LANDSCAPE GEORGE HARGREAVES I Maestri del Paesaggio 2014 ESTRATTO DA ACER © IL VERDE EDITORIALE MILANO Olympic park Text and photos by Lucia Nusiner, agronomist, Maurizio Vegini, Arketipos president, Sergio Cumitini, freelance horticolture consultant Arcelormittal Orbit, metal sculpture and landmark of the Olympic park. Arcelormittal Orbit, scultura metallica e landmark dell’Olympic park. È uno dei parchi urbani più estesi del mondo, frutto di un lavoro che si concluderà nel 2020. Area londinese un tempo degradata da anni di industrie e discariche, ora è il luogo dove ritrovare natura, biodiversità e la sintesi delle tendenze del paesaggismo moderno ounder and design director of a major design firm, George Hargreaves, American landscape architect, has made landscape architecture one of the themes of the contemporary debate, by underlining in his works the significance of its combination with urban planning, architecture, art and science. Univer- F sity professor at the Department of Landscape architecture at Harvard University, Cambridge for 30 years and artist-in-residence at the American Academy of Rome in 2009, through his works George Hargreaves teaches the fundamental role of ecosystem relations between cultural and natural environment. ▼ This is one of the largest urban parks in the world, and is the outcome of a project that will be completed by 2020. A London area formerly in decline, where industries and landfills used to be located, is now a place where nature and biodiversity can be found together with the trends of modern landscape ESTRATTO DA ACER LANDSCAPE GEORGE HARGREAVES I Maestri del Paesaggio 2013 ▼ His firm, Hargreaves & associates, established in 1983, with headquarters in San Francisco and ancillary offices in New York, Cambridge and London, has received many awards, among which 34 from the American society of landscape architects (Asla) and is globally known for its significant projects for the recovery of polluted sites and former industrial areas, impoverished by previous destructive uses and often located on sea shores, port areas, river mouths and river banks, and their conversion into public parks. According to George Hargreaves and his associates, great urban parks are complex cultural areas, where new solutions of use can be experimented to create or return to environmental balances and new forms of dialogue with the city and society. A recent example of this approach is certainly Queen Elizabeth II Olympic park, known as Olympic park, a sustainable and contemporary urban park of international relevance, for which Hargreaves & associates took care of the master plan, landscape architecture schematic design, design development and construction documents, together with Uk practice Lda design, while ecology and landscape management were assigned to Peter Shepherd and Etm associates, respectively. Olympic and Paralympic Games, and as a wide planted area for generations to come. The design was inspired by the Victorian and post-war pleasure gardens: sweeping lawns, a riverside walk, access to the river, ample seating and public spaces throughout the park: an immense green space for people and wildlife and sports facilities that will remain for public use beyond the games. Among the many Olympic park Located in Stratford, north-east of London, the Olympic park covers 250 hectares and is located on former industrial areas and riverbanks, largely contaminated and subsequently abandoned for years. The area was designed to provide a celebratory setting for the London 2012 professionals involved in the design of the park, it is worth remembering John Hopkins, landscape architect, who recently passed away. A top person in the management task, he battled more than anyone else so that the park would not become a design icon but a place of intertwining between nature and the city. He was responsible for the great coordination work among all the professionals From tradition to avant-garde Nigel Dunnett and James Hitchmough, professors at Sheffield University, whose work did not pander to 'ephemeral' design, were the main design consultants who worked with Hargreaves & Associates and Lda. Biodiversity to recreate, soil protection by means of green cover with blooming meadows, the recovery of wetlands, once present in this area of London, are all elements that were defined in the 2006 original master plan and on which the two designers worked, and which they partially redrafted, to achieve innovative and traditional results. Starting point: the heritage of parks and gardens in the United Kingdom, with its history. Final objective: recreate a Victorian park from a contemporary point of view, showing a possible future Great Britain. The two designers drew inspiration from natural habitats in the