UNOG LIBRARY TALKS - BOOK LAUNCH Respecting IHL: Challenges and Responses Michael Møller Director-General of UNOG Prof. Fausto Pocar International Institute of Humanitarian Law Institut International de Droit Humanitaire Istituto Internazionale di Diritto Umanitario President of IIHL and Judge at the International Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia Respecting IHL: Challenges and Responses Mme Elisabeth Decrey Warner STUDI Politica 3000.187 International Institute of Humanitarian Law RESPECTING IHL: CHALLENGES AND RESPONSES International Institute of Humanitarian Law President of Geneva Call FrancoAngeli M. Adama Dieng UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide Improving respect for International Humanitarian Law (IHL) is a necessary prerequisite to enhance the protection of persons and populations affected by armed conflicts. This collection of contributions made by international experts and practitioners in the field of IHL through presentations and discussions at the Sanremo Round Table, addresses the question of which specific measures and mechanisms could enhnce respect for IHL before, during and after an armed conflict shedding light on the role that various actors play in striving toward full IHL implementation. ------For those who do not have a UN badge, please register before July 2th on Prof. Michel Veuthey Vice-President of IIHL PALAIS DES NATIONS LIBRARY ROOM B-135 | JULY 4TH 2014 | 10.30-12 AM
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