Informatie mastervoorbereidende modules pre-master Aan het eind van de pre-master (na afronding 30EC + zelfstudie) kies je één van vijf mastervoorbereidende modules. Je volgt/kiest de module die voorbereid op de masterspecialisatie die je gaat volgen. De betreffende module is verplichte voorkennis voor het volgen van de bijbehorende masterspecialisatie. Blok 1A - 5A: Health Psychology & Applied Technology (voor masterspecialisatie Gezondheidspsychologie) - 5B: Psychology of Safety (voor masterspecialisatie Conflict, Risico en Veiligheid) - 5C: Psychology of Learning & Instruction (voor masterspecialisatie Instructie, Leren en Ontwikkeling, en master Educational Science & Technology (‘onderwijskunde’)) Blok 1B - 6A: Human Factors & Engineering Psychology (voor masterspecialisatie Human Factors & Engineering Psychology) - 6B: Psychische gezondheid (voor masterspecialisatie Positieve Psychologie & Technology) Hieronder zijn de beschrijvingen van de verschillende modules te vinden. Module 5A (blok 1A) Health Psychology & Applied Technology Health and well-being is of essential importance for everyone. We feel comfortable with a wellfunctioning body and mind. In this course with three integrated lines you discover the psychological processes that contribute to health and illness and you will learn how to support people in their striving for better health. People try to improve their health by changing their health behaviors or try to find beneficial strategies to deal with stress and critical life events. Unfortunately, this is more difficult than one might think. In the theory component (7 EC) of this course you will learn to unravel the underlying psychological, biological and social processes and to identity behavior change techniques to support the striving for good health and well-being. In addition, you will understand how to motivate people to change their health behaviors. You will find out how applied technology can support this by persuasive designs. You will discover more about technological applications that motivate and support people to realize their goals by for example monitoring their progress and reflecting upon changes in emotions, cognitions and behaviors. After completing this module you will be able to decide which methods and techniques are appropriate and useful to develop and implement web based interventions. In the project (5 EC) of this course you will learn to redesign an existing face-to-face group program for patients with chronic somatic disease for online use. The intervention is developed because many people with a chronic disease have difficulties to adapt to the limitations accompanied with the disease. The program is based on the assumption that adaptation is challenging since a couple of (life) goals cannot be reached any longer. The flexible use of goal management strategies can help to deal with the discrepancy between what patients wish and what is achievable. By working on this project you learn what it means to be chronic ill, how psychological techniques can be used to improve coping with physical limitations and how you can use these techniques in a web based program. You will test your 1 own web based feature with patients who will come to our lab. So you can ensure that your product is in line with patients’ needs and expectations. The knowledge needed for the project you will gain in the theory component. The skills to design web based features you can obtain in the design & research line of this course. You will work together in a project group with 4 or 5 students. In the design & research component (3 EC) you will develop skills for user-centered designing of ehealth technology including a contextual analysis (what is important in the eyes of the user), prototyping and usability testing. Furthermore you will learn more about implicit processes behind health behavior and how to measure these by an Approach-Avoidance Test (AAT) on a self-selected health behavior. Finally you will assess your peers with this AAT. Some practicalities: We work with lectures, tutorials and practical exercises. In tasks and deliverables/exams individual and group products are balanced. Teaching is planned in three days per week at the UT and 2 days preparation at home (not yet confirmed by schedule planners). You will read two handbooks, some additional scientific articles and practical information on the intervention. In this module you will be trained for the broad professional field of health promotion, behavioral medicine as well as for research and policy related to health and applied technology. Knowledge and skills offered in this course emphasize recent developments in the healthcare context and will give you an excellent starting position. The course Health Psychology & Applied Technology is required for the Master Track Health Psychology and is useful for the master track Positive Psychology & Technology. Following the Bachelor modules Health Psychology & Applied Technology and Psychische Gezondheid provides you with a broad and comprehensive view on health and well-being. Module 5B (blok 1A) Psychology in Learning and Instruction Why do children count on their fingers? What do teenagers learn from surfing the Web? Can students multi-task? How does a good teacher keep students involved? And how do you design a game that is both instructive and fun? This module helps you find answers to questions like these. It offers a mixture of insights from educational psychology, developmental psychology, and educational science to increase your understanding of how people learn and how instructional guidance should be designed to make people learn best. Ample attention is paid to the role of individual differences in cognitive development, age, and motivation. And you will be introduced to recent ICT-applications that support learning in the 21st century. What have we got in store for you? A truly integrated program that starts from theory. Boring? Ab-so-lutely not, because you will apply what’s being taught in the lectures the very next day during practical class assignments. What you learn from theory is ‘brought to live’ in the