United Kingdom, suggested in 'developed', more colourful versions, with a powerful aesthetic value, to highlight the identity of the site and foster the 'affection' of visitors who get cultural and environmental notions by using this urban park. Plant species are not just indigenous, but there are also plants connected with the population and the landscape. At the opening, for the 2012 Olympic Games, the Olympic park gifted us with multi-coloured blooms and promoted, to a wide and heterogeneous audience, progressive horticulture decisions and techniques. Soil ready for everything The park features vast meadows and floral lawns that required specific preparation of the soil which was highly contaminated by the previous presence of industries and landfills, and therefore impossible to use. It was therefore covered with two types of growing medium, studied and selected to avoid weeds and to provide the right amount of elements, with low levels of phosphor, to maintain a balanced mix in the floral lawn. Seeding was carried out on site and mostly manually, because of the slopes of the soil, by specifically trained personnel. The creation of wetlands and the English varieties of trees fulfilled a principle of sustainable biodiversity, whose project has the ambitious goal to offer a model of perpetual sustainability. Sergio Cumitini Freelance horticolture consultant In sintesi GEORGE HARGREAVES - MASTERS OF LANDSCAPE 2013 / Olympic park ato come Olympic Park oggi “Queen Elizabeth II Olympic park” è un parco urbano sostenibile e contemporaneo sorto a Londra in occasione dei Giochi Olimpici 2012. Il masterplan è stato curato dallo studio Hargreaves&associates, e landscape architecture schematic N © IL VERDE EDITORIALE MILANO design, design development and construction documents, insieme allo studio inglese LDA design, mentre responsabili per l'ecology e il landscape management sono stati rispettivamente Peter Shepherd ed Etm associates. Lo studio Hargreaves & associates è stato fondato da George Hargreaves nel 1983, con sede a San Francisco e studi satelliti a New York, Cambridge e Londra. Molti riconoscimenti ricevuti tra i quali 34 awards dall’American society of landscape architects (Asla). Suo Fondatore e design director, George Hargreaves, landscaper ACER 4/2014 • 34 Clockwise from the left, the park with areas under construction; in the eastern area: flat fountain, a wood of Prunus serrula ‘Tibetica’, pathways towards the Acquatic center. Da sinistra, in senso orario, il parco con aree in costruzione; nella zona Est: fontana a raso, boschetto di Prunus serrula ‘Tibetica’, percorsi verso l’Acquatic center. From North to South The park is characterized by two macro-areas, north and south. The northern area has a woody-natural character and features the large meadows designed by James Hitchmough and Nigel Dunnett. Both are academics at Sheffield University and they have designed the flower-filled meadows, together with Sarah Price (who was in charge of the tree layout), with whom they designed a route divided into four gardens that represent the history of English horticulture and the influence of the four continents to which they are dedicated. architect è docente universitario presso il Dipartimento di Landscape architecture alla Harvard University di Cambridge per 30 anni e artist-in-residence presso l'Accademia americana di Roma nel 2009. Per lui e i suoi associati i grandi parchi urbani rappresentano zone culturali complesse, dove sperimentare nuove soluzioni di uso per creare o ritrovare equilibri ecologici e nuove forme di dialogo con il tessuto urbano e sociale. Olympic park ne è l'esempio, situato a Stratford, a Nord-Est di 35 • ACER 4/2014 The Landscape Engineering of this area was assigned to the Atkins Group, London. The southern area was assigned to the James Corner firm (Field Operation) while the Arup firm dealt with Landscape Engineering. The park reopened in spring this year under the name of Queen Elisabeth II Olympic park, and was enhanced by planting English varieties of holm oak (Quercus ilex), that make up a central line along the promenade. ▼ involved in the project, that has led to the environmental reclamation of a strongly polluted area after years of industries and landfills. After the Olympics, the park was closed to implement the necessary transformations for its residential destination, by converting the Olympic village into housing and with the construction of new residential buildings. Londra, si estende per 250 ettari e sorge su terreni ex industriali e sponde fluviali, spazi un tempo contaminati e abbandonati. Il design è stato ispirato dai giardini vittoriani: ampi prati, un lungofiume con accessi al fiume, posti a sedere e spazi pubblici in tutto il parco. L’area viene designata