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Medeacom s.r.l.
IT-ARVO Chapter Meeting
Farmacologia Oculare
Life-changing research
Cannizzaro (CT), 3-4 Febbraio 2014
Sheraton Hotel
Lunedì, 3 Febbraio 2014
08:30-09:00 Registrazione partecipanti
09:00-09:15 Introduction
Filippo Drago, Teresio Avitabile
09:15-09:30 Intervento
Francesco Rossi
Presidente della Società Italiana di Farmacologia
09:30-10:00 Opening Lecture
Paul Kaufman (USA)
Sessione 1
Retina (I)
Moderatori: Francesco Bandello, Alfredo Reibaldi
10:00-10:20 Surgical management of retinal detachment because of macular hole in highly myopic
Teresio Avitabile
10:20-10:40 Solar retinopathy: a multimodal analysis
Alfonso Giovannini
10:40-11:00 Retinal layers changes in human preclinical and early clinical diabetic retinopathy
support early retinal neuronal and Müller cells alterations
Edoardo Midena
11:00-11:20 Management of retinal vein occlusion-consensus document
Giovanni Staurenghi
Office: Via Livorno, 65 – 95026 – Aci Trezza (CT) – Tel./Fax +39 095 7225495
Medeacom s.r.l. P.IVA: IT 04883260871
Medeacom s.r.l.
Sessione 2
Aspetti regolatori e socio-economici nel panorama oftalmico
Moderatori: Achille Caputi, Massimo Fichera
11:40-12:00 Pharmacological management of ocular hypertension: current approaches and future
Filippo Drago
12:00-12:20 Multi-tier drugs assessment in a decentralised health care system. The Italian casestudy
Claudio Jommi
12:20-12:40 Ocular medicines in children: the regulatory situation related to clinical research
Filomena Fontinguerra
12:20-13:00 Generic drugs in glaucoma therapy, a new reality to deal with
Stefano Gandolfi
Sessione 3
Glaucoma (1)
Moderatori: Emilio Campos, Stefano Miglior
14:00-14:20 Femtolaser and ocular surgery
Leonardo Mastropasqua
14:20-14:40 New trends in glaucoma surgery
Marco Nardi
14:40-15:00 24-hour intraocular pressure and ocular perfusion pressure in glaucoma
Luciano Quaranta
15:00-15:20 Prostaglandin analogues for glaucoma
Carlo Traverso
Sessione 4
Farmacologica sperimentale preclinica: hot issues in Farmacologia Oculare (I)
Moderatori: Giovanni Cennamo, Santi Spampinato
15:40-16:00 Therapeutic targeting of eosinophil adhesion and accumulation in allergic
Santi Spampinato
16:00-16:20 Effects of bevacizumab on neuronal viability of retinal ganglion cells in rats
Marcello Diego Lograno
16:20-16:40 HuR protein and diabetic retinopathy
Alessia Pascale
16:40-17:00 Role of PLA2 in diabetic retinopathy
Gabriella Lupo
Office: Via Livorno, 65 – 95026 – Aci Trezza (CT) – Tel./Fax +39 095 7225495
Medeacom s.r.l. P.IVA: IT 04883260871
Medeacom s.r.l.
Martedì, 4 Febbraio 2014
Sessione 5
Glaucoma (2)
Moderatori: Alberto Belluardo, Antonio Rapisarda
09:00-09:20 Intraocular pressure and central corneal thickness
Gianluca Manni
09:20-09:40 Prostaglandin analogues and neuroprotection
Antonio Marino
09:40-10:00 Brain involvement in glaucoma: advanced neuroimaging for understanding and
monitoring a new target for therapy
Carlo Nucci
10:00-10:20 Type A Behavior Pattern: Is It a Risk Factor for Open-Angle Chronic Glaucoma?
Salvatore Cillino
10:20-10:40 coffee break
Sessione 6
Farmacologica sperimentale preclinica: hot issues in Farmacologia Oculare (2)
Moderatori: Giorgio Marchini, Roberto Ratiglia
10:40-11:00 Trehalose effects on alpha-crystallin aggregates.
Vincenzo Nicoletti
11:00-11:20 Polymeric nanoparticles augment the ocular hypotensive effect of melatonin in rabbits
Rosario Pignatello
11:20-11:40 The role of neutrophils in corneal wound healing in HO-2 null mice
Giovanni Li Volti
11:40-12:00 In search of new targets for retinal neuroprotection: is there a role for autophagy
Rossella Russo
Sessione 7
Dolore oculare
Moderatori: Pasquale Aragona, Riccardo Sciacca
12:00-12:20 Pain: clinical issues and opportunities for research
Giacinto Bagetta
12:20-12:40 Clinical characteristics of ocular sensitivity and types of ocular pain
Paolo Vinciguerra
12:40-13:00 Dry eye and pain
Stefano Bonini
13:00-13:20 Clinical aspects of chronic ocular pain
Pier Giorgio Neri
13:20-13:30 Chiusura dei lavori
13:30-13:50 Compilazione questionario ECM
Office: Via Livorno, 65 – 95026 – Aci Trezza (CT) – Tel./Fax +39 095 7225495
Medeacom s.r.l. P.IVA: IT 04883260871