YOUR LIGHTING SOLUTION Chi siamo – About us Baracos is an innovative and dynamic group, born to satisfy all requirements of today’s lighting market. Baracos è una realtà giovane e dinamica nata per soddisfare le nuove richieste del mercato illuminotecnico. Our structure bears contained costs and praises a highly qualified staff, with a long-lasting experience acquired in the lighting field. La nostra struttura ha costi contenuti e vanta di un personale altamente qualificato grazie alla lunga esperienza acquisita nel campo dell’illuminazione. Our products have been developed to grant extreme performance in terms of brightness, brilliance and color variations. I nostri prodotti sono studiati per garantire il massimo effetto in termini di luminosità , brillantezza e giochi di luce. Ogni linea è curata con passione, i materiali vengono scelti con scrupolosità , i prodotti vengono sottoposti a lunghi test di durata ed il design è innovativo. Tutto ciò permette a Baracos di proporre ai suoi clienti prodotti di fascia alta ad un prezzo estremamente competitivo. Grazie ad una nutrita rete di collaborazioni con diversi fornitori, Baracos è in grado di soddisfare le esigenze personalizzate dei suoi clienti, proponendo soluzioni customizzate nella vasta gamma di articoli disponibili. 1 Each line is cared with passion, and materials are scrupolously selected with long endurance tests, though still offering an innovative design. All these features allow Baracos to offer its Clients top-level articles at extremely competitive costs. Thanks to multiple collaborations with several providers, Baracos can satisfy any taylored needs for its Clients, offering customized solutions within the broad range of articles available. C.R.I. – Color Rendering Index Il C.R.I. o indice di resa cromatica di una sorgente luminosa è una misura di quanto appaiano naturali i colori degli oggetti da essa illuminati. Questo parametro, oggi indispensabile per il mercato del lighting, indica la fedeltà della resa del colore dell’oggetto illuminato. Le sorgenti led hanno ormai raggiunto CRI elevati attorno al 85/90 e grazie al continuo sviluppo tecnologico queste possono essere utilizzate anche per illuminare grandi ambienti. The C.R.I. or Color Rendering Index of a light source indicates the extent to which colours of illuminated objects appear natural. As an indispensable attribute in the lighting market, this parameter defines the degree of fidelity of any illuminated object’s colour. Led light sources have attained high CRI values close to 85/90. Thanks to the constant technological evolution of LED light sources, they can also be used for illuminating large environments. Color temperatures Temperatura del colore 3000°k Calda Warm 4500°k Naturale Natural 1 5000°k Fredda Cold STRISCE LED – LED STRIPES A BIC - BIN - BIF Striscia led flessibile da 60 led/m 3528 EPISTAR con adesivo 3M posteriore, cavi di ingresso 20 cm, divisibile in multipli di 3 led. Confezione una bobina 5 m Flexible LED strip, 60 EPISTAR led/m 3528 with 3M adhesive on the back, 20 cm input cables. Can be split into multiples of 3 leds. Packing with one 5m reel. V POWER N° LED dc W 12 24 300 12 24 300 12 24 300 CODE BIC BIN BIF A L TC lm mm °k 65 WARM 5000 1400 3000 65 NATUR 5000 1550 4500 65 COLD 5000 1750 6000 IP COLOR PXH mm 8x3 8x3 8x3 BIC5050 - BIN5050 - BIF5050 Striscia led flessibile da 60 led/m 5050 EPISTAR con adesivo 3M posteriore, cavi di ingresso 20 cm, divisibile in multipli di 3 led. Confezione una bobina 5 m Flexible LED strip, 60 EPISTAR led/m 5050 with adhesive on back side, input cables cm 20. Can be split into multiples of 3 leds. Packing with one 5m reel. CODE BIC5050 BIN5050 BIF5050 A V POWER N° LED dc W 12 72 300 12 72 300 12 72 300 L TC PXH lm mm °k mm 65 WARM 5000 3300 3000 13 x 5 65 NATUR 5000 3500 4500 13 x 5 65 COLD 5000 3650 6000 13 x 5 IP COLOR BIC2 - BIN2 - BIF2 Striscia led flessibile da 120 led/m 3528 EPISTAR con adesivo 3M posteriore, cavi di ingresso 20 cm, divisibile in multipli di 3 led. Confezione una bobina 5 m Flexible LED strip 120 EPISTAR led/m 3528 with adhesive on back side, input cables cm 20. Can be split into multiples of 3 leds. Packing with one 5m reel. CODE BIC2 BIN2 BIF2 1 V POWER N° LED dc W 12 48 600 12 48 600 12 48 600 L mm 65 WARM 5000 65 NATUR 5000 65 COLD 5000 IP COLOR TC °k 3800 3000 4000 4500 4400 6000 lm PXH mm 8X5 8X5 8X5 STRISCE LED – LED STRIPES A BAC - BAN - BAF Striscia led flessibile da 120 led/m 3020 EPISTAR con adesivo 3M posteriore, cavi di ingresso 20 cm, divisibile in multipli di 3 led. Confezione una bobina 5 m Flexible LED strip 60 EPISTAR led/m 3020 with adhesive on back side, input cables cm 20. Can be split into multiples of 3 leds. Packing with one 5m reel. V POWER N° LED dc W 12 96 600 12 96 600 12 96 600 CODE BAC BAN BAF A L mm 20 WARM 5000 20 NATUR 5000 20 COLD 5000 IP COLOR TC PXH °k mm 6000 3000 10 x 2 6500 4500 10 x 2 7000 6000 10 x 2 lm BAC2 - BAN2 - BAF2 Striscia led flessibile da 240 led/m 3528 EPISTAR con adesivo 3M posteriore, cavi di ingresso 20 cm, divisibile in multipli di 6 led. Confezione una bobina 5 m Flexible LED strip 240 EPISTAR led/m 3528 with adhesive on back side, input cables cm 20. Can be split into multiples of 6 leds. Packing with one 5m reel. V POWER N° LED dc W 12 96 1200 12 96 1200 12 96 1200 CODE BAC2 BAN2 BAF2 A L mm 20 WARM 5000 20 NATUR 5000 20 COLD 5000 IP COLOR TC °k 6500 3000 7000 4500 7500 6000 lm PXH mm 16 x 2 16 x 2 16 x 2 BAIC2 - BAIN2 - BAIF2 Striscia led flessibile da 240 led/m 3528 EPISTAR con adesivo 3M posteriore, cavi di ingresso 20 cm, divisibile in multipli di 6 led. Confezione una bobina 5 m Flexible LED strip 240 EPISTAR led/m 3528 with adhesive on back side, input cables cm 20. Can be split into multiples of 6 led. Packing with one 5m reel. CODE BAIC2 BAIN2 BAIF2 1 V POWER N° LED dc W 12 96 1200 12 96 1200 12 96 1200 L mm 65 WARM 5000 65 NATUR 5000 65 COLD 5000 IP COLOR TC °k 6500 3000 7000 4500 7500 6000 lm PXH mm 17 x 3 17 x 3 17 x 3 STRISCE LED – LED STRIPES A BICE - BINE - BIFE Striscia led flessibile da 60 led/m 3528 con adesivo 3M posteriore, cavi di ingresso 20 cm, divisibile in multipli di 3 led. Confezione una bobina 5 m Flexible LED strip, 60 led/m 3528 with 3M adhesive on the back, 20 cm input cables. Can be split into multiples of 3 leds. Packing with one 5m reel. V POWER N° LED dc W 12 24 300 12 24 300 12 24 300 CODE BICE BINE BIFE A L TC lm mm °k 65 WARM 5000 1400 3000 65 NATUR 5000 1550 4500 65 COLD 5000 1750 6000 IP COLOR PXH mm 8x3 8x3 8x3 BIC50E - BIN50E - BIF50E Striscia led flessibile da 60 led/m 5050 con adesivo 3M