FERRAGOSTO ALL’ITALIANA CREATE A CALLIGRAM COMPETITION 2014 È Ferragosto! Ferragosto is an ancient Italian festival that dates back to Roman times. Since Romans were hard CREATE A CALLIGRAM What is a calligram? A calligram is a poem, phrase, or word with the handwriting arranged in a way that creates a visual image. The image created by the words expresses visually what the words say as in the following examples illustrating themes of Ferragosto: workers but also loved festivals and celebrations, the Emperor Augustus decided to allow a suitable period of Una notte come tante altre, ma di festa. Il cielo viene illuminato a giorno, da mille colori in tempesta. rest, called Augustali, necessary after the hard labour of the previous harvest. Later on, this very special day became part of the Catholic tradition of Assumption Day. This Italian national FESTA commemorates the Ascension of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven (PARADISO). Una donna rivestita dal sole, con la luna sotto i piedi e sul capo una corona di dodici stelle. Apocalisse 12:1 Today, Ferragosto is still celebrated as a feast and day of rest, and families usually take short holidays or just spend the day together. Many Italians head to the SPIAGGIA or have a barbecue (GRIGLIATA) at home with FAMIGLIA and AMICI. At the end of the day everyone looks forward to the colourful fireworks displays that blaze across Italian skies marking the end of FERRAGOSTO. Il gelato è molto buono, lo mangio con gli amici in spiaggia. Cioccolato, pistacchio, fragola ...mmm! FERRAGOSTO ALL’ITALIANA CREATE A CALLIGRAM COMPETITION 2014 ☼ Yr6-Yr7 ‘Create a calligram about Ferragosto using poems or phrases such as: Maria sale in Paradiso con un sorriso sul suo bel viso. La festa di Ferragosto finisce con i fuochi d’artificio. Festeggiamo il Ferragosto tutti insieme. ☼ Yr8-Yr9 Create a calligram using your own words/sentences related to the theme of Ferragosto. Imagine you are in Italy visiting an Italian family during Ferragosto. How would you feel? How do you perceive this typical Italian celebration? What would you see? What would you do? Where would you go? COMPETITION CONDITIONS Draw your thoughts with words! Disegna con le parole! FREE ENTRY Please note each category has its own activity with suggested words and phrases which can be used to create a calligram. ☼ Prep - Yr1 ‘Complete word calligram sheets provided (“la spiaggia”, Teachers sending in entries on behalf of their Italian classes must select 5 finalists from each one of their classes. “il pesciolino” or “l’assunzione di Maria”) by colouring in and/or decorating with suggested words. ☼ Yr2-Yr3 ‘Create a calligram about Ferragosto using phrases such as: E’ Ferragosto, la festa di Maria. La corona di dodici stelle. Nuoto nel mare blu. Mangio il gelato…etc ☼ Yr4-Yr5 ‘Create a calligram about Ferragosto using poems or phrases such as: Festeggiamo con magia, il giorno di Maria. Maria sale in cielo, le stelle brillano. Che buona l’anguria verde e rossa, dolce e fresca! Con secchiello, paletta e cappello, vado in spiaggia, che bello! PRIZES Categories: Prep-Yr1, Yr2-Yr3, Yr4-Yr5 winners will receive: 1st - iTunes gift cards to the value of $50.00 plus a gold medal 2nd - iTunes gift cards to the value of $30.00 plus a silver medal 3rd - iTunes gift cards to the value of $20.00 plus bronze medal Categories: Yr6-Yr7, Yr8-Yr9 winners will receive: 1st - iTunes gift cards to the value of $80.00 plus a gold medal 2nd - iTunes gift cards to the value of $50.00 plus a silver medal 3rd - iTunes gift cards to the value of $30.00 plus bronze medal All finalists will receive a Certificate of Participation. Entries close Friday 26 September 2014
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