Publications Philippe De Maeyer [email protected] May 3th, 2014 (A) PUBLICATIONS IN JOURNALS (A1) International peer-reviewed journals included in the ISI Web of Science accepted and in print: Deeb, R.,Ooms, K., Van Eetvelde, V., De Maeyer, P., 2014. Towards a deeper understanding of cartographic text visualisation: assessment of user preferences and colour influence. Cartographic Journal 10.1179/1743277413Y.0000000073) Accepted on 2nd (IN PRESS). (doi: of October 2013. (Impact factor: 0.424 for 2012; Rank: 58/72 for 2012) Ooms, K., De Maeyer, P., & Fack, V., 2013/2014. Listen to the map user: Cognition, memory, and expertise. Cartographic Journal (IN PRESS). Accepted on the 6th of June 2013.(doi: 10.1179/1743277413Y.0000000068) (Impact factor: 0.424 for 2012; Rank: 58/72 for 2012) Qiang, Yi, Valcke, M., De Maeyer, P., Van de Weghe, N., 2014, Representing time intervals in a two-dimensional space: an empirical study. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (IN PRESS). (doi: 10.1016/j.jvlc.2014.01.001) (Impact factor: 0.558 for 2012; Rank: 79/105 for 2012) published: 2014 Van de Weghe, N., De Roo, B., Qiang, Y., Versichele, M.. Neutens, T. & De Maeyer, P., 2014. The Continuous Spatio-Temporal Model (CSTM) as an exhaustive framework for multi-scale spatio-temporal analysis, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 28 (5), p. 1047-1060 (doi: 10.1080/13658816.2014.886329). Deeb, R., Ooms, K., Vanopbroeke, V., De Maeyer, P., 2013/2014. Evaluating the Efficiency of Typographic Design: Gender and Expertise Variation, Cartographic Journal, 51 (1), p. 75-86 ((doi: 10.1179/1743277413Y.0000000037) (Impact factor: 0.424 for 2012; Rank: 58/72 for 2012). Stal, C., Briese, C., De Maeyer, P., Dorninger P., Nuttens, T., Pfeifer, N., De Wulf, A.,, 2014. Classification of airborne laser scanning point clouds based on binomial logistic regression analysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35 (9), p. 3219-3236, (doi : 10.1080/01431161.2014.904973). Neutens, T., Daniels, S., Glorieux, I., De Maeyer, P. Van de Weghe, N., 2014, Spatial and temporal fluctuations in individual accessibility: a comparative analysis among subgroups of the population. Geografisk Tidsskrift - Danish Journal of Geography (doi:10.1080/21662282.2013.863547). Accepted 5 November 2013. Ooms, K., De Maeyer, P. Fack, V., 2014, Study of the attentive behavior of novice and expert map users using eye tracking. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 41 (1), p. 37- 54 (doi:10.1080/15230406.2013.860255) (Impact factor: 0.611 for 2012; Rank: 51/72 for 2012). Stal, C., Van Liefferinge, K., De Reu, J., Docter, R., Dierkens, G., De Maeyer, P., Mortier, S., Nuttens, T., Pieters, T., van den Eijnde, F., van de Put, W., De Wulf, A., 2014. Integrating geomatics in archaeological research at the site of Thorikos (Greece). Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol. 45, p.112-125 (doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2014.02.018) (IF 2012: 1.889, Q1). 2013 Crombé, P., De Smedt, P., Davies, N.S., Gelorini, V., Zwertvaegher, A., Langohr, R., Van Damme, D., Demiddele, H., Van Strydonck, M., Antrop, M., Bourgeois, J., De Maeyer, P., De Reu, J., Finke, P.A., Van Meirvenne, M., Verniers, J., 2013, Hunter-Gatherer Responses to the Changing Environment of the Moervaart Palaeolake (Nw Belgium) during the Late Glacial and Early Holocene, Quaternary International, 308, p. 162-177. (doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2013.05.035) (Impact factor: 1.962 for 2012; Rank: 58/172 for 2012). Kellens, W., Vanneuville, W., Verfaille, E., Meire, E., Deckers, P., De Maeyer, P., 2013, Flood risk management in Flanders: past developments and future challenges. Water Resources Management, 27 (10), p. 3585 - 3606. (Impact factor: 2.259 for 2012; Rank: 10/122 for 2012). Zwertvaegher, A., Finke, P., De Reu, J., Vandenbohede, A., Lebbe, L., Bats, M., De Clercq, W., De Smet, P., Gelorini, VA. Sergant, J., 2013, Reconstructing phreatic palaeogroundwater levels in a geoarchaeological context: a case study in Flanders, Belgium. Geoarcheology - an international journal, 28 (2), p. 170-189 (Impact factor: 1.029 for 2012; Rank: 118/172 for 2012). Stal, C., Tack, F., De Maeyer, P., De Wulf, A., Goossens R., 2013, Airborne photogrammetry and LIDAR for DSM extraction and 3D change detection over an urban area: a comparative study. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(4), p. 1087-1110 (Impact factor: 0.328 for 2012; Rank: 24/27 for 2012). Willems, S., Peersman, W., Buylaert, W., De Maeseneer, J., De Maeyer, P., 2013, The impact of neighborhood deprivation on patients’ unscheduled out-of-hours healthcare seeking behavior: a cross-sectional study, BMC Family Practice, 14:136 (doi:10.1186/1471-2296-14-136) (Impact factor: 1.609 for 2012; Rank: 59/155 for 2012). 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 2/32 Zwertvaegher, A., Finke, P., De Smedt, P. Gelorini, V., Van Meirvenne, M., Bats, M., De Reu, J., Antrop, A., Bourgeois, J., De Maeyer, P., Verniers, J., Crombé, P?, 2013, Spatiotemporal modeling of soil characteristics for soilscape reconstruction. Geoderma, Vol. 207– 208, p. 166–179 (Impact factor: 2.345 for 2012; Rank: 7/34 for 2012). Schoonbeek, S., Azadi, H., Mahmoudi, H., Derudder, B., De Maeyer, P., Witlox, F., 2013, Organic Agriculture and Undernourishment in Developing Countries: Main Potentials and Challenges, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 53:917–928 (Impact factor: 4.820 for 2012; Rank: 2/124 for 2012). De Reu, J., Bourgeois, J., Bats, M., Zwertvaegher, A., Gelorini, V., De Smedt, P., Chu, W., Antrop, M., De Maeyer, P., Finke, P., Van Meirvenne, M., Verniers, J., & Crombé, P., 2013. Application of the topographic position index to heterogeneous landscapes. Geomorphology, 186, p. 39-49 (Impact factor: 2.552 for 2012; Rank: 42/172 for 2012). De Reu, J., Bourgeois, J., Bats, M., De Smedt, P., Gelorini, V., Zwertvaegher, A., Antrop, M., De Maeyer, P., Finke, P., Van Meirvenne, M., Verniers, J., & Crombé, P., 2013. Beyond the unknown : understanding prehistoric patterns in the urbanised landscape of Flanders. Journal of Historical Geography, 40, 1-15 (Impact factor: 0.662 for 2012; Rank: 9/33 for 2012). Kellens, W., Terpstra, T., De Maeyer, P., 2013. Perception and communication of flood risks: A literature review. Risk Analysis. 33 (1), 24-49 (Impact factor: 2.278 for 2012; Rank: 12/93 for 2012). De Smedt, P., Van Meirvenne, M., Davies, N.S., Bats, M., Saey, T., De Reu, J., Meerschman; E., Gelorini, V., Zwertvaegher, A., Antrop, M., Bourgeois, J., De Maeyer, P., Finke, P.A., Verniers, J., Crombé, P., 2013. A multidisciplinary approach to reconstructing Late Glacial and Early Holocene landscapes. Journal of Archaeological Science, 40(2013), 1260-1267 (Impact factor: 1.889 for 2012; Rank: 12/83 for 2012). 2012 Qiang, Y., Delafontaine, M., Versichele, M., De Maeyer, P., Van de Weghe, N., 2012. Interactive analysis of time intervals in a two-dimensional space, Information Visualization. 11 (4), p. 255-272 (Impact factor: 1.000; Rank: 52/105). Crombé, P., Van Strydonck, M., Boudin, M. , Van den Brande, T. , Derese, C., Dimitri Vandenberghe, D., Van den haute, P., Court-Picon, M., Verniers, J., Bos, J., Verbruggen, F., Antrop, A., Bats, M., Bourgeois, J., De Reu, J., De Maeyer, P., De Smedt, P., Finke, P., Van Meirvenne, M., Zwertvaegher, A., 2012, Absolute dating (14C and OSL) of the formation of coversand ridges occupied by prehistoric man in NW Belgium. Radiocarbon 54, 3-4, p. 715-726 (Impact factor: 1.065; Rank: 49/76). Qiang, Y., Delafontaine, M., Neutens, T., Stichelbaut, B., De Tré, G., De Maeyer, P., Van de Weghe, N., 2012. Analysing imperfect temporal information in GIS using the Triangular Model, Cartographic Journal, 49(3), p. 265-280 (Impact factor: 0.424; Rank: 58/72). Ooms, K., De Maeyer, P., Fack V., Van Assche E., Witlox, F., 2012, Investigating the effectiveness of an efficient label placement method using eye movement data, 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 3/32 Cartographic Journal, 49(3), p. 234-246 (Impact factor: 0.424; Rank: 58/72). Ooms, K., De Maeyer, P., Fack, V., Van Assche E., Witlox, F., 2012, Interpreting Maps Through the Eyes of Expert and Novice Users, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 26(10), p. 1773-1788 (Impact factor: 1.613; Rank: 29/132). Deweirdt, E., De Maeyer, P., Méniel, P., Metzier, J., Petit, C., Bourgeois, J., 2012, L'analyse spatiale des nécropoles revisitée: l'exemple de la nécropole de l'âge du fer final et du début de l'époque gallo--romaine de Lamadeleine (Grand-Duché du Luxembourg). Archeologisches Korrespondenzblatt, 42(2), p. 185 - 204 (Impact factor: N/A). Zarafshani, K., Sharafi, L., Azadi, H., Hosseininia, G., De Maeyer, P., Witlox, F., 2012. Drought vulnerability assessment: The case of wheat farmers in Western Iran. Global and Planetary Change, 98-99(2012), p. 122-130 (Impact factor: 3.155; Rank: 24/172). Stal, C. De Wulf, A., De Coene, K., De Maeyer, P., Nuttens, T. & Ongena, T., 2012, Digital Representation of Historical Globes: Methods to Make 3D and Pseudo-3D Models of 16th Century Mercator Globes. Cartographic Journal, 49(2), 107-117 (Impact factor: 0.424; Rank: 58/72). Vanclooster, A., Neutens, T. Fack, V., Van de Weghe, N., De Maeyer, P., 2012. Measuring the exitability of buildings: a new perspective on indoor accessibility. Applied Geography, 34, p. 507-518 (Impact factor: 2.779; Rank: 5/72). Azadi, H., de Jong, S., Derudder, B., De Maeyer, P., Witlox, F., 2012. Bitter Sweet: how sustainable is bio-ethanol production in Brazil? Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(6), p. 3599-3603 (Impact factor: 5.627; Rank: 5/81). Kellens, W., Zaalberg, R., De Maeyer, P., 2012. The informed society: an analysis of the public's information-seeking behavior regarding coastal flood risks. Risk Analysis, 32(8), p. 1369-1381 (Impact factor: 2.278; Rank: 4/45). De Coene, K., Ongena, T., Stragier, F., Vervust, S., Bracke, W., De Maeyer, Ph., 2012. Ferraris, the legend. Cartographic Journal, 49, 1, 30–42 (Impact factor: 0.424; Rank: 58/72). Kellens, W., Neutens, T., Deckers, P., Reyns, J., De Maeyer, Ph. 2012. Coastal flood risks and seasonal tourism: Analysing the effects of tourism dynamics on casualty calculations. Natural Hazards, 60(3), p. 1211-1229 (Impact factor: 1.639; Rank: 31/80). Neutens, T., Delafontaine, M., Scott, D. M., De Maeyer, P., 2012, An analysis of day-to-day variations in individual space-time accessibility. Journal of Transport Geography, 23, p. 8191 (Impact factor: 1.942; Rank: 50/333). Ooms, K., Andrienko, G., Andrienko, N., De Maeyer, P. & Fack, V., 2012. Analysing the spatial dimension of eye movement data using a visual analytic approach Expert Systems with Applications, 39, 1324-1331 (Impact factor: 1.854; Rank: 13/79). Neutens, T., Delafontaine, M., Scott, D. M., De Maeyer, P., 2012, A GIS-based method to 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 4/32 identify spatiotemporal gaps in public service delivery. Applied Geography 32(2), p. 253264 (Impact factor: 2.779; Rank: 5/72). 