Presentation of consolidated results as at 31 December 2013 Carlo Cimbri - CEO Bologna, 20 March 2014 • The Fondiaria-SAI operation • Consolidated results • Insurance business Agenda • Non-Life insurance business • Life insurance business • Banking business • Real Estate and other activities • Investment management • Capital and Solvency • Parent company results and dividends NOTE: The UnipolSai data included in the presentation are consolidated pro-forma and management figures and they relate to the group basis of consolidation after the merger. Unipol Gruppo Finanziario 2012 consolidated economic data include the UnipolSai Group basis of consolidation after the merger for the whole financial year. Data pertaining to Unipol Gruppo Finanziario are to be considered as consolidated where not otherwise specified. THE FONDIARIA-SAI OPERATION A time-consistent project… Bailout of the Fondiaria-SAI Group by way of capital increases and the… First industrial project unchanged during the 24 months of the authorisation process …merger of Unipol Assicurazioni, Fondiaria-SAI, Milano Assicurazioni and Premafin in a sole company, in order to set up UnipolSai, first Non-Life insurance company in Italy, by developing a… …plan based on industrial synergies and capital soundness, with a perspective to create value and… …to manage the ex Fondiaria-SAI’s shareholdings according to financial principles and risk management …in a difficult market scenario… Country risk Spread of Italian Government Bonds vs Bund at over 500 bps (January 2012) Reiterated Downgrade Ratings on the Italian Republic Downturn in equity market Stock Indexes experiencing severe downturn (FTSE Mib 2011 -25%, Eurostoxx 50 -18.4%) 3 THE FONDIARIA-SAI OPERATION (continued) …in a complex regulatory framework… Several authorisation steps accomplished… …by meeting extremely rigid requirements 12 authorisations obtained from the Supervisory Authority Over 1,500 pages of information documents and prospectuses published Disposal of Non-Life premiums for €1.1bn fixed with Allianz in order to bring the market shares under the threshold of 30% in every single line of business and province Full sale of Generali and Mediobanca stakes …fully backed with equity… Capital increases on the market €1.7bn (Unipol + Fondiaria-SAI), almost doubling the total amount of capital increases carried out subsequently by the Italian listed companies on the whole UnipolSai capital strengthening €1.7 bn UnipolSai capital strengthening €550m Unipol Gruppo Finanziario’s direct investments in the Fondiaria-SAI Group €600m Unipol Assicurazioni’s capital increase before the merger in UnipolSai €550m funds collected on the market 4 THE FONDIARIA-SAI OPERATION (continued) …being at an advanced stage of implementation… From 3 listed companies (Fondiaria-SAI, Milano Assicurazioni, Premafin) to 1 (UnipolSai) UnipolSai merger completed From 6 categories of shares (Fondiaria-Sai Ord, Sav A and Sav B, Milano Ord and Sav and Premafin) to 3 (UnipolSai Ord, UnipolSai Sav A, UnipolSai Sav B) Agreement defined with the trade unions on staff reduction involving about 900 employees, thanks to the extraordinary section of the Solidarity Fund for the sector Rationalization actions already undertaken Sale of business unit with 500 employees to Allianz Rationalization of the group companies being carried out Application of the Unipol Group’s governance system and consolidated policy to the new company UnipolSai …which is already