Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Fabrizio Di Benedetto, November 2014 Fabrizio Di Benedetto Via Isonzo, 20, 20090, Buccinasco (Milano), Italia +39 02 50321066 (office) +39 02 4880829 (home) + 39 338 4796671 [email protected] [email protected] LinkedIn Skype fab_dibe Sex Male | Date of birth 07/03/1986 | Nationality Italian WORK EXPERIENCE 01/11/2012 – present PhD candidate, European Union Law Dipartimento di Studi Internazionali, Giuridici e Storico-Politici (Department of International, Legal, Historical and Political Studies) Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Economiche e Sociali Università degli Studi di Milano Via Conservatorio, 7, 20122, Milano Research project: “The Protection of the European Strategic Sectors” Related research fields: internal market (free movement of capital and establishment), competition (M&A), international investment law, energy, telecommunication, transport, defence and national security, services of general economic interest (public services), regulatory measures of the State in the economy, State ownership Other fields of research: competition law, antitrust compliance, privacy compliance, State aid Business or Sector Education and Research 10/2014 – 11/2014 Antitrust compliance consultant GLS Italy, GLS Enterprise Via Basento, 19, 20098, San Giuliano Milanese (MI) Teacher for an intensive course on Competition Law for the employees of GLS Italy and GLS Enterprise. Contents of the course: cartels, abuse of dominant position, inspections of the antitrust authorities and dawn raids, leniency program, compliance program, role of employees in the antitrust compliance Settore Corriere espresso/logistica ACADEMIC YEARS 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 Teaching Assistant Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Economiche e Sociali (Faculty of Political, Economic and Social Sciences) Università degli Studi di Milano Via Conservatorio, 7, 20122, Milano ▪ Course of Single Market and Competition Law – MSc Course in International Relations (Prof. Ruggiero Cafari Panico) ▪ Course of EU Law – BA Courses in Public Management and in Human Resources Management (Prof. Ruggiero Cafari Panico and Prof. Davide Diverio) ▪ Course of EU Law – BA Course in European Economy (Prof. Davide Diverio) Settore Istruzione e Ricerca © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 1 / 6 Curriculum Vitae ACADEMIC YEARS 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 Fabrizio Di Benedetto, November 2014 Students’ Tutor Dipartimento di Studi Internazionali, Giuridici e Storico-Politici (Department of International, Legal, Historical and Political Studies) Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Economiche e Sociali Università degli Studi di Milano Via Conservatorio, 7, 20122, Milano Tutor for the BA Course in International Sciences and European Institutions under the supervision of Prof. Roberta Clerici and Prof. Marco Pedrazzi Settore Istruzione e Ricerca 07/2013 – present Policy and Editorial consultant Globus et Locus Via Brisa, 3, 20123, Milano ▪ Consultant to the Advisory Board of the mayor of Milan on the Milan Glocal City project for Expo2015 (Rete Consultiva Milano Glocal City) ▪ Research activity regarding the relation between the EU Law and the Glocalization process: migration, EU citizenship, Trans-European Networks, cross-border cooperation (e.g. EGTC) etc. Business or Sector Associations/Think tank 01/12/2011 – 31/05/2012 Stagiaire National Federation of the Associations of Trade Agents and Representatives (FNAARC) member of ConfCommercio Corso di Porta Venezia, 51, 20121, Milano ▪ Monitoring legislative production to prepare lobbying strategies at national and local level ▪ Study of the different adoptions of Directive 86/653/CE by the Member States ▪ Study of the Italian recent adoption of Directive 06/123/CE with respect to agents and representatives of trade (DM, Ministerial Decree, of 26/10/2011) ▪ Monitoring of calls for funding financed by EU Funds ▪ Speaker at conferences on the Italian adoption of Directive 06/123/CE Business or Sector Trade Unions 01/03/2011 – 18/07/2011 Stagiaire for technical-juridical assistance st Assistance Office of the 1 Commission (Planning and Budget) of the Regional Council of Regione Lombardia Via Fabio Filzi, 22, 20124, Milano ▪ Monitoring the EU compatibility of regional legislative proposals ▪ Assistance in the drafting of the “Communitarian” Regional Law (LR, Regional Law, 17/2011, Participation of Regione Lombardia to the EU law making process and the EU law implementation) Business or Sector Public Administration © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 2 / 6 Curriculum Vitae 01/09/2004 – 31/05/2005 Fabrizio Di Benedetto, November 2014 Amateur reporter Corriere della Sera Via Solferino, 28, 20121, Milano ▪ Editor of the weekly column “Diario di Classe” (Diary of Class) for the printed edition of Corriere della Sera Milano ▪ Correspondent at “FuturShow 3004” (Milan, 19-22/11/2004) for Business or Sector Journalism/Publishing CONFERENCES as speaker: - Third annual seminar for PhD students of EU Law of the Institut d'etudes Européennes of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, 27-30 August 2013. Title of the presentation: “The protection of strategic interests between the European Union and the Member States. 