posteriore, cavi di ingresso 20 cm, divisibile in multipli di 3 led. Confezione una bobina 5 m Flexible LED strip, 60 led/m 5050 with adhesive on back side, input cables cm 20. Can be split into multiples of 3 leds. Packing with one 5m reel. CODE BIC50E BIN50E BIF50E A V POWER N° LED dc W 12 72 300 12 72 300 12 72 300 L TC PXH lm mm °k mm 65 WARM 5000 3300 3000 13 x 5 65 NATUR 5000 3500 4500 13 x 5 65 COLD 5000 3650 6000 13 x 5 IP COLOR BIC2E - BIN2E - BIF2E Striscia led flessibile da 120 led/m 3528 con adesivo 3M posteriore, cavi di ingresso 20 cm, divisibile in multipli di 3 led. Confezione una bobina 5 m Flexible LED strip 120 led/m 3528 with adhesive on back side, input cables cm 20. Can be split into multiples of 3 leds. Packing with one 5m reel. CODE BIC2E BIN2E BIF2E 1 V POWER N° LED dc W 12 48 600 12 48 600 12 48 600 L mm 65 WARM 5000 65 NATUR 5000 65 COLD 5000 IP COLOR TC °k 3800 3000 4000 4500 4400 6000 lm PXH mm 8X5 8X5 8X5 STRISCE LED – LED STRIPES A BOC - BON - BOF Striscia led flessibile da 60 led/m 3528 con adesivo 3M posteriore, cavi di ingresso 20 cm, divisibile in multipli di 3 led. Confezione una bobina 5 m Flexible LED strip 60 led/m 3528 with adhesive on back side, input cables cm 20. Can be split into multiples of 3 leds. Packing with one 5m reel. V POWER N° LED dc W 12 24 300 12 24 300 12 24 300 CODE BOC BON BOF A L TC lm mm °k 20 WARM 5000 1400 3000 20 NATUR 5000 1550 4500 20 COLD 5000 1750 6000 IP COLOR PXH mm 8x3 8x3 8x3 BIM – BIM2 Striscia led flessibile da 30 led/m 5050 con adesivo 3M posteriore, cavi di ingresso 20 cm, divisibile in multipli di 3 led. Confezione una bobina 5 m Flexible LED strip 30 led/m 5050 with adhesive on back side, input cables cm 20. Can be split into multiples of 3 leds. Packing with one 5m reel. V POWER L TC PXH N° LED IP COLOR lm dc W mm °k mm 12 36 150 65 RGB 5000 - MULTIC 13 x 5 12 72 300 65 RGB 5000 - MULTIC 13 x 5 CODE BIM BIM2 A BOM – BOM2 Striscia led flessibile da 30 led/m 5050 con adesivo 3M posteriore, cavi di ingresso 20 cm, divisibile in multipli di 3 led. Confezione una bobina 5 m Flexible LED strip 30 led/m 5050 with adhesive on back side, input cables cm 20. Can be split into multiples of 3 leds. Packing with one 5m reel. CODE BOM BOM2 1 V POWER L TC PXH N° LED IP COLOR lm dc W mm °k mm 12 36 150 20 RGB 5000 - MULTIC 10 x 2 12 72 300 20 RGB 5000 - MULTIC 10 x 2 SENSORI – SENSOR BSI1 A Control dimmer in tensione con Cavo da 100 cm funzione touch con LED blu integrato Voltage control dimmer with 100 cm cable and integrated blue led V in dc 12 CODE BSI1 V out Max Load Max Load L x D IP dc A W mm 0-12 1 20 12 14 x 18 BSI2 A Control dimmer in tensione con Cavo da 100 cm funzione touch con LED blu integrato Voltage control dimmer with 100 cm cable and integrated blue led V in dc 12 CODE BSI2 V out Max Load Max Load L x P x H IP dc A W mm 0-12 4 20 48 33 x 44 x 14 BSI3 A Sensore PIR switch accensione quando la persona si trova all’interno del range del sensore (<3m) e spegnimento quando la persona si allontana PIR sensor switch - power on when someone steps into the sensor switch area (<3m) and power off when person moves away CODE BSI3 1 V in ac 220 IP Max Load Max Power H LxP A W mm mm 20 10 250 20 33 x 82 SENSORI – SENSOR BSI4 A Sensore IR switch - ogni variazione all’interno del range (1-6 cm) di rilevamento determina l’accensione o lo spegnimento della lampada IR sensor switch - any variation within the detection range (1-6 cm) causes a switch change to ON; switch changes to OFF when a new motion is detected CODE BSI4 V in ac 220 IP 20 Max Load Max Power H LxP A W mm mm 10 250 20 82 x 33 BSE1 A Sensore IR switch - ogni variazione all’interno del range (10 m) di rilevamento determina l’accensione o lo spegnimento della lampada IR sensor switch - any variation within the detection range (10m) causes a switch change to ON; switch changes to OFF when a new motion is detected CODE BSE1 V in ac 220 IP 44 RANGE Max Load H LxD m W mm mm 10 250 94 78 x 87 BSI5 A Sensore IR switch - ad ogni variazione all’interno del range (5-10 cm) di rilevamento determina l’accensione o lo spegnimento della lampada IR sensor switch - any reflection within the detection range(5-10 cm) causes a switch change to ON; switch changes to OFF when a new motion is detected CODE BSI5 1 V in dc 12 V out Max Load Max Power H L x D dc A W mm mm 0-12 2 48 17 53 x 17 SENSORI – SENSOR BSI6 A IR control dimmer con uscita in tensione; led blu indicazione di stato; funzione ON/OFF soft IR Control dimmer with voltage output; blue led status indicator integrated; soft ON/OFF function V in dc 12-24 CODE BSI6 V out Max Load Max Load L x P x H IP dc A W mm 12-24 3-2 20 36-48 49 x 12 x 3 BSI7 A Control dimmer con sensore capacitivo; uscita in tensione; led blu indicazione di stato; funzione ON/OFF soft Capacitive control dimmer with voltage output; blue led status indicator integrated; soft ON/OFF function V in dc 12-24 CODE BSI7 V out Max Load Max Load L x P x H IP dc A W mm 12-24 8 20 96-192 44 x 10 x 3 BSI8 A Control dimmer con sensore capacitivo; uscita in tensione; led blu indicazione di stato; funzione ON/OFF soft Capacitive control dimmer with voltage output; blue led status indicator integrated; soft ON/OFF function CODE BSI8 1 V in dc 12-24 V out Max Load Max Load L x P x H IP dc A W mm 12-24 8-5 20 96-120 50 x 15 x 6 STRISCE LED RIGIDE – RIGID LED STRIPES A BRS1C - BRS1N - BRS1F Circuito da 63 LED 3528 con connettori per il collegamento in serie max 10 pezzi LED circuit 63 led 3528 linkable for series connection, max 10 pcs V POWER N° LED dc W 24 5 63 24 5 63 24 5 63 CODE BRS1C BRS1N BRS1F A L mm 20 WARM 230 20 NATUR 230 20 COLD 230 IP COLOR lm 400 450 500 TC PxH °k mm 3000 24 x 4 4500 24 x 4 6000 24 x 4 BRS2C - BRS2N - BRS2F Circuito da 54 LED 3014 con connettori per il collegamento in serie max 56W LED circuit 54 led 3014 linkable for series connection, max 56W V POWER N° LED dc W 24 7 54 24 7 54 24 7 54 CODE BRS2C BRS2N BRS2F A L mm 20 WARM 280 20 NATUR 280 20 COLD 280 IP COLOR TC PxH °k mm 400 3000 11 x 3 450 4500 11 x 3 500 6000 11 x 3 lm BRS4C – BRS4N – BRS4F Circuito led 230V 36 led 5630 con filtro di rete integrato e connettori in/out per connessione in serie Led circuit 230V, 36 LED 5630 with integrated line filter and in/out snap-in connector for serial connection CODE BRS4C BRS4N BRS4F 1 V POWER N° LED ac W 230 14 36 230 14 36 230 14 36 L mm 20 WARM 155 20 NATUR 155 20 COLD 155 IP COLOR TC PxH °k mm 1400 3000 11 x 3 1500 4500 11 x 3 1550 6000 11 x 3 lm STRISCE LED RIGIDE – RIGID LED STRIPES A BRS3C - BRS3N - BRS3F Led strip rigida 10 led 5050 larghezza 12mm