pag 01 - Confinvest

Una grande esperienza e professionalità
fanno si che numerosi siano i benefici
che ottiene il cliente rivolgendosi
alla struttura CONFINVEST
Assoluta riservatezza
Rapidità dell’informazione ed immediata operatività
Studio e realizzazione di prodotti finanziari e strumenti di marketing
Servizi di consulenza nei vari settori - Analisi e statistiche
Monete dʼoro (Sterline, Marenghi, Dollari, Pesos, Ducati, Krugerrands, ecc),
lingotti (oro e argento), gettoni dʼoro, numismatica, medaglie, ecc.
Autorizzazione UIF - Banca dʼItalia - Cod. 5000450
Monete e lingotti come da catalogo (esenti IVA legge 7/2000),
gettoni per concorsi, numismatica, medaglie, ecc.
Servizio assicurato su tutto il territorio nazionale
Gestioni dinamiche. Consulenze.
Promotrice ed esclusiva gestione per normative legge 7/2000
Autorizzazioni e gestioni per concorsi (monte premi per quiz,
concorsi a premio, ecc.), incentivi vendite, realistica natalizia.
telefonicamente allo 02 86455047- 8
e-mail: [email protected]
sito internet:
fax 02 86455202
Confinvest F.L. è responsabile delle quotazioni di settore
pubblicate giornalmente su tutti i quotidiani
Via del Bollo n.7
20123 MILANO
(zona P.zza Cordusio – Banca dʼItalia)
BORSA ORO monetato
Quotazioni in tempo reale
Servizio telefonico e telematico
Acquisti e vendite dirette
Quotazioni ufficiali senza commissioni
Servizio su tutto il territorio nazionale
Consulenze Private Banking
Elaborazione Indice Statistico di variazione
Andamento mercato
Fornitura di gettoni d’oro
Alternativa monetato aureo
Consulenze specifiche fiscali, legali ed organizzative
Servizio riacquisto diretto - Servizio spedizioni con gestione gratuita
Gestioni e consulenze per investimenti su oro o altri metalli preziosi
Lingotti - Monete - Contratti
in ORO
Sono disponibili lingotti e gettoni anche in argento,
platino e palladio
(tutti con certificati di garanzia - Spedizioni assicurate)
10 Pesos, 1959
Weight: 8.333 grams - (.2679 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 - or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 22.5 mm - Fine Gold Content:
7.4995 grams - (.2411 troy oz.)
5 Pesos, 1955
Weight: 4.1665 grams - (.1339 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 - or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 19 mm - Fine Gold Content:
3.7497 grams - (.1205 troy oz.)
2 1/2 Pesos, 1945
Weight: 2.083 grams (.0670 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 15.5 mm
Fine Gold Content: 1.8748 grams (.0603 troy oz.)
2 Pesos, 1945
Weight: 1.666 grams (0.0536 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 13 mm
Fine Gold Content: 1.4999 grams (.0482 troy oz.)
Chile: 100 Pesos, 1926 to date
Original issue
Weight: 20.35 grams (.6539 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 31 mm
Fine Gold Content: 18.306 grams (.5885 troy oz.)
Colombia: 5 Pesos,
Original issue
Weight: 7.9881 grams
(.2568 troy oz.)
Fineness: 9162/3
or 22 karats
Diameter: 22 mm
Fine Gold Content:
7.3224 grams
(.2354 troy oz.)
(Stonecutter, Small Head & Large Head),
Legal Tender Coins of Mexico
1 oz., 1981
Weight: 34.559 grams (1.111 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 34.5 mm
Fine Gold Content: 31.1033 grams (1 troy oz.)
1/2 oz., 1981
Weight: 17.279 grams (.555 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 29 mm
Fine Gold Content: 15.551 grams (1/2 troy oz.)
1/4 oz., 1981
Weight: 8.639 grams (.277 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 23 mm
Fine Gold Content: 7.775 grams (1/4 troy oz.)
