Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION 1. Leonardo Piccinetti Leonardo Piccinetti Sex Male| Date of birth 27/09/1969 | Nationality Italian WORK EXPERIENCE (02/2012 - Present) Senior External Expert CESO International Ms Madga Rodriguez [email protected] Assessment of Brazilian Clusters governance in five states; Need Analysis for assistance to ICT Biotech clusters in achieving international dimension (cluster governance); Action plan to strengthen Clusters capacities (testing, RTD services and partnership in RTD projects within EU programmes) as well as their economic sustainability; Identification of strategic public/private partnership based on industry needs in the advanced segment of the production chain (RTD projects opportunities). Organization of workshops and training activities; Development of promotion and communication activities; Relations with top managers from the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Research, Technology and High Education. Consulting (01/2012 - Present) Innovation Consultant REDINN srl Reference Person: Ms Donatella Santoro [email protected] ▪ Consulting services on project preparation, project cycle management, EC programmes, administrative and financial management; ▪ Focusing on regional economic development, innovation support, research and technological development with focus on ICT. ▪ Currently participating in project management support role for three capacity building projects: MOICT (Morocco in ICT, FP7 ERA-WIDE) and JOCHERA (Jordan in Cultural Heritage European Research Area, FP7 ERA-WIDE). Preparation for CUBITAB FP7 e-Health for Moldova’s Research Advance in collaboration National Centre for Health Management (FP7 ERA-WIDE 2011 -6) ▪ Technical analysis. Report and article writing about the latest developments in innovation management and technology transfer for web upload and dissemination. Website maintenance. Supervision and support of live interactive webinars. Consulting (05/2010 - 10/2011) Funding Director European Centre for Research in Asia, Africa and Latin America Reference Person: Mr Luca Polizzi [email protected] © European Union, 2002-2012 | Page 1 / 9 Curriculum Vitae Leonardo Piccinetti Management of the entire project life cycle for projects dedicated to supporting international scientific cooperation and dialogue with Mediterranean Partner Countries. Bi-regional and bilateral level with Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Libya, Lebanon and Palestine; for Asian, African and Latin America research centres stakeholders , including participation in and development of EUfunded projects under different programmes, such as FP7 International Cooperation in ERA-WIDE in particular the Mediterranean Area (IJERA, THEBERA,CB WR MED, PERA) and PEOPLE (REUSE-MED) initiatives. The main activities are the following : Project general co-ordination and supervision. Follow-up of the project. Preparation of reporting documents. Involvement and management of project partners and experts, co-ordination of the inputs needed, quality revision. Preparation of supporting documents, financial project documentation, auditing procedures. Development of communication materials for dissemination and networking activities, management and coordination of project web platforms, etc. Development of new project proposals, from technical and financial perspective. Identification of calls and potential partners. Preparation of tendering documentation. Developing training modules to build competency and facilitate the participation of these centres in FP7 Developing research centres’ strategy in order to increase their scope and visibility (regional coverage, activities), to develop comparative advantage and to improve their competitiveness by enhancing their responses to the socio-economic needs of their countries and of the region. ACHIEVEMENTS: Increased visibility and scope (regional coverage, subjects, activities) of the centres with improved linkage with economic and social environment, Networking with other research centres in Member States or Associated Countries (mobilising the human and material resources existing in a given field, disseminating scientific information as well as the results of research, facilitating communication between the centres having similar scientific interest), Increased job opportunities able to encourage gender equality in the country, in particular for young scientists (measures to avoid 'brain drain' phenomena: better career opportunities, better work conditions, access to research infrastructures). Consulting (09/2010) FP7 Consultant African Public