© w w w. t u t t o a r a b i . c o m 100 | TUTTO ARABI - www.tuttoarabi.com SHOWS AND EVENTS 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli by Anna Scarpa z photos by Nicoletta Abelli F ieracavalli, anche quest’anno indossa la sua corona e conferma il suo regnar sovrano negli eventi di spicco rivolti a tutti gli amanti dei cavalli. Nonostante la crisi, l’afflusso di appassionati presenti è stato notevole. Le iniziative, gli spettacoli e le competizioni rivolte a tutte le discipline equestri, sono sempre più entusiasmanti e la splendida cornice della città che le ospita, dà un tocco di magia in più all’atmosfera. Verona, la città del grande amore fra Romeo e Giulietta, quest’anno ha ospitato la 115° edizione di un evento che racchiude un altro grande amore, quello per i cavalli. Il purosangue arabo, anche in questa occasione, ha avuto la sua meritata visibilità in un padiglione a lui interamente dedicato, allestito con le scenografie dell’opera “AIDA” prestate per l’occasione dalla Fondazione Arena che proprio questo anno compie i suoi 100 anni di storia nella lirica mondiale. Due le importanti competizioni che si sono svolte nei 4 giorni di fiera: il 7 e l’8 novembre si è svolto il 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli, patrocinate dall’ANICA. Responsabile della fiera per ciò che ri- guarda il PSA il Sig. Massimo Meldo. Le esibizioni montate, coordinate dalla Sig.ra Jessica Panbianchi, hanno intrattenuto ed affascinato il pubblico presente durante gli intervalli. Il 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli non è uno show di morfologia affiliato ECAHO. Il metodo di giudizio usato era quello a comparazione. La Sig.ra Anna Stojanoska dalla Polonia ed il Sig. Cristian Moschini dall’Italia erano i giudici, che si sono alternati nelle categorie. Ring Master il Sig. Ivo Ludi, assistito dal Sig. Angelo Boscarino. La commissione Disciplinare era formata dal Dr. Gianpaolo Teobaldelli, Dal Dr. Eugenio Martini e dal Sig. Roberto Ceccaroni. La voce cha ha accompagnato l’evento era della Sig.ra Mirjam Boschini e la musica a cura del Sig. Gianluca Filippi Cocetta. Ora vi lasciamo alle belle foto della nostra fotografa, la Sig.ra Nicoletta Abelli. Saranno queste immagini a trasmettervi le emozioni e a “raccontarvi” queste quattro intense giornate trascorse in Fiera cavalli – Verona. q www.tuttoarabi.com - TUTTO ARABI | 101 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli 3° Gran Premio Yearling Fillies Gold Medal Champion Gold ALBACHIARA CASTOLDA IM BAYARD CATHARE x SHAMILAH AL TIGLIO O&B: AZ. AGR. CASTOLDA, TOMASONI MONICA Silver SS LADY DIANA AJMAN MONISCIONE x PSYCHIC LADY O&B: ALLEVAMENTO STIGLERSTUD, IRINA STIGLER Bronze BASMA AL MAR AJMAN MONISCIONE x BACCARA O&B: MARINO ALESSANDRO Silver Medal Champion Bronze Medal Champion sponsored by A.N.I.C.A. Fieracavalli 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli 3° Yearling Colts Gold Medal Champion Gold MASAI MONISCIONE AJMAN MONISCIONE x MASAIDA AL TIGLIO O&B: AZ. AGR. BUZZI GIANCARLO Silver FEUER JADE AJMAN MONISCIONE x NEVA BINT VOLG O&B: VIEIDER IVAN Bronze COCO CASTOLDA IM ICARE CATHARE x SHAMILAH AL TIGLIO O&B: AZ. AGR. CASTOLDA, TOMASONI MONICA Silver Medal Champion Bronze Medal Champion www.tuttoarabi.com - TUTTO ARABI | 103 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli 3° Gran Premio Fillies Gold Medal Champion Gold NATISSE REGALIS WH JUSTICE x NASHIRA BY CHAWY NA O&B: RE PIETRO Silver KARIMA BY GIADA IM ICARE CATHARE x GIADA GI O&B: IERVOLINO GIANLUCA Silver Medal Champion Bronze BLANCHE ROSE CHANDRA IM ICARE CATHARE x SUITE ROSE O: SOC. AGR. PENELOPE SRL B: AZ. AGR. MONTECUCCO, GATTI GLORIA Bronze Medal Champion sponsored by A.N.I.C.A. Fieracavalli 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli 3° Colts Gold Medal Champion Gold THUNDER WH JUSTICE x FL SORAYA O: MAIOLI MILENA B: AZ. AGR. FONTANESI LUCA Silver TAYYID AN NAHIZA EUROPE AL KHIDAR x THESSALYA EL JAMAAL O&B: PRAMSTRAHLER STEFAN Silver Medal Champion