lunghezza 200 mm Divisibile in due circuiti indipendenti Rigid Led Strip 12mm 10 led 5050, 200 mm Length; Can be split into two independent circuit CODE BRS3C BRS3N BRS3F A V POWER N° LED dc W 24 4 10 24 4 10 24 4 10 L mm 20 WARM 200 20 NATUR 200 20 COLD 200 IP COLOR TC PxH °k mm 190 3000 12 x 2 200 4500 12 x 2 210 6000 12 x 2 lm BRS5C – BRS5N – BRS5F Led strip rigida 36 led 5630 larghezza 12mm lunghezza 470 mm Composta da 4 moduli divisibili un modulo neutro Rigid Led Strip 12mm 36 led 5630, 470 mm Length; It’s composed by 4 modules 1 module without led CODE BRS5C BRS5N BRS5F 1 V POWER N° LED dc W 24 8 36 24 8 36 24 8 36 L mm 20 WARM 470 20 NATUR 470 20 COLD 470 IP COLOR TC °k 900 3000 1000 4500 1100 6000 Lm PxH mm 12 x 3 12 x 3 12 x 3 LED COB – COB LED BM1C – BM1N – BM1F A Led Emitter 350 mA 3,2 W 3,2 W, 350mA Led Emitter I POWER N° LED mA W 350 3,2 1 350 3,2 1 350 3,2 1 CODE BM1C BM1N BM1F A L mm 20 WARM 50 20 NATUR 50 20 COLD 50 TC °k 240 3000 240 4500 320 6000 IP COLOR lm PxH mm 7x2 7x2 7x2 BM2C – BM2N – BM2F Led Emitter 350 mA 3,5 W 3,5 W, 350mA Led Emitter CODE BM2C BM2N BM2F I POWER N° LED mA W 350 3,5 1 350 3,5 1 350 3,5 1 A D mm 20 WARM 28 20 NATUR 28 20 COLD 28 IP COLOR TC °k 240 3000 240 4500 320 6000 lm H mm 3 3 3 BM3C – BM3N – BM3F Micro led con dissipatore costampato fissione a pressione Micro led molded aluminum heat sink push-in fixing in pipes CODE BM3C BM3N BM3F 1 I POWER N° LED mA W 350 2,7 1 350 2,7 1 350 2,7 1 L mm 20 WARM 20 20 NATUR 20 20 COLD 20 IP COLOR TC °k 120 3000 140 4500 160 6000 lm D Mm 11 11 11 PROFILI IN ALLUMINIO – ALUMINIUM PROFILES T BRP1 F O Profilo in alluminio satinato. Lunghezza barra 2mt 7x18,4 mm Silver satin aluminum profile. Length 2 mt 7x18,4 mm CODE BRP1T BRP1F BRP1O T PxH mm 7 x 18,4 7 x 18,4 7 x 18,4 L mm 2000 2000 2000 Cover TRASP FROSTED OPAL BRP2 F O Profilo in alluminio satinato. Lunghezza barra 2mt 12,3x20,5mm Silver satin aluminum profile Length 2 mt 12,3x20,5mm CODE BRP2T BRP2F BRP2O PxH Cover mm 12,3 x 20,5 TRASP 12,3 x 20,5 FROSTED 12,3 x 20,5 OPAL L mm 2000 2000 2000 T BRP3 F O Profilo in alluminio satinato. Lunghezza barra 2mt 16x16mm Silver satin aluminum profile Length 2 mt 16x16mm CODE BRP3T BRP3F BRP3O 1 PxH Cover mm 16 x 16 TRASP 16 X 16 FROSTED 16 X 16 OPAL L mm 2000 2000 2000 PROFILI IN ALLUMINIO – ALUMINIUM PROFILES T BRP4 F O Profilo in alluminio satinato. Lunghezza barra 2mt 20x20mm Silver satin aluminum profile Length 2 mt 20x20mm CODE BRP4T BRP4F BRP4O PxH mm 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 Cover TRASP FROSTED OPAL L mm 2000 2000 2000 BRP5 T F Profilo in alluminio satinato. Lunghezza barra 2mt 8x30mm O Silver satin aluminum profile Length 2 mt 8x30mm CODE BRP5T BRP5F BRP5O PxH mm 8 x 30 8 X 30 8 X 30 Cover TRASP FROSTED OPAL L mm 2000 2000 2000 T BRP6 F O Profilo in alluminio satinato. Lunghezza barra 2mt 16x16mm Silver satin aluminum profile Length 2 mt 16x16mm CODE BRP6T BRP6F BRP6O 1 PxH mm 16 x 16 16 X 16 16 X 16 Cover TRASP FROSTED OPAL L mm 2000 2000 2000 PROFILI IN ALLUMINIO – ALUMINIUM PROFILES T BRP7 F O Profilo in alluminio satinato. Lunghezza barra 2mt 20x20mm Silver satin aluminum profile Length 2 mt 20x20mm CODE BRP7T BRP7F BRP7O PxH mm 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 Cover TRASP FROSTED OPAL L mm 2000 2000 2000 BRP8 T F Profilo in alluminio satinato. Lunghezza barra 2mt 19,5x20mm O Silver satin aluminum profile Length 2 mt 19,5x20mm CODE BRP8T BRP8F BRP8O PxH Cover mm 19,5 x 20 TRASP 19,5 x 20 FROSTED 19,5 x 20 OPAL L mm 2000 2000 2000 T F BRP9 O Profilo in alluminio satinato. Lunghezza barra 2mt 18x9mm Silver satin aluminum profile Length 2 mt 18x9mm CODE BRP9T BRP9F BRP9O 1 PxH mm 18 x 9 18 x 9 18 x 9 Cover TRASP FROSTED OPAL L mm 2000 2000 2000 CONTROLLER – CONTROLLER BKCM A KIT RGB Controller con alimentatore per strip led con telecomando. Portata 50 metri. Funzioni giochi di luce, regolazione intensità RGB controller kit with driver for RGB strip led with RF remote control. 50 meters range. Color variations function, luminous intensity control and pre-sets. CODE BKCM V in dc 12-24 V out Max Load Load LxPxH IP dc A W mm 12-24 10 20 120/240 90x71x23 BC2M A RGB Controller con uscita in tensione per strip led con telecomando. Funzioni giochi di luce selezione e regolazione intensità RGB controller with Voltage output for RGB led strip with RF remote control. Color variations function, luminous intensity control and pre-sets. V in dc 12-24 CODE BC2M V out Max Load Max Load L x P x H IP dc A W mm 12-24 5x3ch 20 180/360 122x51x29 BC1M A RGB Controller con uscita in tensione per strip led con telecomando. Funzioni giochi di luce selezione e regolazione intensità RGB controller with Voltage output for RGB led strip with RF remote control. Color variations function, luminous intensity control and pre-sets. CODE BC1M 1 V in dc 12-24 Max Load Max Load L x P x H IP A W mm 12-24 4x3ch 20 144/288 226x45x29 V out CONTROLLER – CONTROLLER BC3M A RGB Controller con tecnologia WIFI per strip led con telecomando. Portata 75 metri. Funzioni giochi di luce, selezione e regolazione intensità WiFi RGB controller with Voltage output for RGB led strip with RF remote control. 75 meters range. Color variations function, luminous intensity control and pre-sets. V in dc 12-24 CODE BC3M V out Max Load Max Load L x P x H IP dc A W mm 12-24 4x3ch 20 144/288 117x66x32 BC4M A RGB Controller con uscita in tensione per strip led con telecomando. Funzioni giochi di luce selezione e regolazione intensità RGB controller with Voltage output for RGB led strip with RF remote control. Color variations function, luminous intensity control and pre-sets. CODE V in dc V out dc BC4M 12-24 12-24 A Max Load A 4x3ch IP Max Load L x P x H W mm 20 144/288 117x64x24 BCD1M RGB Controller DMX512 con uscita in tensione per strip led; possibilità di impostare l’indirizzo DMX, giochi e colori preimpostati RGB controller DMX512 with Voltage output for RGB strip leds; possibility to set the DMX address, games and preset colors CODE BCD1M 1 V in Max Load Max Load L x P x H V out IP dc A W mm 12-24 3 CMOS 4x3ch 20 144/288 155x75x41 KIT – KIT A BOMK – BOM2K KIT RGB Controller con alimentatore e strip led IP20 con telecomando. Portata 30 metri. Funzioni giochi di luce, regolazione intensità RGB controller kit with driver for RGB and IP20 strip led with RF remote control. 30 meters range. Color variations function, luminous intensity control and pre-sets. CODE BOMK BOM2K A V POWER L TC PXH N° LED IP COLOR lm ac W mm °k mm 220 36 150 20 RGB 5000 - MULTIC 10 x 2 220 72 300 20 RGB 5000 - MULTIC 10 x 2 BIMK – BIM2K KIT RGB Controller con alimentatore e strip led IP65 con telecomando. Portata 30 metri. Funzioni giochi di luce, regolazione intensità RGB controller kit with driver for RGB and IP65 strip led with RF remote control. 