(Official Government Restrikes)
50 Pesos, 1947
Weight: 41.6666 grams
(1.3396 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 37 mm
Fine Gold Content: 37.4999 grams
(1.2057 troy oz.)
20 Pesos, 1959
Weight: 16.6666 grams (.5358 troy oz.)
Fineness: 900 or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 27.5 mm
Fine Gold Content: 14.999 grams (.4823 troy oz.)
South Africa
(Legal Tender Coinage)
Krugerrand, 1967 to date
Weight: 33.933 grams (1.0909 troy oz.)
Fineness: .9162/3 or 22 karats
Diameter: 32,60 mm
Fine Gold Content: 31.1033 grams (1 troy oz.)
1/2 Krugerrand, 1980 to date
Weight: 16.966 grams (.545 troy oz.)
Fineness: .9162/3 or 22 karats
Diameter: 27 mm
Fine Gold Content: 15.551 grams (1/2 troy oz.)
1/4 Krugerrand, 1980 to date
Weight: 8.483 grams (.272 troy oz.)
Fineness: .9162/3 or 22 karats
Diameter: 22 mm
Fine Gold Content: 7.775 grams (1/4 troy oz.)
1/10 Krugerrand, 1980 to date
Weight: 3.393 grams (.109 troy oz.)
Fineness: .9162/3 or 22 karats
Diameter: 16.50 mm
Fine Gold Content: 3.110 grams (1/10 troy oz.)
2 Rands, 1961 to date
Original Issue
Weight: 7.9881 grams (.2568 troy oz.)
Fineness: .9162/3 or 22 karats
Diameter: 22 mm
Fine Gold Content: 7.3224 grams (.2354 troy oz.)
1 Rands, 1961 to date
Original Issue
Weight: 3.9940 grams (.1284 troy oz.)
Fineness: .9162/3 or 22 karats
Diameter: 19 mm
Fine Gold Content: 3.6612 grams (.1177 troy oz.)
(Official Government Restrikes)
100 Koronas, 1915
Weight: 33.8753 grams
(1.0891 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 37 mm
Fine Gold Content:
30.4876 grams (.9802 troy oz.)
20 Koronas, 1915
Weight: 6.7751 grams
(.2178 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900
or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 21 mm
Fine Gold Content:
6.0962 grams (.1960 troy oz.)
10 Koronas, 1912
Weight: 3.3875 grams
(.1089 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900
or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 19 mm
Fine Gold Content:
3.0481 grams (.0980 troy oz.)
4 Ducats, 1915
Weight: 13.9636 grams (.4489 troy oz.)
Fineness: .9862/3 or 23.68 karats
Diameter: 39 mm
Fine Gold Content: 13.7773 grams
(.4430 troy oz.)
1 Ducat, 1915
Weight: 3.4909 grams
(.1122 troy oz.)
Fineness: .9862/3
or 23.68 karats
Diameter: 19.6 mm
Fine Gold Content:
3.4443 grams (.1107 troy oz.)
Holland: 10 Guilders, Wilhelmina, 1911-1933
Original issues
Weight: 6.729 grams - (.2163 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 or 21.6 karats - Diameter: 22.3 mm
Fine Gold Content: - 6.0561 grams (.1947 troy oz.)
Belgium: 20 Francs, Leopold II, 1866-1882
Original issues
Weight: 6.4516 grams - (.2074 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 or 21.6 karats - Diameter: 21 mm
Fine Gold Content: - 5.8064 grams (.1867 troy oz.)
Italy: 20 Lire, Victor Emmanuel II-Humbert I, 1861-1897
Original issues
Weight: 6.4516 grams - (.2074 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 or 21.6 karats - Diameter: 21 mm
Fine Gold Content: - 5.8064 grams (.1867 troy oz.)
Switzerland: 20 Francs, “Vrenelli”, 1897-1933
Original issues
Weight: 6.4516 grams - (.2074 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 or 21.6 karats - Diameter: 21 mm
Fine Gold Content: - 5.8064 grams (.1867 troy oz.)
