NOTES 341 CNROm.3648 .,: ;,. ,( ,:, .‘, .’ .,‘. ,‘. .., : .’ ,.; .:, .. ., .I ,,,, .,.,,’ ,‘,, ,: of secondary amines on paper.with I.. .”’on.the;colours sodium nitroprusside reagent ,‘,: ,,; :‘: ,’ ‘, <. (’ . ‘,’ : ; In,. paper elktrophoretic and. chromatographic : studies, on ihe : occurrence of biogenic ~amines. and basic .amino acids in the, %aecesl-3 a rumen’ fluiS and urine6 of dairy cows, we used .ninhydrin as a colour reagent, though in some cases diazotized sulfanilic acid :.(Pauly.‘s reagent) was used for .the final detectioix ,of aromatic compOunds.;,.Generally,good: results had been found; with the ninhydrin r&gent, but. ,the colouris withthe se’condary amines, dimethylamine and diethylamine, :were’often faint. .:. ; TABLEI. .’ ; * ,:;‘_. ; ‘,‘,, RELLTIVE INTRNSITY.'OF NITROPRUSSIDE REAGENT;' Compoicnd ,,:.I ., ” !’ ,.’ ., ,,.: hmh&iline Dinkthylrimine Ethylamin6 Diethylamin& Propylamine l3utylamine Amylaminc Phenylcthyhimine Tyramine Diaminopropanc Putrescine Ctidavefine‘ Spermine Spermidine Ethanolamine 3-Aminopropane 4-Aminobutane Agmatine Lysine Arginine Histidinc Ornithine P-Al anine y-Aminobutyric acid s-Aminocaproic acid Taurine Tryptamine Histamine Carnosine Norephedrine Kynurenine Glutamine Citrulline ~10OENlc ,,,, Cbnlen+ation ‘, i ( AMINII~AND ,, ,‘I ,,” ,,. i3AS1c AMINO ACXDS ,. in’ pg .( ., ,.’ COLOURIZD'WITH ., .: ‘Papt?v: Si?di?iciber& S#iU Untreated S%ICJM ’ 2643 b T,veated with * A B ,. i c, 2.8 1.7 - acid-water *A== Phenol saturated with water; l3 - ro-butanol-acetic acid-water (70 : 15 : rg), saturated glycol monomethyl ethk’-propionic -t_ P Strong; (+) 3 faint; (( -1_)) = very faint; - = negative. (4 : r :5) ; C = ethylene with sodium citrate., J. Chromatog., 37 (rgG8) 34x-341 3pz NOTES .. . ,/,., Inlater ,studies we therefore decided to make use of the calours produced, by secondary. amines with the sodium nitroprusside reagent recommended by STEIN VOX I(AMIENsKr~:;i-AcCording'to~this :author,...this reagent:should,.be:highly :sensitive.,and ..l),,, ‘..‘;.,‘:.‘,Z, ,”I .:.*:, ;: specific’for. secondary. amines: On spraying an electrochromatogram of a faeces ‘extract, in which dimethylamine,‘:and,..diethylamine Iwere present;, however, we found .with this reagent ‘a blue spotin Rhe:position: of spermidine. .This .unexpected result decided ,us on a closer study _.,l:,’ .‘j, ‘,.,, . . : df:thisicolour.reagent; ‘.: : ,: ‘. ,.r: >:.‘::,,‘,‘.: A-: great,. number. of .:,biogenic amines: and basic amino ,acids were treated on chromatographic paper’ (Schleicher & Schiill; “zoq3b) ,with .,the ‘sodium., nitroprusside reagentAll compounds tested irrthis way gave a blue-purple spot after:$o-6o.minutes. The experiment ‘.was repeated with chromatographic paper treated beforehand with : the solvents:used2# 3. The results of these experiments are given in Table I. .‘. ‘. .,:.Alfhough STEIN EON KAMIENSKIO stated that primary amines give pale red-blue spots &th this reagent above IO pg, we found, however, that this also happened below fo+g, .and.that;: moreover; the, colour was the same as with secondary amines. ~.,‘. Furthe&~ore it appears that the sensitivity depends ‘strongly on the solvent used. Thus we .were unable :fd ‘confirm‘ the ‘&eat sensitivity and specificity of this reagent. : .:,,’ “,’ .of , L&oratory ~?ete&&y Bioche&ry, Stats ~k&wsi~y C$ Utreckt, Biltstraat ~72, Utrecht (Tee Nefherlands) I/., ,‘.’ _’ :’ ,,’ ., ‘, r D. L, SAN-RHEEN~N, .iVat&rd, rg3 (&62) 170. 2 D. L.,.vANRHEENEN, Rec. Trav. Ckim.; Ba‘(rg63)22.5. 3 D. L.VAN RHEENEN, Tibesis, Utrecht, 1964. 4,I-L J. H~ENDRIICS,R, L. PRESTON, R. A. PR~NS AND D. L.VAN RNEENEN, -91 5 M. 91 ‘6 E. D. L. VAN, I$I-TEEN~? Miss C. B. J.! SIPMAN ,. ! ',, T~jclschv. Dier&eneesk.; (rg66) ‘369. :’ ’ J. H. GEELEN, D. L.VAN R~IEENEN, H;J. HENDRIICS AND L.SEEICLXS, TijdscAr.Di~~geneesk., (1966) ~577. ‘.. STEIN VON .KAMIENSKI, ‘PZanta, 50 (x957) zgr. .: : Received: June zzth, 1968 J. CiWO~a~~g., 37 (rg68) “. . 34x-342
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