Services Reference Mr Matthew Tsado [email protected] Consulting (08/2010) FP7 Consultant Italian Embassy S&T office Reference Prof. Roberto Spandre [email protected] ▪ FP7 Consultant expert for ICT. Classed carried out by Italian Embassy and ABRUEM in three Brazilian research and innovation institutions (Science and Technology Park ITAIPU Foz de Iguazu, UNESP Sao Paulo, Universidad de Recife, Recife). Consulting (07/2010) Senior Consultant-Expert for FP7 projects IDOM INGENIERÍA Y CONSULTORÍA, S.A. Avenida Lehendakari Aguirre, 3 48014 BILBAO Reference Miss. Janire Bilbao +34 94 479 76 00 © European Union, 2002-2012 | Page 2 / 9 Curriculum Vitae Leonardo Piccinetti Senior Consultant expert for FP7 Environment. The course was carried out by CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Technologia de Mexico ( about “Programa de capacitación para el aprovechamiento de oportunidades de cooperación internacional en ciencia y tecnología, en particular el 7PM”. Consulting (02/2010 – on-going ) FP7 consultant R HCST Radgha Ziad Al Killani [email protected] Advising and supporting FP7 National Business Plan for Environment and PEOPLE programmes for the International Cooperation Department in the Higher Council for Science and Technology (HCST), FP7 Bilat EU Jordan net project (01/2010-ongoing) Consulting R&D, Innovation SMEs EU Macedonia knowledge Innovation Center EMKICE , Reference Person: Mr Ilija.Vuckov [email protected] Providing services related to Project Analysis for FP7, CIP proposals: Adviser on EU funding in Innovation and R&D; Building partnerships for Macedonian stakeholders, including participation in and development of EU-funded projects. Supporting Regional implementation strategy for cluster studies (Energy, ICT, Automotive) and ILO (Industrial Liaison Officers). Consulting (07/2009 - on-going ) R&D, Innovation, SMEs, Senior Consultant EBN - Raffaele Buompane [email protected] EU-funded Support to Research and Technological Development, and Innovation Initiatives and Strategies (SRTD) Project in Jordan. FP7 capacity building with NCP system in PEOPLE and Environment. Study visit for Science Parks and Incubators from Jordan in Belgium and Germany. Consulting (01/11/2007 – on-going ) R&D, Innovation, SMEs, Senior Consultant ENSTINET - Ola Wagieh Laurence [email protected] Advising and supporting FP7 National Business Plan for Health and PEOPLE programmes in ENSTINET. Training and supporting activities in INCO NET MIRA project and Egyptian National Scientific and Technical Information Network. Two training workshops organised in Cairo for RDI network (FP7 evaluation and PEOPLE project writing skills). Applications for ENSTINET EU-Egypt Innovation Fund – Grant Scheme 1 and 2 (AI Bridge and InnoCult projects). Advising ENSTINET for the following grants: ▪ Research Grants designed to support research areas with an outlook for potential technology development. ▪ Start Up Grants designed to increase the participation in innovation-based business activities, including commercialization of innovative ideas and establishment of successful and profitable business. Consulting (01/03/2008 - on-going) Innovation Business SME consultant TURBO Mehmet GOKGOZ [email protected] Providing services related to Turkish SMEs and small business entrepreneurship: Managing EU projects; Advising on for EU funding in SME and Business support services; Building partnerships for Turkish stakeholders with European regions, including participation in and development of EU-funded projects. © European Union, 2002-2012 | Page 3 / 9 Curriculum Vitae Leonardo Piccinetti Consulting (22/01/2008 – on-going) R&D, Innovation SMEs ARTI, Reference Person: Gianfranco Viesti [email protected] Providing services related to Project Analysis for FP7, CIP proposals: Managing EU projects; Advise on EU funding in Innovation and R&D; Building partnerships for Apulia stakeholders with European regions, including participation in and development of EU-funded projects; Supporting Regional implementation strategy for cluster studies (Energy, ICT, Aeronautics) and ILO (Industrial Liaison Officers). (01/01/2008 - on-going) Consulting R&D &D, Innovation, SMEs SBRA- Boris Cizelj [email protected] Providing services related to FP7 Western Balkans INCO-NET projects FP6 BIS RTD, Regions for Research projects; Managing EU projects; Advise on EU funding in Innovation and R&D. Consulting (07/2008 – 12/2008) Consultant CSPMI (Centro Servizi Piccole Medie Industrie) [email protected] “CENTRO SERVIZI PMI STRATEGY OF INTERNATIONALISATION IN SERBIA” project: Research on Serbia’s socio-economic environment, resulting