Technological enhancements in B2B integration introduced by the new IT platform to manage the Commercial Process Nomination and Balancing Detail of the activity and planning San Donato Milanese – Aprile 2014 snamretegas Agenda Objective and scope of the document B2B integration: Https protocol Certification B2B integration : Communication X12 Authentication Client/Server HTTPS and certificates 2 Objective and scope of the document Snam Rete Gas has identified a number of technological enhancements in B2B integrations, to manage the communications refer to the the Nomination process using X12/GISB protocol. Refer to the communication of 10 of March (to see pubblication on the istitutional web site) about: The summary of the possible impacts that these enhancements will have on Shippers (hereinafter UdT) The timing reference needed to ensure the proper exchange of information via the B2B X12 protocol. The objective of this document is to provide a detail than anticipated like indication for adapting the system, as well as the preliminary activities and its schedule of reference for using of new system by Shippers. 3 B2B integration: HTTPS Protocollo Certification In order to ensure an adeguate level of security for the B2B communication, in Logistica Gas System expected that the X12 feeds will be managed exclusively via HTTPS in both directions, with autenthication of the sender system (Basic Autentication) and cryption of sent message. The impacts to the Shippers can be distinguished by the type of exchanged feed with Snam Rete Gas, and in particular are classified as follows: B2B flow with UdT that implement only X12 850 (Nomination): In this case the Shippers to manage the communication to Snam Rete Gas using the HTTPS protocol with cryption message will have to share to Snam Rete Gas the pairs of Digital Certificates and Application Keys (UdTSRG; for the Authentication part Snam Rete Gas will provvide the credentials) B2B flow with UdT that also implement messages X12 997 and/or 885 In this case the Shippers, refer to parameter for the message 850, will give to Snam Rete Gas an application URL that the Logistica Gas System will use for the communication back. 4 B2B integration: Logic Architeture HTTPS Communications Sistemi Snam Rete Gas X12.850 X12.997 Internet Integration Layer Logistica Gas X12.855 Security Layer Legenda Utente del Trasporto (UdT) Comunicazioni HTTPS Sistema UdT Certificato SRG Certificato Partner Messaggi X12 5 B2B integration: HTTPS Protocoll Certification – Deadline • Hereunder a detail of expected activities and their timing reference. Activity Description Planned Date • List of contact point for testing activities Shipper will give to SRG the contacts to run the testing activities Within mid May 2014 • Availability and Installation Digital certificates to load Availability and Installation of Digital certificates as a prerequisite for run the connetivity test Udt vs SRG & SRG vs UdT Within mid May 2014 SRG will provide the access credentials (IP address and port) for X12 communications • Pubblication of network parameters and access credentials on company web site In particolar, it is planned that: • Send network parameters and access credentials The Shippers that implement the system to receive the feed back (997, 855), they will have to give to SRG the parameters required for accessing (IP address, port, credentials) Within mid May 2014 • Pubblication of Test Book on company web site We have planned two testing case on the outcomes of messages 997 (ok; ko) like answer to 850 message sent by Shippers. Within end May 2014 • Running Test Connectivity Running test: After regularized the exchange of certificates for adapting the criteria of security, will run connectivity test to verify proper authentication of the Shipper, the correct sending of an nomination and the correct answers of Snam Rete Gas. Note.Prerequisite: to start testing you have to complete all previous tasks • SRG send to all own digital cetificates, asking for the explicit confirmation to communicate via HTTPS • In affermative case, SRG will provide some technical information (IP address, port, …) and the Shipper will give to SRG the informations requested (see the following requested activities) Within mid May 2014 Start: first week of June 2014 (elapsed planned 3 weeks) 6 B2B integration – X12 Communication : Integration Test (1/2) • To the Shipper that decide to use the X12 commuication on the new system, is planned a dedicated phase of Integrational Tests. • Specifically, the approch to testing provides: Census and Registration of the Shippers that run the test; Identification a slot time for the test of each Shippers within the period dedicated to Integrational Test Using a collaboration tool useful for testing tracking/defect monitoring with related communication parameters /login credentials; Pubblication of the test book to Shippers It provides for the management of the common cases to all Shippers with indication of the reference database that the Shippers will use to send the messages ( example the list of meter to input the nomination value ) The list of meter is common to all Shippers, so no all meter will have capacity booking to Shipper 7 B2B integration – X12 Comunication : Integration Test (2/2) • Hereunder a detail of expected activities . Activities • Communication on the new code 855 on the company web site • Census and Registration • Communication on running test on the company web site Description Planned Date SRG will inform the Shippers the new encodings introduced to manage the output of the new semantic checks Census and Registration of the Shippers that run the test SRG will inform the Shipper slot time for integration test For each Shipper the slot time is 3-5 day to test [range varies in function of type of implementated message by Shipper and then tested; specificaly Message 850the nomination rather than receiving response message (997, 855)] Note: for nework parameterrs and access credentials the Shippers have to refer to information to connectivity test • Communication on the access to collaboration tool on the company web site SRG will inform the Shippers the parameters / access credentials to collaboration tool • Pubblication of the Test Book on the company web site We have planned one-two testing case on semantic check in function of the two outcomes of messages (ok; ko) like answer to 850 message sent by Shippers. • Run Integration Test Run Test between SRG and the Shippers Soon available 8 Authentication Client/Server HTTPS and certificates SNAM RETE GAS WAN HTTPS LAN FIREWALL: è un componente passivo di difesa perimetrale di una rete informatica, che può anche svolgere funzioni di collegamento tra due o più tronconi di rete, garantendo dunque una protezione in termini di sicurezza informatica della rete stessa. HTTP_BASIC_AUTH HTTPS HTTPS Internet HTTP_BASIC_AUTH HTTPS: In telecomunicazioni e informatica HyperText Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer (HTTPS) F W HTTPS Logistica Gas HTTP_BASIC_AUTH HTTP_BASIC_AUTH HTTP_BASIC_AUTH: L'autenticazione BA non prevede protezione per le credenziali trasmesse. Esse vengono codificate con base 64 ma non criptate o crittografate con hash. È solitamente utilizzata in HTTPS. Authenticaion Server/Server HTTPS and certificates (server answer to Shippers) SNAM RETE GAS UdT HTTP_BASIC_AUTH NLG HTTPS Integration Layer FW Server key store Client trust store NLG Contacts Please contact [email protected] if you require any further clarification. To ensure the take-over of your request please write in the object field of mail : «LG – Richieste di informazione – LG Information request». Thanks for your attention Only for consultation - not binding 11
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