Historicizing Ecumenism An International Conference Bose, 26th-28th November Historicizing Ecumenism An International Conference Bose, 26th-28th November Wednesday, November 26th OPENING SESSION 12:30 Prayer of the Community 13:00 Lunch 14:30 Introduction, Alberto Melloni (Reggio Emilia/Bologna) 14:45 LANGUAGES AND PARADIGMS Moderator: Mathijs Lamberigts (Leuven) Jürgen Miethke (Heidelberg), „Einheit der Kirche“ in spätmittelalterlicher Ekklesiologie ein Probierstein für die Ökumene heute Cyril Hovorun (Yale), Theological Languages of Ecumenical Convergences 16:00 Coffee Break 16:15 Pantelis Kalaitzidis (Volos), The Inclusive Ecumenism of Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras: Inter-Orthodox Cooperation, Christian Unity, Inter-Religious Dialogue and the Demand for Peace and Reconciliation Theresia Hainthaler (Frankfurt a. M.), Christologische Dialoge mit den Kirchen des Ostens 17:30 Book presentation: Mauro Velati, Separati ma fratelli. Gli osservatori non cattolici al Vaticano II, Il Mulino, Bologna 2014 with Mauro Velati (Novara) and Federico Ruozzi (Reggio E./Bologna) 18:30 Prayer of the Community followed by dinner 20:00 Keynote speech: Enzo Bianchi (Bose), Un bilancio dell’ecumenismo oggi. Una prospettiva monastica www.fscire.it Historicizing Ecumenism An International Conference Bose, 26th-28th November Thursday, November 27th EXPERIENCES, CIRCLES, MILIEUX, BIOGRAPHIES 06:00 Prayer of the Community (breakfast from 7 a.m.) 08:00 MONASTIC ECUMENISM Moderator: André Birmelé (Strasbourg) Adalberto Mainardi (Bose) – Matthias Wirz (Bose), Œcuménisme et expériences monastiques au XXème siècle Silvia Scatena (Reggio Emilia/Louvain-la-Neuve), Internationale, interconfessionnelle, œcuménique. La Communauté de Taizé et l'Église Réformée de France: l'"affaire" des frères pasteurs 09:30 Coffee break 09:45 THE RISE OF “CATHOLIC ECUMENISM” AND THE YEARS OF VATICAN II Moderator: Franz Xaver Bischof (Munich) Peter De Mey (Leuven), The Catholic Conference for Ecumenical Questions’ Immediate Preparation of the Renewal of Catholic Ecclesiology at Vatican II: An Analysis of the 1959 memorandum and of the reunions of 1960 (Gazzada) and 1961 (Strasbourg) Karim Schelkens (Tilburg), The archives of Cardinal Willebrands Georgios Vlantis (Munich), Catholicity, Unity, Grace: Nikos Nissiotis on the II Vatican Council 12:00 Eucharist 13:00 Lunch www.fscire.it 14:30 THE GERMAN CONTEXT Moderator: Johannes Oeldemann (Paderborn) Leonard Hell (Mainz), Bischof Albert Stohr von Mainz (1890-1961) e Margarethe Hopf (Bonn), Max Lackmann, „Die Sammlung“ und der „Bund für evangelisch‐katholische Wiedervereinigung“ d Saretta Marotta (Bologna/Munich), La genesi di un ecumenista: Agostino Bea alla scuola del vescovo di Paderborn Lorenz Jaeger 16:15 Coffee Break 16:30 ECUMENISM IN PRESS AND REVIEWS Moderator: Alberto Melloni (Reggio Emilia/Bologna) Sergej Firsov (Saint Petersburg), Pope John XXIII in the mirror of Soviet press. Revisiting the history of perception of the Pontiff's personality in the URSS Geert van Dartel (Utrecht), For the renewal of Church and Society. The ecumenical periodical Kosmos & Oecumene (1967-1992) Leo van Leijsen (Utrecht), Out of a desire for Unity. 60 Years of Pokrof informing about Eastern Christianity (1954-2013) 18:30 Prayer of the Community followed by dinner 20:00 Keynote speech: André Birmelé (Strasbourg), Un bilan des dialogues: les défis méthodologiques et les nouveaux paradigmes de l'œcuménisme www.fscire.it Historicizing Ecumenism An International Conference Bose, 26th-28th November Friday, November 28th FINAL SESSION 06:00 Prayer of the Community (breakfast from 7 a.m.) 08:30 STARTING PROJECTS Moderator: Silvia Scatena (Reggio Emilia/Louvain-la-Neuve) Pandora Dimanopoulou-Cohen (Paris), Le mouvement du christianisme pratique face à la crise économique des années ‘30 Mauro Velati (Novara), Bibbia ed ecumenismo. L'azione del Segretariato per l'unità Luca Ferracci (Bologna), Prime reazioni al documento di Lima su Battesimo, Eucaristia e Ministero (BEM) 10:00 Coffee break 10:15 CONCLUSIONS Moderator: Alberto Melloni (Reggio Emilia/Bologna) Open discussion 12:30 Prayer of the Community 13:00 Lunch www.fscire.it
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