in the Overview (50 pages report) which summarized basic info, demographic, economic data, strategic documents, international diplomatic and economic relations and institutional points of economic correspondence and support. Establishing steering committees for future cooperation between Italian and Serbian regions: identifying and gathering key actors of economic and industrial development in Belgrade and Kragujevac – 2 selected industrial regions in Serbia. ▪ Creating workshop content, establishing platform for future cooperation between Region Emillia Romagna (I) and Belgrade and Kragujevac (SRB) on developing consortia for future Calls. Consulting (22/01/2008 - on-going) R&D, Innovation SMEs ARTI, Reference Person: Gianfranco Viesti [email protected] ▪ Providing services related to Project Analysis for FP7, CIP proposals: Managing EU projects; Advise on EU funding in Innovation and R&D; Building partnerships for Apulia stakeholders with European regions, including participation in and development of EU-funded projects; Supporting Regional implementation strategy for cluster studies (Energy, ICT, Aeronautics) and ILO (Industrial Liaison Officers). Consulting (05/01/2006 – 05/06/2007) R&D, Innovation expert Scienter, Claudio Dondi [email protected] ▪ External expert for RUISNET (Regional University Industry Strategy Network) Project, Responsible for EU Interreg IIIC project for Emilia-Romagna report of good practices (SMEs, Innovation and Territory, Training and Labour market, Entrepreneurship programme and member of Advisory Council) Consulting (01/04/2006 – 18/05/2008) Training consultant Transcarpathian Enterprise Support Fund “TES Fund” Andriy Vartsaba [email protected] © European Union, 2002-2012 | Page 4 / 9 Curriculum Vitae Leonardo Piccinetti ▪ Assistance to investors to implement the investment projects; Assistance to local authorities in elaborating and implementing enterprise support programs; CBC Project - SMEUK 9803 (Tacis): Project developer, Local Trainer Business Incubator Developer; Projects of Regional Development (Carpathian Foundation): training for the establishment and development of Local Development Agencies Support in Transport logistics, and innovation projects. Created the business plan, financial model and operations manuals Transferred skills and knowledge to local Director Supported new businesses through their start-up phase. Consulting (01/10/2003 – 01/11/2004) Training consultant CSPMI Rossella Brindani [email protected] Supporting the training organization of API (Association of Small and MediumEnterprises) of Forli-Cesena, Modena, Parma and Reggio Emilia. The activities were carried out in cooperation with Enterprises, Universities, Research Centres, Consulting Firms and Schools, with a view to achieve major synergies and provide an even better training that meets people’s needs. The services provided to the Centro Servizi (Service Center) P.M.I. were the following: ▪ training needs analysis; ▪ in-house and inter-company training; ▪ individual training; and training for young people hired via “mixed cause contracts”: internship; ▪ placement; ▪ flanking actions aimed at social and working inclusion of vulnerable groups; ▪ research activities; ▪ consulting on administration, finance, marketing, communication, IT, production, quality, management control, safety and environment; study and production of multimedia tools (CD Rom) to support vocational training; ▪ career counselling; ▪ seminars and study days for middle managers, executives and entrepreneurs; ▪ higher education (post-diploma and post-degree; higher education in cooperation st nd Universities, 1 and 2 level university masters ▪ designing and management of European Projects ▪ Design and feasibility study for the Automotive Testing Centre. Analysis of the existing Organizations involved in Automotive Testing (laboratories) services as well as Enterprises’ needs. © European Union, 2002-2012 | Page 5 / 9 Curriculum Vitae (02/09/2001 – 30/04/2008) Leonardo Piccinetti Consulting R&D, Innovation SMEs, Senior Consultant, Emilia-Romagna Region, Lorenza Badiello, [email protected] Providing EU services to Regional Government of Emilia-Romagna and contact for EU issues: Written and oral briefings to members on EU actions in the different fields of Innovation and Research – Spin off , IPR, Technological Audit; EU funding programme advice and contacts, especially in ICT and Transport advice on the future of the EU funding Programmes in these areas. Develop co-operative working methods with Emilia-Romagna to contribute to EU policy development (organizing