30 meters range. Color variations function, luminous intensity control and pre-sets. CODE BIMK BIM2K 1 V POWER L TC PXH N° LED IP COLOR lm ac W mm °k mm 220 36 150 20 RGB 5000 - MULTIC 10 x 2 220 72 300 20 RGB 5000 - MULTIC 10 x 2 FARETTI LED – SPOT LED A BF1C – BF1F Faretto led alta luminosità da incasso orientabile corpo alluminio 5W Recessed spot led high brightness adjustable aluminium body 5W CODE BF1C BF1F A V POWER H D TC N° LED lm COLOR ac W mm mm °k 230 5 1 730 WARM 70 135 3000 230 5 1 780 COLD 70 135 6000 BF2C – BF2N – BF2F Faretto led alta luminosità da incasso down-light corpo alluminio 18W Recessed spot led high brightness down-light aluminium body 18W BF2C BF2N BF2F V POWER N° H Lm COLOR Dc W LED mm 12 18 1 1300 WARM 90 12 18 1 1350 NATUR 90 12 18 1 1400 COLD 90 A BF3C – BF3N – BF3F CODE D TC mm °k 182 3000 182 4500 182 6000 Faretto led alta luminosità da incasso down-light corpo alluminio 30W Recessed spot led high brightness down-light aluminium body CODE BF3C BF3N BF3F 1 V POWER N° H Lm COLOR Dc W LED mm 12 30 1 2000 WARM 111 12 30 1 2200 NATUR 111 12 30 1 2400 COLD 111 D TC mm °k 220 3000 220 4500 220 6000 FARETTI LED – SPOT LED A BF4C – BF4F Faretto led con attacco MR16, lente da 40° Spot led with MR16 plug, 40° lens CODE BF4C BF4F A V POWER HxD TC PLUG IP COLOR Lm Dc W mm °k 12 6 MR16 44 WARM 45x50 350 3000 12 6 MR16 44 COLD 45x50 410 6000 CRI >80 >80 BF5C - BF5N - BF5F Modulo AR111 a luce riflessa con un led COB apertura fascio 20° AR111 LED light reflection with one COB led beam angle 20° V POWER N° LED dc W 12 15 1 12 15 1 12 15 1 CODE BF5C BF5N BF5F A D mm 20 WARM 111 20 NATUR 111 20 COLD 111 IP COLOR TC °k 780 3000 800 4500 820 6000 lm H mm 85 85 85 BF6C - BF6N - BF6F Modulo AR111 a luce riflessa con un led COB apertura fascio 40° AR111 LED light reflection with one COB led beam angle 40° V POWER N° LED dc W 12 17 1 12 17 1 12 17 1 CODE BF6C BF6N BF6F 1 D mm 20 WARM 111 20 NATUR 111 20 COLD 111 IP COLOR TC °k 1150 3000 1200 4500 1250 6000 lm H mm 85 85 85 FARETTI LED – SPOT LED A BF19C – BF19N – BF19F Faretto led attacco GU10, lente da 40° Spot led GU10 plug, 40° lens CODE BF19C BF19N BF19F A V POWER HxD PLUG IP COLOR ac W mm 220 7 GU10 20 WARM 54x50 220 7 GU10 20 NATUR 54x50 220 7 GU10 20 COLD 54x50 TC °k 550 3000 580 4500 610 6000 Lm BF9C - BF9N - BF9F Faretto led ultra piatto con interruttore touch integato Ultra-slim spot led with integrated touch switch CODE BF9C BF9N BF9F 1 V POWER N° LED dc W 12 2,8 36 12 2,8 36 12 2,8 36 IP 20 20 20 H D TC mm mm °k WARM 7 68 3000 NATUR 7 68 4500 COLD 7 68 6000 COLOR FARETTI LED – SPOT LED A BF7C - BF7N - BF7F Modulo MR16 completo di lente e dissipatore con 3 led SEUL MR16 led module with lens and heatsink with 3 SEUL leds I POWER N° LED mA W 350 7,5 3 350 7,5 3 350 7,5 3 CODE BF7C BF7N BF7F A D mm 20 WARM 50 20 NATUR 50 20 COLD 50 IP COLOR lm 705 735 765 TC °k 3000 4500 6000 CHIP SEUL SEUL SEUL BF8C - BF8N - BF8F Modulo AR111 completo di lente e dissipatore con 12 led SEUL AR111 LED module with lenses and heatsink with 12 SEUL led CODE BF8C BF8N BF8F 1 I POWER N° LED mA W 350 15 12 350 15 12 350 15 12 D mm 20 WARM 110 20 NATUR 110 20 COLD 110 IP COLOR TC °k 1630 3000 1680 4500 1730 6000 lm H mm 45 45 45 FARETTI LED – SPOT LED A++ BF10C Modulo led 1W, colore grigio fissaggio a scatto lente da 65° Fornito con cavo da 120 cm e connettore maschio 1W LED module, silver gray color, push button anchoring with 65° lens. 120 cm cable with male plug CODE BF10C I POWER DxH TC N° LED IP COLOR lm mA W mm °k 350 1,4 1 20 WARM 30x8 80 3000 A++ BF11C Modulo led 1W, colore grigio fissaggio a scatto lente da 65° Fornito con cavo da 120 cm e connettore maschio LED module 1W, silver gray color, push botton fixing with 65° beam angle. 120 cm cable with male plug CODE BF11C I POWER DxH TC N° LED IP COLOR lm mA W mm °k 350 1,4 1 20 WARM 30x13 80 3000 A++ BF12C Modulo led 1W, colore trasparente fissaggio a scatto lente da 65° Fornito con cavo da 120 cm e connettore maschio LED module 1W, transparent color, push button anchoring with 65° beam angle. 120 cm cable with male plug CODE BF12C 1 I POWER DxH TC N° LED IP COLOR lm mA W mm °k 350 1,4 1 20 WARM 30x13 80 3000 FARETTI LED – SPOT LED A BF13C – BF13F Faretto ad incasso con LED 5mm montato su cover in metallo trattato e verniciato color cromo. Indicato per decorazioni a cielo stellato cavo 1,5m Recessed spot LED 5mm cover treated and Chrome painted suitable for decoration or starry sky cable 1,5m CODE BF13C BF13F A V POWER H D TC N° LED IP COLOR dc W mm mm °k 3,2 0,1 1 44 WARM 35 12 3000 3,2 0,1 1 44 COLD 35 12 6000 BF14C – BF14N – BF14F Faretto incasso con POWER LED seul P4-07 montato su corpo in policarbonato color cromo Recessed spot with POWER LED Seul P4-07, treated chrome polycarbonate body. CODE BF14C BF14N BF14F A I POWER N° LED mA W 350 1 1 350 1 1 350 1 1 H mm 40 WARM 10,5 40 NATUR 10,5 40 COLD 10,5 IP COLOR D TC mm °k 32 3000 32 4500 32 6000 BF15C – BF15N – BF15F Faretto incasso quadrato con POWER LED Seul P4-07 montato su corpo in policarbonato color cromo Recessed square spot with POWER LED Seul P4-07 treated chrome polycarbonate body. CODE BF15C BF15N BF15F 1 I POWER N° LED mA W 350 1 1 350 1 1 350 1 1 H mm 40 WARM 19 40 NATUR 19 40 COLD 19 IP COLOR L x P TC mm °k 32x32 3000 32x32 4500 32x32 6000 FARETTI LED – SPOT LED BFCL1 Modulo quadrato ad incasso con cornice a lampade basculanti Lampada AR111 non inclusa Square recessed downlight with frame for tilting lamps. AR111 lamp not included CODE PLUG Color LAMP IP BFCL1 G53 A Grey AR111 20 LxP H mm mm Met/All 338x181 87 MAT BF16C – BF16N – BF16F Faro led da incasso per controsoffitto con 1 led COB orientabile a 360° orizzontalmente e 90° verticalmente Recessed spot led for falce ceiling with 1 COB led directable 360° horizontally and 90° vertically CODE BF16C BF16N BF16F A V POWER N° LED Ac W 220 30 1 220 30 1 220 30 1 H mm 40 WARM 185 40 NATUR 185 40 COLD 185 IP COLOR D TC mm °k 126 3000 126 4500 126 6000 BF17M Faretto ad incasso RGB con LED 5mm montato su cover in metallo trattato e verniciato. Indicato per decorazioni a cielo stellato cavo 1,5m Recessed spot RGB LED 5mm cover treated and painted suitable for decoration or starry sky cable 1,5m CODE BF17M 1 I POWER H D TC N° LED IP COLOR mA W mm mm °k 350 3 1 40 RGB 52 32 MULTI LAMPADINE LED – LED BULBS A BL42C Lampadina a filamento led angolo di apertura fascio luminoso 320 ° 2W Led filament