Master of Science Opleidingen 2014-2015

Universiteit van Amsterdam
Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling (OER) 2014-2015
Accountancy and Control
Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance
Business Economics
Business Administration
Fiscal Economics
Operations Research
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel A: Facultair deel ........................................................................................................................... 1 1. Algemene bepalingen ............................................................................................................... 1 Artikel 1.1 Toepasselijkheid regeling .......................................................................................... 1 Artikel 1.2 Begripsbepalingen ...................................................................................................... 1 2. Vooropleiding en toelating ................................................................................................... 2 Artikel 2.1 Vooropleiding ............................................................................................................. 2 Artikel 2.2 Aanmelding en inschrijving ....................................................................................... 2 Artikel 2.3 Facultaire toelatingscommissie................................................................................... 2 Artikel 2.4 Toelatingsprocedure .................................................................................................. 2 Artikel 2.5 Weigering of beëindiging inschrijving (iudicium abeundi)........................................ 3 3. Inrichting opleiding ...................................................................................................................... 3 Artikel 3.1 Indeling studiejaar ...................................................................................................... 3 Artikel 3.2 Inrichting van de opleiding ......................................................................................... 3 4. Tentaminering en examinering ............................................................................................. 4 Artikel 4.1 Intekening voor tentamens ......................................................................................... 4 Artikel 4.2 Vorm van tentaminering ............................................................................................. 4 Artikel 4.3 Mondelinge tentamens................................................................................................ 4 Artikel 4.4 Vaststelling en bekendmaking van de uitslag............................................................. 4 Artikel 4.5 Tentamenmogelijkheden ............................................................................................ 5 Artikel 4.6 Cijfers ........................................................................................................................ 5 Artikel 4.7 Vrijstelling .................................................................................................................. 5 Artikel 4.8 Geldigheidsduur resultaten ......................................................................................... 6 Artikel 4.9 Inzagerecht ................................................................................................................. 6 Artikel 4.10 Nabespreking ............................................................................................................ 6 Artikel 4.11 Masterexamen........................................................................................................... 6 Artikel 4.12 Getuigschrift en verklaring ....................................................................................... 6 Artikel 4.13 Fraude en plagiaat..................................................................................................... 7 5. Studiebegeleiding en studievoortgang .......................................................................................... 7 Artikel 5.1 Studievoortgangsadministratie en studiebegeleiding ................................................. 7 Artikel 5.2 Aanpassingen ten behoeve van een student met een functiebeperking ...................... 7 6. Hardheidsclausule ......................................................................................................................... 8 Artikel 6.1 Hardheidsclausule....................................................................................................... 8 7. Overgangs- en slotbepalingen ....................................................................................................... 8 Artikel 7.1 Wijziging en periodieke beoordeling deel A .............................................................. 8 Artikel 7.2 Overgangsbepalingen ................................................................................................. 8 II
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Artikel 7.3 Bekendmaking ............................................................................................................ 8 Artikel 7.4 Inwerkingtreding ........................................................................................................ 8 Deel B: opleidingsspecifiek deel .......................................................................................................... 9 B1 Master’s Programme in Accountancy and Control ......................................................................... 9 1. General provisions ........................................................................................................................ 9 2. Programme content ....................................................................................................................... 9 3. Admission ................................................................................................................................... 10 4. Curriculum .................................................................................................................................. 11 5. Transition and final provisions ................................................................................................... 14 B2 Master’s Programme in Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance ........................................ 15 1. General provisions ...................................................................................................................... 15 2. Programme content ..................................................................................................................... 15 3. Admission ................................................................................................................................... 16 4. Curriculum .................................................................................................................................. 17 5.Transition and final provisions .................................................................................................... 19 B3 Master’s programme in Business Economics ............................................................................... 21 1. General provisions ...................................................................................................................... 21 2. Programme content ..................................................................................................................... 21 3. Admission ................................................................................................................................... 22 4. Curriculum .................................................................................................................................. 23 5. Transition and final provisions ................................................................................................... 28 B4 Master’s programme in Business Administration ......................................................................... 29 1. General provisions ...................................................................................................................... 29 2. Programme content ..................................................................................................................... 29 3. Admission ................................................................................................................................... 32 4. Curriculum .................................................................................................................................. 33 5. Transition and final provisions ................................................................................................... 38 B5 Master’s programme in Econometrics .......................................................................................... 40 1. General provisions ...................................................................................................................... 40 2. Programme content ..................................................................................................................... 40 3. Admission ................................................................................................................................... 41 4. Curriculum .................................................................................................................................. 42 5. Transition and final provisions ................................................................................................... 46 B6 Master’s programme in Economics .............................................................................................. 47 1. General provisions ...................................................................................................................... 47 2. Programme content ..................................................................................................................... 47 3. Admission ................................................................................................................................... 48 4. Curriculum .................................................................................................................................. 49 III
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
5. Transition and final provisions ................................................................................................... 53 B7 Master’s programme in Fiscal Economics .................................................................................... 54 1. General provisions ...................................................................................................................... 54 2. Programme content ..................................................................................................................... 54 3. Admission ................................................................................................................................... 55 4. Curriculum .................................................................................................................................. 56 Article 4.2 Curriculum ................................................................................................................ 56 5. Transition and final provisions ................................................................................................... 58 B8 Master’s programme in Operations Research ............................................................................... 60 1. General provisions ...................................................................................................................... 60 2. Programme content ..................................................................................................................... 60 3. Admission ................................................................................................................................... 61 4. Curriculum .................................................................................................................................. 62 5. Transition and final provisions ................................................................................................... 64 Bijlage I .............................................................................................................................................. 65 Bijlage II ............................................................................................................................................. 66 IV
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel A: facultair deel
Deel A: Facultair deel
1. Algemene bepalingen
Artikel 1.1 Toepasselijkheid regeling
1. Deze regeling is van toepassing op het onderwijs en de examens van de masteropleidingen
(hierna ook te noemen: de opleiding) die worden verzorgd aan de Faculteit Economie en
Bedrijfskunde (hierna ook te noemen: de faculteit) van de Universiteit van Amsterdam.
2. Deze regeling bestaat uit een facultair (A) deel en een opleidingsspecifiek deel (B). Deel A bevat
algemene bepalingen en is van toepassing op het onderwijs en de examens van de
masteropleidingen van de Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde. Deel B bevat
opleidingsspecifieke bepalingen. Deel A en deel B samen vormen de onderwijs- en
examenregeling van de opleiding.
3. Deze regeling kan van overeenkomstige toepassing worden verklaard op de gezamenlijke
opleidingen en onderwijseenheden, bedoeld in artikel 7.3c WHW, die mede door de faculteit
worden verzorgd.
4. Deze regeling is van toepassing op een ieder die voor de opleiding is ingeschreven, ongeacht het
studiejaar, waarin de student voor het eerst voor de opleiding werd ingeschreven.
5. Deel B van deze onderwijs- en examenregeling kan voor de desbetreffende opleiding aanvullende
algemene bepalingen omvatten.
Artikel 1.2 Begripsbepalingen
In deze regeling wordt verstaan onder:
a. EC (European Credit)
een studiepunt met een studielast van 28 uren studie;
b. examen:
het masterexamen van de opleiding;
c. fraude en plagiaat:
het handelen of nalaten van een student waardoor een juist
oordeel over zijn kennis, inzicht en vaardigheden geheel of
gedeeltelijk onmogelijk wordt;
d. joint degree:
een graad die een instelling verleent, samen met een of meer
instellingen in binnen- of buitenland, nadat de student een
studieprogramma (een opleiding, afstudeerrichting of
specifiek programma binnen een opleiding) heeft doorlopen
waarvoor de samenwerkende instellingen samen
verantwoordelijk zijn;
e. onderdeel:
een onderwijseenheid van de opleiding in de zin van de wet;
f. periode:
een deel van een semester;
g. praktische oefening:
het deelnemen aan een practicum of andere
onderwijsleeractiviteit, die gericht is op het bereiken van
bepaalde (academische) vaardigheden. Voorbeelden van een
praktische oefening:
 het maken van een scriptie of thesis
 het uitvoeren van een onderzoekopdracht,
 het deelnemen aan veldwerk of een excursie,
 het deelnemen aan computerpractica,
 het deelnemen aan een andere onderwijsleeractiviteit die
gericht is op het verwerven van bepaalde vaardigheden of
 het doorlopen van een stage;
h. programma:
het totaal en de samenhang van de onderdelen, de
onderwijsvormen, de contacturen, de toets- en
tentamenvormen, de voorgeschreven literatuur;
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel A: facultair deel
i. scriptie:
j. SIS
k. studiegids:
l. studielast:
m. studiejaar:
n. tentamen:
o. toelatingscommissie
p. universiteit:
q. wet:
een onderdeel dat bestaat uit literatuuronderzoek en/of een
bijdrage aan wetenschappelijk onderzoek, in alle gevallen
leidend tot een schriftelijk verslag daarover;
het Studenten Informatie Systeem;
de gids van de opleiding die een nadere uitwerking van de
opleidingsspecifieke bepalingen en overige opleidingsspecifieke informatie bevat. De studiegids is elektronisch
beschikbaar via;
de studielast van de onderwijseenheid waarop een tentamen
betrekking heeft, uitgedrukt in studiepunten = EC. (De
studielast van 1 jaar (1680 uur) is 60 studiepunten/EC;
het tijdvak dat aanvangt op 1 september en eindigt op
31 augustus van het daarop volgende kalenderjaar;
onderzoek naar de kennis, het inzicht en de vaardigheden van
de student betreffende een onderdeel. De beoordeling wordt
uitgedrukt in een eindcijfer. Een tentamen kan in gedeeltes
worden afgenomen met behulp van één of meer
deeltentamens. Een hertentamen bestrijkt altijd dezelfde
materie als het tentamen;
de commissie die namens de decaan beoordeelt of een
gegadigde aan de eisen voldoet om toegelaten te worden tot de
masteropleiding van zijn keuze.
de Universiteit van Amsterdam;
de wet op het hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk
De overige begrippen hebben de betekenis die de wet daaraan toekent.
2. Vooropleiding en toelating
Artikel 2.1 Vooropleiding
1. Voor de inschrijving voor een masteropleiding is een bachelorgraad vereist, behaald in het
wetenschappelijk onderwijs. Aan welke eisen de bachelorgraad moet voldoen, is bepaald
in deel B.
2. Ingeval een gegadigde niet beschikt over een bachelorgraad, zoals bedoeld in het eerste lid,
beoordeelt de toelatingscommissie van de opleiding de geschiktheid om tot de opleiding
toegelaten te worden aan de hand van de vereisten, bepaald in deel B.
3. Voor de inschrijving in een masteropleiding tot leraar voor de periode van voorbereidend hoger
onderwijs, geldt als vooropleidingseis dat aan betrokkene de Mastergraad in het desbetreffende
vakgebied, bedoeld in artikel 7.10a WHW, is verleend.
Artikel 2.2 Aanmelding en inschrijving
1. De uiterste datum voor aanmelding voor de masteropleiding staat vermeld in artikel 3.4 (deel B).
2. Na een tijdige aanmelding schrijft de student zich vóór 1 september of indien van toepassing vóór
1 februari in.
Artikel 2.3 Facultaire toelatingscommissie
De decaan stelt een of meer toelatingscommissies in. De decaan wijst de leden daarvan aan na
overleg met de opleidingsdirecteuren en examencommissies van de desbetreffende opleidingen.
Artikel 2.4 Toelatingsprocedure
1. De toelating tot de opleiding is opgedragen aan de toelatingscommissie.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel A: facultair deel
2. Met het oog op de toelating tot de opleiding stelt de toelatingscommissie een onderzoek in naar
de kennis, het inzicht en de vaardigheden van de kandidaat. In aanvulling op schriftelijke
bewijzen van de gevolgde opleiding(en) kan de commissie bepaalde kennis, inzicht en
vaardigheden laten toetsen door deskundigen in of buiten de universiteit. De commissie betrekt
bij haar onderzoek de kennis van de taal waarin het onderwijs wordt verzorgd.
3. De kandidaat ontvangt een toelatingsbewijs dan wel een afwijzende beslissing. Hiertegen is
binnen zes weken beroep mogelijk bij het college van beroep voor de examens.
Artikel 2.5 Weigering of beëindiging inschrijving (iudicium abeundi)
1. Op grond van het bepaalde in artikel 7.42a van de wet kan de decaan of de examencommissie in
uitzonderlijke gevallen het College van Bestuur verzoeken de inschrijving van een student voor
een opleiding te beëindigen dan wel te weigeren, als die student door zijn gedragingen of
uitlatingen blijk heeft gegeven van ongeschiktheid voor de uitoefening van een of meer beroepen
waartoe de door hem gevolgde opleiding hem opleidt, dan wel voor de praktische voorbereiding
op de beroepsuitoefening.
2. Indien jegens een student vermoedens van ongeschiktheid bestaan zoals omschreven in het eerste
lid, stelt de examencommissie of de decaan een onderzoek in, waarvan de student onverwijld op
de hoogte wordt gesteld. De examencommissie of de decaan brengt geen advies uit dan na
zorgvuldige afweging van de betrokken belangen en nadat de betrokken student in de gelegenheid
is gesteld te worden gehoord.
3. Inrichting opleiding
Artikel 3.1 Indeling studiejaar
1. Elke opleiding wordt verzorgd in een jaarindeling met twee semesters.
2. Elk semester bestaat uit drie perioden van achtereenvolgens acht, acht en vier weken.
Artikel 3.2 Inrichting van de opleiding
1. De opleiding omvat de onderwijseenheden die in deel B zijn opgenomen.
2. De omvang van de opleiding in EC is vastgelegd in deel B.
3. De omvang van de onderwijseenheden in EC is vastgelegd in deel B.
4. Niet van toepassing.
5. De opleiding bestaat uit een verplicht deel en een individuele masterscriptie/-thesis en, indien van
toepassing, een vakspecifiek facultatief deel, zoals nader bepaald in het opleidingsspecifieke deel.
6. Voorafgaande toestemming van de examencommissie is vereist, indien de student zijn
keuzeruimte in wenst te vullen met een andere onderwijseenheid dan is bepaald in deel B.
7. Studenten dienen voor elke onderwijseenheid aangemeld te zijn. Intekening voor deelname aan
een onderwijseenheid kan slechts plaatsvinden in daartoe aangewezen periodes. De periodes en de te
volgen procedure worden voor 1 juni vastgesteld door de decaan en gepubliceerd op
8. Studenten kunnen zich voor maximaal 42 EC per semester inschrijven voor onderwijs, tenzij zij
voldoen aan de volgende voorwaarde: zij hebben in de laatste twee onderwijsperiodes waarvan de
cijfers geregistreerd zijn in SIS voor de betreffende onderwijsperiode minimaal het nominaal aantal
studiepunten gehaald dat is geroosterd in die periodes.
9. Studenten die niet willen deelnemen aan een onderwijseenheid waar zij voor ingeschreven staan
dienen zich af te melden via SIS in de daartoe aangewezen periodes. De periodes en de te volgen
procedure worden voor 1 juni vastgesteld door de decaan en gepubliceerd op
10. Regels met betrekking tot toelating tot onderwijseenheden met beperkte capaciteit kunnen
worden opgenomen in deel B.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel A: facultair deel
4. Tentaminering en examinering
Artikel 4.1 Intekening voor tentamens
Studenten zijn aangemeld voor tentamens middels de aanmelding voor de onderwijseenheid; dit
geldt ook voor eventuele deeltentamens en hertentamens.
Artikel 4.2 Vorm van tentaminering
1. De wijze waarop en de vorm waarin een onderwijseenheid wordt afgesloten, zijn bepaald in de
2. Op verzoek van de student kan de examencommissie toestaan dat een tentamen op een andere
wijze dan in de studiegids is bepaald, wordt afgenomen. Nadere regels hieromtrent zijn, indien van
toepassing, opgenomen in de Regels en Richtlijnen van de Examencommissie.
3. Voor een onderwijseenheid die niet meer wordt verzorgd wordt in deel B een overgangsregeling
4. De tentaminering van een onderwijseenheid dient voor ten minste 60% te bestaan uit een
individueel te beoordelen prestatie van de student.
5. Voor beoordeelde onderdelen van een onderwijseenheid, waaronder deeltentamens, opdrachten,
en het eindtentamen, kan een minimum worden gesteld om het vak met succes te kunnen voltooien.
6. De gang van zaken bij toetsing en de richtlijnen en aanwijzingen om de uitslag van tentamens en
examens te beoordelen en vast te stellen, staan beschreven in de ‘Regels en Richtlijnen van de
Examencommissie’ ex Artikel 7.1, lid 4 van de WHW.
7. Studenten die deelnemen aan een door de Directeur van het College of Economics and Business
goedgekeurde studiereis hebben recht op alternatieve mogelijkheden om te voldoen aan
aanwezigheidsverplichtingen gedurende de tijd van de goedgekeurde studiereis. Dit geldt niet voor
deeltentamens, eindtentamens of hertentamens.
8. Voor studieonderdelen met een schriftelijk tentamen heeft de student recht op een representatief
voorbeeldtentamen met uitwerkingen. Dit voorbeeldtentamen dient representatief te zijn wat betreft
lengte, soort vragen en inhoud.
