Dinsdagcompetitie 10-02-2015 Week 21 of 36 dinsdag 19:00 Page 1 Lanes 1 - 6 Bowling-& Partycentrum Team Team Standings Standings Year-To-Date WON Place Team Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Kleijer Electra Bouwb.Kok/De Weerd De Turkey's BTZS Pieper bouw en tuin Karakterparket De Krakers Steakh. T-Rex Metselbedr.W.Renden Groenedaken.net Y-T-D LOST 59 56 51 41½ 40 40 38½ 38½ 33½ 22 Scratch Pins 1st Part WON Place 2nd Part WON Place 3rd Part WON Place 4th Part WON Place 49315 49420 49990 50944 48068 46519 47147 46959 46468 44002 23 26 17 15½ 22 17 21½ 16 12 10 29 19 25 21 14 17 14 18½ 14½ 8 7 11 9 5 4 6 3 4 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 28 33 42½ 44 44 45½ 45½ 50½ 62 2 1 5 8 3 6 4 7 9 10 1 4 2 3 8 6 9 5 7 10 3 1 2 6 7 5 10 8 4 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Results of Last Week's Bowling..... Lanes 1-2 3-4 5-6 3-4 5-6 Team Name Bouwb.Kok/De Weerd Pieper bouw en tuin Metselbedr.W.Renden De Turkey's Steakh. T-Rex -1987 926 1005 871 932 -2977 960 1007 917 843 -3918 965 915 959 1036 HDCP Last Wk Total WON 2882 4 2851 3 2927 3 2747 3 2811 3 <---> <---> <---> <---> <---> Team Name Groenedaken.net Kleijer Electra Karakterparket BTZS De Krakers -1867 896 955 843 898 -2926 967 986 932 869 -3895 875 964 841 902 HDCP Last Wk Total WON 2688 0 2738 1 2905 1 2616 1 2669 1 Lane Lane Assignments Assignments Today Next Week 1-2 9- 1 5- 9 3-4 8- 6 4- 1 5-6 5- 3 6- 2 3-4 10- 2 10- 7 5-6 4- 7 8- 3 Season Season High High Scores Scores 935 918 918 Men Team Scratch Game De Turkey's Kleijer Electra Bouwb.Kok/De Weerd Scratch Game 247 Richard vd Kraats 241 Maarten Kroon 234 Evert Teunissen Women 224 187 187 2577 2552 2519 Gerda Bakker Kristel Vlekkert Dikkie Kamphuis Team Scratch Series BTZS Kleijer Electra Bouwb.Kok/De Weerd Scratch Series 622 Dirk Zwart 620 Richard vd Kraats 618 Evert Teunissen 561 543 456 Gerda Bakker Dikkie Kamphuis Kristel Vlekkert Team Team Rosters Rosters Name High High Game Sers HDCP Game HDCP Sers -1- -2- -3- Total HDCP Total 571 473 561 555 587 236 246 259 231 257 676 614 666 672 677 171 150 153 123 127 159 132 108 137 159 149 135 151 145 148 479 417 412 405 434 584 555 505 516 509 187 223 209 190 202 206 128 543 559 547 496 572 533 375 225 252 236 223 232 232 654 646 625 599 662 631 180 127 151 138 149 139 175 184 173 145 148 131 171 123 151 467 433 506 434 445 0 0 572 517 578 539 532 0 0 206 209 200 205 224 133 209 152 0 0 548 554 478 530 584 359 506 403 0 0 234 239 248 236 257 635 650 622 623 683 150 202 137 154 122 168 174 122 138 197 172 158 157 180 137 246 617 490 534 416 472 456 0 0 0 0 0 574 624 554 562 537 0 0 0 0 0 Ave HDCP Pins Gms 150 134 154 146 162 35 46 32 37 26 9496 8476 9752 9207 10216 63 63 63 63 63 201 199 224 192 232 150 158 165 149 157 155 125 35 29 24 35 30 31 52 7692 9527 8930 4935 9463 8393 375 51 60 54 33 60 54 3 160 158 135 156 160 111 150 126 0 0 28 29 45 30 28 60 35 51 0 0 10087 9506 6078 7502 9638 1339 3162 756 0 0 63 60 45 48 60 12 21 6 0 0 1 - De Krakers Aart Mulder Aart Kraaij Gerda Bakker Jan Mulder Bertus Mulder 2 - Kleijer Electra Dikkie Kamphuis Gert Kamphuis Ruud Harkes Marcel Pijkeren Ab Nap Martin van der Tol Joke v Diest 3 - Pieper bouw en tuin Alex v Beek Andries Hamstra Philip vd Berg Rienald Veulings Jaap v Beek wouter pieper Gert v Voorst Richard de Ridder Jaco Boonen Henry Reijersen 11-02-2015 10:27 Page 1 of 2 BLS-2007/as BLS-2007/as BLS-2007/as licensed licensed to to Thera Thera Bakker Bakker Bowling-& Bowling-& Partycentrum Partycentrum BLS-2007/as BLS-2007/as BLS-2007/as licensed licensed licensed licensed to to to to Thera Thera Thera Thera Bakker Bakker Bakker Bakker Bowling-& Bowling-& Bowling-& Bowling-& Partycentrum Partycentrum Partycentrum Partycentrum 10-02-2015 Week 21 of 36 Name Dinsdagcompetitie Ave HDCP High High Game Sers Pins Gms Page 2 HDCP Game HDCP Sers -1- -2- -3- Total HDCP Total 4 - De Turkey's Otto