bulb angle light beam 320° 2W CODE BL42C A V POWER H D TC N° LED PLUG Lumen ac W mm mm °k 230 2 2 E14 210 100 35 3000 BL421C Lampadina a filamento led a fiamma angolo di apertura fascio luminoso 320 ° 2W Led filament bulb flame angle light beam 320° 2W CODE BL412C A V POWER H D TC N° LED PLUG Lumen ac W mm mm °k 230 2 2 E14 210 116 35 3000 BL44C – BL46F – BL44F – BL46F Lampadina led angolo di apertura fascio luminoso 120 ° Led bulb angle light, beam angle 120° CODE BL44C BL46C BL44F BL46F 1 V POWER N° LED ac W 230 4 4 230 6 6 230 4 4 230 6 6 PLUG Lumen E14 E14 E14 E14 350 470 350 470 H mm 100 100 100 100 Diam mm 35 35 35 35 TC °k 3000 3000 6000 6000 LAMPADINE LED – LED BULBS A BL56C – BL56N – BL56F Lampadina led attacco E27 angolo di apertura fascio luminoso 210 ° 6W Led bulb angle light E27 plug, beam angle 210° 6W CODE BL56C BL56N BL56F A V POWER LxD PLUG IP COLOR ac W mm 220 6 E27 20 WARM 75x45 220 6 E27 20 NATUR 75x45 220 6 E27 20 COLD 75x45 TC °k 460 3000 470 4500 480 6000 Lm CRI >80 >80 >80 BL512C – BL512N – BL512F Lampadina led attacco E27 angolo di apertura fascio luminoso 210 ° 12W Led bulb angle light E27 plug beam angle 210° 12W CODE BL512C BL512N BL512F A V POWER LxD PLUG IP COLOR ac W mm 220 12 E27 20 WARM 108x60 220 12 E27 20 NATUR 108x60 220 12 E27 20 COLD 108x60 TC °k 1030 3000 1040 4500 1050 6000 Lm CRI >80 >80 >80 BL520C – BL520N – BL520F Lampadina led attacco E27 angolo di apertura fascio luminoso 210 ° 20W Led bulb angle light E27 plug beam angle 210° 20W CODE BL520C BL520N BL520F 1 V POWER LxD TC PLUG IP COLOR Lm ac W mm °k 220 20 E27 20 WARM 136x80 1600 3000 220 20 E27 20 NATUR 136x80 1700 4500 220 20 E27 20 COLD 136x80 1800 6000 CRI >80 >80 >80 LAMPADINE LED – LED BULBS A BL510C – BL510N – BL510F Lampadina led attacco E27 angolo di apertura fascio luminoso 210 ° 10W Led bulb angle light E27 plug beam angle 210° 10W CODE BL510C BL510N BL510F A V POWER LxD TC PLUG IP COLOR Lm ac W mm °k 220 10 E27 20 WARM 133x95780 3000 220 10 E27 20 NATUR 133x95810 4500 220 10 E27 20 COLD 133x95860 6000 CRI >80 >80 >80 BL58C – BL58N – BL58F Lampadina led attacco E27 angolo di apertura fascio luminoso 210 ° 8W Led bulb angle light E27 plug beam angle 210° 8W CODE BL58C BL58N BL58F A V POWER LxD PLUG IP COLOR ac W mm 220 8 E27 20 WARM 100x63 220 8 E27 20 NATUR 100x63 220 8 E27 20 COLD 100x63 TC °k 490 3000 500 4500 510 6000 Lm CRI >80 >80 >80 BL5A6C – BL5A8C Lampadina a filamento led attacco E27 angolo di apertura fascio luminoso 320 ° Led filament bulb angle E27 plug light beam 320° CODE BL5A6C BL5A8C 1 V POWER LxD TC PLUG IP COLOR Lm ac W mm °k 220 6 E27 20 WARM 110x60 650 3000 220 8 E27 20 WARM 110x60 850 3000 CRI >80 >80 LAMPADINE LED – LED BULBS A BL12C – BL12F Lampadina a led G4 con SMD protezione in silicone 2W G4 SMD Led bulb, silicon cap 2W CODE BL12C BL12F A V POWER Lm dc W 12 2 150 12 2 110 H D TC mm mm °k 44 WARM 40 14 3000 44 WARM 40 14 6000 IP COLOR BL1A4C - BL1A4N - BL1A4F Lampadina a led G9 con COB led angolo di apertura fascio 120° 4W G9 Led bulb with COB led beam angle 120° 4W CODE BL1A4C BL1A4N BL1A4F A V POWER Lm ac W 230 4 320 230 4 320 230 4 340 H mm 44 WARM 60 44 NATUR 60 44 COLD 60 IP COLOR D TC mm °k 18 3000 18 4500 16 6000 BL13C – BL15C Lampadina a led G9 con SMD protezione in silicone G9 SMD Led bulb, silicone cap CODE BL13C BL15C 1 V POWER Lm ac W 230 3 210 230 5 410 H D TC mm mm °k 44 WARM 33 16 3000 44 WARM 39 16 3000 IP COLOR PANNELLI LED – LED PANEL BP01AN - BP01BN – BP01CN A Pannello led ultra piatto, fattore di potenza > 90. Bordo in alluminio Alimentatore non incluso Super slim Led panel, power factor > 90. Aluminum edge. Led driver not included. CODE BP01AN BP01BN BP01CN A POWER Lumen W Silver 18 1230 Silver 45 3000 Silver 45 3000 Finish H LxP TC mm mm °k 44 Natur 15 300x300 4500 44 Natur 15 600x600 4500 44 Natur 15 300x1200 4500 IP COLOR BP02N Pannello led ultra piatto, fattore di potenza > 90. Alimentatore non incluso Super slim Led panel, power factor > 90. Led driver not included. CODE BP02N 1 Finis POWER Lume H LxP TC IP COLOR h W n mm mm °k Silver 45 3000 44 Natur 35 600x600 4500 PANNELLI LED – LED PANEL BP03SN - BP03WN BP03AWN -BP03BWN A Pannello led ultra piatto, disponibile nella versione alluminio satinato o bianco. Driver led incluso Super slim Led panel, available satin silver or white painted aluminum. Led driver included. POWER Lumen W BP03SN Satin 13 800 BP03WN White 13 800 BP03AWN White 12 1350 BP03BWN White 18 1800 CODE Finish IP COLOR 20 20 20 20 Natur Natur Natur Natur H mm 13 13 40 40 D mm 174 174 155 155 TC °k 4500 4500 4500 4500 BP04SN – BP04WN A Pannello led ultra piatto, disponibile nella versione alluminio satinato o bianco. Driver led incluso Super slim Led panel, available satin silver or white painted aluminum. Led driver included. POWER H LxP TC Lumen IP COLOR W mm mm °k BP04SN Satin 13 800 20 Natur 13 172x172 4500 BP04WN White 13 800 20 Natur 13 172x172 4500 CODE 1 Finish TUBI LED – LED TUBES A BTN6C – BTN6N – BTN6F – BTN9N Tubo a led con corpo in alluminio per impiego ad uso interno. Sostituibile con tubi a fluorescenza Led tube aluminum body for indoor use. Replaceable with a fluorescent tube CODE Angle BTN6C BTN6N BTN6F BTN9N 180 180 180 180 POWER Lumen W 10 1180 10 1200 10 1220 14 1400 L D TC mm mm °k 20 Warm 600 26 3000 20 Natur 600 26 4500 20 Cold 600 26 6000 20 Natur 900 26 4500 IP COLOR BTN12C - BTN12N – BTN12F A Tubo a led con corpo in alluminio per impiego ad uso interno. Sostituibile con tubi a fluorescenza Led tube aluminum body for indoor use. Replaceble with a fluorescent tube CODE BTN12C BTN12N BTN12F POWER Lumen W 180 18 2050 180 18 2100 180 18 2150 Angle A L mm Warm 1200 Natur 1200 Cold 1200 IP COLOR 20 20 20 D TC mm °k 26 3000 26 4500 26 6000 BTN15C - BTN15N – BTN15F Tubo a led con corpo in alluminio per impiego ad uso interno. Sostituibile con tubi a fluorescenza Led tube aluminum body for indoor use. Replaceble with a fluorescent tube CODE BTN15C BTN15N BTN15F 1 POWER W 180 22 180 22 180 22 Angle L mm 2400 20 Warm 1500 2500 20 Natur 1500 2600 20 Cold 1500 Lumen IP COLOR D TC mm °k 26 3000 26 4500 26 6000 TUBI LED – LED TUBES BTN6CE – BTN6NE BTN6FE – BTN9NE A Tubo a led con corpo in alluminio per impiego ad uso interno. Sostituibile con tubi a fluorescenza Led tube aluminum body for indoor use. Replaceable with a fluorescent tube CODE Angle BTN6CE BTN6NE BTN6FE BTN9NE 180 180 180 180 POWER Lumen W 10 1180 10 1200 10 1220 14 1400 L D TC mm mm °k 20 Warm 600 26 3000 20 Natur 600 26 4500 20 Cold 600 26 6000 20 Natur 900 26 4500 IP COLOR BTN12CE - BTN12NE – BTN12FE A Tubo a led con corpo in alluminio per impiego