Artikel 4.3 Mondelinge tentamens
1. Mondeling wordt niet meer dan één student tegelijk getentamineerd, tenzij in deel B voor de
desbetreffende onderwijseenheid anders is bepaald.
2. Het mondeling afnemen van een toets is openbaar, tenzij de examencommissie of de examinator in
een bijzonder geval anders heeft bepaald. Een student kan een gemotiveerd verzoek indienen bij de
examencommissie om af te wijken van het openbare karakter van de zitting. De examencommissie
weegt het belang van de student tegen het belang van de openbare zitting af.
3. Bij het afnemen van een mondeling tentamen is een tweede examinator aanwezig.
4. Van een mondeling tentamen wordt door de examinator een verslag gemaakt, waarin de vragen
kort samengevat zijn opgenomen. In plaats van een schriftelijk verslag voldoet ook een
geluidsopname. De student mag het schriftelijke verslag of de geluidsopname na afloop niet
Artikel 4.4 Vaststelling en bekendmaking van de uitslag
1. De examinator stelt de uitslag van een schriftelijk tentamen of een scriptie zo spoedig mogelijk,
doch uiterlijk binnen tien werkdagen vast. Op verzoek van de examinator kan deze termijn met vijf
werkdagen worden verlengd. Een dergelijk verzoek dient voor de tentamendatum te worden gericht
aan de examencommissie. De examinator verschaft de onderwijsadministratie van de opleiding de
nodige gegevens en de onderwijsadministratie draagt direct hierna zorg voor registratie van de
beoordeling. De onderwijsadministratie draagt tevens zorg voor onverwijlde bekendmaking van de
beoordeling aan de student, met in achtneming van de geldende normen van vertrouwelijkheid.
2. De examinator stelt terstond na het afnemen van een mondeling tentamen de uitslag vast en maakt
deze bekend aan de student. De vierde volzin van het eerste lid is van toepassing.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel A: facultair deel
3. Ten aanzien van een op andere wijze dan mondeling of schriftelijk af te leggen tentamen bepaalt
de examencommissie vooraf op welke wijze en binnen welke termijn de student in kennis wordt
gesteld van de uitslag.
4. Bij de uitslag van een tentamen wordt de student gewezen op het inzage- en nabesprekingsrecht
als bedoeld in de artikelen 4.9 en 4.10.
5. Een student kan beroep aantekenen tegen de wijze waarop de uitslag tot stand is gekomen bij het
college van beroep voor de examens binnen een termijn van zes weken na bekendmaking van de
uitslag. Ook kan een verzoek tot herbeoordeling worden ingediend bij de examinator. Een verzoek
tot herbeoordeling schort de termijn voor het indienen van een beroepschrift niet op.
6. Uitslagen van schriftelijke deeltentamens dienen binnen de gestelde termijnen onder lid 1 bekend
gemaakt te worden via Blackboard of anderszins waarbij studenten uitsluitend worden aangeduid
met hun studentnummer.
Artikel 4.5 Tentamenmogelijkheden
1. Tot het afleggen van tentamens van de opleiding wordt twee maal per studiejaar de gelegenheid
2. Lid 1 is niet van toepassing op een stage of scriptie. In de desbetreffende stagehandleiding of
afstudeerregeling zijn de hertentamenmogelijkheden vermeld, waarbij geldt dat er geen
hertentamenmogelijkheid is als de stage of scriptie met een voldoende is beoordeeld. 3. In geval van een hertententamen of een resultaat van een tweede deelname voor hetzelfde vak,
geldt de laatste beoordeling.
4. Het hertentamen vindt niet plaats binnen 10 werkdagen na de bekendmaking van de uitslag van
het eerste tentamen behorende bij het vak.
5. Indien een student binnen een academisch jaar twee keer aan hetzelfde vak deelneemt, vervallen
bij een tweede deelname alle deelresultaten van de eerste deelname.
6. In uitzondering op lid 1 wordt voor een deeltentamen geen aparte mogelijkheid tot herkansing
7. Bij hertentamens tellen de resultaten van deeltentamens niet mee en wordt de gehele stof
geëxamineerd. Een uitzondering hierop kan worden gemaakt voor de resultaten van deeltentamens
die bestaan uit praktische oefeningen, zoals schriftelijke werkstukken. Deze resultaten mogen
worden meegewogen in het resultaat voor de herkansing op voorwaarde dat de student nog steeds
een redelijke kans wordt geboden om het vak met de herkansing te behalen. In alle gevallen dient de
wijze van beoordeling en weging in de studiegids duidelijk te worden vermeld.
Artikel 4.6 Cijfers
1. Cijfers worden gegeven op een schaal van 1 tot en met 10. Cijfers worden gegeven met maximaal
1 decimaal achter de komma.
2. De eindcijfers 5,1 tot en met 5,9 worden niet toegekend.
3. De eindbeoordeling van een onderdeel wordt altijd afgerond op halve cijfers.
4. Indien het judicium voor een onderdeel niet in een cijfer wordt uitgedrukt, dan is het judicium
ofwel ‘aan alle verplichtingen voldaan’ (AVV) ofwel ‘onvoldoende’ (ONV).
5. Studenten die niet deelnemen aan een tentamen waarvoor zij staan ingeschreven, krijgen het
resultaat NAP: ‘niet aanwezig met poging’. NAP wordt geregistreerd als een tentamenpoging.
6. De eindbeoordeling van een onderdeel is voldoende bij een 6,0 of hoger.
Artikel 4.7 Vrijstelling
1. De examencommissie kan op schriftelijk verzoek van een student vrijstelling verlenen voor het
afleggen van een of meer examenonderdelen, indien de student een qua inhoud en niveau
overeenkomstig onderdeel van een universitaire masteropleiding heeft voltooid.
2. De masterscriptie is van deze vrijstellingsmogelijkheid uitgezonderd.
3. De examencommissie beslist binnen twintig werkdagen na ontvangst van het verzoek.
4. De maximale omvang van de vrijstellingen voor het voldoen aan de eisen van het masterexamen
worden vermeld in Artikel 4.7 van deel B.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel A: facultair deel
Artikel 4.8 Geldigheidsduur resultaten
1. De geldigheidsduur van behaalde tentamens en vrijstellingen voor tentamens is beperkt tot 3 jaar,
tenzij in deel B anders is bepaald.
2. De geldigheidsduur van een deeltentamen is beperkt tot het studiejaar waarin het is afgelegd, of tot
het einde van het betreffende vak, zoals in deel B voor de desbetreffende onderwijseenheid is
3. De examencommissie kan de beperkte geldigheidsduur van een tentamen of vrijstelling verlengen,
indien een student daarom gemotiveerd verzoekt. De examencommissie kan besluiten de verlenging
van de geldigheid slechts toe te staan nadat de verzoeker een aanvullend tentamen van de
desbetreffende stof met goed gevolg heeft afgelegd. Zonder aanvullend tentamen worden vakken met
maximaal 12 maanden verlengd.
Artikel 4.9 Inzagerecht
1. Gedurende ten minste twintig werkdagen na de bekendmaking van de uitslag van een schriftelijk
tentamen krijgt de student op zijn verzoek inzage in zijn beoordeelde werk, de daarin gestelde vragen
en opdrachten, alsmede zo mogelijk van de normen aan de hand waarvan de beoordeling heeft
2. De examinator kan bepalen dat de in het eerste lid bedoelde inzage of kennisneming geschiedt op
een bepaalde plaats en een bepaald tijdstip. De in de vorige volzin bedoelde plaats en tijd worden bij
het tentamen bekendgemaakt, of via de blackboardpagina van het vak en/of op de website van de
faculteit. Bij bekendmaking van het tijdstip na het tentamen dienen er minimaal 10 werkdagen tussen
bekendmaking en inzagetijdstip te zitten.
3. Indien de student vanwege overmacht of deelname aan onderwijs verhinderd was op de in het
tweede lid bedoelde plaats en tijdstip te verschijnen, wordt hem een alternatieve mogelijkheid
4. Indien een student voornemens is beroep aan te tekenen tegen de wijze waarop zijn werk is
beoordeeld, kan hem op zijn verzoek een kopie van zijn beoordeelde werk worden verstrekt.
5. Bij de inzage genoemd onder lid 1 wordt ook inzage verleend in eventuele deeltentamens. De
examinator is niet verplicht om inzage van deeltentamens eerder te organiseren dan de inzage van de
Artikel 4.10 Nabespreking
1. Indien een collectieve nabespreking is georganiseerd, vindt individuele nabespreking alleen plaats
indien de student bij de collectieve bespreking aanwezig is geweest of wanneer hij door overmacht
of deelname aan onderwijs niet bij de collectieve bespreking aanwezig kon zijn.
2. De student die voldoet aan het vereiste in lid 1, kan aan de desbetreffende examinator om een
individuele nabespreking verzoeken. De nabespreking geschiedt op een door de examinator te
bepalen plaats en tijdstip.
Artikel 4.11 Masterexamen
1. De examencommissie stelt de uitslag en de datum van afstuderen vast, indien zij heeft vastgesteld
dat de student de tot de opleiding behorende onderwijseenheden met goed gevolg heeft afgelegd.
2. Een getuigschrift kan slechts worden uitgereikt, nadat het College van Bestuur heeft verklaard dat
de student aan alle procedurele vereisten heeft voldaan, waaronder de betaling van het collegegeld.
3. De examencommissie kan een judicium toekennen. Indien de student blijk heeft gegeven van
uitzonderlijke bekwaamheid, kan de examencommissie besluiten dat dit op het getuigschrift wordt
vermeld met de kwalificatie cum laude; de criteria hiervoor zijn opgenomen in de ‘Regels en
Richtlijnen van de Examencommissie’.
Artikel 4.12 Getuigschrift en verklaring
1. Ten bewijze dat het examen met goed gevolg is afgelegd, wordt door de examencommissie een
getuigschrift uitgereikt. Het model van het getuigschrift is vastgesteld door het College van Bestuur.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel A: facultair deel
Aan het getuigschrift voegt de examencommissie een diplomasupplement toe dat inzicht verschaft in
de aard en de inhoud van de afgeronde opleiding. Het diplomasupplement is gesteld in het
Nederlands of in het Engels en voldoet aan het Europese format.
2. Degene die meer dan één tentamen met goed gevolg heeft afgelegd en aan wie geen getuigschrift
als bedoeld in het eerste lid kan worden uitgereikt, ontvangt desgevraagd een door de desbetreffende
examencommissie af te geven verklaring waarin in elk geval de tentamens zijn vermeld die door hem
met goed gevolg zijn afgelegd, met daarbij vermeld welke onderwijseenheden dit betrof, het aantal
EC dat daarmee is verkregen en wanneer de tentamens zijn behaald.
Artikel 4.13 Fraude en plagiaat
1. Het bepaalde in de UvA Fraude- en plagiaatregeling studenten is onverkort van toepassing.
2. Bij de detectie van plagiaat in teksten kan gebruik worden gemaakt van elektronische
detectieprogramma’s. Met het aanleveren van de tekst geeft de student impliciet toestemming tot het
opnemen van de tekst in de database van het betreffende detectieprogramma.
5. Studiebegeleiding en studievoortgang
Artikel 5.1 Studievoortgangsadministratie en studiebegeleiding
1. De decaan is verantwoordelijk voor een goede registratie van de studieresultaten van de studenten
in SIS. Iedere student heeft na de registratie van de beoordeling van een examenonderdeel via SIS
inzage in de uitslag van dat onderdeel en beschikt via SIS tevens over een overzicht van de
behaalde resultaten.
2. Ingeschreven studenten kunnen aanspraak maken op studiebegeleiding. De vormen van
studiebegeleiding worden vermeld in deel B.
Artikel 5.2 Aanpassingen ten behoeve van een student met een functiebeperking
1. Een student met een functiebeperking kan op een daartoe strekkend schriftelijk verzoek, in te
dienen bij de studieadviseur, in aanmerking komen voor aanpassingen in het onderwijs, de
practica en tentamens. Deze aanpassingen worden zoveel mogelijk op hun individuele
functiebeperking afgestemd, maar mogen de kwaliteit of moeilijkheidsgraad van een vak of een
tentamen niet wijzigen. In alle gevallen zal de student moeten voldoen aan de eindtermen van de
2. Het in het eerste lid bedoelde verzoek wordt vergezeld van een aanbeveling van een
studentendecaan. De aanbeveling is niet ouder dan twaalf weken en is mede gebaseerd op een
recente verklaring van een arts of psycholoog.
3. Op verzoeken over aanpassingen van onderwijsorganisatie en -logistiek beslist de decaan of
namens deze de onderwijsdirecteur dan wel opleidingsdirecteur. Op verzoeken voor aanpassingen
die de tentaminering betreffen beslist de examencommissie.
4. Indien positief op een in het eerste lid bedoelde verzoek is beslist, maakt de student een afspraak
met de studieadviseur om te bespreken hoe de voorzieningen worden vormgegeven.
5. Een verzoek tot aanpassing wordt geweigerd indien toekenning ervan een buitenproportioneel
beslag legt op de organisatie of de middelen van de faculteit of universiteit.
6. Indien de beperking aanleiding geeft tot verlenging van de tijd waarbinnen het tentamen dient te
worden afgelegd, verstrekt de examencommissie een verklaring, waaruit het recht op die
verlenging blijkt. Indien een beperking aanleiding is tot het treffen van andere voorzieningen, kan
de studieadviseur de nodige maatregelen initiëren.
7. De verklaring, zoals bedoeld in het zesde lid is ten hoogste één jaar geldig. Op aanbeveling van
een studentendecaan kan de geldigheidsduur worden verlengd.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel A: facultair deel
6. Hardheidsclausule
Artikel 6.1 Hardheidsclausule
In gevallen waarin de onderwijs- en examenregeling niet voorziet, en in gevallen waarin sprake is
van onevenredige benadeling of onbillijkheid van overwegende aard, beslist de decaan waaronder de
opleiding valt, tenzij het de bevoegdheid van de examencommissie betreft.
7. Overgangs- en slotbepalingen
Artikel 7.1 Wijziging en periodieke beoordeling deel A
1. Een wijziging van deel A van de onderwijs- en examenregeling wordt door de decaan vastgesteld
na advies van de desbetreffende opleidingscommissie. Het advies wordt in afschrift verzonden aan
het bevoegde medezeggenschapsorgaan.
2. Een wijziging van de onderwijs- en examenregeling behoeft de instemming van het bevoegde
medezeggenschapsorgaan op de onderdelen die niet de onderwerpen van artikel 7.13, tweede lid
onder a t/m g en v, alsmede het vierde lid WHW betreffen.
3. Een wijziging van de onderwijs- en examenregeling kan slechts betrekking hebben op een lopend
studiejaar, indien de belangen van de studenten daardoor aantoonbaar niet worden geschaad.
Artikel 7.2 Overgangsbepalingen
1. Voor de student die op de datum van de inwerkingtreding van deze regeling één of meer
examenonderdelen met goed gevolg heeft afgelegd, maar het examen nog niet geheel met goed
gevolg heeft afgelegd en die in zijn belangen geschaad wordt door deze regeling die afwijken van
bepalingen in oudere regelingen, wordt door de examencommissie een overgangsregeling
vastgesteld, met inachtneming van hetgeen aangaande examens en examenonderdelen in de wet
bepaald is.
2. Opleidingsspecifieke overgangsregelingen zijn vermeld in deel B, hoofdstuk 1 tot en met 4.
Artikel 7.3 Bekendmaking
1. De decaan draagt zorg voor een passende bekendmaking van deze regeling, alsmede van elke
wijziging daarvan.
2. De onderwijs- en examenregeling wordt geplaatst op de website van de faculteit en wordt geacht
te zijn opgenomen in de studiegids.
Artikel 7.4 Inwerkingtreding
Deel A van deze regeling treedt in werking met ingang van 1 september 2014.
Aldus vastgesteld door de decaan van de Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde op 24 juli 2014
Advies opleidingscommissies,
Economie & Bedrijfskunde (OC-E&B), d.d. 14 februari 2014
Fiscale Economie (OC-FE), d.d. 27 februari 2014
Actuariële Wetenschappen, Econometrie en Operationele Research (OC-AEO), d.d. 20 februari 2014
Instemming Facultaire Studentenraad (FSR), d.d. 24 juli 2014
Instemming Ondernemingsraad (OR), 26 juni (negatief advies) en reactie daarop van de decaan op
10 juli
Vastgesteld door de decaan van de Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde op 24 juli 2014 8
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B1 Master’s Programme in Accountancy and Control
Deel B: opleidingsspecifiek deel
B1 Master’s Programme in Accountancy and Control
1. General provisions
Article 1.1 Definitions
Not applicable
Article 1.2 Programme characteristics
1. The MSc Accountancy and Control CROHOnummer 60900 is offered full-time and part-time in
1a. The part-time programme has a nominal study period of 1,5 years.
2. The programme has a workload of 60 EC.
3. The workload of the programme components is given in Chapter 4 of this part.
Article 1.3 Enrolment
The intake date for each of the study programme specializations is 1 September. Students may also
enroll on 1 February, but in that case the study programme cannot be fully completed within one year
and the workload will not be spread evenly throughout the Academic year.
2. Programme content
Article 2.1 Aim of the programme
The programme is aimed at developing an academic level of professional and intellectual ability.
Students will acquire knowledge of the scientific literature in the field of Accountancy and Control
and receive training in the methods and skills to apply this knowledge. Students are therefore trained
for professions that apply this knowledge at an academic level.
