UNDER THE HIGH PATRONAGE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC UNDER THE AEGIS OF THE PRESIDENT OF RAI PRIX ITALIA THE INNOVATION LABORATORY THE WORLD’S TOP INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION FOR RADIO, TELEVISION AND WEB TORINO RAI PRODUCTION CENTRE, VIA VERDI 16 20-25 SEPTEMBER 2014 www.prixitalia.rai.it 00 Giurie 1-21.indd 1 04/09/14 11:17 TV PROGRAMMES 95 02 TV 140-267.indd 141 153 TV PERFORMING ARTS 183 TV DRAMA 217 TV DOCUMENTARY 04/09/14 11:21 TV PROGRAMMES BELGIUM TV PROGRAMMES VRT DOCUMENTARY CURRENT AFFAIRS Privacy for Sale On brade la vie privée Privacy in vendita DRAMA SERIES AND SERIALS Marsman Marsman Marsman PERFORMING ARTS MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY Stream of Talent Quand les talents s’affichent Talenti in mostra CANADA ARTV DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST The Moving Star Le vertige de l’étoile Stella vorticosa PERFORMING ARTS MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY A Chair Fit for an Angel Une chaise pour un ange A Chair Fit for an Angel CBC/SRC DOCUMENTARY CURRENT AFFAIRS Doc Zone - Syria: behind Rebel Lines Doc Zone - Syrie : derrière les lignes rebelles Doc Zone - Siria: dietro le linee dei ribelli CROATIA HRT DRAMA TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES Short Circuits Court-circuit Cortocircuito PERFORMING ARTS MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY Portrait Sketch - Slaven Tolj Esquisse pour un portrait - Slaven Tolj Bozza di ritratto - Slaven Tolj 142 PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 142 04/09/14 11:21 TV PROGRAMMES CZECH REPUBLIC CTV DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST In Focus Concentre-toi ! Attenta! DRAMA TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES The Last Cyclist Le dernier cycliste L’ultimo ciclista DRAMA SERIES AND SERIALS The Fourth Star - Part 7 - Getting Stuck La quatrième étoile - 7e épisode : panne d’ascenseur La quarta stella - Ep. 7 - Bloccato DENMARK DR DOCUMENTARY CURRENT AFFAIRS Death with Dignity? Mourir dignement ? Morire con dignità? DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST The Dark Side of a Pill Le revers de la pilule Effetti sconosciuti di un farmaco DRAMA SERIES AND SERIALS The Legacy L’héritage L’eredità FINLAND YLE DOCUMENTARY CURRENT AFFAIRS Emissionary Man Les responsables des émissions de gaz à effet de serre I responsabili delle emissioni di gas serra DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Free Miles Les miles gratuits Il bonus fedeltà DRAMA TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES The Limit - Ep. 1/3 La limite - Ep. 1/3 Il limite- Ep. 1/3 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 143 143 04/09/14 11:21 TV PROGRAMMES FRANCE TV PROGRAMMES ARTE FRANCE DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST The Missing Picture L’image manquante L’immagine che manca DRAMA TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES 3 x Manon - Ep. 1 3 x Manon - 1er épisode 3 x Manon - Ep. 1 PERFORMING ARTS MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY A Season at the Juilliard School Une saison à la Juilliard School Una stagione alla Juilliard School FRANCE 2 DOCUMENTARY CURRENT AFFAIRS Victims of the French Atomic Bomb Victimes de la bombe atomique française Vittime della bomba atomica francese DRAMA TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES This is not Love C’est pas de l’amour Questo non è amore PERFORMING ARTS Einstein on the Beach Einstein on the Beach Einstein on the Beach FRANCE 3 DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST DRAMA TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES PERFORMING ARTS 144 The Brotherhood, who are the Muslim Brothers? La confrérie : enquête sur les frères musulmans La Fratellanza: chi sono i Fratelli Musulmani ? Let’s March ‘Rise, Sons of France’ - Ep. 1 Ceux de 14 ‘allons enfants’ - 1e épisode Quelli del 1914 - “Allons enfants” - Ep. 1 Le Grand Spectacle - The 2013 Lorient Inter-Celtic Festival Le grand spectacle - Festival interceltique de Lorient 2013 Le grand spectacle - Il festival interceltico di Lorient 2013 PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 144 04/09/14 11:21 TV PROGRAMMES GERMANY ARD DRAMA SERIES AND SERIALS Schotty’s Struggle Le grand combat de Schotty La grande impresa di Schotty DRAMA TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES Blank Le grand vide Vuoto PERFORMING ARTS MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY Gerhard Richter Painting Tandis que Gerhard Richter peint Mentre Gerhard Richter dipinge ZDF DOCUMENTARY CURRENT AFFAIRS DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Super Cells - The First Artificial Organ Made of Stem Cells Super cellules - La promesse des cellules souches Supercellule - Le promesse delle cellule staminali DRAMA TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES Combat Girls Les filles du gang Le ragazze della gang Houses for All Des logements pour tous Case per tutti HUNGARY DUNA TV DOCUMENTARY Amorous Geography - My Toscana. Tibi at the CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Lake Balaton Amorous Geography - Ma Toscane. Tibi sur le lac Balaton Amorous Geography - La mia Toscana. Tibi sul Lago Balaton DOCUMENTARY Babel - The World with Hesna: out of the Rat Race CURRENT AFFAIRS Babel - Le monde avec Hesna : loin du succès Babel - Il mondo con Hesna: fuori dalla corsa al successo PERFORMING ARTS MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY A Peacock Takes its Perch Un paon posé sur la branche Un pavone si posa sul ramo 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 145 145 04/09/14 11:21 TV PROGRAMMES MTVA DOCUMENTARY CURRENT AFFAIRS On the Spot - Children of Dictators: Uganda Sous les projecteurs - Les fils de dictateurs : l’Ouganda On the Spot - Figli di dittatori: Uganda DRAMA TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES Freedom Flight Le vol vers la liberté Volo verso la libertà PERFORMING ARTS In Pursuit of Man in Straw-Hat - Czóbel in America MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY L’homme au chapeau de paille - Czóbel en Amérique L’uomo con il cappello di paglia - Czóbel in America TV PROGRAMMES IRELAND RTÉ DOCUMENTARY CURRENT AFFAIRS The Disappeared Les disparus Gli scomparsi ITALY CLASSICA ITALIA DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Arena 100 - A Century of Music Arène 100 - Un siècle de musique Arena 100 - Un secolo di musica PERFORMING ARTS MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY Franco Ferrara - The Maestro Who Fell from the Podium Franco Ferrara - Le Maestro tombé du podium Franco Ferrara - Il Maestro caduto dal podio RAI DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Cultural Shock Le choc des cultures Cultural Shock DRAMA SERIES AND SERIALS Red Bracelets Les bracelets rouges Braccialetti rossi PERFORMING ARTS According to Bollani Bollani prétend Sostiene Bollani SKY ARTE HD DOCUMENTARY CURRENT AFFAIRS 146 Contact. Tienanmen - Stuart Franklin Contact. Tienanmen - Stuart Franklin Contact. Tienanmen - Stuart Franklin PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 146 04/09/14 11:21 TV PROGRAMMES DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST The Vatican Museum - Between Heaven and Earth Les musées Vatican - Entre ciel et terre Musei Vaticani - Tra cielo e terra PERFORMING ARTS MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY Piero Manzoni, the Artist L’artiste, Piero Manzoni Piero Manzoni, Artista TV2000 DOCUMENTARY CURRENT AFFAIRS In the Footsteps of Abraham Sur les traces d’Abraham Sui passi di Abramo JAPAN NHK DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST The Universe at Our Feet L’univers à nos pieds L’universo sotto i nostri piedi DOCUMENTARY Adrift in Old Age: Living with Dementia CURRENT AFFAIRS Une vieillesse à la dérive : vivre avec la démence sénile Una brutta vecchiaia: vivere con la demenza senile DRAMA Somebody, Anybody TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES Tous pour un Tutti per uno KOREA (SOUTH) KBS DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Colours, 4 Desires - Blue Couleurs, 4 désirs - Le Bleu - Prières du Salut Colori, 4 desideri - Il blu DOCUMENTARY CURRENT AFFAIRS Armistice 60th Anniversary Special - 63 Years of Longing for My Daughter Miyoko Une émission spéciale pour commémorer le 60e anniversaire de l’armistice - Une nostalgie longue de 63 ans - Ma Fille Miyoko Programma Speciale per i 60 anni dall’Armistizio 63 anni di nostalgia per mia figlia Miyoko DRAMA TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES The Dirge Singer La pleureuse La donna che piange ai funerali 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 147 147 04/09/14 11:21 TV PROGRAMMES MBC DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST In Memory of Hannah, the Miracle En mémoire d’Hannah, le miracle In memoria di Hannah, il miracolo DRAMA TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES Crow’s-eye View Perspective à vol de corneille Crow’s-eye View NETHERLANDS TV PROGRAMMES NPO DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Photo Eddy - My Father’s Negatives Les photos d’Eddy - Les négatifs de mon père Le foto di Eddy - I negativi di mio padre DRAMA SERIES AND SERIALS The Perfect Prey Une proie parfaite La preda perfetta PERFORMING ARTS Off Ground Off Ground Off Ground NORWAY NRK DOCUMENTARY CURRENT AFFAIRS Exit Exit Exit DRAMA SERIES AND SERIALS Struggle for Life La lutte pour la survie Lotta per la sopravvivenza PERFORMING ARTS The Other Man in Me L’autre homme en moi L’altro uomo che è in me POLAND TVP DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Secrets of Love Les secrets de l’amour I segreti dell’amore 148 PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 148 04/09/14 11:21 TV PROGRAMMES DRAMA TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES Apnea En apnée Apnea PERFORMING ARTS MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY Double Life of Piotr S. La double vie de Piotr S. La doppia vita di Piotr S. PORTUGAL RTP DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Dona Tututa Dona Tututa Dona Tututa DRAMA SERIES AND SERIALS The Sons of Rock Les enfants du rock I figli del rock PERFORMING ARTS MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY Music Maestro! Maestro, musique ! Musica Maestro! ROMANIA TVR DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Greece - The Public Television Hit by Unemployment La Grèce - La Télévision publique au chômage Grecia - Televisione pubblica senza lavoro PERFORMING ARTS Hedda Gabler Hedda Gabler Hedda Gabler RUSSIA CH1 DRAMA SERIES AND SERIALS The Thaw Le dégel Il disgelo PERFORMING ARTS MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY Dialogues with Yevgeny Yevtushenko Conversation avec Yevgeny Yevtushenko Conversazione con Yevgeny Yevtushenko 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 149 149 04/09/14 11:21 TV PROGRAMMES SAN MARINO (REPUBLIC OF) TV PROGRAMMES RSMTV DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Mafia, the Last Godfather Mafia, le dernier parrain Mafia, l’ultimo padrino DOCUMENTARY CURRENT AFFAIRS Bravo Zulu Bravo zoulou Bravo zulu PERFORMING ARTS The Renata Tebaldi Singing Contest Le Concours de chant Renata Tebaldi Concorso di canto Renata Tebaldi SLOVAKIA RTVS DRAMA SERIES AND SERIALS The Colonnade - 1st part La colonnade - 1e partie Il portico- 1a parte SLOVENIA RTVSLO DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Chasers of the Dark Les chasseurs d’obscurité Alla ricerca dell’oscurità PERFORMING ARTS Black Masks Les masques noirs Le maschere nere PERFORMING ARTS MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY A Journey Home Voyage retour Viaggio di ritorno SPAIN TVE DOCUMENTARY CURRENT AFFAIRS Children of the Atomic War Les enfants de la guerre nucléaire Figli della guerra atomica PERFORMING ARTS MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY Revealing Dali A la découverte de Salvador Dalí Scoprire Dalí 150 PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 150 04/09/14 11:21 TV PROGRAMMES PERFORMING ARTS Così fan tutte Così fan tutte Così fan tutte SWEDEN SVT DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST No Burqas behind Bars Sans burqa derrière les barreaux Niente burqa dietro le sbarre DRAMA SERIES AND SERIALS The Bridge Le pont Il ponte PERFORMING ARTS MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY Everybody’s a Photographer Nous sommes tous photographes Siamo tutti fotografi SWITZERLAND SRG SSR DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST In Transit L’escale In transito DOCUMENTARY CURRENT AFFAIRS An Eye for an Eye : the Vengeance of the Gaddafi Clan Œil pour œil : la vengeance des Kadhafi Occhio per occhio: la vendetta dei Gheddafi DRAMA TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES Aimless Sans but Senza nessun interesse UNITED KINGDOM BBC DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Britain’s Great War - Ep. 3 La Grande Guerre de la Grande-Bretagne - 3e épisode La Grande Guerra della Gran Bretagna - Ep. 3 DRAMA TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES Sherlock Sherlock Sherlock 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 151 151 04/09/14 11:21 TV PROGRAMMES PERFORMING ARTS TV PROGRAMMES CH4 David Bowie: Five Years David Bowie : Five Years David Bowie: Five Years DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST The Cruel Cut L’incision cruelle Il taglio crudele DOCUMENTARY CURRENT AFFAIRS Hunted Victimes de persécutions Perseguitati DRAMA SERIES AND SERIALS Southcliffe Southcliffe Southcliffe PAN EUROPEAN BROADCASTERS HBOE DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST 152 Stream of Love Un monde d’amour Un mare d’amore PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 152 04/09/14 11:21 TV PROGRAMMES TV PERFORMING ARTS 25 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 153 153 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS BELGIUM VRT MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY Stream of Talent Quand les talents s’affichent Talenti in mostra CANADA ARTV TV PROGRAMMES MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY A Chair Fit for an Angel Une chaise pour un ange A Chair Fit for an Angel CROATIA HRT MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY Portrait Sketch - Slaven Tolj Esquisse pour un portrait - Slaven Tolj Bozza di ritratto - Slaven Tolj FRANCE ARTE FRANCE MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY FRANCE 2 PERFORMING ARTS FRANCE 3 PERFORMING ARTS 154 A Season at the Juilliard School Une saison à la Juilliard School Una stagione alla Juilliard School Einstein on the Beach Einstein on the Beach Einstein on the Beach Le Grand Spectacle - The 2013 Lorient Inter-Celtic Festival Le grand spectacle - Festival interceltique de Lorient 2013 Le grand spectacle - Il festival interceltico di Lorient 2013 PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 154 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS GERMANY ARD MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY Gerhard Richter Painting Tandis que Gerhard Richter peint Mentre Gerhard Richter dipinge HUNGARY DUNA TV MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY MTVA MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY A Peacock Takes its Perch Un paon posé sur la branche Un pavone si posa sul ramo In Pursuit of Man in Straw-Hat - Czóbel in America L’homme au chapeau de paille - Czóbel en Amérique L’uomo con il cappello di paglia - Czóbel in America ITALY CLASSICA ITALIA MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY RAI PERFORMING ARTS SKY ARTE HD MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY Franco Ferrara - The Maestro Who Fell from the Podium Franco Ferrara - Le Maestro tombé du podium Franco Ferrara - Il Maestro caduto dal podio According to Bollani Bollani prétend Sostiene Bollani Piero Manzoni, the Artist L’artiste, Piero Manzoni Piero Manzoni, Artista NETHERLANDS NPO PERFORMING ARTS Off Ground Off Ground Off Ground 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 155 155 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS NORWAY NRK PERFORMING ARTS The Other Man in Me L’autre homme en moi L’altro uomo che è in me POLAND TVP TV PROGRAMMES MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY Double Life of Piotr S. La double vie de Piotr S. La doppia vita di Piotr S. PORTUGAL RTP MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY Music Maestro! Maestro, musique ! Musica Maestro! ROMANIA TVR PERFORMING ARTS Hedda Gabler Hedda Gabler Hedda Gabler RUSSIA CH1 MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY Dialogues with Yevgeny Yevtushenko Conversation avec Yevgeny Yevtushenko Conversazione con Yevgeny Yevtushenko SAN MARINO (REPUBLIC OF ) RSMTV PERFORMING ARTS 156 The Renata Tebaldi Singing Contest Le Concours de chant Renata Tebaldi Concorso di canto Renata Tebaldi PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 156 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS SLOVENIA RTVSLO PERFORMING ARTS Black Masks Les masques noirs Le maschere nere MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY A Journey Home Voyage retour Viaggio di ritorno SPAIN TVE MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY Revealing Dali A la découverte de Salvador Dalí Scoprire Dalí PERFORMING ARTS Così fan tutte Così fan tutte Così fan tutte SWEDEN SVT MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY Everybody’s a Photographer Nous sommes tous photographes Siamo tutti fotografi UNITED KINGDOM BBC PERFORMING ARTS David Bowie: Five Years David Bowie : Five Years David Bowie: Five Years 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 157 157 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS BELGIUM VRT Stream of Talent VLAAMSE RADIO EN TELEVISIEOMROEP STROOM VAN TALENT TV PROGRAMMES (MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY) Direction Arne Rombouts Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 17/12/2013 Original language Dutch Subtitled English 16/9 Running time 50’ 57’’ 158 In 2013, the Royal Academy for Fine Arts in Antwerp celebrated its 350th anniversary. In the same year, the museum’s Fashion section celebrated its own 50th. Two great reasons for Belgian TV Canvas to dedicate a documentary highlighting the fascinating history of these institutions via unique archive footage, old writings and modern artworks as well as the infectious passion of a number of critics. Quand les talents s’affichent En 2013, l’Académie des beaux-arts d’Anvers a fêté son 350e anniversaire, alors que sa section « mode » célébrait son cinquantenaire. Deux raisons incontournables pour que Canvas - la télévision belge - réalise un film sur la merveilleuse histoire de ces deux institutions. Le documentaire s’inspire de documents d’archives, de textes anciens, d’œuvres contemporaines, mais aussi des critiques très virulentes envers cette institution considérée comme le “sanctuaire de la création”. Talenti in mostra Nel 2013, l’Accademia Reale di Belle Arti di Anversa ha celebrato i suoi 350 anni di vita. Nello stesso anno la sua sezione dedicata alla Moda ne ha compiuti 50. Per questo la televisione belga Canvas ha deciso di raccontare l’affascinante storia delle due istituzioni, utilizzando materiale di repertorio, vecchi scritti, moderne opere d’arte ma dando spazio anche a veementi critiche. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 158 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS CANADA ARTV UNE CHAISE POUR UN ANGE (MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY) Direction Raymond St-Jean Production Michel Ouellette Script Raymond St-Jean Music The Boston Camerata Choreography Tero Saarinen Photography Jean-François Lord Sound Benoit Dame Editing Philippe Ralet Dancers Tero Saarinen Company Producing organisation Ciné Qua Non Média Inc. Coproducing organisation Poetry in Motion Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 27/4/2014 Original languages French, English, Finnish Subtitled French, English 16/9 Running time 52’ A Chair Fit for an Angel For almost two hundred years, the Shakers have been America’s most successful utopian society. Striving for perfection in everyday life, they became innovators, crafting minimalistic furniture and architectural design that influenced modern functionalism. The Shakers wrote songs and spiritual hymns of exquisite beauty and danced reaching a state of ecstasy during their religious meetings. Inspired by this music and dance, choreographer Tero Saarinen created Borrowed Light, a dance piece about communal life and individual sacrifice. Shot in Finland and the United States, featuring excerpts from Borrowed Light and exclusive interviews, A Chair Fit for an Angel looks at the cultural legacy of this religious group devoted to creating heaven on earth. Une chaise pour un ange Une chaise pour un ange va à la rencontre des Shakers, cette communauté religieuse protestante, réputée pour sa créativité dans le secteur du design, de l’architecture et du chant. Attiré par la culture shaker, le chorégraphe Tero Saarinen a créé Borrowed Light, une œuvre sur la vie en communauté et sur le sacrifice individuel. Tourné en Finlande et aux États-Unis, avec des extraits de Borrowed Light et des entrevues exclusives, Une chaise pour un ange étudie le paradoxe de l’héritage culturel de ce groupe religieux, dont le credo n’accordait aucune place à l’art, ni même à la simple idée de beauté. A Chair Fit for an Angel Un documentario che conduce lo spettatore alla scoperta degli Shakers, una comunità religiosa protestante americana, famosa per le sue originali realizzazioni nel campo del design, dell’architettura e del canto. Ispirato dalla cultura degli Shakers, il coreografo Tero Saarinen ha creato Borrowed Light, un balletto sulla vita nella comunità e sul sacrificio individuale. Girato in Finlandia e negli Stati Uniti, questo programma, che utilizza spezzoni dell’opera di Saarinen e interviste esclusive, racconta l’eredità culturale di questo movimento religioso che, paradossalmente, non attribuisce alcun valore all’arte né alla semplice idea di bellezza. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 159 159 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS CROATIA HRT Portrait Sketch - Slaven Tolj HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA SKICA ZA PORTRET SLAVEN TOLJ TV PROGRAMMES (MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY) Direction Ana Marija Habjan Production HRT Script Ana Marija Habjan Photography Mario Britvic Sound Goran Colig With Slaven Tolj Title of series Portrait Sketch Producing organisation HRT Year of production 2012 Broadcast date 20/12/2012 Original language Croatian Subtitled English 16/9 Running time 16’ 20’’ 160 Slaven Tolj was born in Dubrovnik in 1964. He is a multimedia artist and curator, one of the most intriguing and consistent authors of the contemporary scene. Slaven Tolj’s ready-made objects, installations, photographs and performances make distinctive statements about social and political issues - his work moulded from the experiences of the Yugoslav War in the nineties and the attack and siege of Dubrovnik, up to today’s ‘siege’ of the city by cruisers and the devastation of its architectural and monumental heritage in the race for profit. Esquisse pour un portrait - Slaven Tolj Slaven Tolj, originaire de Dubrovnik, est un artiste multimédia, fondateur et directeur d’Ateliers internationaux. Agé de 50 ans, il est considéré comme l’une des personnalités les plus intéressantes et les plus cohérentes de la scène artistique croate. Ses objets de récupération, ses installations, ses photographies et ses performances veulent attirer notre attention sur les problèmes sociaux et politiques qui affligent son pays - depuis la guerre d’indépendance et l’occupation militaire de Dubrovnik en 1990, jusqu’à « l’invasion » moderne de la ville par les bateaux de croisière, en passant par la dévastation du Patrimoine architecturale et tout ceci au nom du profit. Bozza di ritratto - Slaven Tolj Slaven Tolj è nato a Dubrovnik nel 1964. È un artista multimediale, curatore, autore tra i più interessanti del panorama artistico contemporaneo. Le installazioni di Slaven Tolj, i suoi oggetti di recupero, le fotografie e le rappresentazioni fanno preciso riferimento ai temi politici e sociali del suo paese. Le sue opere risentono dell’esperienza della guerra degli anni ’90 e dell’assedio di Dubrovnik, ma anche “dell’assedio” contemporaneo della città da parte delle navi da crociera e della devastazione del suo patrimonio culturale in nome del profitto. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 160 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS FRANCE ARTE FRANCE UNE SAISON A LA JUILLIARD SCHOOL (MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY) Direction Priscilla Pizzato Production Arte France, Rosebud Productions Year of production 2014 Broadcast date 27/4/2014 Original languages English, French Subtitled in French 16/9 Running time 26’ A Season at the Juilliard School A fascinating discovery, in step with the school calendar, of the path taken by several students and of the philosophy of an institution, where social and community involvement is as much part of the curriculum as the artistic teaching. One of a kind, the Juilliard is a school of excellence, the most selective in the United States. Art schools around the globe may pale with envy at its long, prestigious and eclectic roll of students, which includes Pina Bausch, Kevin Spacey and Miles Davis, to name but a few. Une saison à la Juilliard School Une découverte captivante, au rythme du calendrier scolaire, du parcours de certains étudiants et de la philosophie de l’établissement, où l’engagement social fait partie du programme au même titre que l’enseignement artistique. Unique en son genre, la Juilliard School est une école d’excellence, la plus sélective des États-Unis. De Pina Bausch à Kevin Spacey en passant par Miles Davis, la liste de ses diplômés, à la fois prestigieuse et éclectique, fait pâlir d’envie les autres écoles d’art de la planète. Una stagione alla Juilliard School Una affascinante scoperta, al ritmo del calendario scolastico, del percorso seguito da alcuni studenti e della filosofia di una istituzione dove l’impegno sociale fa parte del programma proprio come l’insegnamento delle materie artistiche. Unica nel suo genere, la Juillard School è una scuola d’eccellenza, la più selettiva degli USA. La lunga ed eterogenea lista dei diplomati usciti da questa scuola e destinati a divenire famosi, tra cui nomi come Pina Bausch, Kevin Spacey e Miles Davis, fa impallidire d’invidia le altre scuole d’arte del mondo. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 161 161 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS FRANCE FRANCE 2 FRANCE TÉLÉVISIONS EINSTEIN ON THE BEACH TV PROGRAMMES (PERFORMING ARTS) Direction Don Kent Stage Direction Robert Wilson Production Antoine Perset, Denis Morlière Script Philip Glass, Robert Wilson Music Philip Glass Choreography Lucinda Childs Photography Julien Jaunet Sound Kurt Munkasci Editing Arnaud Petitet Dancers The Lucinda Childs Dance Company Producing organisation Telmondis Coproducing organisations Théâtre musical de Paris du Châtelet, Mezzo, with the participation of France Télévisions Year of production 2014 Broadcast date 31/10/2014 Original language English Sales Telmondis Distribution Ph: +33 1 40 74 76 00 [email protected] Running time 270’ 162 Einstein on the Beach Robert Wilson has joined forces with composer Philip Glass to devise an opera that was performed at the Avignon Festival in 1976. It was to become the legend that is Einstein on the Beach. Certain themes linked to the physicist’s research, such as the theory of relativity and nuclear arms, were played out in a series of tableaux providing highly revolutionary aesthetics: fairytale images of astonishing visual beauty were combined with very gradual changes in music and choreographed movements to form a total work of art that was to overturn the classic perception of time and space in the theatre. Restaged by its creators, with the collaboration of their long-standing choreographer, Lucinda Childs, this legendary piece is about to be rediscovered anew today. Einstein on the Beach Robert Wilson s’est associé au compositeur Philip Glass pour concevoir un opéra, créé au Festival d’Avignon en 1976, qui allait devenir une légende : Einstein on the Beach. Certaines thématiques liées aux recherches du physicien, comme la théorie de la relativité ou l’arme nucléaire, étaient évoquées à travers des tableaux d’une esthétique alors tout à fait révolutionnaire : des images oniriques, d’une stupéfiante beauté visuelle, épousaient les changements très graduels de la musique et les mouvements chorégraphiés pour former une œuvre d’art totale qui devait bouleverser la perception de l’espace et du temps au théâtre. Remontée par ses créateurs avec la collaboration de la chorégraphe Lucinda Childs, qui les accompagne depuis longtemps, c’est cette œuvre mythique qu’il nous est aujourd’hui donné de redécouvrir. Einstein on the Beach Dalla collaborazione tra Robert Wilson e il compositore Philip Glass è nata un’opera destinata a diventare leggenda, rappresentata per la prima volta al Festival di Avignone del 1976: Einstein on the Beach. Alcuni temi legati alla ricerca dello scienziato, come la teoria della relatività o le armi nucleari, sono stati rappresentati attraverso scene dall’estetica rivoluzionaria: immagini oniriche di una bellezza visiva stupefacente, combinate con graduali cambiamenti della musica e movimenti coreografati, danno vita a un’opera d’arte destinata a rovesciare la classica percezione teatrale del tempo e dello spazio. Oggi possiamo di nuovo apprezzare questo spettacolo leggendario, rimesso in scena dai suoi creatori insieme a Lucinda Childs, la coreografa con cui da tempo collaborano. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 162 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS FRANCE FRANCE 3 FRANCE TÉLÉVISIONS LE GRAND SPECTACLE FESTIVAL INTERCELTIQUE DE LORIENT 2013 (PERFORMING ARTS) Direction François Goetghebeur Stage Direction Lisardo Lombardia Production Gérard Pont, Gérard Lacroix, Sylvain Plantard, Gilles Daniel Script François Goetghebeur Photography Roch Segovia, Pierre Ferry Sound Frédéric Lucas, Steve Hernandez Editing Lionel Delebarre, Benjamin Letellier, Christophe Marthoud, Ivan Winogradsky, Hugo Sebon Producing organisation Morgane Production - with the participation of France Télévisions Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 14/8/2013 Original language French 16/9 Sales Morgane Groupe Ph: +33 1 41 43 71 00 Fax: +33 1 41 43 71 01 [email protected] Running time 132’ Le Grand Spectacle The 2013 Lorient Inter-Celtic Festival The Inter-Celtic Nights has over the years become one of the showpieces of the Inter-Celtic Festival of Lorient. For the occasion, the Moustoir stadium is transformed into a giant stage, where more than 500 musicians and artists perform. Impressive visual effects are built-in, boosting a show which aims to be both family-geared and popular; somewhere special to discover Bagads and Breton clubs, Scottish and Irish pipe-bands, dance groups as well as Gaitas, Asturian and Galician pipers, Gallic choirs, soloists, and dancers from all over the world. Along with the live performances and choreographies, the main purpose of Le Grand Spectacle is to bring the very essence of Celtic culture to the general public with one of the most popular Festivals in Europe, annually attracting an ever-growing number of television viewers. Le grand spectacle Festival interceltique de Lorient 2013 Les Nuits Interceltiques sont devenues un des spectacles phare du Festival interceltique de Lorient. Le stade du Moustoir se transforme en espace scénique, où se produisent plus de 500 musiciens et artistes. D’impressionnants effets visuels sont intégrés pour enrichir un spectacle qui se veut familial et populaire, où l’on découvre des bagadoù et cercles bretons, des pipe-bands écossais et irlandais, des groupes de danse et des bandas de gaitas asturiennes, galiciennes, des choristes gallois, des danseurs et solistes venus de tous les coins de la planète. Entre interprétations live et chorégraphies, le principe du Grand spectacle est de présenter au public l’essence des cultures celtes, il s’agit de l’une des manifestations les plus populaires en Europe qui réunit chaque année de plus en plus de téléspectateurs. Le grand spectacle Il festival interceltico di Lorient 2013 Nel corso degli anni le Notti Interceltiche sono diventate uno degli spettacoli più attesi del Festival Interceltico di Lorient. In questa occasione lo stadio di Moustoir viene trasformato in un enorme palcoscenico sul quale si esibiscono più di 500 musicisti e artisti. Impressionanti effetti speciali arricchiscono questo spettacolo familiare e popolare, dove si possono scoprire bagad (formazioni musicali) e club bretoni, bande scozzesi e irlandesi, gruppi di ballerini e suonatori di cornamuse delle Asturie e della Galizia, cori gallici, solisti e ballerini di tutto il mondo. Lo scopo del Festival, che ogni anno attrae un numero sempre più folto di spettatori, è quello di far conoscere al pubblico, oltre che i cantanti e i ballerini, la vera essenza della cultura celtica. