Conference programme Registration at Palazzo Cavalli-Franchetti, Venice 1. 2. 8.30-9.00 Opening session 9.00-9.45 Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Dario Franceschini, Minister of Culture and Tourism, Italy Paola Imperiale, Minister Plenipotentiary, Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italy. Managing Competition and coexistence between tourism and other maritime activities 9.30- 11.00 Piero Formenti, Vice President, European Boating Industry, Italy View from the boating industry (space needs for boating, marinas etc.) David Adams McGilp, Regional Director, VisitScotland, UK Managing priorities in the use of marine space Christina Albrecht, Project Manager, German Offshore Wind Energy Foundation Impact and synergies between offshore wind energy and tourism Emmanuel Garland, Senior Environmental Adviser, TOTAL, France Coexistence between touristic activities and offshore exploration and exploitation Anders Carlberg, Maritime Coordinator, Region Västra Götaland, Sweden Blue Master Plan: bridging marine and land planning for the benefits of maritime tourism Coffee break 11.00-11.30 3. Maritime Spatial Planning and the cruise sector 11.30-12.45 Robert Ashdown, Secretary General, Cruise Lines International Association Development of the cruise industry and impact of maritime spatial planning 1 David Johnson, Director, Seascape Consultants; Emeritus Professor in Coastal Management, Southampton Solent University, UK Environmentally sustainable cruise tourism and MSP Roberto Perocchio, Director, Venezia Terminal Passeggeri, Italy The management of cruise ships in the Lagoon of Venice Francesco Musco, Associate Professor in Urban and Environmental Planning, IUAV University of Venice Mapping cruise ships with other maritime activities, the example of ADRIPLAN Lunch 12.45-14.00 4. The integration of economic and environmental interests through Maritime Spatial Planning 14.00-15.15 Albert Salman, Director Sustainable Development, Coastal & Marine Union Europe, The Netherlands Best practices in sustainable tourism and its impact on coasts Siân Rees, Research Fellow and Associate Lecturer, Marine Institute, Plymouth University, UK Value of marine biodiversity to the leisure and recreational industry and its application to MSP Marco Costantini, Marine Programme Coordinator, WWF Italy Integration between MSP and MPAs Rob Williams, Marine Conservation Biologist, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Mapping cumulative noise on cetaceans to inform maritime spatial planning Coffee break 15.15-15.30 5. The establishment of maritime spatial plans as an opportunity for new touristic activities 15.30-16.45 Luís Brites Pereira, Deputy Director, Center for Globalization & Governance, Nova School of Business and Economics, Lisbon; Former Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Portugal Value of waves and ocean culture: the creation of surfing reserves Christopher Pater, Head of Marine Planning, English Heritage, UK Management of underwater cultural heritage and integration within MSP Kathy Belpaeme, Marine Advisor, Province of West Flanders, Belgium MSP & small scale and recreational fisheries Jan Ekebom, Senior Adviser, Heidi Arponen, Conservation Biologist, and Kevin O’Brien, Conservation Biologist , Metsähallitus, Natural Heritage Services, Finland MSP and the creation of underwater trails Conclusions 16.45-17.00 George Alexakis, Vice-President of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe; Crete Regional Council, Greece 2
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