Search for New Physics in events with two jets in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s=13 TeV Candidata: Giulia D'Imperio Supervisor: Shahram Rahatlou Seminario dei dottorandi del XVIII ciclo 25/02/14 Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza Outline ◈ Field of research and motivations ◈ Hadronic collisions ◈ Hadronic jets in CMS ◈ Jet calibration with events with une photon (γ) + jet ◈ Present results of dijet searches ◈ Work in progress: cross section measurement of γ + jet 2 Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza The energy frontier The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator ◎ 2010-2011 @ 7 TeV 2012 @ 8 TeV 2013-2014 shutdown 2015 restart @ 13 TeV ◎ four particle detectors – ATLAS, CMS, ALICE and LHCb 3 Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza Why still search new physics at the LHC? ◈ Particle Physics experiments never observed anything in disagreement with the Standard Model (including the recent discovery of the Higgs boson) BUT ◈ Standard Model appears to be incomplete ◈ Many questions are still open: How to solve hierarchy problem? What is dark matter? Why the asymmetry between matter and antimatter in the universe? 4 Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza Why search heavy hadronic resonances? ◈ The LHC will reach the energy in the center of mass of 13 TeV Since the 60s physicists discovered new particles raising the energy in the collisions! ◈ Many models predict the existence of heavy particles that could be observed in a final state with two jets at the LHC ◈ This search will be one of the most important analysis in the very first months of data-taking (Ph.D. thesis timescale) 5 Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza Hadronic collisions This is what happen in a proton-proton collision Asymptotic freedom → at high energy interaction between massless partons A lot of energy avaiable in the collision Most of the interactions → low energy, many soft particles forward proton proton Quark confinement → hadronization: jets of collimated particles 6 Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza Heavy resonances The simplest way to observe a new particle is to search this type of processes in the “S channel” ◎ Quarks and gluons hadronize: 2 energetic jets back-to-back in the transverse plan ◎ Invariant mass is the mass of the particle X 7 Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza The CMS detector Hadronic jets are reconstructed using informations of tracker and calorimeters 8 Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza 9 Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza A “bump” hunt Simulation with PYTHIA of the signal for different masses of a graviton G Basically a Breit-Wigner shape with a low energy tail (QCD radiation and ) Resolution of the mass peak depends on the resolution of the transverse energy of jets Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza 10 Jet energy calibration with γ + jet events The “raw” energy measured from the CMS detector needs to be corrected Detector effects (misalignment, calibration of the calorimeters,...) Physics effect (multiple collisions) HCAL ECAL Energy balance in events with one photon and one jet is used to correct the jet energy ◎ photon and jet back-to-back in the transverse plan q,g ◎ photon energy resolution negligible with respect to jets γ pT balancing 11 Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza Energy balancing Example of pT balancing without residual corrections for data and simulation 100 < pT(γ) < 125 GeV |eta| < 0.8 Center of the gaussian for data and simulation is slightly different → calculation of residual corrections of the energy scale (function of jet energy and eta) Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza 12 Dijet mass with background Main background is QCD This plot is with full statistics of 2012, 19.6 fb-1 @ 8 TeV and after selection No “bumps” in the dijet mass spectrum. ◎ | | < 1.3 ◎ |eta| < 2.5 ◎ Mjj > 890 GeV Central jets, high invariant mass, cut in deltaEta to remove most of the background from qq, gg scattering in T channel 13 Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza Present results for dijet searches at 8 TeV No discovery, but we can put upper limits. Limits at 95% CL on the expected cross-section for several models ◎ Dashed lines are the predicted cross sections for different models of heavy resonances ◎ Solid lines are observed upper limits of signal cross section in different final states (gg, qg, gg) ◎ Where dashed lines cross solid lines defines the lower limit on resonance mass for the considered model at 95% CL ◎ We don't know the energy scale of new physics but with 13 TeV cross sections will rise of a factor 100-1000 for ~TeV mass resonances ◎ LHC should collect some fb in few months ◎ Discovery or exclusion very soon -1 Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza 14 Events with photon and jet(s) ◎ Studied events with photon + jet for the jet calibrations ◎ Now working at the cross section measurement ◎ precision measurement: different from the “search” approach ◎ Useful for experimental purpose: background modeling in some new physics searches ◎ Useful for theoretical purpose: possible constraints on gluon pdf SIGNAL BACKGROUND Fragmentation photons ( from the decay of η, π0) + radiation of isolated and energetic photons 15 Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza Differential cross section measurement Nsig Systematic uncertainties for the moment are not studied but in this plot we use an estimate of ~15% (from previos studies) 16 Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza Road map ◈ 2013-2014 γ+jet cross section measurement (finalization and expected publication in spring-summer 2014) ◈ 2014 jet calibration with events with γ + jet ◈ 2014-2015 preparation for the analysis with jets @ 13 TeV ◈ 2015 first search for new physics with first data @ 13 TeV (defense of the Ph.D. thesis and expected publication at the end of the year) 17 Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza B K C A P U 18 Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza Hadronic collisions Asymptotic freedom → at high energy interaction between massless partons ◎ Two energetic jets back-to-back in the transverse plan ◎ Invariant mass is the mass of the particle X Jets are composed object and definition depends on the algorithm used in recostruction: ◎ Radius parameter DeltaR = 0.5 defines the width of the cone 19 Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza Events with photon and jet(s) SIGNAL Isolated photon cross section measurement + QCD with ISR or FSR of isolated and energetic photons BACKGROUND Fragmentation photons ( from the decay of η, π0) 20 Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza Events with photon and jet(s) SIGNAL Isolated photon cross section measurement + QCD with ISR or FSR of isolated and energetic photons Gluon in the initial state: a precise measurement of the cross section can constraint the gluon pdf inside the proton [1] [1] David d'Enterria, Juan Rojo “Quantitative constraints on the gluon distribution function in the 21 proton from collider isolatedphoton data”, arXiv:1202.1762 [hepph] Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza Cross section measurement General relation between cross section and number of events Precise measurement of the number of signal events in data to extract a measurement of the cross section 22 Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza Differential cross section measurement Signal template Background template 13 bins in pT Fit on data pT 99-105 GeV 23 Giulia D'Imperio – INFN Roma – Università La Sapienza
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