per realizzare l’ambiente celebrativo dei Giochi olimpici e paraolimpici del 2012, e un’ area estesa di verde per le generazioni a venire. Dopo le Olimpiadi, il parco è stato chiuso per mettere in atto le trasformazioni necessarie alla destinazione residenziale che si completeranno verso il 2020. Due ESTRATTO DA ACER © IL VERDE EDITORIALE MILANO From the left, the outdoor rooms, climbing walls and sand pits. Da sinistra, le outdoor rooms, pareti per arrampicare e giochi di sabbia. QUEEN ELIZABETH II OLYMPIC PARK Lee Valley hockey and tennis centre Entry/exit Multi-Storey Carpark to the park - A 12 Lee Valley Velopark Entry/exit to the park Leyton station Tumbling bay playground Entry/exit Copper box arena to the park Hackney Wick Station Timber lodge Wetlands Virtual Tour Given its extension (250 hectares), which means it is one of the largest urban parks, the following itinerary is not complete but is a very detailed taster of the main places of interest. Carpenters lock Entry/exit to the park Stradford station Oudoors rooms Fountain Acquatic Centre The entrance from Stratford Station, in the eastern area of the park, towards the Acquatics Centre, is characterized by expanses of borders contained by walls of white cement and white blooms, in May of red valerian with white form (Centranthus ruber 'Albus') in front of the taller white flowers of Stadium Acquatic centre Arcelormittal orbit South lawn Podium Entry/exit to the park Westfield Stradford City Stradford High street Walkways Roads macro aree caratterizzano il parco, la Nord e la Sud. La zona Nord ha carattere boschivo-naturalistico, ospita i meadows (praterie) di grande estensione progettati da James Hitchmough e Nigel Dunnett. Entrambi accademici della Sheffield University che hanno curato la progettazione dei prati fioriti, insieme alla designer Sarah Price. Per quest’area il Landscape engineering è stato curato dal gruppo Atkins di Londra. L’area Sud è opera dello studio James Corner (Field operation) e dello studio Arup per il Landscape Engineering. Il parco è stato riaperto nella primavera 2014 con il nome di “Queen Elisabeth II Olympic park”. Il parco ha varie aree di interesse, fra queste: L’Acquatics centre che si caratterizza per distese di aiuole contenute da muretti di cemento bianco, e fioriture candide a partire da maggio. Spazi ampi con la pavimentazione in cemento “resinato” color senape e le aree di sosta di deck in legno, usato anche per le lunghe sedute semicircolari. Incontriamo poi la fontana a raso, molto suggestiva e ACER 4/2014 4/2001 • 36 Playground at the foot of Arcelormittalorbit, the Park near the Olympic stadium, Eschscholzia californica in bloom along the slope towards the wet area. Area giochi ai piedi dell’Arcelormittalorbit, il Parco nei pressi dell’Olympic stadium, Eschscholzia californica in fiore lungo il pendio verso l’area umida. valerian (Valeriana officinalis), alongside ornamental herbaceous plants and box hedges (Buxus sempervirens). The design is powerful and clean, spaces are wide, the flooring is in mustard colored “resin” cement, while rest areas come in wooden deck, also used for the large semi-circular seats on concrete containers. In the borders on the back, tall trees, some in flower containers built with flat laid wood slabs. Fountains After the bridge, the area of the flat Plant species to astonish people any tree, shrub and grass species have been used in the Olympic Park. Below there is a list with some of them, according to the type of use. M Multi-purpose trees Grass species for lawns on slopes: the seed mix used to make the lawns in the slopes south and west of the northern area of the Park, was also enriched with Onosis spinosa, a shrub species, and consists of: Campanula glomerata, Clinopodium nepeta, Centaurea scabiosa, Daucus carota, Echium vulgare, Festuca ovina, Galium verum, Leontodon hispidus, Leucanthemum vulgare, Linaria vulgaris, Lotus corniculatus, Malva moschata, Origanum vulgare, Primula veris, Prunella vulgaris, Salvia pratensis, Scabiosa columbaria, Thymus praecox Opiz subsp. britannicus. Outdoor rooms In the event rooms, meadows and gardens create a “powerful” landscape picture for daily use and to support ▼ Multistem trees: Platanus x Hispanica, Alnus glutinosa, Fraxinus excelsior, Populus tremula, Prunus avium, Sorbus aucuparia, Ulmus ‘New horizon’, a cross between Ulmus pumila and Ulmus davidiana ‘Japonica’., Betula albosinensis, Malus floribunda ‘Evereste’, Crataegus monogyna, Kolreuteria paniculata, Quercus ilex. Lines of trees: Tilia cordata, Prunus avium, Salix alba, Alnus glutinosa. Groups of trees: Acer campestre, Alnus glutinosa, Salix alba, Amelanchier lamarckii, Prunus avium, Prunus serrula ‘Tibetica’. Woodlands mixes: Alnus glutinosa, Betula pendula, Popolus