Article 2.2 Exit qualifications
There are three categories of exit qualifications:
1. Knowledge
2. Skills
3. Attitude.
1. Knowledge-related exit qualifications
The programme provides knowledge and insight into both national and international Accountancy and
Control issues. The focus is on generating and evaluating (financial) information, using this
information in managing and controlling an organisation, and ensuring the quality of this information.
Knowledge and insight into issues means that the graduate is able to analyse the issues based on
theoretical concepts, to critically evaluate any solutions proposed for addressing problems in theory
and practice, and to develop alternative solutions grounded in theory. As regards substantive
knowledge, a level is required which makes the student a specialist in the field. Detailed knowledge at
a high academic level is combined with practical examples and applications. Thus, students learn both
how to generate information (e.g., calculating earnings numbers following under different accounting
standards), and why organisations choose a specific way of generating this information.
After successfully completing the programme, students have the following knowledge (depending on
their chosen specialisation):
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B1 Master’s Programme in Accountancy and Control
Common part:
K1. knowledge of management control: using financial and non-financial information for decision
making and control;
K2. knowledge of financial reporting: the use of financial information in reporting on organisational
performance, and the role accounting standards play in this process;
K3. knowledge of accountability and corporate governance processes: the impact of social and political
processes on organisations’ accounting choices, as well as the role of ethics, professionalism, and
codes of conduct;
K4. knowledge of accounting information systems and internal control processes: ensuring the quality
of internal information and the role of information technology in this process, as well as the use of
internal information in risk management;
Specialisation Accountancy:
K5. knowledge of various financial reporting standards;
K6. knowledge of the way in which external auditors can verify the reliability of financial- and nonfinancial reporting ;
K7. knowledge of empirical research in financial accounting, and the ability to critically evaluate and
discuss this research.
Specialisation Control:
K8. knowledge of the goals, uses and techniques of quantitative decision making in organisations;
K9. knowledge of corporate financial management decisions;
K10. knowledge of empirical research in management accounting, and the ability to critically
evaluate and discuss this research.
2. Skills-related exit qualifications:
S1. the ability to conduct research with an abstract, academic character, including the formulation of a
hypothesis and the seeking out of the necessary sources;
S2. the ability to report clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing, about research at an academic
S3. the ability to analyse issues from the field within the chosen specialisation and to creatively
solve associated problems.
3. Attitude-related exit qualifications:
A1. a multidisciplinary attitude;
A2. the ability both to function independently and to cooperate constructively within a team;
A3. an understanding of the social context within which accounting is practised.
3. Admission
Article 3.1 Admission criteria
1. Applicants to the master programme need to show that they have obtained the following
knowledge and skills at the level of an academic bachelor programme:
a. Financial accounting
b. Management accounting
c. Finance
d. Corporate Law
e. Qualitative and quantitative research methods including mathematical methods
Additionally, knowledge of internal control systems and auditing will be highly beneficial.
2. Applications are assessed by the Admissions Board.
3. In addition to the requirements listed in paragraph 1, the Admissions Board will assess the
application on the following criteria:
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B1 Master’s Programme in Accountancy and Control
a. motivation, as evidenced by a motivation letter;
b. being in good standing at previous institutions, as evidenced by a reference letter from an
instructor at a previous institution.
c. grade point average
d. GMAT / GRE score
4. Not applicable
5. Not applicable
6. The applicant has to meet all requirements before being allowed to enter the programme.
Article 3.2 Pre-Master’s programme
Pre-Master education is governed by the regulations of the Executive Programmes of the faculty (the
Article 3.3 Limited programme capacity
Not applicable.
Article 3.4 Application deadline
An application for admission to the study programme must be submitted to the FEB Admission
Office by the following dates before the start of the academic year:
a. 1 April for students from non-EU countries;
b. 1 May for students from EU countries;
c. 1 June for students with a Dutch diploma.
Article 3.5 English language requirement
Those possessing a Bachelor’s degree from a Dutch university or HBO institution satisfy the
requirement of sufficient command of the English language. Additionally, prior knowledge of
English can also be evidenced by:
a. a diploma from a university or HBO study programme taught in English, or
b. TOEFL test: minimum score: 92, at least 20 on each sub-score;
c. TOEFL paper based test: 580;
d. IELTS-test: minimum score: 6.5, at least 6 on each sub-score;
e. Cambridge International Examinations: minimum score: A (FCE), B (CAE), B (CPE).
Article 3.6 Free curriculum
1. Subject to certain conditions, the student has the option of compiling a curriculum of their own
choice, which differs from the curricula mentioned in Chapter 4 of this part. Such a curriculum
requires permission of the Examinations Board before the student enrolls in any of the courses in
the curriculum.
2. The curriculum is comparable in terms of workload, content and academic level with the regular
curricula. All components of the curriculum are at master level.
4. Curriculum
Article 4.1 Components
1. The programme consists of
a. mandatory courses
b. track-specific courses
c. thesis
Article 4.2 Curriculum
Master’s programme in Accountancy and Control – specialisation Accountancy
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B1 Master’s Programme in Accountancy and Control
First semester
Second semester
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
& Control
and Risk
Master's Thesis
Internal Control &
Master's Thesis
Accountancy &
Sustainability, Accountability and Ethics
Master's Thesis Accountancy &
Master’s programme in Accountancy and Control – specialisation Control
First semester
Second semester
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
Control Research
& Control
and Risk
Master's Thesis
Internal Control &
Master's Thesis
Accountancy &
Sustainability, Accountability and Ethics
Master's Thesis Accountancy &
Course list
The following course list is also included in the digital UvA Course Catalogue 2014-2015.
All courses carry 5 credits unless stated otherwise.
Course Code
Course Name
Master’s Thesis Accountancy (15 EC)
Seminar A&C
Master’s Thesis Control (15 EC)
Seminar A&C
Corporate Financial Management
Financial Accounting Research
Internal Control & Accounting Information Systems
Management Accounting
Management Control
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B1 Master’s Programme in Accountancy and Control
Management Control Research
Research Seminar Accountancy & Control
Sustainability, Accountability and Ethics
Article 4.3 Practical training
Not applicable
Article 4.4 Electives
1. Courses listed in the course list in Article 4.2 which are not part of the mandatory curriculum
may be included in the study programme as an elective. Entry requirements or capacity
restrictions may apply.
2. An elective outside the course list in Article 4.2 may be included if each of the following
requirements are met:
a. the course must be provided at Master’s level and should be relevant to the study
b. the course is successfully completed elsewhere during the period that the student is enrolled
for a Master’s study programme at the FEB;
c. the Programme Director for the study programme in question has provided the Examinations
Board with a positive recommendation;
d. there is no substantial overlap between the course concerned and any other courses in the
Master’s study programme.
3. In exceptional cases, the Examinations Board may allow one or more courses of other university
Master’s programmes to be included as a substitute for Master’s courses provided by the FEB.
The unit must correspond in terms of content, depth and workload with the FEB Master’s course
in respect of which substitution is requested. The requirements specified in paragraph 3 above
must be met.
Article 4.5 Component enrolment requirements
Enrolment in a programme component may be subject to entry requirements. Any such requirements
are stated in the course list in Article 4.2 of this Part.
Article 4.6 Participation requirements
1. If a programme component involves mandatory attendance, students may miss at most one of the
mandatory sessions. Students may be asked to submit a compensation assignment for this missed
session. If a student misses more than one of the mandatory sessions, they cannot complete the
programme component with a passing grade.
2. In specific cases the Examinations Board can allow students to miss more sessions than indicated
in paragraph 1 of this Article. In all cases, students have to submit extra assignments to
compensate for their absence in addition to the assignments which are already part of the
programme component.
Article 4.7 Exemptions
A maximum of 18 credits in the Master’s curriculum may be accumulated through granted
Article 4.8 Validity period of examinations
Not applicable.
Article 4.9 Degree
Students who have successfully completed their Master's examination are awarded a Master of
Science degree. The degree awarded is stated on the diploma.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B1 Master’s Programme in Accountancy and Control
5. Transition and final provisions
Article 5.1 Amendments and periodic review
1. Any amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations will be adopted by the dean after
taking advice from the relevant Board of Studies. A copy of the advice will be sent to the
authorised representative advisory body.
2. An amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations requires the approval of the
authorised representative advisory body if it concerns components not related to the subjects of
Section 7.13, paragraph 2 sub a to g and v, as well as paragraph 4 of the WHW and the
requirements for admission to the Master's programme.
3. An amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations can only pertain to an academic
year that is already in progress if this does not demonstrably damage the interests of students.
Article 5.2 Transition arrangements
There are no transition arrangements applicable for 2014-2015.
Article 5.3 Publication
1. The Dean shall ensure appropriate publication of these Regulations, as well as of any adjustments
to them.
2. The regulations are set out in the digital UvA Course Catalogue for each programme
Article 5.4 Effective date
This regulation come into force as of 1 September 2014
Thus drawn up by the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business on 24 July 2014
Advice from Board of Studies,
Economics and Business (OC-E&B), on 14 February 2014
Fiscal Economics (OC-FE), on 27 February 2014
Actuarial Sciences, Econometrics and Operations Research (OC-AEO), on 20 February 2014
Approved by the Faculty Student Council (FSR) on 24 July 2014
Approved by the Central Works Council (OR), 26 June (negative advice) and reaction from the dean
on 10 July.
Adopted by the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business on 24 July 2014
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B2 Master’s Programme in Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance
B2 Master’s Programme in Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance
1. General provisions
Article 1.1 Definitions
Not applicable
Article 1.2 Programme characteristics
1. The MSc Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance CROHOnummer 66411 is offered fulltime in English.
2. The programme has a workload of 60 EC.
3. The workload of the programme components is given in Chapter 4 of this Part.
Article 1.3 Enrolment
The intake date for each of the study programme specialisations is 1 September. Students may also
enroll on 1 February, but in that case the study programme cannot be fully completed within one year,
or the workload will not be spread evenly throughout the Academic year.
2. Programme content
Article 2.1 Aim of the programme
The programme is aimed at developing an academic level of professional and intellectual ability.
Students develop a thorough knowledge and understanding of academic literature in the Actuarial
field, and are trained in the methods and skills to apply this knowledge. They are hence educated for
professions requiring academic levels of actuarial knowledge. The programme provides an academic
foundation for an analysis of the financial translation, redistribution and settlement of risk processes
and savings processes in the financial system of a society. Students must also be able to apply
methods and techniques to: (1) translate risks into a well-grounded and useable overview of cash
flows based on statistics; (2) translate this overview into a deterministic or stochastic time-dependent
cash flow model of reality to enable more effective management with fewer uncertainties. Graduate
actuaries will also have the ability to constantly and consistently test the assumptions used in their
models against the outcomes realised. In addition to this academic basis, an actuary will also be able
to maintain adequate interaction between theory and professional practice. Although orientation
towards an actuarial career is important, the emphasis is on academic education. For suitable
candidates this study programme also provides access to a subsequent PhD programme.
Article 2.2 Exit qualifications
There are three categories of exit qualifications:
1. Knowledge
2. Skills
3. Attitude.
1. Knowledge-related exit qualifications
The course offers knowledge and insight into both the national and international situation and
opinions. Insight into issues means that the graduate is able to analyse these based on theoretical
concepts, and is also able to be critical with respect to solutions chosen for problems in theory and
practice and to develop by himself alternative solutions for which a sound basis exists. As regards
substantive knowledge, a level is required which makes the student a specialist in the field, or part of
it. Detailed knowledge at a high academic level is combined with practical examples and
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B2 Master’s Programme in Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance
After successfully completing the course, students will have acquired the following knowledge:
K1. extensive knowledge of a number of the following fields of application in actuarial science: the
actuarial theory of life insurance, the actuarial theory of non-life insurance, and the actuarial
theory of pension funds and risk management, and also in the field of Risk Management: assetliability management and risk management of shares, derivatives and bond portfolios;
K2. specialised knowledge of at least one of the fields listed under K1.
K3. an understanding of the applicability, scope and limits of actuarial methods in practical settings.
2. Skills-related exit qualifications:
S1. the ability to conduct independent research, which includes being able to formulate a hypothesis
and a plan outlining the approach to and the execution of the research;
S2. the ability to translate a problem from practice into a problem definition that can be analysed
using methods from the field of actuarial sciences and mathematical finance and to translate the
results of these analyses back to the practical setting;
S3. the ability to quickly familiarise oneself with a field outside the chosen specialisation;
S4. the ability to keep abreast of new developments in their field.
3. Attitude-related exit qualifications:
A1. a research-oriented attitude;
A2. a quantitative and analytical approach to problems in financial or insurance practice;
A3. a multidisciplinary attitude; actuaries deal directly with experts from different fields in the
course of their work, including econometrists, statisticians, auditors, economists, tax specialists,
jurists, demographers, medical staff, technicians and risk managers;
A4. the ability both to function independently and to cooperate constructively within a team;
A5. understanding of the social context in which the profession of actuary is performed and the social
role of policy recommendations based on actuarial analyses (both in government and in
3. Admission
Article 3.1 Admission criteria
1. Applicants to the master programme need to show that they have obtained the following
knowledge and skills at the level of an academic bachelor programme:
a. probability and mathematical statistics (as in a mathematics degree)
b. linear algebra and calculus or analysis (as in a mathematics degree)
c. Preferably some econometrics, actuarial science and finance
2. Applications are assessed by the Admissions Board.
3. In addition to the requirements listed in paragraph 1, the Admissions Board will assess the
application on the following criteria:
a. motivation, as evidenced by a motivation letter;
b. being in good standing at previous institutions, as evidenced by a reference letter from an
instructor at a previous institution.
c. grade point average
d. GMAT / GRE score
4. Not applicable
5. Not applicable
6. The applicant has to meet all requirements before being allowed to enter the programme.
Article 3.2 Pre-Master’s programme
Not applicable
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B2 Master’s Programme in Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance
Article 3.3 Limited programme capacity
Not applicable
Article 3.4 Application deadline
An application for admission to the study programme must be submitted to the FEB Admission
Office by the following dates before the start of the academic year:
a. 1 April for students from non-EU countries;
b. 1 May for students from EU countries;
c. 1 June for students with a Dutch diploma.
Article 3.5 English language requirement
Those possessing a Bachelor’s degree from a Dutch university or HBO institution satisfy the
requirement of sufficient command of the English language. Additionally, prior knowledge of
English can also be evidenced by:
a. a diploma from a university or HBO study programme taught in English, or
b. TOEFL test: minimum score: 92, at least 20 on each sub-score;
c. TOEFL paper based test: 580
d. IELTS-test: minimum score: 6.5, at least 6 on each sub-score;
e. Cambridge International Examinations: minimum score: A (FCE), B (CAE), B (CPE)
Article 3.6 Free curriculum
1. Subject to certain conditions, the student has the option of compiling a curriculum of their own
choice, which differs from the curricula mentioned in Chapter 4 of this part. Such a curriculum
requires permission of the Examinations Board before the student enrolls in any of the courses in
the curriculum.
2. The curriculum is comparable in terms of workload, content and academic level with the regular
curricula. All components of the curriculum are at master level.
4. Curriculum
Article 4.1 Components
1. The programme consists of
a. mandatory courses
b. thesis
Article 4.2 Curriculum
Master’s Programme in Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance
The Master’s programme in Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance includes four compulsory
courses (24 EC), a Master’s thesis (15 EC) and electives (21 EC).
First semester
Second semester
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
Mathematics for
Management for
Insurers and
Asset Liability
Management –
Master's Thesis Actuarial Science and Mathematical
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B2 Master’s Programme in Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance
Recommended elective Master’s courses:
a. Caput Actuarial Science (6414M0206, 3 EC)
b. Stochastic Calculus (6414M0013, 5 EC)
c. Caput Insurance (6414M0218, 6 EC)
d. Actuarial Science of Pensions (6414M0216, 6 EC), if not already included in the bachelor
e. Verzekerings- en Pensioenrecht (6414M0215, 6 EC), if not already included in the bachelor
f. Caput Financing of Pensions (6414M0217, 6 EC)
g. Derivatives (6314M0108, 5 EC)
h. Fixed Income Risk Management (6314M0057, 5 EC)
In consultation with the Programme Director and subject to the approval of the Examinations Board
courses from other study programmes may also be included as an elective.
The courses Verzekerings- en Pensioenrecht and Caput Financing of Pensions are restricted to the
Dutch situation and taught in Dutch. Just as Pension Actuarial Science, they are recommended for
students aiming to get recognized by the Dutch Royal Actuarial Society as an Actuary AG, and are a
prerequisite for entering the postmaster programme to obtain that status.
The following course list is also included in the digital UvA Course Catalogue 2014-2015.
Course Code
Course Name
Compulsory courses
Master’s Thesis Actuarial Science and Mathematical
Finance (15 EC)
20 EC completed
of the Master`s
or Programme
Asset Liability Management – Cases (6 EC)
Financial Mathematics for Insurance (6 EC)
Non-Life Insurance: Statistical Techniques (6 EC)
Risk Management for Insurers and Pensions (6 EC)
Actuarial Science of Pensions (6 EC)
Derivatives (5 EC)
Fixed Income Risk Management (5 EC)
Caput Actuarial Science (3 EC)
Caput Financing of Pensions (6 EC, taught in Dutch)
Caput Insurance (6 EC)
Stochastic Calculus (5 EC)
Verzekerings- en Pensioenrecht (6 EC, taught in Dutch)
Article 4.3 Practical training
Not applicable
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B2 Master’s Programme in Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance
Article 4.4 Electives
1. Courses listed in the course list in Article 4.2 that are not part of the mandatory curriculum may
be included in the study programme as an elective. Entry requirements or capacity restrictions
may apply.
