Cover Page The handle holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation. Author: Kosters, Michiel F. Title: Groups and fields in arithmetic Issue Date: 2014-06-04 Groups and fields in arithmetic Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van Doctor aan de Universiteit Leiden, op gezag van Rector Magnificus prof. mr. C.J.J.M. Stolker, volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties te verdedigen op woensdag 4 juni 2014 klokke 10:00 uur door Michiel Kosters geboren te Leidschendam in 1987 Samenstelling van de promotiecommissie: Promotor: Prof. dr. H. W. Lenstra Overige leden: Prof. Prof. Prof. Prof. Prof. Prof. dr. dr. dr. dr. dr. dr. T. Chinburg (University of Pennsylvania) R. Cramer (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica) B. Edixhoven B. Moonen (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen) P. Stevenhagen D. Wan (University of California Irvine) Groups and fields in arithmetic Michiel Kosters c Michiel Kosters, Leiden 2014 Typeset using LATEX Printed by Ridderprint, Ridderkerk The 63 ‘squares’ on the cover correspond to the units of a finite field of 64 elements. The placement of the squares is based on the module structure over the subfield of 8 elements. There are 6 types of squares corresponding to the 6 different multiplicative orders of the elements. Self-similarities have been added for aesthetic reasons. Contents Introduction vii Chapter 1. The algebraic theory of valued fields 1. Introduction 2. Definition of valuations 3. Main results 4. Preliminaries 5. Extending valuations 6. Normal extensions 7. Algebraic extensions 8. Defects in the discrete case 9. Frobenius formalism 1 1 2 3 10 15 17 24 30 32 Chapter 2. Normal projective curves 1. Introduction 2. Normal projective curves 3. Curves over finite fields 4. Hyperelliptic curves 37 37 37 47 55 Chapter 3. Images of maps between curves 1. Introduction 2. Proof of the first theorem 3. Chebotarev density theorem 4. Density theorem: infinite algebraic over a finite field 5. Proof of second theorem 6. Examples of density calculations and lower bounds 61 61 63 65 68 73 74 Chapter 4. Polynomial maps on vectors spaces over a finite field 1. Introduction 2. Degrees 3. Relations between degrees 4. Proof of main theorem 5. Examples 77 77 77 79 80 82 Chapter 5. Subset sum problem 1. Introduction 2. Proofs of the theorems 83 83 84 v vi Contents Chapter 6. Shape parameter and some applications 1. Introduction 2. Fourier transform 3. Shape parameter 4. Applications of the shape parameter to finite fields 5. Computing the shape parameter 87 87 88 92 96 99 Chapter 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Deterministically generating Picard groups of hyperelliptic curves over finite fields 103 Introduction 103 Realizing Galois groups together with Frobenius elements 105 A generic algorithm 107 Hyperelliptic curves: statements of the results 108 Additive x-coordinate 111 Multiplicative x-coordinate 117 The algorithm 121 Chapter 8. Automorphism groups of fields 1. Introduction 2. Prerequisites 3. Properties of the automorphism groups 4. Degree map of categories 5. Examples of degrees and an application 6. Faithful actions on the set of valuations 123 123 123 125 129 133 139 Bibliography 145 Samenvatting 147 Dankwoord 153 Curriculum Vitae 155 Index 157 Introduction The title of this thesis is ‘Groups and fields in arithmetic’. This title has been chosen in such a way that every chapter has to do with at least two of the nouns in the title. This thesis consists of 8 chapters in which we discuss various topics and every chapter has its own introduction. In this introduction we will discuss each chapter very briefly and give only the highlights of this thesis. Chapter 1 and 2 are preliminary chapters. In Chapter 1 we discuss algebraic extensions of valued fields. This chapter has been written to fill a gap in the literature. It does contain some new results. In Chapter 2 we discuss normal projective curves, especially over finite fields. This chapter does not contain any significant new results. Chapter 3 and 4 concern polynomial maps between fields. In Chapter 3 we study the following. A field k is called large if every irreducible k-curve C with a k-rational smooth point has infinitely many smooth k-points. We prove the following theorem (Corollary 1.3 from Chapter 3). Theorem 0.1. Let k be a perfect large field. Let f ∈ k[x]. Consider the induced evaluation map fk : k → k. Assume that k \ f (k) is not empty. Then k \ f (k) has the same cardinality as k. In the case that k is an infinite algebraic extension of a finite field, we prove density statements about the image (Theorem 1.4 from Chapter 3). In Chapter 4 we prove the following theorem (Theorem 1.2 from Chapter 4). Theorem 0.2. Let k be a finite field and put q = #k. Let n be in Z≥1 . Let f1 , . . . , fn ∈ k[x1 , . . . , xn ] not all constant and consider the evaluation map f = (f1 , . . . , fn ) : k n → k n . Set deg(f ) = maxi deg(fi ). Assume that k n \ f (k n ) is not empty. Then we have |k n \ f (k n )| ≥ n(q − 1) . deg(f ) In Chapter 5 we give an algebraic proof of the following identity (Theorem 1.1 from Chapter 5). Theorem 0.3. Let G be an abelian group of size n and let g ∈ G, i ∈ Z with 0 ≤ i ≤ n. Then the number of subsets of G of cardinality i which sum up to g is equal to s X X 1 n/s N (G, i, g) = (−1)i+i/s µ #G[d], n i/s d s| gcd(exp(G),i) d| gcd(e(g),s) where exp(G) is the exponent of G, e(g) = max{d : d| exp(G), g ∈ dG}, µ is the M¨ obius function, and G[d] = {g ∈ G : dg = 0}. vii viii Introduction Chapter 6 is a preliminary chapter for Chapter 7. In Chapter 6 we introduce the concept of the shape parameter of a non-empty subset of a finite abelian group. We use this in Chapter 7 to prove the following (Theorem 1.1 from chapter 7). Theorem 0.4. For any > 0 there is a deterministic algorithm which on input a hyperelliptic curve C of genus g over a finite field k of cardinality q outputs a set of generators of Pic0 (C) in time O(g 2+ q 1/2+ ). In Chapter 8 we study automorphism groups of extensions which are not algebraic. One of our results is the following (Theorem 5.8 from Chapter 8). Theorem 0.5. Let Ω be an algebraically closed field and let k be a subfield such that the transcendence degree of Ω over k is finite but not zero. Endow Ω with the discrete topology, ΩΩ with the product topology and Autk (Ω) ⊆ ΩΩ with the induced topology. Then there is a surjective continuous group morphism from Autk (Ω), the field automorphisms of Ω fixing k, to a non finitely generated free abelian group with the discrete topology.
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