CV (Gijs van Dijck)

Curriculum Vitae
Updated 20 September 2014
Date of birth: December 30th, 1980
Citizenship: Dutch (European)
Email: [email protected]
Tel. [+31] (0)134662812
Personal web-page at:
Current Academic Position
2014-present: Director of Studies (Research Master in Law), Tilburg Law School (the Netherlands)
2010-present: Affiliated with the Methodology Department, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tilburg
2009-present: Associate Professor at the Department of Private Law, Tilburg Law School (the Netherlands)
Judge (part-time) at the Court of Breda, the Netherlands
Visiting Scholar, Stanford Law School, Stanford University, CA, United States
Associate Professor, Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Doctor in Law (Ph.D.), Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Thesis on Transaction Avoidance Rules in Insolvency Law. Supervisors: prof. Jan Vranken, prof.
Reinout Vriesendorp, prof. Chris Jansen. Degree on 1 December 2006 by a Jury composed of
prof. Jan Vranken (Tilburg University), prof. Reinout Vriesendorp (Tilburg University), prof.
Chris Jansen (VU Amsterdam), prof. Jaap Hijma (Leiden University), prof. Jako van Hees
(Nijmegen University), prof. Theo Raaijmakers (Tilburg University), dr. Frans-Willem Winkel
(Tilburg University).
2003-2006: PhD Researcher at Tilburg University, Law Department
Master (LL.M.) (Law; with distinction), Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Bachelor and Research Master Courses, Social Science Faculty, Tilburg University
Topics: Research Design, Regression Analysis, Group Comparisons (T-test, ANOVA), Structural
Equation Modeling, and Categorical Data Analysis.
Best Doctorate Thesis Tilburg Law School 2006/2007
Nomination for Best Dissertation Tilburg University 2006/2007
Miel Bogaerts Prize - Prize for the Best Dutch Doctoral Thesis on Insolvency Law
Areas of research interest
Courts & Judges, Tort Law, Insolvency Law, Legal Decision Making, Empirical Legal Research
Course Builder and Instructor: Tort Law (bachelor), Methods of Legal Research (Law Faculty, bachelor + master)
Instructor: Insolvency Law (master), Property Law (bachelor), Contract Law (bachelor), Empirical Research
(Social Science Faculty, bachelor).
Lists of Publications
G. van Dijck (2014). “How to Fund Assetless Estates in Insolvency? Assessing European Funding Mechanisms”, 11
European Company and Financial Law Review 2, 135-158. (peer reviewed)
F. Nievelstein, T. van Gog, H.P.A. Boshuizen, G. van Dijck (2013). “The worked example and expertise reversal
effect in less structured tasks: Learning to reason about legal cases”, 38 Contemporary Educational Psychology 2,
118-125. (peer reviewed)
R.A.J. van Gestel, G. van Dijck (2011). “Better regulation through experimental legislation”, 17 European Public Law
3, 539-544. (peer reviewed)
F. Nievelstein, T. van Gog, H.P.A. Boshuizen, G. van Dijck (2011). “Instructional support for novice law students:
Reducing search processes and explaining concepts in cases”, 25 Applied cognitive psychology 3, 408-413. (peer
G. van Dijck (2008). “Comparing empirical results of transaction avoidance rules studies”, 17 International
Insolvency Review, 2, 123-141.
J. Trebus, G. van Dijck (2014). “Effecten van aansprakelijkheid op het handelen van de AFM empirisch onderzocht”,
AV&S (accepted).
G. van Dijck (2013). “Biedt een basisvergoeding soelaas? Empirisch onderzoek naar salaristekorten in faillissement”,
19 Tijdschrift voor Insolventierecht 1.
G. van Dijck, C.J.M. van Doorn, I.N. Tzankova (2011). “Reguleren van de afwikkeling van massaschade: Over optin/opt-out, inzichten voor de praktijk en de noodzaak van meer (empirisch) onderzoek”, 86 Nederlands
Juristenblad 21, 1383-1389.
G. van Dijck (2011). “Empirical Legal Studies (ELS)”, 142 Weekblad voor privaatrecht, notariaat en registratie 6912,
G. van Dijck, J.B.M. Vranken (2011). “‘Law and ...’ bewegingen en hun relevantie voor het privaatrecht”, 142
Weekblad voor privaatrecht, notariaat en registratie 6912, 1055.
J.B.M. Vranken, G. van Dijck (2011). “Law and ... bewegingen: Een slotbeschouwing”, 142 Weekblad voor
privaatrecht, notariaat en registratie 6910.