2. An elective outside the course list in Article 4.2 may be included if each of the following
requirements are met::
a. the course must be provided at Master’s level and should be relevant to the study
b. the course is successfully completed elsewhere during the period that the student is enrolled
for a Master’s study programme at the FEB;
c. the Programme Director for the study programme in question has provided the Examinations
Board with a positive recommendation;
d. there is no substantial overlap between the course concerned and any other courses in the
Master’s study programme.
3. In exceptional cases, the Examinations Board may allow one or more courses of other university
Master’s programmes to be included as a substitute for Master’s courses provided by the FEB.
The unit must correspond in terms of content, depth and workload with the FEB Master’s course
in respect of which substitution is requested. The requirements specified in paragraph 3 above
must be met.
Article 4.5 Component enrolment requirements
Enrolment in a programme component may be subject to entry requirements. Any such requirements
are stated in the course list in Article 4.2 of this Part.
Article 4.6 Participation requirements
1. If a programme component involves mandatory attendance, students may miss at most one of the
mandatory sessions. Students may be asked to submit a compensation assignment for this missed
session. If a student misses more than one of the mandatory sessions, they cannot complete the
programme component with a passing grade.
2. In specific cases the Examinations Board can allow students to miss more sessions than indicated
in paragraph 1 of this Article. In all cases, students have to submit extra assignments to
compensate for their absence in addition to the assignments which are already part of the
programme component.
Article 4.7 Exemptions
A maximum of 18 credits in the Master’s curriculum may be accumulated through granted
Article 4.8 Validity period of examinations
Not applicable.
Article 4.9 Degree
Students who have successfully completed their Master's examination are awarded a Master of
Science degree. The degree awarded is stated on the diploma.
5.Transition and final provisions
Article 5.1 Adjustments and periodic review
1. Any amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations will be adopted by the dean after
taking advice from the relevant Board of Studies. A copy of the advice will be sent to the
authorised representative advisory body.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B2 Master’s Programme in Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance
2. An amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations requires the approval of the
authorised representative advisory body if it concerns components not related to the subjects of
Section 7.13, paragraph 2 sub a to g and v, as well as paragraph 4 of the WHW and the
requirements for admission to the Master's programme.
3. An amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations can only pertain to an academic
year that is already in progress if this does not demonstrably damage the interests of students.
Article 5.2 Transition arrangements
Students who started in or before 2013-2014 and finished at least one of the four compulsory courses
that are now 6 EC should complete a programme consisting of 60 EC or more, including the four
compulsory courses as well as the course Derivatives, and electives with the usual constraints.
Article 5.3 Publication
1. The Dean shall ensure appropriate publication of these Regulations, as well as of any adjustments
to them.
2. The regulations are set out in the digital UvA Course Catalogue for each programme
Article 5.4 Effective date
This regulation come into force as of 1 September 2014
Thus drawn up by the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business on 24 July 2014
Advice from Board of Studies,
Economics and Business (OC-E&B), on 14 February 2014
Fiscal Economics (OC-FE), on 27 February 2014
Actuarial Sciences, Econometrics and Operations Research (OC-AEO), on 20 February 2014
Approved by the Faculty Student Council (FSR) on 24 July 2014
Approved by the Central Works Council (OR), 26 June (negative advice) and reaction from the dean
on 10 July
Adopted by the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business on 24 July 2014
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B4 Master’s Programme in Business Administration
B3 Master’s programme in Business Economics
1. General provisions
Article 1.1 Definitions
Not applicable
Article 1.2 Programme characteristics
1. The MSc Business Economics 60901 is offered full-time in English.
2. The programme has a workload of 60 EC.
3. The workload of the programme components is given in Chapter 4 of this Part.
Article 1.3 Enrolment
The intake date for each of the study programme specializations is 1 September. With the exception of
the specialization Real Estate Finance, entry on 1 February is not allowed.
2. Programme content
Article 2.1 Aim of the programme
The programme is aimed at developing an academic level of professional and intellectual ability.
Students acquire knowledge of the scientific literature in the field of business economics and receive
training in the methods and skills required to apply this knowledge. Students are therefore trained for
professions that apply this knowledge at an academic level. Economics is the study of processes and
institutions in relation to the use and distribution of scarce, alternatively applicable resources.
Business economics focuses on the performance of businesses, both internally and within their
context of operation. All graduates must specialise in one or more fields of business economics. The
knowledge-related exit qualifications are therefore differentiated in part based on the specialisation
chosen by the student.
Article 2.2 Exit qualifications
There are three categories of exit qualifications:
1. Knowledge
2. Skills
3. Attitude.
1. Knowledge-related exit qualifications
The programme provides knowledge of and insight into business-economic issues. Insight into issues
means that the graduate is able to analyse these based on theoretical concepts of economics, and is also
able to be critical with respect to solutions chosen for problems in theory and practice and to develop
alternative and well-founded solutions. As regards substantive knowledge, a level is required which
makes the student a specialist in the field, or part of it. Detailed knowledge at a high academic level is
combined with practical examples and applications. After successfully completing the programme ,
students will have knowledge of one of the following graduation specialisations in the field of business
economics, or a combination of these specialisations:
Specialisation Finance:
K1. knowledge of price-making processes in and functioning of financial markets;
K2. knowledge of the role of financial intermediaries;
K3. knowledge of investment analysis;
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B4 Master’s Programme in Business Administration
K4. knowledge of valuation and corporate finance;
K5. substantive knowledge in four out of the following subfields in Finance: behavioral finance,
commercial banking, corporate governance, derivatives, fixed income and risk management,
international financial economics, investment theory and financial regulation, international housing
markets, real estate portfolio management
Specialisation Organisation Economics:
K6. knowledge of important strategic issues in relation to the environment of organisations,
K7. knowledge of optimal performance assessments and reward systems within organisations;
K8. knowledge of the organisational architecture, in particular the distribution of responsibilities and
K9. knowledge of the relationship between (particularly financial and labour) markets and the internal
organisational architecture,
K10.knowledge of important insights from behavioral and experimental economics with applications to
Specialisation Real Estate Finance:
K11. knowledge of real-estate markets;
K12. knowledge of price-making processes and real-estate valuation;
K13. knowledge of price-making processes in financial markets, and of market structures,
particularly in relation to real-estate investments.
2. Skills-related exit qualifications:
S1. the ability to conduct research with an abstract, academic character, including the formulation of
a hypothesis and the seeking out of the necessary sources;
S2. the ability to report clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing, about research at an
academic level;
S3. the ability to analyse key issues from the field within the chosen specialisations;
S4. and to creatively resolve associated problems.
3. Attitude-related exit qualifications:
A1. insight into the economics aspects of everyday business practices;
A2. the ability both to function independently and to cooperate constructively within a team;
A3. an understanding of the social context within which economics is practised.
3. Admission
Article 3.1 Admission criteria
1. Applicants to the master programme need to show that they have obtained the following
knowledge and skills at the level of an academic bachelor programme:
For the specialisations Finance and Real Estate Finance:
a. Corporate finance
b. Investments
c. Derivatives
d. Econometrics
Additionally, knowledge of accounting, macro-economics and micro-economics will be highly
For the specialization Organisation Economics:
a. Organizational economics and/or Managerial Economics and/or a quantitative Human Resources
Management course
b. Corporate Finance and/or Microeconomics and/or Industrial Organisation
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B4 Master’s Programme in Business Administration
c. Statistics and/or Econometrics
Additionally, knowledge of mathematics, and game theory will be highly beneficial.
2. Applications are assessed by the Admissions Board.
3. In addition to the requirements listed in paragraph 1, the Admissions Board will assess the
application on the following criteria:
a. motivation, as evidenced by a motivation letter;
b. being in good standing at previous institutions, as evidenced by a reference letter from an
instructor at a previous institution.
c. grade point average
d. GMAT / GRE score
4. Not applicable
5. Not applicable
6. The applicant has to meet all requirements before being allowed to enter the programme.
Article 3.2 Pre-Master’s programme
Not applicable
Article 3.3 Limited programme capacity
Not applicable
Article 3.4 Application deadline
An application for admission to the study programme must be submitted to the FEB Admission
Office in the form of a digital registration at xxx by the following dates before the start of the
academic year:
a. 1 April for students from non-EU countries;
b. 1 May for students from EU countries;
c. 1 June for students with a Dutch diploma.
Article 3.5 English language requirement
Those possessing a Bachelor’s degree from a Dutch university or HBO institution satisfy the
requirement of sufficient command of the English language. Additionally, prior knowledge of
English can also be evidenced by:
a. a diploma from a university or HBO study programme taught in English, or
b. TOEFL test: minimum score: 92, at least 20 on each sub-score;
c. TOEFL paper based test: 580
d. IELTS-test: minimum score: 6.5, at least 6 on each sub-score;
e. Cambridge International Examinations: minimum score: A (FCE), B (CAE), B (CPE)
Article 3.6 Free curriculum
1. Subject to certain conditions, the student has the option of compiling a curriculum of their own
choice, which differs from the curricula mentioned in Chapter 4 of this part. Such a curriculum
requires permission of the Examinations Board before the student enrolls in any of the courses in
the curriculum.
2. The curriculum is comparable in terms of workload, content and academic level with the regular
curricula. All components of the curriculum are at master level.
4. Curriculum
Article 4.1 Components
1. The programme consists of
a. mandatory courses
b. track-specific courses
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B4 Master’s Programme in Business Administration
c. electives
d. thesis
Article 4.2 Curriculum
Master’s programme in Business Economics – specialisation Finance
First semester
Second semester
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Methods in
Master's Thesis
Finance (15
Ethics in
Finance (1 EC)
Financial Markets
Period 6
Thesis Seminar Finance (4 EC)
Applied Econometrics
Master’s programme in Business Economics – specialisation Organisation Economics
First semester
Second semester
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Incentives and
Markets and
Master's Thesis Organisation
Power and
Authority in
Applied Econometrics
Period 6
Research Seminar Organisation
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B4 Master’s Programme in Business Administration
Master’s programme in Business Economics – specialisation Real Estate Finance
First semester
Period 1
Period 2
Real Estate Valuation and Investments
(10 EC)
Second semester
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Methods in
Real Estate
Finance and
(10 EC)
Master's Thesis Real Estate
Finance (15 EC)
Real Estate Markets and Analysis (10
Applied Econometrics
Period 6
Ethics in
Finance (1 EC)
Thesis Seminar Finance (4 EC)
List of mandatory courses
The following course lists are also included in the digital UvA Course Catalogue 2014-2015.
All courses carry 5 credits unless stated otherwise.
Course Code
Course Name
Mandatory courses for the track Finance
Master’s Thesis Finance (15 EC)
Emperical Methods
in Finance
+Thesis Seminar
Applied Econometrics
Empirical Methods in Finance
Ethics in Finance (1 EC)
Financial Markets
Thesis Seminar Finance (4 EC)
Mandatory courses for the track Organisation Economics
Applied Econometrics
Behavioural Economics
Experimental Economics
Incentives and Performance Measurement
Markets and Organizations
Power and Authority in Organisations
Research Seminar Organisation Economics
Master’s Thesis Organisation Economics (15 EC)
Econometrics +
at least one of:
Incentives and
Measurement or
Power and
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B4 Master’s Programme in Business Administration
Authority in
or Markets and
Mandatory courses for the track Real Estate Finance
Master’s Thesis Real Estate Finance (15 EC)
Emperical Methods
in Finance
Applied Econometrics
Empirical Methods in Finance
Ethics in Finance (1 EC)
Real Estate Finance and Portfolio Management (10
Real Estate Markets and Analysis (10 EC)
Real Estate Valuation and Investments (10 EC)
Thesis Seminar Finance (4 EC)
Double specialisation Finance and Real Estate Finance
Students wishing to record both Finance and Real Estate Finance as specialisations on their
transcript must complete the following study programme:
Real Estate Markets and Analysis (6314M0060, 10 EC);
Real Estate Valuation and Investments (6314M0061, 10 EC);
Real Estate Finance and Portfolio Management (6314M0051, 10 EC);
Applied Econometrics
Financial Markets (6314M0047, 5 EC);
Empirical Methods in Finance (6314M0203, 5 EC);
Thesis Seminar Finance (6314M0243, 4 EC);
Ethics in Finance (1 EC)
Electives (10 EC in total);
A Master’s thesis (15 credits) the subject of which must relate to both financial and real estate
aspects and must have been approved by the appropriate Programme Director.
Based on the above, the programme for the two specialisations together must carry a minimum of
80 credits.
Other double specialisations
It is not possible to graduate in a double specialisation of Organisation Economics plus Finance
and/or Real Estate Finance.
Article 4.3 Practical training
Not applicable
Article 4.4 Electives
1. Students can take electives from the following list, with all courses 5 EC unless otherwise
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B4 Master’s Programme in Business Administration
Course Code
Course Name
Behavioural Finance
Caput International Housing Markets
Commercial Banking
Corporate Finance
Corporate Governance
Fixed Income Risk Management
International Financial Economics
Investment Theory
Financial Regulation
Real Estate finance and Portfolio Management
2. Courses listed in the course list in Article 4.2 which are not part of the mandatory curriculum
may also be included in the study programme as an elective. Entry requirements or capacity
restrictions may apply.
3. An elective outside the course list in Article 4.2 may be included if each of the following
requirements are met:
a. the course must be provided at Master’s level and should be relevant to the study
b. the course is successfully completed elsewhere during the period that the student is enrolled
for a Master’s study programme at the FEB;
c. the Programme Director for the study programme in question has provided the Examinations
Board with a positive recommendation;
d. there is no substantial overlap between the course concerned and any other courses in the
Master’s study programme.
4. In exceptional cases, the Examinations Board may allow one or more courses of other university
Master’s programmes to be included as a substitute for Master’s courses provided by the FEB.
The unit must correspond in terms of content, depth and workload with the FEB Master’s course
in respect of which substitution is requested. The requirements specified in paragraph 3 above
must be met.
Article 4.5 Component enrolment requirements
Enrolment in a programme component may be subject to entry requirements. Any such requirements
are stated in the course list in Article 4.2 of this Part.
Article 4.6 Participation requirements
1. If a programme component involves mandatory attendance, students may miss at most one of the
mandatory sessions. Students may be asked to submit a compensation assignment for this missed
session. If a student misses more than one of the mandatory sessions, they cannot complete the
programme component with a passing grade.
2. In specific cases the Examinations Board can allow students to miss more sessions than indicated
in paragraph 1 of this Article. In all cases, students have to submit extra assignments to
compensate for their absence in addition to the assignments which are already part of the
programme component.
Article 4.7 Exemptions
A maximum of 12 credits in the Master’s curriculum may be accumulated through granted
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B4 Master’s Programme in Business Administration
Article 4.8 Validity period of examinations
Not applicable.
Article 4.9 Degree
Students who have successfully completed their Master's examination are awarded a Master of
Science degree. The degree awarded is stated on the diploma.
5. Transition and final provisions
Article 5.1 Adjustments and periodic review
1. Any amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations will be adopted by the dean after
taking advice from the relevant Board of Studies. A copy of the advice will be sent to the
authorised representative advisory body.
2. An amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations requires the approval of the
authorised representative advisory body if it concerns components not related to the subjects of
Section 7.13, paragraph 2 sub a to g and v, as well as paragraph 4 of the WHW and the
requirements for admission to the Master's programme.
3. An amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations can only pertain to an academic
year that is already in progress if this does not demonstrably damage the interests of students.
Article 5.2 Transition arrangements
1. Students who have completed the Thesis Seminar Finance (6314M0243) before September 1,
2014 do not need to take Ethics in Finance (6314M0241).
2. Students in the track Real Estate Finance who have already completed an elective before
September 1, 2014 do not need to take the Thesis Seminar Finance (6314M0243) nor Ethics in
Finance (6314M0241).
3. Students who want to record both Finance and Real Estate Finance as specialisations on their
transcript and who have succesfully completed 45 EC or more of programme components before
September 1, 2014 need to complete 75 EC of programme components in stead of 80 EC, and they
may substitute the course Valuation with an elective. This transition arrangement is valid until
August 31, 2015.
Article 5.3 Publication
1. The Dean shall ensure appropriate publication of these Regulations, as well as of any adjustments
to them.
2. The regulations are set out in the digital UvA Course Catalogue for each programme
Article 5.4 Effective date
This regulation come into force as of 1 September 2014
Thus drawn up by the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business on 24 July 2014
Advice from Board of Studies,
Economics and Business (OC-E&B), on 14 February 2014
Fiscal Economics (OC-FE), on 27 February 2014
Actuarial Sciences, Econometrics and Operations Research (OC-AEO), on 20 February 2014
Approved by the Faculty Student Council (FSR) on 24 July 2014
Approved by the Central Works Council (OR), 26 June (negative advice) and reaction from the dean
on 10 July
Adopted by the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business on 24 July 2014
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B4 Master’s Programme in Business Administration
B4 Master’s programme in Business Administration
1. General provisions
Article 1.1 Definitions
Not applicable
Article 1.2 Programme characteristics
1. The MSc Business Administration CROHOnummer 60902 is offered full-time in English.
2. The programme has a workload of 60 EC
3. The workload of the programme components is given in Chapter 4 of this Part
Article 1.3 Enrolment
The intake date for each of the study programme specialisations is 1 September. The speciailisations
Marketing and International Management also allow an intake date on 1 February.
