RICK BONNIE Full name: Rick Gerard Lorenz Maria Bonnie Place of Birth: Heerlen, the Netherlands Date of Birth: December 15, 1984 EDUCATION PhD in Archaeology, KU Leuven – University of Leuven (Belgium), 2014. Dissertation: “Galilee during the Second Century AD: An Archaeological Examination of a Period of Socio-‐cultural Change.” ⦁ Supervisors: Prof. Marc Waelkens and Prof. Jeroen Poblome. MA in Archaeology (cum laude1), Leiden University (the Netherlands), 2008. Major: Classical archaeology ⦁ Minor: Archaeological heritage management ⦁ Dissertation: “Cadastres, Misconceptions and Northern Gaul. A case study from the Belgian Hesbaye region” (grade: 9/10) ⦁ Supervisors: Prof. John Bintliff and Drs. Jasper de Bruin. BA in Archaeology, Leiden University (the Netherlands), 2006. Major: Classical archaeology ⦁ Minor: Near eastern archaeology ⦁ Dissertation: Jewish Identity and Roman Culture. An archaeological perspective on Roman Galilee (grade: 8.8/10) ⦁ Supervisor: Dr. Miguel John Versluys. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Postdoctoral researcher in the research group “Society and Religion in Late Second Temple Judaism” (Dr. Jutta Jokiranta), part of the Academy of Finland’s Centre of Excellence “Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions” (Prof. Marti Nissinen), Department of Biblical Studies, University of Helsinki (Finland), 2014–Present. PhD researcher, Department of Archaeology, KU Leuven – University of Leuven (Belgium), 2009–2014. Archaeological supervisor, Kinneret Regional Project (Israel), 2008, 2010–11 (6 weeks a year). Archaeological consultant, ArcheoLogic (the Netherlands), 2008–2009 (10 months). • Consulting and managing of archaeological projects for governments and construction companies. Field archaeologist, ARC bv (the Netherlands), 2008 (2 months). • Rescue excavation of a rural farming settlement ‘De Hof’ (c. AD 1150–1250) at Bakkel-‐Neerakker (prov. Noord-‐Brabant). Museum employee, Archaeological City Service Maastricht, the Netherlands, 2005–2006 (part-‐time; 8 months). • Writing inventory on the documentation of the archaeological museum collection that formerly belonged to the Bonnefantenmuseum. AWARDS, GRANTS & FELLOWSHIPS Grant for organization workshop, Omkadering Jonge Onderzoekers, Humanities and Social Sciences Group, KU Leuven – University of Leuven, 2013. Associate research fellowship for a 2-‐month research stay at W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in Jerusalem (Israel), 2011–2012. Travel grant long stay abroad for a 2-‐month research stay in Jerusalem (Israel), Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO), 2011. Congress participation grant for active participation at TRAC 2011 in Newcastle-‐upon-‐Tyne (UK), 2011. Cum laude is the highest distinction given at a Dutch university. At Leiden University it is awarded when the weight average of all marks is 9 or higher (out of 10). 1 Curriculum Vitae ⦁ Rick Bonnie Travel grant long stay abroad for archaeological fieldwork at Horvat Kur (Israel), Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO), 2010. Ph.D. fellowship at the KU Leuven – University of Leuven, Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO), 2009– 2013. Honourable nominee for MA thesis in Leiden University thesis prize 2007–2008 (ranked 1st among all MA theses from the Faculty of Archaeology), Leiden University, 2009. Congress participation grant for active participation at RAC/TRAC 2009 in Ann Arbor (USA), Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 2009. Congress participation grant for active participation at RAC/TRAC 2009 in Ann Arbor (USA), University of Michigan, 2009. W.A. van