Bronze MAGIC FARAONE TRUE COLOURS x MAGIC LADY MIRAGE O&B: FONTANELLA MAGIC ARABIANS Bronze Medal Champion www.tuttoarabi.com - TUTTO ARABI | 105 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli 3° Gran Premio Mares Gold Medal Champion Gold MAGIC MA CHERIE WINDSPREES MIRAGE x ELETTRA O: FONTANELLA MAGIC ARABIANS B: BIGOTTI BARBARA Silver VF SASHA WAHID x MAJBA GALAA O: LUPO FARO B: BELLANCA CALOGERINO Silver Medal Champion Bronze CREOLA LC AJMAN MONISCIONE x CLEOPATRA LC O: SCAH ARABIANS B: LA CAMPAGNOLA MOTTA Bronze Medal Champion sponsored by A.N.I.C.A. Fieracavalli 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli 3° Stallions Gold Medal Champion Gold SG GANDALF SDP TAYLOR x IRINA EL GAUG B: SEMINATI FRANCESCO O: CICORIA STEFANO Silver HIRAM KATHIB SAMAT-RO x MAGONI O: GRIFONI ENNIO B: MAZZANTI FULVIA Silver Medal Champion www.tuttoarabi.com - TUTTO ARABI | 107 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli 3° Gran Premio Futurity Female Gold Medal Champion Gold MISSMAGIC MAGNIFIQUE MAGIC MAGNIFIQUE x MAGIC OHARA O: MARRANDINO MICHELE B: FONTANELLA MAGIC ARABIANS Silver FEUER AERA FORTUNA AJMAN MONISCIONE x NEVA BINT VOLGA O&B: VIEIDER IVAN Bronze AGIANNA MONISCIONE MAGNUM PSYCHE x ALMA AL TIGLIO O&B: AZ. AGR. BUZZI GIANCARLO Silver Medal Champion Bronze Medal Champion sponsored by A.N.I.C.A. Fieracavalli 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli 3° Futurity Male Gold Medal Champion Gold JUNAYD PSYRASIC x AISHATM O&B: MARTUCCI TINA Silver EB JAMAL HASMAN GYO x EB SURY O&B: AZ. AGR. LA SPERANZA Silver Medal Champion Bronze MAGIC THOR MAGIC MAGNIFIQUE x CC MAGIC CONTESSA O: PALUMBO GIANLUCA B: FONTANELLA CLEMENTINA Bronze Medal Champion www.tuttoarabi.com - TUTTO ARABI | 109 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli 3° Gran Premio Best Head Futurity Female SATEN MP RITZIUS x ANISAH STAR O&B: BELLINO FRANCESCA Best Head Futurity Male EB JAMAL HASMAN GYO x EB SURY O&B: AZ. AGR. LA SPERANZA 110 | TUTTO ARABI - www.tuttoarabi.com Fieracavalli 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli 3° Gran Premio Fieracavalli 3° Best in Show Female ALBACHIARA CASTOLDA IM BAYARD CATHARE x SHAMILAH AL TIGLIO O&B: AZ. AGR. CASTOLDA, TOMASONI MONICA Best in Show Male MASAI MONISCIONE AJMAN MONISCIONE x MASAIDA AL TIGLIO O&B: AZ. AGR. BUZZI GIANCARLO www.tuttoarabi.com - TUTTO ARABI | 111 European Championships 112 | TUTTO ARABI - www.tuttoarabi.com SHOWS AND EVENTS by Talitha Bakker z photos by Nicoletta Abelli V erona – Italy, the city of the many bridges, crossing the Adige river, the city of the 2nd biggest colosseum in the world and of course the city from Romeo & Julia with the famous balcony! These sights would have been already reason enough to come to this city, however, there are a few hundred people that came to Verona for a whole different reason; the European Championships of the Arabian horse. Judges for this title show were S. Woodhouse from Great Brittain, Mr. Aragno from Italy, Dr. Marei from Egypt, T. Rombauer from Hungary, Mr. Schwestermann from Switzerland and J. Basil from Syria. The competition was high and the quality incredible. Especially the yearlings showed some great prospect for the future. Gold medal winner with the yearling fillies was the this year already very successful Ajmaniah OS (Ajman Moniscione x AB Nastrapsy) – bred by Osterhof Stud and owned by Ajman Stud from the UAE. Silver medal winner was the very typy MM Esplendida (RFI Farid x MM Eluise) – bred and owned by Mario Matt from Austria. The bronze medal went to the big moving Piacolla (Enzo x Polonica) – bred and owned by Michalow Stud from Poland. Others in the top five of the yearling filly championships were SG Wendetta (Psyrasic x SG Wenusia) – bred and owned by Scuderia Groane - and the refined Kalahari (Ajman Moniscione x Kashira) – bred by Wojtowicz and owned by PPH Parys sp. The yearling colts showed a clear winner. The big moving and very refined colt Maestro des Alpes (Marwan al Shaqab x Maya