+ Horizon 2020 – Societal Challenge 6 Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies Alessandro Muscio [email protected] 1 + 2 I 3 pilastri di Horizon 2020 (programme sections) 1. Excellent science (33% del budget) 2. Industrial leadership (24% del budget) 3. Societal challenges (43% del budget) + 3 Il pilastro “Societal Challenges” HORIZON2020 rispecchia le priorità strategiche di EUROPA2020 per la crescita economica (Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive) affronta grandi preoccupazioni condivise dai cittadini europei e di altri paesi Approccio incentrato sulle sfide/challenges Es. ageing population, food security, energy efficiency Riunisce risorse e conoscenze provenienti da una molteplicità di settori, tecnologie e discipline, fra cui le scienze sociali e umanistiche + 4 I 3 Pilastri di H2020 + 5 Cambiamenti SSH in FP7 Espressa in logica monodisciplinare Gestita dal gruppo di lavoro SSH di DG R&I SSH in H2020 Focalizzate in “Europe in a changing world ‐ Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies” Declinate al “cambiamento sociale” e alla effettiva risoluzione di problemi della società Espressa in maniera trasversale, all’interno di altre aree SSH Budget: € 1.158 bn, approx. 1.7% + 6 Societal challenges: le sfide 1. Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing 2. Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy 3. Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy 4. Smart, Green and Integrated Transport 5. Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials 6. Europe in a changing world ‐ Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies 7. Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens + 7 Esempi di mainstreaming di SSH in altre aree 1) Health‐Challenge: ‐ analyses of the reform of public health systems; ‐ research on the evolution of health inequalities and of their interplay with other economic and social inequalities; ‐ effectiveness of policies to reduce inequalities 2) Transport‐Challenge: ‐ analyse socio‐economic aspects of transport, prospective studies and technology foresight; ‐ understand user behaviour, social acceptance, and the impact of policy measures 3) Climate Action‐Challenge: ‐ research on cultural, behavioural, socio‐ economic and institutional change needed to move to a more self‐ reliant and resource efficient economy; ‐ develop robust indicators to assess the transition towards a green economy and policy measures 8 Opportunities for Researchers from the SSH Alcune delle competenze di questa università: Sociologia Economia Giurisprudenza Psicologia La VQR 2004‐2010 di Milano‐Bicocca Indicatore "I" AREA 7 su 59 AREA 14 17 su 73 15 su 30 AREA 13 AREA 12 5 su 65 AREA 11 4 su 21 AREA 10 Strutture SETTORE Tutte le Strutture Scienze Politiche e Sociali Scienze Economiche e Tutte le Strutture Statistiche Strutture Medie Scienze Giuridiche Antropologia, Filosofia, Tutte le Strutture Geografia, etc. Scienze dell'Antichità, Strutture Piccole Filologico‐Letterarie, etc. + Societal challenge 6 Panoramica delle tematiche che si possono trovare sotto la voce "Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies” 9 + 10 Europe in a Changing World: Sfide? Crisi economica e globalizzazione Reducing inequalities and social exclusion in Europe (80 million people at risk of poverty, 14 million young people not in education, employment or training) Overcoming the economic and financial crisis and tackling unemployment Great potential for Europe through opportunities provided by new forms of innovation and by the engagement of citizens Supporting inclusive, innovative and reflective societies is a prerequisite for a sustainable European integration Crisi Integrazione Competitività + 11 Europe in a Changing World: inclusive, innovative and reflective societies SOCIETÁ INCLUSIVE Promuovere una crescita intelligente, sostenibile e inclusiva Costruire in Europa società inclusive e flessibili Rafforzare il ruolo svolto dall'Europa sulla scena mondiale Colmare i divari in materia di ricerca e innovazione in Europa SOCIETÁ INNOVATIVE Rafforzare la base di conoscenze e le misure a sostegno dell'Unione dell'innovazione e dello Spazio europeo della Ricerca (ERA); Nuove forme di innovazione, che includano l'innovazione e la creatività sociale; Garantire la partecipazione della società alla ricerca e all'innovazione; Promuovere una collaborazione coerente ed efficace con i paesi terzi. + 12 SOCIETÁ RIFLESSIVE Analizzare l’eredità, la memoria, l’identità, l’integrazione e l’interazione culturale dell’Europa, includendo le sue rappresentazioni in raccolte culturali e scientifiche, archivi e musei, per meglio informare e comprendere il presente tramite interpretazioni migliori del passato Effettuare ricerche sulla storia, letteratura, arte, filosofia e religione dei Paesi e delle regioni europee, e come da questi abbia avuto origine la diversità odierna Effettuare ricerche sul ruolo europeo nel mondo, sulle mutue influenze e i legami tra le regioni globali e fornire uno sguardo esterno sulle culture europee + 1 EURO Overcoming the crisis (strategies and governance structures for Europe) 2 YOUNG The young generation (labour