Professor Patrizia Lombardi POLITECNICO di Torino, Interuniversity

Professor Patrizia Lombardi
POLITECNICO di Torino, Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning,
After a BA/MA in Architecture at Politecnico di Torino in 1988 and a MSc in
Territorial Planning and Real Estate market in 1990,) in 1999 Professor Lombardi
completed her PhD studies at the Research Institute of Business and Informatics,
at University of Salford of the Great Manchester. She currently holds the
Established Chair of Professor in Cost Planning of Buildings and
Environmental Evaluation at the Politecnico di Torino.
Since January 2012, she was appointed the Head of the Interuniversity
Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning at the Politecnico di
Torino and University of Turin (DIST), with particular responsibility in the
Management of Higher Education, Research and Human capital. She is also a member of the Academic
Senate and other Academic Boards, including the Strategic Plan development of the same Politecnico.
She is an established figure in the field of Evaluating Sustainable Urban Development in which she has been
active for over 20 years, coordinating or serving as lead partner in several Pan-European Projects on urban
sustainability and Information Technologies, publishing widely in the field. The list of EU projects includes
among the others MILESECURE-2050 (Coordinator), POCACITO, DIMMER, UNI-Metrics (VII FP),
PERFECTION (SiTI Research Institute of the Politecnico di Torino), ISAAC, INTELCITIES (VI FP),
Network BEQUEST (IV FP).