des Alpes) – bred and owned by Otto Berg from the UK took the lead in the class and claimed the gold medal in the final championships. Silver medal winner was Feuer Jade (Ajman Moniscione x Neva bint Volga) – bred and owned by the Vieider family from Italy. The bronze medal went to Galahad Juliver (WH Justice x Baswani) – bred by Laimgruber and owned by Al Baydaa & Mai Stud from Egypt. Others in the top five were Libano MPE (Marwan al Shaqab x Thee Rahiba) – bred by the Manzi family and on lease to Dubai Arabian Horse stud from the UAE - and the showy colt Martice (Al Justice x Miss Marenga) – bred and owned by Sax Arabians from Germany. The junior filly championship had another Osterhof bred horse on top who is the full sister to the yearling gold medal champion; the showy Nastya OS (Ajman Moniscione x AB Nastrapsy). A great success for both Gestut Osterhof and owner Ajman Stud! The silver medal went to the big moving Perfinka (Esparto x Perfirka) – bred by Bialka Stud and owned by Muawd Stud from Saudi Arabia. The bronze medal went to MZ Djlshada (QR Marc x MZ DJamira) – bred by Zinniker and owned by Schläpfer from the Chech Republic. Others in the top five were ASH Mariella (Monther el Nasser x Alishya) – bred by Arabian Sun Horses and owned by Tabori BKV from Israel - and Orfa d’Arab KA (QR Marc x Axotica) – bred and owned by Knocke Arabians from Belgium. The junior colt championships had a surprising winner. The good moving, typy Dali (Lazaal x Elektra) – bred and owned by the Virga family from Italy - came out of nowhere and took the gold medal away from another Italian participant Jamaal di Mar (Marajj x Calyenna el Jamaal) – bred and owned by Scuderia Groane – who took the silver medal. The Bronze medal was for the good moving Al Marid (Al Milan x Bafra B) – bred and owned by Sax Arabians from Germany. Others in the top Five were the gorgeous Sultan al Shaqab (Amir al Shaqab x Abha al Shaqab) – bred and owned by Al Shaqab, Qatar - and JM Aramis (Stival x Alba Moniscione) – bred by Danesi and owned by Al Aryam Arabians from the UAE. Off it went with the spectacular mare classes. Class winner and gold medal champion was the stunning Emandoria (Gazal al Shaqab x Emanda) – bred by Michalow Stud and owned by Ajman Stud of the UAE. Silver medal winner was Primera (Eden C x Preria) – bred and owned by Janow Podlaski stud from Poland. Bronze medal winner was the big moving Emira (Laheeb x Embra) – bred by Michalow stud and owned by Ajman Stud of the UAE. The top five title was awarded to Psyche Kreuza (Ekstern x Pallas Atena) – bred and owned by Chrcynno Palace from Poland – and Pilarosa (Al adeed al Shaqab x www.tuttoarabi.com - TUTTO ARABI | 113 SHOWS AND EVENTS Pilar) – bred and owned by Janow Podlaski from Poland. The final championships was off the senior stallions. A line up off some great show stallions. Gold medal champion was the beautiful and typy Shanghai EA (WH Justice x Salymah) – bred by Equus Arabians in Spain and coowned by Asayel Stud from Kuwait. Silver medal champion was the show stopper Im Bayard Cathare (Padrons Immage x Shamilah) – bred by Roques and owned by The Royal Cavalry of Oman. Bronze medal winner was Poganin (Laheeb x Pohulanka) – bred and owned by Janow Podlaski from Poland. The top five honors went to Mascot 114 | TUTTO ARABI - www.tuttoarabi.com des Alpes (Marwan al Shaqab x EAMT Marihuana) – bred by Otto Berg and owned by Al Nayfat Stud from Saudi Arabia - and Palatino (Pesal x Palmeta) – bred and owned by Janow Podlaski from Poland. With the European Championships at his end, we now have an idea what to expect at the world championships in Paris, which is already in three weeks time! There all the cards will be back on the table and the lineup could be completely different. With another beautiful city as host of a title show, there is more than just one reason to come and visit! q SHOWS AND EVENTS Best Female born and bred in Italy tuttoarabi TROPHY NAISMA AJMAN MONISCIONE x ELVISSA O: ZOPPELLARO