication of a book
Organizer of the Conference on “The Constitutionalization of European Budgetary Constraints: Comparative
and Interdisciplinary Perspectives” hosted at Tilburg Law School (Tilburg, May 30-31). The Conference
featured the participation of more than 20 international scholars and policy-makers, including prof. Paul Craig
(Oxford), prof. Renaud Dehousse (Science Po), prof. Peter Lindseth (Connecticut Law School), prof. Ingolf
Pernice (Hmboldt’s University Berlin), and prof. Miguel Poiares Maduro (currently Minister Adjunct to the
Prime Minister of Portugal and formerly Professor of EU Law, European University Institute and Advocate
General, European Court of Justice) and resulted in the publication of a book
Co-Organizer of the Conference of the IACL Research Group on Constitutional Responses to Terrorism on
“States of Surveillance: Counter-Terrorism and Global Constitutionalism” hosted at the University of New
South Wales (Sydney, December 13-14). The Conference featured the participation of 20 scholars from 10
countries world-wide, including Anthony Whealy (Justice of the High Court of Australia), David Scharia (UN
Counter-Terrorism Coordinator), prof. Akiko Ejima (Meiji University Tokyo), prof. Ujjval Singh (University
of Delhi), and resulted in the publication of a book
Organizer of the Workshop of the European Constitutional Law Working Group on “The Age of ‘New Rights’”
hosted at the European University Institute (Florence, March 16). The workshop featured the participation
of prof. Marta Cartabia (Justice of the Italian Constitutional Court)
Organizer of the Conference of the IACL Research Group on Constitutional Responses to Terrorism on
“Secrecy, National Security and the Vindication of Constitutional Law” hosted at the Bocconi University
(Milan, December 1-2). The Conference featured the participation of 20 scholars from 12 countries worldwide, including Daphne Barak-Erez (Justice at the Supreme Court of Israel), Lech Garlicki (Justice at the
European Court of Human Rights), Stephen Sedley (Lord Justice at the Court of Appeals of England and
Wales), prof. Deirdre Curtin (University of Amsterdam), prof. Kent Roach (University of Toronto), prof.
Stephen Schulhofer (NYU) and resulted in the publication of a book
Organizer of the Workshop “‘Creating a new legal regime’: the Bush Administration and the war on Terror”
hosted by the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento (Trento, May 24). The workshop featured the
participation of prof. John Yoo (University of California at Berkeley)
Participation as speaker in workshops and conferences
Guest invited speaker (presenting book) at New York Law School – lecture on “Fundamental Rights in
Europe” (New York, 17 September)
Guest invited speaker (presenting book) at University of Connecticut Law School – lecture on “Fundamental
Rights in Europe” (Hartford, CT, 16 September)
Guest invited speaker (presenting book) at Western New England College of Law – lecture on “Fundamental
Rights in Europe” (Springfield, MA, 15 September)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Yearly Symposium of the Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies on “Law
and the Globalization of Austerity” – panel 1 on “Legal Architectures and Austerity” (Bloomington, IN, 11
Speaker (presenting book) at the Conference on “Governance and Globalisation: International and European
Answers”, organized by Cambridge University and Durham University – panel 3 on “European Law:
Normative Foundations” (Cambridge, 5 July)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the I-Con Society Inaugural Conference on “Rethinking the Boundaries of Public
Law and the Public Space” – panel 2 on “The Europe of Courts” (Florence, 27 June)
Speaker at the Conference on “In Search of European Political Union” – panel 3.1 on “The Judicialization of
Citizenship”, organized by the University of Utrecht (Utrecht 19 June)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law –
Workshop No. 12 on “Constitutions and the Financial Crisis” (Oslo, 18 June)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Conference on “What Form of Government for the EU and the Eurozone?”
organized by Tilburg Law School (Tilburg, 6 June)
Guest invited speaker (presenting book) at the Institut d’Etudes Européennes – Université Saint-Louis de
Bruxelles – lecture on “Fundamental Rights in Europe” (Brussels, 28 May)
Guest invited speaker (presenting book) at Bocconi University – lecture on “Fundamental Rights in Europe”
(Milan, 23 May)
Guest invited speaker (presenting book) at the Università Roma Tor Vergata – lecture on “Fundamental Rights
in Europe” (Rome, 12 May)
Guest invited speaker (presenting paper) at the Institut d’Etudes Européennes – Université Libre de Bruxelles,
lecture on “The Euro-crisis and the Courts: Judicial Review and the Political Process in Comparative
Perspective” (Brussels, 31 March)
Guest invited speaker (presenting book) at the Center for the Studies of Federalism, lecture on “Fundamental
Rights in Europe” (Turin, 21 March)
Chairman and speaker (presenting paper) of the Workshop of the IACL Research Group on Constitutional
Responses to Terrorism at Harvard Law School on “Constitutionalism Across Borders in the Struggle Against
Terrorism” – panel 4 “National Security, Privacy, Data Sharing and Data Protection: Transatlantic Divide?”