2011 Deeb, R., Ooms, K., De Maeyer, P., 2011, Typography in the Eyes of Bertin, Gender and Expertise Variation. Cartographic Journal, 49(2), p. 176-185 (Impact factor: 0.590; Rank: 52/73). De Reu, J., Bourgeois, J., De Smedt, P., Zwertvaegher, A., Antrop, M., Bats, M., De Maeyer, P., Finke, P., Van Meirvenne, M., Verniers, J., & Crombé, P. , 2011. Measuring the relative topographic position of archaeological sites in the landscape, a case study on the Bronze Age barrows in northwest Belgium. Journal of Archaeological Science, 38(12), 3435-3446 (Impact factor: 1.889; Rank: 12/83). Kellens, W., Zaalberg, R., Neutens, T., Vanneuville, W. & De Maeyer, P., 2011. An analysis of the public perception of flood risk on the Belgian coast, Risk Analysis 31, 7, 1055-1068 (Impact factor: 2.366; Rank: 7/92). Deneckere, A., De Reu, M., Martens, M.P.J., De Coene, K., Vekemans, B., Vincze, L., Vandenabeele, P., Moens, L. & De Maeyer, P., 2011. The use of a multi-method approach to identify the pigments in the 12th century manuscript Liber Floridus, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 80, 1, 125-132 (Impact factor: 2.098 for 2010). De Smedt, P., Van Meirvenne, M., Meerschman, E., Saey, T., Bats, M., Court-picon, M., De Reu, J., Zwertvaegher, A., Antrop, M., Bourgeois, J., De Maeyer, P., Finke, P., Verniers, J., & Crombé, P., 2011. Reconstructing palaeochannel morphology with a mobile multicoil electromagnetic induction sensor. Geomorphology, 130(1-2), 136-141 (Impact factor: 2.520). Delafontaine, M., Bogaert, P., Cohn, A., Witlox, F., De Maeyer, P., & Van de Weghe, N., 2011. Inferring additional knowledge from QTC(N) relations. Information Sciences, 181(9), p. 1573-1590 (Impact factor: 2.833). De Reu, J., Deweirdt, E., Crombé, P. Bats, M. Antrop; M., Court-Picon, M., De Maeyer, P. De Smedt, P. Finke, P., Van Meirvenne, M. Verniers, J., Werbrouck, I., Zwertvaegher, A., Bourgeois, J., 2011, Les tombelles de l'âge du bronze en Flandre sablonneuse (nord-ouest de la Belgique): un status quaestionis. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 41(4), 491505. Werbrouck, I., Antrop, M., Van Eetvelde, V., Stal, C., De Maeyer, P., Bats, M., Bourgeois, J., Court-Picon, M., Crombé, P., De Reu, J., De Smedt, P., Finke, P.A., Van Meirvenne, M., Verniers, J. & Zwertvaegher, A., 2011. Digital elevation model generation for historical landscape analysis based on LiDAR data, a case study in Flanders (Belgium), Expert Systems with Applications, 38 (7), 8173-8185 (Impact factor: 2.203). Azadi, H., Schoonbeek, S., Mahmoudi, H., Derudder, B., De Maeyer, P., Witlox, F., 2011. Organic agriculture and sustainable food production system: Main potentials. Agriculture, 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 5/32 Ecosystems & Environment, 144, 92– 94 (Impact factor: 3.004). 2010 Neutens, T., Schwanen, T., Witlox, F., De Maeyer, P., 2010. Equity of urban service delivery: a comparison of different accessibility measures, Environment and Planning A 42(7), p. 1613-1635 (Impact factor: 1.888). Neutens, T. Schwanen, T., Witlox, F. De Maeyer, P., 2010. Evaluating the temporal organization of public service provision using space-time accessibility analysis, Urban Geography, 31(8), p. 1039-1064 (Impact factor: 1.187). Qiang, Y., Delafontaine, M., Asmussen, K., Stichelbaut, B., De Tré, G., De Maeyer, P., & Van de Weghe, N., 2010. Modelling imperfect time intervals in a two-dimensional space. Control And Cybernetics, 39(4), p. 983-1010 (Impact factor: 0.300). Zwertvaegher, A., Werbrouck, I., Finke, P., De Reu, J., Crombé, P., Bats, M., Antrop, M., Bourgeois, J., Court-Picon, M., De Maeyer, P., De Smedt, P., Sergant, J., Van Meirvenne, M., Verniers, J., 2010. On the use of integrated process models to reconstruct prehistoric occupation, with examples from Sandy Flanders, Belgium, Geoarchaeology, 25 (6), p. 784814 (Impact factor: 1.176). 2009 Suykerbuyk, P.; Wambacq, J.; Phanzu, D.; Haruna, H.; Nakazawa, Y.; Ooms, K.; Kamango, K.; Stragier, P.; Singa, J.; De Herdt, E.; De Maeyer, Ph.; Kestens, L.; Portaels, F., Ekwanzala, F., 2009. Persistence of Mycobacterium ulcerans disease (Buruli ulcer) in the historical focus of Kasongo Territory, the Democratic Republic of Congo, American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, 81 (5), p. 888-894 (Impact factor: 2.450). Delafontaine, M., Nolf, G., Van de Weghe, N., Antrop, M., De Maeyer, Ph., 2009. Assessment of sliver polygons in geographical vector data, International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 23 (6), p. 719–735 (Impact factor: 1.822). Gamanya, R., De Maeyer, Ph., De Dapper, M., 2009. Object-oriented change detection for the city of Harare, Zimbabwe, Expert Systems with Applications, 36, p. 571-588. (Impact factor: 1.247). Witlox, F., Antrop, M., Bogaert, P., De Maeyer, Ph., Derudder, B., Neutens, T., Van Acker, V., Van de Weghe, N., 2009. Introducing functional classification theory to land use planning by means of decision tables: A theoretical exercise, Decision support systems, 46 (4), p. 875-881 (Impact factor: 1.160) 2008 De Wolf, N. and De Maeyer, Ph., 2008. Italian composite atlases and a Belgian undescribed copy, Cartographic Journal, 45 (4), p. 296-303. (Impact factor: 0.514) Neutens, T., Schwanen, T., Witlox, F., De Maeyer, Ph., 2008. My space or your space? 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 6/32 Towards a measure of joint accessibility. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 32 (5), p. 331-342. (Impact factor: 1.025) Delafontaine, M., Van de Weghe, N., Bogaert, P., De Maeyer, Ph., 2008, Qualitative Relations between Moving Objects in a Network Changing its Topological Relations, Information Sciences, 178 (8), 1997-2006. (Impact factor: 3.095) Neutens, T., Van de Weghe, N., Witlox, F., De Maeyer, Ph., 2008. A three-dimensional network-based space-time prism, Journal of Geographical Systems, 10 (1), p. 89-107. (Impact factor: 1.250) 2007 and older Neutens, T., Witlox, F., Van de Weghe, N., De Maeyer, Ph., 2007, Human Interaction Spaces under Uncertainty, Transportation Research Record, 2021, p. 28-35 (Impact Factor: 0.145). Neutens, T., Witlox, F., Van de Weghe, N., De Maeyer, Ph., 2007. Space-Time Opportunities for Multiple Agents: a Constraint-Based Approach, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 21 (10), p. 1061-1076 (Impact Factor: 1.822). Van de Weghe, N., Docter, R., De Maeyer, Ph., Bechtold, B. & Ryckbosch, K., 2007, The Triangular Model as an instrument for visualising and analysing residuality, Journal of Archaeological Science, 34 (4), p. 649-655 (Impact Factor: 1.316). Gamanya, R., De Maeyer, Ph., De Dapper, M., 2007, An automated satellite image classification design using object-oriented segmentation algorithms: a move towards standardization, Expert Systems with Applications, 32, p. 616-624 (Impact factor: 1.247). Van de Weghe, N., Cohn, A.G., De Tré, B., De Maeyer, Ph., 2006, A qualitative trajectory calculus as a basis for representing moving objects in geographical information systems, Control and Cybernetics, 35 (1), p. 97-120. (Impact factor: 0.224). De Tré, G., Van de Weghe, N., De Caluwé, R., De Maeyer, P., 2006, Towards a flexible visualization tool for dealing with temporal data. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems (FQAS), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI ),4027, p. 109-120. Van de Weghe, N., Cohn, A.G., De Maeyer, Ph., Witlox, F., 2005, Representing moving objects in computer-based expert systems: the overtake event example, Expert Systems with Applications, 29 (4), 977-983. (Impact factor: 1.247). Van de Weghe, N., De Tré, G., Kuijpers, B., De Maeyer, P., 2005, The double-cross and the generalization concept as a basis for representing and comparing shapes of polylines. Lecture notes in computer science (LNCS), 3762, p. 1087 -1096. Van de Weghe, N., Kuijpers, B., Bogaert, P., De Maeyer, P., 2005, A Qualitative Trajectory Calculus and the composition of its relations. Geospatial semantics, proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 3799, p. 60-76. 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 7/32 Van de Weghe, N., De Maeyer, P., 2005, Conceptual neighbourhood diagrams for representing moving objects. Perspectives in conceptual modeling, 3770, p. 228-238. Rodriguez, A., Van de Weghe, N., De Maeyer, P., 2004, Simplifying sets of events by selecting temporal relations. Geographic Information Sciences Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 3234, p. 269-284. De Maeyer, Ph., Wartel, S. & De Moor, G., 1985, Internal structures of the Nieuwpoortbank (Southern North Sea), Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 19 (1), p. 15-18. (P1) Conference proceedings included in the ISI Web of Science Stal, C., De Wulf, A., De Maeyer, P., Deruyter, G., Goossens, R., Hendrickx, M., Nuttens, T., 2013. Change detection on cultural heritage by radiometric comparison of terrestrial photos and terrestrial laser scanning. 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2013,, SGEM 2013 Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing Conference Proceedings, Vol. II, pp. 587-594, June 16-22 2013, ISBN 978-619-710-01-8, ISSN 1314-2704, doi: 10.5593/SGEM2013/BB2.V2/S10.006 De Wulf, A., De Maeyer, P., De Ryck, M., Nuttens, T., Stal, C., Libert, M., Annaert, A. 2013. Higher hydrography education in Belgium. 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2013,, SGEM 2013 Ecology, Economics, Education and Legislation Conference Proceedings, Vol. II, pp. 429-436, June 16-22 2013, ISBN 978-619-7105-05-6, ISSN 1314-2704, doi: 10.5593/SGEM2013/BE5.V2/S22.011 Stal, C., De Wulf, A., De Maeyer, P., Goossens, R., Nuttens, T., Tack F. , 2012. Statistical comparison of urban 3D models from photo modeling and airborne laser scanning. 