ad uso interno. Sostituibile con tubi a fluorescenza Led tube aluminum body for indoor use. Replaceble with a fluorescent tube CODE BTN1C2E BTN12NE BTN12FE POWER Lumen W 180 18 2050 180 18 2100 180 18 2150 Angle L mm Warm 1200 Natur 1200 Cold 1200 IP COLOR 20 20 20 D TC mm °k 26 3000 26 4500 26 6000 BTN15CE - BTN15NE – BTN15FE A Tubo a led con corpo in alluminio per impiego ad uso interno. Sostituibile con tubi a fluorescenza Led tube aluminum body for indoor use. Replaceble with a fluorescent tube CODE BTN15CE BTN15NE BTN15FE 1 POWER W 180 22 180 22 180 22 Angle L mm 2400 20 Warm 1500 2500 20 Natur 1500 2600 20 Cold 1500 Lumen IP COLOR D TC mm °k 26 3000 26 4500 26 6000 REGLETTE LED – LED REGLETTE A BRR7C – BRR7N – BRR7F Reglette LED T5 ideale per il montaggio nel sottopensile; possibilità di montaggio di 5 corpi in serie T5 LED reglette for undercabinet mounting. Possibility to connect 5 item series CODE BRR7C BRR7N BRR7F A V POWER PLUG IP ac W 220 7 T5 20 220 7 T5 20 220 7 T5 20 TC LxP H °K mm mm 3000 600x25 33 4500 600x25 33 6000 600x25 33 Lm 600 630 660 BRR14C – BRR14N – BRR14F Reglette LED T5 ideale per il montaggio nel sottopensile, possibilità di montaggio di 5 corpi in serie T5 LED reglette for undercabinet mounting. Possibility to connect 5 item series CODE BRR14C BRR14N BRR14F A V POWER PLUG IP ac W 220 14 T5 20 220 14 T5 20 220 14 T5 20 TC LxP H Lm °K mm mm 3000 1200x25 33 1200 4500 1200x25 33 1260 6000 1200x25 33 1300 BRR16C – BRR16N – BRR16F Reglette LED T8 ideale per il montaggio nel sottopensile, possibilità di montaggio di 5 corpi in serie T8 LED reglette for undercabinet mounting. Possibility to connect 5 item series CODE BRR16C BRR16N BRR16F 1 V POWER PLUG IP ac W 220 16 T8 20 220 16 T8 20 220 16 T8 20 TC LxP H Lm °K mm mm 3000 1200x31 38 1400 4500 1200x31 38 1440 6000 1200x31 38 1480 REGLETTE LED – LED REGLETTE BRRA12 Corpo lampada per l’installazione di 2 tubi a led T8 Tubo a led non incluso Lamp body for two T8 led tube installation. Led tube not included CODE BRRA12 V LxP H Color PLUG IP Cover ac mm mm 220 Grey T8 65 Plicarbon 1270x110 170 BRRB6 - BRRB12 - BRRB15 Corpo lampada per l’installazione di un tubo a led T8 Tubo a led non incluso Lamp body for T8 led tube installation. Led tube not included CODE BRRB6 BRRB12 BRRB15 1 V ac 220 220 220 LxP H mm mm 20 Plicarbon 625x45 80 20 Plicarbon 1235x45 80 20 Plicarbon 1530x45 80 Color PLUG IP Grey Grey Grey T8 T8 T8 Cover PLAFONIERE LED – LED ROOF LAMP BE01N A Plafoniera led da soffitto e da parete materiale termoplastico per resistere agli agenti atmosferici Wall and ceiling led light made of durable weatherproof thermoplastic material. POWER H D Lumen IP COLOR W mm mm Black 12 810 54 Natur 100 300 CODE Finish BE01N TC °k 4500 BE02N A Plafoniera led da soffitto e da parete materiale termoplastico per resistere agli agenti atmosferici Wall and ceiling led light made of durable weatherproof thermoplastic material. CODE POWER H L x P TC Lumen IP COLOR W mm mm °k Black 12 840 54 Natur 100 290x200 4500 Finish BE02N BE03 Lampada up and down da parete con attacco GU10 in acciaio INOX AISI 304 Lampadina non inclusa Up and down ceiling lamp with GU10 plug made of AISI 304 steel . Light bulb not included CODE BE03 1 POWER Plug IP W Steel GU10 65 Finish H LxP mm mm 80 156x80 FARETTI LED GIARDINO – GARDEN SPOT LED BE04 Faretto da esterno con picchetto in alluminio Outdoor spotlight with aluminum spike CODE BE04 POWER Plug IP W Steel GU10 65 Finish H LxP mm mm 95 317x95 BE05 Apparecchio di illuminazione di segnalazione da incasso per istallazioni in esterni con livello di protezione IP65 calpestabile Lighting appliance with recessed step lighting leds for outdoor istallation with IP65 protection CODE BE05 1 Finis POWER H LxP Plug IP h W mm mm Steel GU10 65 95 317x95 ACCESSORI LED – LED ACCESSORIES BTTL1 Torcia a led 4 colori 4V/0,5 Ah ricaricabile direttamente da presa. Interruttore a due posizioni per l’utilizzo di 4 o 7 led. Autonomia 10 ore Led torch 4 colours 4V/0,5 Ah rechargeble directly from wall socket Led swith with 2 position for the use of 4 or 7 led. Working time 10 h CODE BTTL1 1 POWER Conf W N° Plast. 2 20 Finish H LxP mm mm 40 380 310 x 475 IP PROIETTORI STRADALI – LED STREET LIGHT A BSS130 – BSS160 Proiettore stradale a led in alluminio fissaggio a palo durata 50.000 ore Led aluminum street light pole fixing Average 50.000 h CODE BSS130 BSS160 V POWER H palo TC D palo L x P x H IP COLOR CRI lm ac W m °k mm mm 220 30 6 65 Natur >80 2800 6000 48/60 560x260x110 220 60 7 65 Natur >80 5306 6000 48/60 560x260x110 A BSS190 – BSS1120 Proiettore stradale a led in alluminio fissaggio a palo durata 50.000 ore Led aluminum street light pole fixing Average 50.000 h CODE BSS190 BSS1120 V POWER H palo TC IP COLOR CRI lm ac W m °k 220 90 8 65 Natur >80 7798 6000 220 120 9 65 Natur >80 10848 6000 A D palo L x P x H mm mm 60/76 754x280x110 60/76 754x280x110 BSS1150 Proiettore stradale a led in alluminio fissaggio a palo durata 50.000 ore Led aluminum street light pole fixing Average 50.000 h V POWER H palo TC D palo L x P x H IP COLOR CRI lm ac W m °k mm mm BSS1150 220 160 11 65 Natur >80 13470 6000 60/76 595x360x120 CODE 1 PROIETTORI STRADALI – LED STREET LIGHT A BSS30 - BSS60 Proiettore stradale a led in alluminio fissaggio a palo durata 50.000 ore Led Aluminum street light, pole fixing Average life 50.000 h CODE BSS30 BSS60 V POWER H palo TC D palo L x P x H IP COLOR CRI lm ac W m °k mm mm 220 30 6 65 Natur >80 2800 6000 48/60 560x260x110 220 60 7 65 Natur >80 5306 6000 48/60 560x260x110 A BSS90 - BSS120 Proiettore stradale a led in alluminio fissaggio a palo durata 50.000 ore Led Aluminum street light, pole fixing Average life 50.000 h CODE BSS90 BSS120 V POWER H palo TC IP COLOR CRI lm ac W m °k 220 90 8 65 Natur >80 7798 6000 220 120 9 65 Natur >80 10848 6000 A D palo L x P x H mm mm 60/76 754x280x110 60/76 754x280x110 BSS150 Proiettore stradale a led in alluminio fissaggio a palo durata 50.000 ore Led Aluminum street light, pole fixing Average life 50.000 h V POWER H palo TC D palo L x P x H IP COLOR CRI lm ac W m °k mm mm BSS150 220 160 11 65 Natur >80 13470 6000 60/76 595x360x120 CODE 1 RIFLETTORI LED - REFLECTOR LED A BFL10C – BFL10F Riflettore a led da 10 W con corpo in alluminio, vetro temperato e COB led 10 W LED spotlight with aluminum casting, tempered glass and led COB V POWER N° TC LxPxH IP COLOR CRI lm ac W LED °k mm 220 10 1 65 WARM >80 800 3000 86x115x89 220 10 1 65 COLD >80 900 6000 86x115x89 CODE BFL10C BFL10F A BFL30C – BFL30F Riflettore a led da 30 W con corpo in alluminio, vetro temperato e COB led 30 W LED