Russia: 10 Rubles, Chervonetz, 1923, 1975 to date
The original Chervonetz was made in 1923 by the Soviet Union. It
is now considered a numismatic high premium coin and is no longer available in quantity. At the end of 1975, the Soviet Union decided to re-introduce the Chervonetz into the bullion coin market
with the date of 1975, and subsequent yearly issues.
Weight: 8.605 grams - (.2767 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 or 21.6 karats - Diameter: 22.5 mm
Fine Gold Content: - 7.7446 grams (.2489 troy oz.)
Hungary: 100 Koronas, 1908
Official Government Restrike
Weight: 33.8753 grams - (1.0891 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 or 21.6 karats - Diameter: 37 mm
Fine Gold Content: - 30.4876 grams (.9802 troy oz.)
England: One Pound (also called “Sovereign”)
Original issues - Weight: 7.9881 grams - (.2568 troy oz.) - Fineness: .9162/3
or 22 karats - Diameter: 22 mm - Fine Gold Content: - 7.3224 grams - (.2354 troy oz.)
Elizabeth II
with crown
1974 to Date
Young Head
Jubilee Head
Old Head
Reverse Side-Same
on all seven types
showing St. George
and Dragon
Edward VII
George V
Elizabeth II
without crown
France: 20 Francs (also called “Napoleon”)
Original issues
Weight: 6.4516 grams (.2074 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 21 mm
Fine Gold Content: 5.8064 grams (.1867 troy oz.)
Napoleon III
Angel Writing
Rooster Type
$ 20.00 “Double-Eagle,” Liberty Type, 1877-1907
Weight: 33.4370 grams (1.0750 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 34 mm
Fine Gold Content: 30.0933
grams (.9675 troy oz.)
$ 10.00 “Eagle,” Liberty Type, 1866-1907
Weight: 16.7185 grams - (.5375 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 - or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 27 mm - Fine Gold Content:
15.0466 grams - (.4838 troy oz.)
$ 5.00 “Half-Eagle,” LibertyType, 1866-1908
Weight: 8.3592 grams - (.26875 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 - or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 21 mm - Fine Gold Content:
7.5233 grams - (.2419 troy oz.)
$ 2.50 “Quarter-Eagle,” Liberty Type, 1840-1907
Weight: 4.1796 grams - (.1343 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 - or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 17 mm - Fine Gold Content:
3.7616 grams - (.1209 troy oz.)
$ 1.00 “One Dollar”
Weight: 1.6718 grams
(.0538 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900
or 21.6 karats
Diameter: T/1, 13 mm
T/2 and T/3, 15 mm
Fine Gold Content:
1.5046 grams
(.0483 troy oz.)
TEL. 02/ - 8 r.a.
CONFINVEST F.L. - Via del Bollo, 7 - 20123 Milano
United States Gold Coins
Original United States Government Issues
$ 20.00 “Double-Eagle,
” St. Gaudens Type, 1907-1933
Weight: 33.4370 grams (1.0750 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 or 21.6 karats - Diameter: 34 mm
Fine Gold Content: 30.0933 grams (.9675 troy oz.)
$ 10.00 “Eagle,” Indian Head Type, 1907-1933
Weight: 16.7185 grams - (.05375 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 - or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 27 mm - Fine Gold Content:
15.0466 grams - (.4838 troy oz.)
$ 5.00 “Half-Eagle,” Indian Head Type, 1908-1929
Weight: 8.3592 grams - (.26875 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 - or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 21 mm - Fine Gold Content:
7.5233 grams - (.2419 troy oz.)
$ 2.50 “Quarter-Eagle,” Indian Head Type, 1908-1929
Weight: 4.1796 grams - (.1343 troy oz.)
Fineness: .900 - or 21.6 karats
Diameter: 17 mm - Fine Gold Content:
3.7616 grams - (.1209 troy oz.)