2. Programme content
Article 2.1 Aim of the programme
Business Administration as a science is concerned with the interdisciplinary study of complex
organisational issues in their context. Education and research in Business Administration aim to
develop knowledge of analysing and developing (processes in) organisations, making them more
effective and efficient. The Master’s programme in Business Administration is directed at
developing an academic level of thinking and working within this field. The acquired business
knowledge is relevant for practical purposes, such as giving advice, operations management and
policy formulation, as well as for scientific purposes, such as academic research in the field or in the
sub-domains of Business Administration. In the programme, students acquire knowledge of relevant
and recent academic literature in the field of Business Studies and receive training in the methods
and skills required to apply this knowledge in research and analysis, as well as in dealing with reallife issues. The students are trained for those professions in which business knowledge is required at
an academic level. In this degree programme, students can compile their own curriculum in various
specialist fields, known as tracks. The exit qualifications are therefore partially differentiated
according to the following tracks:
1. Strategy
2. International Management
3. Marketing
4. Leadership and Management
5. Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
6. Entrepreneurship and Management in the Creative Industries
Article 2.2 Exit qualifications
There are three categories of exit qualifications:
1. Knowledge
2. Skills
3. Attitude
1. Knowledge-related exit qualifications
Upon completion of the program students have:
K1. a systematic understanding of relevant knowledge about organisations, their external (and
international) environment and how they are managed; a critical awareness of current international
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B4 Master’s Programme in Business Administration
issues in business and management which is informed by leading edge research and practice in the
K2. an understanding of academic research methods to analyze business and management issues;
K3. insight and basic knowledge of the theories and approaches in different specializations of
business studies;
K4. a level of knowledge which makes him or her a specialist in one of the following specialisations
Business Administration:
Specialisation Strategy:
K5. understanding of the main strategic issues that firms face in relation to how they interact with
their competitive and institutional environments and how they are organized internally.
K6. knowledge of the main theories in the field of strategy.
K7. the ability to critically reflect on the main theories in the field of strategy, based on an
understanding of their relative strengths and limitations.
K8. the ability to apply the main theories of strategy in analyses of strategic issues faced by firms in
Specialisation International Management:
K9. understanding of how countries differ systematically in terms of resource endowments, market
opportunities, culture and regulatory frameworks.
K10. understanding of the various ways in which organizations engage in international business.
K11. gained the familiarity with the main theoretical lenses used to understand dynamics at the firm
and country level, respectively and in interaction.
K12. the ability to apply theoretically-derived analytical tools and frameworks to real-world
international business problems.
K13. the ability to think critically and holistically across multiple strategic issues in the global
business environment.
Specialisation Leadership and Management:
K14. knowledge of the theories of leadership and human resource management and ability to use this
knowledge to analyse problems and challenges organizations face in terms of managing
individuals, teams and organisations.
K 15. the ability to critically reflect on the main theories in the fields of leadership and human
resource management and know their limitations as well as their potential to guide leadership
and management practice.
K 16. the ability to diagnose leadership and human resource management problems, dilemmas and
interventions from an ethical perspective and in terms of the balance between organizational
and employee interests.
Specialisaion Marketing:
K17. understanding of how marketing knowledge, models and instrument use have evolved over
time and are context-specific.
K18. knowledge of the key and contemporary models by which marketers can analyze and answer
strategic marketing problems.
K19. learned the key models to understand consumer behavior and the implications of that
knowledge for marketing decisions
K20. the ability to apply theoretically-derived analytical tools and frameworks to real-world strategic
and tactical marketing problems.
K21. understanding of the breadth and depth of available marketing tactics to execute marketing
strategies in the most effective way.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B4 Master’s Programme in Business Administration
Specialisation Entrepreneurship and Innovation:
K22. knowledge and understanding of theories, models and issues in the field of entrepreneurship
and innovation.
K23. understanding the complexity and dynamics of the process of new (social or commercial),
venture creation, corporate entrepreneurship and innovation management in the context of
globalized world in which sustainability stands central.
K24. understanding and reflection on the main models and theories in the field of entrepreneurship
and innovation, and their applicability to the practice of entrepreneurship and innovation
K25. understanding of the role and importance of entrepreneurship and innovation for the
development of companies, industries and the economy and be able to argue why this is the
Entrepreneurship and Management in the Creative Industries
K26. knowledge of the key theories and academic debates about entrepreneurship and management
in the creative industries.
K27. knowledge of the core business concepts such as market, organization, network and resource,
and an understanding of what they mean in the context of the creative industries.
K28. understanding of what makes creative industries different from ‘normal’ industries, and an
ability to argue why this is the case.
K29. the ability to reflect critically on academic theories and argue the extent to which these
theories can be applied to creative industries business cases.
2. Skills-related exit qualifications
S1. the ability to deal creatively and systematically with management issues in the professional
practice; ability to work at the clarification or solution of a problem applying relevant
theoretical and methodological choices;
S2. the ability to tackle new, unknown and atypical problems and ones in which diverse aspects of
business are concerned; on the basis of doing this, to be able to bring nuances to the existing
business knowledge;
the ability to develop and conduct research of an academic nature independently, including
formulating a hypothesis, finding and processing relevant literature, systematically collecting,
interpreting and analysing empirical data, drawing conclusions and to apply these conclusion
to complex business situations and in this way generate new insights;
S4. the ability to understand the complexity of management problems under conditions of
uncertainty and to formulate a well-balanced judgment;
S5. understanding of the competitive, international, social, cultural and ethical environment in
which managers are operating and with this insight, the ability to evaluate the viability of a
S6. the ability to cope with ethical dilemmas, to be sensitive to the interests and perspectives of
relevant stakeholders and to acknowledge corporate social responsibility and sustainability as
important aspects in decision-making;
S7. the ability to report clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing, using appropriate media,
to academic and professional audiences and to advise organisations on the basis of research;
S8. the ability to cooperate and communicate constructively in multidisciplinary and international
S9. the ability to independently follow new developments in business based on scientific research;
ability to find relevant scientific, professional literature, study this critically and determine its
value; to determine the applicability of these developments in a specific context;S10. the
ability to acquire new scientific knowledge of and insights into disciplines related to Business
Studies, and to use these insights to resolve business issues.
3. Attitude-related exit qualifications:
A1. an attitude of constructive (multidisciplinary) cooperation within a team;
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B4 Master’s Programme in Business Administration
an active attitude towards learning and research based on the realisation that learning never
stops, also with respect to business-related problems;
realising that people, as well as the actions of people within a socio-economic-political
context, play a crucial role in organisational success;
realising that the reality of a functional organisation is not simple because, depending on the
chosen perspective, insights into problems and causes may shift; this demands an open attitude
towards different (disciplinary) visions;
an understanding of the international, social, cultural and ethical context within which
business is practised.
3. Admission
Article 3.1 Admission criteria
1. Applicants are required to have the following knowledge and skills on a third-year Bachelor-level:
‐ Knowledge of business related issues, theories and discussions in at least two of the
following fields: Strategy, International Management, Organization, Marketing, Leadership,
Entrepreneurship or Organisational Psychology
‐ The ability to critically reflect on theories and research
‐ The ability to conduct qualitative and quantitative research
2. Applications are assessed by the Admissions Board.
3. In addition to the requirements listed in paragraph 3.1.1, the Admissions Board will assess the
applications and select students on the following criteria:
a. motivation, as evidenced by a motivation letter and CV;
b. being in good standing at previous institutions, as evidenced by a reference letter from an
instructor at a previous institution.
c. grade point average
d. GMAT / GRE score
4. The selection procedure as described in 3.1.4 is not applicable for students from selected
programmes, including the Bachelor in Economics and Business of the University of Amsterdam
and the Premaster programme Business Studies.
5. Not applicable
6. The applicant has to meet all requirements before being allowed to enter the programme.
Article 3.2 Pre-Master’s programme
Pre-Master education is governed by the regulations of the Executive Programmes of the faculty (the
Article 3.3 Limited programme capacity
Not applicable
Article 3.4 Application deadline
An application for admission to the study programme must be submitted to the FEB Admission
Office in the form of a digital registration at xxx by the following dates before the start of the
academic year:
a. 1 April for students from non-EU countries;
b. 1 May for students from EU countries;
c. 1 June for students with a Dutch diploma.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B4 Master’s Programme in Business Administration
Article 3.5 English language requirement
Those possessing a Bachelor’s degree from a Dutch university or HBO institution satisfy the
requirement of sufficient command of the English language. Additionally, prior knowledge of
English can also be evidenced by:
a. a diploma from a university or HBO study programme taught in English, or
b. TOEFL test: minimum score: 92, at least 20 on each sub-score;
c. TOEFL paper based test: 580
d. IELTS-test: minimum score: 6.5, at least 6 on each sub-score;
e. Cambridge International Examinations: minimum score: A (FCE), B (CAE), B (CPE)
Article 3.6 Free curriculum
1. Subject to certain conditions, the student has the option of compiling a curriculum of their own
choice, which differs from the curricula mentioned in Chapter 4 of this part. Such a curriculum
requires permission of the Examinations Board before the student enrolls in any of the courses in
the curriculum.
2. The curriculum is comparable in terms of workload, content and academic level with the regular
curricula. All components of the curriculum are at master level.
4. Curriculum
Article 4.1 Components
1. The programme consists of
a. mandatory courses
b. track-specific courses
c. elective courses
d. thesis
Article 4.2 Curriculum
Structure of the Master’s programme in Business Administration
A study programme for the Master’s programme in Business Administration consists of:
a. the Theories course of the chosen specialisation;
b. a Theories course of one of the other specialisations;
c. two core courses of the specialisation;
d. two elective courses of the student’s choice, Theories courses excluded;
e. the course Introduction to the Thesis (1 EC);
f. the course Thesis Proposal (4 EC) of the chosen specialisation;
g. one workshop in Research Methods (2 EC);
h. one (out of two) workshop in Analysis (1 EC);
i. Business Studies seminar (0.5 EC)
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B4 Master’s Programme in Business Administration
First semester
Second semester
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
Theories course in
the chosen
specialisation (6
Core course in the
specialisation (6
Introduction to
the Thesis
(1 EC)
course (6 EC)
course (6 EC)
Master's Thesis
(15 EC)
Theories course in
a different
specialisation (6
Core course in the
specialisation (6
Workshop (2
(1 EC)
Business Studies
Business Ethics
(0.5 EC)
Seminar (0.5 EC)
Thesis Proposal
of the choses
(4 EC)
Master's Thesis Business
j. Business Ethics (0.5 EC)
k. Master's Thesis Business Business Administration (15 EC).
The Master’s thesis must be written about a subject that is closely related to the field of the
chosen specialisation.
This schedule only applies to students starting in September.
Course list
The following course list is also included in the digital UvA Course Catalogue 2014-2015.
All courses carry 6 credits unless stated otherwise.
Course Code
Course Name
Compulsory courses for all specialisations:
Business Studies Seminar (0.5 EC)
Business Ethics (0.5 EC)
Introduction to the Thesis (1 EC)
2 and 5
3 and 6
_____________ _____________________________________________
Compulsory Methods-Workshops (one out of five):
Thesis Workshop Social Media Research (2 EC)
Thesis Workshop Experiment Design (2 EC)
Thesis Workshop Database Research (2 EC)
Thesis Workshop Qualitative Research / Case Studies
(2 EC)
Thesis Workshop Survey Design (2 EC)
Compulsory Analysis-Workshops (one out of two):
Thesis Workshop Qualitative Data Analysis (1 EC)
Thesis Workshop Quantitative Data Analysis (1 EC)
5 and 2
5 and 2
Compulsory courses for the specialisation Strategy:
Theories of Strategy (6 EC)
Strategy and Organisation Design (6 EC)
The Adaptive Organisation (6 EC)
4 and 1
4 and 1
4 and 1
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B4 Master’s Programme in Business Administration
Thesis Proposal Strategy (4 EC)
Master’s Thesis Strategy (15 EC)
3 and 6
Compulsory courses for the specialisation International Management:
Theories of International Management (6 EC)
International Strategy (6 EC)
International Business Context (6 EC)
Thesis Proposal International Management (4EC)
Master’s Thesis International Management (15 EC)
1 and 4
2 and 5
2 and 5
3 and 6
Compulsory courses for the specialisation Marketing:
Theories of Marketing (6 EC)
Consumer Behaviour (6 EC)
Marketing Strategy (6 EC)
Thesis Proposal Marketing (4EC)
Master’s Thesis Marketing (15 EC)
1 and 4
2 and 5
2 and 5
3 and 6
Compulsory courses for the specialisation Leadership and Management:
Theories of Leadership and Management (6 EC)
Managing People Strategically (6 EC)
Leadership (6 EC)
Thesis Proposal Leadership and Management (4EC)
Master’s Thesis Leadership and Management (15 EC)
2 and 4
3 and 6
Thesis Proposal
Theories of
Strategy, and
Strategy and
Design or The
Thesis Proposal
Theories of
and International
Strategy or
Thesis Proposal
Theories of
Marketing, and
Behaviour or
Thesis Proposal
Leadership and
Theories of
Leadership and
and Managing
Strategically or
Compulsory courses for the specialisation Entrepreneurship and Management in the
Creative Industries
Theories of Entrepreneurship and Management in the 1
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B4 Master’s Programme in Business Administration
Creative Industries (6 EC)
Strategic Management and Marketing Theory in the
Creative Industries (6 EC)
Cultural Entrepreneurship and Innovation (6 EC)
Thesis Proposal Entrepreneurship and Management
in the Creative Industries (4EC)
Master’s Thesis Entrepreneurship and Management
in the Creative Industries (15 EC)
1 and 2
3 and 6
Compulsory courses for the specialisation Entrepreneurship and Innovation:
Theories of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (6 EC)
International Entrepreneurship (6 EC)
Innovation Management (6 EC)
Thesis Proposal Entrepeneurship and Innovation (4EC)
Master’s Thesis Entrepreneurship and Innovation (15
Thesis Proposal
Management in
the Creative
Theories of
Management in
the Creative
Industries, and
and Marketing
Theory in the
Industries or
and Innovation
3 and 6
Thesis Proposal
and Innovation,
Theories of
and Innovation,
and International
or Innovation
Electives (including the Master’s courses above, excluding the Theory-courses and Workshops):
Branding (6 EC)
Business and Sustainability (6 EC)
1 and 4
Managing Creativity
Change Management (6 EC)
Entrepreneurial Finance (6 EC)
Executing Strategy (6 EC)
Business Cases in New Technology(6 EC)
Design Driven Business Innovation (6 EC)
Cross Cultural Management (6 EC)
Management Consulting (6 EC)
Mergers and acquisitions
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B4 Master’s Programme in Business Administration
Operational Excellence (6 EC)
Performance Management (6 EC)
Retail Strategy (6 EC)*
Retail Marketing (6 EC)*
Services Marketing (6 EC)
Negotiations in B2B Markets
1and 5
* The enrolment procedure for these courses differs from the standard enrolment procedure. Details
can be found in the course catalogue.
Article 4.3 Practical training
Not applicable
Article 4.4 Electives
1. Courses listed in the course list in Article 4.2 which are not part of the mandatory curriculum
may be included in the study programme as an elective. Entry requirements or capacity
restrictions may apply.
2. In the MSc Business Administration, programme management offers pre-enrolment for some of
the elective courses, in addition to the common course registration period. Students will receive
information on how to apply for pre-enrolment by programme management. The programme
director will strive to place every student according to their first preferences, as long as capacity
allows that. The allocation will be based on motivation, consistency of the programme and/or
3. Students are not allowed to enroll for more than one elective per block.
4. An elective outside the course list in Article 4.2 may be included if each of the following
requirements are met:
a. the course must be provided at Master’s level and should be relevant to the study
b. the course is successfully completed elsewhere during the period that the student is enrolled
for a Master’s study programme at the FEB;
c. the Programme Director for the study programme in question has provided the Examinations
Board with a positive recommendation;
d. there is no substantial overlap between the course concerned and any other courses in the
Master’s study programme.
3. In exceptional cases, the Examinations Board may allow one or more courses of other university
Master’s programmes to be included as a substitute for Master’s courses provided by the FEB.
The unit must correspond in terms of content, depth and workload with the FEB Master’s course
in respect of which substitution is requested. The requirements specified in paragraph 3 above
must be met.
Article 4.5 Component enrolment requirements
Enrolment in a programme component may be subject to entry requirements. Any such requirements
are stated in the course list in Article 4.2 of this Part.
Article 4.6 Participation requirements
1. If a programme component involves mandatory attendance, students may miss at most one of the
mandatory sessions. Students may be asked to submit a compensation assignment for this missed
session. If a student misses more than one of the mandatory sessions, they cannot complete the
programme component with a passing grade.
2. In specific cases the Examinations Board can allow students to miss more sessions than indicated
in paragraph 1 of this Article. In all cases, students have to submit extra assignments to
compensate for their absence in addition to the assignments which are already part of the
programme component.