spotlight with aluminum casting, tempered glass and led COB V POWER ac W 220 30 220 30 CODE BFL30C BFL30F A N° TC LxPxH IP COLOR CRI lm LED °k mm 1 65 WARM >80 2500 3000 185x225x110 1 65 COLD >80 2600 6000 185x225x110 BFL50C – BFL50F Riflettore a led da 50 W con corpo in alluminio, vetro temperato e COB led 50 W LED spotlight with aluminum casting, tempered glass and led COB CODE BFL50C BLF50F 1 V POWER N° TC LxPxH IP COLOR CRI lm ac W LED °k mm 220 50 1 65 WARM >80 4000 3000 290x240x168 220 50 1 65 COLD >80 4200 6000 290x240x168 RIFLETTORI LED - REFLECTOR LED A BFLA50C – BFLA50F BFLA70C – BFLA70F Riflettore a led 50W con corpo in alluminio, vetro temperato e led MULTI CHIP 50 W LED spotlight with aluminum casting, tempered glass and MULTICHIP led V POWER N° LED ac W 220 50 MULTI 220 50 MULTI 220 70 MULTI 220 70 MULTI CODE BFLA50C BFLA50F BFLA70C BFLA70F A IP COLOR CRI 65 65 65 65 WARM COLD WARM COLD >80 >80 >80 >80 LxPxH TC mm °k 4000 220x190x130 3000 4100 220x190x130 6000 5600 290x235x150 3000 5700 290x235x150 6000 lm BFLA150C – BFLA150F Riflettore a led con corpo in alluminio, vetro temperato e led MULTI CHIP LED spotlight with aluminum casting, tempered glass and MULTI-CHIP led V POWER LxPxH TC N° LED IP COLOR CRI lm ac W mm °k BFLA150C 220 150 MULTI 65 WARM >80 12000 370x285x105 3000 BFLA150F 220 150 MULTI 65 COLD >80 13000 370x285x105 6000 CODE A BFI100N – BFI150N Faro industriale a led ad alta luminosità e basso consumo. Ideale per illuminare capannoni industriali Led Lighthouse hight brightness low comsumption for enlighten industrial sheds CODE BFI100N BFI150N 1 V POWER N° LED IP COLOR CRI lm ac W 220 100 1 65 Natur >80 7000 220 150 1 65 Natur >80 9900 DxH mm 200 x 290 270 x 270 TC °k 4500 4500 RIFLETTORI LED - REFLECTOR LED A BFLS30C – BFLS30F Riflettore a led con corpo in alluminio, vetro temperato e COB led sensore di movimento 50 W LED spotlight with aluminum casting, tempered glass, LED COB and motion sensor CODE BFLS30C BFLS30F A V POWER ac W 220 30 220 30 N° TC IP COLOR CRI lm LxPxH LED °k 1 65 WARM >80 2300 3000 246x225x121 1 65 COLD >80 2500 6000 246x225x121 BFL30SSN Riflettore a led ultra piatto con corpo in alluminio, vetro temperato e COB led LED spotlight super slim with aluminum casting, tempered glass, LED COB CODE BFL30SSN 1 V POWER N° TC LxPxH IP COLOR CRI lm ac W LED °k mm 220 30 1 65 NATUR >80 2000 3000 185x178x43 RIFLETTORI LED - REFLECTOR LED A BFB120C – BFB120F Faro led a binario orientabile a 360° corpo in alluminio completo di dissipatore design moderno. Led spot track 20 W 360° angle adjustable with heatsink original design. V POWER N° Angle DxH COLOR CRI lm ac W LED ° mm BFB120C 85-240 20 1 80 WARM >80 1800 110 X 98 BFB120F 85-240 20 1 80 COLD >80 1700 110 X 98 CODE A TC °k 3000 6000 BFB220C – BFB220F Faro led a binario orientabile a 360° corpo in alluminio completo di dissipatore design moderno. Led spot track 20 W 360° angle adjustable with heatsink original design. V POWER N° Angle DxH COLOR CRI lm ac W LED ° mm BFB220C 85-240 20 1 120 WARM >80 1800 210 X 98 BFB220F 85-240 20 1 120 COLD >80 1700 210 X 98 CODE BFB03N - BFB03B Accessori per binario Track accessories CODE BFB03N BFB03B CODE BFB04TN BFB04TB BFB04IN BFB04IB BFB04LN BFB04LB 1 PxH mm 34 x 20 34 x 20 PxH mm 34 x 20 34 x 20 34 x 20 34 x 20 34 x 20 34 x 20 BLACK WHITE L mm 1000 1000 COLOR Shape BLACK WHITE BLACK WHITE BLACK WHITE T T I I L L COLOR TC °k 3000 6000 ALIMENTATORI LED – DRIVER LED BDF6 Super slim LED Driver in corrente costante 350mA classe II, morsetti a vite Super-slim 350mA constant current LED driver, class II, screw terminal CODE BDF6 I mA 350 POWER Input Input H PxL W min V max V mm mm 6 200 240 10,7 45 x 88 BDF15 Super slim LED Driver in corrente costante 350mA classe II, morsetti a vite Super-slim 350mA constant current LED driver, class II, screw terminal CODE BDF15 I POWER Input Input H PxL mA W min V max V mm mm 350 15 200 240 13,7 50 x 118 BDF20 Super slim LED Driver in corrente costante 350mA classe II, morsetti a vite Super-slim 350mA constant current LED driver, class II, screw terminal CODE BDF20 1 I POWER Input Input H PxL mA W min V max V mm mm 350 20 200 240 15 50 x 144 ALIMENTATORI LED – DRIVER LED BPF6 Alimentatore led super slim in tensione costante 12V classe II, morsetti a vite Super-slim 12V constant voltage LED power supply, class II, screw terminal CODE BPF6 V dc 12 POWER Input Input H PxL W min V max V mm mm 6 200 240 10,7 45 x 88 BPF20 Alimentatore led super slim in tensione costante 12V classe II, morsetti a vite Super-slim 12V constant voltage LED power supply, class II, screw terminal CODE BPF20 V dc 12 POWER Input Input H PxL W min V max V mm mm 20 200 240 15 50 x 144 BPF50 Alimentatore led super slim in tensione costante 12V classe II, morsetti a vite Super-slim 12V constant voltage LED power supply, class II, screw terminal CODE BPF50 1 V dc 12 POWER Input Input H PxL W min V max V mm mm 50 200 240 22 63 x 174 ALIMENTATORI LED – DRIVER LED BPF75 Alimentatore led super slim in tensione costante 12V classe II, morsetti a vite Super-slim 12V constant voltage LED power supply, class II, screw terminal CODE BPF75 V dc 12 POWER Input Input H PxL W min V max V mm mm 75 200 240 22 63 x 174 BPH5 Alimentatore led in tensione costante 12V classe II, morsetti a vite IP20 12V constant voltage LED Power supply, class II, screw terminal IP20 CODE BPH5 1 V dc 12 POWER Input Input H PxL W min V max V mm mm 5 200 240 22 40 x 49 ALIMENTATORI LED – DRIVER LED BPFK6 – BPFK15 Alimentatore led super slim in tensione costante 12V classe II, morsetti a vite con cablaggio IP20 Super-slim 12V constant voltage LED power supply, class II, screw terminal with wiring IP20 CODE BPFK6 BPFK15 V POWER Cable In Cable out H PxL dc W mm mm mm mm 12 6 1000 1000 10,7 45x88 12 15 1000 1000 13 51x128 BPFK30 – BPFK50 Alimentatore led super slim in tensione costante 12V classe II, morsetti a vite con cavo IP20 Super-slim 12V constant voltage LED power supply, class II, screw terminal with wiring IP20 CODE BPFK30 BPFK50 V dc 12 12 POWER Cable In Cable out H PxL W mm mm mm mm 30 1000 1000 18 58x160 50 1000 1000 22 63x185 BPF5024 Alimentatore led super slim in tensione costante 24V classe II, morsetti a vite Super-slim 24V constant voltage LED power supply, class II, screw terminal CODE BPF5024 1 V dc 24 POWER Input Input H PxL W min V max V mm mm 50 200 240 22 63 x 174 ALIMENTATORI LED – DRIVER LED BPH20 Alimentatore per led in tensione costante 12V con cavi di connessione 200 mm IP67 12V costant voltage LED driver with 200 mm connection cables IP67 CODE BPH20 V dc 12 POWER Input H IP W V mm 20 100/240 