seminars, writing/compiling policy papers). Building partnerships for clients with European regions in Brussels, including participation in and development of EUfunded projects. Representing Emilia-Romagna, Brussels networks of regions such as eris@, some ERRIN working groups, Lisbon Regions, EPN (European Projects Network). Mapping EU FOOD centre of excellences. Supporting Regional implementation strategy in ICT and Research (PITER and PRIIT) and supporting POR Regione Emilia-Romagna FSE Ob.2 “Competitività ed Occupazione” 2007 with Regional Innovation Agency ASTER Managing EU projects,,, Project followed: INTRREG IIIC (NEAC, GROW), FP6 (FISHSME,E-RAIN,BIS-RTD) e-TEN (i-SET). Consulting (01/05/1994 – on-going) Managing Director Europe for Business Ltd [email protected] Overall duty: management and design of projects in different funding international programmes (FP6 and FP7, Territorial Cooperation, etc.) focusing on international RTDI/S&T co-operation on Western Balkan and South East European and Mediterranean countries. Main tasks: Overall project coordination (as principal coordinator), contact person to the European Commission for several contracts (FP6 and FP7). Handling of contracts and coordination of administrative work. Project general co-ordination and supervision. Follow-up of the project. Preparation of reporting documents. Involvement and management of project partners and experts, co-ordination of the inputs needed, quality revision. Preparation of supporting documents, financial project documentation, auditing procedures. Development of communication materials for dissemination and networking activities, management and coordination of project web platforms, etc. Development of new project proposals, from technical and financial perspective. Identification of calls and potential partners. Preparation of tendering documentation. Trainings: Presentations and trainings on European project management, evaluation of programmes and projects, network analysis and other methodologies. Organisation of training workshops and logistics. Albania, Serbia, Egypt, Honduras, Costa Rica, Mexico, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro Turkey, Canada, Poland, Ukraine, Greece, Spain. EDUCATION AND TRAINING (2009– Present ) PhD candidate S&T cooperation in ERA (1998 -1999) Master in Arts in European Studies (1987 – 1992) BSc in Economics in Innovation in Developing countries © European Union, 2002-2012 | Page 6 / 9 Curriculum Vitae Leonardo Piccinetti PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue Italian Other languages UNDERSTANDING Listening English C2 SPEAKING WRITING Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production C2 C2 C2 C2 Replace with name of language certificate. Enter level if known. Spanish C2 C2 C2 C2 C1 French B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 Organisational / managerial skills Experienced Project Manager and Process Consultant for complex EU programmes; Good knowledge of project cycle management, logical framework, evaluation & preparing ToR. Good knowledge of EU instruments e.g. TACIS, CARDS, PHARE, IPA, CPA, SF/OP, CIP; and DGs e.g. Enterprise, Regio, EuropeAid, Relex. 11 year- experience in EU Innovation e.g. RIS-RITTS, RIS-NAC, SF-Operational Programme. Design, delivery of EU process and innovation methodology training workshops, especially CEEC, SEEC and candidate countries. Extensive experience of trans-national working and promoting good working relationships at all levels in the private and public sectors. Proposal writing for EU competitive tenders. Extensive knowledge of the FP 6 and 7, including design and management of its programmes. Public Sector Regional regeneration/Multi-level Governance. Institutional capacity building and sustainability. Programme & Project Performance Evaluation. Corporate governance, strategic analysis and business planning international business and trade. Experience from innovation policy advice, programme management, organisational development, preparing major institutional investment projects, and delivering specific training to professionals involved in innovation Public/Private Sector Regional Innovation and Technology Transfer, Competitiveness and Sustainability. EU cluster policy for development of trans-national cluster cooperation Job-related skills Computer skills Driving licence ▪ Good command of quality control processes (currently responsible for quality audit) Computer literate ▪ Good command of Microsoft Office tools ▪B ADDITIONAL INFORMATION © European Union, 2002-2012 | Page 7 / 9 Curriculum Vitae Publications Presentations Projects