(Boston, 7 March)
Guest invited speaker (presenting paper) at Harvard Law School, lecture on “The Euro-crisis and the Courts:
Judicial Review and the Political Process in Comparative Perspective” (Boston, 5 March)
Guest invited speaker (presenting book) at Harvard Law School – lecture on “Fundamental Rights in Europe”
(Boston, 26 February)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Conference “A Future for the Margin of Appreciation in International Law?”
organized by the Pluri-Courts Project of the University of Oslo – Panel on “The Margin of Appreciation in
European Law” (Paris, 10 February)
Guest invited speaker (presenting paper) at Meiji University Law School, lecture on “The European
Convention on Human Rights and the Fight Against Terrorism: A Comparison Between the UK, Europe, US
and Japan” (Tokyo, 6 December)
Guest invited speaker (presenting paper) at Meiji University Law School, lecture on “The European Multilevel
Human Rights System in Comparative Perspective with the US Federal System” (Tokyo, 5 December)
Guest invited speaker (presenting paper) at Meiji University Law School, lecture on “The Accession of the EU
to the ECHR, the Constitutionalization of Human Rights in Europe and its Implications on Counter-Terrorism
Policy” (Tokyo, 4 December)
Guest invited speaker (presenting paper) at the School of International Studies, Kent University – at Brussels,
lecture on “The Euro-Crisis and the Courts: Judicial Review and the Political Process in Comparative
Perspective” (Brussels, 27 November)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the 50th Anniversary Conference of Tilburg Law School – Workshop 4: “(How)
Does Globalization Affect Constitutional Law?” (Tilburg, 22 November)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Seminar organized by the European Constitutional Law Working Group of
the European University Institute with the participation of prof. Vicki Jackson on “Constitutions and
Transnational Sources of Law: A Comparative Federal Perspective” (Florence, 17 October)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Conference “Quale forma di governo per l’Unione politica dell’Eurozona?
[What form of government for the political Union of the Eurozone?]” organized by the Scuola Superiore
Sant’Anna (Pisa, 27 September)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Conference “The Right to Have What Rights? EU Citizenship’s Role
Reconsidered” organized by the University of Groningen and the University of Oslo (Oslo, 13 September)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the 20th International Conference of Europeanists on “Crisis and Contingency:
States of (In)stability” – Panel 026: “No Money? Economic Governance and the International Credibility of
the Union in Times of Crisis” (Amsterdam, 25 June)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Colloque “L’Union européenne et le fédéralisme économique : Discours et
réalités” organized by the Commission pour l’étude des Communauté européenne – Association d’étude
européenne (CEDECE) and hosted by the Assemblée Nationale (Paris, 21 June)
Speaker (presenting paper) of the Conference on “The Constitutionalization of European Budgetary
Constraints” at Tilburg Law School (Tilburg, 31 May)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Younger Scholars Workshop on “Between Flexibility and Disintegration:
The State of EU Law Today” organized by the Maastricht Centre of European Law (Maastricht, 29 May)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Conference “The Euro & The Struggle for the Creation of a New Global
Currency” organized by the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence of the University of Florence (Florence, 6
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Workshop “Comparative Perspectives on International Law” jointly
organized by the Junior Scholars of the American Society of International Law and the American Society of
Comparative Law at Columbia Law School (New York, March 29)
Guest invited speaker (presenting paper) at the University of Groningen School of Law, lecture on “The Role
of National Parliaments under the Subsidiarity Protocol: Yellow Card but No Foul” (Groningen, March 13)
Speaker at the High Level Policy Seminar on “Verso la riforma del Trattato di Lisbona: costituzionalizzazione
dell’Eurozona e aspetti istituzionali dell’Unione politica europea [Toward a Reform of the Lisbon Treaty:
Constitutionalization of the Eurozone and Institutional features of the European Political Union]” organized by
the Center on the Studies of Federalism (Turin, March 8)
Chairman and speaker (presenting paper) of the Workshop of the IACL Research Group on Constitutional
Responses to Terrorism at University of New South Wales on “States of Surveillance: Counter-Terrorism and
Comparative Constitutionalism” – panel 6 “Surveillance and the Rule of Law” (Sydney, December 13-14)
Guest invited speaker (presenting paper) at University of Melbourne – Center for Comparative Constitutional
Studies, lecture on “The Fiscal Compact, the ‘Golden Rule’ and the Paradox of European Federalism”
(Melbourne, 6 December)
Guest invited speaker at Gilbert + Tobin Centre on Public Law at the University of New South Wales, lecture
on “Of Floors, Ceilings and Human Rights: The European Fundamental Rights Architecture in Comparative