12th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2012,, SGEM 2012 Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2, pp. 901-908, June 17-23 2012, ISSN 1314-2704, doi: 10.5593/SGEM2012/S08.V2008 De Wulf, A., Nuttens, T., Stal, C., De Maeyer, P., 2011. Evaluation and reformation (2011) of the geomatics education programs at Belgium academic universities. In: Chova, L.G., Torres, I.C., Martinez, A.L. (Eds.) INTED 2011: 5th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), Valencia, Spain, pp. 3183-3192, ISBN 978-84-614-7423-3. De Tré, G., Bronselaer, A., Matthé, T., Van de Weghe, N. & De Maeyer, P., 2010. Consistently handling geographical user data: context-dependent detection of co-located POIs. In: Hüllermeier, E., Kruse, R. & Hoffmann, F. (Eds.), 13th International conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU 2010), Dortmund, Germany, 2010-06-28. Springer, Berlin, 85-94. Qiang, Y., Asmussen, K., Delafontaine, M., De Tré, G., Stichelbaut, B., De Maeyer, P., Van de Weghe, N., 2009. Visualising rough time intervals in a two-dimensional space. Proceedings Of The Joint 2009 International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress And 2009 European Society For Fuzzy Logic And Technology Conference. Linz, Austria: European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT). 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 8/32 Kellens W., Deckers P., Saleh. H., Vanneuville W., De Maeyer Ph., Allaert, G. & De Sutter, R., 2008. A GIS tool for flood risk analysis in Flanders (Belgium), Sixth International Conference on Computer Simulation Risk Analysis and Hazard Mitigation, in Risk Analysis VI, Transactions of the Wessex Institute, p. 21-27. Bogaert, P., Van de Weghe, N., Cohn, A.G., Witlox, F., De Maeyer, Ph., 2007. The Qualitative Trajectory Calculus on Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Spatial Cognition, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), 4387, p. 20-38. (Impact factor: 0.302) Van de Weghe, N., Witlox, F., Cohn, A.G., Neutens, T., De Maeyer, Ph., 2007. Efficient Storage of Interactions Between Multiple Moving Point Objects. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Semantic-Based Geographical Information Systems (SeBGIS), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer-Verlag, Germany, p. 1636-1647. (Impact factor: 0.402) Van de Weghe, N., Maddens, R., Bogaert, P., Brondeel, M., De Maeyer, Ph., 2004, Qualitative analysis of polygon shape-changes. Proceedings of IEEE the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Anchorage, Alaska, USA. (ISI:000227006901098) Brondeel, M., De Wolf, N., De Maeyer, Ph., Antrop, M. and Ongena, T., 2004, Complementary training on contemporary positioning using a website based application. Proceedings of IEEE the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Anchorage, Alaska, USA (ISI: 000277006901273). Van de Weghe, N., Cohn, A.G. & De Maeyer, Ph., 2004. A qualitative representation of trajectory pairs. In: Lopez de Manteras, R. and Saitta, L. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Valencia, Spain, IOS Press, p.1103-1104. (ISI:000225505100261) Verbeken, J., De Temmerman, L., Goossens, R., Lavreau, J. & De Maeyer, Ph., 2004, Classification of the vegetation in the Virunga National Park (D.R. Congo) by integrating past mission reports into Landsat-TM and Terra-Aster Sensors. In : Oluic, M. (Ed .), New Strategies for European Remote Sensing, Dubrovnik, Croatia. (ISI:000227006901098) De Maeyer, Ph., De Temmerman, L. Bogaert, P., Vansteenvoort, L. & Goossens, R., 2003, The benefits of remote sensing for conservation and monitoring world heritage sites. Remote Sensing in Transition: Proceedings of the 23th Earsel Symposium, Ghent, p.381-385. (ISI:000189495100055). Vansteenvoort, L., De Maeyer & Ph, Lavreau, J., 2004, Mapping in inaccessible areas by integrating remote sensing data and historic cartographic documents. Remote Sensing in Transition: Proceedings of the 23th Earsel Symposium, Ghent, Belgium, p.387-393. (ISI:000189495100056) 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 9/32 (VABB) Peer-reviewed journals/books, not included in the ISI Web of Science, recognized journals in the VABB-list1 Stal, C., Nuttens, T., Bourgeois, J., Carlier, L., De Maeyer, P., De Wulf, A. , 2011. Accuracy assessment of a LIDAR digital terrain model by using RTK GPS and total station. EARSeL eProceedings, Vol. 10, No. 8, pp. 1-8, ISSN 1729-3782. Bats, M., De Smedt, P., De Reu, J., Gelorini, V., Zwertvaegher, A., Antrop, M., Bourgeois, J., De Maeyer, P., Finke, P., Van Meirvenne, M., Verniers, J., Crombé, P., 2011. Continued geoarchaeological research at the Moervaart palaeolake area (East Flanders, B): field campaign 2011. Notae Praehistoricae, 31/2011, p. 201-211. Bats, M., De Smedt, P., Werbrouck, I., Zwertvaegher, A., Court-Picon, M., De Reu, J., Serbruyns, L., Demiddele, H., Antrop, M., Bourgeois, J., De Maeyer, P., Finke, P., Van Meirvenne, M., Verniers, J., Crombé, P., 2010. Continued geoarchaeological research at the Moervaart palaeolake area (East Flanders, Belgium): preliminary results. Notae Praehistoricae, 30, p. 55-61. De Reu, J., Bats, M., De Smedt, P., Bourgeois, J., Antrop, M., Court-Picon, M., De Maeyer, P., Finke, P., Van Meirvenne, M., Verniers, J., Werbrouck, I., Zwertvaegher, A., Crombé, P., 2010. Bronze and Iron Age landscapes in Sandy Flanders (NW-Belgium): a geoarchaeological approach. Lunula, Archaeologia protohistorica, 18, p. 17-22. De Reu, J., Bats, M., Bourgeois, J., Antrop, M., Court-Picon, M., De Maeyer, P., De Smedt, P., Finke, P., Van Meirvenne, M., Verniers, J., Werbrouck, I., Zwertvaegher, A., Crombé, P., 2010. Digitizing, inventorying, reviewing and analyzing the "Bronze Age barrows database" of East and West Flanders (Belgium). Lunula, Archaeologia protohistorica, 18, p. 43-47. Ooms, K., De Maeyer, P. & Neutens, T., 2010. A 3D inclusion test on large datasets. In: Neutens, T. & De Maeyer, P. (Eds.). 4th 3D GeoInfo workshop, Ghent, Belgium, 2009-1104. Springer, Berlin, p. 181-199. Bats, M., De Reu, J., De Smedt, P., Antrop, M., Bourgeois, J., Court-Picon, M., De Maeyer, P., Finke, P., Van Meirvenne, M., Verniers, J., Werbrouck, I., Zwertvaegher, A. & Crombé, P., 2009. Geoarchaeological research of the large palaeolake of the Moervaart (municipalities of Wachtebeke and Moerbeke-Waas, East Flanders, Belgium): from Late Glacial to Early Holocene. Notae Praehistoricae, 29, p. 105-112. (A2) International peer-reviewed journals, not included in the ISI Web of Science Stal, C., Nuttens, T., Bourgeois, J., Carlier, L., De Maeyer, P. & De Wulf, A., 2011, Accuracy assessment of a LiDAR Digital Terrain Model by using RTK GPS and total station. EARSeL eProceedings, Volume 10 (8), p. 1-8. 1 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 10/32 Neutens, T., Witlox, F., & De Maeyer, P., 2007, Individual accessibility and travel possibilities: A literature review on time geography. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 7 (4), p. 335-352. Vanneuville, W., De Maeyer, P., Maeghe, K. and Mostaert, F., 2003, Model the effects of a flood in the Dender catchment based on a risk methodology, Bulletin of the Society of Cartography, 37 (2), p. 59-64. De Maeyer, P., 2000, Base Maps in Belgium, Belgeo, (1-4), p. 165-172. De Dapper, M., De Maeyer, P., Goossens, R. and Ongena, T., 1988, The use of SPOTimagery for the detection of geomorphological and superficial hydrogeologiccal phenomena in the Lubumbashi area (Shaba, Zaire). Bulletin de la Société Belge de Géologie, 97 (2), p. 131-140. (A3) National or regional journals (peer reviewed) Schelfout, K., Van der Craats, I.M., Huygens, M., De Maeyer, P., 2011, Sociale veerkracht bij overstromingen: een Vlaams praktijkvoorbeeld. Ruimte & Maatschappij, 3 (1), p. 7892. De Coene, K. and De Maeyer, P., 2010, Bol of schijf? : wereldbeelden in de oudheid. GeoInfo, 7 (1), p. 12-15. De Maeyer, P., 2009, Kartografie en geografie. Geo-Info, 5 (10), p. 363. Ooms, K. and De Maeyer, P., 2008, Mogelijkheden en beperkingen van dynamische tekstplaatsing, Geo-Info, 5 (5), p. 198-204. Kellens, W., Brondeel, M., Vanneuville, W., De Maeyer, P., 2007, Hydrografische bewerkingen met digitale hoogtemodellen. Geo-Info, 4 (2), p. 52-58. Aydinoglu, A. C. and De Maeyer, P., 2006. Europese SDI-puzzel. Geo-Info, 3 (10), p.436440. Van der Gucht, W., De Wolf, N., De Maeyer, P., Brondeel, M., 2005, De Irakoorlog: kwaliteit van kaarten in kranten, Geo-Info, 2 (4), p.158-163. Brondeel, M., De Maeyer, P., De Wulf, A., 2005, Geomatica-opleidingen in Vlaanderen, Geo-Info, 2 (1), p.54-55. Bogaert, P., Vanneuville, W., Van de Weghe, N., De Maeyer, h., Maeghe, K., 2004, Zijn enkel mooie plaatjes belangrijk?, Geo-Info, 1 (4), p.158-163. De Maeyer, P. and De Vliegher, B., 2004, Geografie-opleidingen in Vlaanderen, Geo-Info, 1 (4), p.150-151. Gamanya, R., De Maeyer, P., De Dapper, M., Brondeel, M., 2004, Urbanisatie van de stad Harare, Geo-Info, 1 (9), p.380-383. 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 11/32 De Maeyer P., Pellé, J.-M., Collard C., 2003, Modèle des coûts de reproduction d’une carte, Le Monde des Cartes, (177-178), p.54-59. De Maeyer, P., 2003, 250 jaar landsdekkende cartografie in België, De Aardrijkskunde, (12), p.3-14. De Maeyer, P., Pellé, J.-M., Collard, C., 2003, Management van kaartproductie: aspecten van de kostcalculatie, Kartografisch Tijdschrift, 24 (4), p.7-10. De Wolf, N. and De Maeyer, P., 2003, Italiaanse 16de eeuwse samengestelde atlassen, semiologische analyse, De Aardrijkskunde, (3-4), p.21-28. Van de Weghe, N. and De Maeyer, P., 2003, Tijdruimtelijk model als basis van een tijdruimtelijk dataformaat, Geodesia, 45 (9), p.324-331. Vansteenvoort, L., De Maeyer, P., Lavreau, J., 2003, Cartografie van moeilijk toegankelijke gebieden: Proefblad Kalima, Kartografisch Tijdschrift, 24 (2), p.42-43 (with map supplement). De Maeyer, P. and Vansteenvoort, L., 2002, Réalisation de spatiocartes dans des zones d’accès difficiles, Le Monde des Cartes, (173-174), p.29-36. De Temmerman, L. and De Maeyer, Ph., 2002, Historische schets en vergelijking van de schoolatlassen in Vlaanderen, Kartografisch Tijdschrift, 23 (4), p.67-73. Van de Weghe, N. and De Maeyer, P., 2002, Le cartographe face aux modèles temporels de l’information spatiale, Le Monde des Cartes, (172), p.30-33. De Maeyer, P. and Pellé, J.-M., 2000, Du virtuel au reel, Bull. du Comité Français de Cartographie, (166), p.36-40. De Maeyer, P., 1998, (on)Mogelijkheden van conversies, Kartografisch Tijdschrift, 19 (1), p.3-8. De Maeyer, P., 1997, Cartography plots a new course, GIS Europe, 6 (11), p.20-23. De Maeyer, P. and De Schutter, G., 1988, Recente tendensen in de automatische kaartproduktie, Tdschr. Kon. Antw. Aardrijkskundig Venn., p.53-60. Larnoe, G., Casteleine, E., De Maeyer, P., Houthaeve, R., 1988, Drie benaderingswijzen in landschapsanalyse, toegepast op een aantal gebieden in Frankrijk, De Aardrijkskunde, 13 (3), p.277-306. Daels, L., De Maeyer, P., Goossens, R., 1987, Milieu-inventarisatie aan de hand van satellietgegevens - Landsat MSS en SPOT simulaties in het Dongola District (Soedan), De Aardrijkskunde, 12 (2), p.243-255. De Maeyer, P., informatiesystemen: 1987, Van mogelijkheden computergestuurde op microcomputer, cartografie De tot geografische Aardrijkskunde, 12 (2), p.207-219. 