Conferences Seminars Honours and awards Leonardo Piccinetti Research and Innovation Funding in Western Balkans Countries (WBC INCO-NET Newsletter sept 2007) Il Settimo Programma Quadro di Ricerca e Sviluppo Tecnologico (2003), Europe for dossier Settembre 2006 Joint article with Dr Benito Giordanosp: Regional policy, innovation and Lisbon - comparing Emilia-Romagna, Italy and Yorkshire and Humber, UK Regional Studies Association conference Shaping EU Regional Policy: Economic, Social and Political Pressures Leuven, Belgium 8th-9th June 2006 RUISINET project “University- Industry State of the Art report: The case of Emilia-Romagna”, September 2006 “Teaching what is done in the labs: how to maximize the role and results R&D projects where a University is involved into the university course” Kaunas Conference Lithuania April 2006 “EU centre of excellences mapping study for Food and Safety in Research and Innovation”, September 2006 Collegio Europeo di Parma , Italy “Conoscenza e Innovazione : motori di crescita sostenibile per la Strategia di Lisbona” Paper submited Conference “"II nuovi domini. EU: profili giuridici e prospettive per gli imprenditori" University of Udine May 13-14 2005 “Ricerca e innovazione: una mentalità che cambia” “Leonardo Project (2002-2005) FORCOPRECANET Paolo Manzelli Università degli Studi di Firenze , G.Fortunati May 2005 “Il commercio internazionale di Kalingrad nella prospettiva dell’Europa allargata”. Rivista IPSOA Commercio Internazionale November 2004 Consequences of Eastward Enlargement in the EU Regions: Implications for Italian Regions Bordering on the Adriatic Side Paper submitted UACES 33rd Annual Conference and 8th Research Conference The European Union: The First Ten Years, The Next Ten Years? Politica Comunitaria : La dimensione regionale del Sesto Programma Quadro (2003) Rivista n.131 Buongiorno Impresa EffeElle Editori s.r.l. Cento (Ferrara) Il fallimento di un modello economico: il caso dell’Argentina (2003), Rivista n.26 Soloimpresa Ed. Sistemica, Milan, Italy Il Sesto programma Quadro di Ricerca e Sviluppo Tecnologico (2003), Rivista n.26 Soloimpresa Ed. Sistemica, Milan, Italy Le prospettive della dimensione regionale nel Sesto Programma Quadro comunitario di ricerca (2003), Rivista Europei: L’Emilia-Romagna comunica l’Europa n.4 Bimestrale informazione della Regione Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, Italy The new regional dimension of the VI Framework Programme: which scenario in EmiliaRomagna? (2003), Rivista Europei: L’Emilia-Romagna comunica l’Europa n.2 Bimestrale informazione della Regione Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, Italy Un lungo sonno? Le nuove sfide della Romania viste dal punto di vista italiano (2002), Rivista n.25 Soloimpresa Ed. Sistemica, Milan, Italy Alla conquista dei mercati orientali (2002), Rivista n.24 Soloimpresa Ed. Sistemica, Milan, Italy Il processo di integrazione europea della Bulgaria: quali scenari e prospettive per l.adesione all.UE?. (2002), Rivista n.4 Soloimpresa Ed. Sistemica, Milan, Italy Scenari, prospettive e speranze per il nuovo governo bulgaro. (2002), Rivista n.3 Soloimpresa Ed. Sistemica, Milan, Italy Transizione e integrazione: primi passi verso l.Unione Europea. (2002), Rivista n.2 Soloimpresa Ed. Sistemica, Milan, Italy L.Unione Europea e IL Sud America: la sfida di una patnerneship strategica, (2001), Rivista n.5 Soloimpresa Ed. Sistemica, Milan, Italy The Eastward Enlargement of the European Union: which cost and benefits for economic integration?.(2001) Discussion Paper of the Summer School .External Relations of the European Union. Universite Libre de Bruxelles - Michigan State University La politica mediterranea dell.Unione Europea: quali sfide e prospettive? (2001), Rivista n.4 Soloimpresa Ed. Sistemica, Milan, Italy Il programma Phare 2000-2006. (2001), Rivista n.2 Soloimpresa Ed. Sistemica, Milan, Italy Il Quinto programma Quadro di Ricerca e Sviluppo Tecnologico: quali programmi di partecipazione per le PMI, (2000), Rivista n.9 Soloimpresa Ed. Sistemica, Milan Italy L'allargamento dell'Unione Europea verso Est: quale scenario per le PMI . (2000), Rivista n.7 Soloimpresa Ed. Sistemica, Milan, Italy La Politica Industriale dell.Unione Europea: Implicazioni per le Piccole e Medie Imprese . (2000), Rivista n.3 Soloimpresa Ed. Sistemica, Milan, ItalyReplace with relevant publications, presentations, projects, conferences, seminars, honours and awards, memberships, references. Remove headings not relevant in the left column. © European Union, 2002-2012 | Page 8 / 9
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