67 22 PxL mm 30 x 153 BPH36 – BPH60 Alimentatore per led in tensione costante 12V con cavi di connessione 200 mm IP67 12V costant voltage LED driver with 200 mm connection cables IP67 CODE BPH36 BPH60 V dc 12 12 POWER Input H PxL IP W V mm mm 36 170/250 67 32 41 x 152 60 170/250 67 53 67 x 200 BPH80 – BPH150 Alimentatore per led in tensione costante 12V con cavi di connessione 200 mm IP67 12V costant voltage LED driver with 200 mm connection cables IP67 CODE BPH80 BPH150 1 V dc 12 12 POWER Input W V 80 220 150 220 IP 67 67 H PxL mm mm 45 45 x 180 57 120 x 232 ALIMENTATORI LED – DRIVER LED BPH30 LED Driver in tensione costante 12V dc classe II, morsetti a vite per uso interno 12V constant voltage LED driver, class II, screw terminal indoor use CODE BPH30 V Dc 12 POWER W 30 Input min V 200 Input H PxL max V mm mm 240 38 46 x 170 BPH6 – BPH12 – BPH15 LED Driver in tensione costante 12V dc classe II, morsetti a vite uso interno 12V constant voltage LED driver, class II, screw terminal indoor use CODE BPH6 BPH12 BPH15 V dc 12 12 12 POWER W 6 12 15 Input min 200 200 200 Input max 240 240 240 H mm 20 20 20 PxL mm 42 x 92 42 x 92 42 x 92 BPD30 – BPD42- BPD66 – BPD150 LED Driver in tensione costante 12V con spina e connettore uso interno 12V constant voltage LED driver, power cord with plug and connector indoor use CODE BPD30 BPD42 BPD66 BPD150 1 V dc 12 12 12 12 POWER W 30 42 66 150 Input Out V A 100/240 2,5 100/240 3,5 100/240 5,5 100/240 12,5 H mm 30 30 30 42 PxL mm 115x55 115x55 110x51 173x72 LAMPADE A FLUORESCENZA – FLUORESCENT LAMP BR8N – BR13N Reglette a flourescenza con controllo EOL che disabilita l’alimentazione a fine vita lampada Fluorescent reglette with EOL control, shutting off power upon lamp’s End Of Life CODE BR8N BR13N Vin POWER Plug Color H LxP Ac W tube °k mm mm 220 8 T5 4500 42 320 x 22 220 13 T5 4500 42 580 x 22 BR18N – BR36N – BR58N Lampada a fluorescenza con controllo EOL che disabilita l’alimentazione a fine vita lampada Fluorescent lamp with EOL control, shutting off power upon lamp’s End Of Life CODE BR18N BR36N BR58N 1 Vin POWER Plug COLOR H LxP Ac W tube °k mm mm 220 18 T8 4500 83 662 x 85 220 36 T8 4500 83 1267 x 85 220 58 T8 4500 83 1561 x 85 ACCESSORI – ACCESSORIES BY16S – BY16P Scatola di connessione a 6 posizioni per contatti JST carico max 3 A 6-position junction box for JST connectors - Max load 3 A CODE BY16S BY16P Vmax V 6 ch Serie 24 6 ch Parallel 24 Connection I max A 3 3 BY26S – BY26P Scatola di connessione a 6 posizioni per contatti minimolex carico max 3 A 6-position junction box for minimolex connectors - Max load 3 A CODE BY26S BY26P Vmax V 6 ch Serie 24 6 ch Parallel 24 Connection I max A 3 3 BY3M – BY3F Connettore maschio 50 cm Male connector cm 50 Connettore ponte maschio/femmina Male/Female Jumper connector CODE BY3M BY3F 1 L mm Male 50 Male/female 50 Connection Cable 2x0,35 2x0,35 ACCESSORI – ACCESSORIES BYC1 Cablaggio con spina bipolare e interruttore a pedale, lunghezza 2 m Cordset with pin plug and foot switch, 2 m length CODE BYC1 L mm 2000 IP Color 20 Black BYC2 Cablaggio con spina bipolare e interruttore rompifilo lunghezza 2 m Cordset with pin plug and in-line cord switch CODE BYC2 L mm 2000 IP Color 20 Trasp BYC3 Cablaggio con spina bipolare e interruttore rompifilo lunghezza 2 m Cordset with pin plug and in-line cord switch CODE BYC3 1 L mm 2000 IP Color 20 White ACCESSORI – ACCESSORIES BY6 Portalampada in ceramica attacco E27 Ceramic Lampholder E27 plug CODE PLUG BY6 E27 H mm 48,5 D mm 41 BY7 Portalampada in ceramico attacco GU10 Ceramic Lampholder GU10 plug 1 CODE PLUG BY7 GU10 H mm 15,7 D mm 28 TRASFORMATORI ELETTRONICI – ELECTRONIC TRANSFORMER BTE60 - BTE105 Trasformatore elettronico 12V ac, morsetti a vite Electronic 12V transformer, class II, screw terminal CODE BTE60 BTE105 V ac 12 12 POWER Input W V 60 220 105 220 IP 20 20 H PxL mm mm 25 38 x 110 25 38 x 110 BTE150 – BTE200 Trasformatore elettronico 12V ac, morsetti a vite Electronic 12V transformer, class II, screw terminal CODE BTE150 BTE200 1 V ac 12 12 POWER Input W V 150 220 200 220 IP 20 20 H PxL mm mm 33 52 x 165 33 52 x 165 LAMPADINE TRADIZIONALI – TRADITIONAL LIGHT BTL120C – BTL135C – BTL150C Lampadina alogena con attacco G10 G10 halogen bulb CODE BTL120C BTL135C BTL150C V POWER Lm ac W 230 20 250 230 35 450 230 50 650 H mm 20 WARM 55 20 WARM 55 20 WARM 55 IP COLOR D TC mm °k 50 3000 50 3000 50 3000 BTL250C Lampadina alogena con attacco G5,3 50W G5,3 halogen bulb 50W CODE BTL250C V POWER H D TC Lm IP COLOR ac W mm mm °k 12 50 650 20 WARM 45 50 3000 BTL3250N – BTL3400N Lampadina ioduri metallici con attacco MH400 Metal Halide bulbs with MH400 plug CODE BTL3250N BTL3400N 1 V POWER L D TC Lm IP COLOR ac W mm mm °k 230 250 20000 20 NATUR 275 46 4500 230 400 35000 20 NATUR 250 63 4500 RIFLETTORI - REFLECTOR BTL4150N – BTL4500N Lampada alogena copertura in alluminio Halogen lamp with aluminum cover CODE BTL4150N BTL4500N V POWER COLOR LxPxH HALOG IP Lamp ac W body mm 220 150 1 65 Black J78 140x97x78 220 500 1 65 White J118 184x145x105 BTL4A150N – BTL4A500N Lampada alogena con possibilità di regolazione del fascio, copertura in alluminio e base d’appoggio Halogen lamp with stand for beam inclination adjustment and aluminum cover V POWER COLOR LxPXH HALOG IP Lamp ac W body mm BTL4A150N 220 150 1 65 Black J78 140x100x160 BTL4A500N 220 500 1 65 White J118 185x145x200 CODE BY00 Cavalletto telescopico con possibilità di regolazione da 670 mm a 1640 mm e rotazione del supporto di 360° Telescopic tripod, extensible from 670 mm to 1640 mm with 360° rotation CODE BY00 1 PxL mm 820 x 30 H mm Yellow 670/1670 Cover SOLUZIONI SU MISURA – CUSTOM SOLUTION Soluzioni per illuminazione LED e controllo della luce Realizzazione circuiti personalizzati Sviluppo prototipi su misura Solution for LED lighting and light control OEM led circuit Customized prototype development Le immagini, le dimensioni e gli altri dati tecnici riportati in questo catalogo non sono vincolanti, e Baracos si riserva il diritto di modificarli senza preavviso. I LED vanno sempre correttamente dissipati. Loghi e marchi contenuti in questo catalogo appartengono ai legittimi proprietari Pictures, size, technical data and specifications within this catalogue are not binding, and Baracos reserves the right to modify specifications without notice. LED must always be dissipated. The logos and trademarks within this catalog belong to their respective owners 1 Baracos via Monte Rosa n° 19 20149 Milano – ITALIA Tel +39.02.90363008 Fax +39.02.48194031 [email protected] [email protected] 1
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