Es-‐prize for the best MA thesis on Dutch archaeology (bi-‐annual incentive prize for young research talent in the field of Dutch archaeology), Dutch Institute for Cultural Heritage, 2008. International study grant for fieldwork at Horvat Kur (Israel), Leiden University Fund, 2008. ARCHAEOLOGICAL FIELDWORK EXPERIENCE Horvat Kur, Israel ⦁ Area supervisor, 2008, 2010–11, 2014 (6 weeks a year) ⦁ Supervision in excavations of a Byzantine synagogue by the Kinneret Regional Project, a consortium of the Universities of Bern, Helsinki and Leiden. Heverlee, Belgium ⦁ Supervisor, 2011–2013 (1 week a year) ⦁ Supervision in archaeology field school of first-‐year students of the KU Leuven – University of Leuven. Bakel-‐Neerakker, the Netherlands ⦁ Field Archaeologist, 2008 (2 months) ⦁ Rescue excavation of Medieval rural farming settlement by ARC bv. Ostia, Italy ⦁ Field Archaeologist, 2007 (2 weeks) ⦁ Archaeological survey project of Roman mithraeum by Leiden University. Maastricht, the Netherlands ⦁ Field Archaeologist, 2008 (1 week) ⦁ Rescue excavation in the city centre of Maastricht by RAAP bv. Boeotia, Greece ⦁ Field Archaeologist, 2005 (4 weeks) ⦁ Intensive field survey in Classical town of Tanagra by Leiden University and University of Ljubljana. Oss-‐Horzak, the Netherlands ⦁ Field Archaeologist, 2004 (2 weeks) ⦁ Rescue excavation of Late Iron Age/Roman settlement by ARCHOL bv. Oegstgeest, the Netherlands ⦁ Field School Student, 2004 (1 week) ⦁ Excavation of Medieval settlement by ARCHOL bv and Leiden University. TEACHING & MENTORING EXPERIENCE KU Leuven – University of Leuven, Belgium, 2010–2013. • Mentoring 3 MA students yearly in preparation of their MA theses and final presentations, 2010– Present. • Practical teaching of basic excavation skills (excavation methods, field drawings, field photography) to c. 20 first-‐year students during archaeological field school, 2011–Present. • Organizing and teaching of introductory classes in archaeology for primary and high school pupils for “Flanders – Science Week” (1 week in 2010 and 2012). Kinneret Regional Project, Israel, 2008, 2010–11 (6 weeks a year). • Providing daily supervision and mentoring of c. 25 volunteers during archaeological fieldwork • Teaching of the basics involved in archaeological fieldwork to c. 25 volunteers (excavation methods, field drawings, field photography, use of dumpy level etc.). • Lecture: “Grasping a developing cultural melting pot through archaeology: a case study from Galilee during the second century AD” (July 7, 2011). 2 Curriculum Vitae ⦁ Rick Bonnie Universidad de Cantabria, Spain, 2011. • Lecture for third-‐year BA history students: “Local experiences of Roman imperialism. A study of the material metamorphosis of Roman-‐period Galilee during the second century AD,” October 20, 2011 (on invitation of Dr. M. Cisneros Cunchillos). University of Helsinki, Finland, 2011. • Introduction lecture to archaeology for Finnish volunteers to the Kinneret Regional Project, April 19, 2011 (on invitation of Dr. R. Hakola). ORGANIZATION WORKSHOP & LECTURE SERIES Co-‐organizer workshop “Two Eyes See More Than One. Combining socio-‐theoretical and archaeometrical approaches in understanding archaeological objects” at the KU Leuven – University of Leuven (with J. Danckers and R. Willet), September 26, 2013. Co-‐founder and co-‐organizer monthly lecture series “Leuven Archaeological Research Seminar” at the Department of Archaeology, University of Leuven (with J. Danckers and R. Willet), 2010–2014. PUBLICATIONS Books Bonnie, R. (2009) Cadastres, Misconceptions & Northern Gaul. A case study from the Belgian Hesbaye region. Leiden: Sidestone press.2 Articles in Peer-‐Reviewed Journals and Volumes Bonnie, R. and J. Richard (2012) ‘Building D1 at Magdala Revisited in the Light of Public Fountain Architecture in the Late Hellenistic East,’ Israel Exploration Journal 62(1), 71–88. Bonnie, R. (2011) ‘Haven’t we dug enough now? Excavation in the light of intergenerational equity,’ Archaeological Dialogues 18(1), 48–58. Bonnie, R. (2010) ‘Did Roman Cadastres Exist in the Roman Northwest?’ in: A. Moore, G. Taylor, E. Harris, P. Girdwood and L. Shipley (eds.) TRAC 2009. Proceedings of the 19th Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Ann Arbor (USA) and Southampton (UK). Oxford: Oxbow, 91–104. Articles in Other Journals or Volumes Bonnie, R. (2013) ‘De Dunne Grens tussen Joods en niet-‐Joods Verkennen. Een sociaal-‐contextuele studie van het Huis van Dionysos, Sepphoris’, Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 50, 30–37. Zangenberg, J., S. Münger, R. Hakola, R. Bonnie and P. Wyssmann (2013) ‘Horbat Kur – 2011,’ Hadashot Arkheologiyot–Excavations and Surveys in Israel 125 (www.hadashot-‐ esi.org.il/report_detail_eng.asp?id=2230). Zangenberg, J., R. Bonnie, R. Hakola, S. Münger, L. Petit and J. García Sánchez (2011) ‘Horbat Kur. Preliminary Report,’ Hadashot Arkheologiyot–Excavations and Surveys in Israel 123 (www.hadashot-‐esi.org.il/report_detail_eng.asp?id=1746&mag_id=118). Bonnie, R. (2010) ‘Behoud ex situ of Behoud in situ? Waarom vergelijken we niet eens’, Archeobrief 14(4), 10–17. van der End, S. and L. Janssen, together with R. Bonnie (2010) ‘Behouden of opgraven. Pleidooi voor een betere afweging’, Archeobrief 14(2), 9–12. Bonnie, R. (2009) ‘Een Romeinse landindeling tussen Tongeren en Maastricht’, in: A. Bosman, W. Declerq and J. Hoevenberg (eds.) Romeinendag – Journée d’Archéologie Romaine 2009. Brussel: VIOE, 61– 66. Bonnie, R. (2008) ‘De tweede eeuw na Christus: een ‘vergeten’ periode in de archeologie van Romeins Galilea,’ Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 39, 22–27. Bonnie, R. (2008) ‘Een mogelijk Romeinse landindeling tussen Tongeren en Maastricht’, Westerheem 57, 367. Bonnie, R. (2008) ‘A three-‐stage development towards a new cultural setting: archaeology and cultural interaction in Roman Galilee’, in: M. Bergmans, T. Derks, R. Doreleijers, K. van der Veert and S. Willemsen (eds.) SOJA bundel 2007 Groningen. Groningen: Symposium voor Onderzoek door Jonge Archeologen, 51–58. 2 Review: G. Chouquer (2010), Archeogeographie (www.archeogeographie.org/index.php?rub=arpentage/romain/-‐bonnie). 3 Curriculum Vitae ⦁ Rick Bonnie Bonnie, R. (2008) ‘Nieuwenhagen-‐Koelweg: een Romeinse villa?’ in: Mulders, H. (ed.) Jaarboek Oudheidkundig Cultuurhistorisch Genootschap Landgraaf 2008. Landgraaf: OCGL, 43–54. Book reviews Bonnie, R. (2013) ‘Review: Studies in the Archaeology and History of Caesarea Maritima: Caput Judaeae, metropolis Palaestinae. By Joseph Patrich. (Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity 77). Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2011,’ Journal for the Study of Judaism 44(3), 434–435. Bonnie, R. (2010) ‘Review: Loffreda, S – Documentazione fotografica degli scavi (1968–2003). (Cafarnao V). Franciscan Printing Press, Jerusalem, 2005,’ Bibliotheca Orientalis 5/6, 533–536. CONFERENCE PAPERS AND POSTERS “What does ‘Jewish’ mean in Galilee during the Second Century AD,” Third Finnish Colloquium of Middle East and North African Studies “Concord, Conflict and Co-‐existence: Religion and Society in the Middle East and North Africa”, Turku (Finland), June 5-‐7, 2014. “Reuse of Sculptural Imagery in Late Antique Galilee. An Archaeological Reflection on their Contemporary Message and