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 12/32 De Maeyer, P., 1981, Sedimentologische kartering van mariene bodemsedimenten a.h.v. akoestische parameters, De Aardrijkskunde, 5.(1-2), p.273-277. De Maeyer, P., Frappa, M., Muraour, P., 1981, Présentation d’une méthode de mesure de la vitesse sismique des sédiments superficiels en eau peu profonde et résultats obtenus dans l’Embouchure de la Gironde, Bull. Inst. Géol. Bassin d’Aquitaine, 30, p.87-95. De Maeyer, P., 1980, Bepaling van seismische snelheden in oppervlakkige sedimenten in ondiep water, Natuurwetenschappelijk Tijdschrift, 62, p.86-98. De Moor, G., Tavernier, Geomorfologisch Onderzoek R., in Heyse, het I., De Dapper, Laboratorium voor M., De Fysische Maeyer, P., 1979, Aardrijkskunde en Regionale Bodemkunde, Biol. Jb. Dodonea, 47, p.25-37. (A4) National or regional journals Bogaert, P. and De Maeyer, P., 2006, De Impact van Webservices, AM-FM News, (33), p.15-17. De Wolf, N. and De Maeyer, P., 2004, De Lafreri atlas van de KOKW onder de loep genomen, Annalen van de Koninklijke Oudheidkundige Kring van het Land van Waas, (107), p.169-212. Bogaert, P. and De Maeyer, P., 2003, Webcartografie: cartografie met als medium het World Wide Web, AM-FM News, (26), p.4-6. Van de Weghe, N. en De Maeyer, P., 2003, Visualisatie van tijd via GIS, AM-FM News, (26), p.19-21. De Maeyer, P., 2001, Cartografische visualisatie bij web en schermcartografie, AM-FM GIS, (21), p.6-8. De Maeyer, P., 1981, Morfografische kenmerken van de Banken van de Zuidelijke Bochten van de Noordzee, Informatieblad Instituut voor Zeewetenschappelijk Onderzoek, 11, p.14-17. De Maeyer, P., 1980, Etude des vitesses sismiques des sédiments marins en eau peu profonde, Informatieblad Instituut voor Zeewetenschappelijk Onderzoek, 10 (2), p.32-33. (B) (PARTS OF) BOOKS (B1) Author or co-author of books Antrop, M., De Maeyer, P., Neutens, T., Van de Weghe, N., 2013, Geografische informatiesystemen. Gent, Academia Press, pp. 460, ISBN 978-9-0382-2244-8. De Maeyer, P. and Ooms, K., 2013, Cartografie. Gent, Academia Press, pp. 525, ISBN 97890-382-2246-2. 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 13/32 De Maeyer, P., De Wulf, A., Neutens, T., 2012, Geomatica voor geologen - een inleiding tot topografie, GIS en cartografie. Gent, Academia Press, pp. 507, ISBN 978-90-382-1914-1. De Maeyer, P., Tibau, G., Schools, R., Daenekint, D., Merchiers, J., Paternoster. J., 2012, L’homme et la Terre, Bruxelles, Éditions De Boeck, pp.160, ISBN 978-2-8041-5093-8. De Maeyer, P., De Wulf, A., Van de Weghe, N., 2011, Basisbegrippen Geomatica. Gent, Academia Press, pp.442, ISBN 978-90-382-1876-2. De Maeyer, P., Tibau, G., Daenekint, D., Merchiers, J., Paternoster. J., 2011, De Boeck Atlas. Uitgeverij De Boeck, pp.180, ISBN 978-90-455-3693-4. De Maeyer, P., Tibau, G., Daenekint, D., Merchiers, J., & Paternoster. J., 2009, De kleine De Boeck atlas, Antwerpen. Uitgeverij De Boeck, pp.80, ISBN 978-90-455-3038-3. De Maeyer, P. and Van de Weghe, N., 2008, Beginselen Geomatica. Gent, Academia Press, pp.405, ISBN 978-90-382-1328-6. De Maeyer, P., 2008, Cartografie. Gent, Academia Press, pp.436, ISBN 978-90-382-13293. De Maeyer, P. and Van de Weghe, N., 2007, Inleiding Geomatica. Gent, Academia Press, pp.374, ISBN 978-90-382-1193-0. De Maeyer, P., Tibau, G., Schools, R., Daenekint, D., Merchiers, J., & Paternoster. J., 2007, L’homme et la Terre. Bruxelles, Éditions De Boeck, pp.160, ISBN 978-2-8041-5093-8. De Maeyer, P., Wevers, W., Tibau, G., Daenekint, D., Merchiers, J., & Paternoster. J., 2007, Kleine Schoolatlas. Antwerpen, Uitgeverij De Boeck, pp.38, ISBN 978-90-4552251-7. Binard, M., De Maeyer, P., De Temmerman, L., Donnay, J.-P., Fourneaux, D., Goossens, M., Ledent, A., Maddens, R., Peiren, I., Thomas, I., Van de Weghe, N., Van donninck, B., Van Hecke, E., 2008, Atlas van België, Leeswijzer. Gent, Academia Press, pp. 26. ISBN 978-90-382-1029-2 De Maeyer, P., Tibau, G., Daenekint, D., Merchiers, J., Paternoster. J., 2006, De Boeck Atlas, Antwerpen, Uitgeverij De Boeck, pp.168. ISBN 978-90-455-2022-3 Beyaert, M., Antrop, M., De Maeyer, P., Vandermotten, Chr., Billen, Cl. Decroly, J.-M., Neuray, Cl. Ongena, Th. Queriat, St., Van den Steen, I., Wayens, B., 2006, België in kaart: De evolutie van het landschap in drie eeuwen cartografie. Tielt, Lannoo, pp. 250. ISBN 978-90-209-6816-3 Beyaert, M., Antrop, M., De Maeyer, P., Vandermotten, Chr., Billen, Cl. Decroly, J.-M., Neuray, Cl. Ongena, Th. Queriat, St., Van den Steen, I., Wayens, B., 2006, La Belgique en cartes: L'évolution du paysage à travers trois siècles de cartographie. Tielt, Lannoo, pp. 250. ISBN 978-90-209-6831-6 Antrop, M. and De Maeyer, P., 2005, Theoretische basisconcepten van GIS. Gent, 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 14/32 Academia Press, pp.207. De Maeyer, P., Tibau, G., Daenekint, D., Merchiers, J., Paternoster. J., 2004, De Boeck Atlas - Mens en Ruimte. Antwerpen, Uitgeverij De Boeck, pp. 152. De Maeyer, P., De Vliegher, M., Brondeel, M., 2004, De Spiegel van de Wereld: Fundamenten van de Cartografie. Gent, Academia Press, pp.374. De Maeyer, P. and De Vliegher, B., 2003, Inleiding tot de Cartografie. Gent, Academia Press, ISBN 9038205546 (Heruitgave), pp.282. Spillemaeckers, R. and De Maeyer, P., 2003, Wereldoriëntatie Atlas. Antwerpen, Uitgeverij De Boeck, ISBN 90 455 0785 4, pp.56. De Maeyer, P. and De Vliegher, B., 2003, Inleiding tot de Cartografie. Gent, Academia Press, ISBN 9038204337, pp.280. De Maeyer, P. and De Vliegher, B., 2001, Algemene en Thematische Cartografie. Gent, Academia Press, D/2001/4804/103, pp.179. De Maeyer, P., 2001, Landsdekkende Cartografie in België van de 18de tot de 20ste eeuw. Gent, Mededelingen Museum voor de Geschiedenis van de Wetenschappen, D/2001/0376/2, pp.37. (B2) Chapters in books Vanclooster A. and De Maeyer P., 2012. Combining indoor and outdoor navigation: the current approach of route planners. In: Gartner, G. & Ortag, F. (Eds.), Advances in Location-Based Services. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, 8th International Symposium on Location-Based Services, 21-23 November 2011, Vienna, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, p. 283-304. De Maeyer, P., 2011. Cartografie: 250 jaar landsdekkende basiscartografie in België. In: Wautier, K., Joockheere, A. & Segers, D., U bevindt zich hier: een blik op de geschiedenis van landmeter en cartograaf, Gent, UGent Museum voor de Geschiedenis van de Wetenschappen, p. 9-44. De Coene, K., De Reu, M., De Maeyer, P., 2011. Inleiding: De wereld in een boek. In: De Coene, K., De Reu, M. and De Maeyer, P., Liber Floridus 1121, de wereld in een boek, Tielt, Uitgeverij Lannoo, p. 15-31. De Coene, K. and De Maeyer, P., 2011. Een wereld onder de zon, kosmografie en cartografie in het Liber Floridus. In: De Coene, K., De Reu & M., De Maeyer, P., Liber Floridus 1121, de wereld in een boek, Tielt, Uitgeverij Lannoo, p. 90-127. De Coene, K., De Reu, M., De Maeyer, P., 2011. Introduction: The World in a book. In: De Coene, K., De Reu, M., De Maeyer, P., Liber Floridus 1121, the World in a book, Tielt, Uitgeverij Lannoo, p. 15-31. 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 15/32 De Coene, K. and De Maeyer, P., 2011. One World under the Sun. Cosmography and cartography in the Liber Floridus. In: De Coene, K., De Reu, M., De Maeyer, P., Liber Floridus 1121, the World in a book, Tielt, Uitgeverij Lannoo, p. 90-127. De Maeyer, P., 2011. Laudatio Luc Daels. In: Rubens, R. and Van Dyck, M., Sartoniana, Sarton Chair of the History of Sciences, University of Ghent, Belgium, vol. 24, p. 109-111. Deckers, P., Kellens, W., Reyns, J., Vanneuville, W., De Maeyer, Ph., 2010. A GIS for Flood Risk Management in Flanders. In: Showalter, P.S., Lu, Y. (eds.), Geospatial Techniques in Urban Hazard and Disaster Analysis, Geotechnologies and the Environment, Springer, New York. Saleh, H., Allaert, G., De Sutter, R., Kellens, W., De Maeyer, Ph., Vanneuville, W., 2009. Intelligent Decision Support System Based Geo-Information Technology and Spatial Planning for Sustainable Water Management in Flanders. In: Feyen, J., Shannon, K., Neville, M. (Eds.), Water and Urban Development Paradigms, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London, p. 283-288. De Coene, K. and De Maeyer, Ph., 2009. De kunst van het op schaal brengen. In: Van Eetvelde, V., Sevenant, M., Van De Velde, L. (Eds.), Re-Marc-able landscapes - Markante landschappen. Liber amicorum prof.dr. Marc Antrop, p. 118-128. Ooms, K., De Maeyer, Ph., Neutens, T., 2009. A 3D inclusion test on large datasets. In: Neutens, T. en De Maeyer, Ph. (Eds.), Developments in 3D Geo-information sciences, LN in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer Verlag, p.181-199. DOI 10.1007/978-3-64204791-6_10 De Maeyer, Ph., 2001, 150 jaar basis en topografische kaarten, In: Vanvinckenroye, Chr., De Wulf A. en De Maeyer, Ph (Eds.), 150 jaar landmeetkunde en cartografie. Med. Museum Geschiedenis van de Wetenschappen, D/2001/0376/1D, p.37-51. De Maeyer, Ph., 2001, Catalogus kaartententoonstelling, In: Vanvinckenroye, Chr., De Wulf A. en De Maeyer, Ph (Eds.), 150 jaar Landmeetkunde en Cartografie. Med. Museum Geschiedenis van de Wetenschappen, D/2001/0376/1D, p.71-74. De Maeyer, Ph. and Wartel, S., 1988, Relation between superficial grainsize and morphological features of the coastal ridges off the Belgian coast, In: de Boer, P.L., Van Gelder, A. en Nio, S.D. (Eds.), Tide-Influenced Sedimentary Environments and Facies, D. Reidel Publishing Company, p.101-112. (B3) Books as editor De Coene, K., De Reu & M., De Maeyer, P. (Eds.), 2011. Liber Floridus 1121, the world in a book. Tielt, Lannoo, p. 192 (ISBN 978-9-020-95927-7) De Coene, K., De Reu & M., De Maeyer, P. (Eds.), 2011. Liber Floridus 1121, de wereld in een boek. Tielt, Lannoo, p. 192 (ISBN 978-9-020-99938-9) Neutens, T. & De Maeyer, P. (Eds.), 2010. Developments in 3D geo-information sciences. 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 16/32 Lecture Notes in Geo-Information and Cartography, Berlin, Springer, p. 219 (ISBN 978-3642-04790-9) Neutens, T. and De Maeyer, P. (Eds.), 2009. Sustainable development of territories: GIS theory and practice. Proceedings of the 15th InterCarto-InterGIS conference, Part I. p. 283 (ISBN 978-90-9024422-8) De Maeyer, P., Neutens, T., De Ryck, M. (Eds.), 2009. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on 3D Geo-Information. p. 253 (ISBN 987-90-9024820-2). (C) OTHER PUBLICATIONS (C1) Conference proceedings (full paper) 2013 De Roo, B., Borgeois, J., De Maeyer, P., 2013, On the way to a 4D archaeological GIS: state of the art, future directions and need for standardization. Proceedings of the 2013 digital heritage international congress. 2. p.617-620. De Roo, B. Van de Weghe, N., Bourgeois, J., De Maeyer, P., 2013, The temporal dimension in a 4D archaeological data model: applicability of the geoinformation standard. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. II-2/W1. p.111-121. De Wulf, A., De Maeyer, P., De Ryck, M., Nuttens, T., Stal, C., Libert, M. Annaert, A., 2013, Higher hydrography education in Belgium. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. p.429-436. Deeb, R. and De Maeyer, P., 2013, Users characteristic influence on the efficiency of typographic design. 26th International Cartographic Conference Proceedings. pp.11. Vileikis, O., Dumont, B., Serruys, E., Van Balen, K., Tigny, V., De Maeyer, P., 2013, Connecting world heritage nominations and monitoring with the support of the silk roads cultural heritage resource information system. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. II-5/W1. p.319-324. De Roo, B., Bourgeois, J, De Maeyer, P., 2013, Conservation of past times: data models for ensuring the future of our heritage. Online proceedings of the conference Built Heritage 2013 monitoring conservation and management. p.982-988. Stal, C., De Wulf, A., De Maeyer, P., Deruyter, G. Goossens, R., Hendrickx, M., Nuttens, T., 2013, Change detection on cultural heritage by radiometric comparison of terrestrial photos and terrestrial laser scanning. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. p.587-594. Stal, C., De Roo, B., De Maeyer, P. Nuttens, T., De Wulf, A., 2013, Considerations on the fusion of multi-sensor spatial data for cultural heritage. Geographic Information Science, 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 17/32 16th AGILE conference, Proceedings. pp.3. 2012 Stal, C., De Maeyer, P., De Wulf, A., Goossens, R., Maddens, R., Nuttens, T., 2012, Virtual reconstruction of a Maya temple using total station and photo modeling. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 40th International conference, Proceedings. p.26-30. Stal, C., De Wulf, A., De Maeyer, P., Gossens, R. Nuttens, T. Tack, F., 2012, Statistical comparison of urban 3D models from photo modeling and airborne laser scanning. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. p.901-908. Stal, C., Bourgeois, J., De Maeyer, P., De Mulder, G. De Wulf, A., Goossens, R., Hendricks, M. Nuttens, T., Stichelbaut, B., 2012, Test case on the quality analysis of structure from motion in airborne applications. Advances in geosciences : proceedings of the 32nd EARSeL symposium, pp.11. Stal, C., De Wulf, A., De Maeyer, P., Goosssens, R. Nuttens, T., 2012, Evaluation of the accuracy of 3D data acquisition techniques for the documentation of cultural heritage. Advances in Remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management, 3rd International EARSeL workshop, Proceedings, pp.8. Vanclooster, A. and De Maeyer, P., 2012, Combining indoor and outdoor navigation: the current approach of route planners. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. p.283-303. De Tré, G., Bronselaer, A. Billiet, C. Qiang, Y. Van de Weghe, N., De Maeyer, P., Pons, J.E., Pons, O., 2012, Visualising and handling uncertain time intervals in a two-dimensional triangular space. The 2nd world conference on soft computing : proceedings. p.585-592. Verfaille, E., De Wit, B., Kellens, W., Maddens, R., Van de Weghe, N., Vanopbroeke, V., Zwartjes, L., De Maeyer, P., 2012, A questionnaire to evaluate the GI job market in Flanders: first findings. 8th European GIS Education Seminar : GIS-education: where are the boundaries? : seminar proceedings. p.73-86. 2011 De Wulf, A., Nuttens, T., Stal, C., De Maeyer, P., 2011, Evaluation and reformation (2011) of the geomatics education programs at Belgium academic universities. Proceedings of the 5th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. 7 – 9 March, Valencia, Spain, p. 3183 – 3192. De Baets, K., Vlassenroot, S., Lauwers, D., Allaert, G., De Maeyer, P., 2011, How sustainable is route navigation?: a comparison between commercial route planners and the policy principles of Road categorization. Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Day. p.508-519. Ooms, K., De Maeyer, P., Fack, V., 2011, Can experts interpret a map's content more efficiently? Cartographic Conference, 25th International, Proceedings, pp.4. 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 18/32 Nuttens, T., De Maeyer, P., De Wulf, A., Goossens, R., Stal, C., 2011, Terrestrial laser scanning and digital photogrammetry for cultural heritage: an accuracy assessment. FIG Working Week 2011 and 6th national congress of ONIGT : proceedings, pp.10. De Wulf, A., Nuttens, T., Stal, C., De Maeyer, P., 2011, Geomatics educaton in Belgium: 2011 program reformation at Belgian universities. FIG Working Week 2011 and 6th national congress of ONIGT : proceedings, pp. 13. Stal, C., De Maeyer, P., De Ryck, M., De Wulf, A., Goossens, R., Nuttens, T., 2011, Comparison of geometric and radiometric information from photogrammetry and colorenriched laser scanning. FIG Working Week 2011 and 6th national congress of ONIGT : proceedings, pp.14. Nuttens, T., De Maeyer, P., De Wulf, A., Goossens, R., Stal, C., 2011, Comparison of 3D accuracy of terrestrial laser scanning and digital photogrammetry: an archaeological case study. Remote sensing and geoinformation not only for scientific cooperation : proceedings of the 31st EARSeL symposium. p.66-74. De Baets, K., De Mol, J., De Maeyer, P., 2011, The use of digital maps for the evaluation and improvement of a bicycle-network and infrastructure. Bijdragen aan het colloquium vervoersplanologisch speurwerk, pp. 13. Deeb, R., Ooms, K., De Maeyer, P., 2011, The influence of Jacques Bertin. Proceedings of the 25th International Cartographic Conference, pp.8. Verfaille, E., De Wit, B., Maddens, R., De Maeyer, P., 2011, An SDI for the GIS-education at the UGent Geography Department. LeGIO-workshop : GIS-education in a changing academic environment : workshop proceedings. p.69-78. Stal, C., De Wulf, A., Nuttens, T., De Maeyer, P. De Maeyer, P. Goossens, R., 2011, Reconstruction of a medieval wall: photogrammetric mapping and quality analysis by terrestrial laser scanning. Remote sensing and geoinformation not only for scientific cooperation : proceedings of the 31st EARSeL symposium. p.54-65. De Baets, K., Vlassenroot, S., Lauwers, D., Allaert, G., De Maeyer, P., 2011, How sustainable is route navigation? A comparison between commercial route planners and the policy principles of road categorizations. ITS World Congress, 18th, Proceedings, pp. 16. 2010 Stal, C., Bourgeois, J., De Maeyer, P., De Mulder, G., De Wulf, A., Goossens, G., Nuttens, T., Stichelbaut, B.,2010, Kemmelberg (Belgium) case study: comparison of DTM analysis methods for the detection of relicts from the First World War. Proceedings of 30th EARSeL Symposium: ‘Remote Sensing for Science, Education, and Natural And Cultural Heritage’. 31 May – 3 June 2010, pp. 65 – 72, UNESCO, Paris (France). Stal, C., De Maeyer, P., De Wulf, A., Nuttens, T., Vanclooster, A., Van De Weghe, N., 2010, An Optimized Workflow for Processing Airborne Laserscan Data in a GIS-Based Environment, In: Thomas Kolbe, Gerhard König, Claus Nages (Eds.), 2010, International 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 19/32 Conference on 3D GeoInformation (ISPRS Conference, Vol XXXVIII-4, Part W15), November 3 – 4, 2010, Berlin, Germany, pp. 163-167 Kellens, W. & De Maeyer, P., 2010. Coastal flood risks and seasonal tourism. In: Bandrova, T. & Konecny, M. (Eds.), 3rd International conference on Cartography and GIS, Nessebar, Bulgaria, 2010-06-15. Crombé, P., Bats, M., De Reu, J., De Smedt, P., Court-Picon, M., Zwertvaegher, A., Antrop, M., Bourgeois, J., De Maeyer, P., Finke, P., Van Meirvenne, M., Verniers, J., 2010, Living along the borders of the Moervaart palaeolake: first results of an interdisciplinary research project in the sandy lowland of NW Belgium. Proceedings of the 8th international Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe, Santander 13th-17th September 2010. Oxbow Books. Vanclooster, A., De Maeyer, P. & Fack, V., 2010, On the way of integrating evacuation approaches. In: Kolbe, T.H., König, G. & Nagel, C. (Eds.), 5th International Conference on 3D Geoinformation (3D GeoInfo Conference 2010), Berlin, Germany, 2010-11-03. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS). Commission IV. Working Group 8, p. 169-172. Stal, C., Bourgeois, J., De Maeyer, P., De Mulder, G., De Wulf, A., Goossens, R., Nuttens, T. & Stichelbaut, B. (2010). Kemmelberg (Belgium) case study : comparison of DTM analysis methods for the detection of relicts from the First World War. In: Reuter, R. (Ed.), 30th EARSeL symposium : Remote sensing for science, education, and natural and cultural heritage, Paris, France, 2010-05-31. European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL), p. 65-72. Ooms, K., De Maeyer, P. & Fack, V., 2010, Analyzing eye movement patterns to improve map design. In: 18th International research symposium on Computer-based Cartography and GIScience (AutoCarto 2010): Geospatial data and geovisualization for the environments, security, and society, Orlando, FL, USA, 2010-11-15. Cartography and Geographic Information Society (CaGIS). Stal, C., De Maeyer, P., De Wulf, A., Nuttens, T., Vanclooster, A. & Van de Weghe, N., 2010, An optimized workflow for processing airborne laserscan data in a GIS-based environment. In: Kolbe, T., König, G. & Nages, C. (Eds.), 5th International conference on 3D GeoInformation, Berlin, Germany, 2010-11-03, p. 163-167. 2009 and older Kellens, W., Vanneuville, W., Ooms, K., De Maeyer & Ph., 2009. Communicating flood risk to the public by cartography. Proceedings of the 24th International Cartographic Conference, Santiago de Chili, 15-21 November 2009. Kellens, W. & De Maeyer, Ph., 2009. Understanding the public perception of coastal flood risks. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference InterCarto-InterGIS Part II, Ghent, 3-6 July 2009, p. 97-110. Deruyter, G., De Wulf, A., De Maeyer, Ph., Derwael, J.