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 163 163 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS GERMANY ARD Gerhard Richter Painting ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT DER ÖFFENTLICHRUNDFUNKANSTALTEN DER BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND TV PROGRAMMES GERHARD RICHTER PAINTING (MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY) Direction Corinna Belz Production Thomas Kufus, Zero One Film GmbH Script Corinna Belz Photography Johann Feindt, Frank Kranstedt, Dieter Stürmer Sound Gerrit Lucas, Sven Phil Lentzen, Andreas Hildebrandt Editing Stephan Krumbiegel Producing organisation Zero One Film GmbH Coproducing organisations Terz Film, WDR, MDR, ARTE Year of production 2011 Broadcast date 17/4/2013 Original language German Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales The Match Factory GmbH Ph: +49 221 539 709-0 Fax: +49 221 539 709-10 [email protected] Running time 97’ 164 Gerhard Richter, one of the internationally most significant contemporary artists of our times, granted filmmaker Corinna Belz access to his studio in the spring and summer of 2009 where he was working on a series of large abstract paintings. The film offers us rare insights into the artist’s work. In quiet, highly concentrated images, the film gives us a fly-on-the-wall perspective of a very personal, tension-filled process of artistic creation. We see Richter painting. We see him observe and dialogue with his paintings. We see him contemplate, wait, reject, rework and sometimes destroy only to begin anew. In her intelligent and perceptive film, Corinna Belz brings us closer to the complex processes of artistic creation. The paintings themselves become the protagonists. Tandis que Gerhard Richter peint Entre le printemps et l’été 2009, Gerhard Richter, considéré comme l’un des plus grands artistes polymorphes contemporains, a ouvert son atelier à la réalisatrice Corinna Belz, alors qu’il créait des toiles abstraites grand format à dominantes jaune, rouge et bleue. Un témoignage sur le travail éminemment physique de cet artiste octogénaire, dont le principal outil - hormis les larges pinceaux en queue de morue - est un racloir, souvent de la même taille que celle du tableau. Chaque passage de l’outil modifie, de façon très aléatoire, les différentes couches de la matière en suscitant l’étonnement de l’artiste qui construit et détruit son œuvre en permanence. Dans ce film clairvoyant et délicat, la réalisatrice nous met en contact avec ces mécanismes créatifs complexes, où les œuvres deviennent protagonistes. Mentre Gerhard Richter dipinge Nella primavera-estate del 2009, Gerhard Richter, uno dei più conosciuti artisti contemporanei, ha aperto le porte del suo atelier alla regista Corinna Belz, permettendole di filmarlo mentre era intento alla realizzazione di una serie di grandi quadri astratti. Il film ci permette una rara intrusione nel processo creativo dell’artista e con inquadrature facili ed essenziali consente allo spettatore un fresco approccio alle dinamiche creative e ricche di tensione del pittore. Richter osserva le sue creature e dialoga con loro, le contempla, le aspetta, le ripudia, le rielabora e a volte le distrugge per poi crearle ancora. Nel suo film intelligente e sensibile, Corinna Belz ci avvicina a questo complesso meccanismo. Gli stessi quadri diventano i veri protagonisti del programma. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 164 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS HUNGARY DUNA TV DUNA TELEVÍZIÓ ZRT FÖLSZÁLLOTT A PÁVA (MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY) Direction Kálmán Kázsmér Production Attila Béres Script Andrea Scrob Photography Csaba Farkas, István Balázs, Márton Fábián, Barna Gaál, Gábor Halász, Csaba Hámory, Attila Kilián, Miklós Mánfai, József Németh Sound Gábor Benedek, Bence Pacz, István Krajcsovits Editing Zoltán Markovics Presenter Péter Novák Title of series A Peacock Takes its Perch Producing organisation MTVA Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 18/1/2014 Original language Hungarian Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Zsuzsanna Kálomista Ph: +3617595245 [email protected] Running time 40’ 15’’ A Peacock Takes its Perch It is the second time that the Hungarian public service media has organised Fölszállott a páva, its talent competition for Hungarian folk music and folk dance. More than a thousand young women and men have applied to the competition, including even ethnic Hungarians from neighbouring countries. Before the live programmes of the competition, we broadcast 8 films about selecting the productions. In this way, viewers were introduced to several young people unable to reach the final but who had proved through their productions that Hungarian folk culture was very much alive and well and not yet ready for the museum archives. While successfully awakening their interest, these films also briefed viewers in the build up to the live programmes. Un paon posé sur la branche La télévision publique hongroise a fait le bis en organisant cette année encore un concours de musique et de danses folkloriques rigoureusement hongroises. Plus de mille personnes ont participé à la compétition, des jeunes surtout, et notamment des jeunes d’ethnie hongroise des pays limitrophes. Avant de présenter le concours en direct, le service public a diffusé 8 émissions sur les présélections pour que le public puisse apprécier les centaines et les centaines de concurrents talentueux qui sont hélas restés au pied du podium. L’émission a relevé ce grand défi pour prouver que la culture populaire hongroise est encore vivante et qu’il faut la sortir des musées. Grâce à la diffusion des présélections, le public a suivi toutes les étapes du concours pour affronter le grand final en spectateur averti. Un pavone si posa sul ramo È la seconda volta che il servizio pubblico ungherese organizza questo concorso di musica e danze popolari magiare. Gli iscritti, tra ragazzi, ragazze e giovani di etnia ungherese provenienti da paesi vicini, sono stati più di mille. Prima della diretta del concorso, la televisione pubblica ha trasmesso 8 puntate dedicate alle preselezioni che hanno permesso ai telespettatori di apprezzare anche i giovani che, seppur eliminati dal concorso vero e proprio, hanno testimoniato con il proprio lavoro che la cultura popolare ungherese è ancora viva e non è roba da museo. Lo spettatore, il cui interesse è stato mantenuto vivo grazie a questa prima parte del programma, è stato in qualche modo preparato ad assistere alla finale. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 165 165 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS HUNGARY MTVA MAGYAR TELEVIZIO A SZALMAKALAPOS FÉRFI NYOMÁBAN CZÓBEL AMERIKÁBAN TV PROGRAMMES (MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY) Direction Eszter Petrovics Production Juli Császár Script Szilvia Sipos Photography Dávid Szepesi Editing Ferenc Király, Gergely Barki, Claire Bernardi, Béla Czóbel, Krisztina Passuth, R. Stanley Johnson, Suzanne Varkalis, Ursula Johnson Producing organisation MTVA Year of production 2012 Broadcast date 23/12/2012 Original languages Hungarian, English Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Zsuzsanna Kálomista Ph: +3617595245 [email protected] Running time 34’ 10’’ 166 In Pursuit of Man in Straw-Hat - Czóbel in America The Man in Straw-Hat is a painting which has not been on show in Hungary for more than 40 years; a work which has been so carefully guarded that neither has it been lent to any exhibition. While the subject of the portrait may be unclear, Man in Straw-Hat is the wildest work ever painted by Béla Czóbel, one of the major figures in modern art in Paris, Berlin and Budapest of the 20th century. Czóbel was a friend of Matisse and Modigliani, and was accepted by both the French Fauves and the Hungarian Nyolcak (The Eights). His works went on display in the R.S. Johnson Fine Art Gallery in Chicago last autumn. The President of the Gallery and proprietor of the paintings exhibited the most precious pieces of his entire collection, including the Man in Straw-Hat. L’homme au chapeau de paille - Czóbel en Amérique Pendant plus de quarante ans, le célèbre tableau de Béla Czóbel L’homme au chapeau de paille n’a pas été montré au public hongrois. Jalousement conservée, l’œuvre n’a même jamais été prêtée à un musée. Personne ne connaît l’identité du sujet de ce portrait, mais tout le monde sait qu’il s’agit de l’œuvre la plus « sauvage » de Béla Czóbel, considéré comme le chef de file de l’avant-garde hongrois, qui a vécu à Budapest, Berlin et Paris. A Paris, l’artiste fréquente Matisse et Modigliani, il prend part au mouvement fauve avant de rallier les Eights hongrois. Une exposition de ses œuvres a été inaugurée à la galerie d’art R.S. Johnson Fine Art de Chicago l’automne dernier. Le responsable de la galerie - et propriétaire des œuvres - a exposé les pièces les plus précieuses de Czóbel, dont L’homme au chapeau de paille. L’uomo con il cappello di paglia - Czóbel in America L’Uomo con il cappello di paglia è un’opera che in Ungheria non viene esposta da oltre 40 anni: è custodita gelosamente e non è mai stata prestata ad alcuna mostra. Non sappiamo esattamente chi sia ritratto nel dipinto. Ma una cosa è sicura: questa è una delle opere più significative di Béla Czóbel, una delle figure più rilevanti dell’arte del XX secolo, attivo a Parigi, Berlino e Budapest. Czóbel fu amico di Matisse e Modigliani, aderì al fauvismo francese e al gruppo degli Eights ungheresi. La mostra delle sue opere è stata inaugurata alla R.S. Johnson Fine Art Gallery di Chicago lo scorso autunno. Il Direttore della Galleria, nonché proprietario delle opere, ha esposto i pezzi più preziosi della sua collezione, compreso L’Uomo con il cappello di paglia. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 166 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS ITALY CLASSICA ITALIA Franco Ferrara - The Maestro Who Fell from the Podium Exclusive documentary about legendary conductor Franco Ferrara, whose judgment held conductors of such calibre as Herbert von Karajan and Sergiu Celibidache in awe. FRANCO FERRARA Franco Ferrara - Le Maestro tombé du podium - IL MAESTRO Un documentaire inédit sur le chef d’orchestre Franco Ferrara, figure CADUTO DAL PODIO énigmatique et légendaire du monde de la musique, dont les jugements (MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY) Direction Anton Giulio Onofri Production Piero Maranghi with Virginia Mazza, Silvia Corbetta Script Giorgio Mezzanotte, Anton Giulio Onofri Producing organisation Classica Italia Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 14/10/2013 Original language Italian Subtitled in English 4/3 Running time 58’ 43’’ pouvaient mettre en suggestion des mythes comme Herbert von Karajan ou Sergiu Celibidache. Franco Ferrara - Il Maestro caduto dal podio Inedito documentario sulla leggendaria figura del direttore d’orchestra Franco Ferrara, il cui giudizio metteva in soggezione direttori del calibro di Herbert von Karajan e Sergiu Celibidache. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 167 167 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS ITALY RAI According to Bollani RADIOTELEVISIONE ITALIANA SOSTIENE BOLLANI TV PROGRAMMES (PERFORMING ARTS) Direction Francesca Nesler Production Emanuela Andreani Music by other composers performed by Stefano Bollani & the “Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della Rai” conducted by Francesco Lanzillotta. Other works played with Massimo Altomare, Oren Lavie and Mafalda Arnauth Producing organisation RAI CPTV Torino and Milan Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 3/11/2013 - RAI 3 Original language Italian Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 72’ 19’’ 168 Is it possible to conciliate the Bee Gees with Beethoven? Or contemporary music with operatic classics? This and indeed a great deal more was undertaken, sung, acted and played over the course of a special episode of According to Bollani, Rai Tre’s programme in which Stefano Bollani presents music from his own highly personal standpoint. In this programme he is assisted by an entire orchestra, Rai’s “Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale” conducted by Francesco Lanzillotta at the Rai’s “Arturo Toscanini” Auditorium in Torino. His special guests for the evening are Comedienne Caterina Guzzanti, Portuguese Fado Singer Mafalda Arnauth, Israeli Singer and Playwright Oren Lavie and Singer-Songwriter Massimo Altomare in a delightful musical journey which includes pieces from Mozart, Bernstein, Berio, Anderson, Lavie and from Bollani himself. Bollani prétend Les Bee Gees et Beethoven, quel rapport ? La musique contemporaine est conciliable avec les grands classiques de la lyrique ? Des questions, et bien d’autres encore, auxquelles Bollani prétend répondra en chantant, en jouant et en récitant. Une émission extraordinaire de Rai Tre, animée par le pianiste italien Stefano Bollani qui nous donnera son point de vue personnel sur la musique en s’appuyant sur l’Orchestre Symphonique National de la Rai, dirigé par Francesco Lanzilotta à l’Auditorium « Arturo Toscanini » de Torino. Avec des invités d’exception, comme Caterina Guzzanti, la chanteuse de Fado Mafalda Arnauth, l’interprète et auteur dramatique israélien Oren Lavie, le compositeur-interprète Massimo Altomare, Bollani prétend nous entraîne dans un long périple musical avec des extraits de Mozart, Bernstein, Berio, Anderson, Lavie et, bien sûr, du Maestro Bollani. Sostiene Bollani È possibile conciliare i Bee Gees con Beethoven? O la musica contemporanea con i classici della lirica? Questo e molto altro è stato svelato, cantato, recitato e suonato nel corso di una straordinaria puntata del programma Sostiene Bollani, la trasmissione di Rai Tre che ha visto il pianista Stefano Bollani raccontare la musica secondo il proprio personalissimo punto di vista, qui coadiuvato da un’intera orchestra, l’Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della Rai diretta da Francesco Lanzillotta, all’Auditorium Rai “Arturo Toscanini” di Torino. Ospiti della serata Caterina Guzzanti, la cantante portoghese di Fado Mafalda Arnauth, il cantante e commediografo israeliano Oren Lavie e il cantautore Massimo Altomare, per un ricco viaggio musicale che comprende brani di Mozart, Bernstein, Berio, Anderson, Lavie e dello stesso Bollani. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 168 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS ITALY SKY ARTE HD PIERO MANZONI, ARTISTA (MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY) Direction Andrea Bettinetti Production Sky Arte HD Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 22/11/2013 Original language Italian Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 53’ 32’’ Piero Manzoni, the Artist His most controversial, irreverent and caustic work of art was Merda d’artista or Artist’s Shit. Today, Damien Hirst, Massimiliano Gioni and other celebrities from the art world remember Piero Manzoni, the revolutionary artist from Milan, who passed away at the age of just 29 in 1963. Piero Manzoni, The Artist offers a unique opportunity to learn about the man, his character together with the irony behind his provocative art during the economic boom in Milan. L’artiste, Piero Manzoni L’œuvre la plus célèbre, la plus controversée et la plus provocatrice de Piero Manzoni est sans aucun doute Merde d’artiste. Damien Hirst, Massimiliano Gioni et des célébrités du monde de l’art nous parlent de Piero Manzoni, mort en 1963 à l’âge de 29 ans, pour nous faire découvrir l’homme, sa personnalité, son ironie et son art provocateur dans le Milan du grand boom économique. Piero Manzoni, Artista La sua opera più controversa, irriverente e caustica è Merda d’artista. Damien Hirst, Massimiliano Gioni e altri nomi celebri dell’arte ci raccontano Piero Manzoni, l’artista milanese scomparso nel 1963, ad appena 29 anni. Conosciamo l’uomo, il suo carattere, la sua ironia e la sua arte provocatoria nella Milano del boom economico. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 169 169 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS NETHERLANDS NPO NETHERLANDS PUBLIC BROADCASTING OFF GROUND TV PROGRAMMES (PERFORMING ARTS) Direction Boudewijn Koole Production Jongens Van De Wit Music Alex Simu Choreography Jakop Ahlbom Sound Mark Glynne Editing Boudewijn Koole Dancers Louise Lecavalier, Antoine Masson Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 3/3/2014 16/9 Sales NPO Sales Ph: 00 31 35 6773561 Fax: 00 31 35 6775318 [email protected] Running time 12’ 170 Off Ground Off Ground is a dance film about a boy (Antoine Masson) and his dying mother (Louise Lecavalier). In the film, choreographer Jakop Ahlbom and filmmaker Boudewijn Koole study the transition from one state of consciousness to another. They question the dualistic thinking that the world in their eyes is too simply broken down into body and soul, heaven and hell, life and death. How narrow is that limit, that confine? A room. A table and two chairs. A slender woman of 50 and a boy of 12. They move, play. A game of mother and child. Feet. Breath. And small, tiny fleeting smiles. Until suddenly the hands of the woman start falling off. He remains standing, feet on the ground. She becomes loose, floating and vanishes into a wall of water. Off Ground Un film-ballet sur un petit garçon (Antoine Masson) et sa mère agonisante (Louise Lecavalier). Le chorégraphe Jakop Ahlbom et le réalisateur Boudewijn Koole étudient les différents stades de la conscience en remettant en question le concept dualiste du monde et la scission banalisante entre matière et esprit, enfer et paradis, vie et mort. Où se situe exactement la frontière ? Une table et deux chaises, une femme toute menue sur la cinquantaine et son fils de 12 ans. Les deux êtres évoluent dans le décor et jouent. Un jeu entre une mère et son enfant. Des pieds. Des respirations. Des sourires ébauchés… jusqu’à ce que la femme laisse tomber ses mains le long de son corps et reste droite comme un « i », les pieds soudés au sol, avant de se détacher, de fluctuer dans l’air et de disparaître derrière un rideau d’eau. Off Ground Un film-balletto su un ragazzo (Antoine Masson) e la madre in punto di morte (Louise Lecavalier). Il coreografo Jakop Ahlbom e il regista Boudewijn Koole studiano lo stadio di transizione tra i diversi stati della coscienza. I due mettono in questione la concezione dualista per cui il mondo è troppo semplicisticamente diviso in materia e spirito, inferno e paradiso, vita e morte. Quanto è netto il confine? Un tavolo e due sedie, un’esile donna di 50 anni e un ragazzo di 12. Si muovono, giocano. Un gioco tra madre e figlio. Piedi. Respiri. E piccoli sorrisi. Finché la donna lascia cadere le mani. Rimane dritta, piedi fissi al suolo. Poi si stacca, fluttua e scompare dentro un muro d’acqua. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 170 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS NORWAY NRK NORSK RIKSKRINGKASTING DEN ANDRE MANNEN I MEG (PERFORMING ARTS) Direction Erik Conders Production Bitte Monn-Iversen Script Olav H. Hauge, Henrik Mestad Adapted from Diaries and poems by the poet Olav H. Hauge Photography Harald Paalgard Sound Jan Dalehaug, Magnus Torkildsen Editing Øystein Hovlandsdal Actors Henrik Mestad Title of series Den andre mannen i meg Producing organisation NRK Year of production 2014 Broadcast date 20/11/2014 Original language Norwegian Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 50’ 25’’ The Other Man in Me The Other Man in Me is based on the diaries that Norwegian Poet Olav H.Hauge kept from 1924-1994. Award-winning Actor Henrik Mestad conveys the powerful forces that shaped his life and literary universe. Olav H.Hauge is considered to be Norway’s foremost poet of the postwar generation. His poems have been translated into 25 languages. The Other Man in Me has been a formidable success at the National Theatre in Oslo and on other stages throughout Norway. In the televised version, the challenge has been to create a visual expression that substantiates the thoughts and writings of the poet. L’autre homme en moi L’autre homme en moi est tiré du journal intime que le poète norvégien Olav H.Hauge a tenu entre 1924 et 1994. Dans sa performance, l’acteur Henrik Mestad, plusieurs fois récompensé, réussit à transmettre au spectateur cette force et cette énergie qui ont caractérisé la vie et l’univers de Hauge. Olav H.Hauge est considéré comme le plus grand poète norvégien de l’après-guerre et ses œuvres sont traduites en 25 langues. L’autre homme en moi a fait un tabac au Théâtre National d’ Oslo et sur toutes les planches du pays. La version télévisée a, elle aussi, gagné son pari de restituer au public une image fidèle du poète, de son univers, de sa pensée et de sa poésie. L’altro uomo che è in me Questo programma si ispira ai diari che il poeta Olav H.Hauge ha tenuto dal 1924 al 1994. Il pluripremiato attore Henrik Mestad riesce a trasmettere la potente energia che ha caratterizzato la sua vita e il suo universo letterario. Olav H.Hauge è considerato il più eminente poeta del dopoguerra norvegese. Le sue opere sono state tradotte in 25 lingue. L’altro uomo che è in me ha riscosso un enorme successo al Teatro Nazionale di Oslo e su altri palcoscenici norvegesi. Le riprese televisive hanno cercato di proporre un’immagine capace di rendere il pensiero e la poetica dell’autore. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 171 171 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS POLAND TVP Double Life of Piotr S. TELEWIZJA POLSKA PODWÓINE ZYCIE PIOTRA S. TV PROGRAMMES (MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY) Direction Alina Mrowinska Production Ryszard Urbaniak Script Alina Mrowinska Photography Adam Fresko Sound Stanislaw Kolenda Editing Bozena Szostkowska Actors Piotr Swend Producing organisation Telewizja Polska S.A. Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 23/3/2013 Original language Polish Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Telewizja Polska S.a. Ph: +48 22 5478501 Fax: +48 22 5474248 [email protected] Running time 45’ 172 A portrait of Piotr Swend, an actor with Down’s syndrome who, for almost fourteen years now, has been living in two parallel worlds: the real and the virtual. He cannot easily differentiate between what in his life is true and real from the elements and situations dictated by the screenplay. The camera accompanies Piotr on the set and in his private life, penetrating deep into his personal and even intimate world. La double vie de Piotr S. Le portrait de Piotr Swend - un acteur souffrant de mongolisme - qui vit depuis quatorze ans dans deux univers parallèles : le monde réel et le monde virtuel. Piotr a du mal à faire la différence entre la réalité et les rôles qu’il interprète à l’écran. La caméra le suit pas à pas sur les tournages et dans sa vie privée pour nous faire découvrir son univers le plus intime et le plus secret. La doppia vita di Piotr S. Ritratto di Piotr Swend, un attore afflitto dalla sindrome di Down, il quale da quattordici anni vive in due mondi paralleli: quello reale e quello virtuale. Piotr non riesce a distinguere facilmente le situazioni vere e reali da quelle che interpreta sullo schermo. La macchina da presa lo segue sul set e nella vita privata e cerca di scavare nel suo mondo più intimo e personale. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 172 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS PORTUGAL RTP RADIOTELEVISAO PORTUGUESA MÚSICA MAESTRO (MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY) Direction Márcio Loureiro Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 11/4/2013 Original language Portuguese Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 45’ 13’’ Music Maestro! Music Maestro! is a programme about and with music. Conductor Rui Massena is our host. In each episode, he informally and entertainingly guides the audience through the world of classical music. Recorded all over Portugal, each episode features a famous classical theme. Maestro, musique ! Maestro, musique ! est un programme sur et avec la musique, présenté par Rui Massena qui ouvre les portes du monde très fermé de la musique classique aux téléspectateurs de façon ludique et décontractée. Le programme a été tourné dans toutes les régions du Portugal et chaque épisode présente et analyse un morceau de musique classique célèbre dans le monde entier. Musica Maestro! Un programma su e con la musica. È presentato dal maestro Rui Massena, che guida i telespettatori nel mondo della musica classica in maniera divertente e informale, ed è stato girato in tutto il Portogallo. Ogni puntata sviluppa un tema classico famoso in tutto il mondo. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 173 173 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS ROMANIA TVR Hedda Gabler SOCIETATEA ROMANA DE TELEVIZIUNE HEDDA GABLER TV PROGRAMMES (PERFORMING ARTS) Direction Dominic Dembinski Script Dominic Dembinski Adapted from Hedda Gabler by Henrik Ibsen Music Mihaela Constantinescu Sound Cornel Ciuleanu Editing Constantin Marciuc Actors Ilinca Goia, Claudiu Bleont, Adrian Tipieni, Andras Demeter, Ana Ioana Macaria, Rodica Popescu Bitanescu, Ruxandra Sireteanu Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 6/7/2013 Original language Romanian Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 140’ 174 Hedda Gabler, the daughter of an aristocratic general, has just returned from her honeymoon to her villa in Kristiania (now Oslo). Her husband, George Tesman, a young, aspiring, and reliable (but not brilliant) academic continued his research work during their honeymoon. It becomes clear during the course of the play that she has never loved him, but married him because she thinks her years of youthful abandon are over. There is moreover a suggestion she may be pregnant. Hedda Gabler Hedda Gabler, jeune aristocrate et fille d'un général, vient juste de se marier avec Jørgen Tesman, un type falot et ambitieux qui aspire à devenir professeur universitaire. Au retour de son voyage de noces, Hedda apprend que son ancien amant, Ejlert Løvborg, est en passe de devenir célèbre. Autrefois noceur et bohème, Løvborg s’est considérablement assagi sous l’influence d’une ancienne camarade de classe d’Hedda : Thea Elvsted, une fille qu’Hedda a toujours détestée. Déçue de son mariage et agacée par l’influence que Thea exerce sur son ancien amant, Hedda s’attèle à reconquérir le cœur de Løvborg. Hedda Gabler Hedda Gabler, figlia di un aristocratico generale, è appena tornata dal viaggio di nozze ed è nella sua villa di Kristiania (oggi Oslo). Il marito, George Tesman, è un giovane e ambizioso universitario, seppur non brillante, che ha continuato i suoi studi anche durante la luna di miele. Ben presto si evince che Hedda non ha mai amato il marito ma lo ha sposato solamente perché pensa che gli anni della gioventù siano ormai lontani. Ma potrebbe essere incinta… PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 174 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS RUSSIA CH1 CHANNEL ONE RUSSIA DIALOGUES WITH YEVGENY YEVTUSHENKO (MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY) Direction Anna Nelson Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 25/10/2013 Original language Russian Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 56’ Dialogues with Yevgeny Yevtushenko These dialogues are Yevgeny Yevtushenko’s confessions. Part III speaks about his complicated relations with another famous Soviet-Russian Poet Joseph Brodsky. Conversation avec Yevgeny Yevtushenko Des entretiens avec Yevgeny Yevtushenko qui se sont très vite transformés en confessions. Ce troisième épisode nous parle de sa relation, très controversée, avec son homologue russe Joseph Brodsky. Conversazione con Yevgeny Yevtushenko Interviste a Yevgeny Yevtushenko che si trasformano nelle sue confessioni. Nella terza puntata si approfondisce il suo controverso rapporto con un altro famoso poeta sovietico, Joseph Brodsky. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 175 175 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS SAN MARINO (REPUBLIC OF ) RSMTV RADIOTELEVISIONE DI STATO DELLA REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO CONCORSO DI CANTO RENATA TEBALDI TV PROGRAMMES (PERFORMING ARTS) Direction Giovanna Gobbi Production San Marino RTV Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 19/12/2013 Original language Italian Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Pino Cesetti Ph: +378 0549 882008 [email protected] Running time 95’ 176 The Renata Tebaldi Song Contest The Renata Tebaldi Voice Competition was first launched in 2005. Founded by the ‘Renata Tebaldi Foundation’, its 5th edition took place in 2013. Every two years the contest draws young opera talents from all over the world to San Marino. Since 2013 a new category, “Antique and Baroque Reportoire”, has been added. Thanks to a top international jury, tough selection criteria and attractive prize money, the Contest has become a point of reference for specialists in the operatic field, whether they be theatre art directors, directors, orchestra conductors, artistic managers. The video offers a delightful staging of The Concert of the Winners, the final concert deciding each category winner. Le Concours de chant Renata Tebaldi Créé en 2005, grâce à la Fondation Renata Tebaldi, le Concours de chant Renata Tebaldi fête aujourd’hui sa cinquième édition. Le festival, qui se tient à Saint-Marin tous les deux ans, propose des jeunes talents de la musique lyrique en provenance des quatre coins du globe. Depuis 2013, le Concours s’est enrichi d’une nouvelle catégorie « Répertoire antique et baroque » outre la catégorie « Opéra ». Les prestigieux jurys internationaux, les critères d’accès et de sélection - rigoureux et objectifs - les récompenses, très importantes, ont fait de ce concours la référence des professionnels du secteur : théâtres, réalisateurs, chefs d’orchestre, agents, etc.. Notre programme propose ici Le Concert des Gagnants, la grande soirée de clôture, où sont proclamés les lauréats. Concorso di canto Renata Tebaldi Nato nel 2005 grazie alla Fondazione Renata Tebaldi, il Concorso di Canto Renata Tebaldi è giunto alla sua 5a edizione. Con cadenza biennale, porta a San Marino giovani talenti della lirica da tutto il mondo. Dal 2013 il Concorso è raddoppiato e alla Sezione Opera si è aggiunta la Sezione Repertorio Antico e Barocco. Una giuria internazionale di indiscusso valore, criteri di accesso e di selezione severi ed oggettivi, montepremi di rilievo, stanno facendo del Concorso un punto di riferimento per gli operatori del settore, siano essi teatri, registi, direttori d’orchestra, agenti. Quello che vedrete è Il Concerto dei Vincitori, la serata finale in cui verranno proclamati i vincitori. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 176 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS SLOVENIA RTVSLO RADIOTELEVIZIJA SLOVENIJA ÈRNE MASKE (PERFORMING ARTS) Direction Igor Zupe Production RTV Slovenija Script Josip Vidmar Adapted from Leonid Andrejev Music Marij Kogoj Choreography Irek Mukhamedov, Edward Clug Photography Jure Pintar, Alojz Zlodi, Matic Mohoric, Pavel Šribar and others Sound Mtjaz Culiberg, Ales Koman Editing Rastko Radenkovic, Marko Hocevar, Martina Bastarda Actors Joze Vidic, Andrej Debevec, Martina Zadro, Saša Èano Dancers Ballet Ensemble Sng Ljubljana Coproducing organisation SNG Opera in Balet Ljubljana and Maribor Year of production 2012 Broadcast date 17/11/2012 Original language Slovenian Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales RTV Slovenija Ph: +38614753665 Fax: +38614753670 [email protected] Running time 169’ 36’’ Black Masks Kogoj’s opera focuses on the story of the increasingly mentally traumatised character, Duke Lorenzo di Spadaro. The protagonist has organised a masquerade ball in his grand castle, where uninvited black masks turn up, which have been attracted to the light. In a series of alarming conversations with his masked guests, Lorenzo comprehends his sullen dark past: rather than a descendant of the late Duke di Spadaro, he in fact instead learns he is the son of a stable-boy and the Duchess. The opera culminates with Lorenzo’s insanity and death and the fire destroying his castle, which serves as a metaphor for his mental breakdown. Kogoj’s 800 pages of sheet music took the conductor Uroš Lajovic as long as eight years to thoroughly prepare to conduct this work. Les masques noirs L’opéra de Kogoj nous parle de la vie du Duc Lorenzo di Spadaro, malade mental, qui organise un bal masqué dans son château. Attirés par la lumière, des masques noirs, non-invités, s’introduisent dans la noble demeure en se confondant avec les hôtes. C’est en bavardant avec ces hommes masqués que Lorenzo di Spadaro découvrira que sa mère, la Duchesse, l’a conçu avec un garçon d’écurie et que le Duc n’est pas son père. Ce passé sombre le fera définitivement basculer dans la folie et Lorenzo trouvera la mort dans son château en flammes : une métaphore de sa désintégration mentale. Le chef d’orchestre, Uros Lajovic, a travaillé pendant huit ans sur la partition de Kogoj, longue de 800 pages, avant d’accepter de diriger l’opéra. Le maschere nere La trama dell’opera di Kogoj verte sulla storia del Duca Lorenzo di Spadaro, affetto da disturbi mentali, il quale organizza un ballo in maschera nel suo castello. Nel corso della festa alcune maschere nere, non invitate, irrompono attratte dalla luce. Parlando con i nuovi ospiti, Lorenzo scopre di non essere figlio del duca ma della duchessa e di uno stalliere. Raggiunto il culmine della follia, l’uomo muore mentre un incendio distrugge il castello, rappresentando metaforicamente la sua disintegrazione mentale. Le 800 pagine degli spartiti di Kogoj hanno richiesto al direttore d’orchestra Uroš Lajovic 8 anni di duro impegno per prepararsi a dirigere al meglio l’esecuzione di questo capolavoro. