Specifications for magazine

Gruppo Editoriale L’Espresso S.p.A.
A. Manzoni & C. S.p.A.
Specifications for magazines owned by Gruppo Editoriale L’Espresso
Il Venerdì
D la Repubblica delle Donne
D Beauty
D Casa
D Uomo
National Geographic Italia
Le Scienze
Mente & Cervello
Guide Espresso
Guide Repubblica
Tuttomilano, Trovaroma, Trovabari,
Trovatorino, Trovapalermo
Printing Specifications:
Rotogravure printing: L’Espresso, Il Venerdì, D la Repubblica delle Donne, D Beauty, D Casa, D Uomo
(the covers are printed in offset or roto-offset)
Roto-offset printing: National Geographic Italia, Mente & Cervello, Le Scienze, Guide Espresso, Guide
Repubblica, Tuttomilano, Trovaroma, Trovabari, Trovabologna, Trovafirenze, Trovagenova,
Trovanapoli, Trovatorino, Trovapalermo
Tonal Values:
Printable minimum of at least 5%, not exceeding all'95%, other forces do not give a guarantee of tonal
rendering in print.
Color Profile:
ISO Coated FOGRA 39
Color Density:
300% (CMYK)
Specifications for the creation of PDF:
ISO PDF/X-1a:2001 in high resolution, 300 dpi, compatible with Adobe Acrobat 4.0 (PDF version 1.3).
Materials with transparency are not accepted; to handle this is to create a PDF compatible with Acrobat
4 passing in Acrobat Distiller, EPS (created with InDesign, Illustrator, XPress, etc ...) using the profile
PDF/X-1a : 2001, with output intent FOGRA39.
Included in the PDF document- No TrueType - No CID Font
Avoid the placement of text on a colored background in negative and / or colored text with a body less
than 10 points for the materials in color; avoid the lower bodies with characters pardoned, as well as
the wires and multi-colored frames are likely to be compromised any slightest oscillation of the register
during printing.
Mode of delivery:
Through the portal http://portalemateriali.manzoni.it
PDF extent of the selected format when sending including 5 mm bleed on each side for trimming - no
marks (bleed of L’Espresso, Il Venerdì and D la Repubblica delle Donne are 4 mm in the head and
List of selected measures when sending.
Updated on 01.09.2014
A.Manzoni & C S.p.A. - Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso S.p.A. - All rights reserved
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Gruppo Editoriale L’Espresso S.p.A.
A. Manzoni & C. S.p.A.
Technical specifications for the delivery of the PDF for the Editori Terzi
Manzoni magazines
I Classici Disney
Disney Big
Grandi Classici
Paperinik Appgrade
Paperino Mese
Pixar Fun - Cars Magazine
Le Principesse
Real Life
Disney Junior
Principessa Sofia
Disney Fun
Ok La Salute
Al Volante
In Sella
Spirito DiVino
Spirito Italia Expo
Mestieri D’Arte e Design
Lombardia Oggi
Printing Specifications:
Roto-offset printing
Color Profile:
ISO Coated FOGRA 39
Color Density:
300% (CMYK)
Specifications for the creation of PDF:
ISO PDF/X-1a:2001 in high resolution, 300 dpi, compatible with Adobe Acrobat 4.0 (PDF version 1.3).
Materials with transparency are not accepted.
Included in the PDF document- No TrueType - No CID Font
Avoid the placement of text on a colored background in negative and / or colored text with a body less
than 10 points for the materials in color; avoid the lower bodies with characters pardoned, as well as
the wires and multi-colored frames are likely to be compromised any slightest oscillation of the register
during printing.
Mode of delivery:
Through the portal http://portalemateriali.manzoni.it
PDF extent of the selected format when sending including 5 mm bleed on each side for trimming - no
List of selected measures when sending.
Updated on 01.09.2014
A.Manzoni & C S.p.A. - Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso S.p.A. - All rights reserved
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