Perspective” (Sydney, 5 November)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Ius Commune Conference – workshop 5 “Clash of Titans: Fundamental
Rights and Fundamental Freedoms” (Amsterdam, 29 November)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Dissemination Conference organized by the European University Institute on
“The Euro-Crisis and the State of European Democracy” – Panel I.2 “Changes in National Fiscal Policies and
Democratic Challenges of Austerity” (Florence, 24 November)
Guest invited speaker at University of Illinois College of Law, lecture on “The Fiscal Compact, the ‘Golden
Rule’ and the Paradox of European Federalism” (Urbana-Champaign, IL, 6 November)
Guest invited speaker at Valparaiso Law School - Indiana, lecture on “Of Floors, Ceilings and Human Rights:
The European Fundamental Rights Architecture in Comparative Perspective” (Valparaiso, IN, 5 November)
Speaker at the Conference on “Terrorist Blacklisting: Inevitable Reform?” hosted by the Permanent
Representation of Luxembourg at the European Union (Bruxelles, 4 October)
Discussant of prof. Leonard Besselink at the Workshop organized by Tilburg Law School on “From
Constitutional Dialogue to Constitutional Regulation” (Tilburg, 14 September)
Guest invited speaker at the Center of Excellency of the University of Helsinki lecture on “Europe in Need of a
New Deal” (Helsinki, 23 April)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Inaugural Conference of the American Society of Comparative Law
(Younger Comparativists Committee) “New Perspectives on Comparative Law” – Session 2.2. “Human
Rights” (Washington DC, 20 April)
Guest invited speaker at the Center for European Law and Governance (ACELG) of the University of
Amsterdam lecture on “Europe in Need of a New Deal” (Amsterdam, 27 March)
Discussant at the Workshop organized by the Robert Schuman Center of the European University Institute on
“The Constitutional Architecture of the Economic Governance in the EU” (Florence, 23 March)
Organizer, chairman and discussant at the Seminar organized by the European Constitutional Law Working
Group of the European University Institute with the participation of prof. Justice Marta Cartabia on “The Age
of ‘New Rights’” (Florence, 16 March)
Chairman and speaker (presenting paper) of the Workshop of the IACL Research Group on Constitutional
Responses to Terrorism at Bocconi University on “Secrecy, National Security and the Vindication of
Constitutional Law” – panel 6 “Secrecy and Administrative Measures” (Milan, December 1-2)
Speaker at the Workshop organized by the Robert Schuman Center of the European University Institute and
the EU Parliament Constitutional Affairs Committee on “The Future of Europe and the Lisbon Treaty”
(Florence, October 19)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Workshop organized by the Social & Political Science Department of the
European University Institute on “Expanding and Restricting the Franchise: How do Liberal Democracies
Determine Who Can Vote?” (Florence, May 27)
Speaker at the Global Governance Programme Workshop on “Comparative Institutional Analysis and Global
Governance” (Florence, May 9)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the 9th Jean Monnet Seminar organized by the University of Zagreb on the “The
First Year of the Treaty of Lisbon: Consolidation and Enlargement” (Dubrovnik, April 15)
Guest invited speaker at the School of Law of the University of Ravenna course on “I diritti fondamentali in
Europa [Fundamental rights in Europe]” (Ravenna, March 25)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law –
Workshop No. 6, “The Rule of Law in the Age of Terrorism” (Mexico City, December 6)
Guest invited speaker at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Florence course on “Il sistema
elettorale dell’Unione Europea [The electoral legislation for the European Union]” (Florence, November 22)
Guest invited speaker at the School of Law of the University of Milano – Bicocca Seminar on “Diritto
costituzionale europeo – I diritti fondamentali [European Constitutional Law – Fundamental Rights]” (Milan,
October 21)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the International Workshop jointly organized by the Law Department of the
European University Institute and the Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies, “The Accession of the
European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights” (Florence, October 11)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Inaugural Lecture of the Legal Theory Working Group of the European
University Institute, “Constitutional Pluralism” (Florence, October 5)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the New York University School of Law Conference “The New Public Law in a
Global (Dis)Order. A Perspective from Italy” – panel 3: “Democracy and Human Rights Beyond the State”
(New York, September 19)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Bologna School of Law, PhD Program in Constitutional Law, Seminar on
“Emergenza terrorismo, legislazione penale e giurisprudenza costituzionale [Terrorism, emergency, criminal
law and constitutional adjudication]” (Bologna, March 23)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the International Conference on “ I sessant’anni della Convenzione europea dei
diritti dell’uomo [The 60th anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights]” (Bologna, March 5)
