CURRICULUM VITAE Silvia Cagnone December 2014 PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Silvia Surname: Cagnone Mail address: Department of Statistics, University of Bologna. Via delle Belle Arti, 41 – 40126 Bologna, Italy. Office tel: +39 051-2098213 Fax: +39 051/232153 E-mail: [email protected] ACADEMIC DEGREES • 2014-: Associate Professor, Department of Statistical Science, University of Bologna. • 2006-2014: Assistant Professor, Department of Statistical Science, University of Bologna. • 2003-2006: Postdoctoral Fellow (Department of Statistics, University of Bologna) in the research topic: “Generalized latent variable models: methodological developments and applied aspects, advisor prof. Stefania Mignani. • 2003: PhD in "Metodologia Statistica per la Ricerca Scientifica", Department of Statistics, University of Bologna, with a thesis entitled: “Latent Variable Models for Ordinal Data”, internal supervisor, prof. Stefania Mignani, external supervisor prof. Irini Moustaki. • 1999: Degree in Scienze Statistiche ed Economiche, Faculty of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna, with a thesis entitled “La qualità del front-office nei servizi universitari: un modello di analisi”, supervisor prof. Gian Luca Marzocchi, mark 110/110 cum laude. VISITING POSITIONS • 2006 Visiting Fellow, Statistics Department, Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, period 05-2006. • 2005 Visiting Fellow, Statistics Department, Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, period 04-07/2005. • 2001 Visiting Scholar, Statistics Department, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, Period 04-07/2001. MEMBERSHIP • • • • • the American Statistical Association, the Psychometric Society, the Italian Statistical Society, the Classification and Data Analysis Society (CLADAG), ERCIM Working Group. Computing & Statistics: Latent Variable and Structural Equation Models. SCIENTIFIC PARTECIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL PROJECTS • FIRB Project 2012 "Mixture and latent variable models for causalinference and analysis of socioeconomic data" national coordinator: Francesco Bartolucci, local coordinator: Silvia Cagnone. • Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) Project EATWELL (2011-2012). “Interventions to promote healthy eating habits: evaluation and recommendations”. UNIBO team leader: prof. Mario Mazzocchi. • PRIN 2008 Project "Latent structure analysis: new boundaries in statistical methods and models" national and local coordinator prof. Paola Monari. • PRIN 2006 Project "Statistical methods and models for the evaluation of the formative processes", national and local coordinator: prof. Paola Monari. • COFIN 2001 Project "Statistical methods and models for the evaluation of quality and customer satisfaction: objective and subjective aspects in the quality optimization", national coordinator: Angelo Zanella, local coordinator: prof. Giorgio Tassinari. OTHER ACTIVITIES Member of the Organizer Committee of the “Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies”, Bologna, 6-8 July 2015. Member of the Scientific Committee of the final PRIN 2008 "Methods and models for latent variables", Napoli, 17-19 May 2012. Member of the Organizer Committee of the International Scientific Workshop "Structural Equation Modeling and Latent Variable Models", Bologna, 12-14 September 2012. Member of the Organizer Committee of the final PRIN 2006 "Multivariate methods and models for evaluating public services", Rimini, 25-26 May 2009. Member of the Organizer Committee of the Scientific Workshop "Statistical Models for Student Evaluation in the University Educational process", Bologna 6th February, 2007. Referee for the following journals: - Annals of Applied Statistics, Advances in Data analysis and Classification, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, Communication in Statistics-Theory and Methods, Communication in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Food Quality and Preference, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, series A, Metron, Quaderni di Statistica, Statistics and Computing, Statistica, Statistica applicata, Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics Journal of Statistical Software. Co-tutor of the PhD thesis "A Multilevel Linear Model with Time Series Components for the Analysis of Tribal Art Prices" (2012), PhD student Lucia Modugno. RESEARCH INTERESTS 1. 2. 3. 4. Latent variable models for categorical and longitudinal data. Structural equation models (SEM) for categorical and longitudinal data. Goodness of fit assessment in latent variable models for categorical data. Application to Customer Satisfaction and educational field. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS • Mazzocchi M., Cagnone S., Bech-Larsen T., Niedźwiedzka B., Saba A., Shankar B., Verbeke W., Traill W.B., "What is the public appetite for healthy eating policies? Evidence from a cross-European survey", Health Economics, Policy and Law, forthcoming. • Bianconcini S., Cagnone S., (2014) “The role of posterior density functions in latent variable models for ordinal data" Communication in Statistics. Theory and Methods, vol 43, pp 681–692. • Cagnone S., Viroli C., (2014) "A Factor Mixture Model for Analyzing Heterogeneity and Cognitive Structure of Dementia", ASTA, Advances in Statistical Analysis, vol 98, pp 1-20. • Bernini C., Cagnone S. (2014), "Analysing tourist satisfaction at a mature and multi-product destination", Current Issues in Tourism, vol 17, pp 1-20. • Cagnone, S., Monari P. (2013) "Latent variable models for ordinal data by using the adaptive quadrature approximation", Computational Statistics, vol 28, pp. 597-619. • Cagnone S. (2012) "A note on goodness of fit test in latent variable models with categorical variables", Communication in Statistics. Theory and Methods, vol 41, pp. 2983-2990. • Bianconcini S., Cagnone, S. (2012) "Estimation of generalized linear latent variable models via fully exponential Laplace approximation", Journal of Multivariate Analysis, vol 112, pp.183-193. • Bianconcini S., Cagnone, S. (2012) “Multivariate latent growth models for mixed data with covariate effects”, Communication in Statistics. Theory and Methods, vol 41, pp 3079- 3093. • Vasdekis, V., Cagnone, S., Moustaki, I. (2012) "A composite likelihood inference in latent variable models for ordinal longitudinal responses", Psychometrika, vol. 77. pp. 425-441. • Cagnone S., Viroli C. (2012)"A factor mixture data",Statistical Modelling, vol. 12, pp. 257-277. analysis model for multivariate binary • Bianconcini S., Cagnone S., (2012) "A general multivariate latent growth model with applications to student achievement", Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, vol. 37, pp. 339-364. • Bianconcini S., Cagnone S., (2010), "A Multilevel Latent Variable Model for Multidimensional Longitudinal Data", In C. Lauro, F. Palumbo, M. Greenacre. Data Analysis and Classification: from the exploratory to the confirmatory approach. (pp. 329 - 336). BERLIN: Springer Verlag (GERMANY). • Cagnone S., Moustaki I., Vasdekis V. (2009) "Latent variable models for multivariate longitudinal ordinal responses" British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, vol. 62, pp. 401-415. • Cagnone S., Mignani S., Moustaki I. (2009) "Latent variable models for ordinal data" in Monari P., Piccolo D., Salmaso L., Bini M., Statistical Methods for the Evaluation of Educational Services and Quality of Products (pp. 17-28), Springer Verlag, Berlin- Heidelberg. • Mignani S., Cagnone S. (2008), “University formative process: versusperformance indicators”, Quaderni di Statistica, 10, 191-203. quality of teaching • Cagnone S., Mignani S. (2007) “Assessing the Goodness of Fit of a Latent Variable Model forOrdinal Data“, Metron, vol. LXV, pp. 337 - 361. • Bianconcini S., Cagnone S. Mignani S., Monari P. (2007) "A latent curve analysis of unobserved heterogeneity in University student achievements" Statistica, vol. 1, pp. 40 -56. • Bernini C., Cagnone S. (2007). Multigroup-Multiwaves Lisrel Modeling in Tourist Satisfaction Analysis. Statistica. vol. 3, pp. 301 - 323. • Mignani S. ,Monari P.; Bianconcini S., Cagnone S. (2007) "La riuscita del percorso universitario: un’analisi longitudinale sugli studenti dell’Ateneo di Bologna", Rivista di economia e Statistica del territorio, vol. 3, pp. 1 - 13. • Mignani S., Monari P., Cagnone S., Ricci R. (2006). “Multidimensional versus Unidimensional Models for Ability Testing“. In S. ZANI A. CERIOLI M. RIANI M. VICHI. Data analysis, classification and forward search. (pp. 339 - 346). HEIDELBERG: Springer-Verlag. • Cagnone S., Ricci R., (2005) “Student Ability Assessment based on two IRT Models”, Metodoloski Zvezki, Vol. 2, No. 2, 209-218. • Cagnone S., Cavrini G., Mignani S.(2004), “Confronto tra modelli a variabili latenti per la valutazione della qualità percepita dagli utenti di servizi sanitario ospedalieri, Statistica,vol. LXIV, pp. 630-645. • Cagnone S., Mignani S, Ricci R., Casadei G. Riccucci S., (2004) “Computer-Automated Testing: an evaluation of undergraduate student performance” proceedings of Technology Enhanced Learning, pp. 59-68, Springer. • Mignani S., Cagnone S. (2004) “A Comparison Among Different Solutions for Assessing the Goodness of Fit of a Generalized Linear Latent Variable Model for Ordinal Data” Statistica Applicata, vol.16, pp. 125-137. • Mignani S., Cagnone S., Casadei G., Carbonaro A., (2004) “An item response theory model for students ability evaluation using computer-automated test results” in Studies in Classification, Data Analysis and Knowledge organization, a cura di Vichi, Monari,Mignani, Montanari, pp.325-332, Springer-Verlag. Works in proceedings • Cagnone S., Bartolucci F. (2013) “Adaptive quadrature for likelihood inference in dynamic latent variable models” Proceedings of Sco 2013, Milano. • Bianconcini S., Cagnone