G. van Dijck, S. van Gulijk, M.M. Prinsen (2010). “Wat doen juridische onderzoekers? Een empirische blik”, 31 Recht
der Werkelijkheid 1, 44-64.
G. van Dijck, M.A. Gramatikov (2010). “De beloning van curatoren empirisch onderzocht”, 16 Tijdschrift voor
Insolventierecht 1, 3-13.
G. van Dijck (2008). “Wat te doen met de faillissementspauliana?”, 14 Tijdschrift voor Insolventierecht 2, 46-57.
G. van Dijck, R.D. Vriesendorp, D.C.M.H. Vielvoye (2008). “Lege boedels: Code rood of vals alarm?”, 14 Tijdschrift
voor Insolventierecht 5, 210-220.
G. van Dijck (2008). “De verbinding tussen onderwijs en onderzoek”, 57 Ars Aequi 2, 153-157.
G. van Dijck (2007). “De faillissementspauliana: revisie van een relict”, 14 JUVAT-bulletin 1, 6-10.
G. van Dijck (2007). “De faillissementspauliana: revisie van een relict”, 56 Ars Aequi, 2, 164-168.
G. van Dijck (2006). “Het afzwakken van voorrangsposities van banken”, 12 Tijdschrift voor Insolventierecht 2, 5758.
G. van Dijck (2006). “Empirisch onderzoek naar problemen bij de toepassing van de faillissementspauliana”, 12
Tijdschrift voor Insolventierecht 4, 112-124.
G. van Dijck, N.W.M. van den Heuvel (2004). “Discussiëren over goederenrecht”, Tijdschrift voor Insolventierecht, 5,
G. van Dijck (2003). “Worstelen met de Pauliana”, 134 Weekblad voor privaatrecht, notariaat en registratie 6536,
Edited Special Issues of Journals
J.B.M. Vranken, G. van Dijck (eds) (2011). “‘Law and ...’ bewegingen en hun relevantie voor het privaatrecht”, 142
Weekblad voor privaatrecht, notariaat en registratie 6912.
Monographs / Books
G. van Dijck (2011). “Kwaliteit van de juridische annotatie: Een empirische studie naar kenmerken en
kwaliteitsindicatoren”, Boom Juridische uitgevers.
G. van Dijck, C.J.M. van Doorn, I.N. Tzankova (2010). “Individueel of collectief procederen bij massaschade?
Experimenten naar het effect van opt-in-modellen en opt-out-modellen op het procesgedrag van benadeelden”,
Boom Juridische uitgevers.
G. van Dijck (2008). “Pauliana. Monografie nieuw BW B4”, Kluwer.
G. van Dijck (2006). “De Faillissementspauliana: Revisie van een Relict” (Doctorate Thesis), Wolf Legal Publishers.
R.D. Vriesendorp, F.M.J. Verstijlen, G. van Dijck (2006).“Evaluatie Garantstellingsregeling curatoren 1999-2005”,
Boom Juridische uitgevers.
Edited Volumes
G. van Dijck, R.A.J. van Gestel, I. Giesen, A. Hammerstein (eds) (2013). “Cirkels: Een terugblik op een
vooruitziende blik”, Kluwer.
Book Chapters
G. van Dijck (2013). “Who Is Afraid of the Claim?”, in: I. Humeník & Z. Zoláková (Eds.), “What are the principles
governing health care services in Slovakia?”, 97-112.
G. van Dijck (2013). “Aansprakelijkheid en defensief gedrag: Nuancering gewenst”, in: W.H. van Boom, I. Giesen, &
A.J. Verheij (Eds.), “Capita civilologie: Handboek Empirie en Privaatrecht” (Boom Juridische uitgevers) 459-484.
G. van Dijck (2012). “Civilologie: Ook in privaatrechtelijke annotaties?”, in: W.H. van Boom, I. Giesen, & M. Smit
(Eds.), “Civilologie: Opstellen over empirie en Privaatrecht” (Boom Juridische uitgevers) 167-181.
G. van Dijck (2008), “Calculeren en benadelen” (2008), in: W.H. Boom, I. Giesen, & A.J. Verheij (Eds.), “Gedrag en
Privaatrecht” (Boom Juridische Uitgevers), 461-486.
G. van Dijck (2005). “De actio Pauliana in Nederland en de wet op de remmende voorsprong”, in: Jan Smits & Sophie
Stijns (Eds.), “Inhoud en werking van de overeenkomst naar Belgisch en Nederlands recht” (Intersentia), 393-410.
Book Reviews
G. van Dijck (2014). Book Review R.J. van der Weijden: “De faillissementspauliana” (diss. Nijmegen), Deventer,
Kluwer 2012. Tijdschrift voor Insolventierecht, 20(1), 31-32.