Speaker at the Conference “The Transatlantic Dialogue on Terrorism: Islamic Radicalization in Europe and the
United States” – Workshop Session 1: “Responding to Threat” organized by the Brookings Institution
(Washington DC, December 15)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Workshop jointly organized by the EUI and the International Association of
Constitutional Law on “Constitutional Responses to Terrorism” (Florence, November 12)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the VII Yearly Conference of the Italian Association of Young International
Lawyers – 1st panel “Il dialogo tra giudici nello spazio giuridico europeo: i rapporti tra Corte di Giustizia della
Comunità Europea, Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo e giudici nazionali [Dialogue among judges in the
European legal space: the relationship between the European Court of Justice, the European Court of Human
Rights and National courts]” (Turin, October 9)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the ASTRID Advanced Seminar on “La riforma del Conseil Constitutionnel [The
reform of the French Constitutional Council]” (Rome, May 27)
Discussant at the University of Bologna School of Law, PhD Program in Constitutional Law, Seminar on “Le
forme di governo semi-presidenziali [Semi-presidential governments]” (Bologna, April 22)
Discussant at the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies International Workshop “The new constitutional
challenges of the ECJ” (Pisa, December 20) – 3rd panel
Chairman of the Conference “’Creating a new legal regime’: the Bush Administration and the war on Terror”
(Trento, May 24): with John Yoo (Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of California at
Berkeley) and Roberto Toniatti (Full Professor of Constitutional law)
Management experience
Since 2013: Chair of the Selection Committee of the “Global Law” program at Tilburg Law School. The job required
shortlisting students’ applications and conducting Skype interviews with roughly 130 of them to decide
admission in the LLB program.
Since 2012: Member of the 3-person Steering Committee of the “Global Law” Program at Tilburg Law School
(http://www.tilburguniversity.edu/education/bachelors-programmes/globallaw/). The job required making
strategic decisions about the design of the program, managing issues related to the curriculum, interacting
with colleagues teaching the various courses and the administration, and promoting the program both with
prospective students and especially with potential employers and other stakeholders (e.g. law firms,
private corporations etc.) including by raising funding for scholarships.
Funding experience
Application for a VENI Research Fund (250.000 euros) – grant program of the Dutch Foundation for National
Research (NWO) for financing research for excellent junior scholars. Assessment still ongoing.
Application for a VENI Research Fund (250.000 euros) – grant program of the Dutch Foundation for National
Research (NWO) for financing research for excellent junior scholars. Application shortlisted to the final pool.
Teaching experiences
- Award of the University Teaching Qualification (BKO) [Dutch diploma that certifies the quality of the
instructor and its suitability to teach at University level]
Lecturer in the Course on “Comparative Law” in the Research Master program jointly organized by
Tilburg Law School and Leuven University (together with M. Adams and L. Wintgens): Spring 2014
Lecturer in the Course on “Constitutional Law” in the LLB Global Law at Tilburg Law School (together
with G.J. Leengknet and G. vd Schyff): Spring 2014
Lecturer in the Course on “Fundamental Rights in European Union” at Tilburg Law School (together with
M. Goodwin): Fall 2013
Lecturer in the Course on “Europeanization of the Law” (2 lessons for a total of 4 hours teaching) at
Tilburg Law School (together with G.J. Leengknet and A. Meuwese): Spring 2013
Lecturer in the intensive seminar for undergraduate students on “Constitutional Law” (5 lessons for a total
10 hours teaching) at the School of Law of the University of Bologna: Fall 2011
Teaching assistant (preparing the syllabus with the reading materials) to prof. Miriam Aziz for a course on
“Human Rights and the European Union” at the Korbel School of International Studies at the University
of Denver – Colorado: Winter 2011
Lecturer in the intensive seminar for undergraduate students on “Constitutional Law” (5 lessons for a total
10 hours teaching) at the School of Law of the University of Bologna: Fall 2010
Lecturer in the intensive seminar for undergraduate students on “Constitutional Law” (5 lessons for a total
10 hours teaching) at the School of Law of the University of Bologna: Fall 2009
Lecturer in seminars and courses at the European University Institute, the University of Bologna, the University of
Ravenna, the University of Florence, the University of Milan Bicocca: 2009, 2010, 2011
Supervisory experiences
Supervisor (together with G.J. Leengknet) of LLM thesis by J. Straatman, “The Fiscal Compact and
its Incorporation in the Legal System of the Netherlands” – awarded a 8.5 grade
Professional experiences
Avvocato [Attorney at Law] admitted to practice in the Bar of Italy (Bar exam successfully passed on
October 3, 2011 with a total score of 350/450, comprising a score of 105/150 in the written exam and a
score of 245/300 in the oral exam) – best of his class