giving results a UnipolSai profit before tax €1.2bn UnipolSai Combined Ratio 93.3% (104.8% at 2011 year-end) UnipolSai Solvency I 1.5x (0.8x Fondiaria-Sai at 2011 year-end) Stock Exchange performance from 1 January 2013 +247% Unipol Ord, +255% Unipol Pref +164% UnipolSai Orda, +207% UnipolSai Sav Aa, +256% UnipolSai Sav Ba figures relating to Fondiaria-SAI up to 6 January 2014 5 • The Fondiaria-SAI operation • Consolidated results • Insurance business Agenda • Non-Life insurance business • Life insurance business • Banking business • Real Estate and other activities • Investment management • Capital and Solvency • Parent company results and dividends 2013 RESULTS BY BUSINESS SECTOR €m UNIPOLSAI (figures in €m before tax) 1,172 694 integration costs IRES additional tax 772 -204 -56 514 444 369 -45 -49 NON-LIFE LIFE Insurance sector pre-tax 1,376 -66 -256 UGF provisions on Unipol Banca loans -200 Unipol Banca: provisions on loans -306 Unipol Banca: goodwill cancellation and writedown of other financial assets -176 -74 OTHER BUSINESSES RE Total TOTAL UNIPOL GRUPPO FINANZIARIO 865 494 520 512 363 188 -296 -45 -49 -382 -424 -328 IRES additional tax Total NON-LIFE LIFE BANK pre-tax consolidated result RE HOLDING and OTHER BUSINESSES -73 -755 TOTAL consolidated net result 7 UNIPOLSAI: 2013 NET RESULTS OF THE COMPANIES INVOLVED IN THE MERGER €m Parent company results 1,013 531 334 (a) 164 (a) -15 Unipol Assicurazioni (a) capital Fondiaria-SAI Milano Assicurazioni Premafin Total gain on Bank of Italy’s stakes: €88m on Fondiaria-SAI and €44m on Milano Assicurazioni (after tax), pursuant to IVASS requirement 8 • The Fondiaria-SAI operation • Consolidated results • Insurance business Agenda • Non-Life insurance business • Life insurance business • Banking business • Real Estate and other activities • Investment management • Capital and Solvency • Parent company results and dividends DIRECT INSURANCE INCOME €bn €1.1bn Non-Life premiums being ceded FY12 FY13 16.8 15.7 16.8 15.4 -1.9% 6.2 5.6 10.1 7.0 6.1 10.6 1.1 9.3 -0.1% +13.1% +9.1% -8.1% 1.4 +25.7% 9.8 -7.7% +53.3% 0.6 0.5 UnipolSai Other companies 0.9 0.5 Total Unipol Gruppo Finanziario Life premiums UnipolSai Other companies -1.1% Total Unipol Gruppo Finanziario Non-Life premiums 10 • The Fondiaria-SAI operation • Consolidated results • Insurance business Agenda • Non-Life insurance business • Life insurance business • Banking business • Real Estate and other activities • Investment management • Capital and Solvency • Parent company results and dividends NON-LIFE DIRECT PREMIUM INCOME – UNIPOL GRUPPO FINANZIARIO €m 10,641 3,910 9,821 -7.7% 3,835 -1.9% 13.5% MV Accident & Health 12.3% Property -11.1% 6,731 60.9% 5,986 8.0% 5.3% FY12 FY13 Non-MV General TPL Other MV UnipolSai Other companies Unipol Gruppo Finanziario FY13 FY13 Unipol Fondiaria-SAI 2,090 1,378 3,468 -5.1% 3,134 -9.6% 2,199 -10.4% Liguria 172 -15.9% Other companies 284 -1.9% Milano 1,986 1,147 1,470 729 Linear -8.1% MV 190 16 206 -6.3% Unisalute 248 248 +6.6% Arca 50 61 110 -5.5% -0.9% Non MV 12 NON-LIFE – COMBINED RATIO Unipol Gruppo Finanziario Combined ratioa 101.1% 15.7% Expense ratio UnipolSai 7.4% 101.9% 16.4% 23.1% 92.9% 16.3% 23.5% 7.2% 17.1% 24.7% 8.3% Loss ratiob 77.9% 78.3% FY13 commissions/premiums a direct business OTI/premiums b including 25.2% 8.1% 68.2% FY12 93.3% 68.2% FY12 other operating expenses/premiums FY13 Loss Ratio 13 NON-LIFE – MAIN COMPANIES’ COMBINED RATIO Unipol Assicurazioni S.p.A. commissions