tremula, Salix alba. fountain, mainly designed by James Corner, is really fascinating and full of ideas: many jets laid in the form of a snake give rise, by means of different synchronous mechanisms, to pleasant rhythms and sounds, an attraction for everyone. Children and adults try to enter it without getting wet, while onlookers remain seated on curvy benches. Behind them, a dense wood of Tibetan cherries (Prunus serrula 'Tibetica'), planted at very short distances, up to one metre, where children venture and with broken gray gravel as mulching. The design team involved in area 6 featured James Corner Field Operations firm (Design Lead), Duch Piet Oudolf for planting and horticulture, Arup firm and Make Architects. Identity and graphics by By Tomato, while the Lighting designer and consultant was L'Observatoire international, New York; Groundbreaking is in charge of Events and live activity planning, Playlink is Play consultant, Deloitte is Quantity Surveyor.. ricca di stimoli progettata principalmente da James Corner, con numerosi zampilli disposti a serpentone, che creano, con diversi sincronismi, ritmi e suoni gradevoli, sono un’attrazione per grandi e piccoli. Le sale per eventi, i prati e i giardini creano un quadro paesaggistico “potente” sia per l’uso quotidiano che per l’utilizzo in eventi quali sagre, mercati, giostre, concerti e spettacoli, che si svolgono sotto l’imponente “ArcelorMittal Orbit”. Un viale alberato collega i vari spazi. Il disegno è chiaramente leggibile e 37 • ACER 4/2014 ludico e varia per supportare una vasta gamma di usi. Molti gli affacci panoramici sul fiume e sedute ad anfiteatro degradanti dal livello più alto fino alla passeggiata lungo fiume, oltre a sistemazioni con gabbionate (parzialmente vegetate in superficie) e la rossa parete di arrampicata. Percorrendo il parco verso il fiume si attraversa un boschetto di betulle con un fitto sottobosco e a fianco grossi massi nel prato utilizzabili come sedute. Ancora verso Nord la scarpata che ESTRATTO DA ACER © IL VERDE EDITORIALE MILANO Towards the wet area, borders of colourful perennials and nests of twisted willow. Verso l’area umida, bordure di perenni colorate e nidi in salice intrecciato. ▼ a wide agenda of diverse events (fairs, markets, carousels , concerts and shows) that take place under impressive “ArcelorMittal Orbit” (point 2). A treelined avenue connects the various spaces. The design is clear and playful G and varies to support a wide range of usages. Sites along the river (nearly always without baluster) offer panoramic views and theatre seating that go down from the upper level to the walk along the river, in addition to sites with gabionades (partially planted on the surface) and the red climbing wall. Towards the river (“City mill river”) plants take the natural shapes of a birch wood with a dense underwood and, on the side, there are large stones in the meadow that can be used as seats. There are numerous entertainment facilities for children, with climbs, water pumps and the beloved sand pits. Classes meet here, with high-visibility yellow jackets. There are also fun or unconventional elements for adults, such as the rocking chairs or big wooden deckchairs placed in the shadow of the double tree-lined avenue. eorge Harhreaves (nella foto) è fondatore e design director di uno dei più importanti studi di progettazione del mondo, Hargreaves&Associates, specializzato in interventi di recupero e riconversione in parchi pubblici di aree di vaste dimensioni, siti inquinati ed ex industriali, e pluripremiato dall’American society of landscape architects (Asla). Dalla sua esperienza trentennale, Hargreaves ha dato vita a “Large parks”, pubblicazione della quale è co-editore, che tratta dei grandi parchi urbani come zone culturali complesse, esaminandone il paesaggio, l’ecologia, la storia sociale, le interazioni con le città e proponendo nuove soluzioni di utilizzo. Persona schiva e riservata. Quando ha parlato all’International Meeting ha incantato i presenti con progetti di grandi interventi pubblici in ogni parte del mondo quali il Bos Park di Amsterdam, il Candlestick Point, il Byxbee Park, Crissy Field, tutti a San Francisco (California, Usa). E poi il South Pointe Park a Miami Beach (Florida, Usa) il Louisville Waterfront Park (in Kentucky, Usa), il Sydney 2000 Olympics (Australia), l’Elizabeth Caruthers Park a Portland (Oregon, Usa) e infine il Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park a Londra. Maurizio Vegini Presidente Arketipos Wetlands Again to the north, the slope that borders the steps that lead to the wet land is covered by a lawn that in May becomes orange with the blooms of Eschcholzia californica. Towards the wetland, the pathway is framed by a mixed border overflowing with coloured