Cover Page The handle holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation Author: Kahmann, Merel Title: Ontmoetingen tussen Marokkaanse Nederlanders en de Marokkaanse overheid : een antropologisch perspectief Issue Date: 2014-04-16 Bibliografie Al-Ali, N., Black, R. & K. Koser (2001). Refugees and Transnationalism: the Experience of Bosnians and Eritreans in Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 27(4), 615–634. Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst (2007). Radicale dawa in verandering: De opkomst van islamitisch neoradicalisme in Nederland. Amersfoort, H. van & A. van Heelsum (2007). Moroccan Berber Immigrants in The Netherlands, Their Associations and Transnational Ties: A Quest for Identity and Recognition. Immigrants and Minorities, 25(3), 234–262. Ancien, D., M. Boyle & R. Kitchin (2009). Exploring Diaspora Strategies: An International Comparison. Workshop report. Anderson, B. (2002 [1983]). 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