Original Meaning,” XXI Finnish Symposium on Late Antiquity. Tvärminne (Finland), October 13–14, 2012. “Recent Finds from Horvat Kur and their Contribution to the Debate about Galilean Synagogues” (with Jürgen Zangenberg), Archaeology, Architecture and Liturgy. Ancient Galilean Synagogues in Context. Leiden (the Netherlands), February 7, 2012. “Grasping a developing cultural melting pot through archaeology: a case study from Galilee during the second century AD,” ASOR Annual Meeting 2011. San Francisco CA, November 17, 2011. “‘What have the Romans ever done for us?’ The reception of archaeological material in second-‐century AD Galilee,” AVADIN Annual Meeting 2011. Copenhagen (Denmark), November 11, 2011. “Village Life in Galilee. The Excavation and Survey of the Kinneret Regional Project at and around Horvat Kur” (with Jesús García Sánchez), public lecture at the Department of Biblical Studies. Helsinki, April 18, 2011 (on invitation of Dr. R. Hakola). “Consuming Social Identity. A case study from Roman Galilee,” Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference 2011. Newcastle-‐upon-‐Tyne (UK), April 16, 2011. “Horvat Kur: A Late-‐Roman/Byzantine Settlement overlooking the Sea of Galilee,” lecture at the GOA/CAS Seminar, Department of Archaeology, University of Leuven, February 18, 2011. “Becoming ‘Roman’ in a ‘Jewish’ region. Galilee during the second century AD” (Poster), ASOR Annual Meeting 2010. Atlanta GA, November 18–21, 2010. “A Roman Cadastre in the Region of Tongeren,” Lecture at the GOA/CAS Seminar, Department of Archaeology, University of Leuven, April 18, 2010. “Een Romeins kadaster ten oosten van Tongeren. De Romeinse invloed op het Haspengouwse landschap heroverwogen,” Romeinencongres [Annual Dutch Roman Archaeology Conference]. Amsterdam, December 15, 2009 (on invitation of Prof. N. Roymans). “‘Roman’ influences in a ‘Jewish’ region: Galilee during the second century AD” (poster), Interuniversity Attraction Poles Meeting, KU Leuven – University of Leuven, November 9, 2009. “Een Romeinse landindeling tussen Tongeren en Maastricht,” Romeinendag/Journée d’Archéologie Romaine [Annual Belgian Roman Archaeology Conference]. Brussels, May 8, 2009. “An Archaeology of Roman Cadastres. What has technology to do with its problems and how can we benefit from it?” Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference 2009. Ann Arbor MI, April 3, 2009. “An Archaeology of Roman Cadastres. What has technology to do with its problems and how can we benefit from it?” Mare Nostrum lecture series. Leiden (the Netherlands), February 18, 2009. “Joods of Romeins Galilea? Separatie, integratie en reactie in het Romeinse Oosten,” Symposium Onderzoek Jonge Archeologen 2007. Groningen (the Netherlands), March 21, 2007. 4 Curriculum Vitae ⦁ Rick Bonnie PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 2006–Present Volunteer, Archaeological Workgroup Landgraaf, the Netherlands – Archaeological workgroup serving the local public by bringing awareness to and preserving its cultural heritage (www.archeologie-‐landgraaf.nl). OTHER TRAINING 2010 Intensive Hebrew summer school, University of Haifa, Israel 2009 Project-‐based working, NIMO Project Management Institute 2009 New Dutch law of spatial planning, Vriens Archeoflex LANGUAGE SKILLS Dutch (native); English (fluent); German (fluent/good); French (intermediate); Italian (intermediate); Hebrew (beginner); Finnish (beginner) COMPUTER SKILLS Microsoft Office (Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Access) ⦁ Adobe Photoshop & InDesign ⦁ Geographical Information Systems (QGIS, Mapinfo, ArcGIS). 5
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