skills lab where you will take on the role of an instructor or researcher. By preparing and delivering a short instruction you will experience firsthand how rewarding and challenging it can be to help people learn something new. In your role as a researcher you take a more objective stance: you analyze the learning process, the influence of the instruction, and the learning outcomes. Armed with these theoretical and practical experiences, you start your project where you will work in small groups to design an instructional intervention, create a prototype of that intervention, and device a plan to evaluate its effectiveness. The theme of this year’s project is ‘food and health problems’, so your intervention should educate people about the consequences of bad eating 2 habits. Within this theme the choice for a specific topic, age group, and instructional approach is free so you can follow your own interests. ICT is a recurring theme throughout this module. You will learn to understand the pros and cons of innovative educational technologies such as MOOCs, apps, simulations, and games, and have to make a motivated choice in your project on whether and how you will use ICT to improve or enrich the learning process. Who are we? This module is offered by the department of Instructional Technology. The department houses around 20 staff members with a background in developmental psychology, educational psychology, cognitive psychology, or educational science. All staff is involved in innovative research in the field of learning and instruction, and is looking forward to sharing their experience with you! And who are you? We sincerely believe that every student should take this module…but that might be wishful thinking. Still, this might not be such a bad idea because most academically trained professionals will encounter situations where they have to coach and guide people, write short instructions, or simply have to give their (hopefully well-founded) opinion on education in general. This module prepares you well for situations like these, and is a perfect upbeat to the ILO Master or the EST Master program in educational science and technology. Module 5C (blok 1A) Psychology of Safety Securing its citizens and infrastructure against disasters, terror/war, and crime is a central element of virtually every current society. This module focuses on understanding the (social) psychological dynamics of safety issues, particularly in the area of risk, conflict and deviant behaviour with the aim of developing effective interventions. The module aims to provide insight into the psychological processes: shaping individual responses to risks and safety issues; associated with interpersonal and intergroup conflict; underlying group processes and crowd behaviour in the safety domain; surrounding societal interventions designed to enhance safety. These themes are heavily affected by societal developments such as the growing need for resilient, adaptive citizens and communities as well as for citizens who actively engage in safety-related activities (e.g., community policing). Furthermore, awareness grows that many traditional interventions designed for safety-related incidents lack efficiency (and effectiveness). Therefore, there is a need for ‘smart’ and cost-efficient interventions. Furthermore, technological developments are increasingly important for the psychological safety domain in three ways: 1. New technologies are usually accompanied by risk perceptions and aversion. We focus on how people perceive, make sense of and react to new technology-related risks (e.g. nano-modification of food). 2. Due to new technology, humans are more socially connected than ever before. This may not only increase the potential for (different types of) risks, conflict and crime (e.g., cybercrime), but also has a profound impact on emotions and cognitions, and on how people interact (e.g. social sharing). It also provides opportunities for implementing new technology-based interventions to change safety-related behaviours. 3 3. The rapid growth of technology allowing for the monitoring and analyses of physiological and behavioural responses of individuals and groups in real life contexts (through GPS, sensors, etc) creates innovative potential for the field of social psychology. During the lectures in this module, basic psychological theories on responses to physical and social safety issues, and on intervention strategies in the safety domain will be put forward. These basic theory lectures will be supplemented by lectures of expert guests that illustrate the application of the theories in particular safety contexts. Examples are: interventions in legal conflicts; conflict management and bio fuel; internet, social media and (criminal) behaviour; risk psychology and persuasive technology. The tutorials of this module consist of hands-on training sessions and practical knowledge exchange focused on the application of technology in research in the safety domain along the three lines sketched above. In the project of the module technological tools (e.g., GPS trackers) will be applied to observe and study human behaviour in a safety setting. A smuggler game will be played and the movements of the players will be recorded and analysed. Module 6A (blok 1B) Human Factors & Engineering Psychology Engineers are the ones to build cars, power plants, smartphones or commercial websites. However, all these systems are ultimately operated by human beings with all their cognitive, motivational, sensor, and physical limitations, strengths and peculiarities. This issue is known as the “Human Factor”. Psychologists are the ones to know best about the human mind, which is why they are urgently needed for successful design of socio-technical systems that are safe, efficient and pleasant for their human operators. In the module Human Factors & Engineering Psychology we will prepare you for a career as Human Factors specialist. We first introduce you to the over-arching ideas and principles of Human Factors, for example the Anti-Procrustes principle, which says that the primary aim is to fit the technical