market, mobility, inclusion) Work Programme: 3 obiettivi 5 call 3 INT Europe as a global actor (supporting EU external policies & increasing international cooperation) 4 INSO New forms of innovation (business models, social innovation, public sector innovation) 5 REFLECTIVE Reflective Societies (cultural heritage and European identities) 13 + 14 OBJECTIVE Gain a greater understanding of the societal changes in Europe and of their impact on social cohesion CALLS EURO The fight against the crisis: analyse strategies and governance structures which will help Europe to surmount its current severe deficiencies. YOUNG Pessimism in many countries: new visions for development and integration of the young generation in an innovative, inclusive and sustainable Europe. INT The Strategic choices Europe should enhance in order to further its research and innovation capacities and strengthen its principles and impact in several important regions of the world. + 15 OBJECTIVE the development of innovative societies and policies in Europe through the engagement of citizens, civil society organisations, enterprises and users in R&I and the promotion of coordinated R&I policies CALL INSO the development of new forms of innovation that can play a big role in overcoming the crisis and creating opportunities for growth (E.g. innovation in the public sector, open innovation, business model innovation, social innovation) + OBJECTIVE Contribute to an understanding of Europe's intellectual basis, its history and the many European and non‐ European influences, as an inspiration for our lives today CALL REFLECTIVE Europe should improve the understanding of its cultural heritage and of its identities in order to strengthen cohesion and solidarity and to encourage modern visions and uses of its past. Rather than separating people and inspiring misplaced nostalgia, our understanding of cultures will attempt to see historical and contemporary commonalities and/or bridges between differences. New technologies and digital cultural heritage should play an important innovative role as they enable new and richer interpretations of our common European culture while contributing to sustainable economic growth. 16 + 17 Call 1 ‐ Overcoming the Crisis: New Ideas, Strategies and Governance Structures for Europe Socio‐economic and behavioural research on that will lay the foundations for a sustainable job‐rich recovery: the reform of the EU economic governance structure to better secure financial and economic stability the social, political, legal and cultural consequences of the crisis (higher unemployment, the widening of social disparities, rising Euroscepticism and distrust in politics) and the consequent national and EU‐level responses; long‐term structural problems and short‐term impact of the crisis the impacts of broader global trends on the EU's economy and governance (e.g. climate change, migration, promotion of human rights, etc) Actions in this area will support the ‘Europe 2020’ Strategy, and the EU approach to a Deep and Genuine Economic and Monetary Union. Call 1: Overcoming the crisis (2014-2015) Resilient and sustainable economic and monetary 2014 union in Europe 2014 The European growth agenda 2014 European societies after the crisis 2014 Political challenges for Europe 2015 ERA‐NET on Smart Urban Futures Meeting new societal needs by using emerging 2015 technologies in the public sector 18 + 19 Call 2 – the Young Generation in an Innovative, Inclusive and Sustainable Europe Changing demographic structure of the European society Europe needs a strong young generation to be a driver of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth but the current situation of the young in the EU is very difficult Delays in starting independent lives and a lack of motivation to start a family or to participate actively in the society Lower future earnings, insufficient social security protection, higher risk of poverty and a loss of human capital Risk of the emergence of a new “lost generation” Picture of the current young generation to help meet the challenges the situation of young people, their capabilities, prospects and needs from the economic, social and individual perspective in order to ensure their full participation in an innovative, inclusive and sustainable Europe Specific attention will be paid to capturing the full diversity of young people in Europe and to addressing gender equality aspects Call 2: The Young generation (2014-2015) 20 2014 Early job insecurity and labour market exclusion 2014 Youth mobility: opportunities, impacts, policies Lifelong learning for young adults: better policies for growth 2015 and inclusion in Europe 2015 The young as a driver of social change Societal and political engagement of young people and their 2014 perspectives on Europe + 21 Call 3 ‐ Reflective Societies: Cultural Heritage and European Identities European context: different people, traditions, regional and national identities as well as different levels of economic and social development. very rich intellectual and historical basis with many European and non‐European influences that have shaped it over the centuries and continue