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Deel B4 Master’s Programme in Business Administration
Article 4.7 Exemptions
A maximum of 18 credits in the Master’s curriculum may be accumulated through granted
Article 4.8 Validity period of examinations
Not applicable.
Article 4.9 Degree
Students who have successfully completed their Master's examination are awarded a Master of
Science degree. The degree awarded is stated on the diploma.
5. Transition and final provisions
Article 5.1 Adjustments and periodic review
1. Any amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations will be adopted by the dean after
taking advice from the relevant Board of Studies. A copy of the advice will be sent to the
authorised representative advisory body.
2. An amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations requires the approval of the
authorised representative advisory body if it concerns components not related to the subjects of
Section 7.13, paragraph 2 sub a to g and v, as well as paragraph 4 of the WHW and the
requirements for admission to the Master's programme.
3. An amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations can only pertain to an academic
year that is already in progress if this does not demonstrably damage the interests of students.
Article 5.2 Transition arrangements
1. If students have completed the old course in the list below, they do not have to follow the course
next to it as it is listed in the study programme.
Old course
Strategic Organisation (6314M0189, 6 EC)
Strategy, Technology and Competitive
Advantage (6314M0160, 6 EC)
Entrepreneurship in Science and Technology
(6314M0163, 6 EC)
Managing People in an International Context
(6314M0119, 6 EC)
Elective: Strategic Management and Marketing
Theory in the Creatie industries (6314M0213, 6
New Course
Strategy and Organisation Design (6314M0234,
6 EC)
The Adaptive Organisation (6314M0235, 6 EC)
Business Cases in New Technology
(6314M0239, 6 EC)
Cross Cultural Management (6314M0237, 6 EC)
Managing Creativity (6314M0240, 6 EC)
2. The course Strategy and Organisation Design may be included in the study programme together
with Strategic Organization
3. The course The Adaptive Organisation may be included in the study programme together with
Strategy, Technology and Competitive Advantage.
4. The course Managing Creativity may be included in the study programme together with Strategic
Management and Marketing Theory in the Creative Industries.
5. For all tracks, the entry requirements for the thesis for students who have started the programme
before September 2014 are limited to the Thesis Proposal course of the track.
Article 5.3 Publication
1. The Dean shall ensure appropriate publication of these Regulations, as well as of any adjustments
to them.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B4 Master’s Programme in Business Administration
2. The regulations are set out in the digital UvA Course Catalogue for each programme
Article 5.4 Effective date
This regulation come into force as of 1 September 2014
Thus drawn up by the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business on 24 July 2014
Advice from Board of Studies,
Economics and Business (OC-E&B), on 14 February 2014
Fiscal Economics (OC-FE), on 27 February 2014
Actuarial Sciences, Econometrics and Operations Research (OC-AEO), on 20 February 2014
Approved by the Faculty Student Council (FSR) on 24 July 2014
Approved by the Central Works Council (OR), 26 June (negative advice) and reaction from the dean
on 10 July.
Adopted by the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business on 24 July 2014
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B6 Master’s Programme in Economics
B5 Master’s programme in Econometrics
1. General provisions
Article 1.1 Definitions
Not applicable
Article 1.2 Programme characteristics
1. The MSc Econometrics CROHOnummer 60177 is offered full-time and part-time in English.
2. The programme has a workload of 60 EC
3. The workload of the programme components is given in Chapter 4 of this Part
Article 1.3 Enrolment
The intake date for each of the study programme specialisations is 1 September. Students may also
enroll on 1 February, but in that case the study programme cannot be fully completed within one year
and the workload will not be spread evenly throughout the Academic year.
2. Programme content
Article 2.1 Aim of the programme
The programme is aimed at developing an academic level of professional and intellectual ability.
Students acquire knowledge of the scientific literature in the field of economics (including
mathematical economics and econometrics) and receive training in the methods and skills needed to
apply this knowledge. They are educated for professions in fields of business, policy or research that
require academic levels of econometric knowledge. Further specialisation is developed by building
on the broad knowledge of econometrics and mathematical economics acquired in the Bachelor’s
programme in Econometrics and Operations Research or equivalent previous education. This
specialisation may relate to general econometrics (focusing on the development and application of
estimation and testing methods), financial econometrics (focusing on empirical analyses of financial
markets), or mathematical economics (focusing on mathematical economic models). In particular,
the degree programme prepares the student for research jobs in the fields of e.g. market analysis,
consultancy or research agencies, financial institutions, or (semi) government institutions such as the
Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis or a Ministry. For suitable candidates this study programme
also provides access to a subsequent PhD programme.
Article 2.2 Exit qualifications
There are three categories of exit qualifications:
1. Knowledge
2. Skills
3. Attitude.
1. Knowledge-related exit qualifications
The course provides knowledge of and insight into both national and international economic and
management developments and opinions. Insight into issues means that the graduate is able to
analyse these based on theoretical concepts, and is also able to be critical with respect to solutions
chosen for problems in theory and practice and to develop by himself alternative solutions for which
a sound basis exists. As regards substantive knowledge, a level is required for each course which
makes the student a specialist in the field, or part of it. Detailed knowledge at a high academic level
is combined with practical examples and applications.
After successfully completing the course, students will have acquired the following knowledge:
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B6 Master’s Programme in Economics
K1. extensive knowledge of one of the following fields of application within econometrics or
mathematical economics: micro-econometrics, financial econometrics, market imbalances and
non-linear dynamics, game theory applications;
K2. an understanding of the applicability, scope and limits of econometric methods in practical
2. Skills-related exit qualifications:
S1. the ability to conduct independent research, which includes being able to formulate a hypothesis
and a plan outlining the approach to and the execution of the research
S2. the ability to translate a problem from practice into a problem definition that can be analysed
using methods from the field of econometric and mathematical economic methods and to
translate the results of these analyses back to the practical setting;
S3. the ability to quickly familiarise oneself with a field outside the chosen specialisation;
S4. the ability to keep abreast of new developments in their field.
3. Attitude-related exit qualifications:
A1. a research-oriented attitude;
A2. a primarily quantitative and analytical approach to practical social and business problems;
A3. an understanding of the social context in which the profession is performed; this includes an
understanding of the social role of policy recommendations based on econometric analyses (both
in government and business);
A4. the ability both to function independently and to cooperate constructively within a team;
A5. a multidisciplinary attitude.
3. Admission
Article 3.1 Admission criteria
1. Applicants to the master programme need to show that they have obtained the following
knowledge and skills at the level of an academic bachelor programme:
a) Micro economics
b) Macro economics
c) Finance
d) Economic theory (advanced)
e) Game theory (advanced)
f) Econometrics (advanced)
g) Time series analysis (advanced)
h) Probability and mathematical statistics (as in a mathematics degree)
i) Linear algebra (as in a mathematics degree)
j) Calculus or analysis (as in a mathematics degree)
2. Applications are assessed by the Admissions Board.
3. In addition to the requirements listed in paragraph 1, the Admissions Board will assess the
application on the following criteria:
a. motivation, as evidenced by a motivation letter;
b. being in good standing at previous institutions, as evidenced by a reference letter from an
instructor at a previous institution.
c. grade point average
d. GMAT / GRE score
4. Not applicable
5. Not applicable
6. The applicant has to meet all requirements before being allowed to enter the programme.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B6 Master’s Programme in Economics
Article 3.2 Pre-Master’s programme
Not applicable
Article 3.3 Limited programme capacity
Not applicable
Article 3.4 Application deadline
An application for admission to the study programme must be submitted to the FEB Admission
Office in the form of a digital registration at xxx by the following dates before the start of the
academic year:
a. 1 April for students from non-EU countries;
b. 1 May for students from EU countries;
c. 1 June for students with a Dutch diploma.
Article 3.5 English language requirement
Those possessing a Bachelor’s degree from a Dutch university or HBO institution satisfy the
requirement of sufficient command of the English language. Additionally, prior knowledge of
English can also be evidenced by:
a. a diploma from a university or HBO study programme taught in English, or
b. TOEFL test: minimum score: 92, at least 20 on each sub-score;
c. TOEFL paper based test: 580
d. IELTS-test: minimum score: 6.5, at least 6 on each sub-score;
e. Cambridge International Examinations: minimum score: A (FCE), B (CAE), B (CPE)
Article 3.6 Free curriculum
1. Subject to certain conditions, the student has the option of compiling a curriculum of their own
choice, which differs from the curricula mentioned in Chapter 4 of this part. Such a curriculum
requires permission of the Examinations Board before the student enrolls in any of the courses in
the curriculum.
2. The curriculum is comparable in terms of workload, content and academic level with the regular
curricula. All components of the curriculum are at master level.
4. Curriculum
Article 4.1 Components
1. The programme consists of
a. mandatory courses
b. track-specific courses
c. thesis
Article 4.2 Curriculum
Structure of the Master’s programme in Econometrics
The programme consists of the following four parts:
1. compulsory courses (20 EC) from the list of Master’s courses in Econometrics
2. electives (15 EC) from the list of Master’s courses in Econometrics
3. electives (10 EC) at a level equivalent to the Master’s courses.
Courses may also be chosen from the list of Master’s courses for Econometrics and/or
Economics, Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance, or the specialisation Finance from the
Master’s programme in Business Economics.
The inclusion of courses from other Master’s programmes is subject to the consent of both the
Programme Director and the Examinations Board.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B6 Master’s Programme in Economics
4. Master’s Thesis Econometrics (15 EC). The Thesis has to be written, and electives have to be
chosen, in accordance with the chosen track.
First semester
Period 1
Period 2
General Equilibrium
Game Theory
Second semester
Period 3
Econometrics 2
Advanced Econometrics 1
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
Master's Thesis Econometrics
Specialisation Econometrics
A study programme for the specialisation Econometrics of the Master’s programme in Econometrics
consists of:
1. compulsory Master’s courses (20 EC) from the list of Master’s courses in Econometrics
2. the course Financial Econometrics (6414M0007, 5 EC)
3. the course Micro-econometrics (6414M0010, 5 EC)
4. elective from the list of Master’s courses in Econometrics (5 EC)
5. electives (10 EC)
6. Master’s Thesis Econometrics (6414M022, 15 EC) on Econometrics.
Course list
The following course list is also included in the digital UvA Course Catalogue 2014-2015.
All courses carry 5 credits unless stated otherwise. All courses are only available for students who
are admitted to the MSc Econometrics
Course Code
Course Name
Compulsory courses for all specialisations:
Master’s Thesis Econometrics (15 EC)
Entry requirement
Master’s Thesis Financial Econometrics
At least 20 Ec completed
from the Master
At least 20 Ec completed
from the Master
Master’s Thesis Mathematical
At least 20 Ec completed
from the Master
Master’s Thesis Free Track
At least 20 Ec completed
from the Master
Advanced Econometrics 1
Advanced Econometrics 2
Game Theory
General Equilibrium Theory
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B6 Master’s Programme in Economics
Bounded Rationality
Financial Econometrics
Non-linear Economics Dynamics
Stochastic Calculus *
Machine Learning for Econometrics
Quantitative Marketing
Specialisation Financial Econometrics
In order to be admitted to this specialisation the student’s Bachelor or deficiency programme must
include the Bachelor’s course Mathematical and Empirical Finance (6012B0287).
A study programme for the specialisation Financial Econometrics of the Master’s programme in
Econometrics consists of:
1. compulsory Master’s courses (20 EC) from the list of Master’s courses in Econometrics
2. the course Financial Econometrics (6414M0007, EC)
3. the course Stochastic Calculus (6414M0013, 5 EC)
4. elective from the list of Master’s courses in Econometrics (5 EC)
5. the course Derivatives (6314M0108, 5 EC)
6. elective (5 EC)
7. Master’s Thesis Econometrics (6414M022, 15 EC) on Financial Econometrics.
Specialisation Mathematical Economics
A study programme for the specialisation Mathematical Economics of the Master’s programme in
Econometrics consists of:
1. compulsory Master’s courses (20 EC) from the list of Master’s courses in Econometrics
2. the course Non-linear Economic Dynamics (6414M0012, 5 EC)
3. the course Bounded Rationality (6414M0004, 5 EC)
4. elective from the list of Master’s courses in Econometrics (5 EC)
5. electives (10 EC)
6. Master’s Thesis Econometrics (6414M022,15 EC) on Mathematical Economics
Free track
A study programme for the free track of the Master’s programme in Econometrics consists of:
1. compulsory Master’s courses (20 EC) from the list of Master’s courses in Econometrics
2. Master’s courses (15 EC) from the list of Master’s courses in Econometrics
3. electives (10 EC)
4. Master’s Thesis Econometrics (6414M022, 15 EC) on Econometrics and/or Mathematical
Double degree programmes in Econometrics and Mathematics
In collaboration with the Mathematics Department of the Faculty of Science (the KdV Institute of the
FNWI), two double degree programmes have been established for students desiring to earn a degree
in both Econometrics and Mathematics:
1. A double degree programme in Mathematics and Econometrics;
2. A double degree programme in Econometrics and Stochastics and Financial Mathematics.
The total scope of each of these programmes is 150 credits, and they both have the following general
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B6 Master’s Programme in Economics
56 credits for courses in Mathematics
45 credits for courses in Econometrics / Mathematical Economics.
6 credits for Academic Skills (taken at FNWI)
7 credits for electives at FEB and/or FNWI
30 credits for a joint Master’s thesis with a supervisor from FNWI and a supervisor from FEB,
with and additional 6 credits for oral and written presentation at FNWI.
Study programmes must be approved by both the FEB Examinations Board and the Mathematics
Examinations Board. These programmes must meet the standard requirements of the separate
Master’s programmes that make up the double degrees: either the MSc in Stochastics and Financial
Mathematics; or the MSc in Mathematics; or the MSc in Econometrics. The requirements for the
45 credits from courses in Econometrics / Mathematical Economics are set out in Chapter 6. The
requirements for the 56 credits in courses in Mathematics for the track Mathematics and
Econometrics are set out in the Teaching and Examination Regulations for the Master’s programme
in Mathematics. The requirements for the 56 credits in courses in Mathematics for the track
Econometrics and Stochastics and Financial Mathematics are set out in the Teaching and
Examination Regulations for the Master’s programme in Stochastics and Financial Mathematics,
Article 4.3 Practical training
Not applicable
Article 4.4 Electives
1. Courses listed in the course list in Article 4.2 which are not part of the mandatory curriculum
may be included in the study programme as an elective. Entry requirements or capacity
restrictions may apply.
2. An elective outside the course list in Article 4.2 may be included if each of the following
requirements are met::
a. the course must be provided at Master’s level and should be relevant to the study
b. the course is successfully completed elsewhere during the period that the student is enrolled
for a Master’s study programme at the FEB;
c. the Programme Director for the study programme in question has provided the Examinations
Board with a positive recommendation;
d. there is no substantial overlap between the course concerned and any other courses in the
Master’s study programme.
3. In exceptional cases, the Examinations Board may allow one or more courses of other university
Master’s programmes to be included as a substitute for Master’s courses provided by the FEB.
The unit must correspond in terms of content, depth and workload with the FEB Master’s course
in respect of which substitution is requested. The requirements specified in paragraph 3 above
must be met.
Article 4.5 Component enrolment requirements
Enrolment in a programme component may be subject to entry requirements. Any such requirements
are stated in the course list in Article 4.2 of this Part.
Article 4.6 Participation requirements
1. If a programme component involves mandatory attendance, students may miss at most one of the
mandatory sessions. Students may be asked to submit a compensation assignment for this missed
session. If a student misses more than one of the mandatory sessions, they cannot complete the
programme component with a passing grade.
2. In specific cases the Examinations Board can allow students to miss more sessions than indicated
in paragraph 1 of this Article. In all cases, students have to submit extra assignments to
compensate for their absence in addition to the assignments which are already part of the
programme component.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B6 Master’s Programme in Economics
Article 4.7 Exemptions
A maximum of 18 credits in the Master’s curriculum may be accumulated through granted
Article 4.8 Validity period of examinations
Not applicable.
Article 4.9 Degree
Students who have successfully completed their Master's examination are awarded a Master of
Science degree. The degree awarded is stated on the diploma.
5. Transition and final provisions
Article 5.1 Adjustments and periodic review
1. Any amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations will be adopted by the dean after
taking advice from the relevant Board of Studies. A copy of the advice will be sent to the
authorised representative advisory body.
2. An amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations requires the approval of the
authorised representative advisory body if it concerns components not related to the subjects of
Section 7.13, paragraph 2 sub a to g and v, as well as paragraph 4 of the WHW and the
requirements for admission to the Master's programme.
3. An amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations can only pertain to an academic
year that is already in progress if this does not demonstrably damage the interests of students.
Article 5.2 Transition arrangements
There are no transition arrangements applicable for 2014-2015.
Article 5.3 Publication
1. The Dean shall ensure appropriate publication of these Regulations, as well as of any adjustments
to them.
2. The regulations are set out in the digital UvA Course Catalogue for each programme
Article 5.4 Effective date
This regulation come into force as of 1 September 2014
Thus drawn up by the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business on 24 July 2014
Advice from Board of Studies,
Economics and Business (OC-E&B), on 14 February 2014
Fiscal Economics (OC-FE), on 27 February 2014
Actuarial Sciences, Econometrics and Operations Research (OC-AEO), on 20 February 2014
Approved by the Faculty Student Council (FSR) on 24 July 2014
Approved by the Central Works Council (OR), 26 June (negative advice) and reaction from the dean
on 10 July.