system to the human being, never the other way round. Then, we will give you an introduction to four domains where Human Factors plays a crucial role, namely automotive design, medical devices (such as infusion pumps), commercial software and websites, and operator control rooms (this is the place where large industrial systems are controlled, such as nuclear power plants),. In the context of design values and principles, you will re-discover what you already learned about cognitive functioning and abilities. For example, you will see how structure of human attention is at odds with highly automated systems, or what role working memory plays when browsing a website. Furthermore, you will learn how to assess cognitive performance and how to design for people with limited abilities. Human Factors specialists work closely together with engineers, such as computer scientists or industrial designers. The module prepares for inter-disciplinary collaboration in several ways. First, you will get to know basic engineering principles, for example the role of user requirements and the project phases of systems development. Second, the module features a genuine programming course. You will learn and practice programming of interactive prototypes, psychological tests, cognitive models and interactive data visualization. We use the programming language Python, which is easy to learn, highly versatile and well regarded in industry and academia. Third, you will practice the activities and methods of Human Factors design and research in a number of mini-projects. Working together in small teams, you will solve a number of problems. For example, you will identify and document user requirements, use and create design guidelines, plan and implement a test suite for assessing human performance. The over4 arching topic of the project course is “universal design”, which means that for designing systems for a broad population, one has to regard that people differ a lot in experience and cognitive abilities. The module is run by a small team of enthusiastic and experienced docents. In addition, we invited several speakers from industry and non-governmental organizations to bring you in touch with the Human Factors work field. After finishing the module you should be ready to make your first steps into a Human Factors rookie. Or you follow our respective master track, which will bring you to an advanced level. Module 6B (blok 1B) Psychische gezondheid Er zijn twee keuzemodules die zich richten op gezondheid. Module 6 van de bachelor psychologie is gericht op de psychische gezondheid van mensen. Traditioneel wordt er binnen de psychologie naar psychische gezondheid gekeken vanuit het medisch model: gericht op klachten en op stoornissen. In deze module vullen we dit aan met twee andere benaderingen. Ten eerste een positief-psychologische benadering, waarbij we naar psychische gezondheid kijken vanuit de kracht van mensen. Hierbij kun je denken aan positieve kenmerken zoals welbevinden, talenten en veerkracht. Ten tweede een persoonsgerichte benadering die de ervaring van mensen zelf centraal stelt. In de module Psychische gezondheid komen drie onderdelen aan bod, die geïntegreerd worden in het project. a) Psychopathologie b) Psychodiagnostiek c) Narratieve psychologie Binnen het onderdeel Psychopathologie staat de klachtgerichte benadering centraal en bestudeer je de oorzaken, herkenning en behandeling van veelvoorkomende psychische stoornissen. Je leert psychische stoornissen te herkennen aan de hand van de hoofdsymptomen en de diagnostische criteria uit de DSM. Aan de orde komen bijvoorbeeld de affectieve (angst en depressie) en persoonlijkheidsstoornissen. Ook de biologische grondslagen van psychische problematiek komen aan de orde. Binnen het onderdeel Psychodiagnostiek leer je hoe je stoornissen en symptomen in kaart kan brengen. Er wordt een inleiding gegeven in het diagnostische proces, waarin je leert op empirische wijze de diagnostiek vorm te geven. In werkcolleges wordt er geoefend met diagnostische instrumenten, zoals gesprekken, gestructureerde interviews, vragenlijsten en gedragsobservaties. Naast klachtgerichte diagnostiek, komt ook de krachtgerichte diagnostiek aan bod. Je leert bijvoorbeeld hoe je het welbevinden en functioneren van mensen in kaart kan brengen, evenals factoren die hierop van invloed zijn zoals persoonlijkheid, intelligentie, vaardigheden en sociale factoren. In het derde onderdeel Narratieve psychologie verschuift de aandacht van de stoornis naar de ervaring van psychische gezondheid. In de narratieve psychologie is het uitgangspunt dat via verhalen de ervaring van gezondheid en ziekte kan worden onderzocht. De therapeutische werking van verhalen bestaat uit het versterken van kracht en mogelijkheden en het leren omgaan met klachten en problemen in het leven. Je leert hoe verhalen samenhangen met de psychische gezondheid, menselijke ontwikkeling en identiteit. Je houdt een narratief interview en schrijft een toekomstbrief over je eigen professionele identiteitsontwikkeling. Je leert deze identiteitsverhalen systematisch te analyseren en hierop te reflecteren. In het project, worden de drie onderdelen Psychopathologie, Psychodiagnostiek, en Narratieve psychologie, en ook de klacht- en krachtgerichte benadering van psychische gezondheid geïntegreerd. Je gaat individueel aan de slag met het toepassen van de opgedane kennis bij iemand uit de eigen omgeving. Zo doorloop je het diagnostisch proces en neem je een narratief interview af. Het project eindigt met een groepsopdracht waarbij je de kennis en ervaring die je hebt opgedaan in de individuele opdrachten met elkaar integreert. Je brengt met je groep een advies uit over hoe de benaderingen die in 5 deze module aan bod zijn gekomen (kracht en kracht, stoornis en ervaring) in samenhang kunnen worden ingezet in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg. De module Psychische gezondheid is verplichte voorkennis voor de master Positieve Psychologie & Technologie (PPT) en bereidt je voor op werken (onderzoek en praktijk) in de zorg. 6
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