S., Rizopoulos D. (2012). “A Dimension Reduction Method for Approximating Integrals in Latent Variable Models for Binary Data”. Proceedings of the XLVI Scientific Meeting. XLVI Italian Statistical Society Scientific Meeting. Rome. • Modugno L., Giannerini S., Cagnone S. (2012). A Multilevel Model with Time Series Components for the Analysis of Tribal Art Prices. QUADERNI DI STATISTICA. "Methods and models for latent variables" Final Conference of PRIN 2008, pp. 169 - 172. • Bianconcini, S. Cagnone. S. (2011). Likelihood Inference in Latent Variable Models for ordinal data based on different approximation methods. Proceedings of the Conference on Statistical Computation and Complex Systems. (SCo 2011). Padova. (pp. 1 - 6). • Vasdekis V., Cagnone S. Moustaki I., (2010) "A comparison of a pseudo-likelihood estimation and full information maximum likelihood estimation for fitting multivariate longitudinal ordinal data " Proceedings of 45th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society. Cagnone S., Monari P. (2009) Latent variable models for the University process evaluation by using different integration methods, Proceedings of the 6th St. Petersburg workshop on simulation, pp. 511-516. • Bianconcini S. , Cagnone S., Mignani S., and Monari P. (2007), "Student Mobility and Academic Achievement: a Temporal Analysis for Bologna University", Valutazione e Customer Satisfaction per la Qualità dei Servizi, Rome. • Bernini, C. Cagnone, S. (2007) "Does Tourist Satisfaction change among groups and over time?" Valutazione e Customer Satisfaction per la Qualità dei Servizi, Rome. • Cagnone S., Mignani S. Monari P. (2007) "Student performance classification based on latent variable models for binary data", Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the German Classification Society on Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and Applications. • Bianconcini S. , Cagnone S., Mignani S., and Monari P. (2007), "A Latent Curve Analysis of Student Achievement and Mobility in the University of Bologna" Proceedings of the 56th Session of the ISI INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL INSTITUTE. • Bianconcini S., Cagnone S., (2007) "A Multilevel Latent Variable Model for Multidimensional and Longitudinal Data" Proceedings of Sixth Scientific Meeting of the Classification and data Analysis group 2007, pag.483-486. • Cagnone S., Mignani S., (2006) "A residual based goodness of fit test for a latent variable model" International Workshop on "Statistical Latent Variables Models and Related Statistical Methods in Health Sciences", Perugia, 6-8 September, 2006. • Cagnone S., Mignani S., Ricci R., Casadei G., Ricucci S., (2004) “Computer-based Testing: Modelli statistici per la valutazione automatica delle competenze degli studenti universitari”, Atti del convegno e-learning: qualità didattica e knowledge management, pp. 961-969, Didamatica 2004. • Cagnone S., Gardini A., Mignani S. (2004) “New developments of latent variable models with ordinal data”, Atti della XLI Riunione Scientifica della SIS, pp.221-231. • Brasini S., Cagnone S., Tassinari G., Lombardo A., Molteni L., (2002) “Valutazioni e modelli statistici di Customer Satisfaction e fedeltà del cliente: linee guida d’insieme” Atti della riunione satellite della XLI Riunione Scientifica della SIS “Il nuovo controllo statistico della qualità: processo produttivo, Customer Satisfaction, problemi ambientali” Milano-Bicocca, pp. 27-47. Others • Cagnone S., “Appunti sulla metodologia Lisrel: aspetti teorici e applicativi”, strumenti per la didattica, n.3, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Università di Bologna, 2005. • Cagnone S., Lubisco A., Mignani S., “Modelli a variabili latenti per lo studio della Customer Satisfaction degli utenti dei servizi di trasporto pubblico”, collana appunti e ricerche, Polo scientifico didattico di Rimini, 2003. • Cagnone S., “Latent variable models for ordinal data” tesi di dottorato, Bologna 2003. INVITED TALKS AND SEMINARS - Viroli C., Cagnone S. “A multivariate latent variable model for analysing longitudinal mixed data” 7th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (ERCIM 2014), Pisa, 6-8 December 2014. -Modugno L. Cagnone S: Giannerini S. “A multilevel model for repeated cross-sectional data with stochastic volatility”, SIS 2014, Cagliari, June 11-13, 2014 -Cagnone S., Bartolucci F. “Continuous versus discrete latent structures in dynamic latent variable models” SIS 2014, Cagliari, June 11-13, 2014. -Cagnone S., Viroli C. “The analysis of heterogeneity and cognitive structure of dementia by means of a factor mixture model”, PLS 2014, Paris, 26-28 May 2014. -Bartolucci F., Cagnone S. “An adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature method for likelihood evaluation oflatent autoregressive models for panel data and time-series”, McMSki 2014, Chamonix, 6-9 January,2014. -Bianconcini S., Cagnone S. “Approximate maximum likelihood inference