-J., 2008, Master in Applied 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 20/32 Engineering Sciences in Land Surveying at Flemish University Colleges (Belgium). Proceedings of the IX TOP-CART International Congres on Geomatics and Surveying Engineering, Valencia 18-21 feb. 2008, Conference CD nr. 182. De Wulf A., Deruyter G., De Maeyer Ph., Goossens R., Van de Weghe N., 2008, Ph.D. Studies in Geomatics and Surveying in Belgium, Proceedings of the IX TOP-CART International Congress on Geomatics and Surveying Engineering, Valencia 18-21 feb. 2008, Conference CD nr. 193. Deruyter, G., De Wulf, A., De Maeyer, Ph., 2007, Education in land surveying at Belgian university colleges: Master in Applied Engineering Sciences in Land Surveying, Proceedings of the 2007 International Congress on Geomatics in Europe, Warschau University of Technology, Poland, 30 November – 1 December 2007, ISBN: 978-84-8363-226-0, Ref. Editorial: 2119.2008, p. 9 - 18. Deruyter, G., De Wulf, A., De Maeyer, Ph., Derwael, J.-J., 2007, Education in Land Surveying and geomatics is facing a multitude of challenges in Belgium, Proceedings of the 2007 International Congress on Geomatics in Europe, Warschau University of Technology, Poland, 30 November – 1 December 2007, ISBN: 978-84-8363-226-0, Ref. Editorial: 2119.2008, p.109 - 118. Deruyter, G., De Wulf, A., De Maeyer, Ph., 2007, Geomatics Education at Belgium Academic Universities, Proceedings of the 2007 International Congress on Geomatics in Europe, Warschau University of Technology, Poland, 30 November – 1 December 2007, ISBN: 978-84-8363-226-0, Ref. Editorial: 2119.2008, p.38-48. Van de Weghe, N., Bogaert, P., Cohn, A.G., Delafontaine, M., De Temmerman, L., Neutens, T., De Maeyer, Ph. en Witlox, F., 2007, How to handle incomplete knowledge concerning moving objects? Proceedings of the International Workshop on Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation, in cooperation with the 30th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI), Osnabrück, Duitsland, p. 91-101. Neutens, T., Schwanen, T., Witlox, F., De Maeyer, Ph., 2008, My space or your space? Towards a measure of joint accessibility. Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the 87th Transporation Research Board, Washington D.C., published on CD-rom. Neutens, T., Witlox, F., De Maeyer, Ph., 2007, Individual accessibility and travel possibilities: avenues to improve current research on time geography. Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Day, Nautilus Academic Books, Rotterdam, 476-493, p. 724. (ISBN 978-90-8756-014-X) Neutens, T., Witlox, F., Van de Weghe, N., De Maeyer, Ph., 2007, Human interaction spaces under uncertainty. Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the 86th Transporation Research Board, Washington Hilton, Washington D.C., published on CD-rom. Neutens, T., Schwanen, T., Witlox, F., De Maeyer, Ph., 2007, On the assessment of physical presence: A measure of joint space-time accessibility. Proceedings of the Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk, Elzenveld, Antwerp, p. 1875-1894. 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 21/32 Neutens, T., Schwanen, T., Witlox, F., De Maeyer, Ph., 2007. Towards measure of joint space-time accessibility: Conceptualization and theoretical framework. Vervoerslogistieke werkdagen. Hotel Aldhem, Antwerp, p. 236-251. Ph. De Maeyer, J. Verbeken, M. Brondeel, L. Vansteenvoort, T. Ongena, 2007, Online GIS and geomatics encyclopedia in support of cartographic education, Proceedings of the 23th International Cartographic Conference (ICA), Moscow, Russia, Published on CD-ROM. De Maeyer, Ph., Ongena, T., Vansteenvoort, L., 2007, Teaching cartography using diagrams: concept maps, Proceedings of the 23th International Cartographic Conference (ICA), Moscow, Russia, Published on CD-ROM. Dogru, A.O., Van de Weghe, N., Ulugtekin, N.N., De Maeyer, Ph., 2007, Classification of road junctions based on multiple representations: adding value by introducing algorithmic and cartographic approaches, Proceedings of the 23th International Cartographic Conference (ICA), Moscow, Russia, Published on CD-ROM. De Temmerman, L., Van de Weghe, N., De Maeyer, Ph., 2007, Mapping wayfinding strategies for emergency services, Proceedings of the 23th International Cartographic Conference (ICA), Moscow, Russia, Published on CD-ROM. Neutens, T., Van de Weghe, N., Bogaert, P., De Maeyer, Ph., 2007, Analysing and visualising human activities from a time-geographic perspective, Proceedings of the 23th International Cartographic Conference (ICA), Moscow, Russia, Published on CD-ROM. Defourny, P., De Maeyer, Ph., de Wasseige, C., Vansteenvoort, L., 2007, Cartographie et suivi forestier par télédétection pour une getion durable des ressources naturelles. L’expérience pilote du projet SYGIAP pour les parcs du patrimoine mondial en RDC, Quel avenir pour les forêts de la République du Congo?, BTC, Bruxelles, p. 20-28. Neutens, T., Witlox, F., De Maeyer, Ph., 2006, A study of Travel Possibilities From a TimeGeographic Perspective. In: Witlox, F. en Ruijgrok, C.J. (Eds.), Proceedings van de Vervoerslogistieke Werkdagen, Nautilus Academic Books, Deel 1, Grobbendonk, Belgium, p.51-68. Bogaert, P., Van de Weghe, N., De Maeyer, P., 2006, Answering qualitative questions about continuously moving objects on networks, In: De Maeyer, P., Bogaert, P. en en Godfroid, D. (Eds.), Proceedings van de Studiedag ‘Cartografie en GIS: Jonge Onderzoekers aan het Woord over Geomatica’, Gent, Belgium, p.29-40. Delafontaine, M., Van de Weghe, N., Bogaert, P., De Maeyer, P., 2006, Een kwalitatieve calculus van bewegende objecten in een dynamisch netwerk, In: De Maeyer, P., Bogaert, P. en en Godfroid, D. (Eds.), Proceedings van de Studiedag ‘Cartografie en GIS: Jonge Onderzoekers aan het Woord over Geomatica’, Gent, Belgium, p.41-47. Neutens, T., De Maeyer, P., Van de Weghe, N., 2006, The application of geomatics in time-geographic research, In: De Maeyer, P., Bogaert, P. en en Godfroid, D. (Eds.), Proceedings van de Studiedag ‘Cartografie en GIS: Jonge Onderzoekers aan het Woord over Geomatica’, Gent, Belgium, p.14-26. 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 22/32 Van de Weghe, N. and De Maeyer, P., 2006, Representing and reasoning about continuously moving objects: a qualitative approach, In: Van de Weghe, N., Bogaert, P. en De Maeyer, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the workshop Talking about and perceiving moving objects: exploring the bridge between natural language, perception and formal ontologies of space, International Workshop as part of the International Conference on Spatial Cognition, Bremen, Germany. Bogaert, P., Van de Weghe, N., Maddens, R., De Temmerman, L.,De Maeyer, P., 2005, A new data structure to represent road networks, In: Witlox, F. en Van Acker, V. (Eds.), Proceedings van de Tweede Belgische Geografendag – Mobiliteit, Maatschappij en Milieu in Kaart Gebracht, BEVAS-SOBEG, Gent, Belgium, p.371-374. Gamanya, R., De Maeyer, Ph., De Dapper, M., 2006, Development of a standardized object-oriented automatic classification (SOOAC) method for Land Use and Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) of remotely sensed data, First Obeject-oriented Image Analysis (OBIA) Conference: Bridging Remote Sensing and GIS, Austria (on CD-ROM). Gamanya, R., De Maeyer, Ph., De Dapper, M., 2005, An automated object-oriented classification method integrating the FAO Land Cover Classification System (LCCS), Proceedings of the Africa-GIS Conference, The Geo-Information Society of South-Africa Tshwane, Pretoria, South Africa. Bogaert, P., Van de Weghe, N., Maddens, R., De Temmerman, L., De Maeyer, Ph., 2005, A new data structure to represent road networks, In: Witlox, F. en Van Acker, V. (Eds.), Proceedings van de Tweede Belgische Geografendag - Mobiliteit, Maatschappij en Milieu in Kaart Gebracht, BEVAS-SOBEG, Gent, Belgium, p.371-374. Vanneuville, W., De Rouck, K., Maeghe, K., Van Eerdenbrugh, K., De Maeyer, Ph., Mostaert, F., 2005, Numerical cartography for flood damage calculation, In: Witlox, F. en Van Acker, V. (Eds.), Proceedings van de Tweede Belgische Geografendag - Mobiliteit, Maatschappij en Milieu in Kaart Gebracht, BEVAS-SOBEG, Gent, Belgium, p.313-318. Knockaert, A., Marien, L., Brondeel, M., De Maeyer, Ph., 2005, Historical 3D reconstruction as a starting point for urban development studies, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia, Ghent, Belgium. Vanneuville, W., Gamanya, R., De Rouck, K., Maeghe, K., De Maeyer, Ph., Mostaert, F., 2005, Development of a flood risk model and applications in the management of hydrographical catchments, In: Buchroitner, M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Cartographic Cutting-Edge Technology for Natural Hazard Management, Dresden, Germany, Kartographische Bausteine Band 30, P.169-180 De Maeyer, Ph., Donnay, J.-P., Lambrecht, M., Thomas, I., Van der Haegen, H., Van Doninck, B., Van Hecke, E. and Vrielinck, S., 2005, The third National Atlas of Belgium, Proceedings of the 22th International Cartographic Conference (ICA), La Coruña, Spain, Published on CD-ROM. Pellé, J.M., Rossi, Ph., De Maeyer, Ph., Brondeel, M., 2005, A new approach for refining the global stratigraphic chart, Proceedings of the 22th International Cartographic Conference 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 23/32 (ICA), La Coruña, Spain, Published on CD-ROM. Vansteenvoort, L. and De Maeyer, Ph., 2005, An approach to the quality assessment of the cartographic representation of thematic information, Proceedings of the 22th International Cartographic Conference (ICA), La Coruña, Spain, Published on CD-ROM. De Maeyer Ph., De Temmerman L., Vansteenvoort L., Maddens R., Dewasseige C., Defourny P., 2005, Cartography and monitoring of the five World Heritage Sites of the Democratic Republic of Congo using satellite imagery, Proceedings of the 22th International Cartographic Conference (ICA), La Coruña, Spain, Published on CD-ROM. Vanoutrive Th., De Maeyer Ph., Vansteenvoort L., Collard Chr., De Temmerman L., 2005, The evolution of the cartography of Katanga (D.R.Congo) during the Belgian colonial period, Proceedings of the 22th International Cartographic Conference (ICA), La Coruña, Spain, Published on CD-ROM. De Wolf, N., Van der Gucht, W., Vansteenvoort, L., Brondeel, M., De Maeyer, Ph., 2005, The quality of newspaper cartography in wartime: The United States of America against Iraq, Proceedings of the 22th International Cartographic Conference (ICA), La Coruña, Spain, Published on CD-ROM. Brondeel, M., De Wolf, N., Verbeken, J., Antrop, M., De Maeyer, Ph., 2005, Development of an interactive e-learning and e-testing tool for technical aspects in geo-sciences, Proceedings of the 22th International Cartographic Conference (ICA), La Coruña, Spain, Published on CD-ROM. Vanneuville, W., De Rouck, K., Maeghe, K., Deschamps, M., De Maeyer, Ph. Mostaert, F., 2005, Spatial calculation of flood damage and risk ranking, AGILE 2005 8th Conference on Geographic Information Science, In: Toppen, F. and Painho, M. (Eds.), p.549-556. Aydınoğlu, A.