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 177 177 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS SLOVENIA RTVSLO RADIOTELEVIZIJA SLOVENIJA POT DOMOV TV PROGRAMMES (MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY) Direction Primoz Mesko Production TV Slovenija Script Gregor Pompe Music Marij Kogoj, Benjamin Ipavec, Franz Schreker Photography Bernard Perme, Crt Cadez Sound Robert Srsen, Blaz Sivic Editing Andrej Modic Actors Milan Stefe, Zvone Hribar, Matejka Jagodic Producing organisation RTV Slovenija Year of production 2012 Broadcast date 30/11/2012 Original language Slovenian Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales RTV Slovenija Ph: +38614753665 Fax: +38614753670 [email protected] Running time 48’ 11’’ 178 A Journey Home Marij Kogoj (1892-1956) was one of the most intriguing composers in the history of Slovenian music due both to the high aesthetic value of his compositions and in his fairly unusual life. Even though he was one of the most prominent representatives of European Modernism and his opera, Black Masks, can be compared to the greatest achievements by the socalled Second Viennese School (Schönberg, Berg), his life and work are not that well-known to the Slovenian general public. Kogoj’s biography is an intense quest for his own personal identity. Voyage retour Marij Kogoj (1892-1956) est l’une des personnalités les plus intéressantes de l’histoire de la musique slovène. L’esthétisme de ses compositions et sa vie, hors du commun, ont contribué à son aura. Bien qu’il soit l’un des plus éminents représentants du modernisme européen et que Les masques noirs soit considéré comme un chef-d’œuvre de la Seconde Ecole viennoise (Schönberg, Berg), sa vie et son œuvre restent méconnues du grand public slovène. Cette biographie lève le voile sur les aspects les plus intimes et les plus secrets de cet artiste hors du commun. Viaggio di ritorno Marij Kogoj (1892-1956) è stato uno dei compositori più interessanti del panorama musicale sloveno grazie al suo talento e alla sua vita straordinaria. Pur essendo uno dei più importanti esponenti del Modernismo europeo e sebbene la sua opera Le maschere nere possa essere paragonata ai più grandi successi della Second Viennese School (Schönberg, Berg), la sua vita e le sue opere non sono molto note al pubblico sloveno. Questo documentario biografico analizza il lato più intimo della sua personalità. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 178 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS SPAIN TVE TELEVISION ESPAÑOLA REVELANDO A DALÍ (MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY) Direction Carlos Del Amor, César Vallejo Production Domingo Isaba, Raúl Montenegro Producing organisation TVE Year of production 2014 Broadcast date 22/1/2014 Original language Spanish Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales RTVE [email protected] Running time 55’ 42’’ Discovering Dalí This documentary is about the places where Dalí lived and worked, which were vital stages of a unique artist who painted masterpieces like Girl at the Window or The Great Masturbator. On the way new aspects of Dalí are unveiled by neighbours, friends and acquaintances. A la découverte de Salvador Dalí Un documentaire sur le monde de Salvador Dalí, les lieux où il a vécu, créé et qui ont été les décors vitaux et essentiels de cet artiste unique en son genre et auteur de chefs-d’œuvre comme Jeune fille à la fenêtre et Le Grand Masturbateur. Un documentaire pour découvrir de nouvelles facettes du génie espagnol, grâce aux témoignages de ses amis intimes, de ses connaissances, mais aussi de ses voisins. Scoprire Dalí Un documentario sui luoghi dove Dalí ha vissuto e lavorato e che hanno costituito la scena vitale per questo artista unico, autore di capolavori come Ragazza alla finestra e Il grande masturbatore. Nel corso del programma lo spettatore scopre nuove curiosità su Dalí, grazie alle testimonianze di chi gli è vissuto accanto, degli amici e dei conoscenti. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 179 179 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS SPAIN TVE Così fan tutte TELEVISION ESPAÑOLA COSÌ FAN TUTTE TV PROGRAMMES (PERFORMING ARTS) Direction Michael Haneke, Hannes Rossacher Production Françoise Gazio Adapted from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Music Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Photography Raphaël O`Byrne Sound Jean-Louis Nathan Actors Annett Fritsch, Paola Gardina, Juan Francisco Gatell, Andreas Wolf, Kerstin Avemo, William Scimell Director Sylvain Cambreling Choirs & Orchestra of Teatro Real Madrid Art Director Gerard Mortier Producing organisations Idéale Audience, EuroArts Coproducing organisations TVE, Teatro Real de Madrid Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 26/1/2014 Original language Italian Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales [email protected] Running time 202’ 37’’ 180 Multi-award winning Austrian director Michael Haneke (Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, three Palme d’Or awards at Cannes, etc.) here directs his second opera, Mozart’s Così fan tutte, at the Teatro Real, Madrid, which won unanimous critical acclaim for its beauty, intelligence, and the excellent quality of the youthful cast. Haneke took his directorial scalpel to Da Ponte’s libretto, stripping it down to leave only its disenchanted take on love and fidelity. Set in the magnificent ancient palace of Don Alfonso, with a decisively contemporary décor, Haneke unfolds the story of a triple betrayal. Così fan tutte Michael Haneke, le réalisateur autrichien, encensé et pluri-récompensé (Oscar du meilleur film étranger, trois fois Palme d’Or à Cannes, etc.) signe sa deuxième mise en scène lyrique - Così fan tutte de Mozart - pour le théâtre Royal de Madrid. Une réalisation saluée par la critique pour son éclat, son intelligence et l’excellence de ses jeunes interprètes. Haneke a réalisé un travail de précision en épurant le livret de Da Ponte et en ne conservant que la réflexion désenchantée sur l’amour et la fidélité. Dans le magnifique palais antique de Don Alfonso, dont l’intérieur est transformé en une déco contemporaine grande-bourgeoise, Haneke ne nous parle plus d’une farce frivole, mais d’une triple déchirure. Così fan tutte Il pluripremiato regista austriaco Michael Haneke (Oscar per il miglior Film Straniero, tre Palme d’Oro a Cannes, ecc.) dirige la sua seconda opera, Così fan tutte di Mozart, al Teatro Reale di Madrid. Una realizzazione unanimemente acclamata dalla critica per la bellezza, l’intelligenza e la bravura del cast formato da giovani interpreti. Haneke ha affrontato un lavoro di precisione, sfrondando il libretto di Da Ponte e conservando soltanto la parte relativa alle riflessioni su amore e fedeltà. Ambientata nel magnifico palazzo di Don Alfonso, arricchito di magnifici decori moderni, l’opera diretta da Haneke racconta di un triplice tradimento. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 180 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS SWEDEN SVT SVERIGES TELEVISION ALLA ÄR FOTOGRAFER (MUSIC AND ARTS DOCUMENTARY) Direction Carl Tofft Producing organisation Brommamamma Coproducing organisation/s SVT Sveriges Television Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 13/11/2013 Original language Swedish Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 28’ 5’’ Everybody’s a Photographer Today almost everybody has a camera phone, so in a certain sense we are all photographers. But how many of us know anything about photography as an art form? In this series Swedish actors and semi-amateur photographers Henrik Schyffert and Johan Rheborg try to find inspiration and learn how to take the perfect picture. In the first episode Henrik and Johan give each other the task of taking a self-portrait, one revealing who they really are. They are coached by renowned photographers Emma Arvida Byström and Julia Peirone. Nous sommes tous photographes De nos jours, presque tout le monde a un portable doté d’appareil photo et, dans un certains sens, on peut dire que nous sommes tous photographes. Mais qui maîtrise vraiment la technique de la photographie en tant qu’expression artistique ? Dans cette série, deux comédiens suédois et photographes amateurs, Henrik Schyffert et Johan Rheborg, cherchent la bonne technique et la juste inspiration pour prendre la photo parfaite. Dans le premier épisode, Henrik et Johan devront réaliser un autoportrait en mesure de dévoiler leur véritable personnalité. Un beau challenge au cours duquel nos deux artistes en herbe pourront compter sur le soutien de deux photographes de renommée mondiale : Emma Arvida Byström et Julia Peirone. Siamo tutti fotografi Oggi tutti abbiamo un telefonino in grado di scattare fotografie e quindi, in un certo senso, siamo tutti un po’ fotografi, di certo non artisti. In questa serie Henrik Schyffert e Johan Rheborg, attori svedesi e fotografi amatoriali, cercano la tecnica giusta e l’ispirazione per scattare la foto perfetta. Nel primo episodio Henrik e Johan vogliono farsi un autoscatto che riveli la loro personalità. Emma Arvida Byström e Julia Peirone, fotografe di fama mondiale, sono disponibili a dar loro qualche consiglio. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 181 181 04/09/14 11:21 TV PERFORMING ARTS UNITED KINGDOM BBC David Bowie: Five Years BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION DAVID BOWIE: FIVE YEARS TV PROGRAMMES (PERFORMING ARTS) Direction Francis Whately Production Francis Whately Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 25/5/2013 Original language English Voiced over in English 16/9 Running time 89’ 10’’ 182 A ninety minute special devoted to acclaimed rock star David Bowie. Featuring a wealth of previously unseen archives, from collections around the world, this film looks at how Bowie evolved from Ziggy Stardust, to the Soul Star of Young Americans, to the Thin White Duke. The film then looks at his retirement from the spotlight first in Paris and then Berlin, with the critically acclaimed albums Low and Heroes; his triumph with Scary Monster and his global success with Let’s Dance. With interviews with all his closest collaborators, David Bowie: Five Years presents a unique account of why Bowie has become an icon of our times. David Bowie : Five Years Une émission spéciale de quatre-vingt-dix minutes sur l’icône de la musique pop et rock : David Bowie. Le réalisateur a puisé dans les archives des collections privées du monde entier pour dénicher du matériel inédit et raconter le parcours de cet homme aux mille visages - de Ziggy Stardust à Young Americans en passant par Thin White Duke. L’émission se concentre notamment sur la période parisienne et berlinoise de Bowie. Une retraite, au cours de laquelle il produira deux célèbres albums Low et Heroes de la « trilogie berlinoise » suivis de Scary Monster, qui a été un triomphe mondial, et du plus grand succès de toute sa carrière : Let’s dance. Les entretiens avec ses proches collaborateurs nous font comprendre pourquoi cet artiste est très vite devenu une icône des temps modernes. David Bowie: Five Years Uno speciale di novanta minuti dedicato al famoso musicista rock David Bowie. Il programma utilizza inedito materiale fotografico d’archivio proveniente anche da collezioni private di tutto il mondo - per raccontare Bowie nella sua evoluzione da Ziggy Stardust, a Soul Star di Young Americans, a Thin White Duke. Il programma si focalizza poi sul suo ritiro a Parigi e a Berlino che anticipò l’uscita dei famosi album Low e Heroes, il trionfo di Scary Monster e il successo mondiale di Let’s Dance. Le interviste ai suoi più stretti collaboratori aiutano a capire perché questo artista sia diventato un’icona dei nostri tempi. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 182 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA 27 02 TV 140-267.indd 183 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA BELGIUM VRT SERIES AND SERIALS Marsman Marsman Marsman CROATIA HRT TV PROGRAMMES TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES Short Circuits Court-circuit Cortocircuito CZECH REPUBLIC CTV TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES The Last Cyclist Le dernier cycliste L’ultimo ciclista SERIES AND SERIALS The Fourth Star - Part 7 - Getting Stuck La quatrième étoile - 7e épisode : panne d’ascenseur La quarta stella - Ep. 7 - Bloccato DENMARK DR SERIES AND SERIALS The Legacy L’héritage L’eredità FINLAND YLE TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES 184 The Limit - Ep. 1/3 La limite - Ep. 1/3 Il limite - Ep. 1/3 PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 184 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA FRANCE ARTE FRANCE TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES FRANCE 2 TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES FRANCE 3 TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES 3 x Manon - Ep. 1 3 x Manon - 1er épisode 3 x Manon - Ep. 1 This is not Love C’est pas de l’amour Questo non è amore Let’s March ‘Rise, Sons of France’ - Ep 1 Ceux de 14 ‘allons enfants’ - 1e épisode Quelli del 1914 - « Allons enfants » - Ep. 1 GERMANY ARD SERIES AND SERIALS Schotty’s Struggle Le grand combat de Schotty La grande impresa di Schotty TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES Blank Le grand vide Vuoto ZDF TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES Combat Girls Les filles du gang Le ragazze della gang HUNGARY MTVA TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES Freedom Flight Le vol vers la liberté Volo verso la libertà 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 185 185 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA ITALY RAI SERIES AND SERIALS Red Bracelets Les bracelets rouges Braccialetti rossi JAPAN NHK TV PROGRAMMES TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES Somebody, Anybody Tous pour un Tutti per uno KOREA (SOUTH) KBS TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES MBC TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES The Dirge Singer La pleureuse La donna che piange ai funerali Crow’s-eye View Perspective à vol de corneille Crow’s-eye View NETHERLANDS NPO SERIES AND SERIALS The Perfect Prey Une proie parfaite La preda perfetta NORWAY NRK SERIES AND SERIALS 186 Struggle for Life La lutte pour la survie Lotta per la sopravvivenza PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 186 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA POLAND TVP TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES Apnea En apnée Apnea PORTUGAL RTP SERIES AND SERIALS The Sons of Rock Les enfants du rock I figli del rock RUSSIA CH1 SERIES AND SERIALS The Thaw Le dégel Il disgelo SLOVAKIA RTVS SERIES AND SERIALS The Colonnade - 1st Part La colonnade - 1e partie Il portico - 1a parte SWEDEN SVT SERIES AND SERIALS The Bridge Le pont Il ponte SWITZERLAND SRG SSR TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES Aimless Sans but Senza nessun interesse 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 187 187 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA UNITED KINGDOM BBC TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES CH4 Southcliffe Southcliffe Southcliffe TV PROGRAMMES SERIES AND SERIALS Sherlock Sherlock Sherlock 188 PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 188 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA BELGIUM VRT VLAAMSE RADIO EN TELEVISIEOMROEP MARSMAN (SERIES AND SERIALS) Direction Eshref Reybrouck, Mathias Sercu Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 25/3/2014 Original language Dutch Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 44’ 7’’ Marsman For the new Marsman series Jurgen Delnaet is Nico Marsman, a 40 year old taking care of his autistic brother after the death of their mother. We step into the story at the point when, on top of everything, Nico loses his job and his wife tells him she needs a break. From now on he is on his own. Luckily he can count on his friends Marc, Peter and Ludovic with whom he plays in a band called De Mannen Van Mars (which loosely translates as The Martians) and on his 20-year old daughter Femke. Step by step, Nico endeavours to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Marsman is a tragic, yet also funny story about choices and relationships, loyalty and friendship, about resolve and doubt. Marsman Dans cette nouvelle série, Jurgen Delnaet interprète Nico Marsman, un homme sur la quarantaine, qui doit prendre en charge à la mort de sa mère, son frère autiste. L’histoire débute quand Nico perd son travail et quand sa femme lui annonce qu’elle a besoin d’une pause pour réfléchir sur leur couple. De but en blanc, Nico doit assumer tout tout seul. Heureusement qu’il peut encore compter sur sa fille Femke et sur quelques vrais amis : Marc, Peter et Ludovic, avec qui il a monté un groupe De Mannen Van Mars (Les Martiens) et joue de la musique. Petit à petit, Nico va remonter la pente et essayer de placer son frère. Marsman est une tragi-comédie sur les choix de vie, les relations humaines, la loyauté, l’amitié, les certitudes, les doutes… Marsman In questa nuova serie del programma, Jurgen Delnaet è Nico Marsman, un quarantenne che, dopo la morte della madre, si deve far carico del fratello autistico. Irrompiamo nella storia nel punto in cui l’uomo perde il lavoro e apprende che la moglie ha bisogno di prendersi una pausa. Da quel momento in poi deve cavarsela da solo. Per fortuna può contare sugli amici fraterni Marc, Peter e Ludovic, con i quali suona nella band dei De Mannen Van Mars (I Marziani) e sulla figlia ventenne Femke. Pian piano Nico cerca di riprendersi e si impegna a trovare una sistemazione per il fratello. Marsman è una tragicomica storia di scelte e relazioni, di lealtà e amicizia, di sicurezze e dubbi. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 189 189 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA CROATIA HRT Short Circuits HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA KRATKI SPOJEVI TV PROGRAMMES (TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES) Direction Hana Jusic, Sonja Tarokic, Dario Jurican, Andrija Mardesic Production HRT Script Hana Jusic, Sonja Tarokic, Dario Jurican, Aleksandar Kristek, David Kapac, Andrija Mardesic Music Dubravko Robic Photography Dragan Ruljancic Editing Iva Blaskovic Actors Marija Piliskic, Daria Lorenci, Rakan Rushaidat, Mia Biondic, Marko Cindric, Karla Brbic, Ivan Glowatzky Producing organisation HRT Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 29/11/2013 Original language Croatian Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 78’ 3’’ 190 Matea. a twelve-year-old with a tendency to get carried away, wants her home birthday party to boost her popularity at school. Nera is a girl at a crossroad in her life, and an incident in front of a shopping centre could just give her a new perspective on things. Miran, just married, son-in-law and father-to-be, is simply trying to move his stuff into his new apartment with the “help” of neighbours, whose lives are nonetheless beginning to ruin his own. One winter night the three neighbours find themselves in the middle of a system breakdown... Court-circuit Matea, 12 ans, est une gamine hyper émotive qui espère que sa fête d’anniversaire la rende un peu plus populaire aux yeux de ses camarades de classe. Nera est une jeune fille à un carrefour de sa vie. Alors qu’elle doit prendre une décision importante, un accident devant un centre commercial va lui ouvrir les yeux et lui permettre de voir les choses sous un autre angle. Miran, jeune marié et bientôt papa, essaie d’emménager dans son nouvel appartement avec « l’aide » de ses voisins qui vont très vite lui pourrir la vie... Une nuit d’hiver, les trois protagonistes se rencontrent, alors qu’ils sont sur le point de craquer... Cortocircuito Matea è un’emotiva ragazzina di 12 anni che desidera trasformare la sua festa di compleanno in un’occasione per diventare più popolare tra i compagni di scuola. Nera è una ragazza che si trova a dover prendere una decisione importante per il suo avvenire e forse l’incidente che le capita di fronte a un centro commerciale la aiuterà a chiarirsi le idee. Miran, novello sposo, genero e presto padre, cerca di traslocare le sue cose nel nuovo appartamento con “l’aiuto” dei vicini che gli rovineranno la vita. Una notte d’inverno i tre protagonisti si ritrovano sull’orlo del crollo…. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 190 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA CZECH REPUBLIC CTV CESKA TELEVIZE POSLEDNÍ CYKLISTA (TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES) Direction Jirˇí Svoboda Production Jan Maxa Script Jirˇí Svoboda, Tomáš Töpfer Music Jirˇí Chlumecký Photography Ivo Popek Sound Jirˇí Melcher Editing Jan Mattlach Actors Petr Šteˇpán, Agi Gubíková, Sabina Rojková, Bára Vozková, Marta Vancˇurová, Tomáš Töpfer, Jan Vondrácˇek, Markéta Kraus-Hrubešová, Magdalena Rovenská, Karel Philipp, Vincent Navrátil, Jirˇí Oberfalzer and others Title of series The Last Cyclist Producing organisation Czech Television Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 14/5/2014 Original language Czech Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Czech Television Telexport Ph: +420 2 61137051 Fax: +420 2 61211354 [email protected] Running time 162’ The Last Cyclist A dramatic story of a childless Jewish couple shortly before WWII who adopt an Aryan baby girl Klara; a decision taken oblivious to any sense of foreboding as to the fate they had marked out for their daughter by irreversibly turning a Christian girl into a Jewess. The life of the successful Prague lawyer Simon seems to consist only of joy, but Hitler’s taking power in neighbouring Germany and, especially, WWII tragically rips open the lives of every Jewish family. Will the desperate parents manage to prove Klára’s Aryan origin and thus save her from the Holocaust? Le dernier cycliste Un drame psychologique sur un couple juif, sans enfants, qui décide d’adopter une petite aryenne - Klára - juste avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Le couple ne se doute pas du sort tragique qu’il réservera à la fillette en en faisant de fait une juive. Simon, qui est un célebre avocat à Prague, conduit, avec sa famille, une vie harmonieuse et bien remplie. Mais, l’avènement d’Hitler dans l’Allemagne voisine et la Seconde Guerre mondiale vont avoir des conséquences tragiques sur sa vie et sur celle de tous les juifs. Désespérés, Simon et sa femme vont tout faire pour démontrer les origines aryennes de leur fille. Réussiront-ils à sauver Klára de l’Holocauste ? L’ultimo ciclista La storia drammatica di due ebrei senza figli i quali, poco prima dello scoppio della II Guerra Mondiale, decidono di adottare una bambina ariana, Klara, ignari delle tragiche conseguenze di questo gesto. Simon è un avvocato di successo, vive a Praga e conduce una vita serena. Ma l’avvento di Hitler nella vicina Germania e lo scoppio della guerra cambieranno definitivamente la vita della sua famiglia e di tutti gli altri ebrei. Riusciranno i disperati genitori di Klara a provare le sue origini ariane risparmiandole così gli orrori dell’olocausto? 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 191 191 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA CZECH REPUBLIC CTV The Fourth Star - Part 7 - Getting Stuck CESKA TELEVIZE ÈTVRTÁ HVÌZDA - 7. ÈÁST ZÁSEK TV PROGRAMMES (SERIES AND SERIALS) Direction Miroslav Krobot, Jan Prušinovský Production Jan Štern Script Petr Koleèko, Miroslav Krobot, Jan Prušinovský Music Adam Svatoš Photography Petr Bednáø Sound Matìj Matuška, Michal Èech Editing Otakar Šenovský Actors Ivan Trojan, Martha Issová, Václav Neužil, Lenka Krobotová, Simona Babèáková, David Novotný, Jaroslav Plesl, Marek Taclík, Miroslav Krobot, Martin Myšièka and others Title of series The Fourth Star Producing or ganisation Czech Television Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 17/2/2014 Original language Czech Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Czech Television Telexport Ph: +420 2 6113 7051 Fax: +420 2 6121 1354 [email protected] Running time 27’ 33’’ 192 A sitcom taking place in the shabby Meteor Hotel on the outskirts of Prague. The hotel is full to the brim with Scottish Celtic Glasgow football fans. After the Celtic and Sparta play out a pathetic 1-1 draw, the Celtic fans arrive in Prague to support their team in the return match. David, the devoted Sparta fan, finds it real hard to accept this invasion, so hard that for a moment he even stops being jealous about his love, Pavlínka the receptionist… La quatrième étoile - 7e épisode : panne d’ascenseur L’hôtel Meteor, un établissement miteux de la banlieue de Prague, est le décor de cette sitcom. Etrangement, l’hôtel affiche complet grâce à l’arrivée des supporters du Celtic Glasgow. Après le résultat du match aller contre le Sparta - 1 partout - un score considéré déshonorant pour le Celtic, tous les supporters se sont transférés à Prague pour soutenir le club. David, un inconditionnel du Sparta, a tellement de mal à tolérer cette invasion qu’il en oublie, du moins pour un moment, d’être jaloux de la réceptionniste : sa fiancée Pavlínka. La quarta stella - Ep. 7 - Bloccato Una sitcom che si svolge nel malridotto Hotel Meteor, alla periferia di Praga. L’albergo è strapieno di tifosi del Celtic Glasgow. Dopo la partita di andata contro lo Sparta, conclusasi con un misero 1 a 1, i tifosi del Celtic sono a Praga per sostenere i loro beniamini nella partita di ritorno. David, un fanatico della squadra ceca, mal sopporta questa invasione che lo disturba così tanto da fargli dimenticare per un momento la fidanzata Pavlínka, receptionist dell’albergo, di cui è follemente geloso... PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 192 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA DENMARK DR DANMARKS RADIO ARVINGERNE (SERIES AND SERIALS) Direction Pernilla August, Jesper Christensen, Heidi Maria Faisst, Loiuse N. D. Friedberg Producing organisation DR, Danish Broadcasting Corp. Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 1/1/2014 Original language Danish Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales DR Sales Running time 60’ The Legacy The serial follows Veronika’s four grown-up children whose free and chaotic childhood at Grønnegaard has left its mark on them in very different ways. They live scattered to the four winds until Veronika dies and they gather to wind up the estate. Just before she dies, Veronika leaves the manor to her daughter Signe, who was given up for adoption. Signe lives with her partner in a quiet residential area in the local town and has never known the truth about her parentage. What was meant to be a quick and painless dividing of the estate becomes the start of a journey into secrets and lies that turn their lives upside down and force them to see each other and themselves with new eyes. A generation and their children. L’héritage Une série sur la vie des quatre enfants de Veronika, aujourd’hui adultes, et sur leur éducation libre et chaotique à Grønnegaard qui les a tous marqués. Les enfants, qui vivent éparpillés au quatre coins du monde, se réunissent à la mort de leur mère pour l’ouverture du testament. Peu avant sa mort, Veronika avait légué le manoir de famille à Signe, une fille secrète qu’elle avait abandonnée à sa naissance. Signe vit aujourd’hui avec son compagnon dans le quartier résidentiel de Grønnegaard et ignore tout de ses origines. L’ouverture du testament, qui semblait une procédure de routine, va se transformer en un parcours du guerrier, semé de secrets et de mensonges, qui va bouleverser les enfants en les obligeant à poser un autre regard sur les autres et sur eux-mêmes. Une génération et ses enfants. L’eredità Una serie che segue le vicende dei quattro figli di Veronica, ormai adulti, la cui caotica infanzia, trascorsa a Grønnegaard, ha lasciato su ognuno un’impronta diversa. Vivono sparsi ai quattro lati del mondo ma quando Veronica muore si ritrovano per dividere l’eredità. Prima di morire Veronica ha voluto lasciare la casa padronale a Signe, la figlia illegittima data in adozione. Signe vive con il compagno in un quartiere residenziale della città ed ignora la verità sulla sua famiglia naturale. Quella che doveva essere una tranquilla e veloce riunione di routine per l’apertura del testamento si trasforma in una spirale di segreti e bugie che cambierà radicalmente la vita dei protagonisti e li indurrà a considerare se stessi e gli altri sotto una nuova luce. Una generazione e i suoi figli. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 193 193 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA FINLAND YLE The Limit - Ep. 1/3 OY. YLEISRADIO RAJA - EP 1/3 TV PROGRAMMES (TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES) Direction Hanna Maylett Production Pekka Ruohoranta/ YLE Drama Script Daniela Hakulinen - Based on the prize-winning novel The Limit by Riikka Pulkkinen Music Juhana Lehtiniemi Photography Petri Enbuske Sound Siru Jokela Editing Jorma Höri Actors Kaija Pakarinen (as Anja), Seppo Pääkkönen (as Antti) Dramaturg Leena Virtanen Producing organisation YLE Coproducing organisations SVT, RUV Year of production 2014 Broadcast date 23/2/2014 Original language Finnish Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales YLE Sales Ph: +358914801 [email protected] Running time 51’ 33’’ 194 Anja, 53, is a literature professor. When her husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer, she promised to end his sufferings in time. Her young niece Mari, 16, falls in love with her handsome teacher Julian. Is this a way out of the girl’s self-mutilation? Julian has a loving wife at home. Their sweet and wise daughter Anni, 6, secretly studies daddy’s sudden change. The three stories are elegantly woven together, as the three female characters struggle with their lives and sometimes flirt with death. La limite - Ep. 1/3 Anja, 53 ans, est professeure de Lettres. Quand elle apprend que son mari a la maladie d’Alzheimer, elle se promet, au moment venu, de mettre fin à ses souffrances. Sa jeune nièce Mari, 16 ans, tombe amoureuse de son professeur, Julian, un bel homme marié à une femme aimante. Cette passion pourra aider l’adolescente à cesser ses pratiques d’automutilation ? Anni, la fille du couple, est une adorable gamine de 6 ans dotée d’un sens aigu de l’observation et d’une grande sagesse. Elle sera le témoin silencieux du changement soudain du père. Les destins des trois personnages féminins se croisent et se recoupent avec finesse en flirtant parfois avec la mort. Il limite - Ep. 1/3 Anja, 53 anni, è un’insegnante di Lettere. Quando al marito viene diagnosticato l’Alzheimer, la donna promette che al momento giusto porrà fine alle sue sofferenze. Intanto la nipote Mari, 16 anni, si innamora di Julian, il suo bel professore. Chissà se questo innamoramento porrà fine all’autolesionismo della giovane. Julian ha una moglie affettuosa. Anni, la loro dolce e acuta figlioletta di 6 anni, si accorge del cambiamento del padre. Le storie di questi tre personaggi femminili si intrecciano mentre le protagoniste lottano per la vita e a volte scherzano con la morte. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 194 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA FRANCE ARTE FRANCE 3 X MANON - 1ER ÉPISODE (TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES) Direction Jean-Xavier de Lestrade Production Image et Compagnie Script Antoine Lacomblez, Jean-Xavier de Lestrade Music Baptiste Charvet Photography Isabelle Razavet Sound Cyril Moisson Editing Sophie Brunet Actors Alba Gaïa Bellugi, Claire Bouanich, Oulaya Amamra, Marina Foïs Producing organisation Image et compagnie Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 10/4/2014 Original language French Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Films & Pictures Ph: 0147239035 [email protected] Running time 55’ 39’’ 3 x Manon - Ep. 1 Manon is skipping school and instead hangs around her little country town. Her condition swings from anorexia to bulimia. One night, her mother finds her in the kitchen, cooks her a meal and affectionately tries to draw her into a conversation. Frustration however soon creeps in and an argument quickly breaks out before Manon grabs a knife and sticks it into her mother’s belly. 3 x Manon - 1er épisode Manon, 15 ans, a tenté de poignarder sa mère, aimante ou vampirisante ? Placée en centre fermé après la tentative de meurtre, Manon a six mois de temps pour se reconstruire avant de passer devant sa juge. Le récit d’une jeune vie qui peut encore basculer vers une « rédemption ». Autour d’elle, des adultes, d’autres jeunes, des rencontres qui peuvent la précipiter dans le drame ou l’aider à « réparer ». Au pire la prison, au mieux la resocialisation. 3 x Manon - Ep. 1 Invece di andare a scuola Manon se ne va in giro per la sua piccola città. Oscilla tra l’anoressia e la bulimia. Una notte la madre la trova in cucina, le prepara qualcosa da mangiare e cerca affettuosamente di farla parlare. Ma ben presto la frustrazione si insinua nel dialogo che sfocia in lite. Manon afferra un coltello e lo conficca nella pancia della madre. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 195 195 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA FRANCE FRANCE 2 FRANCE TÉLÉVISIONS C’EST PAS DE L’AMOUR TV PROGRAMMES (TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES) Direction Jérôme Cornuau Production Thomas Anargyros, Edouard De Vesinne Script Pascale Bailly Music Olivier Florio Photography Stéphane Cami Sound Laurent Lafran Editing Vincent Zuffranieri Actors Déborah François, Marie Guillard, Benjamin Bellecour, Patrick Catalifo Producing organisation EuropaCorp Television Coproducing organisation Euro Media France, with the participation of France Télévisions Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 5/2/2014 Original language French Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Europacorp Television Ph: +33 1 55 99 51 71 [email protected] Running time 86’ 38’’ 196 This is not Love Laetitia, a young housewife, discovers that her neighbour Hélène is the victim of conjugal violence. Mentally and physically harassed by her husband, ostensibly a charming man, Hélène refuses to see herself as a victim, even as far as believing herself to be responsible for her own plight. In the face of this painful denial, Laetitia decides to do whatever she can to save Hélène. C’est pas de l’amour Laetitia, jeune mère au foyer, découvre que sa voisine Hélène est victime de violence conjugale. Harcelée mentalement et physiquement par son mari, homme en apparence charmant, Hélène refuse d’accepter son statut de victime jusqu’à se considérer coupable. Devant ce déni douloureux, Laetitia tentera tout pour la sauver. Questo non è amore Laetitia, una giovane casalinga, scopre che la sua vicina di casa Hélène subisce le violenze del marito. Vessata sia psicologicamente che fisicamente dall’uomo, un tipo in apparenza affascinante, Hélène rifiuta di considerarsi una vittima, anzi ritiene di essere responsabile della situazione. Nonostante questo atteggiamento negativo, Laetitia decide di fare comunque tutto il possibile per salvare l’amica. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 196 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA FRANCE FRANCE 3 FRANCE TÉLÉVISIONS CEUX DE 14 ‘ALLONS ENFANTS’ (1ER EPISODE) (TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES) Direction Olivier Schatzky Production Jean-Luc Michaux Script Didier Dolna, Olivier Schatzky Based on a book by Maurice Genevoix Music Alexandre Delilez Photography Bruno Privat Sound Frédéric Ullmann, Yves Servagent, Christian Fontaine Editing Aurique Delannoy Actors Théo Frilet, Satya Dusaugey, Alexandre Carrière Producing organisation Native-with the participation of France Télévisions Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 31/12/2014 Original language French Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales France Télévisions Distribution Ph: +33 1 56 22 90 00 [email protected] Running time 47’ 39’’ Let’s March ‘Rise, Sons of France Ep. 1 In 1914, Maurice Genevoix, a young charming, brilliant student at the “Ecole Normale Superieure”, is drafted into the « Great » War, along with the rest of his generation. Caught up in this terrible historic event, after a tumultuous, often comical and always moving journey, he and his men end up stuck at the foot of the “Piton des Eparges”. After the exhilarating start to the war and the fraternity of battles, he becomes bitterly aware of the absurdity of the conflict. Ceux de 14 ‘allons enfants’ - 1er épisode Maurice Genevoix est un jeune normalien, beau, séduisant, brillant. La mobilisation le jette soudain, avec toute sa génération, dans un « monde prodigieux », celui de la guerre. Ballotté dans cette terrible tempête de l’Histoire, au bout d’un parcours tumultueux, souvent cocasse et toujours émouvant, cloué enfin avec ses hommes au pied du piton des Eparges, il sentira, après l’exaltation des débuts et la fraternité des combats, se lever le sentiment amer de l’absurdité du conflit. Quelli del 1914 - «Allons enfants» - Ep. 1 Nel 1914, Maurice Genevoix, un affascinante e brillante studente dell’Ecole Normale Superieure, è richiamato alle armi insieme agli altri giovani della sua generazione. Travolto dalla Grande Guerra, dopo un viaggio tumultuoso, spesso comico e quasi commovente, si ritrova intrappolato ai piedi del Piton des Eparges insieme ai suoi uomini. Dopo i primi entusiasmi, l’esaltazione e il legame di solidarietà nato in battaglia, il ragazzo diventerà amaramente consapevole dell’assurdità del conflitto. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 197 197 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA GERMANY ARD Schotty’s Struggle ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT DER ÖFFENTLICHRECHTLICHEN RUNDFUNKANSTALTEN DER BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND SCHOTTYS KAMPF TV PROGRAMMES (SERIES AND SERIALS) Direction Arne Feldhusen Production Kerstin Ramcke & Wolfgang Henningsen Script Mizzi Meyer Music Carsten Meyer Photography Kristian Leschner Sound Michael Kutz Editing Benjamin Ikes Actors Bjarne Mädel, Holger Stockhaus, David Bredin Title of series Der Tatortreiniger (Crime Scene Cleaner) Producing organisations Nordfilm GmbH, NDR Year of production 2012 Broadcast date 20/4/2013 Original language German Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 26’ 15’’ 198 After an accident in an organization head office, Schotty has to clean up the blood of the deceased. Innocently Schotty opens the door to a back room and stands suddenly in a parallel world - one he would have preferred not to enter. And the political views of the organization chairman are much too weird for Schotty’s thick skin. The crime scene cleaner gives an answer to all those strange circumstances in his own way. Le grand combat de Schotty Après un « accident » au siège d’une association, Schotty entre en scène pour nettoyer les traces de sang de la victime. En toute innocence, il ouvre la porte d’un cagibi et se retrouve projeté dans un monde parallèle où il aurait préféré ne jamais atterrir. En outre, les opinions politiques du président de l’association sont vraiment trop bizarres, même pour un dur à cuire comme Schotty. L’homme de ménage de la scène du crime saura trouver une réponse à toutes ces circonstances on ne peut plus étranges. La grande impresa di Schotty Dopo un incidente nella sede di una associazione, Schotty arriva per pulire il sangue della vittima. Ingenuamente Schotty apre la porta di uno sgabuzzino ed entra in un mondo parallelo dove non avrebbe mai voluto trovarsi. E le idee politiche del capo dell’organizzazione sono troppo bizzarre anche per uno dalla pelle dura come Schotty. L’addetto alla pulizia della scena del crimine trova a modo suo una risposta a tutte queste strane circostanze. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 198 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA GERMANY ARD ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT DER ÖFFENTLICHRECHTLICHEN RUNDFUNKANSTALTEN DER BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND DIE AUSLÖSCHUNG (TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES) Direction Nikolaus Leytner Production Mona Film Production Script Nikolaus Leytner, Agnes Pluch Music Matthias Weber Photography Hermann Dunzendorfer Editing Karin Hartusch Actors Klaus Maria Brandauer, Martina Gedeck, Birgit Minichmayr, Philipp Hochmair, Regina Fritsch Producing organisation SWR Coproducing organisation ORF Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 8/5/2013 Original language German Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 88’ 32’’ Blank When Judith Fuhrmann gets to know art historian Ernst Lemden, the sharp intellectual conquers her heart with his charm and mastery with words. Everything seems perfect. Sometime later they move in together and make plans for their future. But then something happens. There is a change in Ernst. Judith starts to worry and Ernst consults a doctor. The diagnosis is shattering: Alzheimer. This word weighs heavier than the symptoms themselves. The treacherous illness relentlessly nestles into his body, gently, unexcitedly, but sooner or later it can no longer hide. Ernst starts to investigate his illness. In the eyes of his daughter Katja and his son Theo, Ernst was an authoritarian father-figure. Seeing him like this it is hard to take. Judith works out a way so that Theo visits his father and finally they find each other: Ernst is not alone in the last days of his life… Le grand vide Quand Judith Fuhrmann rencontre Ernst Lemden, l’intellectuel - brillant et charmeur - conquiert très vite son cœur. Tout semble simple et évident : Judith et Ernst filent le parfait amour et, sans trop attendre, ils décident d'aller vivre ensemble. C’est alors que tout bascule. Ernst semble un autre homme. Inquiète, Judith le convainc à aller chez le médecin. Le diagnostic est sans appel : Alzheimer. Un mot qui pèse encore plus lourd que ses symptômes. La maladie, insidieuse, s’empare inexorablement de tout son corps. Tout d’abord en sourdine, sans crier gare, mais Ernst sait que le moment où il ne pourra plus la cacher va arriver très vite. C’est alors qu’il décide d’enquêter sur son « mal » pour mieux le maîtriser. Ses enfants - Katja et Theo - ont du mal à accepter la déchéance de ce père, autrefois fort et autoritaire. Pourtant, Judith fera en sorte que Theo rende visite à Ernst et que le père et le fils trouvent ensemble la clé pour se connaître et se réconcilier. Les derniers jours d’Ernst ont soudain une autre saveur... Vuoto Judith Fuhrmann incontra lo storico dell’arte Ernst Lemden e l’acuto intellettuale la conquista con il suo charme e la sua abile parlantina. Tutto sembra essere perfetto. Qualche tempo dopo i due vanno a vivere insieme. Ma improvvisamente accade qualcosa. Ernst cambia, Judith si preoccupa. Ernst consulta un medico. La diagnosi è devastante: Alzheimer. Questa parola pesa più dei sintomi. Inesorabilmente la subdola malattia si annida nel corpo dell’uomo, lenta e silenziosa ma tale da non poter essere nascosta. Ernst comincia a studiarla. La figlia Katja e il figlio Theo hanno sempre considerato Ernst un padre autoritario. Vederlo ridotto in quel modo è per loro difficile da accettare. Judith fa in modo che Theo faccia visita al padre e finalmente i due si riconciliano. Ernst non è più solo nei suoi ultimi giorni di vita…. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 199 199 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA GERMANY ZDF Combat Girls ZWEITES DEUTSCHES FERNSEHEN KRIEGERIN TV PROGRAMMES (TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES) Direction David F. Wnendt Production Eva-Marie & Alexander Martens Script David F. Wnendt Music Johannes Repka Photography Jonas Schmager Sound Paul Rischer Editing Andreas Wodraschke Actors Alina Levshin, Jella Haase, Sayed Ahmad Wasil Mrowat, Winni Boewe, Gerdy Zint, Uwe Pruess, Rosa Enskat Producing organisation Martens Film- und Fernsehproduktions Coproducing organisation ZDF/Das Kleine Fernsehspiel Year of production 2011 Broadcast date 1/8/2013 Original language German Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales ZDF Ph +4961317012507 [email protected] Running time 98’ 200 It is summer in a small town in East Germany; the hometown of Marisa, a young neo-Nazi. Her luck appears to have run out. The police arrest her boyfriend. A new girl appears in her gang. And Marisa gets into trouble with two foreigners: when she nearly runs them over with her car, she sets a series of events in motion which turn her life up side down. Combat Girls is a realistic, uncompromising depiction that avoids the stereotypes that are often presented in films about the neo-Nazi scene. Les filles du gang L’intrigue se situe en été, en Allemagne de l’Est, dans la bourgade natale d'une jeune néonazie : Marisa. La fille semble poursuivie par la poisse, la police vient d’arrêter son petit copain, une nouvelle recrue intègre le gang et elle a de gros problèmes avec deux étrangers qu’elle a failli renverser avec sa voiture. Le coup d’envoi à un enchaînement de circonstances qui vont bouleverser sa vie. Les filles du gang, une série réaliste et sans compromis qui évite tous les stéréotypes des films sur le néonazisme. Le ragazze della gang L’azione si svolge in estate, in una cittadina della Germania orientale dove vive Marisa, giovane neonazista. La ragazza sta attraversando un periodo non proprio fortunato. La polizia le arresta il fidanzato, una nuova venuta si unisce alla gang e lei va incontro a grossi guai con due stranieri che ha rischiato di investire con la macchina. Da questo momento in poi Marisa dovrà confrontarsi con una serie di eventi che le cambieranno la vita. Le ragazze della gang è un film realista che non cede ai compromessi e non cade mai negli stereotipi in cui molto spesso incorrono i programmi che parlano di neonazismo. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 200 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA HUNGARY MTVA MAGYAR TELEVIZIO SZABADSÁG KÜLÖNJÁRAT (TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES) Direction Péter Fazakas Production Tamás Lajos, Tamás Mink Script Norbert Kölbi Music Gergely Parádi Photography András Nagy Sound Ottó Oláh, Attila Madaras Editing Dávid Jancsó Actors Kálmán Varju, Ferenc Lengyel, Réka Tenki Réka, Zoltán Csankó, Attila Epres, Tamás Mohai, Katalin Takács,Tamás Fodor, Szabolcs Thuróczy Producing organisation Szupermodern Studio Coproducing organisation MTVA Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 23/10/2013 Original language Hungarian Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Zsuzsanna Kálomista Ph +3617595245 [email protected] Running time 58’ Freedom Flight In 1956, three months prior to the outbreak of the struggle for the freedom against the Communists, three Hungarians face perilous risks attempting to hijack a domestic flight in order to flee to the free West. This is the story, based on real events, of their breath-taking journey, during which they will have to realize they are not seeking political, but inner freedom. Le vol vers la liberté En 1956, trois mois avant l’insurrection de Budapest contre les politiques imposées par l’Union Soviétique, trois Hongrois détournent un avion de la compagnie nationale pour demander asile en Occident. Durant le vol, les « trois pirates de l’air » prennent conscience que leur quête de liberté est en fait une recherche intérieure, plus qu’une revendication politique. Le vol vers la liberté est tiré d’une histoire vraie. Volo verso la libertà 1956, tre mesi prima della’insurrezione anti-sovietica: tre ungheresi decidono di correre il rischio di dirottare un aereo delle linee interne per fuggire in occidente. Stanno con il fiato sospeso per tutto il viaggio e alla fine realizzano che la libertà che vanno cercando non è quella politica ma quella interiore. La storia si basa su fatti realmente accaduti. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 201 201 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA ITALY RAI Red Bracelets RADIOTELEVISIONE ITALIANA BRACCIALETTI ROSSI TV PROGRAMMES (SERIES AND SERIALS) Direction Giacomo Campiotti Production Rai Fiction, Palomar Script Sandro Petraglia, Giacomo Campiotti Adapted from Polseres Vermelles Photography Stefano Ricciotti Sound Glauco Poletti Actors Aurora Ruffino, Carmine Bruschini, Brando Pacitto, Mirko Trovato, Pio Piscicelli, Lorenzo Guidi Title of series Braccialetti rossi Producing organisations RAI Fiction, Palomar Coproducing organisation Big Bang Media Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 26/1/2014 - RAI 1 Original language Italian Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 100’ 202 Red Bracelets is a simple, special, profound and powerful story: just like life itself. It is a story of friendship, courage and a lust for life that humorously and tenderly portrays those of six youngsters aged between 11 and 17. During their hospital stay, they set up a group that becomes inseparable: youngsters who laugh, play, cry and become emotional as only young people can. Friendship, the will to survive, courage and a desire to surpass themselves are just some of the themes of this series that blends together a coming-of-age story, a bittersweet comedy about everyday life and all the fresh nuances of a teen drama. Les bracelets rouges Une histoire toute simple, poignante et spéciale, comme peut l’être la vie. Une histoire d’amitié, de courage et d’envie de vivre, racontée avec humour et tendresse. L’histoire de six petits malades de 11 à 17 ans qui font groupe à l’hôpital au point de devenir inséparables : des gosses qui rigolent, qui jouent, qui pleurent, qui s’émeuvent, comme seul les enfants savent le faire. Une série TV qui nous parle de l’amitié, de la volonté farouche de vivre, du courage et du besoin de se surpasser, en combinant le roman d’apprentissage, la comédie aigre-douce de la vie et la fraîcheur du teen movie. Braccialetti rossi Una storia semplice e speciale, profonda e forte: come la vita. Una storia di amicizia, piena di coraggio e voglia di vivere che ritrae con umorismo e tenerezza la vita di sei ragazzini dagli 11 ai 17 anni, che in ospedale formano un gruppo e diverranno inseparabili: ragazzi che ridono, giocano, piangono e si emozionano, come solo i giovani sanno fare. L’amicizia, la volontà di sopravvivere, il coraggio e la voglia di superare se stessi sono alcuni dei temi di questa serie che unisce il grande romanzo di formazione, la commedia agrodolce del quotidiano e le fresche venature del teen drama. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 202 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA JAPAN NHK NIPPON HOSO KYOKAI SOMEBODY, ANYBODY (TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES) Direction Mikio Sato Production Kazuki Miki Script Yuki Fujimoto Music Shigeru Umebayashi Photography Tatsunosuke Sasaki Editing Makiko Ishikawa Actors Mieko Harada, Kimiko Yo, Yusuke Kamichi, Kenichi Endo, Sumie Sasaki Sound Design Yasutaka Shimazu Sound Engineer Mikihisa Takaya Producing organisation NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) Year of production 2014 Broadcast date 11/3/2014 Original language Japanese Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Kayoko Ohmae, NHK Enterprises, Inc. Ph +81-3-3468-6984 Fax +81-3466-9530 [email protected] Running time 73’ Somebody, Anybody The Great Japan Earthquake struck north-east of the country on March 11, 2011. In the city of Kesennuma, 446 people ran to the local civic centre for shelter. Once there, they were mercilessly pounded by a tsunami more than 10 meters high. The adults tried to protect and comfort the children in the group as they struggled against cold, fire and fear. But one miracle of human connection brought relief. A mother sent an email to her son in London, telling him that she and the others were trapped. The son then sent out a plea for help through Twitter. That small voice was picked up and amplified by kind and concerned people throughout the world, until it finally arrived at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building. As dawn broke in the eerie silence the next day, the sound of a single helicopter could be heard approaching the civic centre… Tous pour un Le 11 mars 2011, un violent séisme détruit le nord-est du Japon. A Kesennuma, 446 personnes trouvent refuge dans le centre municipal. Les rescapés n’ont pas le temps de s’installer, qu’un tsunami - avec des vagues de 10 mètres de haut - s’abat sur la ville. Tandis que les adultes essaient de protéger et de rassurer les enfants, tout en luttant contre le froid, les incendies et la panique, une connexion humaine les arrache miraculeusement à la mort. Une mère envoie un mail à son fils à Londres pour l’avertir qu’ils sont pris au piège. Le fils fait basculer le SOS sur Twitter et la petite voix est relayée à travers le monde avant d’arriver aux Autorités de Tokyo. Le lendemain à l’aube, dans un silence plombé, où flotte le spectre de la mort, les réfugiés entendent soudain le vrombissement d’un hélicoptère... Tutti per uno Il terremoto dell’11 marzo 2011 devasta il nord-est del Giappone. Nella città di Kesennuma, 446 persone trovano rifugio nel municipio. Ma, una volta dentro, i poveretti sono colti da uno tsunami che provoca onde alte oltre 10 metri. Gli adulti cercano di proteggere e rassicurare i più piccoli, lottano contro il freddo, gli incendi e la paura. Una catena di solidarietà che ha del miracoloso li salva. Una donna riesce ad inviare una mail al figlio che si trova a Londra e lo avverte di quello che sta succedendo. Il ragazzo fa girare la richiesta d’aiuto su Twitter e il messaggio arriva al Palazzo del Governo a Tokio. All’alba del giorno dopo, il silenzio carico d’angoscia all’interno del municipio è interrotto dal rumore delle pale di un elicottero… 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 203 203 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA KOREA (SOUTH) KBS The Dirge Singer KOREAN BROADCASTING SYSTEM THE DIRGE SINGER TV PROGRAMMES (TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES) Direction Eun-jin Lee Production Young-su Kim, Jun-ha Moon Producing organisation Korean Broadcasting System Year of production 2014 Broadcast date 9/3/2014 Original language Korean Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 70’ Yeonsim, the daughter of a dirge singer hired to cry at funerals of noblemen in the Joseon dynasty, refuses to cry. Yunsu, the illegitimate son of a nobleman and a “Giseang”, a courtesan hired to entertain and smile at parties of noblemen, does not feel like smiling. As Yeonsim and Yunsu’s lives entwine and clash, they grow up to slowly understand and learn from each other. Using the novel character of a dirge singer, the drama also focuses on Korean funeral traditions, today disappearing under the pressure of modernization. It furthermore highlights the value and philosophy lying behind tradition. Exploring the meaning of life, laughter and tears through lesser-known occupations in the Joseon era (dirge singers, courtesans and pallbearers), the film includes traditional songs, a joyless brothel and a house in mourning … that isn’t. La pleureuse Yeonsim, la fille d’une pleureuse - qui participe a tous les funérailles des membres de la dynastie Joseon - refuse de faire le même métier que sa mère. Yunsu, le fils illégitime d’un noble et d’une courtisane - qui distrait les hôtes dans les réceptions - n’a pas le cœur à rire. Les deux enfants vivent sous le même toit et se détestent. Ce n’est qu’en grandissant qu’ils apprendront à se connaître et à s’estimer. Un film sur les rites funéraires coréens - une tradition ancestrale avec son lot de valeurs et de cérémonials - que le monde moderne est en train de balayer. En nous faisant découvrir les métiers oubliés de l’ère Joseon (les pleureuses, les courtisanes, les porteurs de cercueils), le réalisateur nous parle du sens de la vie, du bonheur, de la souffrance, en se servant de la musique traditionnelle coréenne, d’un bordel sordide, d’une maison qui devrait être en deuil… mais qui ne l’est pas. La donna che piange ai funerali Yeonsim, figlia di una donna pagata per piangere ai funerali dei nobili della dinastia Joseon, si rifiuta di seguire le orme della madre. Yunsu, figlio illegittimo di un nobile e di una cortigiana che intrattiene gli ospiti nel corso delle feste, non ha alcuna voglia di ridere. I due ragazzi vivono nella stessa casa e si scontrano, ma crescendo imparano pian piano a capirsi e a conoscersi meglio. Prendendo spunto dal personaggio principale, il film racconta le tradizioni funebri coreane, che stanno scomparendo scalzate dall’avanzare dei tempi moderni, e i valori che le sottendono. Attraverso la descrizione di alcune delle professioni meno conosciute dell’era Joseon (le donne che piangono, le cortigiane, i portatori di bare) il film esplora il significato della vita, della gioia e del dolore, servendosi anche di canzoni tradizionali, di un bordello senza gioia e di una casa che dovrebbe essere in lutto…ma non lo è. 204 PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 204 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA KOREA (SOUTH) MBC MUNHWA BROADCASTING COMPANY CROW’S-EYE VIEW (TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES) Direction Jung-Kyu Choi Production MBC Script Yi-Young Kim Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 28/11/2013 Original language Korean Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 66’ Crow’s-eye View This is a fictional story of the avant-garde 1930s Korean poet Lee Sang, a bizarre genius and precursor of his time. The tale begins in Seoul in 1970, when a man visits a gallery and presents the portrait of Lee Sang painted by his friend, the Artist Koo Bon-woong. As he reminisces about the geek poet of forty years ago, the story goes back to Seoul in the 1930s and unveils the secret of the last empire. Perspective à vol de corneille Une biographie romancée du poète coréen Yi Sang, une personnalité complexe et géniale, l’archétype de « l’homme moderne » des années 30. L’histoire débute à Séoul dans les années 70, quand un homme se présente dans une galerie de tableaux et propose le portrait de Yi Sang, brossé par son ami le peintre Koo Bon-woong. Au gré de ses souvenirs, l’homme nous parlera du poète, rebaptisé le Rimbaud coréen, en raison de son langage novateur et de sa mort précoce, en nous transportant au cœur du Séoul des années 30. Crow’s-eye View La storia romanzata del poeta coreano Lee Sang che, negli anni ’30, fu un personaggio bizzarro e geniale, un vero esemplare di “ragazzo moderno” dell’epoca. La storia ha inizio a Seul nel 1970, quando un uomo si reca in una galleria per proporre il ritratto di Lee Sang, opera del suo amico e pittore Koo Bon-woong. Mentre l’uomo si lascia andare ai ricordi e racconta dello stravagante poeta vissuto 40 anni prima, la storia torna alla Seul degli anni ’30 …. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 205 205 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA NETHERLANDS NPO NETHERLANDS PUBLIC BROADCASTING DE PROOI TV PROGRAMMES (SERIES AND SERIALS) Direction Theu Boermans Production IDtv Script Frank Ketelaar Music Paul M. Van Brugge Sound Kees De Groot Editing Sándor Soeteman Actors Pierre Bokma, Anniek Pheifer, Victor Löw Title of series The Perfect Prey Producing organisation IDtv Film Coproducing organisation VARA Broadcasting Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 19/10/2014 Original language Dutch Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales NPO Sales Ph: 00 31 35 6773561 Fax: 00 31 35 6775318 [email protected] Running time 94’ 206 The Perfect Prey The Perfect Prey tells the story of the rise and fall of Dutch banker Rijkman Groenink, who dragged down with him the ABN AMRO, one of Holland’s biggest and most distinguished banks. The mini-series is based on the bestseller written by the Dutch research journalist and professor Jeroen Smit. Une proie parfaite Une série sur l’ascension et le déclin du banquier Rijkman Groenink qui a conduit l’un des principaux établissements bancaires néerlandais, l’ABN AMRO, à la faillite. La minisérie est tirée du bestseller de Jeroen Smit, journaliste et enseignant néerlandais. La preda perfetta Questo programma racconta l’ascesa e il declino del banchiere Rijkman Groenink, che ha ridotto in disgrazia la ABN AMRO, una delle banche più grandi e famose d’Olanda. La mini-serie è tratta dal bestseller del giornalista e insegnante olandese Jeroen Smit. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 206 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA NORWAY NRK NORSK RIKSKRINGKASTING KAMPEN FOR TILVÆRELSEN (SERIES AND SERIALS) Direction Marit Moum Aune Production Cathrine Simonsen, Elisabeth Tangen Script Erlend Loe, Per Schreiner, Bjørn Olaf Johannessen Music Gaute Tønder Photography Lars Vestergaard Sound Magnus Torkildsen, Renate Bakke Editing Charlotte Kahn Actors Bartek Kaminski, Mads Ousdal, Trine Wiggen, Øystein Røger, Lena Kristin Ellingsen, Ola G. Furuseth, Tone Mostraum, Janusz Chabior, Ania Czartoryska, Jakub Kamienski Production Design Siri Langdalen Title of series Kampen for tilværelsen Producing organisation NRK Drama Year of production 2014 Broadcast date 1/10/2014 Original language Norwegian Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 45’ Struggle for Life Struggle for Life is a bold series about the current mental state of Norwegians. A Polish linguist travels to Norway to get hold of what he believes to be easy money from a father he has never met. His quest proves to drag out, and in the process he becomes increasingly integrated into Norwegian society, here represented by a privileged and well-intentioned group of citizens in Oslo’s affluent townhouse area, Ullevål Hageby, who in the absence of real problems are experts at creating their own. La lutte pour la survie La lutte pour la survie est une série audacieuse sur la mentalité des Norvégiens. Un linguiste polonais se rend en Norvège pour faire main basse sur ce qu’il croit être de l’argent facile, hérité d’un père qu’il n’a jamais connu. Sa quête s’avère plus longue que prévue et, durant son long séjour, le linguiste s’intégrera dans la société norvégienne, qui se présente ici sous les traits de la bourgeoisie d’Oslo et de son quartier résidentiel d’Ullevål Hageby. Une classe de privilégiés bourrés de bonnes intentions et de bons sentiments qui, faute d’avoir de réels problèmes, sont très habiles à s’en créer. Lotta per la sopravvivenza Struggle for Life è una coraggiosa serie sull’attuale condizione psicologica dei norvegesi. Un linguista polacco si reca in Norvegia per mettere le mani sul denaro facile di un padre che non ha mai conosciuto. Ma l’impresa richiede più tempo del previsto e nel frattempo l’uomo comincia ad integrarsi nella società norvegese, qui rappresentata da un gruppo di abitanti di un quartiere residenziale di Oslo, Ullevål Hageby i quali, agiati e pieni di buone intenzioni, non avendo preoccupazioni serie, si inventano i problemi. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 207 207 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA POLAND TVP Apnea TELEWIZJA POLSKA BEZDECH TV PROGRAMMES (TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES) Direction Andrzej Bart Production Witold Adamek Script Andrzej Bart Music Zbigniew Zbrowski Photography Witold Adamek Sound Wacław Pilkowski, Iwo Klimek Editing Milenia Fiedler Actors Boguslaw Linda, Andrzej Seweryn Producing organisation Telewizja Polska S.A. Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 28/10/2013 Original language Polish Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Telewizja Polska S.a. Ph: +48 22 5478501 Fax: +48 22 5474248 Running time 74’ 208 The title Apnea marks a short moment of suspension between life and death. Jerzy, the world famous film director, who has for several years been living and making films in Hollywood, unexpectedly turns up in Warsaw, his hometown. Through journeying around the city, he finds his son, whom he has never seen before, visits his father and also talks about death with a renowned philosopher. Furthermore he meets up with his former friends, his enemies, and lovers. Just like Voltaire’s Candide, Jerzy is about to be surprised, enchanted, but also terrified… En apnée Le titre du reportage fixe la bref laps de temps qui sépare la vie de la mort. Jerzy, réalisateur mondialement connu, qui vit et travaille depuis plusieurs années à Hollywood, décide de retourner sans crier gare à Varsovie, sa ville natale. Au cours de ses errances dans la capitale, il rencontrera son fils, qu’il n’avait jamais connu, il rendra visite à son vieux père, il s’entretiendra sur la mort avec un philosophe affirmé, il retrouvera ses vieux copains d’antan, ses ennemis aussi et ses anciennes maîtresses. Et, à l’image du Candide de Voltaire, il restera stupéfait, fasciné et, en même temps, terrorisé. Apnea Questo titolo definisce il breve momento che separa la vita dalla morte. Jerzy, regista di fama mondiale che vive e lavora a Hollywood da molti anni, improvvisamente torna a Varsavia, sua città natale. Durante il suo peregrinare per la città incontra il figlio che non ha mai visto prima, fa visita al padre e parla della morte con un celebre filosofo. Incontra anche vecchi amici, nemici e amanti. Proprio come il Candido di Voltaire è stupito, affascinato ma anche terrorizzato… PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 208 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA PORTUGAL RTP RADIOTELEVISAO PORTUGUESA OS FILHOS DO ROCK (SERIES AND SERIALS) Direction Pedro Varela Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 15/12/2013 Original language Portuguese Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 51’ 35’’ The Children of Rock Every revolution needs a hero. In the Portuguese rock boom of the eighties, Xavier Bastos was just that man. His radio show Dias de rock (Rock days) triggered an earthquake rocking the radio waves. João Pedro, Zé Paulo and Garrafa formed the Os filhos do rock an exciting rock band whose talent attracted widespread popularity... thanks also to Xavier Bastos, their manager; Pedro, who signed them onto their label; friends, girlfriends, even their families and music fans the world-over music world. The Children of Rock tells the exciting story of a generation behind the explosion of Portuguese rock in the eighties. Les enfants du rock Toutes les révolutions ont besoin de héros. Dans les années 80, quand le rock a explosé dans le monde, Xavier Bastos était considéré comme un demi-dieu au Portugal. Le programme radio qu’il animait Dias de rock (Les journées du rock) faisait vibrer les voies hertziennes. Un véritable séisme. João Pedro, Zé Paulo et Garrafa étaient Os filhos do rock (Les enfants du rock), un groupe génial qui a cartonné grâce à son talent, mais grâce aussi à son manager, Xavier Bastos, à Pedro, son producteur discographique, à ses potes, aux filles, à ses parents et à ses fans. Un programme sur la génération du rock portugais dans les années 80. I figli del rock Ogni rivoluzione ha bisogno di un eroe. In Portogallo, durante il boom del rock degli anni 80, Xavier Bastos è stato questo. Il suo programma radiofonico Dias de rock (I giorni del rock) scatenò un terremoto scuotendo l’etere. João Pedro, Zé Paulo e Garrafa erano Os filhos do rock (I figli del rock) una entusiasmante rock band la cui bravura riscosse una vasta popolarità… grazie anche al loro manager, Xavier Bastos, a Pedro, che li arruolò nella sua casa discografica, agli amici, alle ragazze, ai familiari e ai fan. Questo programma racconta la storia della generazione del rock portoghese degli anni 80. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 209 209 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA RUSSIA CH1 The Thaw CHANNEL ONE RUSSIA THE THAW TV PROGRAMMES (SERIES AND SERIALS) Direction Valery Todorovsky Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 2/12/2013 Original language Russian Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 72’ 210 1961, the Soviet Union. Young Cameraman Viktor Khrustalyov learns that his friend, scriptwriter Kostya Parshin, who he has been drinking with for a few days, has died. At the funeral he comes across his ex-wife Inga and encounters promising director Yegor Myachin; meetings prompting their decision to make a film based on Kostya’s script. Le dégel 1961, Union Soviétique. Un jeune caméraman, Viktor Khrustalyov, apprend que son meilleur ami, l’écrivain Kostya Parshin, avec qui il a partagé des jours et des nuits de beuveries, est décédé. A l’enterrement, il retrouve son ancienne femme, Inga, et un jeune réalisateur talentueux, Yegor Myachin. Les trois complices décident de rendre hommage à Kostya en tournant un film tiré de ses œuvres. Il disgelo 1961, Unione Sovietica. Viktor Khrustalyov, un giovane cameraman, viene a sapere che l’amico e scrittore Kostya Parshin, con il quale ha condiviso diverse giornate di bevute, è morto. Al funerale incontra la ex moglie Inga e un promettente regista, Yegor Myachin. Tutti insieme decidono di girare un film basato sulle opere di Kostya. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 210 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA SLOVAKIA RTVS RADIO AND TELEVISION SLOVAKIA KOLONADA (SERIES AND SERIALS) Direction Stanislav Parnicky Production Vladimir Burianek Script Scarlett Canakyova Music Lubica Malachovska Cekovska Sound Jan Grecnar Editing Marek Kralovsky Actors Marek Geisberg, Pavel Visnovsky, Andrea Karnasova, Kamila Magalova, Vladislav Plevcik, Karol Mikulcik, Jana Hubinska Dramaturge Dana Gargulakova Camera Laco Kraus Title of series The Colonnade, 1st Part Producing organisation Radio and Television Slovakia Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 12/1/2014 Original language Slovak Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 53’ 18’’ The Colonnade - 1st Part 30-year-old Adam Bernat enjoys his good life. He faces the prospect of a promising career as an orthopaedist and leads a comfortable life at home thanks to grandma Adela. Adam also gets on well with the second family of his father, Igor, himself a leading orthopaedic surgeon, and especially with his young wife Susan. However, a passionate night completely changes his life. Adam decides to leave both the safe haven of his family and the city and departs for the spa to begin a new life. La colonnade - 1e partie Adam Bernat, orthopédiste, 30 ans, a la belle vie : une carrière prometteuse et une grand-mère - Adela - qui habite avec lui et qui est aux petits soins. Adam a en outre d’excellents rapports avec la seconde famille de son père, Igor, lui-même chirurgien-orthopédiste affirmé, et en particulier avec sa jeune épouse Susan. Mais une nuit, la passion va bousculer son confortable train-train et Adam va tout plaquer : son travail, sa famille, la vie à la ville, pour aller s’installer dans une petite cité thermale et recommencer de zéro. Il portico - 1a parte Adam Bernat, 30 anni, ama la bella vita. Gli si prospetta una brillante carriera come ortopedico e conduce una vita agiata grazie alla nonna Adela. Si trova bene anche con la seconda famiglia di suo padre, Igor, anch’egli ortopedico di successo, e specialmente con la sua giovane moglie, Susan. Ma una notte di passione gli cambia completamente la vita. Adam decide di lasciare gli agi offerti dalla sua famiglia e la sua città e parte per un centro termale da dove poter ricominciare una nuova vita. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 211 211 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA SWEDEN SVT The Bridge SVERIGES TELEVISION BRON TV PROGRAMMES (SERIES AND SERIALS) Direction Henrik Georgsson, Kathrine Windfeld, Morten Arnfred, Mikael Hansson Production Anders Landström, Bo Ehrhardt, Lars Blomgren Producing organisations Filmlance International & Nimbus Film Coproducing organisations SVT/Sveriges Television, DR, Film i Skåne, ZDF Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 6/10/2013 Original languages Swedish, Danish Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales ZDF Enterprises Ph:+49 (0) 6131 / 991-1811 [email protected] Running time A drifting coastal tanker, with chained youths on board, slams into the bridge between Sweden and Denmark. Once again Swedish police officer Saga Norén (Sofia Helin) has to cooperate with her Danish counterpart Martin Rohde (Kim Bodnia) so as to solve the case. It seems they are dealing with eco-terrorists, who will stop at nothing to get their way. In the third episode Saga and Martin start profiling the eco-terrorists. They also receive an anonymous tipoff about the groups' whereabouts, but when the police raid the location, the terrorists have vanished into thin air. But then there is a split in the group, and Saga and Martin are edging closer… Le pont Un pétrolier caboteur à la dérive avec des jeunes enchaînés à son bord s’écrase contre le pont qui relie la Suède au Danemark. Une fois de plus, l’enquêteuse suédoise Saga Norén (Sofia Helin) doit coopérer avec son collègue danois Martin Rohde (Kim Bodnia) pour résoudre l’affaire. Les deux flics sont confrontés à des éco-terroristes qui ne reculent devant rien pour arriver à leurs fins. Dans ce troisième épisode, Saga et Martin font un profilage minutieux des éco-terroristes et obtiennent un tuyau sur leur planque, quand les flics débarquent, les terroristes se sont déjà volatilisés. La bande se sépare, alors que Saga et Martin se rapprochent toujours plus… Il ponte Una petroliera alla deriva, con a bordo dei giovani in catene, urta contro il ponte tra la Svezia e la Danimarca. Ancora una volta l’ufficiale della polizia svedese Saga Norén (Sofia Helin) deve risolvere il caso collaborando con il suo omologo danese Martin Rohde (Kim Bodnia). Sembra che questa volta abbiano a che fare con degli eco-terroristi pronti a tutto. Nel terzo episodio Saga e Martin iniziano a disegnare un profilo dei malviventi. Ricevono una soffiata anonima sul nascondiglio della banda ma quando la polizia arriva sul posto i criminali sono già svaniti nel nulla. Il gruppo di terroristi si divide e Saga e Martin si fanno sempre più vicini…. 57’ 37’’ 212 PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 212 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA SWITZERLAND SRG SSR SOCIETE SUISSE DE RADIODIFFUSION ET TELEVISION ZIELLOS (TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES) Direction Niklaus Hilber Production Hessegreutert Film Script Niklaus Hilber, Patrick Tönz Music Baldenweg / Great Garbo Producing organisation SRG SSR/SF DRS Schweizer Fernsehen Year of production 2014 Broadcast date 6/4/2014 Original language Swiss German Subtitled in English Running time 80’ Aimless 19-year old Pascal is constantly clashing with everyone around him. He has quit his apprenticeship and hangs around aimlessly. When drafted into military service, he unexpectedly and for the first time ever discovers how developing team spirit and taking responsibility can lead to recognition, self-respect and friendship - and indeed how good this does feel. After being discharged, Pascal tries to secure a foothold in his old life and attempts to complete his apprenticeship - but because of his poor grades, nobody seems willing to give him a second chance. His frustration with the harsh realities of society balloons until his anger explodes into a fatal event. Sans but Pascal, 19 ans, est en rupture avec la société. Il a planté son cours d’apprentissage et traîne toute la journée dans le quartier. Sans but. C’est au service militaire qu’il découvrira l’esprit de groupe et le sens des responsabilités. Les premiers balbutiements vers une prise de conscience, vers le respect de soi-même et des autres... Une découverte qui le fera enfin sentir en accord avec lui-même. A la fin du service militaire, Pascal veut tirer un trait sur sa vie de zonard et reprendre son cours d’apprentissage, mais cette voie est désormais bouchée, à cause de ses mauvaises notes. Le sort s’acharne, on dirait que personne n'est disposé à lui accorder une deuxième chance. Confronté à la dureté de la réalité, Pascal, de plus en plus frustré, se laissera emporter par la haine au cours d’une circonstance dramatique... Senza nessun interesse Pascal, 19 anni, si scontra con chiunque gli capiti a tiro. Ha lasciato il corso di apprendistato e ciondola in giro privo di qualsiasi interesse. Durante il servizio di leva all’improvviso scopre che lo spirito di squadra e l’assunzione di responsabilità sono atteggiamenti che aiutano ad acquisire consapevolezza e rispetto per se stessi e che - soprattutto - sono sentimenti che aiutano a star meglio. Congedato dall’esercito, Pascal cerca di dimenticare la sua vecchia vita e di riprendere il corso di apprendistato. Ma ha voti bassi e nessuno si sente di offrirgli una seconda possibilità. Queste difficoltà fanno aumentare gradualmente la sua frustrazione finché un giorno, nel corso di un disgraziato evento, la sua rabbia esplode. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 213 213 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA UNITED KINGDOM BBC Sherlock BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION SHERLOCK TV PROGRAMMES (TV MOVIES AND MINI-SERIES) Direction Nick Hurran Production Sue Vertue, Beryl Vertue, Mark Gatiss, Steven Moffat Script Steven Moffat Music David Arnold, Michael Price Photography Neville Kidd Sound John Mooney Editing Yan Miles Actors Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman Title of series Sherlock Producing organisation Hartswood Films Coproducing organisation WGBH Masterpiece Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 11/1/2014 Original language English 16/9 Running time 89’ 7’’ 214 Two years after the devastating events of The Reichenbach Fall, Dr John Watson has got on with his life. New horizons and romance beckon in the shape of the beautiful and smart Mary Morstan. But Sherlock Holmes is about to rise from the grave. And even though it is what his best friend wanted more than anything, for John Watson it might well be a case of ‘be careful what you wish for!’ In three brand new adventures, Sherlock and John face baffling mystery beneath the streets of London; a wedding that is not quite what it seems - and the arrival of the repellent and terrifying blackmailer Charles Augustus Magnussen. Who is the mysterious disappearing man? And what is the secret that threatens to blow apart everything the reunited friends hold dear? Sherlock is back, but will things ever be the same again? Sherlock Deux ans après le drame des chutes du Reichenbach, la vie a repris le dessus et John Watson s’est ressaisi. La belle et intelligente Mary Morstan lui a ouvert de nouveaux horizons et la possibilité d’une belle histoire d’amour. En attendant, Sherlock Holmes est sur le point de ressusciter et, même si c’est ce que John souhaite le plus au monde, ça pourrait être plus compliqué qu’il ne le pense. Au cours de ces trois nouvelles aventures, Sherlock et John seront confrontés à un étrange mystère dans les entrailles de Londres, à un mariage qui n’est pas tout à fait comme il en avait l’air, et à l’arrivée, inopinée, de Charles Augustus Magnussen, un maître-chanteur horrible et répugnant. Mais, qui est cet homme mystérieux qui a le pouvoir de disparaître ? Et quel est le terrible secret qui ébranle les certitudes de nos deux complices ? Sherlock est de retour, mais les choses pourront-elles être comme avant ? Sherlock Due anni dopo la tragedia delle cascate di Reichenbach, John Watson ha ripreso la sua vita. La bella e intelligente Mary Morstan gli ha aperto nuovi orizzonti e la prospettiva di una storia d’amore. Ma Sherlock Holmes è sul punto di resuscitare, Watson lo desidera strenuamente anche se questo evento potrebbe avere conseguenze diverse da quelle che si aspetta. Nel corso di tre nuovi episodi, Sherlock e John se la dovranno vedere con uno sconcertante mistero nei sotterranei di Londra, un matrimonio che non è quello che sembra e con la comparsa in scena del tremendo ricattatore Charles Augustus Magnussen. Ma chi è l’uomo che ha la capacità di scomparire? E qual è il segreto che può far saltare le certezze che da sempre uniscono i due vecchi amici? Sherlock è tornato, ma le cose potranno mai più essere come prima? PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 214 04/09/14 11:21 TV DRAMA UNITED KINGDOM CH4 CHANNEL FOUR TELEVISION SOUTHCLIFFE (SERIES AND SERIALS) Direction Sean Durkin Production Peter Carlton, Dean O’Toole Script Tony Grisoni Title of series Southcliffe Producing organisation Warp Films Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 4/8/2013 Original language English 16/9 Running time 48’ Southcliffe A wealth of British talent, including Rory Kinnear, Eddie Marsan, Shirley Henderson and Sean Harris, star in the harrowing four-part drama about a small-town spree shooting that leaves the innocent residents of Southcliffe faced with emotions they are unequipped to understand or deal with. Southcliffe Au cœur de ce drame en quatre épisodes, une longue liste de célébrités britanniques, tels que Rory Kinnear, Eddie Marsan, Shirley Henderson et Sean Harris. Southcliffe est l’histoire d’une petite ville britannique dévastée par plusieurs fusillades, perpétrées le même jour et au même moment. Rory Kinnear, dans le rôle d’un journaliste originaire de Southcliffe, revient dans sa ville natale pour couvrir la tragédie et est confronté au drame de ses concitoyens. Des hommes et des femmes écrasés sous le poids d’un drame trop grand pour eux. Southcliffe Rory Kinnear, Eddie Marsan, Shirley Henderson e Sean Harris sono solo alcuni dei più famosi tra i protagonisti di un’agghiacciante fiction in quattro parti. La storia prende spunto da una sparatoria avvenuta nel corso di una festa nel piccolo centro di Southcliffe. Questo episodio costringe gli innocenti abitanti del posto a confrontarsi con emozioni che non sono pronti né a capire né a gestire. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 215 215 04/09/14 11:21 02 TV 140-267.indd 216 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY 43 0 0 02 TV 140-267.indd 217 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY BELGIUM VRT CURRENT AFFAIRS Privacy for Sale On brade la vie privée Privacy in vendita CANADA ARTV TV PROGRAMMES CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST CBC/SRC CURRENT AFFAIRS The Moving Star Le vertige de l’étoile Stella vorticosa Doc Zone - Syria: behind Rebel Lines Doc Zone - Syrie : derrière les lignes rebelles Doc Zone - Siria: dietro le linee dei ribelli CZECH REPUBLIC CTV CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST In Focus Concentre-toi ! Attenta! DENMARK DR CURRENT AFFAIRS Death with Dignity? Mourir dignement ? Morire con dignità? CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST The Dark Side of a Pill Le revers de la pilule Effetti sconosciuti di un farmaco FINLAND YLE CURRENT AFFAIRS 218 Emissionary Man Les responsables des émissions de gaz à effet de serre I responsabili delle emissioni di gas serra PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 218 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Free Miles Les miles gratuits Il bonus fedeltà FRANCE ARTE FRANCE CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST FRANCE 2 CURRENT AFFAIRS FRANCE 3 CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST The Missing Picture L’image manquante L’immagine che manca Victims of the French Atomic Bomb Victimes de la bombe atomique française Vittime della bomba atomica francese The Brotherhood, who are the Muslim Brothers? La confrérie : enquête sur les frères musulmans La Fratellanza: chi sono i Fratelli Musulmani ? GERMANY ZDF CURRENT AFFAIRS Super Cells - The First Artificial Organ Made of Stem Cells Super cellules - La promesse des cellules souches Supercellule - Le promesse delle cellule staminali CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Houses for All Des logements pour tous Case per tutti HUNGARY DUNA TV CURRENT AFFAIRS Babel - The World with Hesna: out of the Rat Race Babel - Le monde avec Hesna : loin du succès Babel - Il mondo con Hesna: fuori dalla corsa al successo CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Amorous Geography - My Toscana. Tibi at the Lake Balaton Amorous Geography - Ma Toscane. Tibi sur le lac Balaton Amorous Geography - La mia Toscana. Tibi sul Lago Balaton 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 219 219 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY MTVA CURRENT AFFAIRS On the Spot - Children of Dictators: Uganda Sous les projecteurs - Les fils de dictateurs : l’Ouganda On the Spot - Figli di dittatori: Uganda IRELAND RTÉ TV PROGRAMMES CURRENT AFFAIRS The Disappeared Les disparus Gli scomparsi ITALY CLASSICA ITALIA CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Arena 100 - A Century of Music Arène 100 - Un siècle de musique Arena 100 - Un secolo di musica RAI CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST SKY ARTE HD Cultural Shock Le choc des cultures Cultural Shock CURRENT AFFAIRS Contact. Tienanmen - Stuart Franklin Contact. Tienanmen - Stuart Franklin Contact. Tienanmen - Stuart Franklin CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST The Vatican Museum - Between Heaven and Earth Les musées Vatican - Entre ciel et terre Musei Vaticani - Tra cielo e terra TV2000 CURRENT AFFAIRS In the Footsteps of Abraham Sur les traces d’Abraham Sui passi di Abramo JAPAN NHK CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST 220 The Universe at Our Feet L’univers à nos pieds L’universo sotto i nostri piedi PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 220 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY CURRENT AFFAIRS Adrift in Old Age: Living with Dementia Une vieillesse à la dérive : vivre avec la démence sénile Una brutta vecchiaia: vivere con la demenza senile KOREA (SOUTH) KBS CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Colours, 4 Desires - The Blue Couleurs, 4 désirs - Le Bleu - Prières du Salut Colori, 4 desideri - Il blu CURRENT AFFAIRS Armistice 60th Anniversary Special - 63 Years of Longing for My Daughter Miyoko Une émission spéciale pour commémorer le 60e anniversaire de l’armistice - Une nostalgie longue de 63 ans - Ma Fille Miyoko Programma Speciale per i 60 anni dall’Armistizio 63 anni di nostalgia per mia figlia Miyoko MBC CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST In Memory of Hannah, the Miracle En mémoire d’Hannah, le miracle In memoria di Hannah, il miracolo NETHERLANDS NPO CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Photo Eddy - My Father’s Negatives Les photos d’Eddy - Les négatifs de mon père Le foto di Eddy - I negativi di mio padre NORWAY NRK CURRENT AFFAIRS Exit Exit Exit POLAND TVP CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Secrets of Love Les secrets de l’amour I segreti dell’amore 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 221 221 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY PORTUGAL RTP CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Dona Tututa Dona Tututa Dona Tututa ROMANIA TVR TV PROGRAMMES CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Greece - The Public Television Hit by Unemployment La Grèce - La Télévision publique au chômage Grecia - Televisione pubblica senza lavoro SAN MARINO (REPUBLIC OF) RSMTV CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Mafia, the Last Godfather Mafia, le dernier parrain Mafia, l’ultimo padrino CURRENT AFFAIRS Bravo Zulu Bravo zoulou Bravo zulu SLOVENIA RTVSLO CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Chasers of the Dark Les chasseurs d’obscurité Alla ricerca dell’oscurità SPAIN TVE CURRENT AFFAIRS 222 Children of the Atomic War Les enfants de la guerre nucléaire Figli della guerra atomica PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 222 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY SWEDEN SVT CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST No Burqas behind Bars Sans burqa derrière les barreaux Niente burqa dietro le sbarre SWITZERLAND SRG SSR CURRENT AFFAIRS An Eye for an Eye : the Vengeance of the Gaddafi Clan Œil pour œil : la vengeance des Kadhafi Occhio per occhio: la vendetta dei Gheddafi CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST In Transit L’escale In transito UNITED KINGDOM BBC CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST CH4 Britain’s Great War - Ep. 3 La Grande Guerre de la Grande-Bretagne - 3e épisode La Grande Guerra della Gran Bretagna - Ep. 3 CURRENT AFFAIRS Hunted Victimes de persécutions Perseguitati CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST The Cruel Cut L’incision cruelle Il taglio crudele PAN EUROPEAN BROADCASTERS HBOE CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST Stream of Love Un monde d’amour Un mare d’amore 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 223 223 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY BELGIUM VRT Privacy for Sale VLAAMSE RADIO EN TELEVISIEOMROEP PRIVACY TE KOOP TV PROGRAMMES (CURRENT AFFAIRS) Direction Peter Brems Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 21/11/2013 Original language Dutch Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 49’ 38’’ Europe is working on new legislation to better protect the privacy of European citizens. With the coming of the internet, the matter of reform has taken on even greater urgency. The interests involved are huge. One only has to think of the profits companies like Facebook or Google can make amassing the personal data of their clients. In Brussels there is a ruthless lobby war raging, led by the major internet companies. In its report, Panorama paints a vivid picture of a frequently waged war using both secret as well as underhand methods, and certainly with the aid of enormous sums of money. On brade la vie privée L’Europe planche sur une nouvelle réglementation en matière de vie privée pour mieux garantir ses citoyens. Avec l’avènement d’Internet, cette réforme est désormais de la plus haute urgence. Il suffit de penser aux profits que des groupes comme Facebook ou Google peuvent tirer des données personnelles des usagers pour avoir la mesure des enjeux. A Bruxelles, les lobbies des réseaux d’interconnexion ont déjà déterré la hache de guerre. Dans ce reportage, Panorama fait une plongée au cœur de cette guerre du 21e siècle qui mobilise des capitaux colossaux en passant le plus souvent au travers des mailles de la traçabilité. Privacy in vendita L’Europa sta lavorando ad una nuova legislazione che meglio garantisca la privacy dei cittadini. Con l’avvento di Internet questa riforma riveste un carattere di estrema urgenza. Gli interessi implicati sono enormi. Basti pensare ai profitti che aziende come Facebook o Google possono trarre dai dati personali dei loro utenti. A Bruxelles si sta verificando una guerra spietata tra lobby, guidata dalle più grandi società internet. In questo reportage Panorama si focalizza sulla guerra in atto descrivendola come un’impresa che spesso si avvale di metodi poco chiari e di grosse somme di denaro, a volte anche di dubbia provenienza. 224 PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 224 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY CANADA ARTV LE VERTIGE DE L’ETOILE (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Éric Côté, Jean-Pierre Dussault Production Jean-Pierre Dussault Script Roger Lapalme Music Olivier Auriol Choreography Guillaume Côté Photography Éric Côté Sound Normand Lapierre Editing André Michaud Dancers Guillaume Côté, Heather Ogden, Marcelo Gomes, David Hallberg, Denis Matvienko, Ivan Vasiliev, Greta Hodgkinson, Keiichi Hirano, Etienne Lavigne, Patrick Lavoie, Christopher Stalzer Producing organisation Productions Trait d’Union Year of production 2014 Broadcast date 18/5/2014 Original language French Subtitled in English Voiced over in French 16/9 Running time 52’ The Moving Star Canadian Guillaume Côté belongs to ballet’s international élite. A principal dancer with the National Ballet of Canada in Toronto, he is also a talented composer and choreographer. Following the artist over a twoyear period, The Moving Star features his dazzling performances in The Kings of the Dance, in London in Romeo and Juliet, and in Monterrey in a duet with his wife, principal dancer Heather Ogden. The film also captures his daily life in Toronto, as well as a visit to his family in Lac Saint-Jean. A unique opportunity to discover the world of ballet and contemporary dance through the career of one of its most accomplished artists. Le vertige de l’étoile Le Canadien Guillaume Côté fait partie de l’élite mondiale du ballet. Danseur étoile du Ballet national du Canada de Toronto, il se révèle également un compositeur et un chorégraphe de talent. En suivant l’artiste dans ses déplacements pendant près de deux ans, Le vertige de l’étoile nous permet de le voir dans ses éblouissantes prestations à New York avec The Kings of the Dance, à Londres dans Roméo et Juliette et à Monterrey en duo avec son épouse, la danseuse étoile Heather Ogden, ainsi que dans son quotidien à Toronto ou en visite dans sa famille au Lac Saint-Jean. L’occasion privilégiée de découvrir l’univers du ballet et de la danse contemporaine à travers le parcours d’un de ses artistes les plus accomplis. Stella vorticosa Guillaume Côté fa parte della élite internazionale del balletto. Etoile del National Ballet of Canada di Toronto, è anche un apprezzato compositore e coreografo. Il programma lo segue per due anni, riprendendolo durante le brillanti esibizioni con la compagnia The Kings of the Dance, a Londra in Romeo e Giulietta, a Monterrey in coppia con la moglie, l’étoile Heather Ogden, ma anche durante la sua vita quotidiana a Toronto o nel corso delle visite alla famiglia a Lac Saint-Jean. Un’opportunità unica per scoprire il mondo del balletto e della danza contemporanea attraverso uno dei suoi più raffinati protagonisti. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 225 225 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY CANADA CBC/SRC CANADIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION/ SOCIÉTÉ RADIO CANADA DOC ZONE - SYRIA: BEHIND REBEL LINES TV PROGRAMMES (CURRENT AFFAIRS) Direction Slvene Gilchrist Production Sylvene Gilchrist, Rania Abouzeid, Lynne Chichakian Script Sylvène Gilchrist, Rania Abouzeid Photography Jean-Francois Bisson Editing Jacques Milette, Vance Tschritter Title of series Doc Zone Producing organisation Canadian Broadcsting Corporation Year of production 2012 Broadcast date 16/5/2013 Original language English 16/9 Sales CBC Ph: 416.205.5633 Fax: 416.205.8607 [email protected] Running time 45’ 4’’ 226 Doc Zone - Syria: behind Rebel Lines 2011 saw sweeping change in the Middle East and North Africa - The Arab Spring. Syrians watched what was happening, and took to the streets hoping for an end to the 40 years of Assad family rule. But there was no Arab Spring for Syria, and almost 2 years later, the destruction and death continue. This is the story of the Syrian rebels behind the frontline - why they fight, how they source their weapons and ammunition, and how they interact with each other. It is set against the backdrop of an impending major battle to clear out the last remaining outposts of Assad’s troops in the vast northern Syrian province of Idlib. Doc Zone - Syrie : derrière les lignes rebelles En 2011, le Printemps Arabe a engendré une vague de révolutions au Proche et au Moyen-Orient. Les Syriens ont observé ce qui se passait avant de descendre à leur tour dans la rue pour mettre fin aux 40 ans de règne du clan Assad. Mais le germe du Printemps Arabe n’a pas pris en Syrie et, presque deux ans plus tard, la destruction et la mort continuent de faire la une. La journaliste Rania Abouzeid est en première ligne depuis les premières manifestations. Elle nous présente le quotidien des rebelles syriens vu de l’intérieur : pourquoi se battent-ils ? Comment se procurent-ils leurs armes et leurs munitions ? Comment communiquent-ils entre eux ? Doc Zone - Siria: dietro le linee dei ribelli Il 2011 ha portato un’ondata di cambiamenti in Medio Oriente e in Africa settentrionale - la cosiddetta Primavera Araba. Spinti dagli eventi, anche i siriani sono scesi in piazza sperando di porre fine ai 40 anni di potere della famiglia Assad. Ma non c’è stata Primavera Araba per la Siria dove ancora oggi, dopo due anni, continuano distruzioni e morte. Questa è la storia dei ribelli, del perché combattono, di come si procurano armi e munizioni e di come interagiscono gli uni con gli altri. Il programma è stato girato nella vasta provincia di Idlib, nel nord della Siria, dove i ribelli attendono la grande battaglia che sbaragli gli ultimi avamposti delle truppe di Assad. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 226 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY CZECH REPUBLIC CTV CESKA TELEVIZE DÁVEJ POZOR (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Kamila Zlatušková Production Petr Morávek Music Michal Rataj Sound Richard Muller, Michal Pavlíèek Editing Zdenìk Marek, Josef Krabich Producing organisation Czech Television Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 31/8/2013 Original language Czech Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Czech Television Telexport Ph: +420 2 6113 7438 Fax: +420 2 6121 1354 [email protected] Running time 14’ 50’’ In Focus Jana, a pretty nine-year-old Roma girl, has a problem in school and at home. Because of her learning disabilities, she finds it very hard to focus. She decides to go through unique therapy to fight her handicap. Are we really able to push our potential and will to the limit? A documentary giving an insight into an exceptional therapy helping children improve their concentration. A short Czech Television-produced film from the prestigious EBU programmes for children and youngsters. Concentre-toi ! Jana est une adorable petite nomade de neuf ans. Pourtant, à l’école comme en famille, elle rencontre des difficultés, travaille mal et manque d’application. Incapable de se concentrer, elle accepte de se soumettre à une thérapie expérimentale pour résoudre cette difficulté handicapante. Mais en réalité, peut-on vraiment repousser les frontières de nos capacités et contrôler à 100% notre volonté ? Ce documentaire nous présente des thérapies exceptionnelles en mesure d’aider les enfants à améliorer leur concentration. Un court-métrage qui s’inscrit dans le cadre du prestigieux programme UER pour les enfants et les jeunes. Attenta! Jana è una ragazzina nomade di nove anni che non riesce a concentrarsi a causa di un disturbo dell’apprendimento e ciò le provoca disagi sia a casa che a scuola. Accetta di sottoporsi ad una terapia sperimentale per risolvere il suo handicap. Siamo veramente in grado di superare le frontiere del nostro potenziale intellettivo e della nostra volontà? Un documentario che analizza l’eccezionale terapia che aiuta i bambini ad aumentare la capacità di concentrazione. Un cortometraggio prodotto dalla televisione ceca nell’ambito del prestigioso programma EBU/UER per bambini e ragazzi. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 227 227 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY DENMARK DR Death with Dignity? DANMARKS RADIO DR2 UNDERSØGER: EN VÆRDIG DØD? TV PROGRAMMES (CURRENT AFFAIRS) Direction Anne Blume Music Upright, Brambles, Magnetic Man, Oliveray, Cliff Martinez, Pan American, Noah and The Whale Photography Jesper Bonde Nielsen Editing Jesper Bonde Nielsen Editor Anne Seeberg Managing editor Søren Bo Hansen Title of series DR2 Undersøger/DR2Investigates Producing organisation DR Danish Broadcasting Corp. Year of production 2014 Broadcast date 3/3/2014 Original language Danish Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 29’ 5’’ 228 On January 9th Jane Hoffmann chose to die at a “suicide clinic” in Switzerland. She fought until the end for euthanasia in Denmark. In Holland, euthanasia is legal, but how does it work in practice? And why are Danish Doctors so much against it? Jane Hoffmann suffered from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, but refused to end up paralyzed, totally dependent on family members or caregivers. She invited DR2 Investigates to follow her through the last months and hours of her life, thereby offering an unique insight into the decision to end her own life. Jane’s 23-year old daughter Rikke supported her all the way. But how do you make peace with your mom’s decision to choose death over life? Mourir dignement ? Jane Hoffmann a choisi de mettre fin à ses jours le 9 janvier dans une « clinique du suicide » en Suisse. Elle s’est battue jusqu’au bout en faveur de l’euthanasie au Danemark. Aux Pays-Bas, l’euthanasie est officiellement légale, mais ça se passe comment en réalité ? Et pourquoi les médecins danois sont-ils contraires à cette pratique ? Jane Hoffmann, atteinte de SLA, refuse de finir complètement assistée par sa famille ou par du personnel médical. Pour expliquer son choix à l’opinion et faire en sorte qu’elle puisse rentrer dans la peau d’un malade qui a choisi l’euthanasie, elle a invité DR2 Investigates à documenter ses derniers mois, ses derniers jours et ses dernières heures de vie. Rikke, sa fille âgée de 23 ans, l’a soutenue dans son combat. Mais comment accepter que sa propre mère choisisse la mort plutôt que la vie ? Morire con dignità? Jane Hoffmann ha deciso di morire il 9 gennaio in una “clinica del suicidio” in Svizzera. Fino alla fine si è battuta in favore dell’eutanasia in Danimarca. In Olanda l’eutanasia è legale, ma come funziona? E perché i medici danesi sono così fortemente contrari a questa pratica? Jane Hoffmann, affetta da SLA, si è rifiutata di finire paralizzata, completamente dipendente dai familiari e dagli operatori sanitari. La donna ha quindi invitato DR2 Investigates a documentare i suoi ultimi mesi, le sue ultime ore di vita, offrendo al pubblico la possibilità unica di entrare nella testa di chi ha deciso di porre fine ai propri giorni. La figlia Rikke, 23 anni, l’ha sempre sostenuta in questo lungo percorso. Ma come si può accettare la decisione di una madre che ha scelto la morte invece che la vita? PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 228 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY DENMARK DR DANMARKS RADIO PILLENS MØRKE SKYGGE (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Poul-Erik Heilbuth Producing organisation DR Danish Broadcasting Corp. Coproducing organisation NDR and in association with YLE, UR, ERT, YES/DBS, HRT Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 14/4/2013 Original languages English, German Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales DR Sales Running time 58’ The Dark Side of a Pill The Dark Side of a Pill is an exclusive, case-driven investigation into one of the medical success stories of our time. Every 10th grown-up in the western world is on antidepressants. The prescription drug is one of the most lucrative products of the medical industry. In the US, David had never had a record of violence nor problems with the police, until suddenly he committed a terrible crime just days after taking antidepressants: he stabbed and killed his twin daughters. In Germany a wife and loving mother committed suicide, just weeks after taking Prozac. In Holland an extraordinary court case could change the way that Europe sees antidepressants. Could there actually be a connection between antidepressants and violence? This is a film about informed consent about openly acknowledging the real problems with medicating 10 - 15% of the population with a drug that changes the chemistry of the brain with an effect that at times can be extremely powerful. Le revers de la pilule Une enquête exclusive sur les antidépresseurs : le remède miracle des temps modernes. Un occidental sur dix prend des antidépresseurs qui constituent la plus grosse part de marché de l’industrie pharmaceutique. Pourtant, le revers de cette pilule du bonheur n’est pas toujours reluisant. Aux Etats-Unis, David, un “monsieur tout le monde” qui n’avait jamais eu de crises de violence ou de problèmes avec la justice, a massacré ses filles jumelles à coups de couteau après une prise d’antidépresseurs. En Allemagne, une femme, considérée comme une épouse et une mère exemplaire, s’est suicidée après une cure de Prozac. Aux Pays-Bas, une affaire judiciaire, qui met en lumière les effets incontrôlables des antidépresseurs, risque de faire basculer le verdict et l’opinion du public. Un reportage qui, tout en restant neutre, s’interroge sur le lien potentiel entre violence et antidépresseur pour informer les spectateurs sur les effets secondaires de ce « remède miracle ». Effetti sconosciuti di un farmaco Indagine esclusiva su un caso medico dei giorni nostri. Un decimo della popolazione del mondo occidentale fa uso di antidepressivi. Questi prodotti costituiscono una delle fonti di maggior guadagno per l’industria del farmaco. Ma c’è l’altra faccia della medaglia. Negli USA, David non aveva mai avuto attacchi di violenza né problemi con la polizia, quando, qualche giorno dopo aver assunto degli antidepressivi, ha commesso un crimine atroce: ha accoltellato a morte le figlie gemelle. In Germania una donna, madre e moglie amorevole, si è suicidata qualche settimana dopo aver iniziato ad assumere il Prozac. In Olanda un caso giudiziario potrebbe stravolgere l’opinione pubblica europea circa gli antidepressivi. Ci può essere un nesso tra antidepressivi e violenza? Questo programma non vuole essere pro o contro tali medicinali ma vuole semplicemente informare sugli effetti di un farmaco. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 229 229 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY FINLAND YLE Emissionary Man OY. YLEISRADIO PÄÄSTÖKAUPPIAAT TV PROGRAMMES (CURRENT AFFAIRS) Direction Kati Juurus Production Erkko Lyytinen /YLE Photography Marco Hyvärinen, Tapio Sovijärvi Sound Martin Maksi, Jani Hietanen, Ahti Korhonen, Kalle Lahdenpää, Pekka Pylkkö Editing Antti Isoaho Producing organisation YLE Year of production 2014 Broadcast date 3/10/2013 Original languages Finnish, English, Swahili Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales YLE Sales Ph: +358914801 [email protected] Running time 53’ 28’’ 230 The purpose of emission trading is to cut down carbon dioxide emissions, and direct the industries towards investing in low-carbon production. The outcome, however, has not been as expected. The documentary is a tragicomic story of how we are trying to save the world by shifting the emissions from one place to another. It is however as though we have forgotten that the point is to also reduce emissions, not just buy and sell them. The story begins in Kenya, where two businessmen, a Finn and an American, are trying to make money out of the emissions trade. As the carbon market collapses, the shock waves are felt everywhere: in Finland, Brussels as well as in Kenya. Les responsables des émissions de gaz à effet de serre Les échanges de quotas de gaz à effet de serre visent à réduire l’émission de dioxyde de carbone et à pousser les industriels à investir dans l’énergie propre. Hélas, à l’échelle mondiale, ces politiques d’incitation sont loin d’être à la hauteur des attentes. Ce reportage nous montre, dans un style tragi-comique, les vains efforts déployés pour sauver notre planète et toutes les astuces mises en place pour déplacer le problème et les gaz toxiques d’un point à l’autre du globe. L’histoire débute au Kenya, où deux industriels - un Finlandais et un Américain - se rencontrent pour tirer profit de l’échange des quotas de gaz à effet de serre. Pourtant, quand le marché mondial du carbone s’effondrera, l’onde de choc déferlera sur toute la planète et n’épargnera ni la Finlande, ni Bruxelles, ni le Kenya… I responsabili delle emissioni di gas serra Gli accordi sulle emissioni dovevano portare ad una riduzione dei tassi di anidride carbonica e indirizzare le industrie a produrre con energia pulita. Ma il risultato è stato deludente. Questo documentario è la tragicomica storia del tentativo di salvare il mondo spostando le emissioni da un posto all’altro, vendendo l’inquinamento e dimenticando che l’impegno era quello di ridurlo. La storia inizia in Kenia, dove due uomini d’affari, un finlandese e un americano, cercano di speculare sulla compravendita di emissioni. Se crolla il mercato del carbonio, le onde d’urto si ripercuotono ovunque: Finlandia, Bruxelles e anche in Kenia. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 230 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY FINLAND YLE OY. YLEISRADIO APAAMATKUSTAJAT (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Ken Saan Production Erkko Lyytinen / YLE Script Krister Kivi, Ken Saan Photography Mart Ratassepp, Alis Mäesalu, Margus Sikk Editing Antti Isoaho Producing organisation YLE Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 12/9/2013 Original languages Estonian, English Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales YLE Sales Ph: +358914801 [email protected] Running time 45’ 54’’ Free Miles A virtually free luxury lifestyle? This documentary puts the spotlight on a sub-culture, where living out your life as a modern-day hobo in the first class is possible thanks to frequent flyers and hotel bonuses. However could it be that all this constant travelling is also a means to get away from oneself? Les miles gratuits Peut-on vivre dans le luxe sans débourser un seul centime ? Ce documentaire jette un nouvel éclairage sur la sous-culture des programmes de fidélisation, lancés par les compagnies aériennes. Des compagnies qui offrent à leurs passagers assidus des nuits dans des hôtels grand-luxe en donnant à ces nomades modernes l’illusion de mener une vie princière. Mais, la question posée ici en filigrane est la suivante : ces voyages incessants à travers le monde ne seraient-ils pas un prétexte pour se fuir soi-même ? Il bonus fedeltà Si può vivere nel lusso senza sborsare un centesimo? Un documentario sui programmi di fidelizzazione, diventati di moda grazie alle compagnie aeree che offrono ai loro passeggeri abituali la possibilità di soggiornare in hotel di lusso. Questi nomadi moderni hanno così l’opportunità di sperimentare una vita principesca che non potrebbero altrimenti permettersi. Ma la smania di viaggiare può essere un pretesto per fuggire da se stessi? 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 231 231 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY FRANCE ARTE FRANCE L’IMAGE MANQUANTE TV PROGRAMMES (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Rithy Panh Production CDP Production Script Rithy Panh Music Marc Marder Photography Prum Mesa Coproducing organisations CDP, ARTE FRANCE, Bophana Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 9/10/2013 Original language Cambodian Subtitled in French 16/9 Running time 91’ 48’’ 232 The Missing Picture This work by the Cambodian film-maker is entirely devoted to the Khmer genocide, which decimated his own family and shattered his childhood. In L’Image manquante (The Missing Picture), he for the first time evokes the nightmare of this tragedy in the first person. L’Image manquante is inspired by the book The Elimination, also told in the first person, cowritten with Christophe Bataille and first published in French in 2012. It won the Un certain regard Prize - Cannes 2013. L’image manquante Il y a tant d’images dans le monde, qu’on croit avoir tout vu. Tout pensé. Depuis des années, je cherche une image qui manque. Une photo prise entre 1975 et 1979 par les Khmers rouges, quand ils dirigeaient le Cambodge. A elle seule, bien sûr, une image ne prouve pas le crime de masse, mais elle donne à penser, à méditer. A bâtir l’histoire. Je l’ai cherchée en vain dans les archives, dans les papiers, dans les campagnes de mon pays. Maintenant je sais : cette image doit manquer et je ne la cherchais pas - ne serait-elle pas obscène et sans signification ? Alors je la fabrique. Ce que je vous donne aujourd’hui n’est pas une image ou la quête d’une seule image, mais l’image d’une quête : celle que permet le cinéma. Certaines images doivent toujours manquer et être toujours remplacées par d’autres images. Et, dans ce mouvement, il y a la vie, le combat, la peine et la beauté, la nostalgie des visages perdus, la compréhension de ce qui fut ; et parfois aussi la noblesse, voire le courage : mais l’oubli, jamais. L’immagine che manca Un documentario del regista cambogiano Rithy Panh interamente dedicato al genocidio operato dai Khmer, che hanno decimato la sua famiglia e rovinato la sua infanzia. Per la prima volta il regista rievoca l’incubo di questa tragedia parlandone in prima persona. Il programma è tratto dal libro The Elimination narrato sempre in prima persona, scritto in collaborazione con Christophe Bataille e pubblicato in Francia nel 2012. Premio Un certain regard, Cannes 2013. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 232 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY FRANCE FRANCE 2 FRANCE TÉLÉVISIONS VICTIMES DE LA BOMBE ATOMIQUE FRANÇAISE (CURRENT AFFAIRS) Direction Christine Bonnet, Jean-Philippe Desbordes Production Christian Le Peutrec, Hélène Chevereau, Catherine Marconnet Script Jean-Philippe Desbordes, Christine Bonnet Music Mathias Duplessy Photography Roger Motte, Saïd Bakhtaoui Editing Christine Bonnet Producing organisation Mano a Mano Coproducing organisation Archipel Production, with the participation of France Télévisions Year of production 2012 Broadcast date 15/4/2014 Original language French Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales SHK Distribution Ph: +33 1 45 54 79 79 [email protected] Running time 72’ 6’’ Victims of the French Atomic Bomb Two perpetually-interwoven stories are here told: that of Bernard Ista and of the French atomic bomb. Their paths first crossed in the Algerian desert in 1960, with the very first A bomb tests. It was in 1995 in the Mururoa atoll, with the last dropping of the H-bomb, that they finally pasted company. They had shared 35 years filled with adventure, alternating between excitement and tragedy; 35 fascinating and alarming years which Bernard Ista filmed and chronicled from day to day. The film is made from original pictures and based on Bernard Ista’s own books. Victimes de la bombe atomique française Ce film raconte deux histoires à jamais mêlées, celle de Bernard Ista et celle de la bombe atomique française. Leur première rencontre a lieu dans le désert algérien en 1960, lors des premières expérimentations de la bombe A. Leurs adieux se feront en 1995, dans l’atoll de Mururoa, lors des derniers tirs de la bombe H. 35 années d’une aventure commune exaltante et tragique. 35 années de fascination puis de craintes que Bernard Ista va filmer et écrire au jour le jour. Vittime della bomba atomica francese Questo programma racconta due storie strettamente collegate tra di loro, quella di Bernard Ista e quella della bomba atomica francese. Il loro primo incontro avvenne nel deserto algerino nel 1960, all’epoca dei primi esperimenti della bomba A. Si lasciarono nel 1995 sull’atollo di Mururoa, in occasione dell’ultimo lancio della bomba H. Hanno condiviso 35 anni di avventure eccitanti e tragiche. Sono stati 35 anni di meraviglie e paure che Bernard Ista ha documentato giorno per giorno attraverso le sue foto e i suoi scritti. Il film è il risultato di questo suo lavoro. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 233 233 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY FRANCE FRANCE 3 FRANCE TÉLÉVISIONS LA CONFRERIE : ENQUETE SUR LES FRERES MUSULMANS TV PROGRAMMES (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Michaël Prazan Production Michel Rotman Script Michaël Prazan Music Stéphane Haeri Photography Laurent Chalet Sound Benjamin Haïm Editing Nathalie Triniac Producing organisation Kuiv Productions Coproducing organisations With the participation of France Télévisions, RTBF Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 22/5/2013 Original languages French, Arabic, English Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Kuiv Productions Ph: +33 1 44 75 79 15 [email protected] Running time 80’ 38’’ 234 The Brotherhood, who are the Muslim Brothers? In the majority of the “Arab Spring” countries, the Muslim Brotherhood has come to power or is on the verge of doing so. But who are they really? Created in 1928 during a revival of religious fundamentalism and armed struggle against western occupation, the Muslim Brotherhood developed a religious ideology which can in no way be termed obscurantist. For years persecuted by dictatorships, Arab nationalist and lay regimes, the Muslim Brotherhood has risen to power in Egypt, Tunisia and to some extent in Morocco. Its teachings have spread over the 20th century in reaction to Western values, whose introduction was perceived as part of a bid to destabilize and dominate the Muslim world. Today the Brotherhood’s members hold top posts of responsibility in most “Arab Spring” countries. Initially keeping a distance from popular demands for democracy, the Brotherhood has however benefitted from democratically-held elections … but will democracy be brought to an end by precisely the Brotherhood? La confrérie : enquête sur les frères musulmans Dans la plupart des pays du « printemps arabe » les Frères Musulmans ont accédé au pouvoir ou sont en passe de l’être. Mais qui sont-ils réellement ? Née en 1928 dans le contexte d’un retour au fondamentalisme religieux et du combat armé contre l’occupation occidentale, la Confrérie a développé une idéologie que d’aucuns pourraient qualifier d’obscurantiste. Longtemps traqués par les régimes dictatoriaux, laïcs et nationalistes arabes, les Frères Musulmans ont accédé au pouvoir en Egypte, en Tunisie, et partiellement au Maroc. Mais les Frères Musulmans qui récoltent aujourd’hui les fruits de la révolution pour la démocratie, en sont-ils les fossoyeurs ? Ou prônent-ils, comme ils le prétendent euxmêmes, un « islam modéré », en phase avec la modernité, et compatible avec la démocratie ? La Fratellanza: chi sono i Fratelli Musulmani? Nella maggior parte dei paesi della “primavera araba” i Fratelli Musulmani hanno preso il potere o sono sul punto di farlo. Ma chi sono veramente? Nata nel 1928, nel corso della ripresa del fondamentalismo religioso e della lotta armata contro l’Occidente, questa organizzazione ha sviluppato una ideologia religiosa che in nessun modo si può definire oscurantista. Per anni perseguitati dai regimi dittatoriali arabi, nazionalisti e laici i Fratelli Musulmani sono al potere in Egitto, Tunisia e in parte in Marocco. La loro dottrina si è diffusa nel corso del XX secolo come reazione ai valori dell’Occidente, considerati come un tentativo di destabilizzare e dominare il mondo islamico. Oggi i membri della Fratellanza svolgono un ruolo di grande responsabilità nei paesi della “Primavera araba”. Inizialmente distanti dalle richieste popolari di democrazia hanno comunque tratto profitto dalle elezioni democratiche….ma saranno proprio loro a porre fine alla democrazia? PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 234 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY GERMANY ZDF ZWEITES DEUTSCHES FERNSEHEN LEBENSRETTER STAMMZELLEN (CURRENT AFFAIRS) Direction Wolfram Giese, Annette Kuehn Production Ralf Blasius Script Wolffram Giese Photography Conan Fitzpatrick Sound Annette Kuehn Editing Conan Fitzpatrick Producing organisation K22 film & Entertainment Coproducing organisation ZDF Year of production 2012 Broadcast date 16/3/2013 Original language German Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Off The Fence Ph: +31 20 5200 222 Fax: +31 20 5200 223 [email protected] Running time 59’ Super Cells - The First Artificial Organ Made of Stem Cells It sounds like science fiction: Doctors extract stem cells from a patient’s hipbone, manufacture an artificial organ and save his life. In a hospital in Krasnodar, Russia, an artificially engineered windpipe is to be implanted into a patient’s chest. Professor Paolo Macchiarini will perform this miracle - and a ballet dancer from St. Petersburg is putting her last hopes in his hands. This documentary accompanies Yulia Alvarez, a former dancer and model from St. Petersburg, on her journey to Krasnodar, one of only three places in the world where Professor Macchiarini is allowed to engineer and implant a stem cell-made windpipe for her. In order to carry out this life-saving surgery, Macchiarini relies on a group of doctors, scientists and specialized companies. Super cellules - La promesse des cellules souches On dirait de la science-fiction : pour sauver des vies, des médecins extraient des cellules staminales de l’os iliaque et fabriquent un organe artificiel. Dans un hôpital de Krasnodar en Russie, on s’apprête à greffer une trachée artificielle dans la poitrine d’une patiente. Le Professeur Paolo Macchiarini accomplira ce miracle pour une danseuse de SaintPétersbourg qui remet ses derniers espoirs entre les mains du chirurgien. Dans ce reportage, nous suivrons Yulia Alvarez, cette ancienne danseuse et mannequin, dans son aventure à Krasnodar, l’un des trois seuls endroits au monde où le Professeur Macchiarini est autorisé à fabriquer et à greffer une trachée issue de cellules souches. Pour mener à bien ces interventions sauve-vie, le Professeur Macchiarini peut compter sur le soutien d’un groupe de médecins, de chercheurs et de spécialistes. Supercellule - Le promesse delle cellule staminali Potrebbe sembrare quasi fantascienza: i medici estraggono cellule staminali dall’osso iliaco di un paziente per creare un organo artificiale che gli salva la vita. In un ospedale di Krasnodar, Russia, una trachea artificiale sta per essere impiantata nel torace di una paziente. Il Professor Paolo Macchiarini cerca di operare questo miracolo per una ballerina di San Pietroburgo che ha messo la propria vita e le sue ultime speranze nelle mani del medico. Il programma segue Yulia Alvarez, ex modella e ballerina originaria di San Pietroburgo, nel corso del suo viaggio verso Krasnodar, uno dei tre posti al mondo dove il Professor Macchiarini è autorizzato a impiantare trachee ricavate da cellule staminali. Una equipe di medici, scienziati e specialisti collabora con Macchiarini per portare a buon fine l’operazione. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 235 235 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY GERMANY ZDF Houses for All ZWEITES DEUTSCHES FERNSEHEN CASAS PARA TODOS TV PROGRAMMES (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Gereon Wetzel Production Ingo Fliess Script Gereon Wetzel Music Josef Mayerhofer Photography Gereon Wetzel Sound Raul Fernandez San Miguel Editing Gereon Wetzel Producing organisation If...Productions Coproducing organisation ZDF/3sat Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 5/11/2013 Original language Spanish Subtitled in English, German 16/9 Sales If...productions Ph: +49 89 124 722 380 Fax: +49 89 124 722 388 [email protected] Running time 53’ 236 Shortly after the real estate bubble had burst in the United States, Spain suffered the same fate. In the face of the financial crisis, the crazy building boom, that had begun in the early 2000s in Spain, ruthlessly backfired. The result was widespread private debt and compulsory selling. High demand combined with a lax credit policy lead to the creation of gigantic development sites and holiday homes. A reality that has long since turned into vast stretches of wasteland with unfinished houses, streets ending in the middle of nowhere, vacant apartment blocks and abandoned real estate development sites. By focusing on a number of individual cases we learn about horrendous loans and evictions. Des logements pour tous La bulle immobilière a éclaté aux Etats-Unis, puis en Espagne où elle a fait des ravages. Le boom du marché de l’immobilier ibérique, qui a explosé au début de l’an 2000, s’est brusquement contracté en raison de la crise financière. Une crise qui a déclenché le surendettement des particuliers et la vente aux enchères de centaines de milliers de logements. Une demande en hausse et une politique de prêts incontrôlée avaient engendré de gigantesques chantiers qui poussaient comme des champignons dans tout le pays. Une euphorie qui s’est très vite transformée en un paysage de désolation avec des constructions jamais finies, des routes ne conduisant nulle part, des immeubles complètement vides et des chantiers à l’abandon. Ce programme se penche en particulier sur des cas exemplaires et tragiques de prêts faciles et d’expulsions violentes. Case per tutti La Spagna ha dovuto affrontare gli stessi problemi che si sono verificati negli Stati Uniti subito dopo lo scoppio della bolla immobiliare. A causa della crisi finanziaria, il boom edilizio cominciato in questo paese agli inizi degli anni 2000 ha subito una drammatica inversione di rotta. Il risultato è stato un aumento diffuso dell’indebitamento dei privati e delle vendite all’asta. La crescita della domanda, associata ad una politica del credito permissiva, aveva portato alla nascita di giganteschi cantieri in tutto il paese. Ma ben presto tutta questa euforia ha dato vita a paesaggi desolati, case mai finite, strade che conducono da nessuna parte, caseggiati vuoti e cantieri abbandonati. Il programma si focalizza in particolare su alcuni orrendi casi esemplificativi di finanziamenti e sfratti. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 236 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY HUNGARY DUNA TV DUNA TELEVÍZIÓ ZRT BÁBEL - HESNÁVAL A VILÁG: RENDSZEREN KÍVÜL (CURRENT AFFAIRS) Direction Tibor Vince Production Balázs Eckhardt Script Hesna Al Ghaoui, Dorka Herner Photography Ádám Durkó Sound Ervin Kara Editing Áron Török Presenter Hesna Al Ghaoui Title of series Babel - The World with Hesna Producing organisation Filmbrothers Coproducing organisation MTVA Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 9/10/2013 Original languages Hungarian, English Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Zsuzsanna Kálomista Ph: +3617595245 [email protected] Running time 58’ 18’’ Babel - The World with Hesna: out of the Rat Race Two stories about people who were thrown out of the rat race of the contemporary, consumer orientated world - some by force, others by choice. The first story is about a community of the “mole people” living in the drain system under the fabulous tourist paradise of Las Vegas, fighting for their lives from day to day, trying to tackle poverty, scorpions, black widows and floodwater… The other story is about a man who opted to live without using money 13 years ago. His story highlights the question: is it possible to live without money in our world based on economic power? One thing is common to both stories - the main characters are no longer part of the normal framework of society, providing a mirror for the rest of us, reflecting human life’s true values. Babel - Le monde avec Hesna : loin du succès Des histoires d’hommes en marge de la société de consommation. Certains par obligation, d’autres par choix. Ce reportage nous parle des « hommes taupes ». De pauvres types qui vivent dans les égouts du paradis artificiel par excellence : Las Vegas. Des hommes qui doivent lutter au quotidien pour survivre, une lutte contre la misère, les scorpions, les veuves noires et le courant, qui risque à tout moment de les emporter. Un reportage qui nous parle aussi d’un homme qui, en revanche, a choisi il y a treize ans de vivre sans argent. Mais, peut-on vraiment vivre sans argent dans notre société fondée sur le pouvoir économique ? Deux histoires aux antipodes qui ont cependant un point commun : les protagonistes sont en marge de la société et nous parlent de valeurs humaines. Babel - Il mondo con Hesna: fuori dalla corsa al successo Due storie di gente che, per obbligo o per scelta, è stata tagliata fuori dalla corsa al successo nell’attuale società caratterizzata dal consumismo. La prima storia è quella della comunità degli “uomini talpa” che vivono nelle fogne di quel paradiso per turisti che è Las Vegas. Sono uomini che lottano ogni giorno per sopravvivere combattendo la povertà, gli scorpioni, le vedove nere e il flusso delle acque… L’altra storia è quella di un uomo che 13 anni fa ha deciso di smettere di usare denaro. È possibile vivere senza soldi in una società fondata sul potere economico? Un aspetto accomuna le due storie: i protagonisti non fanno più parte della normale struttura sociale ma riflettono i reali valori della vita umana. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 237 237 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY HUNGARY DUNA TV DUNA TELEVÍZIÓ ZRT SZERELMES FÖLDRAJZ - AZ ÉN TOSZKÁNÁM, TIBI A BALATONNÁL TV PROGRAMMES (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction István Dala Production Júlia Balogh Script Tibor Kiss, László Hollós Music Tibor Kiss Photography György Vass, István Dala Sound Sándor Faludi Editing Bence Bartos Title of series Amorous Geography Coproducing organisation Geo-Ökofilm Kft. Year of production 2012 Broadcast date 15/11/2013 Original language Hungarian Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Zsuzsanna Kálomista Ph: +3617595245 [email protected] Running time 28’ 29’’ 238 Amorous Geography My Tuscany. Tibi at the Lake Balaton Tibor Kiss, “Tibi”, is a strange, versatile man: he is a musician, artist, poet and writes song lyrics. Sensitive and open, although shunning publicity, he has tasted both the heights of success as well as the doldrums of hell, while nonetheless remaining the same spontaneous “rock and roller”. Tibi has chosen Badacsony and its surroundings by the Lake Balaton as the setting for his Amorous Geography. “This is the land which I have known since my childhood. We spent every summer here. I know the mountains, the pathways, everything. I love the air and how the silence is filled with life. This land has a special aura, even if you come here in the night you feel something happens here. I think this landscape is somehow part of universal human culture. This, I would even go as far as to say, is my Tuscany”. Amorous Geography Ma Toscane. Tibi sur le lac Balaton Tibor Kiss, mieux connu sous le nom de Tibi est un artiste éclectique : musicien, poète, parolier, compositeur… Tibi est sensible, ouvert, mais il n’aime ni la publicité ni le glamour. Il a connu l’ivresse du succès et le trou noir des mauvaises passes en restant toujours « l’enfant du rock and roll ». Pour planter le décor d’Amorous Geography, Tibi a choisi la région collinaire de Badacsony, la perle du lac Balaton. « Je connais cette terre depuis mon enfance. J’y ai passé tous mes étés. Je connais ses montagnes, ses sentiers, le moindre recoin. J’aime l’air frais de cette région et son silence palpitant de vie. Cette terre est particulière, même la nuit, tu as la sensation qu’il se passe quelque chose. Ce paysage fait partie de la culture de l’Humanité et je dirais même que c’est ma Toscane à moi ». Amorous Geography La mia Toscana. Tibi sul Lago Balaton Tibor Kiss, Tibi, è un uomo eclettico: musicista, artista, poeta, paroliere. È una persona sensibile e aperta, anche se non ama la pubblicità. Ha sperimentato le vette del successo e anche l’inferno ma è sempre rimasto “il ragazzo del rock and roll”. Tibi ha scelto Badacsony, sul lago Balaton, e i suoi dintorni per l’ambientazione di Amorous Geography. “Conosco questa terra fin dalla mia infanzia. Trascorrevamo qui tutte le estati. Conosco le montagne, i sentieri, tutto. Mi piace l’aria e il silenzio è pieno di vita. Questa terra ha un’aura speciale, anche se ci vieni di notte riesci a percepire che qualcosa sta accadendo. Credo che questo paesaggio sia parte della cultura dell’umanità. Direi che è la mia Toscana”. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 238 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY HUNGARY MTVA MAGYAR TELEVIZIO ON THE SPOT DIKTÁTOROK GYERMEKEI: UGANDA (CURRENT AFFAIRS) Direction Eszter Cseke, András S. Takács Production Krisztián Gál Script Eszter Cseke, András S. Takács Music Infragandhi, Secta Chameleon Photography Eszter Cseke, András S. Takács Editing Sára Herpai Title of series On the Spot Children of Dictators Producing organisation MTVA Coproducing organisation Spot Productions Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 29/1/2014 Original languages Hungarian, English Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Zsuzsanna Kálomista Ph: +3617595245 [email protected] Running time 67’ On the Spot - Children of Dictators: Uganda Some of the most influential dictators of the 20th century as seen through the eyes of their children and relatives. The films offer a rare personal perspective into history and a deeper understanding of the most feared leaders in the world. Hundreds of thousands were murdered during the bloody regime of Idi Amin in Uganda; one victim was his close friend and minister, Oboth Ofumbi. This brutal slaying and its absurd cover-up eventually led to the downfall of the African dictator. For diverse reasons, the children of both Ofumbi and Amin had to grow up abroad. Members of different tribes, they believe in different Gods and have their own separate recollections of what had happened. More than 30 years after the tragic events, the sons of Idi Amin and Ofumbi meet up in Uganda and together they embark on the most unpredictable journey of their lives. Sous les projecteurs - Les fils de dictateurs : l’Ouganda Le portrait des dictateurs les plus puissants du XXe siècle, brossé par leurs fils ou leurs proches. Un reportage sur les parents de ces despotes sanguinaires qui s’expriment librement en révélant des traits de leur personnalité inconnus. Sous le régime d’Amin Dada, des centaines de milliers de personnes ont été assassinées en Ouganda, notamment l’un de ses meilleurs amis, le ministre Oboth Ofumbi. Ce meurtre, d’une violence abominable, a contribué à la chute du tyran. Les fils d’Idi Amin et de sa victime ont grandi à l’étranger, mais pour des raisons différentes. D’ethnies différentes, ils professent des religions et des croyances différentes et ont, bien sûr, une perception différente de l’histoire. Trente ans après le génocide, les fils d’Amin Dada rencontrent en Ouganda ceux d’Ofumbi. Le début d’un incroyable périple dans le destin de ces deux familles. On the Spot - Figli di dittatori: Uganda I più potenti dittatori del XX secolo raccontati dai figli e dai parenti, ai quali questo programma permette di esprimere le proprie opinioni personali. In questo modo il telespettatore può capire meglio la personalità di alcuni dei leader più temuti al mondo. Centinaia di migliaia di persone sono state uccise durante il regime di Idi Amin in Uganda. Tra queste uno dei suoi più intimi amici, nonché membro del governo, Oboth Ofumbi. Si trattò di un omicidio brutale che contribuì alla caduta del regime di Idi Amin. I figli del dittatore e quelli della vittima sono cresciuti tutti all’estero, anche se per ragioni diverse. Provengono da tribù diverse, professano religioni diverse e ricordano la storia in modo diverso. Oltre 30 anni dopo i tragici eventi, i figli di Idi Amin incontrano quelli di Ofumbi in Uganda e così comincia il più imprevedibile viaggio della loro vita… 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 239 239 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY IRELAND RTÉ The Disappeared RADIO TELEFIS EIREANN THE DISAPPEARED TV PROGRAMMES (CURRENT AFFAIRS) Direction Alison Millar Production Alison Millar Script Darragh MacIntyre Music Various Photography Seamas McCracken Editing Brad Manning Producing organisation RTÉ Coproducing organisation BBC Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 4/11/2013 Original language English 16/9 Sales Journeyman Pictures Ph: +44 (0) 208 786 6053 [email protected] Running time 85’ 240 The Disappeared is the dramatic story of those killed and then secretly buried by the IRA. Darragh MacIntyre discloses the ongoing trauma of the relatives of those kidnapped, killed and buried, while she also investigates the alleged involvement of Republican Leader Gerry Adams in one of the killings. At least 15 people were ‘disappeared’ by the IRA during the Troubles in Northern Ireland. Some remain missing. The film highlights the powerful story of the life and harrowing death of widow and motherof-ten Jean McConville, torn from the arms of her young children by an IRA gang in 1972, then shot and buried. Her young children were left to fend for themselves in a war zone. The repercussions of her murder still resonate today. Les disparus Les disparus pour raconter le drame des victimes de l’IRA, dont les corps ont été enterrés dans des lieux secrets. Un reportage de Darragh MacIntyre qui nous parle de la souffrance des parents des victimes et enquête sur l’implication présumée du dirigeant républicain Gerry Adams dans l’un de ces meurtres. Au sommet de la crise entre les forces britanniques et les activistes de l’Irlande du Nord, l’IRA a fait « disparaître » une quinzaine de personnes. La plupart d’entre elles ne sont jamais revenues. Au cœur du reportage, la dramatique histoire de Jean McConville, veuve, mère de dix enfants, enlevée et assassinée par des membres de l’IRA qui firent disparaître son corps. Les enfants de Jean, qui assistèrent au rapt, furent abandonnés à eux-mêmes dans une zone de guerre. L’histoire de Jean continue aujourd’hui encore de secouer les consciences. Gli scomparsi Questo programma è la drammatica storia di quelle vittime dell'IRA i cui cadaveri furono occultati. Darragh MacIntyre racconta l’infinito dolore dei parenti delle vittime e indaga sul presunto coinvolgimento del leader repubblicano Gerry Adams in uno di questi omicidi. Almeno 15 persone furono fatte sparire dall’IRA durante i Troubles (disordini) in Irlanda del Nord. Molti di loro ancora mancano all’appello. Il film si focalizza in particolare sulla storia dai forti toni della vita e della straziante morte di Jean McConville, vedova e madre di dieci figli. La donna fu strappata dalle braccia dei suoi piccoli da una banda dell’IRA nel 1972, fu uccisa e il suo corpo fu fatto sparire. I suoi bambini furono lasciati soli in una zona di guerra. Quell’omicidio fa notizia ancora oggi. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 240 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY ITALY CLASSICA ITALIA ARENA 100 UN SECOLO DI MUSICA (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Lorenzo Taidelli Script Silvia Corbetta Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 15/6/2013 Original language Italian Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 65’ Arena 100 - A Century of Music Opera at the “Arena di Verona” is 100 years old! A documentary that traces a century of music from the 1913 premiere of Aida, organised by Veronese Tenor Giovanni Zenatello and conducted by Tullio Serafin marking the anniversary of the birth of Verdi, right up until to the Centenary Festival with two stagings: the re-enactment of the original show, curated by Gianfranco De Bosio, and a production of the same opera by the Catalan theatrical group La Fura dels Baus. Interviews with Fiorenza Cossotto, Maria Chiara, Ivo Vinco, Leo Nucci, Cecilia Gasdia, Placido Domingo, Fiorenza Cedolinis, Daniel Oren ... Arène 100 - Un siècle de musique La vie lyrique de l’Arène de Vérone fête ses 100 ans ! Un reportage sur un siècle de musique : depuis la première représentation de l’Aïda en 1913 prônée par le ténor véronais Giovanni Zenatello et dirigée par le Maestro Tullio Serafin pour célébrer le centenaire de Giuseppe Verdi - jusqu’aux 100 ans du Festival avec deux nouvelles mises en scène de l’Aïda, signées Gianfranco De Bosio et le Groupe catalan de La Fura dels Baus. Un programme au cours duquel seront interviewés Fiorenza Cossotto, Maria Chiara, Ivo Vinco, Leo Nucci, Cecilia Gasdia, Placido Domingo, Fiorenza Cedolins, Daniel Oren... Arena 100 - Un secolo di musica La vita lirica all’Arena di Verona compie 100 anni! Un documentario per ripercorrere un secolo di musica dalla prima Aida del 1913, voluta dal tenore veronese Giovanni Zenatello e diretta dal Maestro Tullio Serafin in occasione dell’anniversario verdiano, fino al Festival del Centenario, con due messe in scena: la rievocazione del primo spettacolo, curata da Gianfranco De Bosio, e quella del gruppo catalano de La Fura dels Baus. Interviste a Fiorenza Cossotto, Maria Chiara, Ivo Vinco, Leo Nucci, Cecilia Gasdia, Placido Domingo, Fiorenza Cedolins, Daniel Oren ... 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 241 241 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY ITALY RAI Cultural Shock RADIOTELEVISIONE ITALIANA CULTURAL SHOCK TV PROGRAMMES (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Davide Tosco, Paolo Ceretto Production Massimo Arvat Producing organisation Zenit Arti Audiovisive Coproducing organisation RAI Scuola Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 1/1/2013 Original language Italian Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 26’ 242 Cultural-Shock is a cross-media edutainment project targeting young audiences and giving voice to a new generation of Digital Storytellers exploring from a fresh angle the issue of world citizenship and cultural diversity. Cultural Shock is the programme that takes you back to your roots. During 2 months of online casting 45 candidates battled to win an adventurous trip to their country of origin. A mission to be fulfilled, an Italian travelling companion to find and 5 rules to follow: No CO2, No Hotels, No Taxis, No Fast-food and No Souvenirs. An adventure, on a tight budget with makeshift means of transport. Rasid and Agnese won the first challenge and are now faced with the greatest one, 10 days discovering the Balkans. Le choc des cultures Le choc des cultures est un reportage multiplateformes sur les pays d’origine des enfants de la seconde génération. Un documentaire, au format original, pour nous faire comprendre ce que ça veut dire d’être étranger. Le sac à dos en bandoulière, quelques euros en poche et cinq règles de base : pas de CO2, pas d’hôtels, pas de taxis, pas de fastfood, pas de souvenirs, pour vivre à la première personne le choc des cultures. Un voyage initiatique, une expérience unique à travers les témoins des conflits (la guerre au Kosovo, les guerres civiles 1991-1995) et la cohabitation forcée des différentes communautés qui peuplent la région des Balkans. Une plongée au cœur de l’histoire et des traditions, racontées à travers le regard de ces jeunes qui nous parlent d'une autre culture. Le choc des cultures, le monde C toi ! Cultural Shock Cultural-Shock è il programma multipiattaforma che racconta i paesi di origine dei ragazzi di seconda generazione attraverso un format originale per capire cosa vuol dire essere straniero. Zaino in spalla, pochi soldi e 5 regole da rispettare: No CO2, No Hotel, No Taxi, No Fastfood, No Souvenirs. Un viaggio formativo, un’esperienza unica per scoprire sulla propria pelle lo shock culturale fatto delle testimonianze dei conflitti (Guerra del Kosovo, Guerre Civili 1991-1995) e delle difficoltà generate dalla convivenza tra le diverse comunità che popolano i Balcani. Un viaggio dentro la storia e le tradizioni raccontato dal punto di vista di due giovani con una missione da compiere: farvi conoscere un’altra cultura attraverso i loro occhi. Cultural-Shock, il mondo 6 tu! PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 242 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY ITALY SKY ARTE HD CONTACT. TIENANMEN STUART FRANKLIN (CURRENT AFFAIRS) Direction Mario Paloschi, Gianluigi Attorre Production Sky Arte HD Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 20/2/2013 Original language Italian Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 25’ 52’’ Contact. Tienanmen - Stuart Franklin An original Sky Arte HD production dedicated to researching the factor that creates a bonding between photographers and their subjects and how it turns photographs into cult images. In this episode one of the greatest and most iconic photographs of the XX century: the 1989 protest in Tienanmen Square, as seen by Stuart Franklin. Contact. Tienanmen - Stuart Franklin Une production originale de Sky Arte HD pour trouver le point de « contact » entre le photographe et son sujet, le déclic qui produira la photo culte. Dans cet épisode, le cliché qui a marqué le 20e siècle : la manifestation de la Place Tienanmen à Pékin dans le collimateur de Stuart Franklin. Contact. Tienanmen - Stuart Franklin Una produzione originale di Sky Arte HD dedicata alla ricerca del punto di «contatto» tra fotografo e soggetto, da cui scaturisce una foto destinata a diventare un’icona. In questa puntata uno degli scatti che rappresentano il XX secolo: la protesta di Piazza di Tienanmen, nel 1989, vista da Stuart Franklin. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 243 243 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY ITALY SKY ARTE HD MUSEI VATICANI TRA CIELO E TERRA TV PROGRAMMES (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Marco Pianigiani Coproducing organisations Sky Arte HD, Sky 3D Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 30/11/2013 Original language Italian Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 62’ 36’’ 244 The Vatican Museum - Between Heaven and Earth The Vatican Museum for the first time opens its doors to 3D cameras. An exciting event pioneered by Sky Arte HD and Sky 3D permits viewers to discover the finest works of art in the Vatican collection and plunge into the extraordinary beauties of its frescoes. Professor Paolucci, Director of the Vatican Museum, guides us through this unique experience. Les musées Vatican - Entre ciel et terre Les télécaméras 3D de Sky Arte HD et Sky 3D sont entrées en grande première dans les salles des Musées du Vatican. Un incroyable périple pour nous faire découvrir les œuvres d’art dans tous leurs détails et pénétrer au cœur des fresques merveilleuses. Une visite époustouflante avec un guide d’exception : le Prof. Paolucci, directeur des Musées du Vatican. Musei Vaticani - Tra cielo e terra Per la prima volta al mondo le telecamere 3D entrano nei Musei Vaticani. Un viaggio emozionante firmato Sky Arte HD e Sky 3D che vi consentirà di scoprire ogni dettaglio delle opere della collezione e di immergervi nella bellezza degli affreschi con una guida d’eccezione: il Prof. Paolucci, Direttore dei Musei Vaticani. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 244 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY ITALY TV2000 SUI PASSI DI ABRAMO (CURRENT AFFAIRS) Direction Luigi Ferraiuolo Production Rete Blu Spa Script Luigi Ferraiuolo Photography Dino Margutti Sound Emiliano D’Agostino Editing Eugenio Assi Title of series Sui passi di Abramo Producing organisation Rete Blu Spa Year of production 2014 Broadcast date 8/3/2014 Original language Italian Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Brigida Vecchione Ph: + 39 06-66508610 Fax: +39 06-66508671 [email protected] Running time 35’ 42’’ In the Footsteps of Abraham In the Footsteps of Abraham focuses on Iraq today, 10 years on from the end of the war. Following a special group of pilgrims, tracing Abraham’s footsteps, ancient Iraq is visited between the two rivers. The country is currently considered the most dangerous in the world, where an invisible war is waged and the plight of Iraq’s Christians, the country’s oldest community, is often at risk. Journalist Luigi Ferraiuolo offers a number of interviews about terrorism with Iraq’s religious leaders, Christian families as well as shots of the golden-plated Mosque of Najaf, the third holiest site for Shia Muslims, never before filmed by an Italian crew. Sur les traces d’Abraham 10 ans après la guerre, qu’est-ce qu’il en est de l’Irak ? En suivant des pèlerins qui, sur les traces d’Abraham, visitent l’Irak antique entre les deux fleuves, nous découvrirons un pays considéré comme le plus dangereux au monde, où l’on combat une guerre invisible et où la condition des chrétiens d’Irak, la plus ancienne communauté du pays, est souvent dramatique. Au cours de ce reportage, le réalisateur Luigi Ferraiuolo a recueilli des témoignages exclusifs sur le terrorisme, prôné par certains dirigeants religieux, sur le quotidien des familles chrétiennes et nous montre, en outre, des images de la mosquée en or de Najaf, où aucune équipe italienne n’était jamais entrée. Sui passi di Abramo Sui passi di Abramo segue uno speciale gruppo di pellegrini che, 10 anni dopo la guerra, visita l’Iraq e racconta la situazione attuale dell’antico Paese tra i due fiumi, una delle nazioni più pericolose al mondo tra quelle dove non c’è una guerra dichiarata. Ma il documentario racconta anche come vivono i cristiani d’Iraq, i primi iracheni. Luigi Ferraiuolo raccoglie testimonianze inedite sul terrorismo da parte dei leader religiosi iracheni e delle famiglie cristiane che vivono nel paese, e ci offre le immagini della moschea d’oro di Najaf, mai vista prima da troupe italiane. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 245 245 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY JAPAN NHK NIPPON HOSO KYOKAI THE UNIVERSE AT OUR FEET TV PROGRAMMES (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Kyoko Misumi, Masumi Mizunuma Production Takehiro Asai Script Tomohiro Inoue Music Piano: Noriko Kose Photography Yuichi Seki, Hiromi Ito Editing Nobuhito Sawamura, Kazuhiko Nakazawa Sound Design Yoshiyuki limura, Takashi Toukoku Sound Engineer Naotaka Doi Producing organisation NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 6/7/2013 Original language Japanese Subtitled in English Dubbed in English Voiced over in English 16/9 Sales Kayoko Ohmae, NHK Enterprises, Inc. Ph: +81-3-3468-6984 Fax: +81-3-3466-9530 [email protected] Running time 49’ 246 The Universe at Our Feet 82 year-old Plant Photographer Ciabou Hany (Shabo Hani) has devoted his career to closely observing the minute glories of plant life. Hany takes us into his garden or on morning walks, where he crawls on the ground or lies down amidst his beloved plants to record the drama of the diminutive creatures surrounding us, but which are more often than not so easily overlooked. Hany’s lens uncovers a fantastic world of drama and movement. In some cases, their beauty takes our breath away, in others their lively behaviour brings smiles to our faces. We accompany Hany over the course of a year as he helps us appreciate the nobility of even the tiniest life-forms amongst us, and the magic of a wondrous universe lying at our very feet. L’univers à nos pieds Photographe naturaliste et botaniste, Ciabou Hany (Shabo Hani), 82 ans, a passé sa vie à observer le monde végétal et son évolution. Le vieil homme a accepté de nous ouvrir son jardin et de nous faire partager ses promenades matutinales. Des flâneries, au cours desquelles il s’agenouille ou s’allonge par terre pour se mettre à la hauteur de ses amies les plantes pour saisir l'aspect tragique de leur destin. Le destin de créatures infimes, le plus souvent ignorées et parfois en voie d’extinction. L’objectif de Shabo Hani nous dévoile un univers fantastique, tissé de drames et de mouvements. La beauté de ses modèles nous coupera parfois le souffle ou bien leur brio nous mettra le sourire aux lèvres. Les clichés du photographe, pris pendant une année entière, nous permettront d'apprécier la noblesse de toutes les formes de vie qui nous entourent, même les plus infimes, en nous introduisant dans ce monde magique et merveilleux qui s’étale à nos pieds. L’universo sotto i nostri piedi L’ottantaduenne fotografo naturalista e botanico Ciabou Hany (Shabo Hani) ha dedicato la vita all’attenta osservazione dell’evoluzione vegetale. Hany ci permette di accompagnarlo nel suo giardino e nelle sue passeggiate mattutine, nel corso delle quali striscia per terra o sta sdraiato in mezzo alle sue amate piante per immortalare il dramma di queste creature molto spesso ignorate o addirittura in via d’estinzione. L’obiettivo di Hany ci rivela un mondo fatto di drammi e cambiamenti. A volte la bellezza dei soggetti ci lascia senza respiro, a volte ci fa sorridere. Nel corso di un anno di riprese il nostro fotografo ci fa apprezzare la nobiltà di queste forme di vita, anche le più piccole, e ci dischiude il magico e meraviglioso universo che si stende sotto i nostri piedi. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 246 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY JAPAN NHK NIPPON HOSO KYOKAI ADRIFT IN OLD AGE: LIVING WITH DEMENTIA (CURRENT AFFAIRS) Direction Takuya Hara, Keita Tsuda Production Yoshiko Inagaki, Yoichi Mine Script Takuya Hara Music Masahiro Tokuda Photography Norio Hodai Editing Kanji Takahashi Sound Design Saori Ono Sound Engineer Toru Zama Producing organisation NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 24/11/2013 Original language Japanese Subtitled in English Dubbed in English Voiced over in English 16/9 Sales Kayoko Ohmae, NHK Enterprises, Inc. Ph: +81-3-3468-6984 Fax: +81-3-3466-9530 [email protected] Running time 48’ Adrift in Old Age: Living with Dementia With over 30 million elderly, the number of people suffering from dementia in Japan is growing and as indeed are the inherent problems. The aged living alone are incapable of recognizing their own symptoms and fail to turn to the nursing-care services for assistance. If sufferers become lost or disoriented in public or the mayhem in their homes attracts attention, then their plight is spotted. However, with advanced dementia, care workers have difficulty identifying the patients’ needs. While the Integrated Community Care Centre is responsible for their wellbeing, it is overburdened by the workload and services have proven to be inadequate. The programme presents the harsh reality of the situation in an articulate documentary style and asks what should society do to cope with the ballooning problem. Une vieillesse à la dérive : vivre avec la démence sénile Le Japon compte plus de 30 millions de personnes âgées et le nombre de senior atteints de démence sénile est en hausse. Les personnes âgées vivant seules n’ont pas toujours conscience de la gravité de leurs symptômes, ce qui permettrait d’intervenir à temps et de les prendre en charge. Ce n’est que quand elles errent seules dans les rues ou quand leurs ordures commencent à s’entasser dans leur appartement, qu’on se rend compte qu’elles existent. Mais c’est déjà trop tard. Leur état de démence est trop avancé pour intervenir de façon efficace. Les centres de soins, qui devraient surveiller l’évolution de la maladie, sont débordés et leurs services se montrent le plus souvent inefficaces. Ce reportage nous parle d’un problème de santé publique et s’interroge sur les solutions que la société devrait apporter pour surveiller la démence sénile : une maladie qui ne cesse de progresser. Una brutta vecchiaia: vivere con la demenza senile Il Giappone conta oggi oltre 30 milioni di anziani e, di conseguenza, i casi di demenza senile sono in forte aumento. Le persone di una certa età che vivono da sole non riconoscono i sintomi della malattia e non riescono a richiedere immediatamente assistenza. Può accadere che si perdano per la strada o siano disorientati, oppure che la loro casa si riempia di spazzatura e allora ci si accorge di loro ma spesso, a questo punto, è troppo tardi per intervenire. Il Servizio Sanitario, responsabile della loro salute, è oberato di lavoro e l’assistenza risulta inadeguata. La situazione è decisamente grave ma cosa si può fare per fronteggiare questo problema destinato a crescere? 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 247 247 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY KOREA (SOUTH) KBS Colours, 4 Desires - The Blue KOREAN BROADCASTING SYSTEM THE BLUE TV PROGRAMMES (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Hanseok Kim Production Gunhyup Lee Title of series Colours, 4 Desires Producing organisation Korean Broadcasting System Year of production 2014 Broadcast date 10/1/2014 Original language Korean Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 50’ 248 One of mankind’s primeval cravings is to admire Beauty. Red, blue and green are the colours of light. Of these three colours, blue has always symbolized the sky, the gods’ domain and the object of idolization. The Colours, 4 Desires - The Blue documentary reflects on true happiness and salvation by looking at one of the colour Blue’s meanings: aspiring salvation. A poor labourer in India works at a dye factory to support his family; a Thai monk prays at the moment the sky is the bluest; an Afghan miner makes a living through mining azure stone used in European cathedrals; a blind man unable to see any colour. Through these four people’s standpoints, we ponder the profound meaning of the colour Blue. A UHD 4K camera, which is 4 times clearer than HD, was used for parts of the documentary. Couleurs, 4 désirs - Le bleu - Prières du Salut L’un des désirs primordiaux de l’Homme, est d'admirer le “beau”. Le rouge, le bleu et le vert sont les couleurs des rayons du soleil. Parmi ces trois couleurs fondamentales, le bleu symbolise depuis toujours le ciel, le royaume de Dieu et la Foi. Ce reportage nous fera découvrir le vrai bonheur et le Salut en apprenant à regarder toutes les nuances du bleu. Un ouvrier pauvre, employé dans une fabrique de teinture dans le Sud de l’Inde ; un moine thaïlandais se recueillant en prières quand le bleu du ciel s’intensifie ; un mineur afghan gagnant sa vie en cassant des pierres bleues utilisées en Europe pour construire des cathédrales ; un nonvoyant imaginant le bleu. Le point de vue de tous ces personnages nous portera à nous interroger sur la signification profonde du bleu. Une partie du documentaire a été tournée avec une caméra UHD 4K. Colori, 4 desideri - Il blu Uno dei desideri primordiali dell’Uomo è quello di poter ammirare la bellezza. Rosso, blu e verde sono i colori della luce. Tra questi il blu ha sempre simbolizzato il cielo, il regno degli dei e la fede. Questo documentario ci conduce alla scoperta della vera felicità insegnandoci a riconsiderare uno dei significati del blu: il desiderio di salvezza. Un povero operaio indiano che lavora in un colorificio per mantenere la famiglia. Un monaco thailandese che si raccoglie in preghiera quando il cielo si fa più blu. Un minatore afghano che si guadagna la vita estraendo pietre azzurre che saranno utilizzate in Europa per abbellire le cattedrali. Un cieco che non può vedere i colori. Questi quattro personaggi ci aiuteranno a riflettere sul significato del colore blu. Alcune parti del programma sono state girate con telecamera UHD 4K. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 248 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY KOREA (SOUTH) KBS KOREAN BROADCASTING SYSTEM ARMISTICE 60TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 63 YEARS OF LONGING FOR MY DAUGHTER MIYOKO (CURRENT AFFAIRS) Direction Dae-jun Hwang, Hokyung Lee Producing organisation Korean Broadcasting System Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 25/7/2013 Original language Korean Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 50’ Armistice 60th Anniversary Special - 63 Years of Longing for My Daughter Miyoko In 1950, 642 Koreans in Japan volunteered to fight in the Korean War. These Koreans, born or raised in Japan, gave up school and their jobs to cross the sea with the Allied forces. 1/3 of them ended up dead and 1/3 went back to their families in Japan, but a final 1/3 was kept from going home. After the truce, the Japanese government rejected their re-entry, forcing the men to stay in Korea, where they neither spoke the language nor knew anyone. They had to face the harsh consequences of their decision to fight. One of these men is Mr. Kim Woon-tae, who chose to go to war, leaving his pregnant wife and 3-year-old daughter Miyoko behind. He turned 88 years old this year. He has had to bear the pain of being torn from his family for 63 years. He is making his final bid to find the family he left behind in Japan. Une émission spéciale pour commémorer le 60e anniversaire de l’armistice - Une nostalgie longue de 63 ans - Ma Fille Miyoko 1950, 642 Coréens résidant au Japon s’engagent dans la guerre de Corée. Ces jeunes Coréens, qui étaient nés et avaient grandi au Japon, ont tout plaqué : études, emplois, familles, pour traverser l’océan et se battre aux côtés des forces alliées. Un tiers de ces volontaires est mort au combat, un autre tiers est rentré sain et sauf au Japon, mais les autres n’ont jamais pu retourner dans leur pays d’accueil qui leur a fermé ses frontières. Ces laissés-pour-compte ont payé très cher cette erreur de jeunesse en passant le reste de leur vie dans un pays, où ils se sentaient étrangers, où ils n’avaient nulle part où aller et où même la langue ne leur était pas familière. M. Kim Woon-tae, qui avait laissé une femme enceinte et Miyoko, leur fille de trois ans, pour aller combattre en Corée, a aujourd’hui 88 ans et emploie ses dernières forces à retrouver sa famille au Japon. Programma Speciale per i 60 anni dall’Armistizio - 63 anni di nostalgia per mia figlia Miyoko Nel 1950, 642 coreani residenti in Giappone partirono volontari per la Guerra di Corea. Questi uomini, nati e cresciuti in Giappone, lasciarono scuola e lavoro per combattere al fianco delle forze alleate. Un terzo di loro morì in guerra, un terzo tornò a casa in Giappone mentre agli altri fu impedito di rientrare. Dopo la tregua il governo giapponese rifiutò loro il permesso di tornare, costringendoli a rimanere in un paese di cui non parlavano la lingua e dove non conoscevano nessuno. Questi uomini dovettero subire le conseguenze delle decisioni prese. Nel gruppo c’era Kim Woon-tae, il quale, al momento di partire volontario, aveva lasciato la moglie incinta e la figlia di 3 anni, Miyoko. Oggi l’ex soldato ha 88 anni e continua a soffrire di nostalgia per la famiglia a cui, dopo 63 anni, cerca ancora strenuamente di ricongiungersi. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 249 249 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY KOREA (SOUTH) MBC In Memory of Hannah, the Miracle MUNHWA BROADCASTING COMPANY IN MEMORY OF HANNAH, THE MIRACLE TV PROGRAMMES (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Haijin Ryu Production MBC Script Kyunghee Roh Producing organisation MBC Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 7/8/2013 Original language Korean Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 60’ 250 This documentary is an edited version of Hannah, the Miracle (2 episodes), broadcast in May 2013, in memory of Hannah who left us after the broadcast. At birth, Hannah, whose father was Canadian and mother Korean, was given only 2 months to live due to a rare, fatal disease called tracheal agenesis. Defying all odds, she miraculously survived. Another miracle has now followed: the Hannah Project, involving doctors from Korea, U.S. and Sweden. A la mémoire d’Hannah, le miracle Ce reportage - une réédition du documentaire en deux épisodes de Hannah, le miracle, diffusé en 2013 - veut être un hommage à Hannah, qui nous a quittés après l’émission. Victime d’une malformation congénitale rare, l’agénésie trachéale, les médecins avaient annoncé à son père canadien et à sa mère coréenne que la fillette avait tout au plus deux mois de sursis. En défiant ce sombre pronostic, Hannah a incroyablement survécu en accomplissant un autre miracle, le Projet Hannah : la collaboration entre une équipe de médecins coréens, américains et suédois pour soigner l’agénésie trachéale. In memoria di Hannah, il miracolo Questo documentario è una riedizione di Hannah, il miracolo - trasmesso in due puntate nel maggio 2013 - un programma realizzato in omaggio ad Hannah, morta subito dopo la messa in onda. Al momento della nascita Hannah, di padre canadese e madre coreana, presentava una rara e gravissima malformazione, l’agenesia tracheale, per cui le erano stati pronosticati due mesi di vita. Ma Hannah è inaspettatamente sopravvissuta, dando vita ad un secondo miracolo: il Progetto Hannah, che coinvolge medici di Corea, Stati Uniti e Svezia. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 250 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY NETHERLANDS NPO NETHERLANDS PUBLIC BROADCASTING FOTO EDDY DE NEGATIEVEN VAN MIJN VADER (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction David de Jongh Production Pieter van Huijstee Film & TV Script David de Jongh Sound David de Jongh, Wouter Veldhuis Editing David de Jongh, Hans Aarsman Producing organisation NTR Television Coproducing organisation Pieter van Huijstee Film & TV Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 10/12/2013 Original language Dutch Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales NPO Sales Ph: 00 31 35 6773561 Fax: 00 31 35 6775318 [email protected] Running time 83’ Eddy’s Photos - My father’s negatives Photographer Eddy de Jongh (1920-2002) gained modest fame in the ‘70s and ‘80s, courtesy of his unadorned portraits of prominent public figures. As a young boy, director David de Jongh would often accompany his father on his travels. When Eddy passed away in 2002, David sets out to look for the stories his father had carefully kept hidden throughout his life. In his father’s archive David stumbles upon a mine of forgotten reportage photography from the 50s and 60s. He also finds out about how Eddy miraculously was the only member of his family to survive World War II. Les photos d’Eddy - Les négatifs de mon père Le photographe Eddy de Jongh (1920-2002) a connu un certain succès dans les années 70, 80 pour ses portraits épurés de personnages célèbres. Son fils, le réalisateur David de Jongh, a accompagné son père dans ses voyages tout au long de sa jeunesse. A la mort d’Eddy en 2002, David a voulu percer certains secrets que l’artiste avait jalousement conservés. En mettant le nez dans les archives d’Eddy, David a découvert un véritable trésor, notamment des reportages photos des années 50 et 60. Grâce à ce précieux matériel, David a pu reconstruire le puzzle de la vie d’Eddy, le seul membre de la famille de Jongh à avoir survécu à la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Le foto di Eddy - I negativi di mio padre Il fotografo Eddy de Jongh (1920-2002) guadagnò una certa fama negli anni 70 e 80 grazie ai suoi scarni ritratti di famosi personaggi pubblici. Da ragazzo il regista David de Jongh ha viaggiato spesso con il padre. Quando nel 2002 Eddy se ne è andato, David ha cominciato a indagare sulle storie che il padre aveva tenuto nascoste nel corso della sua vita. E così, cercando nell’archivio, David si è imbattuto in una miniera di reportage fotografici dimenticati risalenti agli anni 50 e 60. È riuscito anche a ricostruire la storia di Eddy, unico della sua famiglia a scampare alla II Guerra Mondiale. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 251 251 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY NORWAY NRK NORSK RIKSKRINGKASTING EXIT TV PROGRAMMES (CURRENT AFFAIRS) Direction Klaus Erik Okstad, Anders Sømme Hammer, Marius Arnesen, Olav Njaastad Production Olav Njaastad Script Elisabeth Hernø Røeggen Photography Marius Arnesen, Ahmed Bukhari, Anders Sømme Hammer, Mohammad Hassan Serdash Editing Svein Olav Sandem Producing organisation NRK Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 8/4/2014 Original languages Pastho, English, Norwegian Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 58’ 16’’ 252 Exit “Afghanistan is like a sinking ship” says a despairing Jawid, a 19 year old Afghan whose father is head of the Peace Council in Maimana. As an old Mujaheddin fighter, battling the Soviets, this man knows no fear. His son on the other hand does and, as the story evolves, it becomes impossible for Jawid to move outdoors for security reasons. As weeks pass, we also follow the pullout of the ISAF-forces from Camp Maimana. Our documentary team stays behind in the camp filming when the Afghan National Army takes over the responsibilities. “Without peace, there is nothing” says Asmat, a 21 year old boy from Maimana, concerned as he is about the new challenges arising for him and his family following the recent withdrawal of the NATO-forces from the province of Faryab. Exit « L’Afghanistan est comme un navire en perdition », c’est le cri de désespoir que lance Jawid, 19 ans, dont le père est à la tête du Conseil de Paix à Meymana. Le vieil homme, un moudjahidin, qui s'est battu contre les Soviets ne connaît pas la peur, mais son fils si. Au cours du reportage, nous découvrirons que pour des raisons de sécurité Jawid ne peut pas sortir de chez lui. Nous suivrons aussi toutes les étapes du retrait de la Fias de Meymana et la passation de pouvoir aux forces armées afghanes. « Sans la paix, il ne se passera rien », affirme Asmat, 21 ans, originaire de Meymana. Le jeune homme nous fait part des problèmes que sa famille et lui-même devront affronter quand les forces de l’Otan se retireront de la province de Faryab. Exit “L’Afghanistan è come una nave che affonda” dice disperato Jawid, 19 anni. Suo padre è alla guida del Consiglio di Pace di Maimana. Da vecchio mujaheddin che ha combattuto i sovietici, quest’uomo non conosce la paura. Suo figlio invece la conosce, nel corso del programma vedremo che, per motivi di sicurezza, gli sarà impedito addirittura di uscire di casa e seguiremo la ritirata delle forze dell’ISAF (International Security Assistance Force, contingente internazionale di pace operante in Afghanistan) da Maimana. Le riprese seguono anche la successiva presa di posizione dell’Afghan National Army. “Senza la pace non ci può essere niente” dichiara Asmat, 21 anni, di Maimana. Il ragazzo è preoccupato per i problemi che lui e la sua famiglia dovranno affrontare dopo il ritiro delle Forze NATO dalla provincia del Faryab. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 252 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY POLAND TVP TELEWIZJA POLSKA SEKRETY MILOSCI (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Krystian Matysek Production Jacek Kucharski, Marcin Wierzchosławski Script Krystian Matysek Photography Krystian Matysek Sound Radosław Ochnio Editing Agnieszka Gliñska Producing organisation Telewizja Polska S.A. Coproducing organisations Metro Films, ARTE G.E.I.E. Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 24/9/2013 Original language Polish Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Telewizja Polska S.A. Ph: +48 22 5478501 Fax: +48 22 5474248 [email protected] Running time 89’ Secrets of Love Everyone living on our planet, sometimes is separated from each other by impenetrable geographical environments, are more often than not … distanced through the various ways everyday worlds are organised. This film is a story about love, partnership and marriage as different and varied as the people are. Les secrets de l’amour Les gens sont parfois éloignés à cause des distances géographiques, mais le plus souvent c’est à cause de leur façon d’organiser leur vie au quotidien. Ce film nous montre toutes les facettes de l’amour, de la complicité et de la vie en commun, qui varient et s’adaptent aux goûts et aux personnalités de tout un chacun. I segreti dell’amore Le persone sono a volte separate tra loro dalla distanza geografica ma ancora più spesso è la quotidianità che le allontana le une dalle altre. Questo film descrive varie forme di amore, complicità e convivenza tanto diverse tra loro quanto diverse sono le personalità dei protagonisti. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 253 253 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY PORTUGAL RTP Dona Tututa RADIOTELEVISAO PORTUGUESA DONA TUTUTA TV PROGRAMMES (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction João Alves Da Veiga Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 9/2/2014 Original language Portuguese Subtitled in English 16/9 Running time 54’ 1’’ 254 Epifânia Évora loves music and the piano, as much anyone possibly can. Throughout her life, she has turned joy and pain into melodies, breaking all conventions along the way. For this nonagenarian Cape Verdean woman, life only makes sense with the sound of applause. From the glorious and warm nights at the Café Royal in Mindelo, to her life on the inhospitable island of Sal, we travel with this passionate woman and celebrate with her the unique culture of a country of musicians, a land where she is affectionately called Dona Tututa. Dona Tututa Epifânia Évora aime la musique comme personne au monde et en particulier le piano. Tout au long de sa vie, elle a transformé ses joies et ses misères en mélodies en se moquant pas mal des conventions. Pour cette vieille dame de 90 ans, originaire du Cap-Vert, la vie sans applaudissements n’a aucune saveur. Du temps des nuits chaudes et glorieuses au Café Royal de Mindelo jusqu’à la très inhospitalière île de Sal, Epifânia Évora la pasionaria nous fera découvrir la culture de cette terre de musiciens qui l’appellent aujourd’hui encore affectueusement Dona Tututa. Dona Tututa Epifânia Évora ama la musica e il pianoforte come nessun altro. In tutta la sua vita ha trasformato gioia e dolore in melodie che hanno infranto qualsiasi consuetudine. Per questa novantenne originaria di Capo Verde, la vita ha senso soltanto con gli applausi. Dalle notti calde e gloriose del Café Royal a Mindelo, alla vita nell’inospitale Isola di Sal viaggiamo con questa donna appassionata e celebriamo con lei la cultura di una terra di musicisti che teneramente definiscono la Évora Dona Tututa. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 254 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY ROMANIA TVR SOCIETATEA ROMANA DE TELEVIZIUNE GRECIATELEVIZIUNEA PUBLICA IN SOMAJ (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Cristina Tilic˘a Script Cristina Tilic˘a Photography Daniel Chiorcioiu Sound Tudor Stãnescu Editing Drago Smãrãndescu, George Florea Producing organisation TVR1 Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 20/7/2013 Original language Romanian Subtitled in English 4/3 Running time 48’ 4’’ Greece - Unemployed Public Television Greece - Unemployed Public Television, directed by Maria Cristina Tilic˘ a, is a documentary about a situation unique in Europe, which has been spawning negative repercussions on society, including the barefaced censorship slapped on a community yearning for democracy. Greek public television was shut down on June 11th 2013 by the Greek government, without consulting Parliament, in order to make financial savings, despite the fact that public television had been attracting a nationwide audience of approximately 11 million viewers and was not financed by the state. Even during hard times (The Dictatorship of the Colonels, Second World War etc), neither the Radio nor TV had ever ceased broadcasting. La Grèce - La Télévision publique au chômage Un documentaire de Maria Cristina Tilic˘a pour dénoncer un cas unique en Europe, un scandale aux répercussions dramatiques au plan social. L’histoire d’une censure exercée contre une communauté, « coupable » d’aspirer à la démocratie. Le gouvernement grec a décidé le 11 juin 2013 de fermer sa Télévision publique sans consulter le Parlement. Une décision unilatérale, adoptée au nom d'un programme de restrictions budgétaires, alors que le service public grec vantait une large audience - 11 millions de téléspectateurs - et qu’il ne bénéficiait d'aucune subvention de l’Etat. Même dans les moments les plus sombres de l’histoire de la Grèce - sous la dictature des colonels ou pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, ni la Radio, ni la Télévision d’Etat n'avaient jamais été réduites au silence. Grecia - Televisione pubblica senza lavoro Questo documentario di Maria Cristina Tilic˘a , racconta una situazione dai pesanti risvolti sociali e unica in Europa: una evidente censura esercitata su una comunità che cerca solo la democrazia. La televisione pubblica greca è stata chiusa l’11 giugno 2013 dal governo, senza che il Parlamento fosse preventivamente consultato, nell’ambito del piano di tagli alle spese, sebbene la televisione avesse una audience di circa 11 milioni di persone in tutto il paese e non fosse finanziata dallo Stato. Anche in tempi difficili, come durante la Dittatura dei Colonnelli o nel corso della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, né la Radio né la Televisione avevano mai smesso di trasmettere. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 255 255 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY SAN MARINO (REPUBLIC OF) RSMTV RADIOTELEVISIONE DI STATO DELLA REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO MAFIA, L’ULTIMO PADRINO TV PROGRAMMES (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Gianmarco Morosini Production San Marino RTV Script Gianmarco Morosini Photography Gianmarco Morosini Editing Paolo Di Lorenzo Producing organisation San Marino RTV Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 15/6/2013 Original language Italian Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Pino Cesetti Ph: +378 0549 882008 [email protected] Running time 40’ 256 Mafia, the Last Godfather Matteo Messina Denaro, the mafia boss of Castelvetrano (Trapani, Sicily), has been on the run for 20 years. This 40 minute feature, packed with exclusive interviews, puts Palermo and Trapani in the spotlight during tributes marking the anniversary of the murder of Top Anti-Mafia Magistrate Giovanni Falcone, killed by a mafia bomb. Credited with having a big hand in controlling the local economy, Matteo Messina Denaro is strongly suspected of hiding around his hometown, Castelvetrano. The programme furthermore strives to throw light on his role at the height of the mafia slayings of magistrates as well as the relationship between Cosa Nostra and deviated freemason members. This programme won Italy’s top investigative press award, the Premio Ilaria Alpi. Mafia, le dernier parrain Vingt ans après la cavale de Matteo Messina Denaro, le chef du clan de Castelvetrano (Trapani), RSMTV propose un reportage de 40 minutes avec des interviews en exclusivité, réalisé dans le fief de Cosa Nostra (Palerme et Trapani) à l’occasion de l’anniversaire de l’attentat meurtrier à Giovanni Falcone, le magistrat symbole de la lutte à la mafia. Il semblerait que le parrain ait toujours main mise sur l’économie de la région et qu’il se cache, aujourd’hui encore, sur son territoire à Castelvetrano. Ce reportage veut faire la lumière sur le rôle de Messina Denaro dans les grands attentats mafieux en Italie et sur les liens entre Cosa Nostra et la franc-maçonnerie occultiste. Mafia, le dernier parrain a remporté le Prix Ilaria Alpi, l’un des prix les plus prestigieux d’Italie qui récompense les meilleurs reportages d’investigation. Mafia, l’ultimo padrino A 20 anni dall’inizio della latitanza di Matteo Messina Denaro, il boss mafioso di Castelvetrano (Trapani) uno speciale di 40 minuti, arricchito di interviste esclusive, ha condotto gli autori nell’area di Palermo e Trapani in occasione dell’anniversario dell’assassinio di Giovanni Falcone, magistrato ucciso in un agguato mafioso. Si dice che il boss abbia una profonda influenza sul tessuto economico del territorio e si ritiene plausibile che si trovi nascosto nell’area di Castelvetrano. Lo speciale cerca di far luce anche sul ruolo svolto da Messina Denaro durante la stagione delle stragi di mafia e sul rapporto tra “Cosa Nostra” e la Massoneria deviata. Questo programma ha vinto il Premio Ilaria Alpi, uno dei più importanti nel campo delle inchieste giornalistiche in Italia. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 256 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY SAN MARINO (REPUBLIC OF) RSMTV RADIOTELEVISIONE DI STATO DELLA REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO BRAVO ZULU (CURRENT AFFAIRS) Direction Sara Bucci Production San Marino RTV Photography Mirko Gnani Editing Paolo Berardi Producing organisation San Marino RTV Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 6/10/2013 Original language Italian Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Pino Cesetti Ph: +378 0549 882008 [email protected] Running time 20’ Bravo Zulu A feature dedicated to the tragedy of immigration and the Italian Navy’s control of the constant flow of immigrants. A glimpse of life on board the ships Capitano Bettega and Lybra during the patrolling of the Augusta waters off the Sicilian southern coast. The military base in Augusta plays a strategic role in sighting and rescuing the immigrants' boats along the route regularly navigated by the ‘Scafisti’, unscrupulous smugglers accepting to take immigrants across the water to Italy in return for an exorbitant high price. Bravo Zulu features images of a first rescue of a Libyan boat and the Italian navy explaining how immigration towards Italian coasts has changed in the last 15 years. Bravo zoulou Un reportage sur le drame de l’immigration clandestine et sur l’engagement de la Marine Militaire, chargée du contrôle des flux migratoires. Un document sur la vie au quotidien des militaires à bord de patrouilleurs comme Capitano Bettega ou Lybra pendant les opérations de surveillance au large d’Augusta, la côte sud de la Sicile. Augusta est un site situé sur la route des passeurs, considéré stratégique par la Marine Militaire italienne, chargée du repérage et des opérations de secours aux bateaux-poubelles. Un reportage pour participer en direct aux premiers secours apportés à une embarcation en détresse en provenance de Lybie et pour donner la parole aux militaires qui contrôlent depuis 15 ans les flux migratoires vers les côtes italiennes. Bravo zulu Speciale dedicato alla tragedia dell’immigrazione e all’impegno della Marina Militare nel controllo dei flussi migratori. Uno spaccato di vita di bordo sui pattugliatori Capitano Bettega e Lybra durante i pattugliamenti nel servizio controllo flussi migratori nei pressi di Augusta, costa sud della Sicilia. Augusta rappresenta la posizione strategica della Marina Militare Italiana per l’avvistamento e il soccorso dei barconi degli immigrati, lungo quella che è la rotta solitamente seguita dagli scafisti. Nello speciale le immagini dei primi soccorsi ad una barca libica e il racconto dei militari protagonisti dell’evoluzione del fenomeno migratorio via mare verso le coste italiane degli ultimi 15 anni. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 257 257 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY SLOVENIA RTVSLO RADIOTELEVIZIJA SLOVENIJA LOVCI TEME TV PROGRAMMES (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Igor Vrtaènik Production Rtv Slovenija Script Igor Vrtaènik Music selected by Blaz Sivic Photography Pavel Jurca Sound Marjan Drobnic Editing Mitja Saftic Title of series Chasers of the Dark Producing organisation RTV Slovenija Year of production 2012 Broadcast date 13/1/2013 Original language Slovenian Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales RTV Slovenija Ph: +38614753665 Fax: +38614753670 [email protected] Running time 37’ 5’’ 258 Chasers of the Dark The first underwater photograph was taken by Frenchman Louis Boutan back in 1893 on a plate. His camera weighed at least 200 kilos. It was locked in a copper barrel. The plates were made especially for him by the Lumière brothers. Four decades later, Austrian Hans Hass made the first self-contained underwater camera in 1937. That same summer, a small group of Slovenian natural science students dived beneath the sea without a helmet. They replaced it with ingenious home-made diving gear. With this, Slovenes equalled the achievements of the Germans to become the pioneers of exploratory and scientific underwater photography. Les chasseurs d’obscurité La première photographie sous-marine a été prise par le Français Louis Boutan en 1893. Son appareil pesait plus de 200 kilos et était protégé par un caisson de cuivre. Les frères Lumière en personne avaient conçu les plaques de verre pour porter à bien l’expérience. Quarante ans plus tard, en 1937, Hans Hass a inventé le premier boîtier étanche. Cet été là, des étudiants slovènes de la faculté des Sciences Naturelles ont effectué leur première plongée avec une sorte de scaphandre artisanal, considéré comme le premier équipement de plongée. Grâce à cette découverte, les Slovènes ont mis les Allemands au défi en devenant les pionniers de la photographie scientifique sous-marine. Alla ricerca dell’oscurità La prima fotografia subacquea fu scattata dal francese Louis Boutan nel 1893. Il suo apparecchio pesava circa 200 chili ed era racchiuso in una scatola in rame. Le lastre erano state studiate appositamente per lui dai fratelli Lumière. Quarant’anni dopo, nel 1937, Hans Hass costruì la prima vera custodia per macchine fotografiche a chiusura stagna. Nell’estate dello stesso anno un gruppo di studenti sloveni di Scienze Naturali si immerse con un equipaggiamento costituito da un ingegnoso scafandro realizzato artigianalmente. Grazie a questa iniziativa gli sloveni hanno raggiunto gli stessi risultati dei tedeschi e sono diventati i pionieri della fotografia scientifica d’esplorazione sottomarina. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 258 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY SPAIN TVE TELEVISION ESPAÑOLA HIJOS DE LA GUERRA ATÓMICA (CURRENT AFFAIRS) Direction Miguel A. Viñas Production Karina Arutyunova Script Carlos Franganillo Photography Ivan Makarov Title of series En Portada (Front page) Producing organisation TVE Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 19/9/2013 Original languages Spanish, Russian Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales RTVE [email protected] Running time 40’ 23’’ Children of the Atomic War It has been over 20 years since the end of nuclear testing in East Kazakhstan, but there the Cold War and the atomic race will continue to claim victims for generations. Victims as Berik Syzdikov, whose history is the plot of Children of the Atomic War. We travel to East Kazakhstan, the epicentre of Soviet nuclear tests. In The Polygon area nearly 500 atomic bombs were detonated. Two decades later, those tests continue to claim victims. This is the story of Berik Syzdikov, affected by radiation. Les enfants de la guerre nucléaire Vingt ans après la fin des expériences atomiques dans la région du Kazakhstan, la Guerre Froide et la course à l’armement atomique continuent de faire des victimes et continueront d’en faire pendant plusieurs générations. Des victimes innocentes, come Berik Syzdikov, dont le drame est au cœur de ce reportage. Un documentaire qui nous propulse au beau milieu de la steppe, au nord-est du Kazakhstan, théâtre des essais nucléaires soviétiques. Une région rebaptisée « Le Polygone » où ont été effectuées plus de 500 explosions de bombes atomiques à l‘uranium et à l’hydrogène. Vingt ans après, ces tests continuent de faire des victimes, comme le témoigne Berik Syzdikov, irradié dans le ventre de sa mère et souffrant d’une malformation au visage qui le rend monstrueux. Figli della guerra atomica Sono passati 20 anni dalla fine degli esperimenti atomici nel Kazakistan orientale, ma la Guerra Fredda e la corsa all’atomica continueranno a provocare vittime ancora per generazioni. Vittime come Berik Syzdikov, la cui storia è raccontata da questo documentario. Ci dirigiamo verso il Kazakistan orientale, epicentro dei test nucleari sovietici. Nella’area definita “Il Poligono” sono state sganciate circa 500 bombe atomiche. Due decenni più tardi, questi test producono ancora vittime come Berik Syzdikov, colpito dalle radiazioni. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 259 259 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY SWEDEN SVT No Burqas behind Bars SVERIGES TELEVISION FRIHET BAKOM GALLER TV PROGRAMMES (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Nima Sarvestani Production Maryam Ebrahimi Producing organisation Nima Film Coproducing organisations SVT– Sveriges Television, NHK, Ikon, DR Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 24/9/2013 Original language Dari Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Deckert Distribution GmbH [email protected] Running time 76’ 26’’ 260 Meet Sara, Nadjibeh, Sima and their fellow inmates in an in-depth portrait of life behind bars in an Afghan women’s prison. Most of the women are convicted of running away from their husbands, and for this they serve prison sentences for “moral crimes”. But for the women, prison often becomes a safe haven where they are protected from the everyday violence of their husbands and relatives. And the question arises - where are women freest, in prison or in society outside? A documentary by Nima Sarvestani. Sans burqa derrière les barreaux Un reportage sur la vie de Sara, Nadjibeh, Sima et de leurs codétenues dans une prison pour femmes en Afghanistan. La plupart d’entre elles sont accusées d’abandon de domicile conjugal, parce qu’elles fuyaient des maris violents et ont été condamnées à l’incarcération pour « crime moral ». Le paradoxe est que la prison est souvent un refuge qui protège ces femmes de la violence des maris et des familles. Une contradiction qui soulève une question fondamentale : où les femmes en Afghanistan sontelles plus libres, derrière les barreaux ou hors de l’enceinte carcérale ? Ce documentaire a été réalisé par Nima Sarvestani, un réalisateur iranien exilé en Suède. Niente burqa dietro le sbarre Incontriamo Sara, Nadjibeh, Sima e altre detenute in un intenso ritratto della vita dietro le sbarre di una prigione femminile afghana. Molte di queste donne sono state condannate per “crimini morali”: hanno cercato di sfuggire ai loro mariti. La prigione rappresenta quindi la loro salvezza, un luogo dove sono protette dalla quotidiana violenza dei compagni e dei parenti. Ma dov’è allora la vera libertà, dentro o fuori il carcere? Un documentario di Nima Sarvestani. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 260 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY SWITZERLAND SRG SSR SOCIETE SUISSE DE RADIODIFFUSION ET TELEVISION OEIL POUR OEIL: LA VENGEANCE DES KADHAFI (CURRENT AFFAIRS) Direction Romaine Jean, Jacob Berger, Anne-Frédérique Widmann, Marie-Laure Baggiolini Production Romaine Jean Script Romaine Jean, Jacob Berger, Anne-Frédérique Widmann Music Stephane Kirscher Photography Patrick Mounoud Sound Gianni Marchesi Editing Véronique Rotelli Title of series Les coulisses de l’événement Producing organisation Radiotélévision Suisse de Langue Française Coproducing organisation RTS-SSR Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 26/2/2014 Original language French 16/9 Running time 50’ An eye for an eye: the vengeance of the Gaddafi clan Les Coulisses de l’Evénement (CDE) examines one of the most incredible events in Swiss diplomacy: the Swiss hostage crisis in Libya. All of the major events of the crisis are explained: the abduction of the hostages, the bid to get them out, the threats and the humiliation of the Swiss president. As in a thriller, the shady and immoral world of the dictator and of his family is penetrated. We thought everything was known about the tense 22 month-plus stand-off between the Swiss authorities and Colonel Gaddafi’s regime. But five years later, CDE’s investigation unearths unreleased documents, archives and opinions, and for the first time the major players of this crisis give their insight into this drama. Œil pour œil : la vengeance des Kadhafi Dans cet épisode, Les Coulisses de l’Evénement parle de l’une des crises diplomatiques les plus éclatantes de Suisse : celle de ses otages en Libye. Tout y est : prise d’otages, tentative d’exfiltration, menaces, humiliation d’un président… Un véritable thriller, une plongée dans le monde glauque des dictateurs et de leurs fils prodigues. On croyait tout savoir du bras de fer qui a opposé pendant 22 mois les autorités suisses au régime du Colonel Kadhafi, mais on se trompait. Cinq ans après les faits, l’enquête de Les Coulisses de l’Evénement révèle des documents inédits, des archives jamais diffusées en apportant un nouvel éclairage à l’affaire. La crise des otages suisses en Libye, telle qu’elle a été vécue par ses protagonistes au moment des faits. Occhio per occhio: la vendetta dei Gheddafi In questa puntata della serie Les Coulisses de l’Evénement si parla di una delle più gravi crisi della storia della diplomazia elvetica: quella riguardante gli ostaggi svizzeri trattenuti in Libia. Sono raccontate tutte le fasi dell’evento: il sequestro, le trattative, le minacce e l’umiliazione del presidente svizzero. Come in un thriller poliziesco, il programma cerca di penetrare nel mondo oscuro del dittatore e dei suoi familiari. Pensavamo che fosse stato raccontato tutto di quei 22 mesi di braccio di ferro tra le autorità svizzere e il regime del colonnello Gheddafi, ma questo programma, cinque anni dopo i fatti, propone agli spettatori documenti e materiali d’archivio inediti. Per la prima volta, inoltre, i protagonisti del drammatico episodio esprimono il loro punto di vista. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 261 261 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY SWITZERLAND SRG SSR SOCIETE SUISSE DE RADIODIFFUSION ET TELEVISION L’ESCALE TV PROGRAMMES (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Kaveh Bakhtiari Production Louise Productions Producing organisation SRG SSR, RTS Radio Télévision Suisse Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 10/11/2014 Original language Persian Subtitled in French, English 16/9 Running time 80’ 262 In Transit In Athens, Iranian immigrant Amir’s modest flat has become a place of transit for migrants who, like him, have chosen to leave their country. But Greece is only a stop-over for everyone striving to reach other Western countries. They find themselves held up at Amir’s, hoping for ID documents, contacts and the smuggler in whose hands they can entrust their fate as illegal-immigrants. L’escale Le modeste appartement à Athènes d’Amir, un immigré Iranien, est un passage obligatoire pour les migrants qui, comme lui, ont choisi de quitter leur pays d’origine. Mais la Grèce n’est qu’une escale, parce qu’ils espèrent tous faire fortune dans d’autres pays de l’Occident. Ils se retrouvent donc « en transit » chez Amir en attendant des papiers, un contact ou le passeur, à qui ils vont se livrer corps et âme. In transito Ad Atene, il modesto appartamento di Amir, un immigrato iraniano, è diventato un posto di transito per quelli che, come lui, hanno scelto di lasciare il proprio paese. Ma la Grecia è soltanto un luogo di passaggio, perché tutti sperano di raggiungere altri stati occidentali. Si fermano a casa di Amir in attesa dei documenti, dei contatti e del contrabbandiere a cui affideranno il loro destino di clandestini. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 262 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY UNITED KINGDOM BBC BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION BRITAIN’S GREAT WAR - EP. 3 (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Robin Dashwood Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 10/2/2014 Original language English 16/9 Running time 59’ 10’’ Britain’s Great War - Ep. 3 Presented by Jeremy Paxman, this four-part documentary explores how Britain was transformed by the First World War. We think we know what the war was about: mud and death, young men needlessly slaughtered by blinkered generals, an entire generation sacrificed. That is only part of the picture and not all of it true. This was a conflict which affected every aspect of life in Britain: from work to sex, food, politics and health. Produced as part of the BBC One World War One Centenary season, the series takes a unique look at the conflict which changed Britain forever. La Grande Guerre de la Grande-Bretagne - 3e épisode Présenté par Jeremy Paxman pour la BBC, ce documentaire en quatre épisodes analyse l’impact de la Première Guerre mondiale sur la GrandeBretagne. On croit tout savoir de la Grande Guerre : ses tranchées, la boue, la mort des jeunes soldats envoyés au massacre par des généraux bornés, le sacrifice de toute une génération. Mais ce n’est qu’une facette de l’histoire et d’ailleurs pas toujours vraie. En réalité, ce conflit a métamorphosé la vie et les coutumes des Britanniques à tous les niveaux : leurs habitudes sexuelles, leur gastronomie, la politique, jusqu’à leur système de santé publique. Réalisé pour célébrer le centenaire de la guerre de 14, ce reportage jette une lumière nouvelle sur un conflit qui a métamorphosé la Grande-Bretagne à tout jamais. La Grande Guerra della Gran Bretagna - Ep. 3 Un documentario in quattro puntate, presentato da Jeremy Paxman, sulla Gran Bretagna e la I Guerra Mondiale. Crediamo di sapere cosa sia stata la guerra: fango e morte, giovani uomini mandati al massacro da generali con il paraocchi, un’intera generazione sacrificata. Ma questa è solo una parte della storia e neanche completamente vera. Si è trattato di un conflitto che ha trasformato ogni aspetto della vita britannica: il lavoro ma anche le abitudini sessuali, la gastronomia, la politica e la sanità. Prodotta dalla BBC One nell’ambito delle celebrazioni per il centenario della Prima Guerra Mondiale, questa serie getta una luce nuova sul conflitto che ha cambiato per sempre il paese. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 263 263 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY UNITED KINGDOM CH4 Hunted CHANNEL FOUR TELEVISION HUNTED TV PROGRAMMES (CURRENT AFFAIRS) Direction Ben Steele Photography Ben Steele Producing organisation Blakeway Productions Year of production 2014 Broadcast date 5/2/2014 Original language English Subtitled in English Voiced over in English 16/9 Running time 48’ 264 On the eve of the Sochi Winter Olympics, Russia is officially welcoming gay athletes. But in a country where only 1% of the gay community dares live completely openly, it appears to be a hollow gesture. This extraordinary Dispatches documentary has gained unique access to the vigilante gangs that target gay men and women. The film depicts a country wracked by disturbing violence and distressing intimidation. Six months after the Russian parliament unanimously passed a law to protect children from ‘non-traditional’ relationships, this film explores the terror that gay people in Russia are calling the ‘hunting season’. Victimes de persécutions Aux J.O. de Sotchi, la Russie a officiellement ouvert ses portes aux athlètes homosexuels. Dans ce pays où 1% à peine de la population gay peut vivre son homosexualité au grand jour, cette ouverte résonne un peu comme une vaste hypocrisie. Au cours de ce reportage de la série Dispatches, des journalistes ont interviewé des bandes de néonazis homophobes qui persécutent les homosexuels. Un document qui nous renvoie l’image d’un pays où règnent la violence, les vexations et l’intolérance en mettant en péril l’ordre public. Six mois après que la Douma a adopté une loi pour protéger les enfants issus de relations « non traditionnelles », ce document dénonce les persécutions que subissent aujourd’hui encore les homosexuels, un chapitre sombre et cruel de l’histoire, rebaptisé « la saison de la chasse ». Perseguitati In occasione dei Giochi Olimpici Invernali di Sochi, la Russia ha ufficialmente accettato atleti omosessuali. Ma si è trattato di un atto di ipocrisia, visto che nel paese soltanto l’1% dei gay riesce a vivere alla luce del sole. Nel corso di questa straordinaria puntata della serie Dispatches gli autori hanno la possibilità di entrare in contatto con le squadre che perseguitano i gay, sia uomini che donne. L’immagine resa dal programma è quella di un paese afflitto da penose persecuzioni e da una violenza che mette in pericolo l’ordine pubblico. Sei mesi dopo l’approvazione da parte del parlamento russo di una legge che mira a tutelare i bambini da parentele “non tradizionali”, questo programma analizza il periodo di terrore che i gay russi definiscono “la stagione della caccia”. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 264 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY UNITED KINGDOM CH4 CHANNEL FOUR TELEVISION THE CRUEL CUT (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Vicki Cooper Production Richard McKerrow, Kieran Smith Presenter Leyla Hussein Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 6/11/2013 Original language English 16/9 Running time 48’ The Cruel Cut Female Genital Mutilation, or FGM, is when a girl’s genitals are either partially or totally removed for non-medical reasons. The Cruel Cut examines the cultural and societal pressures as well as how it continues despite being illegal in the UK - there have been no prosecutions, although it was banned in 1985. The documentary follows Leyla’s campaign as she and a group of survivors attempt to take their cause to the very top of government. L’incision cruelle On parle de mutilation génitale féminine quand les organes génitaux externes d’une fillette sont ôtés partiellement ou dans leur totalité pour des raisons non-médicales. Ce reportage montre les pressions socio-culturelles qui rendent la justice impuissante face à ceux qui pratiquent encore ces tortures illégales au Royaume-Uni depuis 1985. Leyla et un groupe d’activistes, qui, comme elle, ont été mutilées, essaient de mobiliser le gouvernement pour abolir ces pratiques ancestrales. Il taglio crudele Si parla di mutilazione genitale femminile quando i genitali delle bambine sono rimossi, in parte o del tutto, per ragioni non mediche. Questo programma analizza le pressioni culturali e sociali che hanno determinato l’assenza di procedimenti giudiziari a carico di chi continua ad esercitare questa pratica dichiarata illegale nel Regno Unito già dal 1985. Leyla, insieme ad un gruppo di ragazze che hanno subito la sua stessa mutilazione, sta cercando di portare il problema all’attenzione delle più alte cariche del governo. 2014 PRIX ITALIA 02 TV 140-267.indd 265 265 04/09/14 11:21 TV DOCUMENTARY PAN EUROPEAN BROADCASTERS HBOE HOME BOX OFFICE EUROPE SZERELEMPATAK TV PROGRAMMES (CULTURAL / GENERAL INTEREST) Direction Àgnes Sòs Producers Àgnes Sòs, Szerelem Patak Produkciòs Kft, Julianna Ugrin, Hanka Kastelicová HBO-Europe Script Ágnes Sós Music János Másik Photography Zoltán Lovasi Sound Tamás Zányi Editing Thomas Ernst Producing organisation Szerelem Patak Produkciòs Kft Coproducing organisation HBO- Europe Year of production 2013 Broadcast date 22/11/2013 Original language Hungarian Subtitled in English 16/9 Sales Taskovski Films 7 Granard Business Centre, Bunns [email protected] Running time 70’ 266 Stream of Love Stream of Love is a documentary tale of love and longing set in an ethnic Hungarian village in Transylvania where time has passed by and the characters are no longer young. Deeply emotional, at times shocking and explicit, we accompany Feri, an incurable romantic, who has passed his 80th birthday and is in search of love and sensuality among the women of the village. They, in turn, allow the camera to uncover their most intimate thoughts and dreams. Stream of Love is funny, surprising and heartwarming, revealing how the game of love and romance from a bygone age still flourishes in a remote country village. Un monde d’amour Un monde d’amour est un reportage sur la façon d’exprimer l’amour et le désir dans un petit village de Transylvanie. Un village de Hongrie où le temps semble s’être arrêté et où ses habitants sont tous vieillissants. Un reportage émouvant, parfois choquant ou cru, qui suit Feri, un vieux romantique impénitent de plus de 80 ans, dans sa quête d’amour. Feri séduit les villageoises, des femmes qui se tournent à leur tour vers la caméra pour nous confier leurs fantasmes et leurs rêves interdits. Un monde d’amour est un film drôle, surprenant, attendrissant, pour montrer que le romanticisme et la séduction, considérés aujourd’hui vieux jeu, font encore mouche dans ces petites réalités isolées du monde. Un mare d’amore Un documentario che racconta l’amore e la sensualità che fioriscono in un piccolo villaggio ungherese in Transilvania, dove il tempo sembra essersi fermato e gli abitanti non sono più giovani. Un documentario toccante, scioccante ed esplicito. Feri è un ultraottantenne, inguaribile romantico, che è in cerca di amore e sensualità tra le donne del villaggio. Queste, a loro volta, permettono alla telecamera di scoprire i loro più intimi pensieri e i loro sogni. Un programma allegro, sorprendente, che scalda il cuore. L’amore e il gioco della seduzione sono ancora di gran moda tra gli ottuagenari di questo piccolo villaggio isolato. PRIX ITALIA 2014 02 TV 140-267.indd 266 04/09/14 11:21
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