perennials, among which there stand out the spherical and blue blooms of Allium spp. at the foot of the plane-trees (Platanus spp.) contained in flower containers of wood slabs. The wetlands are a very natural area, with ponds, water plants and ducks: a relaxing place not far from the city centre. Meadows, carefully Master of landscape eorge Hargreaves (in the picture) is the founder and design director of one of the most prominent design firms in the world, Hargreaves & Associates, specialized in projects for the recovery and reconversion of large and polluted areas and former industrial sites into public parks, and has received multiple awards from the American society of landscape architects (Asla). In his thirty years of experience, Hargreaves has created “Large parks”, a publication of which he is co-publisher, that deals with large urban parks as complex cultural zones, and examines their landscape, ecology, social story, interactions with the cities, suggesting new solutions for use. A shy and reserved person. When he spoke at the International Meeting he enchanted the audience with projects of large public facilities everywhere in the world, such as Bos Park in Amsterdam, Candlestick Point, Byxbee Park, Crissy Field, all in San Francisco (California, US). And then the South Pointe Park in Miami Beach (Florida, US) the Louisville Waterfront Park (in Kentucky, US), the Sydney 2000 Olympics (Australia), the Elizabeth Caruthers Park in Portland (Oregon, US) and finally the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London. G ACER 4/2014 • 38 From the left, pathway in the wet area, along the slopes, and green wall in the Velopark. Da sinistra, percorsi nell’area umida, lungo i pendii, e parete verde del Velopark. Tumbling bay playground Around the cycle-track the design of the planted area is sober, shaped by rectangles of grasses of diverse colours, with few perennials and slopes covered with ivy. In the “Tumbling bay playground” area there are games for teenagers and adults, with a rough climbing facility, certainly unique, with poles of locust tree, birch, twisted branches of hazelnut tree and ropes, a discovery pathway close to the refreshment area with a tunnel, a railing and nests made of twisted willow, and then games with water, triggered by pumps and balance spring games along the pathway and in the vegetation. Further beyond, new dwellings overlook the park, the landscape of natural ponds, between moving land, small woods of large trees and underwood in bloom. Being able to live in a condo surrounded by such nature appears unreal, where everything is very much cared for, designed so smartly that it exactly recalls the model of nature … while, among the trees, you can catch a glimpse of the tip of the “Shard”, the skyscraper designed by Renzo Piano: from the City to the blocks of flats in ■ the wood. Per saperne di più: An example of quality to draw a lesson hat is of great surprise when visiting the park is its great architectural quality, the outcome of the work of the best landscapers and plant designers, the playful quality, that gives the city the opportunity to regain a large space for families and citizens of all ages (also thanks to the new restaurants, cafés and kiosks), botanical quality in line with the most recent international trend regarding planning, building quality that shows the expertise of the companies engaged and of the public administrators and technical experts, adequate and constant maintenance. A large park, symbol of a city and of a nation seriously projected into the environmental issues of our century. When will we also be proud of a public project, after the most recent events regarding the Expo and Mose projects? Lucia Nusiner Agronomist W costeggia la scalinata che conduce alla zona umida è coperta a maggio da un prato di Eschcholzia californica mentre una bordura mista straripante di perenni colorate, verso la zona umida, costeggia il percorso. Le wetlands (area umida) sono un’area molto naturale, con laghetti, piante acquatiche e anatre: un luogo rilassante a poca distanza dal centro urbano. Nell’area “Tumbling bay playground” vi sono elementi di gioco per 39 • ACER 4/2014 DARIO FUSARO levelled, are mixed with slopes with perfectly mown lawns, and others with a more natural development with grasses and perennials. The design is simple, clear and easily understandable. adolescenti e adulti, con una struttura di arrampicata artigianale, di pali di robinia, betulla, rami L’appuntamento con I Maestri di nocciolo intrecciato e corde; un percorso del Paesaggio si scoperta vicino all’area ristoro con un tunnel, rinnova nel 2014 una ringhiera e nidi in salice intrecciato. dal 6 al 21 settembre, a Bergamo.
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