Submitted / Working Papers
G. van Dijck. Fear the Claim? Whether Tort Liability Results in Defensive Practices. (submitted)
G. van Dijck. Assessing the Defensive Practices Concern in Tort Law. Bridging the Gap Between Doctrinal Reasoning
and Empirical Analysis. (submitted).
G. van Dijck. Class Membership in Class Actions: An Experimental Study (in preparation).
2014 (18 July): “Uitspraak Srebrenica kan ook juist goed uitpakken” (Newspaper article in NRC), available at:
2014 (14 March): Quoted in ProfNews, available at:
2014 (13 January): Quoted in Brabants Dagblad, available at:
2013 (23 October): Quoted in Z24, available at:
Other Activities
2014-present: Member of the Editorial Board of Law and Method (Recht en Methode).
2012-present: Member of the Management Team of the Department of Private Law, Tilburg Law School.
2010-2014: Research Coordinator of the Research Cluster ‘Behavioral Private Law’, part of the TISCO Research
Program (
2010-present: Member of the Society of Empirical Legal Studies ( The
Society The Society for Empirical Legal Studies (SELS) is an international organization of scholars interested in
empirical legal studies.
2010-present: Fellow of Insolad ( Insolad is the representative body of insolvency
liquidators in the Netherlands.
2007-present: Member of the Research Group on Methodology of Law and Legal Research, Tilburg Law School.
2007-present: Coordinator of the Private Law Track of the ‘Dutch Law’ Master, Tilburg Law School.
2006-present: Reviewer for several journals and authorities.
2003-2006: Editorial Executive, Tijdschrift voor Insolventierecht (Journal for Insolvency Law).
Conferences / Presentations
Speaker at Ph.D. symposium on Empirical Legal Research: Challenges and Pitfalls, European University
Institute (EUI) (Florence, Italy, 19 June)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Law & Society Annual Meeting (Boston MA, United States, 31 May)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Conference on “What Are the Principles Governing Health Care Services in
Slovakia?” (Kosice, Slovakia, 12 April)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Harvard / Stanford International Junior Faculty Forum
(Cambridge/Boston MA, United States, 18/19 November)
Speaker (presenting book) at the “Symposium AB 95 years” (Utrecht, the Netherlands, 16 September)
Speaker (presenting book chapter) at the Conference on Civilology. Erasmus University Rotterdam, 24
Speaker (presenting book) at the Ministry of Justice of the Netherlands (The Hague, the Netherlands, 3 June)
Presenter (presenting working paper) at the Conference on Empirical Legal Studies (Yale University, New
Haven, 5/6 November)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Court of Utrecht (Utrecht, the Netherlands, 30 March)
Speaker (presenting paper) at Recofa (representative body of Dutch bankruptcy law judges (Amsterdam, the
Netherlands, 5 October)
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Court of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 21 September)
Speaker at the conference on “Methodological Issues in Legal Research” (KU Brussels, Belgium, 8
Speaker (presenting paper) at the Symposium on “(On)geoorloofd financieren in de Twilight zone” (Tilburg
University, the Netherlands, 1 December)
2014: Application for a VIDI Research Fund (800.000 euros) – grant program of the Dutch Foundation for National
Research (NWO) for financing research for excellent junior scholars. To be submitted October 2014.
2014: NWO-Open Competitie (van der Kop).
2013: Ph.D. Grant, Tilburg Law School (Braspenning).
2013: Ph.D. Grant, Tilburg Law School (Wijntjens).
2011: Achmea / Interpolis. Research on “One Medical Advisor (1MA)”. Ongoing (output expected 2015).
2010: Ph.D. Grant, Raad voor de rechtbijstand. Research on “Diagnose and Triage” (with prof. Ellen Giebels, Twente
2008-2011: Paul Sluijter, Ph.D. student, Graduated 31 October 2011. Research on conduct-based cost shifting in
civil procedural law, with specific attention for how judges deal with claims. Co-promotor.
2008-2012: Floortje van Tilburg, Ph.D. student, Graduated 21 November 2012. Empirical research on whether
police liability with respect to maintaining the public results in policy changes. Co-promotor.
2003-present: Several Master and Research Master Students
2013-present: Lianne Wijntjes, Ph.D. student. Empirical research on the effects of apologies on decisions by
judges. Co-promotor.
2013-present: Jurgen Braspenning, Ph.D. student. Empirical research on the effect of on different type of rules on
financial decision making by consumers. Co-promotor.
2012-present: Christel van der Kop, Ph.D. student. Empirical research on causaility rules. Co-promotor.