in Generalized Linear Latent Variable Models”, invited seminar, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 27 September 2013. -Cagnone S., Bartolucci F. “Adaptive quadrature for likelihood inference in dynamic latent variable models”, Sco 2013, Milano, 9-11 September, 2013. -Bartolucci F., Cagnone S. “Adaptive quadrature for likelihood inference in dynamic latent variable models”, Seventh International Workshop on Simulation, Rimini, 21-25 May, 2013. -Cagnone S. “Approximate likelihood inference via dimension reduction for multidimensional longitudinal data” invited seminar, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche, Università degli studi di Udine, 9 May 2013. -Bianconcini S., Cagnone S., Rizopoulos D. "A Dimension Reduction Method for Approximating Integrals in Latent Variable Models for Binary Data", 47th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Rome, 19-21 June 2012. -Bianconcini, S. Cagnone S. "Likelihood Inference in Latent Variable Models for ordinal data based on different approximation methods", Conference on Statistical Computation and Complex Systems. Padova, 19-21 September 2011. -Cagnone S., Moustaki I. "A review of latent variable models for multivariate longitudinal ordinal responses", 46th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Bologna, 8-10 June 2011. -Cagnone S. “Approximate maximum likelihood inference in latent variable models for ordinal data”, invited seminar, Faculty of Political Science, invited seminar, University Federico II, Napoli, 23 May 2011. -Vasdekis V., Cagnone S. Moustaki I. "A comparison of a pseudo-likelihood estimation and full information maximum likelihood estimation for fitting multivariate longitudinal ordinal data" 45th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Padova, 16-18 June 2010. -Bianconcini S., Cagnone S., Monari P. "Multivariate latent growth models for mixed data with covariate effects on the manifest and latent variables" 45th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Padova, 16-18 June 2010. -Cagnone S., Mignani S. Monari P. "Student performance classification based on latent variable models for binary data", 31st Annual Conference of the German Classification Society on Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and Applications, Freiburg, 7-9 March 2007. -Bianconcini S., Cagnone S., Mignani S., Monari P. "The mobility effect on the academic performance of university students" Bologna, 6 February, 2007. -Cagnone S., Ricci R. “Student Ability Assessment based on two IRT Models”, YSM 2004, Young Statisticians Meeting from Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Italy and Croatia, Rimini, 30 October 2004. -Cagnone S., Gardini A., Mignani S. “New developments of latent variable models with ordinal data”, 42th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society 2004, Bari 9-11 June 2004. Responsible of the Erasmus agreements with the Department of Statistics, London School of Economics and with the Department of Statistics, Athens University of Economic and Business. TEACHING ACTIVITY - “Health Statistics”, postgraduate course in Statistical Sciences, Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna, a.a. 2014-2015. - "Statistics, advanced course" postgraduate course in Actuarial, financial and economic statistics, Statistical Sciences Faculty, University of Bologna, a.a. 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015. - "Biostatistics" undergraduate course in Statistical Science, Statistical Sciences Faculty, University of Bologna, a.a. 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-215. -“Data analysis”, postgraduate course in the Business and Finance Information systems degree program, Statistics Sciences Faculty, University of Bologna, a.a.2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012. -“Statistics” PhD course in the economic and management engineering, University of Repubblica di San Marino, Marzo 2010. “Structural equation modelling” SIS course within the school “Statistical models for the evaluation of the formative processes”, 28 jan-01 feb 2008, Department of Statistics, University of Florence. -“Evaluation models”, module “Factor analysis and Lisrel”, postgraduate course in the Business Information systems degree program, Statistics Sciences Faculty, University of Bologna, a.a.20072008. -“Statistics”, module “Inference” undergraduate course in the Finance and Insurance Statistics Sciences Faculty, University of Bologna, a.a 2006/2007, 2007/2008. -“Statistics Lab” undergraduate course in the Finance and Insurance Statistics Sciences Faculty, University of Bologna, a.a 2006/2007. -“Structural equation modelling” course within the SIS school “Statistical models for the evaluation of the formative processes: theoretical and applied courses”, 16 -20 oct 2006, Department of Statistics, University of Florence. Delegate of the Erasmus Placement.
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