other oper. expenses Fondiaria-SAI S.p.A. commissions other oper. expenses 19.0% 7.8% FY13 3.3% -2.0%a 26.9% 88.7% current S/P Δ prev. years Expense Ratio Combined Ratio commissions other oper. expenses current S/P 4.1% 65.3% current S/P a Δ prev. years Expense Ratio Δ prev. years Combined Ratio Expense Ratio Combined Ratio current S/P 96.0% Δ prev. years 15.4% 7.3% Expense Ratio 14.1% current S/P 15.3% 6.2% 21.5% 103.4% 102.0% 70.4% Combined Ratio commissions other oper. expenses 22.7% 15.8% 7.3% 23.1% 66.9% 8.8% 94.1% 5.9% commissions other oper. expenses 24.7% commissions other oper. expenses 95.3% 18.1% 6.6% FY12 15.9% 7.9% 23.9% 68.2% 63.8% Milano Assicurazioni S.p.A. 67.8% Δ prev. years Expense Ratio Combined Ratio current S/P Δ prev. years Expense Ratio Combined Ratio relating to Non-MV classes 14 NON-LIFE – 2013 MV TPL TECHNICAL INDICATORS Unipol Assicurazioni S.p.A. Fondiaria-SAI S.p.A. Milano Assicurazioni S.p.A. var. vs FY12 var. vs FY12 var. vs FY12 Total portfolio -3.4% -6.7% -5.6% o/w: Retail Fleets -2.9% -11.5% -6.5% -8.4% -5.7% -0.3% -4.6% -5.9% -5.9% -7.6% -15.8% -14.4% -0.2 p.p. -0.5 p.p. -0.6 p.p. Portfolio average premium No. of claims reported (followed up passive claims) Frequency Management figures 15 • The Fondiaria-SAI operation • Consolidated results • Insurance business Agenda • Non-Life insurance business • Life insurance business • Banking business • Real Estate and other activities • Investment management • Capital and Solvency • Parent company results and dividends LIFE DIRECT INCOME – UNIPOL GRUPPO FINANZIARIO €m Traditional 4,456 (+27.6%) +13.1% Index/Unit linked 1,182 (-5.3%) 63.8% 16.9% 6,983 6,176 12.9% FY12 6.4% FY13 Capitalization 898 (+70.1%) Pension funds 446 (-50.7%) Other companies Unipol Gruppo Finanziario UnipolSai Unipol 2,179 Fondiaria-SAI Milano PopVita + LawLife Other companies 874 +5.8% 385 +4.8% 2,534 166 +10.6% +9.1% Arca Vita 845 +53.4% +8.7% +27.2% 17 LIFE – NET INFLOWS €m FY12 FY13 -3,743 +5,624 +6,137 -6,553 -2,394 UnipolSai -209 -209 -3,928 -2,783 -216 PREMIUMS REDEMPTIONS MATURITIES/ ANNUITIES CLAIMS NET INFLOWS PREMIUMS REDEMPTIONS MATURITIES/ ANNUITIES CLAIMS NET INFLOWS -4,046 +6,983 +6,176 -6,933 Unipol Gruppo Finanziario -2,470 -281 +186 -4,030 -3,006 -267 PREMIUMS Management figures REDEMPTIONS MATURITIES/ ANNUITIES CLAIMS NET INFLOWS PREMIUMS REDEMPTIONS MATURITIES/ ANNUITIES CLAIMS NET INFLOWS 18 • The Fondiaria-SAI operation • Consolidated results • Insurance business Agenda • Non-Life insurance business • Life insurance business • Banking business • Real Estate and other activities • Investment management • Capital and Solvency • Parent company results and dividends BANKING SECTOR €m Direct deposits third parties Unipol Group Indicators securitisation 10,663 10,256 289 445 1.898 1.337 8.476 -3.8% +54.0% a 8.474 Unipol Group lending indicators FY12 FY13 Δ Net impaired loans 2,016 2,119 +104 net impaired loans/loans 18.7% 21.0% +2.3 p.p. % bad loans coverage ratio 39% 50% +11 p.p. % impaired loans coverage ratio 26% 37% +11 p.p. 7% 12% +5 p.p. Capital indicators – banking sector FY12 FY13 Tier 1 ratio (= Core Tier 1 ratio) Total capital ratio 8.7% 7.7% 14.3% 13.4% Economic indicators – banking sector FY12 FY13 Gross operating income 411 365 Net interest income 248 251 71.3% 79.1% -21 -296 -29.5% -0.0% % total loans coverage ratio FY12 FY13 Lendingb customer 10,756 3.284 securitised 10,071 -6.4% 2.863 -12.8% Cost/Income ratio 7.472 7.208 FY12 FY13 -3.5% Aggregate