Adopted by the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business on 24 July 2014
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B6 Master’s Programme in Economics
B6 Master’s programme in Economics
1. General provisions
Article 1.1 Definitions
Not applicable
Article 1.2 Programme characteristics
1. The MSc Economics CROHOnummer 66401 is offered full-time and part-time in English.
2. The programme has a workload of 60 EC
3. The workload of the programme components is given in Chapter 4 of this Part
Article 1.3 Enrolment
The intake date for each of the study programme specialisations is 1 September.
2. Programme content
Article 2.1 Aim of the programme
Economics is the study of human behaviour and social relationships, institutions, and processes in
relation to the use and distribution of scarce, alternatively applicable resources. The programme is
aimed at developing an advanced academic level of professional and intellectual ability whereby
graduates are taught about the most recent scientific literature in the field of economics and are
trained in the methods and skills needed to apply this knowledge to actual problems.within their
chosen field of specialisation.
Article 2.2 Exit qualifications
There are three categories of exit qualifications:
1. Knowledge
2. Skills
3. Attitude.
1. Knowledge-related exit qualifications
The student learns about the theories and analytical framework of modern economics and how to apply
these to practical issues. The graduate is mindful of the limitations of these theories and this analytical
framework, as well as their applications in practice. As regards substantive knowledge, a level is
required which makes the student a specialist in the field, or part of it. Graduates will have such
knowledge of one of the following subject areas:
K1. Behavioural Economics and Game Theory
K2. Industrial Organisation, Regulation and Competition Policy
K3. Development Economics
K4. International Economics and Globalisation
K5. Monetary Policy and Banking
K6. Public Economic Policy.
More particularly, the following skills and attitudes will have been acquired in relation to these areas of
2. Skills-related exit qualifications:
S1. the ability to evaluate scientific research in the area of study;
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B6 Master’s Programme in Economics
S2. the ability to conduct scientific research at a scientific level. This means that the graduate will be
able: (i) to formulate a substantiated, researchable problem statement, (ii) to find the sources
needed to do the research, (iii) to make a substantiated choice from the methods available to
analyse the problem, as well as the ability to apply these methods;
S3. the ability to report clearly and concisely both orally and in writing about research at an academic
3. Attitude-related exit qualifications:
A1. an interdisciplinary and/or multidisciplinary attitude;
A2. the ability both to function independently and to cooperate constructively within a team;
A3. an understanding of the social context within which economics is practised.
3. Admission
Article 3.1 Admission criteria
1. Applicants to the master programme need to show that they have obtained the following
knowledge and skills at the level of an academic bachelor programme:
a. Micro economics
b. Macro economics
c. Econometrics
d. Mathematics and statistics
Additionally, knowledge of computing programs such as STATA will be highly beneficial.
2. Applications are assessed by the Admissions Board.
3. In addition to the requirements listed in paragraph 1, the Admissions Board will assess the
application on the following criteria:
a. motivation, as evidenced by a motivation letter;
b. being in good standing at previous institutions, as evidenced by a reference letter from an
instructor at a previous institution.
c. grade point average
d. GMAT / GRE score
4. Not applicable
5. Not applicable
6. The applicant has to meet all requirements before being allowed to enter the programme.
Article 3.2 Pre-Master’s programme
Not applicable
Article 3.3 Limited programme capacity
Not applicable
Article 3.4 Application deadline
An application for admission to the study programme must be submitted to the FEB Admission
Office in the form of a digital registration at xxx by the following dates before the start of the
academic year:
a. 1 April for students from non-EU countries;
b. 1 May for students from EU countries;
c. 1 June for students with a Dutch diploma.
Article 3.5 English language requirement
Those possessing a Bachelor’s degree from a Dutch university satisfy the requirement of
sufficient command of the English language. Additionally, prior knowledge of English can
also be evidenced by:
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B6 Master’s Programme in Economics
a. a diploma from a university or HBO study programme taught in English, or
TOEFL test: minimum score: 92, at least 20 on each sub-score;
TOEFL paper based test: 580
IELTS-test: minimum score: 6.5, at least 6 on each sub-score;
Cambridge International Examinations: minimum score: A (FCE), B (CAE), B (CPE)
Article 3.6 Free curriculum
1. Subject to certain conditions, the student has the option of compiling a curriculum of their own
choice, which differs from the curricula mentioned in Chapter 4 of this part. Such a curriculum
requires permission of the Examinations Board before the student enrolls in any of the courses in
the curriculum.
2. The curriculum is comparable in terms of workload, content and academic level with the regular
curricula. All components of the curriculum are at master level.
4. Curriculum
Article 4.1 Components
1. The programme consists of
a. mandatory courses
b. track-specific courses
c. thesis
Article 4.2 Curriculum
The following curriculum is also included in the digital UvA Course Catalogue 2014-2015.
Within the Master’s programme in Economics there are six specialisations:
1. Behavioural Economics and Game Theory
2. Industrial Organisation, Regulation and Competition Policy
3. Development Economics
4. International Economics and Globalisation
5. Monetary Policy and Banking
6. Public Economic Policy.
Structure of the Master’s programme in Economics
First semester
Second semester
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
and Game Theory
Master’s course in
the chosen
Master’s course
in the chosen
Master’s course
in the chosen
Master’s course in
the chosen
Economics on
the chosen
Economics on
the chosen
Applied Econometrics
Master’s course
in the chosen
Research Seminar for the specific
Course list
The following course list is also included in the digital UvA Course Catalogue 2014-2015.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B6 Master’s Programme in Economics
All courses carry a workload of 5 credits unless stated otherwise.
Course Code
Course Name
Compulsory courses for all specialisations:
Applied Econometrics
Microeconomics and Game Theory
Compulsory courses for the specialisation Behavioural Economics and Game Theory:
Master’s Thesis Economics on Behavioural Economics 5+6
and Game Theory (15 EC)
Entry Requirement
Two of the three core
courses + two of the
four compulsory
in the Research Seminar
Advanced Game Theory
Behavioural Economics
Evolution and Behaviour
Experimental Economics
Research Seminar Behavioural Economics and Game
At least 15 EC of the
Master`s programme
Compulsory courses for the specialisation Industrial Organisation, Regulation and
Competition Policy:
Master’s Thesis Economics on Industrial Organisation, 5+6
Regulation and Competition Policy (15 EC)
Two of the three core
courses + two of the
four compulsory
in the Research Seminar
6414M0168 ór
Advanced Industrial Organisation
Competition Policy
Empirical Market Analysis
Experimental Economics
Regulation, ór
Economics of the Public Sector
Research Seminar Industrial Organisation, Regulation
and Competition Policy
At least 15 EC of the
Master`s programme
Compulsory courses for the specialisation Development Economics
Master’s Thesis Economics on Development
Economics (15 EC)
Two of the three core
courses + two of the
four compulsory
in the Research Seminar
Experimental Economics
Globalisation, Growth and Development
Human Development
Impact Evaluation: Development and Public Policy
Microeconomics for Development
Research Seminar Development Economics
At least 15 EC of the
Master`s programme
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B6 Master’s Programme in Economics
Compulsory courses for the specialisation International Economics and Globalisation
Master’s Thesis Economics on International
Economics and Globalisation (15 EC)
Two of the three core
courses + two of the
four compulsory
in the Research Seminar
6414M0153, ór
6414M0152, ór
Empirical Market Analysis, ór
Economic Growth, ór
Public Finance and Fiscal Policy
Financial Institutions and Banking
International Economic Cooperation
International Finance
International Trade Theory and Policy
Research Seminar International Economics and
At least 15 EC of the
Master`s programme
Compulsory courses for the specialisation Monetary Policy and Banking
Master’s Thesis Economics on Monetary Policy and 5+6
Banking (15 EC)
Two of the three core
courses + two of the
four compulsory
in the Research Seminar
Economic Growth
Financial Institutions and Banking
International Finance
Monetary Theory
Public Finance and Fiscal Policy
Research Seminar Monetary Policy and Banking
At least 15 EC of the
Master`s programme
Compulsory courses for the specialisation Public Economic Policy
Master’s Thesis Public Economic Policy (15 EC)
Two of the three core
courses + two of the
four compulsory
in the Research Seminar
6414M0151, ór
6414M0155, ór
6414M0178, ór
Competition Policy, ór
Economic Growth
Financial Institutions and Banking, ór
Experimental Economics
Impact Evaluation: Development and Public Policy,
Economics of the Public Sector
Public Finance and Fiscal Policy
Research Seminar Public Economic Policy
At least 15 EC of the
Master`s programme
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B6 Master’s Programme in Economics
Article 4.3 Practical training
Not applicable
Article 4.4 Electives
1. Courses listed in the course list in Article 4.2 which are not part of the mandatory curriculum
may be included in the study programme as an elective. Entry requirements or capacity
restrictions may apply.
2. An elective outside the course list in Article 4.2 may be included if each of the following
requirements are met::
a. the course must be provided at Master’s level and should be relevant to the study
b. the course is successfully completed elsewhere during the period that the student is enrolled
for a Master’s study programme at the FEB;
c. the Programme Director for the study programme in question has provided the Examinations
Board with a positive recommendation;
d. there is no substantial overlap between the course concerned and any other courses in the
Master’s study programme.
5. An elective course cannot substitute any obligatory course
6. In exceptional cases, the Examinations Board may allow one or more courses of other university
Master’s programmes to be included as a substitute for Master’s courses provided by the FEB.
The unit must correspond in terms of content, depth and workload with the FEB Master’s course
in respect of which substitution is requested. The requirements specified in paragraph 3 above
must be met.
Article 4.5 Component enrolment requirements
Enrolment in a programme component may be subject to entry requirements. Any such requirements
are stated in the course list in Article 4.2 of this Part.
Article 4.6 Participation requirements
1. If a programme component involves mandatory attendance, students may miss at most one of the
mandatory sessions. Students may be asked to submit a compensation assignment for this missed
session. If a student misses more than one of the mandatory sessions, they cannot complete the
programme component with a passing grade.
2. In specific cases the Examinations Board can allow students to miss more sessions than indicated
in paragraph 1 of this Article. In all cases, students have to submit extra assignments to
compensate for their absence in addition to the assignments which are already part of the
programme component.
Article 4.7 Exemptions
A maximum of 18 credits in the Master’s curriculum may be accumulated through granted
Article 4.8 Validity period of examinations
Not applicable.
Article 4.9 Degree
Students who have successfully completed their Master's examination are awarded a Master of
Science degree. The degree awarded is stated on the diploma.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B6 Master’s Programme in Economics
5. Transition and final provisions
Article 5.1 Adjustments and periodic review
1. Any amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations will be adopted by the dean after
taking advice from the relevant Board of Studies. A copy of the advice will be sent to the
authorised representative advisory body.
2. An amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations requires the approval of the
authorised representative advisory body if it concerns components not related to the subjects of
Section 7.13, paragraph 2 sub a to g and v, as well as paragraph 4 of the WHW and the
requirements for admission to the Master's programme.
3. An amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations can only pertain to an academic
year that is already in progress if this does not demonstrably damage the interests of students.
Article 5.2 Transition arrangements
There are no transition arrangements applicable for 2014-2015.
Article 5.3 Publication
1. The Dean shall ensure appropriate publication of these Regulations, as well as of any adjustments
to them.
2. The regulations are set out in the digital UvA Course Catalogue for each programme
Article 5.4 Effective date
This regulation come into force as of 1 September 2014
Thus drawn up by the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business on 24 July 2014
Advice from Board of Studies,
Economics and Business (OC-E&B), on 14 February 2014
Fiscal Economics (OC-FE), on 27 February 2014
Actuarial Sciences, Econometrics and Operations Research (OC-AEO), on 20 February 2014
Approved by the Faculty Student Council (FSR) on 24 July 2014
Approved by the Central Works Council (OR), 26 June (negative advice) and reaction from the dean
on 10 July
Adopted by the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business on 24 July 2014
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B7 Master’s Programme in Fiscal Economics
B7 Master’s programme in Fiscal Economics
1. General provisions
Article 1.1 Definitions
Not applicable
Article 1.2 Programme characteristics
1. The MSc Fiscal Economics CROHOnummer 66402 is offered full-time in Dutch.
2. The programme has a workload of 60 EC.
3. The workload of the programme components is given in Chapter 4 of this Part
Article 1.3 Enrolment
The intake date for each of the study programme specialisations is 1 September. Students may also
enrol on 1 February, but in that case the study programme cannot be fully completed within one year
and the workload will not be spread evenly throughout the Academic year.
2. Programme content
Article 2.1 Aim of the programme
The course has the objective of educating students so that they possess a high-grade academic level
of knowledge of the modern fiscal economics literature, as well as the ability to apply this
knowledge adequately. Although orientation towards a career is important, academic education
stands foremost. Fiscal Economics is concerned with the study of tax law from an economic
Article 2.2 Exit qualifications
There are three categories of exit qualifications:
1. Knowledge
2. Skills
3. Attitude.
1. Knowledge-related exit qualifications
The course offers knowledge and insight into both the national and international economic situation
and opinions. Insight into issues means that the graduate is able to analyse these based on theoretical
concepts, and is also able to be critical with respect to solutions chosen for problems in theory and
practice and to develop by himself alternative solutions for which a sound basis exists. As regards
substantive knowledge, a level is required which makes the student a specialist in the field, or part of
it. Detailed knowledge at a high academic level is combined with practical examples and
After successfully completing the course, students have the following knowledge:
K1. knowledge of the relationship between the treasury and the enterprise;
K2. knowledge of corporation tax;
K3. knowledge of financial reporting;
and also on completion of the track Fiscal Economics:
K4. knowledge of formal tax law;
K5. knowledge of international tax law and dividend tax.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B7 Master’s Programme in Fiscal Economics
and also on completion of the track Tax Compliance:
K6. knowledge of responsible processing of tax in declarations with national elements;
K7. knowledge of responsible processing of tax in declarations with international elements.
2. Skills-related exit qualifications:
S1. the ability to conduct research with an abstract, academic character, including the formulation of
a hypothesis and the seeking out of the necessary sources;
S2. the ability to report clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing, about research at an
academic level.
3. Attitude-related exit qualifications:
A1. a multidisciplinary attitude;
A2. the ability both to function independently and to cooperate constructively within a team;
A3. an understanding of the social context within which Fiscal Economics is practised.
3. Admission
Article 3.1 Admission criteria
1. Applicants to the master programme need to show that they have obtained the following
knowledge and skills at the level of an academic bachelor programme:
a. Financial accounting
b. Management accounting
c. Finance
d. Corporate Law
e. Qualitative and quantitative research methods including mathematical methods
Additionally, knowledge of internal control systems and auditing will be highly beneficial.
2. Applications are assessed by the Admissions Board.
3. In addition to the requirements listed in paragraph 1, the Admissions Board will assess the
application on the following criteria:
a. motivation, as evidenced by a motivation letter;
b. being in good standing at previous institutions, as evidenced by a reference letter from an
instructor at a previous institution.
c. grade point average
d. GMAT / GRE score
4. Not applicable
5. Not applicable
6. The applicant has to meet all requirements before being allowed to enter the programme.
Article 3.2 Pre-Master’s programme
Not applicable
Article 3.3 Limited programme capacity
Not applicable
Article 3.4 Application deadline
An application for admission to the study programme must be submitted to the FEB Admission
Office in the form of a digital registration at xxx by the following dates before the start of the
academic year:
a. 1 April for students from non-EU countries;
b. 1 May for students from EU countries;
c. 1 June for students with a Dutch diploma.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B7 Master’s Programme in Fiscal Economics
Article 3.5 English language requirement
Those possessing a Bachelor’s degree from a Dutch university or HBO institution satisfy the
requirement of sufficient command of the English language. Additionally, prior knowledge of
English can also be evidenced by:
a. a diploma from a university or HBO study programme taught in English, or
b. TOEFL test: minimum score: 92, at least 20 on each sub-score;
c. TOEFL paper based test: 580
d. IELTS-test: minimum score: 6.5, at least 6 on each sub-score;
e. Cambridge International Examinations: minimum score: A (FCE), B (CAE), B (CPE)
Article 3.6 Free curriculum
1. Subject to certain conditions, the student has the option of compiling a curriculum of their own
choice, which differs from the curricula mentioned in Chapter 4 of this part. Such a curriculum
requires permission of the Examinations Board before the student enrolls in any of the courses in
the curriculum.
2. The curriculum is comparable in terms of workload, content and academic level with the regular
curricula. All components of the curriculum are at master level.
4. Curriculum
Article 4.1 Components
1. The programme consists of
a. mandatory courses
b. thesis
Article 4.2 Curriculum
First semester
Period 1
Period 2
(6 EC)
(6 EC)
Second semester
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
Transfer Pricing
(6 EC)
van Concerns
(6 EC)*
Corporate Tax
(3 EC)
Thesis Fiscale
(12 EC)**
Tax Compliance
Formeel (3 EC)
Internationaal Belastingrecht (9 EC)*
Tax Accounting (9 EC)
Master’s Thesis Fiscale Economie
(12 EC)**
*These courses are provided by the Faculty of Law (Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid or FdR). Enrolment for
lectures as well as for interim and other examinations for these courses is in accordance with FdR regulations.