Ruitenberg Jan v Wilgenburg Anton Kuijt Cor Reyersen Marco Ruitenberg Bas v Meerveld Gerard vd Noort Ewoud 't Jong Mario Franz 149 164 158 159 162 137 bk163 bk131 bk137 35 25 29 28 26 44 25 48 44 9431 10377 9972 10068 9730 412 0 0 0 63 63 63 63 60 3 0 0 0 197 209 201 232 214 162 0 0 0 527 539 531 538 570 412 0 0 0 234 236 233 261 239 641 616 618 625 646 114 142 148 147 178 188 151 148 159 129 160 151 148 232 126 462 444 444 538 433 0 0 0 0 567 516 531 625 508 0 0 0 0 174 160 166 159 155 150 148 18 28 23 28 31 35 36 11022 3841 9974 9580 8423 5881 2223 63 24 60 60 54 39 15 247 200 218 226 202 193 182 620 499 573 552 528 505 480 268 228 242 252 232 228 215 677 586 648 632 618 604 573 192 146 157 115 108 155 182 185 128 157 146 144 147 130 149 493 472 489 373 414 0 0 544 556 558 454 504 0 0 156 163 160 138 165 bk141 bk154 30 25 28 43 24 41 32 9859 10299 10094 8740 10428 0 0 63 63 63 63 63 0 0 204 207 210 208 234 0 0 567 549 565 518 618 0 0 234 234 239 252 240 663 627 655 650 693 169 156 159 160 192 150 165 195 128 188 133 161 151 170 152 452 482 505 458 532 0 0 542 557 589 587 607 0 0 127 130 139 152 157 128 114 132 0 51 49 42 33 30 50 60 47 0 4214 7419 7534 9582 9431 2691 2403 398 0 33 57 54 63 60 21 21 3 0 185 190 175 225 212 168 155 154 0 488 492 480 550 557 434 406 398 0 240 243 218 259 242 199 215 653 651 624 635 647 546 586 126 122 138 142 134 135 167 124 142 153 123 132 137 142 156 384 421 399 426 443 0 0 0 0 537 568 525 525 533 0 0 0 0 154 138 159 136 142 154 129 bk124 32 43 28 44 40 32 49 53 9760 7909 9063 5340 8967 5091 389 0 63 57 57 39 63 33 3 0 199 187 206 190 203 241 177 0 554 503 559 506 507 577 389 0 234 231 228 236 245 277 656 635 643 644 633 685 161 152 149 176 127 152 187 149 190 118 152 164 149 140 169 465 503 447 506 414 0 0 0 561 635 531 644 534 0 0 0 165 154 137 144 139 140 150 bk141 bk101 bk169 24 32 44 39 42 42 35 41 60 21 9920 6487 8276 8215 8779 2533 2258 0 0 0 60 42 60 57 63 18 15 0 0 0 223 191 168 192 206 176 201 0 0 0 577 530 470 524 470 466 509 0 0 0 248 214 210 236 250 220 190 667 629 597 656 580 598 526 190 181 140 154 157 146 180 142 186 170 154 169 154 132 123 490 530 436 472 450 0 0 0 0 0 562 629 568 589 579 0 0 0 0 0 161 140 149 140 152 164 137 145 165 139 27 42 35 42 33 25 44 38 24 42 3391 5921 5825 6737 1373 6417 4540 3046 5952 3757 21 42 39 48 9 39 33 21 36 27 224 176 211 192 201 219 186 187 233 187 508 491 520 494 483 622 464 489 543 456 251 217 250 225 573 623 631 601 118 176 172 147 138 150 94 151 130 137 224 120 157 153 201 219 213 227 258 232 611 582 609 616 591 492 390 480 430 476 0 0 0 0 0 573 513 588 556 581 0 0 0 0 0 5 - BTZS Richard vd Kraats Gijsbert v Beek Ron Norbart Martijn v Beek Evert v Beek Hans Hendriksen Corine Norbart 6 - Bouwb.Kok/De Weerd Marcel de Weerd Sam Kok Reijer Kok Gerwin Dooijeweerd Evert Teunissen Gert Kok Gijs Tijssen 7 - Groenedaken.net Willem Homringhausen Jaap Vlijm Martijn v Beekhoven Henk Vlijm Ab Schuit Jacco vd Werfhorst Henri Drost Thijs Kieft Jacco vd Werfhorst 8 - Karakterparket Luuk Hoffmann Jan de Vries Arjan Kroon Willem Doppenberg Bertus v Renselaar Maarten Kroon Bert v Koot Mark den Hartog 9 - Metselbedr.W.Renden Rein v Beek Wim Renden Frans vd Mheen Eddy v Buuren Peter vd Mheen Wilco te Vaanholt Gerard Steensma Dennis Renden Tilly v Selm Gert Teunissen 10 - Steakh. T-Rex Lorenzo Simon Dennis Stegeman Danny vd Hoorn Marnick vd Broeck Fred vd Hoorn Dirk Zwart Bert Jansen Roy v Batenburg Leon vd Hoorn Kristel Vlekkert 11-02-2015 10:27 Page 2 of 2 BLS-2007/as BLS-2007/as BLS-2007/as licensed licensed to to Thera Thera Bakker Bakker Bowling-& Bowling-& Partycentrum Partycentrum BLS-2007/as BLS-2007/as BLS-2007/as licensed licensed licensed licensed to to to to Thera Thera Thera Thera Bakker Bakker Bakker Bakker Bowling-& Bowling-& Bowling-& Bowling-& Partycentrum Partycentrum Partycentrum Partycentrum
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