management figures including Unipol Banca Group and Banca Sai Group a net of the amount relating to Unipol Assicurazioni’s capital increase b net of provisions at UGF S.p.A. level Net result 526 FY13 provisions on loans (522 bps) goodwill cancellation and writedown of other financial assets 176 20 • The Fondiaria-SAI operation • Consolidated results • Insurance business Agenda • Non-Life insurance business • Life insurance business • Banking business • Real Estate and other activities • Investment management • Capital and Solvency • Parent company results and dividends REAL ESTATE – UNIPOL GRUPPO FINANZIARIO Total portfolio €4.8bn Breakdown by geographic area Develop. and Land 9% Foreign countries 1% South and Isles 3% Breakdown by cluster North 73% Core 33% Value Added 13% Centre 23% Trading 15% Core-Instrumental 30% Breakdown by sector Breakdown by type Other 20% RE and other sectors 45% Commercial 2% Health centres 3% Offices 42% Land 10% Non-Life 49% Tourism 11% Life 6% Residential 12% Management figures 22 REAL ESTATE EVOLUTION – UNIPOL GRUPPO FINANZIARIO €m 4,896.2 +73.8 +4.3 -23.0 4,750.2 -74.9 32% -99.5 -26.6 23% 20% 17% 8% FY12 Core Investments Trading Purchase Develop. and Land Sales Core-Instrum. Depreciation Writedown Other a FY13 Value Added Management figures a The total amount includes exchange variation and movement in Associated RE Funds 23 OTHER ACTIVITIES – MAIN COMPANIES’ NET RESULTS €m Sai Agricola Clinics Atahotels Marina di Loano 0 -13 -16 -10 -15 -23 -18 -36 FY12 FY13 Local GAAP-compliant results 24 • The Fondiaria-SAI operation • Consolidated results • Insurance business Agenda • Non-Life insurance business • Life insurance business • Banking business • Real Estate and other activities • Investment management • Capital and Solvency • Parent company results and dividends 2013 FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS €bn Unipol Gruppo Finanziario Bond portfolio €43.9bn Total investments €48.1bn - Breakdown by asset equity 1.1 (2.3%) cash 2.3 (4.8%) Corporate 4.6% Government other Countries 5.1% funds and other 0.8 (1.6%) Financials 13.6% bonds 43.9 (91.4%) Government Italy 76.8% Government 81.8% UnipolSai Bond portofolio €39.7bn Total investments €43.2bn - Breakdown by asset equity 1.0 (2.3%) cash 1.9 (4.3%) funds and other 0.7 (1.5%) Government other Countries 5.4% Corporate 5.0% Financials 13.0% bonds 39.7 (91.8%) Government Italy 76.6% Government 82.0% 26 Management figures 2013 INCOME FROM FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS €m UnipolSai Unipol Gruppo Finanziario 4.65% 3.85% 3.92% 0.73% TOTAL 4.75% 0.75% 2,109 1,746 329 0.07% 302 34 coupons and dividends 1,905 1,575 gains fair value through P&L total income 3.91% 3.29% coupons and dividends gains 0.07% 28 fair value through P&L total income 3.90% 3.32% NON-LIFE 482 0.62% 91 coupons and dividends gains 573 454 0.00% 0.4 fair value through P&L 0.58% 79 total income coupons and dividends gains 534 0.00% 0.4 fair value through P&L 5.12% 4.22% 5.18% 4.24% 0.79% LIFE 1,523 1,256 236 0.84% gains 0.10% 222 fair value through P&L 1,371 1,121 31 coupons and dividends total income 0.11% 28 total income coupons and dividends gains Income from insurance companies managed by Unipol Group, excluding Class D, DDOR and Lawrence Life. Management figures. fair value through P&L total income 27 AFS RESERVE €m Unipol Gruppo Finanziario UnipolSai ~ €880m as at 17 March 2014 ~ €930m as at 17 March 2014 543 522 344 301 225 243 252 458 490 181 