**The Master’s Thesis Fiscale Economie may be written at either the FEB or the FdR, subject to the consent of
the Programme Director.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B7 Master’s Programme in Fiscal Economics
Course list
The following course list is also included in the digital UvA Course Catalogue 2014-2015.
Course Code
Course Name
Master’s Thesis Fiscal Economics(12 EC)
Belastingheffing van Concerns (6 EC)
Financiële Verslaggeving (6 EC)
Tax Accounting (9 EC)
Tax Compliance Formeel (3 EC)
Internationaal belastingrecht (9 EC)*
Vennooschapsbelasting (6 EC)
Transfer Pricing (6 EC)
Corporate Tax Compliance (3 EC)
Entry Requirements
*These courses are provided by the Faculty of Law (Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid or FdR), Enrolment for lectures as
well as for interim and other examinations for these courses is in accordance with FdR regulations.
Article 4.3 Practical training
Not applicable
Article 4.4 Electives
1. Courses listed in the course list in Article 4.2 which are not part of the mandatory curriculum
may be included in the study programme as an elective. Entry requirements or capacity
restrictions may apply.
2. An elective outside the course list in Article 4.2 may be included if each of the following
requirements are met:
a. the course must be provided at Master’s level and should be relevant to the study
b. the course is successfully completed elsewhere during the period that the student is enrolled
for a Master’s study programme at the FEB;
c. the Programme Director for the study programme in question has provided the Examinations
Board with a positive recommendation;
d. there is no substantial overlap between the course concerned and any other courses in the
Master’s study programme.
7. In exceptional cases, the Examinations Board may allow one or more courses of other university
Master’s programmes to be included as a substitute for Master’s courses provided by the FEB.
The unit must correspond in terms of content, depth and workload with the FEB Master’s course
in respect of which substitution is requested. The requirements specified in paragraph 3 above
must be met.
Article 4.5 Component enrolment requirements
Enrolment in a programme component may be subject to entry requirements. Any such requirements
are stated in the course list in Article 4.2 of this Part.
Article 4.6 Participation requirements
1. If a programme component involves mandatory attendance, students may miss at most one of the
mandatory sessions. Students may be asked to submit a compensation assignment for this missed
session. If a student misses more than one of the mandatory sessions, they cannot complete the
programme component with a passing grade.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B7 Master’s Programme in Fiscal Economics
2. In specific cases the Examinations Board can allow students to miss more sessions than indicated
in paragraph 1 of this Article. In all cases, students have to submit extra assignments to
compensate for their absence in addition to the assignments which are already part of the
programme component.
Article 4.7 Exemptions
A maximum of 18 credits in the Master’s curriculum may be accumulated through granted
Article 4.8 Validity period of examinations
Not applicable.
Article 4.9 Degree
Students who have successfully completed their Master's examination are awarded a Master of
Science degree. The degree awarded is stated on the diploma.
5. Transition and final provisions
Article 5.1 Adjustments and periodic review
1. Any amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations will be adopted by the dean after
taking advice from the relevant Board of Studies. A copy of the advice will be sent to the
authorised representative advisory body.
2. An amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations requires the approval of the
authorised representative advisory body if it concerns components not related to the subjects of
Section 7.13, paragraph 2 sub a to g and v, as well as paragraph 4 of the WHW and the
requirements for admission to the Master's programme.
3. An amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations can only pertain to an academic
year that is already in progress if this does not demonstrably damage the interests of students.
Article 5.2 Transition arrangements
1. Students who have started the Master’s programme before 1 September 2014 complete their study
programme as it is defined in the Teaching and Examination Regulations of their start year. If
necessary, they can use the table below to identify replacement courses for courses which are not
offered anymore. Students who want to comply with the new study programme may substitute the
old course with the replacement course listed on the same line.
Old course
Replacement course
Fiscaal Bestuursrecht (3313FBS3VY, 6 EC)
Tax Compliance Formeel (6414M0210Y, 3 EC)
Europees belastingrecht, inleiding (3313IEB3VY,
3 EC)
No replacement course offered
Internationaal belastingrecht, grondslagen
(3313GRI3VY, 3 EC)
No replacement course offered
Internationaal belastingrecht (3314DIV3AY, 10
Belastingheffing van Concerns (3314CON3AY, 5
Fiscus en Onderneming (6414M0187Y, 9 EC)
Internationaal belastingrecht (3314DIV3AY, 9 EC)
National Tax Compliance (6414M0191Y, 6 EC)
Vennootschapsbelasting (6414M0207Y, 6 EC)
Belastingheffing van Concerns (3364CON3VY, 6 EC)
Tax Accounting (6414M0208Y, 9 EC)
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B7 Master’s Programme in Fiscal Economics
Tax Compliance & IT (6414M0190Y, 3 EC)
Corporate Tax Compliance (6414M0209Y, 3 EC)
Tax Compliance Capita Selecta (6414M0188Y, 6
No replacement course offered. Students who have not
obtained the course Tax Compliance Capita Selecta in
the academic year 2013-2014 should contact the
programme director for a replacement course.
2. If students do not meet the requirement of 60 EC in their study programme after applying the
transition arrangements mentioned in this Article, they should contact the programme director.
Article 5.3 Publication
1. The Dean shall ensure appropriate publication of these Regulations, as well as of any adjustments
to them.
2. The regulations are set out in the digital UvA Course Catalogue for each programme
Article 5.4 Effective date
This regulation come into force as of 1 September 2014
Thus drawn up by the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business on 24 July 2014
Advice from Board of Studies,
Economics and Business (OC-E&B), on 14 February 2014
Fiscal Economics (OC-FE), on 27 February 2014
Actuarial Sciences, Econometrics and Operations Research (OC-AEO), on 20 February 2014
Approved by the Faculty Student Council (FSR) on 24 July 2014
Approved by the Central Works Council (OR), 26 June (negative advice) and reaction from the dean
on 10 July
Adopted by the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business on 24 July 2014
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B8 Master’s Programme in Operations Research
B8 Master’s programme in Operations Research
1. General provisions
Article 1.1 Definitions
Not applicable
Article 1.2 Programme characteristics
1. The MSc Operations Research CROHOnummer 60904 is offered full-time in English.
2. The programme has a workload of 60 EC
3. The workload of the programme components is given in Chapter 4 of this Part
Article 1.3 Enrolment
The intake for the degree programme is no longer possible. Students who started the Master’s
programme in the 2012-2013 academic year or earlier have the opportunity to complete their degree
until August 31, 2015.
Students who have not passed the OR-courses successfully before September 2013 are required to
take a comparable OR-course at the VU University Amsterdam or from the Dutch Master's Degree
Programme in Mathematics.
2. Programme content
Article 2.1 Aim of the programme
The programme is aimed primarily at developing an academic level of intellectual ability, skills in
applying and independently developing methods and insights in the field of operational research and
management (ORM), for either practical purposes (including consultancy or management ) or
scientific purposes (including policy and research and for any related profession’. There is particular
emphasis on addressing logistic and operational problems using quantitative methods and
optimisation techniques. Further specialisation is developed by building on the broad knowledge of
the methods and techniques in OR and econometrics acquired in the Operations Research and
Management track of the BSC in Econometrics and ORM or an equivalent previous education. The
objectives are:
the ability to independently position, translate and analyse a logistic or operational problem
using the knowledge, insights, methods and resources available in the field of ORM and to
use this as the basis for a practical study;
a specialisation in stochastic or deterministic Operational Research at an academic level.
For suitable candidates this study programme also provides access to a subsequent PhD programme.
Article 2.2 Exit qualifications
There are three categories of exit qualifications:
1. Knowledge
2. Skills
3. Attitude.
1. Knowledge-related exit qualifications
Graduates are expected to have acquired and/or extended knowledge of and insight into problem
areas and the practical fields of Econometrics and ORM, as well as the functioning and application
of related techniques and methods available. Insight into issues means that the graduate is able to
analyse these based on theoretical concepts, and is also able to be critical with respect to solutions
chosen for problems in theory and practice and to develop by himself alternative solutions for which
a sound basis exists. As regards substantive knowledge, a level is required which makes the student a
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B8 Master’s Programme in Operations Research
specialist in the field, or part of it. Detailed knowledge at a high academic level is combined with
practical examples and applications.
After successfully completing the course, students will have acquired the following knowledge:
K1. comprehensive knowledge of one of the fields of application within Operations Research &
K2. an understanding of the applicability, scope and limits of Operations Research and Management
methods in practical situations.
2. Skills-related exit qualifications:
S1. the ability to conduct independent research, which includes being able to formulate a hypothesis
and a plan outlining the approach to and the execution of the research;
S2. the ability to translate a problem from practice into a problem definition that can be analysed
using methods from the field of Operations Research and Management, and to translate the
results of these analyses back to the practical setting;
S3. the ability to report clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing, about research at an
academic level, and to advise organisations on the basis of this research;
S4. the ability to quickly familiarise oneself with a field outside the chosen specialisation;
S5. the ability to keep abreast of new developments in their field.
3. Attitude-related exit qualifications:
A1. a research-oriented attitude;
A2. a primarily quantitative and analytical approach to practical social and business problems;
A3. an understanding of the social context in which the profession is performed; this includes
recognising the role of policy recommendations based on econometric and/or operational
research and management analyses (both in government and business);
A4. the ability both to function independently and to cooperate constructively within a team;
A5. a multidisciplinary attitude.
3. Admission
Article 3.1 Admission criteria
It is not possible to start this programme anymore. No students will be accepted to this programme.
Article 3.2 Pre-Master’s programme
Not applicable.
Article 3.3 Limited programme capacity
Not applicable.
Article 3.4 Application deadline
Not applicable.
Article 3.5 English language requirement
Not applicable.
Article 3.6 Free curriculum
1. Subject to certain conditions, the student has the option of compiling a curriculum of their own
choice, which differs from the curricula mentioned in Chapter 4 of this part. Such a curriculum
requires permission of the Examinations Board before the student enrolls in any of the courses in
the curriculum.
2. The curriculum is comparable in terms of workload, content and academic level with the regular
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B8 Master’s Programme in Operations Research
curricula. All components of the curriculum are at master level.
4. Curriculum
Article 4.1 Components
1. The programme consists of
a. mandatory courses
b. track-specific courses
c. thesis
Article 4.2 Curriculum
Master’s programme in Operations Research programme 1
The first programme consists of a workload of 60 credits of the following components:
1. Three compulsory Master’s courses (25 EC)
a. Advanced Deterministic Operations Research (10 EC)
b. Advanced Stochastic Operations Research (10 EC)
c. Operations Research Cases 2 (5 EC)
2. One Elective (5 credits)
3. Internship and Master’s Thesis Operations Research (30 EC)
First semester
Period 1
Period 2
Advanced Deterministic Operations
Second semester
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
Work Placement and Master's Thesis Operations
Advanced Stochastic Operations
Operations Research Cases 2
Master’s programme in Operations Research programme 2
The second programme consists of a workload of 60 credits of the following components:
1. three compulsory Master’s courses (25 EC)
a. Advanced Deterministic Operations Research (10 EC)
b. Advanced Stochastic Operations Research (10 EC)
c. Operations Research Cases 2 (5 credits)
2. four Electives (20 credits)
3. Master’s Thesis Operations Research (15 credits)
First semester
Period 1
Period 2
Second semester
Period 3
Advanced Deterministic Operations
Advanced Stochastic Operations
Operations Research Cases 2
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
Master's Thesis Operations
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B8 Master’s Programme in Operations Research
Course Code
Course Name
Master’s Thesis Operations Research (15 EC)
Internship and Master’s Thesis Operations Research (30 EC)
Advanced Deterministic Operations Research (10 EC)
Advanced Stochastic Operations Research (10 EC)
Operations Research Cases 2
Article 4.3 Practical training
Not applicable
Article 4.4 Electives
1. An elective outside the course list in Article 4.2 may be included if each of the following
requirements are met:
e. the course must be provided at Master’s level and should be relevant to the study
f. the course is successfully completed elsewhere during the period that the student is enrolled
for a Master’s study programme at the FEB;
g. the Programme Director for the study programme in question has provided the Examinations
Board with a positive recommendation;
h. there is no substantial overlap between the course concerned and any other courses in the
Master’s study programme.
2. In exceptional cases, the Examinations Board may allow one or more courses of other university
Master’s programmes to be included as a substitute for Master’s courses provided by the FEB.
The unit must correspond in terms of content, depth and workload with the FEB Master’s course
in respect of which substitution is requested. The requirements specified in paragraph 3 above
must be met.
Article 4.5 Component enrolment requirements
Enrolment in a programme component may be subject to entry requirements. Any such requirements
are stated in the course list in Article 4.2 of this Part.
Article 4.6 Participation requirements
1. If a programme component involves mandatory attendance, students may miss at most one of the
mandatory sessions. Students may be asked to submit a compensation assignment for this missed
session. If a student misses more than one of the mandatory sessions, they cannot complete the
programme component with a passing grade.
2. In specific cases the Examinations Board can allow students to miss more sessions than indicated
in paragraph 1 of this Article. In all cases, students have to submit extra assignments to
compensate for their absence in addition to the assignments which are already part of the
programme component.
Article 4.7 Exemptions
A maximum of 18 credits in the Master’s curriculum may be accumulated through granted
Article 4.8 Validity period of examinations
Not applicable.
Article 4.9 Degree
Students who have successfully completed their Master's examination are awarded a Master of
Science degree. The degree awarded is stated on the diploma.
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Deel B8 Master’s Programme in Operations Research
5. Transition and final provisions
Article 5.1 Adjustments and periodic review
1. Any amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations will be adopted by the dean after
taking advice from the relevant Board of Studies. A copy of the advice will be sent to the
authorised representative advisory body.
2. An amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations requires the approval of the
authorised representative advisory body if it concerns components not related to the subjects of
Section 7.13, paragraph 2 sub a to g and v, as well as paragraph 4 of the WHW and the
requirements for admission to the Master's programme.
3. An amendment to the Teaching and Examination Regulations can only pertain to an academic
year that is already in progress if this does not demonstrably damage the interests of students.
Article 5.2 Transition arrangements
There are no transition arrangements applicable for 2014-2015.
Article 5.3 Publication.
1. The Dean shall ensure appropriate publication of these Regulations, as well as of any adjustments
to them.
2. The regulations are set out in the digital UvA Course Catalogue for each programme
Article 5.4 Effective date
This regulation come into force as of 1 September 2014
Thus drawn up by the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business on 24 July 2014
Advice from Board of Studies,
Economics and Business (OC-E&B), on 14 February 2014
Fiscal Economics (OC-FE), on 27 February 2014
Actuarial Sciences, Econometrics and Operations Research (OC-AEO), on 20 February 2014
Approved by the Faculty Student Council (FSR) on 24 July 2014
Approved by the Central Works Council (OR), 26 June (negative advice) and reaction from the dean
on 10 July
Adopted by the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business on 24 July 2014
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Bijlage I
Bijlage I
Overzicht artikelen waarvan in de WHW is bepaald dat deze in de OER moeten worden opgenomen
(omkaderde artikelen):
Deel A
art. 1.1
art. 2.1
art. 3.2
art. 4.2
art. 4.3
art. 4.4
art. 4.5
art. 4.7
art. 4.8
art. 4.9
art. 4.10
art. 4.11
art. 5.1
art. 5.2
7.13 lid 1 WHW
7.13 lid 2 sub w
7.13 lid 2 sub e
7.13 lid 2 sub h en l
7.13 lid 2 sub n
7.13 lid 2 sub o
7.13 lid 2 sub j, h
7.13 lid 2 sub r
7.13 lid 2 sub k
7.13 lid 2 sub p
7.13 lid 2 sub q
7.13 lid 2 sub a
7.13 lid 2 sub u
7.13 lid 2 sub m
Deel B
art. 1.2
art. 2.1
art. 2.2
art. 3.1
art. 4.1
art. 4.2
art. 4.3
art. 4.4
art. 4.5
art. 4.6
art. 4.8
7.13 lid 2 sub i
7.13 lid 1 sub b, c
7.13 lid 2 sub c
7.25 lid 4
7.13 lid 2 sub a
7.13 lid 2 sub e, h, j, l,
7.13 lid 2 sub t
7.13 lid 2 sub e, h, j, l,
7.13 lid 2 sub s
7.13 lid 2 sub d
7.13 lid 2 sub k
Onderwijs- en Examenregeling Masteropleidingen Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde 2014-2015
Bijlage II
Bijlage II
Overzicht richtlijnen ex. 9.5 WHW UvA:
De indeling is een format dat als richtlijn is vastgesteld:
Deel A
art. 4.5 lid 3
art. 4.6
laatste uitslag geldt
(5,5 als voldoendegrens)
datum besluit: 20 november 2012
inwerking getreden:1 september 2013
datum besluit: 14 februari 2008
inwerking getreden: 14 maart 2008
datum besluit: 14 februari 2008
inwerking getreden: 14 maart 2008
(5,1 t/m 5,9 worden niet gegeven als
datum besluit: 27 januari 2014
inwerking getreden:1 september2014
art. 4.13
Fraude en plagiaat
datum besluit: 25 mei 2010
inwerking getreden:1 september 201
Deel B
art. 3.1 lid 6
Ingangseisen masteropleiding
datum besluit: 22 juni 2006
inwerking getreden: 22 juni 2006
ingetrokken per 1 september 2014