ANTONIO - B: AZ. AGR. LA QUERCIA Best Male born and bred in Italy MALACARNE TROPHY TF COLOURS ROYAL COLOURS x NUK SERONDELLA O&B: AZ. AGR. TRIPODI FRANCESCO www.tuttoarabi.com - TUTTO ARABI | 115 European Championships European Championships European Champio Yearling Fillies Gold Medal Champion AJMANIAH OS - Ajman Moniscione** x AB Nastrapsy - O: Ajman Stud/UAE - B: Stöckle/DE Top Five Top Five SG WENDETTA Psyrasic x SG Wenusia KALAHARI Ajman Moniscione** x Kashira O: Scuderia Groane/IT - B: Franchini/IT O: PPH Parys Sp. z.o.o./PL - B: Wojtowicz/PL Sponsored by ALMUAWD STUD onships European Championships European Championships European Silver Medal Champion MM ESPLENDIDA RFI Farid x MM Eluise - O&B: Matt/AT Bronze Medal Champion PIACOLLA Enzo x Polonica - O&B: Michalow/PL www.tuttoarabi.com - TUTTO ARABI | 117 European Championships European Championships European Champio Yearling Colts Gold Medal Champion MAESTRO DES ALPES - Marwan Al Shaqab* x Maya Des Apes- O&B: Berg/GB Top Five Top Five LIBANO MPE Marwan Al Shaqab* x Thee Rahiba on lease: Dubai Stud/UAE - B: Farima Soc. Agricola srl/IT MARTICE Al Justice x Miss Marenga O&B: Sax/DE sponsored by ALBIDAYER STUD onships European Championships European Championships European Silver Medal Champion FEUER JADE Ajman Moniscione** x Neva Bint Volga - O&B: Vieider/IT Bronze Medal Champion GALAHAD JULIVER WH Justice*** x Baswani - O: Al Baydaa & Mai Stud/EGY - B: Laimgruber/AT www.tuttoarabi.com - TUTTO ARABI | 119 European Championships European Championships European Champio Fillies Gold Medal Champion NASTYA OS - Marajj x AB Nastrapsy - O: Ajman Stud/UAE - B: Stöckle/DE Top Five Top Five ASH MARIELLA Monther Al Nasser x Alishya ORFA D’ARAB KA QR Marc x Axotica O: Tabori BKV/ISR - B: Bentchikou/BE O&B: Gheysens/BE sponsored by ABIDAYER STUD onships European Championships European Championships European Silver Medal Champion PERFINKA Esparto x Perfirka - O: Al Muawd Stud/GB - B: Bialka/PL Bronze Medal Champion MZ DJLSHADA QR Marc x MZ Djamira - O: Schläpfer/CH - B: Zinniker/CH www.tuttoarabi.com - TUTTO ARABI | 121 European Championships European Championships European Champio Colts Gold Medal Champion DALI - Lazaal x Elektra- O&B: Virga/IT Top Five Top Five SULTAN AL SHAQAB Amir Al Shaqab x Abha Al Shaqab JM ARAMIS Stival x Alba Moniscione O&B: Al Shaqab/QAT O: Al Aryam Arabians/UAE - B: Danesi/IT sponsored by AL MUAWD STUD onships European Championships European Championships European Silver Medal Champion JAMAAL DI MAR Marajj x Calyenna El Jamaal - O: Soc. Agr. Tre Stelle/IT - B: Franchini/IT Bronze Medal Champion AL MARID Al Milan x Bafra B - O: Sax/DE - B: Holubec/SLO www.tuttoarabi.com - TUTTO ARABI | 123 European Championships European Championships European Champio Mares Gold Medal Champion EMANDORIA* - Gazal Al Shaqab*** x Emanda*** - O: Ajman Stud/KSA - B: Michalow/PL Top Five Top Five PSYCHE KREUZA Ekstern** x Pallas-Atena PILAROSA Al Adeed Al Shaqab**** x Pilar O&B: Chrcynno-PalacE/PL O&B: Janow Podlaski/PL sponsored by AL MUAWD STUD onships European Championships European Championships European Silver Medal Champion PRIMERA Eden C x Preria- O&B: Janow Podlaski/PL Bronze Medal Champion EMIRA** Laheeb** x Embra - O: Ajman Stud/UAE - B: Michalow/PL www.tuttoarabi.com - TUTTO ARABI | 125 European Championships European Championships European Champio Stallions Gold Medal Champion SHANGhAI EA - WH Justice*** x Salymah - O: Asayel Stud/EGY - B: Equus Arabians/ES Top Five Top Five MASCOT DES ALPES Marwan Al Shaqab* x EAMT PALATINO Pesal***/Palmeta** Marihuana - O: Al Nafyat Stud/USA - B: Berg/FR O&B: Janow Podlaski/PL sponsored by ABIDAYER STUD onships European Championships European Championships European Silver Medal Champion IM BAYARD CATHARE Padrons Immage*** x Shamilah Bagheera O: Royal Cavalry/OMA - B: Roques/FR Bronze Medal Champion POGANIN Laheeb** x Pohulanka - O&B: Janow Podlaski/PL www.tuttoarabi.com - TUTTO ARABI | 127
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