101 49 44 FY12 1H13 32 9M13 bonds Total AFS reserve (Group+third parties). Break-up based on in-house estimate . FY13 85 FY13 equity 28 • The Fondiaria-SAI operation • Consolidated results • Insurance business Agenda • Non-Life insurance business • Life insurance business • Banking business • Real Estate and other activities • Investment management • Capital and Solvency • Parent company results and dividends 2013 SOLVENCY €bn UnipolSai Unipol Gruppo Finanziario Solvency Ia Solvency Ia 7.1 4.3 3.6 1.6x 1.5x 5.6 2.0 2.7 Solvency IIb 1.8x available capital a b solvency requirements excess capital IVASS Regulation no.43 not applied Solvency ratio calculated using the internal model and partly the standard formula, according to the technical requirements of QIS5. 30 • The Fondiaria-SAI operation • Consolidated results • Insurance business Agenda • Non-Life insurance business • Life insurance business • Banking business • Real Estate and other activities • Investment management • Capital and Solvency • Parent company results and dividends UGF S.p.A. – PROPOSED DIVIDENDS Parent company profit and payout Total dividends €m €m ord. pref. UGF S.p.A. profit 146 120 Proposed total dividends 120 71 Payout 82.3% 49 Ordinary shares No. of shares Dividend per share (euro) Price per share (euro) a calculated b calculated Preference shares 443,993,991 0.1615 5.29 No. of shares Dividend per share (euro) Price per share (euro) 273,479,517 0.1815 4.76 Dividend yielda 3.1% Dividend yielda 3.8% 2013 dividend yieldb 5.7% 2013 dividend yieldb 7.5% on the closing price as at 19 March 2014 on the 2013 average price 32 UNIPOLSAI S.p.A. – PROPOSED DIVIDENDS Parent company profit and payout Ordinary shares €m Parent company profits 1,028 Fondiaria-Sai + Milano Assicurazioni + Unipol Assicurazioni Proposed total dividends Payout No. of shares entitled to dividend distribution Dividend per share 2,250,181,132 0.19559 Price per share 2.49 Dividend yielda 7.9% 550 53.5% 2013 dividend yieldb Savings A shares 12.5% Savings B shares No. of shares 1,276,836 No. of shares Dividend per sharec 19.64133 Dividend per sharec 377,193,155 0.22497 Price per share 240.0 Price per share 2.42 Dividend yielda 8.2% Dividend yielda 9.3% 2013 dividend yieldb 16.3% 2013 Dividend yieldb 17.6% a calculated on the closing price as at 19 March 2014 on the 2013 average price c including the amount accrued pursuant to Art. 27 of the Company’s By-Laws (€13 for the Sav. A shares for the 2011 and 2012 FY and €0.03673 for the Sav. B shares for the 2012 FY only) b calculated 33 DISCLAIMER Maurizio Castellina, Senior Executive responsible for drawing up the corporate accounts of Unipol Gruppo Finanziario S.p.A. and UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A., the Company resulting from the merger into Fondiaria-SAI S.p.A. of Milano Assicurazioni S.p.A. and Premafin HP S.p.A., as well as of Unipol Assicurazioni S.p.A., declares, in accordance with Article 154-bis, para 2, of the Consolidated Finance Act, that the accounting information reported in this presentation correspond to the figures in the documents, books and accounting records. 34 INVESTOR RELATIONS CONTACTS Adriano Donati Tel +39 051 507 7063 Giancarlo Lana Tel +39 011 66 57 642 Eleonora Roncuzzi Tel +39 051 507 7063 Laura Marrone Tel +39 051 507 2183 Giuseppe Giuliani Tel +39 051 507 7218 Silvia Tonioli Tel +39 051 507 2371 IRO [email protected] [email protected] 35
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