Giovedì 22 maggio 9:00 - 10:30
Venerdì 23 maggio 9:15 - 10:30
Opening cerimony
Introduction (Paola Nicolini)
Keynote Speaker
Mindy L. Kornhaber
Delivering Policies v. Developing People:
Teacher Education and Professional Development,
the case of U.S. Standards-Based Reform
Rettore Università di Macerata | Macerata University
President – Luigi Lacchè
Sindaco Città di Macerata | Mayor of the City of Macerata –
Romano Carancini
Assessore Scuola, Nidi d’Infanzia e Formazione Città di
Macerata | – Stefania Monteverde
Direttore Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Dean of the
Humanities Department - Filippo Mignini
Co-chair of the symposium – Feyyat Gokce
Chair of the symposium – Paola Nicolini
Sabato 24 maggio 9:00 - 10:30
English Session
Chair person Flavia Laviosa
1. F. Laviosa “The ACTFL
Oral Proficiency Guidelines”
2. Simone Dubrovic “Temi di
italianità dal Rinascimento
al Novecento”
3. E. Macaro “Language
teacher professional
development: a consortium
approach to translating
research findings into
4. Çağrı Özköse-Bıyık - Öner
Uslu “EFL Teachers’
Individually Guided
Activities to Keep their
English Alive”
5. Asif Nebiyev, Aynur
Huseynova, Chinara
Qurbanova, Development Of
Logical Thinking Of Students
İn English Lessons
6. Erol Duran, Ozan Alevli
“Students’ Opinions: Digital
Text or Printed Text?”
Italian Session
Coordina Mariana Norel
1. Carmen Belacchi, Valentina Mei “Rapporto tra comportamenti prosociali e/o
ostili tra coetanei e valori
sociali in allievi e genitori
italiani e immigrati”
2. Alessandra Fermani,
Morena Muzi, Giovanna
Bianco, Mauro Minnozzi
“Formare gli adolescenti alla
percezione del rischio nella
guida in stato di ebbrezza. Il
ruolo della ricerca nella
formazione degli insegnanti”
3. Idalisa Cingolani “Teoria
personale dei docenti e
sviluppo delle competenze
4. Alessandra Millevolte,
Paola Gardoni “Scrittura
manuale versus scrittura
Networking Coffee Break 10-30-11.00 – Aula Verde Polo didattico Pantaleoni – Via della Pescheria Vecchia
Introduction (Feyyat Gökçe)
Keynote Speaker
Irfan Erdogan
Management of Educational Changes in the New Era
English Session
Italian Session
Chair person Feyyat Gökçe
Coordina Barbara Pojaghi
1. A.Kagoda “Uganda
Secondary School teacher’s
perception of “teacher
professional development”
and implications for their
professional development”
2. A.Açar, S.Yüksel,
“Examining hidden
curriculum of Anatolian
teacher training high schools
in terms of preparation for
teaching profession”
3. M.L.Kornhaber,
K.Griffith, “The Influence of
the Common Core State
Standards Reform on
Teacher Education and
Professional Development”
4. F.Gökçe “Problematic
Areas of Teacher Training”
5. E.Ekinci “The Perceptions
of Prospective Teachers
about the Quality of
Teaching and Learning
Environment of Teacher
Education Programs and
Their Relationships with
Some Variables”
