5th May 2015, LONDON EBRD VISIT IN THE AREA OF MUNICIPAL AND PRIVATE ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE AANKONDIGING De European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) investeert in bedrijven in de private en publieke sector en verstrekt rechtstreeks leningen. Om de omvangrijke investeringsprojecten van de EBRD mogelijk te maken is kwaliteitsvol onderzoek en projectondersteuning nodig. De bank heeft daarom doorlopend behoefte aan expertise voor adviesopdrachten die Vlaamse consultants veel kansen bieden. Deze opdrachten variëren van 50.000 € tot 750.000 € voor de grotere opdrachten. Het gaat hierbij ondermeer over haalbaarheidsstudies, milieueffectenrapportages en projectmanagement. De federaties Vlamex en ORI zullen een 2-daags werkbezoek inrichten aan de hoofdzetel van deze Internationale Financiële Instelling in Londen op 5 mei 2015 waarbij een zakelijk seminarie gericht op IPPF ( Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility) en nieuwe consultancy opdrachten centraal staat. Verder voorzien we de nodige netwerking met medewerkers van de bank van ondermeer MEI ( Municipal Environmental Infrastructure) en CSU ( Consultancy Services Unit). Zie ook http://www.ebrd.com/work-with-us/procurement/pn-46458.html OBJECTIVE VLAMEX INTERNATIONAL, the federation of environmental ( consulting) experts and ORI, the federation of Engineering Consultancy are planning a more into depth follow-up meeting in the area of environmental consulting infrastructure as a result of the general EBRD meeting of 24 th January at EBRD HQ, organized by Flanders Investment & Trade ( FIT) and Mr. Jean-Louis Six, Director EBRD. TARGET GROUP Consultant member companies within VLAMEX/ ORI TIMING 5th May 2015 ( 2BC ) VENUE EBRD HQ, London AGENDA Business meeting + networking with EBRD representatives TECHNICAL SCOPE Feasibility studies and consultancy ( framework ) contracts in the area of urban transport infrastructure development, environmental consulting, renewable energy and energy efficiency, infrastructure, … GEOGRAPHICAL SCOPE EBRD operational countries ( main focus on Western Balkan and Black Sea area) SEMINAR LANGUAGE English ISSUES TO BE DISCUSSED: - BELGIUM and EBRD at a glance: donor funds, investments, overview of awarded ( consultancy ) contracts in our area of expertise; EBRD strategy for the countries in Central and Eastern-Europe; Practical EBRD experiences in the above mentioned countries; Perspectives of co-financing with regard to new EU programming period 14-20 from the bank’s view and impact of new EU tender directive ( 2016); EBRD procurement policy & E selection; Private sector participation in MEI and the role of EBRD in MEI; Consultancy opportunities in the pipeline ( Opportunities to engage with the EBRD directly as a consultant could be discussed ); Framework contracts; IPPF ( Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility); Tips for successful Expression of Interest. AGENDA Tuesday 5th of May 2015 07:56h Departure by Eurostar from Brussels-South to London St-Pancras (08:57h) 10:00-10:15 Welcome coffee at EBRD HQ 10:15-10:30 Belgium and EBRD at a glance, Jean-Louis Six 10:30 -11:00 Technical cooperation, Johan Bert, TBC 11:00-11:30 Private sector participation in MEI and the role of EBRD, James Hyslo, TBC 11:30-12:00 Consultancy opportunities in the pipeline, Martin Ehrenberg, TBC 12:00-12:30 EBRD procurement policy, Jan Jackholt, TBC 12:30-13:00 Perspectives of co-financing with regard to new EU programming period 2014-2020 from the bank’s view and impact of new EU tender directive (2016), Karina Saroukhanian, TBC 13:00-14:00 Networking Lunch 17:04h Departure St-Pancras to Brussels-South ( 20:05) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other travel options apart from the standard program ( no 10% reduction on the Eurostar ticket) 18:04h Departure St-Pancras to Brussels-South ( 21:05) 19:34h Departure St-Pancras to Brussels-South ( 22:38)
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