3 case studies on EU Energy Security” - Annual seminar for PhD students in International and EU Law of the Società Italiana di Diritto Internazionale (Italian Society of International Law) in collaboration with the Centro Internazionale di Studi Gentiliani, San Ginesio (MC), 10-11 October 2014. Title of the presentation: “The Protetion of the European Strategic Sectors” PUBLISHED ARTICLES: - L’Europa che pensa alla crescita riscopre lo Stato (The EU concerned about economic growth rediscovers the role of the State), in Imprese&Città, n. 2, 2013 - Se la rete telefonica diventa asset militare (If the telephone network becomes a military asset), in Imprese&Città, n. 3, 2014 - The Committee on Foreign Investment in the US as a Model for a Committee on Foreign Investment in the EU, in DELI Blog, Durham European Law Institute, Durham University,, 12 April 2014 - Il controllo degli investimenti esteri diretti dopo Lisbona. LʼUnione a confronto con il modello statunitense (The control of Foreign Direct Investments after Lisbon. The EU in comparison with the US model), in Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo, n. 2/2014 ARTICLES TO BE PUBLISHED: - Proprietà pubblica e imprese strategiche: riflessioni sul caso Essent (State ownership and strategic enterprises: reflections about the Essent case), in Diritto del Commercio Internazionale, n. 1/2015 - Obama e il Medio Oriente: un intreccio di instabilità (Obama and the Middle East: a tangle of instability), in Equilibri, n. 3/2014 – provisional title - TTIP: considerazioni sull’accordo di libero scambio fra Unione europea e Stati Uniti (TTIP: considerations about the Free Trade Agreement between the EU and the USA), in Equilibri, n. 1/2015 – provisional title - Recent developments in Investor-State Dispute Settlement clauses in EU investment international agreements (written together with Prof. Ruggiero Cafari Panico), in Transnational Dispute Management (, Special issue on CETA, January 2015 – provisional title © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 3 / 6 Curriculum Vitae Fabrizio Di Benedetto, November 2014 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2009-2011 Dottore Magistrale in Relazioni Internazionali (MSc in International Relations) Level 7 EQF Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Economiche e Sociali Università degli Studi di Milano Via Conservatorio, 7, 20122, Milano ▪ Single Market and Competition Law ▪ International Contracts and Arbitration Law ▪ Economy of the European Integration ▪ International Law of the Financial Markets ▪ Comparative Juridical Systems ▪ Corporate Finance ▪ International Monetary History ▪ Advanced English ▪ Spanish ▪ Title of thesis: Recenti sviluppi in tema di partecipazione delle Regioni italiane al processo di integrazione europea e conseguenze dei possibili inadempimenti (Recent developments regarding the participation of Italian Regions to the European integration process and consequences of possible infringements) ▪ MSc grade: 110 e lode/110 (graduated with honors) 2006-2009 Dottore in Scienze Internazionali ed Istituzioni Europee (BA in International Sciences and European Institutions) Level 6 EQF Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Economiche e Sociali Università degli Studi di Milano Via Conservatorio, 7, 20122, Milano ▪ International Community Law ▪ Advanced International Law ▪ European Union Law ▪ Private International Law ▪ International Trade Law ▪ Comparative Public Law ▪ Private Law ▪ Political Economy ▪ Statistics ▪ International Relations ▪ Political Sciences ▪ Political and Economic Sociology ▪ International and Development Economy ▪ Contemporary History ▪ Economic History ▪ Economy and Technique of International Trade ▪ English ▪ Title of thesis: La protezione delle indicazioni geografiche nel sistema multilaterale degli scambi: sviluppo e prospettive (The protection of geographical indications in the multilateral system of trades: development and perspectives) ▪ BA grade: 110 e lode/110 (graduated with honors) © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 4 / 6 Curriculum Vitae 2000-2005 Fabrizio Di Benedetto, November 2014 Ragioniere e Perito Commerciale (Accountant and Commercial Expert) Level 4 EQF Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Statale “Giovanni Falcone” Viale Italia, 22/24, 20094, Corsico (Milano) ▪ Business Economics ▪ Political Economy ▪ Private and Commercial Law ▪ Public Finance ▪ Public Law ▪ Economic Geography ▪ Financial Mathematics ▪ History ▪ English ▪ French ▪ Secondary school grade: 100/100 PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s) Italian Other language(s) English UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING WRITING Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production C1 C1 B2++ B2++ C1 British Council Assessment in 2014 – Now attending an English course at the British Council of Milan French Spanish/Castilian B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 Levels: A1/2: Basic user B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Communication skills ▪ good communicator because of my experience as journalist collaborator at Corriere della Sera ▪ good ability to speak in public gained during my recent experience at FNAARC-ConfCommercio and during my current activity as volunteer teacher of EU Law at some high schools of Milan’s Province Organisational / managerial skills ▪ leadership (student representative at Istituto “Giovanni Falcone”, 2004-2005) ▪ able to work in team because of my experience as student at Università degli Studi di Milano and my job experiences at Regione Lombardia and FNAARC-ConfCommercio Job-related skills ▪ able to relate easily with institutional and political representatives (skill gained at Regione Lombardia) ▪ good knowledge of the relations between institutions and associations, such as trade unions and association of employers (skill acquired at FNAARC-ConfCommercio) ▪ academic research skills (scholarship winner for the EU Law PhD competition of 2012 at Università degli Studi di Milano) Computer skills ▪ good command of Microsoft Office™ tools ▪ good command of iWorks™ tools ▪ able to use different browsers (Explorer, Safari, Chrome, FireFox) and e-mail softwares (Outlook, Mail) ▪ skilled in managing blogs and social networks’ pages © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 5 / 6 Curriculum Vitae Other information Fabrizio Di Benedetto, November 2014 ▪ guitarist (years of study at Civic School of Music of Comune di Buccinasco) ▪ author of texts and music of musical works (member of SIAE, Italian Society of Authors and Publishers) ▪ since April 2013 member of SIOI, Italian Society for the International Organisation I authorize the use of my personal data pursuant to Decreto Legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196 "Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali". _______________________ FABRIZIO DI BENEDETTO © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 6 / 6
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