to do so today. This call will explore the diversities and the opportunities they bring A critical reflection on historical, cultural and normative roots and the historical trajectories of Europe’s institutions Contribution to a more resilient, innovative and creative European society whose importance and relevance has been highlighted by the recent crisis Foster the potential of digital technologies for facilitating the modelling, analysis, understanding and preservation of European cultural heritage, thus allowing richer interpretations and user experiences, as well as creative re‐use 22 Call 3: Reflective societies (2014-2015) 2014 ERA Net on Uses of the past Emergence and transmission of European cultural heritage and 2015 Europeanization European cohesion, regional and urban policies and the perceptions of 2015 Europe 2015 Cultural opposition in the former socialist countries 2015 The cultural heritage of war in contemporary Europe 2015 Innovation ecosystems of digital cultural assets Advanced 3D modelling for accessing and understanding European cultural 2014 assets 2015 Communication and dissemination platform 2014 Social Platform on Reflective Societies 2014 Mobilising the network of NCP in SC6 + 23 Call 4 – Europe as a Global Actor International cooperation in R&I (Topic 1‐2) Stimulate researchers in international partners to participate in Horizon 2020 Targeted international cooperation activities by contributing to the identification of areas where there is mutual benefit in cooperation and pooling of resources Research to support Europe’s role as a global actor (Topic 3‐12) Acquire a sound understanding of the external environment Europe operates in Greater stability and prosperity in neighbouring regions (Eastern Partnerships, Balkans, Turkey, MED) Tackling joint challenges (e.g. sustainable development and climate change) with strategic partners (such as China, India, Latin America and the Caribbean, Japan) Key global challenges: policy‐relevant insights that can help the Union to build capacities that will further enhance and sustain its effectiveness as a global player Call 4: Europe as a global actor (2014-2015) 24 1. Enhancing and focusing R&I cooperation with the Union’s key international partners 2. Encouraging the R&I cooperation between the Union and selected regional partners Call 4: Europe as a global actor (2015) 25 3. Europe's contribution to a value‐based global order and its contestants The EU's contribution to global development: 4. in search of greater policy coherence 5. Rethinking the EU crisis response mechanism in light of recent conflicts 6. Re‐invigorating the partnership between the two shores of the Mediterranean 7. Towards a new geopolitical order in the South and East Mediterranean region 8. The European Union and the Eastern Partnership The European Union, Turkey and its wider neighbourhood: challenges and 9. opportunities 10. The European Union and integration challenges in the Balkans European cultural and science diplomacy: exploiting the potential of culture 11. and science in the EU’s external relations 12. The cultural, scientific and social dimension of EU‐LAC relations + 26 Call 5 – New forms of Innovation New forms of innovation, such as public sector innovation, social innovation and new business models, can play a big role in overcoming the crisis and creating opportunities for growth The modernisation of public administrations is one of the priorities of the European policy in order to exit the crisis and create growth and jobs ICT can be an important enabler to facilitate this innovation process, as the take‐up of new technologies increases connectivity, collaboration and openness New processes will transform the interaction between citizens, businesses and civil servants New knowledge on business models innovation and business models for SMEs in any sector of the economy can highly impact on European competitiveness and job creation Open innovation and engagement of citizens and civil society are also important dimensions of innovative societies. 27 Call 5: New forms of innovation (2014-2015) 2014 ICT‐enabled open government 2015 2014 Understanding and supporting Business model innovation 2014 The economic impact of the Innovation Union 2015 Innovative schemes for open innovation and science 2.0 2015 Social innovation Community 2014 Platform for ICT for Learning and Inclusion 2014 Towards joint programming under H2020 2014 Synchronised Call initiatives 2015 Innovative mobile e‐government applications by SMEs 2015 SME business model innovation 28 Other actions I. Actions to foster innovation policies: strengthen the evidence‐base for R&I policy making II. Actions to foster innovation policies: support the development of R&I policies III. Actions to foster innovation policies: new forms of innovation IV. International cooperation V. External expertise VI. COST + 29 Workprogramme ufficiale http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/wp/2014_2015/ main/h2020‐wp1415‐societies_en.pdf http://www.net4society.eu/_media/NET4SOCIETY_Opportunities_SSHresear chers_2014_2015_final.pdf
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