Ç., De Maeyer, Ph., Yomralıoğlu, T., 2005, Examining European SDI initiatives in anticipation of a SDI framework for Turkey, FIG Working Week, Cairo, Egypt, Published on CD-ROM. Aydınoğlu, A.Ç., De Maeyer, Ph., Yomralıoğlu, T., 2005. European spatial data infrastructure policies, 10th Turkey Survey Scientific and Technical General Assembly, Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects, Chamber of Survey and Cadastre Engineers, Ankara, Turkey, Published on CD-ROM. Vanneuville, W., Bogaert, P., Maddens, R., Maeghe, K., De Maeyer, Ph., 2005, Bescherming tegen schade vervangt bescherming tegen hoogwater, Proceedings van de Studiedag ‘Patrimonale Informatie, een Buitenkans voor de Academische Wereld’, Brussel, België. Matthys, M., De Maeyer, Ph., Bogaert, P., Brondeel, M., Collard, C., 2005, Een Belgisch 3D kadaster, Proceedings van de Studiedag ‘Patrimonale Informatie, een Buitenkans voor de Academische Wereld’, Brussel, België. Bradt, F., Bogaert, P., De Maeyer, Ph., Van de Weghe, N., Brondeel, M., 2005, Concepten 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 24/32 van temporeel GIS toegepast op tweehonderd jaar kadastrale kaarten, Proceedings van de Studiedag ‘Patrimonale Informatie, een Buitenkans voor de Academische Wereld’, Brussel, België. Gautama, S., Goeman, W., Maddens, R., De Maeyer, Ph., 2004, Describing the image content for quality assessment of geospatial data, Proceedings of the Conference of Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Brussels, Belgium, Published on CDROM. Bogaert, P., Van de Weghe, N., De Maeyer, Ph., 2004, Description, definition and proof of a qualitative state change of moving objects along a road network, In: Raubal, M., Sliwinski, A. and Kuhn, W. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Münster GI-Days. Geoinformation and Mobility, from Research to Applications, Münster, Germany, p.239-248. De Maeyer, Ph., Vanneuville, W., Maeghe, K., Mostaert, F., 2004, L’aspect victime dans une approche méthodologique du calcul de risque d’inondation, Proceedings of Géo Evénement, Paris, France, Published on CD-ROM. Gautama, S., Goeman, W., Maddens, R., De Maeyer, Ph., 2004, Automatic quality assessment of geospatial data base on vhr images using structural matching, 5th Joint ICA/ISPRS/EuroGeographic International Workshop on Incremental Updating and Versioning. Gautama, S., Goeman, W., Maddens, R., De Maeyer, Ph., 2004, Describing image content for quality assessment of geospatial data, Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems. Van de Weghe N., Cohn A.G., Bogaert P., De Maeyer Ph., 2004, Representation of moving objects along a road network, In: Brandt, A. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Gävle, Sweden, Gävle University Press, p.187-197. Van de Weghe, N., Maddens, R., Bogaert, P., De Maeyer, Ph., Collard, C., 2004, A relative comparison technique to compare shapes of polygons, In: Lovett, A. (Ed.), Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 12th Annual Conference (GISRUK), University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, p.121-125. Antrop, M. and De Maeyer, Ph., 2003, Former des géographes pour le futur. Quelle Géographie Enseigner Demain à l’Université?: Géoforum, Liège, Belgique, p.23-25. Binard, M., De Man, J., Séba, G., Vansteenvoort, L., Gamanya, R., Cornet, Y., Goossens, R., Donnay, J.-P., De Maeyer, Ph., 2003, Urban use of VHR images on Bukavu (Democratic Republic of the Congo), Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Remote Sensing for Developing Countries, Bonn, Germany, p.34-41, Published on CD-ROM (ISBN: 2-908885-55-7), Paris, France. Collard, C., De Temmerman, L., De Maeyer, Ph., Bogaert, P., Buylaert, W., Valckenaers, J., 2003, Simulating the optimal distribution pattern for mobile intensive care units using geoinformatics, Proceedings of the 21th International Cartographic Conference (ICA), Durban, South-Africa, p.300-305, Published on CD-ROM (ISBN: 0-958-46093-0). 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 25/32 De Maeyer, Ph., Collard, C., Pellé, J.-M., 2003, Price-fixing for map-reproduction, Proceedings of the 21th International Cartographic Conference (ICA), Durban, South-Africa, p.1125-1128, Published on CD-ROM. De Maeyer, Ph., Vanneuville, W., Maeghe, K., Mostaert, F., 2003, Modélisation des effets de crue dans le bassin de la Dendre bassée sur une méthodologie de risque, Proceedings des Géo Evénement, Paris, France, Published on CD-ROM. Gamanya, R., De Maeyer, Ph., De Dapper, M., 2003, Urban growth of Harare City Zimbabwe: based on change detection techniques of remotely sensed data, Proceedings of the ISPRS WG VII/4 Symposium: Remote Sensing of Urban Areas, Regensburg, Germany, p.1682-1777. Van de Weghe, N. and De Maeyer, Ph., 2003, A two-dimensional temporal model: base of a spatio-temporal model and a spatio-temporal data format, Proceedings of the 11th GIS Research UK Conference (GISRUK), London, UK, p.106-110. Van de Weghe, N. and De Maeyer, Ph., 2003, A two-dimensional temporal model: base of a spatio-temporal model and a spatio-temporal data format, Beyond the Boundaries into the Unknown: Proceedings of the AGI conference at Geosolutions, London, UK, Published on CD-ROM. Vanneuville, W., Maeghe, K., De Maeyer, Ph., Mostaert F., 2003, The use of VHR satellite images to 'calibrate' flood risk maps, In: Dijst, M.P. and de Jong, K. (Eds.), Framing Land Use Dynamics: Reviewed Abstracts International Conference, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands, p.184-185. Vansteenvoort, L., De Maeyer, Ph., De Man, J., Lavreau, J., 2003, Mapping in inaccessible areas by integrating remote sensing data and historic cartographic documents, Proceedings of the 21th International Cartographic Conference (ICA), Durban, South-Africa, Published on CD-ROM, (ISBN: 0-958-46093-0), p.1260-1267. De Maeyer, Ph., Bogaert, P., De Man, J., De Temmerman, L., Gamanya, R., Binard, M., Muller, F., 2002, Carthography and land use change of world heritage areas and the benefits of remote sensing and GIS for conservation, Proceedings of the Conference: Space Applications for Heritage Conservation, European Space Agency, Strasbourg, France, Published on CD-ROM. Vansteenvoort, L., De Man, J., Gamanya, R., De Maeyer, Ph., 2002, Cartography of KahuziBiega National Park, Proceedings of the Conference: Space Applications for Heritage Conservation, European Space Agency, Strasbourg, France, Published on CD-ROM (ISBN: 92-9092-825-5), Noordwijk. De Waele, J. and De Maeyer, Ph., 2001, A quantitative comparison of legends between Belgium and neighbouring countries as a starting point for an objective generalization, Proceedings of the 20th International Cartographic Conference (ICA), p.2091-2099. Vansteenvoort, L., Lavreau, J.,De Maeyer, Ph., 2001, Satellite image maps as a planimetrical basis for areas without an up-to-date cartography, Proceedings of the 1st 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 26/32 Workshop of the EARSeL Special Intrest Group on Remote Sensing for Developing Countries, Ghent, Belgium, p.269-277. De Maeyer, Ph. and Gelugne, P., 1998, Différence de perception des données géographiques de l’écran au papier, ESRI98 Diffusion, Expériences, Données, Cartographie, Méthodologie. Editions Hermes, p.129-134. De Maeyer, Ph. and Gelugne, P., 1997, Existe-t-il une publication presse-bouton?, ESRI97 Environnements, Outils, Techniques SIG, Applications. Editions Hermes, p.197-204. Georgieff, D., Hennemann, J.-D., Lefeuvre, A., De Maeyer, Ph., Gelugne, P., 1997, Réalisation automatisée d’un atlas multi-échelles sous ARC/INFO, ESRI97 Environnements, Outils, Techniques SIG, Applications. Editions Hermes, p.49-58. De Maeyer, P., Goossens, R. Ongena, T., 1988, Integration of GIS and remote sensing for land use, In: Buchroithner, M.F. and Kostka, R. (Eds.), Remote Sensing: Toward Operational Cartographic Application, p.37-41. De Maeyer, P., 1983, Observation de vitesses sismiques lentes dans les sédiments meubles de subsurface sous faible profondeur eau, Revue d’Acoustique, 2 (n° hors série 11ième Congrès International d’Acoustique), p.423-426. De Moor, G., De Maeyer, P., Rotthiers, R., De Decker, M., 1981, Residual effects of multidirectional movements with an application to coastal processes, Actes de la Journée de Rencontre et d’Echanges de Vues des Chercheurs Géographes Belges, Liège, Belgique, p.35-45. (C3) Conference proceedings (abstract of presentation) 2013 Nyssen, J., Gezahegne, G., Sultan, M., Petrie, G., Seghers, V., Kiros, M. De Maeyer, P., Heile, M. Frankl, A., 2013, Characterisation of recently retrieved aerial photographs of Ethiopia (1935-1941) and their fusion with current remotely sensed imagery for retrospective geomorphological analysis. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15. Nuttens, T., De Wulf, A., Goossens, R., De Maeyer, P., Van de Weghe, N., Nyssen, J., De Dapper, M., Van Eetvelde, V., Antrop, M., 2013, Archeometry at The Department of Geography. Radio-Past colloquium, Abstracts. p.56-56. Nyssen, J., Frankl, A., S. Mohamed, Petrie, G., Gebremeskel, G., Seghers, V., Hadgu, KM. De Maeyer, P., Haile, M., 2013, Ethiopia in the 1930s: historical aerial photographs and their fusion with current remotely sensed imagery for retrospective landscape analysis. Geomorphology, 8th International IAG conference, Book of abstracts, p.440-440. 2012 Stal, C. De Wulf, A., De Coene, K., De Maeyer, P., Nuttens, T., Ongena, T., 2012, Digital representation of historical globes: methods to make 3D and semi-3D models of 16th century Mercator globes. Mercator revisited : cartography in the age of discovery : 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 27/32 conference proceedings, p.117-117. Deeb, R., Ooms, K., De Maeyer, P., 2012, Label size design, aesthetics and efficiency. Cartography and GIS, 4th International conference, Abstracts. Meire, E., Verwaest, T., De Maeyer, P., Mostaert, F., 2012, Reconstruction of Flanders' coastline since the 16th century using georeferencing technology. Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage, 7th International workshop, Abstracts. Stal, C., De Wulf, A., De Maeyer, P. Goossens, R., Nuttens, T., 2012, Evaluation of the accuracy of 3D data acquisition techniques for the documentation of cultural heritage. Advances in Remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management, 3rd International EARSeL workshop, Abstracts. p.24-25. De Roo, B. Maddens, R., Vanclooster, A., Bourgeois, J., De Maeyer, P., 2013, From 3D GIS to ArcheoGIS: first steps towards a timeless conceptual model. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 40th International conference, Abstracts. 2011 Vanclooster, A. and De Maeyer, P. 2011, Tearing down the walls: closing the gap between outdoor and indoor navigation. Géomatique 2011, Résumés. p. 49-49. Stal, C., De Maeyer, P., De Ryck, M., De Wulf, A., Goossens, R., Nuttens, N. (2011), Comparison of Geometric and Radiometric Information from Photogrammetry and ColorEnriched laser Scanning. Proceedings of the 25th FIG Working Week: ‘Bridging the Gap Between Cultures’. 18 – 22 May 2011, Marrakech, Morocco, p. 14 (on CD-ROM). Stal, S., De Wulf, A., Nuttens, N., De Maeyer, P.,Goossens, R. (2011), Reconstruction of a Medieval Wall: Photogrammetric Mapping and Quality Analysis by Terrestrial Laser Scanning. Proceedings of the 31th EARSeL Symposium: ‘Remote Sensing and Geoinformation not only for Scientific Cooperation’. 30 May – 2 June 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 12 (on CD-ROM). Nuttens, T., De Maeyer, P., De Wulf, A., Goossens, R. & Stal, C. (2011), Comparison of 3D Accuracy of Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Digital Photogrammetry: an Archaeological Case Study. Proceedings of the 31th EARSeL Symposium: ‘Remote Sensing and Geoinformation not only for Scientific Cooperation’. 30 May – 2 June 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 9 (on CD-ROM). De Wulf, A., Nuttens, T., Stal, S., De Maeyer, P. (2011), Geomatics Education in Belgium: 2011 Program Reformations at Belgian Universities. Proceedings of the 25th FIG Working Week: ‘Bridging the Gap Between Cultures’. 18 – 22 May 2011, Marrakech, Morocco, p. 13 (on CD-ROM). Nuttens, N., De Maeyer, A., De Wulf, A., Goossens, R., Stal, C. (2011), Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Digital Photogrammetry for Cultural Heritage: an Accuracy Assessment. Proceedings of the 25th FIG Working Week: ‘Bridging the Gap Between Cultures’. 18 – 22 May 2011, Marrakech, Morocco, p. 10 (on CD-ROM). 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 28/32 2010 Werbrouck, I., Antrop, M., Van Eetvelde, V., De Maeyer, P. (2010). Historical landscape characterisation using high precision digital elevation modelling in Flanders (Belgium). 24th Session of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape (PECSRL) : Living in landscapes : knowledge, practice, imagination, 24th Session. Werbrouck, I., Antrop, M., Van Eetvelde, V., De Maeyer, P. (2010). Digital elevation model generation for historical landscape analysis based on LiDAR data, a case study in Flanders (Belgium). 1st Landscape Archaeology Conference (LAC 2010), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2010-01-26. Ooms, K., De Maeyer, P., Fack, V. (2010). Tracking effective label placement. 58th German Cartographer's Day [Deutscher Kartographen Tag], Berlin ; Potsdam, Germany, 2010-0608. Qiang, Y., Asmussen, K., Delafontaine, M., Logghe, S., De Maeyer, P., Van de Weghe, N., 2010, Visualising and analysing time series data in GIS. 13th AGILE conference on geographical information science : geospatial thinking, Abstracts. Vanclooster, A., De Maeyer, P., Fack, V., 2013, Navigational challenges in an expanding urban space. 4th Belgian Geography Days: Geography in a changing world, Leuven, Belgium, 2010-10-22. KU Leuven. De Maeyer, Ph., Ongena, T., Vansteenvoort, L., 2007, Teaching cartography using diagrams: concept maps, Proceedings of the 23th International Cartographic Conference (ICA), Moscow, Russia, Published on CD-ROM. Bogaert, P., Van de Weghe, N., Cohn, A.G., Witlox, F., De Maeyer, Ph., 2006, Reasoning about moving point objects on networks, In: Raubal, M., Miller, H., Frank, A. en Goodchild, M. (Eds.), Proceedings on the fourth international conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience). Extended abstracts, IfGI Prints, Münster, Germany, p. 29-32. Bogaert, P., Fack, V., Van de Weghe, N., De Maeyer, Ph., 2005, On line graphs and road networks, Topology and Spatial Databases Workshop, Glasgow, Schotland, Published on website: De Maeyer, Ph., Brondeel, M., Vansteenvoort, L., De Wolf, N., 2005, Principes van de modellenkaart toegepast op de ruimtelijke structuurplannen, In: Witlox, F. en Van Acker, V. (Eds.), Proceedings van de Tweede Belgische Geografendag - Mobiliteit, Maatschappij en Milieu in Kaart Gebracht, BEVAS-SOBEG, Gent, Belgium, p.162. Vanneuville, W., Maeghe K., De Maeyer, Ph., Mostaert, F., 2003, Van overstromingskaart naar risico, Abstract Boek van de 4de Dag van de Jonge Onderzoeker, Vakgroep Geografie, UGent, Belgium. Collard, C. and De Maeyer, Ph., 2004, GIS modeling and map production at continent scale exemplified by the assemblage and harmonization of four main regions within the Tectonic 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 29/32 Map of Africa, Proceedings of the 32nd International Geological Congress, Firenze, Italy, Published on CD-ROM. De Maeyer, Ph., Collard, C., Vansteenvoort, L., Pellé, J.-M., 2004. Modèle de coûts de reproduction d’une carte papier à partir d’un environnement SIG, Proceedings of Géo Evénement, Paris, France, Published on CD-ROM. De Rouck, K., Vanneuville, W., Maeghe, K., De Maeyer, Ph., Mostaert, F., 2004, Protection against flood damage replaces protection against high water levels, Cartographic CuttingEdge Technology for Natural Hazard Management, Dresden, Germany, p.2. De Temmerman, L., Van Sassenbroeck, D., Collard, C., De Paepe, P., De Maeyer Ph., Buylaert, W.A., 2003, Comparison of observed versus predicted intervention times of mobile intensive care units, Proceedings of The Second Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress, Sitges/Barcelona, Spain, p.100-101. Van de Weghe, N. and De Maeyer, Ph., 2003, Mapping of time in a 2-D space, Pre-COSIT Workshop on Fundamental Issues in Spatial and Geographical Ontology, Kartause-Itingen, Switserland, Published on website: pants.html. De Maeyer, Ph. and Wartel, S., 1984, Comparison of morphographic features and internal structures of the coastal ridges off the Belgian coast with similar ridge systems, Quaternary and Tertiary Geology of the Southern Bight of the North Sea, p.35. Wartel, S. and De Maeyer, Ph., 1984, Quaternary deposits off the west coast of Belgium, In: Aarseth, I. and Sejrup, H.P. (Eds.), Quaternary stratigraphy of the North Sea, p.66. Wartel, S. and De Maeyer, Ph., 1984, Subbottom investigation of the quaternary deposits off the Belgian west coast, Quaternary and Tertiary Geology of the Southern Bight of the North Sea, p.40. De Maeyer, Ph., 1982, Vitesses sismiques des couches superficielles en eau peu profonde, Actes du 4ième Séminaire National des Sciences de la Terre, p.38. (C13) Conference proceedings (abstract of poster) Vansteenvoort, L., Maddens, R., De Temmerman, L., De Maeyer, Ph., De Wasseige, C., Defourny, P., 2006, Development of an Information and Monitoring System to Strengthen Conservation in World Heritage Sites in Central Africa, Studiedag ‘Universiteit Gent overzee. Jonge onderzoekers delen hun passie mee’, UGent, Gent, Belgium, p.34. Bogaert, P. and De Maeyer, Ph., 2005, Some considerations on modelling road networks in a GIS, Doctoraatssymposium Faculteit Wetenschappen, UGent, Gent, Belgium, p.90. Vanneuville, W., Maeghe, K., De Maeyer, Ph. and Mostaert, F., 2005, Spatial calculation of flood damage and risk, Doctoraatssymposium Faculteit Wetenschappen, UGent, Gent, Belgium, p.95. 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 30/32 Vansteenvoort, L. and De Maeyer, Ph., 2005, Objective evaluation of cartographic representations, Doctoraatssymposium Faculteit Wetenschappen, Gent, UGent, Belgium, p.96. Van de Weghe, N. and De Maeyer, Ph., 2003, Development of a data model for spatiotemporal information, Doctoraatssymposium Faculteit Wetenschappen, UGent, Belgium. Vanneuville, W., Maeghe, K., De Maeyer, Ph., Mostaert, F., 2003, Geographical information systems used for damage and risk calculation, Doctoraatssymposium Faculteit Wetenschappen, UGent, Belgium, p.94. Vansteenvoort, L. and De Maeyer, Ph., 2003, Not only the outside counts: spatial data quality, Doctoraatssymposium Faculteit Wetenschappen, UGent, Belgium, p.95. (G) LARGE SHEET MAPS (G1) Geological maps Jacobs, P., De Maeyer, Ph., Van Beirendonck, F., Tailleu, K. en Mostaert, F., 2004, Quartairkaart, kaartblad 7-8 (Blankenberge), Vlaams Gewest, Administratie Economie, Afdeling Natuurlijke Rijkdommen en Energie. Jacobs, P., De Maeyer, Ph., Van Beirendonck, F., Tailleu, K. en Mostaert, F., 2004, Quartairkaart, kaartblad 5-6 (Westkapelle), Vlaams Gewest, Administratie Economie, Afdeling Natuurlijke Rijkdommen en Energie. Jacobs, P., De Maeyer, Ph., Van Beirendonck, F., Tailleu, K. en Mostaert, F., 2004, Quartairkaart, kaartblad 11 (Oostduinkerke), Vlaams Gewest, Administratie Economie, Afdeling Natuurlijke Rijkdommen en Energie. Jacobs, P., De Maeyer, Ph., Van Beirendonck, F., Tailleu, K. en Mostaert, F., 2004, Quartairkaart, kaartblad 12 (Oostende), Vlaams Gewest, Administratie Economie, Afdeling Natuurlijke Rijkdommen en Energie. (G2) Topographical maps Réserve de faune à okapi, DRC, 2005, topographical map, 1 : 200 000 (covering 13 726 km²); Parc de la Garamba, DRC, 2005, topographical map and satellite image map, map and satellite image map, 1 : 200 000 (covering 4 920 km²) 2 sheets; Parc de la Salonga, DRC, 2006, topographical 1 : 200 000 (covering 38 000 km²), 2 * 2 sheets; Parc Virunga, 3/05/2014 DRC, 2008, topographical map and publications Philippe De Maeyer satellite image map, p. 31/32 1 : 200 000 (covering 7 800 km²), 2 * 2 sheets, Parc Kahuzi-Biega, DRC, 2008, topographical map and satellite image map, 1 : 200 000 (covering 6 000 km²), 2 * 2 sheets; Parc de la Garamba : domaines de chasse, DRC, 2008, topographical map and satellite image map, 1 : 200 000; Réserve de faune à okapi RFO, DRC, 2008, satellite image map, 1 : 200 000 (covering 13 726 km²). (G3) Satellite image maps 9 sheets of a ‘degré carré’, Kivu, DRC, L. Vansteenvoort and Ph. De Maeyer, 2002. 3/05/2014 publications Philippe De Maeyer p. 32/32
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