6. Enver Abbasov,
Improving the Quality of
Education at Secondary
1. Susanna Massa, G.M.
Vecchio, Paola Perucchini
“Relazione tra credenze degli insegnanti sull’intelligenza e sull’insegnamento e
pratiche didattiche”
2. Monica de Chiro “Apprendere giocando - giocare
apprendendo: il gioco come
strumento di conoscenza di
sé, dell'altro e del mondo”
3. Michela Bomprezzi, Paola
Nicolini “La Teoria delle
Intelligenze Multiple di
Gardner come supporto alla
funzione genitoriale e come
approccio trasversale alla
funzione educativa ”
4. Giuseppe Bilancioni
“Osservare i bambini per
progettare l'educazione:
un'esperienza con l'ausilio
del tablet”
5. Concetta Foderà “Una
scuola diversa: la proposta
Chair person Paola Nicolini
All the chair persons will be involved in giving a short
feedback about the main issues presented and discussed in the
Conclusion and further projects
Lunch time 12-30-14.30
14.30 - 16:00
English Session
14.30 - 16:00
Sessione Italiana
Chair person
Ergin Ekinci
1. Ersin Şahin, Abdullah
Açar,“An ınvestıgatıon on
the relatıonshıp between
the levels of hopelessess,
professıonal satısfactıon
and perceptıon of self
2. Yahya Altinkurt, Ylmaz, Karagacil, Kahya
“Relationship between the
Levels of Teachers’ Job
Satisfaction and Burnout”
3. Mustafa Ozcan,
University within school:
a new model to reform
teacher education
4. İrfan Erdoğan - Yar Ali
Mete - Hüseyin Serin, First Year of Candidate Teacher: Differences between
West and East
5. Mehmet Arslan “Evaluation of Turkey’s teacher training system from
the viewpoint of experienced teachers (past, present
and future)”
Networking Coffee
Morena Muzi
1. Alessandra Millevolte, Massimo Mustica “Metodologie didattiche per una formazione
alle competenze trasversali nel
contesto scolastico: i progetti
CulturAAlimentazione e Silos”
2. Valentina Corinaldi “Analisi
dei progetti
CulturAAlimentazione e Silos
del Laboratorio delle Idee alla
luce della teoria di H.
3. Barbara Pojaghi, Grazia Di
Petta “Professione docente:
nuove competenze per gestire
la complessità”
4. Ilaria Iorio “Il gruppo multivisione come risorsa per gli insegnanti: dal singolare al plurale”
14.30 - 16:00
English Session
14.30 - 16:00
English Session
Chair person
Domna-Mika Kakana
1. Erdinc Cakiroglu “Preservice Teachers’ Self-Efficacy
for Preparing and Implementing
Mathematical Tasks: A Case
2. Paraskevi Kavalari Domna-Mika Kakana Vasilia Christidou
“Preschool teachers’
personal theory and their
effect on didactical
approaches; the case of
3. Evsen Düzgün, Nil Duban
“Views of Teacher Candidates on the Use of Concept
Cartoons in
Science and Technology
4. Erol Duran, Esra Yalçintaş
“Review of Critical Reading
Education in the Primary
5. Pandolfi Nicolini
“Children Environment
Representation at primary
Chair person
Sedat Yüksel
1. Kürşad YILMAZ, Yahya
ALTINKURT, Orhan Murat
KALFA, “The Training
Problem of School Principals
and Mentoring in Turkey”
2. Hacer Âş ık Ev “The Level
Of Critical Thinking
Dispositions Of The Religious
Education Teacher
3. Sinem Kaya, Caglar
Kaya“The Analysis of the
Relationship Among the Preservice Teachers’ Academic
Procrastination, Academic
Motivation and Coping
4. Ismail Cimen “Professional Identity Formation and
Development from Teachers’
and Teacher Candidates’
5. Nejla Mutlu “Attitudes and
Opinions of Teacher
Candidates about
Break 16.00 – 16.30 - Aula Verde Polo didattico Pantaleoni – Via della Pescheria Vecchia
Common Events
Chair person:
Mindy L. Kornhaber
Alessandra Fermani
1. N. Maccario, G.
Sarmaşık Abur
“Contribution of training
for the mentally retarded
in museums to pre-service
2. F. Papa “Hypermedia
paradigm and Museum’s
didactics: a challenge for
the future. Studies on
Palazzo Pianetti’s
3. D. Regolo “Disabled
people from School to job:
JobMeToo website
4. L. Natali “From school
to job: the alternanza
scuola-lavoro experience”
1. Mariana NOREL, Rodica
Mariana NICULESCU, “Buone
pratiche nella formazione degli
per l'educazione dell'infanzia e
nella scuola primaria”
2. Francesco Rocchetti, Barbara
Pojaghi “Gestire i gruppi di
lavoro: una competenza da
3. Gabriella Aleandri, Luca
Girotti “Teacher education: a
project for evaluation
/self assessment in educational
perspective. first report of
research experience in the
course of primary education at
the University of Macerata”
4. Monica de Chiro Paola
Nicolini “Dalle
dell’intelligenza ai processi di
una buona pratica”
Party time
All participants are invited to bring and share with
the others typical food and beverages from their
A local group of young people will guide the group
performing Italian traditional (and not only
Italian!) dances
Guided tour of the city
Palazzo Bonaccorsi – Sferisterio – Torre civica
(10 euros per person)
Presentation of Macerata and its landscape with
degustation of local wine and olive oil
only for 25 people – free entrance
(Macerata Chamber of Commerce)
Visit to a local infant school
only 10 people –
possibility to meet the teachers and the Director